Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jun 1905, p. 4

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When you're stocking up to Maye money, , don't forget yom cin save by quality, as well as 'hy it. dt will not avail you much to gain 10 per . on coal when you buyeit, and lose 20 per cent. when you burn it. are NEVER found in oer onli Wo make a SPECIAL- of coal that gives great 'heat. That means you use LESS coal. the claim--for your pock- sake, 5 hha GAA FOR REAL ESTATE | dandruff, it doesn't kill ton ~ OR INSURANCE _ Consult with Geo. Clif befors TENDERS FOR CULVERT. SEALED TENDERS FOR REBUILD of Culvert at Moore's Bridge, front be received by the Council of ownship of Pit at the 's office, Barriefield, up to July frst, where plans and specifications may be seen. An accepted cheque to the amount of ten per cent. bf' the price of the to accompany the tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. : CHAS. BELWA Barriefield, June 18th, 1905. AN OLD IDEA Shown to be Absolutely False by : Modern Science. People u to think that baldness was one bp those things which are handed down oa. generation to genera ather to son--just ka a Tanily Doiron Science has shown the faleensss of this belief by-proving that baldness itself ix not a' consticutional disense but result of a'germ invasion of which only Heérpiaide can eficctually rid the sealp, Washing only cleans Clerk. the scalp of the germs. "Destroy the cause vou remove the effect." \ Newbro's Herpicide will do this in every case. It is also a delightful dressi Send ing. Sold by leading druggists. bel The Ww. 10c. in stamps for sample to icide Co., Detroit, Mich. G. Mahood, special agent. Oxfords With Snap, Style and Comfort. Our Now Spring Lines have been universally admired and are great trade winners. We have them suitable for all occasions. See our range of Ladies' Shoes at $2. H, JENNINGS, King St. SEE The new stock of Plumbing ana Heating Pixtures, Gas Stoves and Incandescent Gas Lamps. GOLDEN LION BLOCK JOHN M. 'WHINTON, 'Phone 339, HALLIDAY ELECTRIC COMPANY Specialists in Diseases of Motors and Dynamos and all Electric Troubles. our first delivery Milk bottles. The second delivery is just as good, 'only the .Cream is not yet raised. \ Our Creamery Butter is always sweet and good, : Kingston Milk Depot DENTAL | DB. A E KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS. 19 Montreal St., Cor, Princess St. | Phone 652, ; Al branches of Dentistry skiltully per- formed. Nitrous Oxide Gas used for ex- Jand certain citizens Loo at Tho Gean Care Of The Poor. The city, through members of the House of Industry and Finance Com- mittee, and the county, through its council, have conferred with regard to the care of the poor. It seems that the institution is in need of further financial aid. Its revenues are con- fined to the grants from the govern- ment, the city, and the county. It occasionally receives a small bequest besides giving their- time to the management, con- tribute a 'considerable sum, in fees. The government inspector--a new one, representing a new government-- has demanded that expensive changes be made in the building and its equipment. The limprovements will cost $2,000 or more. The facts were laid before the county council be cause it was felt that the county should increase its grant very terially. It gives 875 a year now. The city gives $500, and yet the re cord shows that in the collective days, which indicate the presence and care of thé inmates, the county's repre- sentation has been larger than the city's. Incidentally the question of provid: ing a refuge for the county--or united counties and Frontena up. It has been long and the "position of t ma: dustry suggested consideration of the question now? Of course, - the scheme--the building of a suitable house on a, suitable ground--will take some time, especially if several muni- cipalitics have to be consulted. In the meanwhile a larger grant is Jesired by the city refuge, and the county council is considering it, and, in con- nection with it, the development of a plan by which every inmate from the county will_be recognized and pro: vided for upon a fixed and satisfac: tory basis, Collapse Of Scandals. The tory opposition in the com- mons is having a hard time of it and must be excused when it makes 5 fuss, sometimes, without muck purpose. During the bye-elections it was = par- ticularly exercised and about two re- ports. x One was that a contingent of mili- tary men had been: sent to the Ni- agara camp. This was regarded as a digbolical attempt to prevent the men from voting. It was assumed that they were tories, but on election day Mr. Hyihan was enquiring about them, and the conclusion was that they were not all his opponents. The fact is that the men were sent out by the adjut- ant-general without any thought of the election. Whén Col. Otter was or- dered by telegraph to send them back to London he wired that they had bern given the opportunity of voting and declined to avail themselves of it. So much for conspiracy No. 1. The second awful . offénce charged against the government was that it did not send out proper forms of oath to the returning officer and his depa- ties. The insinuation was that the secretary of state had lent himself to an infamous plot to affect the bye- elections, Mr. Borden wade it the sub- ject of a heated speech, Sir Wilfrid re- pelled the insult that had been cast upon his aged colleague, Senator Scott, and Mr. Fitzpatrick, the min- ister of justice, proved that the law had been complied with, and that the only 'oath that could be used, in al leged bribery cases, was contained in the federal act. The provincial oath could not be used. So ended con- spiracy No, 2 The sudden collapse of two griev- tnces added to the discomfort of the men who were in doleful humour at the time, and felt that they were not in the popular current as they sup- Seeing And Learning. The two hundred and fifty manufac: turers who have gone to the old land, upon a tour of investigation, will see a great deal that will be of advant- age to them. The delegates from the Canadian Manufacturers Association will be: the guests of the London Chamber of Commerce while in the metropolis, and they will spend sev- eral days in the great city and come into contact with its heart throbs. London reflects the business light and life of the world. There more can be learned of trade and commerce than anywhere else. : Then the party will set out for a ten or twelve days" tour of the great «ities The stay in. them will be neces sarily short, but it will be so arrang- ed that the visitors will cover the most ground in the time at their dis- posal. With each halt there will be a fresh revelation of old land marks, traditicns and promises, and Canada's intelligence and Britain's intelligence phis A year or more ago there was a great meeting in Montreal, Here much of the same material, as representing the commercial life of the old land and the new, met, and - it will be re- membered that some effort was made to peer into the future and outline the relaticns that would be for the best of the mother country and the col- onies. Then there was a brilliant and impressive exchange of views. Men spoke as they understood local or na- tional issues. They discussed business policies freely. They did not, however, discern i as moulders and fash- ioners of political policies, and so far there has not been any change in them, There is no doubt that the journey | of our manufacturers to the old land now will be educational in its re- sults. Two Years ago Some of the most successful agriculturists in the North-West were persuaded to go to England, Ireland and Scotland, and recite their experiences. They were better than the immigration agents. They had no object save to state the unvarnished facts, and their mission was crowned with the highest success. The Canadian manufacturers dnd the British manufacturers do not see eye to ove in many respects. They may never be able to harmonize their dif- ferences, hut they will have a more definite opinion of each bther's posi- tion and have 5 greater care for protection. Mr. Chamberlain has not made much progress with his imperial plans of late, because he has not been able to say what will satisfy the mother country and the colcnies. It was sug- gested that he visit Canada, that he confer with her leaders of the people, that he enquire into | the operations of the preference, and reflect upon the situation as he found it. He has not been' able to observe Canadian + con- ditions at close range and it is disadvantage. The manufacturers have had their own ideas of a preference: They have reached their conclusions from a look at events its to Canadian and circumstances on this side of the water. They may revise their idéas somewhat whep they have scen circumstances hs. others them. see ' ~ Editorial Notes. There is going. to be a protest in London, The men who conducted the meanest election in Canada are aching for revenge, The Hamilton Herald is correot in interpreting the feeling of London and North Oxford as indicative of that in Ontario. Toronto should be excepted. It is the stamping ground of bigots and fanatics. Col, Little of London, put the situ- ation thus: "If a Catholic hierarchy asks for something right the Protest- ants will give it to them. If a Métho- dist hierarchy, or any other 'archy,' want to lead the people astray the people will not follow them." There was a great shout as Dr. Sproule and others, who had partici pated' in the bye-elections entered the Commons on Tuesday evening. Mr. Foster was 'speaking. He turned ab- out in attitude of enquiry. "Oh go on," some one remarked; "they're only bringing in the wounded." Mr. Wallace, in North Oxford, on election day, was quite satisfied that he would be a member of parliament By evening. He has now been three times thrown down and must realize the force of a well-known remark, "That there is nothing so uncertain as a horse race or an election." ing to know whether Hon. Mr, Coch- rane is interested in the mines timber limits of Ontario. should not he a minister; if not the fact should be plainly stated. "The Whitney government," says the Spec- tator, "should avoid the appearance of evil." and If so he While the returns were rolling in, and showing that he was badly de- feated, Gray, the tory candidate in London, was telling the people that he had the evidence of terrible corrup- tion. How much does any man know about the details of an election while the votes are being totalled up ? Nothing, absolutely nothing. A correspondent of the Toronto World howls because Mr. Grey, the tory candidate in London, lost twen- ty-six votes, the ballots being spoiled. It is alleged Grey was cheated out of these votes because thé name was printed so close to the "margin that the electors put their marks on the other side. Rubbish ! Twenty-six spoil- ed ballots in a totdl of 8,500 is a very small percentage. Sprained Ankle, Stiff Neck, Lame Shoulder. These are three common ailméils for which Chamberlain's Pain Balm is saperial ly valuable. If promptly ap- alied it will save you time, money and suffering, when troubled with any one of these ailments. For sale by all -------- ' Eve glass and spectacle perfection, Lenses aranteed, mounts, easy, light, secure, perfect fitting and com. fortable. Chown's. drug stove. - | will flash alternately and for their The Spectator is candid in demand- | JUNE 15. : . SPORT REVIEW, Notes On Baseball, Lacrosse And Other Sports. : : Harley's men have won five of the last seven games played. Buffalo has now lost ten straight games, Alas, poor, Stallings 1 Hector, a 'steeplechase jockey. was killed by a fall at St. ek Providence has let Kelly go to the Albany team of the State League. Chicago has signed "Hub' Hart, She eeqck catcher. of the Georgetown ub. Chasing the umpire seems to be the favorite pastime of Newark's Sunday crowds, Young Corbett knocked son in the tenth Mont. ; "Jimmy" Bannon made four hits, one a 'triple, off Burchell, at Balti more on Monday. Montreal and Buffalo would liked to have had the services of Rothfuss, who joined the Tri-State League. One veteran says he remembers when Pitcher Norman Baker used the spit out Thowp- round at Butte, ball agdinst the old Cincinnati Reds in 1877, Buffalo has signed a new . pitcher from 'McKeesport, Pa., by the name of Big Bill Glassburner. = He should be hot stuff, s ' Manager Edward Barrow of the In- dianapolis Club, is : #nxious to land Charles Carr, the Cleveland first base- man, but Manager Lajoie says there is no chance. : The fight arranged for July 3rd, "in Salt Rake, Utah, between Robert Fitzsimmons and Mike Schreck, prob- ably will not take place, The promot- ers have failed to deposit their $2,000 D. A. TOMPKINS, The great cotton mill operator of North Carotina, next to President Parry, the most prominent spirit in the Nation- al Association of Manufacturers, -- forfeit in Chicago; and Fitzsimmons has declared the fight off. He says he will leave the city at once for the east. The world's competition five-mile motor cycle record has been broken bw E. B. Heagren of Salt Lake, on the Greenwood track. The time was 5.59 3-L which is twenty-three and four- fifths seconds faster than Heagren's ormer world's record, made in Salt Lake City last June. Big: Dan Brouthers, . of the "Big Four," and a star batsman in the National 'League, was hissed for alleg- ed errors in the Poughkeepsie fiekl, in a game between Poughkeepsie and 'aterson, of the Hudson River League. The old man replied to his critics by batting oiit a home run, After ambling in he combed down the grand stand eloquently. Brouthers has been playing first base for the Poughkeepsie team for two vears, His home is at Wap- pingers Falls. Baseball Briefs. "Knolty"' Lee's Brantford team was defeated in Galt by four, on Tuesday. 'Ap Ottawa exchange says that Wal- ter 'Easton, the Oriental's short-stop has gone there to reside and play bali. Castro, formerly of the Eastern League, made two home runs in one game a} Kansas City the other day. Young Cy Young, of the Boston Na- tionals, |is the real pitching find of the year. Yhe youngster has met his but once this season. In the game that Harris, of Fall River, pitched at Concord, N.H., last Monday, retiring the local club without a hit, but one flv ball was hit off him into the outfield. This is one of the finest pitching feats ever chronicled. The Rochester Club has parted with the services of Jack Rothfuss of New ark, who was playing the outfield for the Bronchos. Manager Buckenberger has sold him to the Charleston (S.C) Club of the Southern Atlantic League. baseball Cuban Diarrhoea. U.S. soldiers who served in Cuba during the Spanish, war know what this disease is, and that or linary re- medies have little more effect than so six to fe ~ Tea Economy It is quality rather than price that makes Feather Ceylon the most economical of . ® Ra Black, Green or Mixed--never put up in lead byt dvare in sterilized parchment-lined Packages-- joc. Ra UNDER SPECIAL! We were fortunate to buy about (5 Dozen Each Shirts and Drawers of a Fancy Balbriggan from a jobber, who, on account of the cool season," was satisfied with clearing the lot at about One-half their value. These Shirts and Drawers were sold regularly fer ! 4oc and 45c. a garment. ' Our Price. 25¢. a Garment, All sizes. SOFT. FRONT SHIRTS We have procured from one of the largest Shirt Manufacturers Two Great Snaps. | About 15 dozen Shirts, this spring styles. regular $1. Our Price, 69c. J About 10 dozen Shirts, this spring styles, regular 75c. and $1. Our Price, 49c. i THE H. D. BIBBY CO, [A Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall, Sas - ~ BIG DISCOUNT SALE LAWN MOWERS THIS WEEK If you want a Mower, get it now. Prices, $2.60 to $8. McKELVEY & BIRCH 69 and 71 Brock Street. pt m-- PRE HOGLLOLELLSORREE ooes WE DO TINNING OF IRON, COPPER, ETC. ¢ THE CANADA METAL C0., TORONTO. S000 0000000800800 00 LLLOM RUSTY SPOTS ON CHEESE. Cleanliness One of the Requisites of the Cheese Factory. Prof. H, A. Harding, of the Geneva Station, during an address recently delivered by him spoke as follows on the best method to pursue in stamp- ; 4 nen es . they will be so hot as t any need of wiping. In sary to wipe them be used, or one which ha lv boiled, to avoid The weigh can si 1 a steam hose pa faucet. This should, be same length of time a LI much water. Cuban dicrrhoea is at most as severe and dangerous as 4 mild attack of cholera. There is one remedy, however, than can always he depended upon as will be seen hy the following cértificate from Mrs. Minnie Jacobs of Houston, Texas: "I hereby | certify that Chamberlain's colic, cholera and diarrhoes remedy cured my husband of a severe attack of Cu- ban diarrhoea, which he brought home from Cuba. We had several doctors, but they did him no good. One bottle of this remedy cured him, as our neighbors will testify. I thank God for so valuable a medicine." For sale by all druggists. -------------- Six 'Rule The City, Houston, Texas, June 15. This city has amended its charter in a remark- able way. It has abolished its six wards, twelve aldermen, city assessor and collector, ' attornev. street rnd bridge commissioner, chief of police, treasurer and health officer, It elects now 6nlv a mavor, a comptroller and four aldermen-at-large. Those six men will rule the city, Will positively cure sick headache and prevent its return. Carter's Little Liver Pills. This is fot talk, but truth. One pill a dose. See ad- vertisement: Small pill. Small dese. Small price. Try egg phosphate at Gibson's Red i Cross drug store, i ing out an "epidemic" of rusty spots | next morning the ho ps a in cheddar cheese: with their cloths, = c. "The interior: of cheese looks as| the same way, exe for though it had been lightly sprayed | sirable to have a 1 alge with red ink or cheese 'wolor: "Phe spots | treating them on account of 1 - appear when the cheese is from four | amount of fat. which noid to six days old an increase in size | the heat. The entire treatin d We from day to day. They are caused hy | be repeated three times i a i the growth in the cheese of a red bac: | believe this treatment vi terium, just as green streaks in stale | found very useful in comba bread are caused by the growth of aother milk troubles. In i" in which this method has played rusty spot has heen on the green mond, "The first thing required is a thor- ough cleaning up of the 'factory. Hot without any financial dilated potoh will cit the grease ! cheese. from the floor and a fresh coat of S--p------ whitewash will brighten up the ceil- ings and walls. When the cheese is in press and everything cleaned up for the day, the curd mill and every im plement or piece of cloth which will come in contact with the milk the following day is placed in the vat and a heavy canvas stretched fightly over the top. Live steam is turned into the vat fast enough to bring the tempera- Just What Everyone Showid FO: J. T. Barbér, of Irwinv ways keeps a bottle of { h colic, cholera and diarrh hand ready for instant ee colic, cholera morbus and dx thos come on so suddenly that tl oa time to hunt a doctor or go he store for medicine. Mr t "I have tried Chamberlain's Barber co hich ture of the vat at the corners up to cholera and diarrhoea remedy. which 180 degrees within five minutes. Theis one of the bast mecicines 1, | Steam should be continued at least | gaw. I keep a bottle of it in my", fifteen minutes after this temperature as I have had several attacks ot is reached, . so that the steam willl and it has proved to be i al have plenty of time to penetrate into | medicine I ~ ever used. Sold by every crevice of the tools. When . the | gruggists, time is up, the steam is shut off, and " the canvas cover removed. "Tn a couple of minutes the tools. can be picked up and' in' Most cases ht, secure ligh ¥. Truss perfection, easy, 7 ran toed and a perfect fit gnarant Chown's, \ a You don't have to h WHY our Women's $2 others at the same price. WOMEN'S DONGOL. heavy soles, a good WOMEN'S CHOCOL/ medium weight sol $2. WOMEN'S DONGOL light sole, high Cub We know just how J. H. Suthe | A hd " READY-TOE A Splendic Matchless LUSTRE SHIRT WAIST SU = pleated back-and front a only "Ln LUSTRE SHIRT WAIST SU med down front. and .on « tan leather trimming; wai match; very stylish . DRESS SKIRTS of selected some with pleating and = browns, navy, myrtle an skirt Our new. black and whit demand them See in great { SPENCE'! 990s ccsscsasssaseees $000000000 0000000 the N WA They structed examir of the most » these | BEST) ined SIBLE Asky for or brand tau ¢ THE E. B. EDDY COMP ¢ J. A. HENDR Q » $000000000000000000 The Polish that won't wear of Sold Only at Strachan's Hap rt CARRIAGES and BUG FOR SALE 1 Kensington, second-hand, good order; 1 Makedo, seco hand; 1 Phaeton; 1 road w gon; also new Top Bugg Runabouts with rubber ti "also a few sets of Harness | Call and sée for youn JAMES LATUR 390 PRINCESS STREET

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