--_-- The Big éé 0 n Chocolates Ne have the MOST I0COLATES in the the finest assortme d well-known firms e United States : DELIC 10US8 city, "om; 5 nt of the pated m Canada ang Lowney's Chocolates fresh. BOS assorted . Our own "Best's," noted for alitv and freshness, oality "(a , 2.3 Gunther' * of Chicago," {he newest and by far superior of au, A rh hn olate yet placed Canadian market te -AT-- he "Best" Drug Store, « L. T. BEST, Chemist ind Optician, "Phone 89 for quick delivery, Mitchell's O1d Stend., Sse ' 00000000000 Save 30c, A TON ON YOUR COAL. Swift's cranfons : Coal & For this month at a discount of 3oc. a ton. CAN WE TALK TO YOU ? JAMES SWIFT 8 & 00. 0. § 000000000000 NOW Js the time for pring renovation nd every one Who x itends to build or snodel their pre- ent bath Troon hould write or VY YY PY YY YY YY YY uctial suggestions ith expert advice and detailed prices. Il our material is first class and our orkman are mechanics. David Hall, 3 Brock £t., Kingston. Phone 53 N OW S THE TIME To*buy your Wash Dress » prices are just as 1 'r on and the uch larger, assory You may now have the pi wt assorted stock of Wash Goods m is city and at prices that nish you : £.K., Organdie, Muslin, {attmg Chambray, Linenette, Gingham, Cotton, Voile, Print, ete, ete See the line of Drill for Summer J It is snowy white and a serviceable garment. =p al price 20e. a yard. lewman & Shaw EVERYBODY Who is wise comes to us wher nt to buy or sell any REAL ESTATE Vo have a well established repuia they Many ab Rents n for successful dealing. itive offerings at present. lected, Estates Managed, etc. \.. F. BOND: Insurance and Real Estate : Clarence Street - Kingston » THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY JU er RAILWAY UL LESSEE DAMINION DAY " SATURDAY, July 1st, 1905 Townshi Council Will Be Made kets will be issued at x Cleanses P Return tcke qT - $ "FARE teeth 2nd psiteautifgs the Pay for the Maintenance*of FIRS Cl AS Used by the Indigents From the Differ- SINGLE people of refinemen ira ¥ibi Gos Friday, Saturday, Sunday ant | SOT OVer a quarter of a centary. | nt Municipalities -- A New ony. une 30th. July 1st, 2nd; Very convenient for tourists. Flan. turning from Aastination on or _ Tuesday, Taaly dn ly 4th, 1905 Homesekers' * Excarsion Tickels WILL BE ISSUED TO NITOBA AND THE CANA. DIAN NORTH-WEST. Going June 7th. Returning Aug. 28th. Going July 15th. Returming Sept. 16th. For further particulars, tickets and all other prioraution apply to PA. Pastonger Agent. rene TA ECR L ALU RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. kr WILL SELL Homeseekers' Excursion Tickets TO THE amipeg - Estevan w Yorkton {eso MowbiY s1o0 | Shebo . - 3850 na Sou & | pipton l 33 «a. 3B Mogee aw -- Mm i 1 Saskatoon - - 352 i 200°] Prince Albert - 2% 00 M ivi J Macleod - - 2800 Bin: = 8» Calgary - a8 0 M jin - - VN Red Deer <8 AN --- tO Strathcona' « « @ XW Got June 18th, ' returning until gust 14th Aue Jue 27th, returning until ok ig Ben 15th, returning until Sept. | particulars at K. & P. aad C. P. Ticket Office, Ontario Stre ¥. CONWAY, A: FOLGE Re "IR Gen, Pass. Gen, Supt. J Bay of Quinte Railway New short line fer Tweed, Napanee Deseronto, and all local points. Trains leave Oity Hall Depot at 8:35 pm. F CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kingston. QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED; River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Swimmer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twih Screw Iron SS. "Campana," 1700 tons with electric lights, elec Yells and all modern 'comfort. SAILS Fron MONTREAL ON MON- BAYS at 2 pan. Hth_and 19th June, 8rd, 17th Bnd. .31sé July. 14th and 28th August; Tith and 25th September, for Pictau, N,S., calling at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Perce, Cape Cove, Grand River, S mmerside, Pr. lottetown, P.E Bérmuda $35 and upwards, Twin Screw SS. '"'Bermud- , and Char- Summer Excursions, bv the new fan." 5,500 tons. Sailing from Ngw York, from 7th June to llth Octobe Temperature cooled by sea breezes' seldom rises above B80 degrees. Princess Hotel open the year round. The finest . trips of health and comfort. fortnightly the season for ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. For tickets and staterooms apply to J P P. HANLEY, or J. GILDER SLE EVE, Ticket Agents, Kingston, nt. Daily Line Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Islands, Brockville, Prescott and Montreal. Senmers KINGSTON & TORONTO LEAVE KINGSTON : EAST--Daily, except Monday, GOING 6 a.m, GOING WEST--Daily, except Monday, 9 p.m, The New Steamer "MONTREAL" Is now running between Montreal and bec, leaving Montreal on the even s in June and July and leaviug on the alternates dates. Hamilton, 'Toronto, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line. EAST, Wednesdays and Fri Jays and Sundays, at 4.30 ay NG WEST, and Saturdogs: nn a uy, Thursdays 4. P. HANLBY, J. SWIFT & CO. Ticket Agent Freight Agents. GOING Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. 1000 slands - Rochester Taking Effect May 28th Str. North King Leaves Kingston on Sundays at 10.15 Am, for Islands, calling at Alexandria Bay and Gananoque. Ite ining steamer leaves at 5 p.m. for ter, 5 i Quinte th Y., salling, at. Bay of Str. Aletha es Kin daily except Sunday: 5 a 7 m. fn Picton and intermediate er of 1 Quinte ports, calling at Deseron- Big nd ey on Tuesdays, Thurs rdays. ull Gimormation from J. P. Hanley, 3. ve, as. Swift & Co. rg E. HORSEY, Trafic Manager. THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISHED 1863.) Richard Cartwright toaned od on on Cty and Farm Dehentures. _ and nd Deiunits recolved and Ten a thane Dr. Lyon's Lyo! ToothPowder] ™°™ PREPARED BY 4 Y Lr. 22S. PUREST, STRONGEST, Contalas be Alo, Ammecia, Lime, Phasphates, or any lojariont. EW.GILLETT TORONTO,.ONT. Of poor Tec Cream. We he best in the city for 45c. per « Ica Cream served with Fruits, also Ice Cream Soda, glass. Full line Candies from 10c. per pound. Ganong's and Lowney's Che from 10c. to 75¢. per box. 184 Princess Street. MME. ELDER, from New York, Dinner, Evening and Carrioge Custumes, Tailor'Made. Gowns Trousseaux, Shirt Waists, Suits, ete. All orders executed with neatness and dispatch. Popular prices. Dressmaking Parlors, 251 Prin- cess St., Cor. Sydenham, Kingston. From Montreal. From Bavarian, June 16, 3 a.m. June Virginian, jane 8 a.m. June Tunisian, Jur m. Jun RATES $70 and upwards Second Cabin, Livervool and derry, $42.50, $45 und $47 ing to aner, London §2.5( COMPANY LIMITED Beware T. Petters & Co. 'Phone 640. SPECIAL TO TOURISTS ALLAN LINE "0x50 somnuy Royal Mail Steamers. a oF PASSA GET irst according to ste O50 accord- ET _ ET -- THE COUNTY POOR WILL BE CARED FOR BY THE CITY. When the county council convened Wednesday afternoon, a deputation, comprising Alds. R. Meek, F. King, F G. Hoag, and William J. Crothers, William « F. Nickle, and W. GG. Craig, representing the board of the House of Industry, addressed the members with reference to an increas- ed grant. The different members of the deputation outlined the good work the House of Industry was accom plishing in caring for aged, infin and homeless. All patients from the coun- ty' are maintained, and the small grant received from the county, name: ly, 875, is inadequate to cover the ex- penses incurred by these patients, Mr. Nickle pointed out that last year the total stay of county patients was gteater than that of city pa- tients, yet the county gave a grant the county is gesponsilile, These are | for the most part infirm ex-residents of | Frontenac, Warden Sproule was about to refer | the uest to the finance committer, | when Mr. Nickle asked if the directors of the House of Industry were to un- derstand that the recommendation of the finance committee would represent | the maximum t of the county ? Hi the sum ed in' 101 satisfactory to 4 the board, are the directors at liberty to turn out the eounty patients. at present. in the imstitution, and refuse to acoopt amy: more unliss accompani: | od by letters from wardens of town: ships, assuming responsibility for their mamtehante ? il this is done it will mean the up of the county jail, and adding additional cost upon the county for maintenance. The institu tion would rather be without the county's poor, as all the space in the home is needed for the poor of the city, Whatythe city needs badly is home for incurables. Councillor Spoor outlintd a scheme to have the county pav the cost of all | county patients. at the figure riamed by Mr. Nickle $1.50 per week' per' in- mate, and taxing the townships to cover the outlay. Councillor Pillar favored the county | and city maintaining. the institution jointly, Clerk Edward: took the County ground' that each Fan should pay this scheme { only of $75, while the city gave $500 free house, exemption from taxation, for its own' 'poor, eould be carried out. | Ave the juart. 'rushed Sea to 50c. seolates Quabec. Tar ) extra ; The monument erected in Luthe eran memory of the victims of the General Slocum eteamboat disaster. Cemetery, New York, in = Befell a Little Boy at Picton-- | to the agony of excruciati | the extreme to which little the five-year old son of R. J. Cole subjected, Tuesday. Falong the railroad track, near the sta- had never been known i be with bell ringing, the iia) beeame | severely bruising his head. {The funeral took place this morning, | The doctor was in attendance during | there was no cawse for alarm. | weeks' | Woodstock, E. | vears, NE 15. A PAINFUL ACCIDENT Baby's Sudden Death. Picton, "June 14:--From happy jusilde was -- "Col, was The little fellow' was playfully riding horse back while s father was cultivating in: a field tion. The horse was a quiet one, and Mma ub trains, but_as the C. R. alarmed, shied, antl bolted, throw: ing the child from its back, "In falling the lad struck the cultivator, broak- ing his leg just above the kneo and Two young mon from the Bloomfiekl vicinity were the cause of much _ex- citement Tuesday evening, finally land- ing up in the jail for the night, Cos: siderably under the influence of liquor they drove to town, five miles at the pace that kills. Word was telephonetl to the Bloomfield liveryman how his horse was being treated, and he . im- { mediately. came to town and had the |. "storchers' arrested. The death occurred, Monday, of Mrs. | Katherine. Tierney, aged mtv ite] years. She was the mother of N, Tier- ney, proprietor of the Hotel Quinte. | regain mass being said in St, Geor- o's church, The three-year-old son of Mr, and Mrs, Walter Frederick, Tecum- seh Ward, died Tuesday in convilsions. the night, the baby having only tak on sick Monday evening, abd said But the | baby was dead before aid could be | again obtained, H. B, Bristol left Tuesday for a six- trip abroad in the interests of A. Bristol & Sons. Mrs. James Cartor and child are visiting in Toronto and Welsh, who has been in Wilkesharre, Pa., for the past two is in town. Mrs. Allan, Goder ich, is visiting in town. George Pet: tet, son of W. W, Pettet, ex-M.P.. post master, has been accepted as Junior clerk in the local branch of the Bank of Montreal. The late Judge Merrill was one of the best known and prominent men of the county. Always a warm-hearted t true friend and an honest, upright, good-living citizen. The flags on the various public buildings are at half mast, in wpect for the honored dead, Thé funeral will be held on Fri: day. He was born near Picton on September 4th, 1841, Beautiful Elgin Meadows. Elgin, June 12. Meadows and pas: tures are good to look upon and the flow of milk is excellent. "We are sor- ry to lose our. pastor, Rev. G, S. Clendenning, who has been with us for the past three years. Me has been sta- { tioned at Stanstead, Que., by the an- | nual conference, Many best wishes fol- {low him and his family to their new | field of labor. The funéral of the late Mrs. McKnight, Westport, was largely attended by her Elgin friends on Suh- day, May 4th. Mr. and Mrs William | Pennock left on Tuesday for an 'ex tended visit with friends in Michigan, { John Dancy recvived a telegram tell ing of the death of his son, Roy, in the North-West. His remains are ex pected to arrive the middle of the " 27. 50 / . I weak o y +r 18 0 " Third 28 18s, $27.50--Virginian, Victor The memorial was unveiled to-day, the first anniversary of the dis- ped Such pathy he rgnaed jo MONTREAL #0 GLASGOW, DIRECT. | aster, in which more than 1,000 women and children perished. Ne OE NY Ce, Corinthian Wed. June 21, (daylight.) morrow of Deb. Campbell, and Miss MONTREAL . TO LONDON & HAVRE. | © | Stella Halladay, promises to be a Sarmatian .... Sat June 24, (davlight.) | ote, Surely the county did not expen by the secretary of the House of In {very briliant affair, G. Stanton pur LL YORK. 10 GLAS Saad the city to maintain county patients. | dustry of the acceptance of township chased : new piano, aio Miss ) Kel " HANLA oy at Si Councillor Black : he 1d that cach | patients, he in turn would apprise sey had one put in, Miss Carrie Brown Passenger : Depot. J. P. GILDER. |township should maintain its poor,as | townships, and thus responsibility |"%* | successful in her musical SLEEVE, Clarence Street. * | does 'Hinchinbrook. © | examination in Brockville. The Rose With 57 Brock Street. CANNED SALMON EDUCATIONAL. MUSIC ! FORMERLY OF 140 Union St.. on May 11th. Burthe of _ pupils desired. Call July and August LIMITED Head of Queen St., Kingstor All commercial supjects taught Write for catalogue and tern . B. McKAY, H. F. MET Presidents i WM. NEWLANDS, store, ¢orner Princess Telephone 808. ARTHUR ELLIS fic site of New Dr#ll Hall, ner of Queen' and Montreal chant's and Wellincton streets. HENRY P. SMITH, etc, Anchor Build Square 'Phone . 2485. Company. mssets $61,187,215. which the policy holders security, the uaitmited Before remewing oid trange, Agents. OUR POLICIES COVER buildings and coutents tha company offers. Godwin's insurance IF YOU WANT A HOME OR INSURANCE, Have a Talk « GEORGE ZEICLER, &°insiante 2: "MAPLE LEAF" MUSIC ! MISS BLYTH WATERTOWN, N.Y. will open a studio for music at her howe, A limited KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE Students admitted at any time. Expert professippal teachers in charge. CALFE, Principal. ARCHITECT, OF- fice, second floor over Mahood's drug and Bagot streets. Enterance on Bagot street. tes eet. ARCHITECT, 'POWER & SON ARCHITECT, Bank Building, corner Brock !Phone 212. ARenE cr. Marke! Er -------- MONEY AND BUSINESS. rT ETI LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLORE - addition to liability of ders. Farm and city insured at lowest possible business get Tatas from Strange Fxamine * them at | one Bmpori | Warden Sproule quest of the deputation for an in- Ald. Meek «aid Dr. Edwards' plan during the past , week in_the thwn creased grant a reasonable one. There | was acceptable. and they would agree hall left, this moming, for Delta. The were two schemes whereby the poor | to appoint a committee tG confer with work on the new Anglican church will of the county could be maintained-- | one from the county council to elaho- | "OMmmenee soon. Sawtell Darzavels re the county could give an adequate | rate and periect sich a plan. Mean sidence "is nearing completion, and will grant to the Kingston House of In- | while the county should grant the be a credit to the village. The doctors dustry, or the city and county could | institution an increased sum for main- | 2" kept very busy, there being much affiliate and maintain the institution | tenance of county inmatés now in the ickness in the neighborhood of Inte. jointly. Then, on the other hand, | home, Miss Maud Gilbert, Innisville, is vis townships could be made maintain | The question of an increased grant iting her radu, Mrs, A. Wiltse, THE | their respective poor, "Iwill be dealt with by the finance com- | Jr* 7. . Dargavel, visited triends in Councillor Pillar agreed that the | mittee. ? re ii last week, Mrs. R, Mur BEST | House of Industry was doing good ¥ phy, visiting friends here, ni) PACKED work, and should received every _en- Other Busin Fv last week, Reginald Clark, Odes- "| couragement from the county, which, 3 e8S, «a, has again taken his place behind he comsidered, was not giving a suffi- Councillors lillar and Shannon pre- | the counter in J. R. Dargavel's store. ciently large grant. He moved that [sented a by law to awthorige the he is welcomed back, Mrs. Morden, of referred to the finance committee, Couneillor Pringle also putation, He had always held its poor, If townships Thurs- central house (Of refuge, cases where townships undertak would favor making he ston {report of the exccutive committee, to, | i HS House of Indystry ® Bled ic the effect that I road companies be regular rE yo he nical tion, in part. The county ratepayers notified that the county would = not o 'Str Biles : on on on would never consent to build a house be responsibl the repairs of any here iy Smith's Falls Vedios p Tih of .refuge as ldng as they could palm Jportion of said toll roads, 'mor for jon ut I es fr i» . Thea ay off their poor on some other munici- damages arising from irrepair of the \ttended Dr. and dre. Kine a pality. He would support an increased | S8™Me; that the matter of responsibility Visitin 'friends in Torente : i , Ont. grant to the Kingston House of In- | for Loughboro lake bridge be left in Doyle 8 perth is the se > f her dustry, but maintained that the coun- the hands of fl chaitmon of of the | father; P.. McCann. "THe steamer' Jo ty should own for the eare of the poor- Councillor Spoor was of having a house and maintained jointly by ties of Lennox, Addington and enac, but so far nothing had come ¢ scheme, but wonld .. . : we TL Ret in clogs. i R. Sandys, Toronto; and city combine and maintain House m---- | James Dunholm, Ki won; a To Op. of Industry; for the time being he You Need The Other. { Arthur, Kingston; Claud Huffman, St on would favor a larger grant. Each v nkilh \ He | Jasper, Capt. Holmes, hn and | @ township should be compelled to Ozone is a ger eh i he En 1 | Edward McKenny, Jasper, were amoniy MER. | maintain its own poor, and those re- able remedy, | o get the best re | gh, gerivals at the hotels here dur- fusing. or neglecting to do so, tion of townships to they are enjoying in bute their share towards maintenan --_-- of their poor confined therein. Available with by difficulties met have for recover. expenses. of township councils. All, Meek read a long list of con ty patients which the House of 1 or giving year. wm, Marks | ygingaining considered the .re- the question of an increased grant be expressed sympathy with 'the request of the de- the op- inion that the county should maintain would eontri- bute towards the maintenance of a the propor- tionate cost would be much less than yy ne ih © v i SUMMER SESSION themselves to maintain the poor. H For Feachers and others during have an institution of its heartily in favor of making an'increased grant to the House of industry. For years past a scheme had been under consideration of refuge erected the coun- Front- - the plan. He wonld not now favor that rather see: county were pauper townships on the county. The county council should draw the atten. the privileges the House of Industry, and he requested to contri Mr. Nickle pointed out some of the the directors of the House of Industry in seeking to patients from The institution is at present _ ten patients for whom would be fixed and cost of care of pa tients recovered warden and treasurer. to borrow 815, 000 to pay current actounts. 7 Shannor inting g nook, at Councillors Wwping and presented a by law ag county solicitor, I. o| salary of $150 a yearn, Councillor Tapping presented committee on road fl There is a ~ in Shorediteh whic is reported to sults from: it laxative to take with it. of Ozone (the coupon Kind)" is th purest and best iornr am which Ozon is sold. Every contains a coup! to a bottle of "Celery well-known remedy, free, In buying thi i King," th monty as by buying other brands, addition to getting 'a package ¢ "Celery King" for nothi n- {ting Ozone in itr purest and n- 1 concentrated form. dustry had maintained, any one ofl Ask your drugeibt fob "Solution of Monn which would more than use up the | Ozone (the coupon kind)" 'ant if he | oo | sum total of the county's grant in | does not: keep it you oan get it from J x Bridgohurg, | Men's canvas Aberneth; the 'Ont. Public Drug by writing for iw the rink stout and dance vou must have a tonic Solution hottle of this remedy | which entitles vou solution you ge about twice ac-much Ozone for yout You thus! save money in two Ways, "besides get most Gault Comedy company that exhibited Brockville, in the town hall on Wednesday even Councillors Cox and. Tapping pre ing, in aid of the building fund of sented a by law confirming a by-law | St, Paul's church, Mrs. Failing, Wat- passed by the township of Olden, to | ertown, visiting friends here, returned build a forty foot road im the 11th home on Friday, R. G. Murphy, Brock- concession, across lot 22, ville, arrived to revisit his old haunts. 5 Passed Examinations. A Newboro, June o The report was unanimously "adopt: { Tact week. 43.5 F,: Richards, "medical = 2 | student ut Toronto University, was 5 | successful in passin in first year's Children's Hats, | examination I H. Watchorn, Mérrick- The largest assortment, newest | ville, is renewing acquaintances « in styles and ix values at Campbell | town. H. 8S. Foster and Mrs. 8. G. Bros., the if quality. { Wrathall spent Supday at Lansdowne. The , college baseball hi the Nowboro team by mine Saturda was umpire, E. ing the past week. ® neday, and elected officers for vear. 'Lhe mewly-Grganizpd team play a game © on Wednesday : © | A. Elliott and wife, Syracuse, N.Y., |B | at FE. Wiltsic's; Miss Dargavel, Elgin, in t Westport, nad F, Alford, { Hutchings and Man., at J. and Miss Tobin, Westport. of family, fumed borated, (Cross drug store, 15¢, Gibzon's will ive an entertainment 12.--8tatute fahor commenced on the roads last week: a few new pieces of road were built, A took a load of cheese boxes to Perth team defeatod | by a score of fifteen to eleven. A. Aull A meeting of the Newboro baseball club was held, Wed- the will with ' the Westport nine afternoon. Visitors : at Miss Dargavel's; Miss McAndrew's, Misses Doyle and Sinmmons Chafley's Locks, E. F. Winnipeg. Hutchings'; Miss Blair This is talcum powder weather, per Red CHLORD LIV EE HC Always ask for "DR. J. COLLIS PROWNE'S CHLORODYNE," and of spurious compounds or imitations. The genuine bears the words * COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" on. the Government Stamp of battle. Leela tay Jute short all al TION mid eacns (Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanics each bottle; Sole Mambfucturers :=-J) T. DAVENPORT, Limited, LoxoY. FOR DESSERT . There is nothing nicer than a dish of Ice Caine especially when it is made in the WHITE MOUN- TAIN TRIPLE MOTION FREEZER which freezes the cream lighter and quicker than any other Freestt made. : We have them in all sizes from 2 quart up, the prices of them are very moderate. Call in and let us show them to you. We LEMMON & LAWRENSO 381 and 3583 King Street. _---- rT : EE ---- For the Warm Season Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose, Sprinklers, 2 atk Screen Doors, oF Window Screens, etc. : : We have 4 large assortment of the above goods and = the very lowest prices, ' Ev : TRYATAT A.J. REES', Princ shoes, all prices af