stock of Mea ., Young Men's s, Boys' and Children's les and the best workmanship known to the tailoring art. We don't want this advertisement to appear sensational or read like a "fake." 'Men's Suits Men's Tweed Suits, good wearers, ight and dark colors, sizes 36 to 44, regular Jeon » and $6, Bale "price wii yasersse S140 Men's Tweed. and Se Suits, . single and double Drcasten, Syren 3% 44, regular $7 and $7.50, Bole: price'... ......... cio $1.15 Men's $10 Suits, the best in the city, all sives. Sale price ........ $6.0 Men's ne Suits, fine tweeds, worsteds, and cheviots, swell goods, all sizes, 36 to 41. Salo price ..... ... R23 Men's $13.50 Suits. Sale price. £9.15 | Men's 814 to 816 Suits, made from the nest imported Scotch tweeds, cheviots, and worsteds, elegantly tailored, all sizes, 36 to 44. Bale prick cn... oc... oi $10.85 Stout Men's Suits We make a specialty of fitting stout men, and intend to have the fat men share in the bargains during this | sale. All sizes up to 50 inches chest measuremont $10- Suits for... 0 $6.95 12 Bulls for ........... ....... 875 AB. Baits dob « svi iin 10.06 Men's Waterproof Coats All kinds, all sizes, prices from $1.95. Ask to see our guaranteed water- proofs, sold with a written guarantee at THIRTY PER CENT. off regular prices during this sale. : fy. > 5 i...» Everything in the Store Must be Moved Out Within the Next 30 Days or te SUITS, TOPCOATS, RAINCO OATS, etc; A: one of the largest and best assortments ever shown in Kingston. We have no old goods to show you, as-our stock is all new. ware ny inyolve an entire change, which will take place early in August, we find it necessary to make a clean sweep of our present stock. In order to accomplish this we SrA el A si r Gi we Newest patterns, We want it to impress Sensible people as a truthful statement of a plain business proposition--which it is, gi a Are Some of Our Moving Prices : Young Men's and Youths' Syits Large variety, newest patterns, made in latest styles :-- Regular § and 5 £ Suits Sale price ...... .. Regular $7.50 and #8 Suits, S18 PRIOR 2 crrrs: iin subininsanes $5.20 Regular 89 and 810 Suits, Sale price ..... gists Setastasy dindionsy. $6.95 Regular $12 Suits for J... 88.15 Boys' Three Garment Short Pant Suits Sizbs 28 to 34 :-- 20 only Black Serge Suite, regular $3.50. Sale price ..... .. 21.95 Regular $4 Suits for -- R75 Regular 85 Suits for . .. $3.15 Re qular 85 and $6.50 8 . $1.75 Lots of suits and plenty of patterns to choose from. . Men's Hot Weather Suits Regular $6 Suits for .. «. $3.45 An odd lot to clear, w were regular 5 and $8. Sale price ......... £4.4 Boys' Two Piece Suits In Norfolk, double breasted, pleated and other styles, sizes 23 to 28 :-- Regular $2 Suits for . Regular 83 Suits for Regular $4 Suits for en $2.75 . $1.35 Boys' Norfolk Suits, short pants, sizée 29 to 34, at THIRTY PER CENT. REDUCTION during this sale, | A® Slaughter in Neckwear | Having recently purchased 50 dozen of Up-To-Date Neckwear manufactured for 'a merchant in. a western tow, who was burned out before the goods reached him, we are prepared to offer to the people of Kingston and sur- rounding districts bargains such as have never been shown before. The lot consists of Puffs," Ascots, Four-in- hands, anh Flow Ends, made from the newest designs and colorings in Silks, made to sell at 50c, and 75e. They all go at 23c, sale. each during this Caps All styles for men and boys: Regular 25¢. Regular 50 Regular 75¢. Caps for .;.. Fancy Suits For the Little Fellows; Russian Blouse; 'Buster Brown, Voestee, Sailors, ete. THIRTY PER .CENT. off regular; prices. . Raincoats and Short Top Coats A large variety, all new goods, plain colors, ral shades, at THIR- TY PER CENT. off regular prices dur- ing this sale. Boys' Short Pants 50 pairs Blue Serge, sizes 22 to 27, to go at, per pair .. 29, Boys' Double Knees and Double Seat Pants, to clear at TWENTY PER CENT. off marked prices, Sweaters A job lot of Men's and Boys' Plain White, to be sold at, each......19. Boy®' 50c. and 60c. Sweaters for 39%. Men's Double Knit Working Sweaters, worth $1 regular, sale price......6%. Hosiery Men's Cotton Socks,' regular 10. a pair, 'sale price 4 pairs for...... 25¢ Men's Fine Cotton Socks, in plain blacks and tans, regular 15c. Sale price 3 pairs for ... « We. A limit of 3 pairs to cach cus- tomer. All Fancy Socks, sold regular at 25¢ and 35¢. Sale price, per pair... 19: Suspenders A Good Working Brace, sold regular at 20e. pair. Sale price, per pair... Sritretie ansenes HE The Celebrated Police Brace for, per BATE Cais tins: AY. Regular 33c. and 40c. Braces for. 25¢. BOC. Braces Jor. cuisine senna 390. Summer Underwear Men's Fancy - Striped Cotton Under wear, for, per suit ............. 45c. Double Thread Balbriggan, regular $1 per suit, for, per suit arene difi, Fine Natural Wool, sold regular at 81.75. Sale price, per suit... $1.20 Children's Wash Suits New styles, exclusive patterns and styles; a large assortment to choose from, at TWENTY PER CENT. off during this sale. Fancy Soft Front Shirts All sizes, 1 to 18} :-- A 'manufacturer's lot of 40 dozen pur- chased at less than mill prices, to be sold during this sale at, Bl oy cs et ass OE No more than two shirts to 'each customer. Men's Working .! Shirts bbe. qualities for... Ie. 5c. qualities for .... spsarar eno FIC $1 qualities for_.. nian TOE, Blouses and Shirt Waists Some odd lines, broken sizes : Boys' Blouses worth regular 50c. each, Sale price . eSnith. meee 250 Another lot sold regular : Sale price «....a pu. 19¢ Regular 50c. Shirt Waists, Sale price ....... odd ke539¢ The 75c. qualities for ..... .... 59¢ Men's Pants Good Tweed Working Pants, all sizes, for, per pair cian aia 79 Regular $1.50 Pants for .......... 99. Regular $2 Pants for ............... $1.96 Regular $3 Pants for 00.0. $1.05 Regular $1 and $150 Pants reduoed io ..... sige . 32.95 Men's Collars All 'shapes. Regular 15¢. Collars, 3 for 25¢c. during this sale. Remember prices are easy to quote, but it's quality backed by price, that always makes the people flock to our sales. THIS SALE WILL SURPASS ALL OTHERS we ever held, really making a sacrifice' In many lines. When we SAY EVERYTHING we mean EVERYTHING MUST GO. While our stock in every line is very farge yet we advise you to as it is certain there will be a tremendous rush. NO GOODS ON APPROBATION DURING THIS SALE. Letter orders will receive our best attention. Sale Will Continue For THIRTY DAYS Next 'Door to Abernethy's Shoe Store. «Let This Be Understood" Ceylon Tea possesses eup-drawing qu nly in sealed lead packets. By all GrOBRE Hust GENTS' OXF We have a large and cc Oxfords, in Tan, Black, Vic in lace and button, all the n Prices, $3, $3.5 Canvas Good sold of CALLING CARDS ENGRAVED FROM COPPER PLATE Fe British Why | NO NEED TO SEND OUT OF TOWN FOR ENGRAVED CARDS WHIG WORK IS GOOD WORK é dibdddob bbb bb bbb bbbd bd 6 3 WE ALSO DO i {STEEL DIE EMBOSSING b + Fhbb bbb bbbbb db bbb bbe This Week Dining=room Furniture --Solid Oak Polished Sideboard: --Solid Oak Polished Tables. Extensio -Solid Oak Polished Dipin Chairs. These are a few specials we are tlo ing out, Yours, JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker, Princess Street - - Kingstor a ------------------------------------------ Prescccencnns NOW IS THE {WINTER OF YOUR DISCONTENT yt Th 7S, eying, fo a wood Lu is hand-screened and unis vu One-ten order will bring you A lar Y SLABS f tale. ®e lot of DR or Booth & Co. Phone 138, Fuel Fue 'Hard Coal Srate ve Md me for your furnace; Stor and Pea for yo ~ Soft Coal rgd for your grate. RL Lamp fo for grates and engines. lack: Ales Cut & Uncut Woo P. WAT SH. mar BARRACK NEaR KIN Try Myers' for Fine COOKED MEATS.