Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jun 1905, p. 8

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3 ; sutton nil h the {home of the cotton: ry an the Jher- {las Peninsula. , London, Las pur- FE enide Atlantic ron 3 four per cunt. by ths GUN A ver day now being taker out and al ready n over 70,000 on have Four o Ih entire t for this as been disposod of. cellent ore as been found at 'a deep level in abund- Dominion Textile interests, which to acquire the business of the il Cotton Covipany, have ane an advance in their offer to 37.50 per ahurc $100 to be in six per and 87} in seven per cent pre- ferred stock. An alternate offer is made of $100 in bonds and the balance of B74 in North American company com- on , wat 25 Tents on the dollar. B was made was $133.1-38 and first was $125, Stutisties of The Iron Age on May Sa78Re of pig iron show a total of 1,- tons, surpassing tho high record rch, which was 1,986,264 tons. On the other hand, the rate of production had been reduced at June 1st, by 10,089 week to 441,992 tons, compared 403. on May 1st. Furnace stocks hand, sold and unsold, increased 63.- during the month to 899,754 ly increase during May was 17. 0) tons, being first month to show 4 on Jerease Se he a st, , when the hn was 670,340 tons. n : : The Cheese Markets. | dngersoll. June 18.-Offerings; 470 boxes. Bidding, 8c. No Sales 3 June 18. Offerings, 1, boxes. All sold 9 5-16c. : ---------- Thousands Die Of Constipation. : ~~ Stndition causes so many incur. eo disel as constipation. It not only Sabian the kidneys frop elimin- a the poisonous wastes, but causes anaemia, stomach trouble and 1 tion. Why won't you use. Dr, Hamilton's Pills and get cured * This excellint medicine restores normal bowel action in one night. Thousands fay 80. Your system will be pure aud - Jelean, you'll be free from headaches, 3 no mi : our stomach--in shioss yourlt : # and perfect 0 hae Dr. Hamilton's Pills are ed J Sverywhers, 25c. a box: Get the genu- | Pictures To Be Named. '| County Councillor Pillar offered a to the unnamed portraits which adorn the counnil ior: He was 'of opin- jon that nameplates should be affixed fo each portrait, containing such data as may be of information to fu- ture generations, giving the record of the original of each. He presented his iggestion in the form of a resolution ch Councillor Franklin seconded, and the warden was empowered to have name-plates prepared 'and affixed to the portraits. Removed The Machine. This morning the agent of the Cli max Road Machinery company Sauk possession of the road scraper that the city had on trial last winter, and refused to accept. The machine has been stored heneath the verandah, fronting the island market for the past five months, awaiting the com- pany's pleasure to remove it, The com- | pany threatened to sue the city for the value of the machine, but ay tly see the folly of proceeding with the suit, ------ : First Excursion To Watertown. Do not fail to attend the Old Home Weak Celebration, great attractions, Tuesday, June 20th, the big day. Steamer leaves 5am. 4 leaves Watertown, 6.40 p.m. Only $1.5 return, The Truth Will Out. That is why Putnam's Corn Extrac- tor has such an enormous sale; it's | sure cure-- and better than any substitute, Insist on having Put- nam's only Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with Lover's Dry Soap, a powder. It will rumove the grease with the great. ral Fem vig 9 together Inte 1 on Tuesday night. ° wen J round the assembly : Are ason ¥ a to being stored at wily chairman suggested that a | buildings was, returning : The Masonic members of the Gons-| You a DELAY ACTION. Regarding Extensions to City Ba ition of Stor- ing Vi at Fair Grounds Digeucsed. | ; At the city | committee neeting, W apy there f v ternoon, were present Alds. Scars, Givens, Me C, and Walkem, ran fat that vehicles are grounds con- trary to by-law, and advocated tha practice should either be stopped e by-law : a search of the files, it was found that it was a portion of the caretaker's 'duty to made for of storing goods there and the question then arose as to whether the city would be responsible for the Roods stored. It was suggested that an agreement to the nom responsibility of the city should be made with the persons do- siring storage. The chairman was empowered Jo further investigate the The chairman reported on behalf of the special committee which met the Palo and Baseball Clubs. On motion, of Ald. Givens, the action of this com- mittee was endorsed. Ald. Givens brought up. the point as to whether the committee had any power to give special privileges to anv chub or team for the use of any city pro- perty He considerced 'that the same privileges 'should be given to any other teams which may desire to use the grounds. This item was a sub- ject for considerable discussion which was finally siroppe. : Caretaker Conley's application for on increase of salary was - fur laid gver until it can be soen what arrangements the polo club will make, ie question of repairs, to the city discussed at + some length, nothing new developing. The question of appointing an architect to make estimates was laid over to ano meeting owing to the close vote.in council and the genoral mis- understanding prevailing. The city clerk was Snstrasted to call for ten- for coal and wood supply for the. year. ------------rt FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. -------- The Largest Offerings of the Beason. Kingston June 15. --At to-day's session of the. Frontenac cheese board, the offerings were the highest of the season, numbering 1,490 boxes, of which 685 were colored and S06 white. Buyers were pleased at the in- creased hoardings, and raised their prices accordingly. Bidding opened at 9. by F. Alex- . and' advanced hy id strides unit 9 5-16¢, had been offered. At Eweretts-Wolfe Tsland, ousand Island, St. Lawrence, Silver Spring, Gilt Edge. Bo Sir. Mackifinon--Morning = Star, Hinchinbrook, - Glendower.. Ta Mr. Alexander--Sunbury. All told 625 boxes were sold on the and most of the holdings on the curb at board prices. These fac- tories had cheese'on sale : White.--Morning Star, 0% Silver Springs, 90; Cold Springs, 195 : Cata- raqui, 115; . Glendower, 50: Colling' Bay, 100; Wolfe Island, 90; Rose Hill, 100; Sunbury, 75. Colored. -- Avigan, 50: Glenburnie, 100; Glenvale, 108: © Gilt Edge, 75; Howe Island, 50: Hinchinbrook, 40; Ontario, 40: Pine Hill, 90; St. Law- rence, 60; Thousand Island, 75. The "buyers present were: Mesars. Madkinnon, Gillespie, Alexander, Ev- eretts, Thompson, Murphy and Gibson. WANT LEVEL KEPT UP. Water is Very Much Lower Now. Special to the Whig. Toronto, June from the sity sisting of 15.--A deputation of Niagara Falls, con- ayor Peuster, Alds. Han- cer, and Fraser, M.P.P. for {| Welland, waited on Premier Whitney {| and the members of the government, this morning, and asked that the Ni. ! abara Falls park committee be re- i} uested to restore the waters of the ver to the level which existed before {| the development of the power com- m at the city's intake pipe. They said the water was three and a half feet below the ordinary sdevel, which retard the Pressure of water for gen- 'J eral purposes. e government po | mised consideration. ¥ HAH! yo i ---------- i . HOT IN MONTREAL. | A . Laborer Dies From Sun- stroke. : to the Whig, 2 HE oa ei. This wan the hottest day of summer, so far, and wad the cause of at least one death from heat. Joseph Corbeille, who was working under a skylight in the saw works of Robertson & Co., died from -sunstroke, ly in the mom- ing the thermometers in the sun went Ao cighty-cight, but in the shade registered eighty-three to eighty- ve around noon. 2» Engineer Dead. s io A Yutuia Manser- och Hie na, Glasgow, Neil, Warren and Spen- and B. E i Janies by the construction of a weir § president of the Institution : Engineers, and a member of the "council of the Justitinion of Me-| hapical Engineers, here, this | morning, hos a lengthy illness. 4 were was 1 with vari ginver- | Print butter, 18%. Crawford. Duvite on Saturday : C i, 3-0. 2 tins for 15¢. yg 'shoes wiih leather or Be. and 5c. at Aber- nethy's, ; Trunks, valises, suit cases and in fact all kinds of travelling necessities at lowest prices at Abernethy's. "Clerie's"' comments on the Présiy- terian General Assembly--réntiniseen- ccs and farewells, will be published on Saturday. Potatoes, the finest. Crawford: The 14th band has been engaged to go to Watertown, N.Y., on Tuesday next on which day they will be the special attraction at the musical car- | nival which is being held there next week. The band will leave Tuesday morning, returning on the evening of the same day. Grass butter, fine, 18%. Crawford. The bi it évent ever held in Wat- ertown, will be the Old Home Week | there. Will you ? Special excursion, ac companied Band, Tuesday, June 20th, leaves 59 a.m., retuming leaves Watertown €140 p.m. Round trip, 8125, Grass butter, fine, 18. Crawford. An itinerant preacher 'addressed al somewhat small audience on the mar- 'ket 'Square this morning and after his discourse distributed large illustrated texts. When asked by erk b a® to 'where hiz home was, he immediately replied "heaven." Questioned further he admitted that he came from Port Hope, MANY WOMEN GATHERED. At: the Meeting of the Home Mission Committee. There was a large gathering of the women of ton intercsted in the newly-organiged Home Nission So- ciety of the Presbyterian church, at een's, yesterday afternoon. Rev, Dr. McLaren. Eome Mission seeretary, Kingston Society, Mrs. Mowat, vice president; Mise It, treasurer of the society, and many of the energetic mission * workers in the Methodist ghurch, Rev. CH. Munro, of Ethelbert, N. . gave a most interesting ad- dress an his work among the Gali- cians, urging the need of shepherding these #trangers within our gates. Work among the miners in the Kootenay district, was the subject of the young minister from Ymin, B.C. Rev. Henry Young. who. for six years has heen the 'sky pilot," of the mines in that far off province. Both speakers, who spoke with (the elo- quence bestowed by thorough knowl: edge and deep interest in work, were listened to with great pleasure, and their plea for 'missionary aid for qur own home land will doubtless hear good fruit. The consolidation of the Home Mis: sion "wi among Presbyterians has a 'move im the right direc- tion, and will bring mission work in our own country out of the obscurity where it has been overshadowed by the glamour of the foreign missionary side of the church's work. SPLENDID WORK DONE. Putting a Wheel Steamer Dorothy. The work on the steamer Dorothy was completed last evening and the vessel left for Port Dalhousie early this morning. The work of putting-on the wheel was no sinall undertaking. The contract was taken by Captain Thomas Donnelly, who would far pre- ferred putting on the wheel with the divers, and without the aid of a pon- toon, but the underwriters and the owners of the hoat insisted on the wheel being put on inside a caisson so that the work could be examined and completed to the satisfaction of the engineer. The Dorothy is the deepest vessel that has ever been pontooned in such & manner on inland waters. An extra precaution had. to be taken to make everything safe and secure on' account of the cargo. The vessel's stern was raised five feet and the pontoon leak- ed so little that ten minutes use of a syphon every two hours kept the wat- ter out of it. The pontoon was built by Mr. Turcotte, foreman carpenter, who did his work well and the whole Job was under the direct supervision of the eontractor, Capt. Donnelly. The master and engineer of the boat ex: Riheaneq themselves as perfectly satis In on the After Seventeen Years. It was with great reluctance (hat the directors of the Frontenac Farm- ers' Institute accepted the resignation of Alexander Ritchie, Inverary, who, for seventeen years, has been the cap- able and painstaking secretary-trea- surer of the organization. Increasing responsibilities rendered it necessary for him to surrender some work that was demanding so mwich of his time, and he decided to cut loose from of- fice-holding in the institute, though the directors pressed him hard to re- consider hit decision. However, in Joshua Knight, he has a worthy suc- | cessor, ome who has always taken a | deep interest in the work. ! Married At Cataraqui. - Haxry Harkness, butcher, at the cor- { f Wellington streets, Iner of Queen and Kellmgton fronts, Odessa, | was married on Wed i ' oo" M. Compbel, 3 hi ui, Hoth bride and groom being Unattended, After" the wedding, the happy - couple drove to their new home on Montreal street, where thev received by a number of their ing works in the United States and ds. Among the many = beautiful wedding presents was handsome ir from the groom's business - lg The bridal couple' were sere- dnaded at midnight by a number oi {| friends, musically talented. Butter And Potatoes. If you want the finest potatoes or grass butter, 18. Crawford. Davies on Saterday ; Canned' peas {sweet wrinkle), 2 tins foride. an enols the blood, Sali t [NEWS OF THE urday : Canned ap- | Celebration." All 'the old boys will be Glasgow street railway, will be invit- hy the Mth Battalion «ol. day died in Smith's Falls, hospital, children survive, $60 and costs. ,Héigning drunkenness, and was sent to rab § f General Manager McGuigan, for Ss - 19 g gan, bw the chair, al stung te es settlemorit, have not yet: been finally Alexander Laird, president of the |i off. Neither side is prepared = leather with HORLD) OCCURRENCES' RECOUNTED .. IN BRIEF FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little And Remembered, : Miss Eva Myrtle, Belleville, and Rev. 8S. A. Kemp, Coboconk, were married on Wednesday. ! King Oscar has been appointed an honorary 'admiral 'of the British navy | by King Edward, Owners of the British ship St. Kil- da, sunk by the Russians, are de manding satisfaction. The youngest son of D. T. William- son, Brantford, fell off the wharf at Rosebank dnd was drowned. The Toronto Anglican synod ap- pointed a committee to select a site for a Central Synod hall and offices, James Dalrymple, manager of the od to address~the Toronto city coun- Miss Muriel Roblin, Belleville, and George Manghan, Cranbrook, B.C. were married in Belleville on Wednes- Pierre Lapine, tired struggling for an existence and too cowardly to sui- cide, has giveh himself up as an ar sohist, His erime is real. --- Mrs. Abel Gould, South Elmsley, aged forty-five. A husband and four young Margaret E. Scoular, suing some re- sidents of Lansdowne for pelting her with eggs as she was boarding a train to remove to Detroit, got damages: of Thomas Forrest, a crook from West- ern Ontario, was caught wed-handed by the Montreal police, while he was penitentiary for three years to-day. The demands of the Grand Trunk railway telegraphers, is in the hands to make any statement. J. W. G. Boyd, ley delegate from St. 'Matthias church, Toronta, pro- tested at Toronto Synod. that, for years, members had been pulling and working against the bishop in the diocese. J. A. Worrell repudiated the insinuation; it was a slander. Hon. 8. H. Blake also repudiated the slander, Married Last Night. .At St. Luke's church, last 'even: ing, Rev. R. Forneri united in mar riage, Miss Emeline Carpenter, eldest datghter of David Carpenter, Outer Depot, and Benjamin Sherring, form- erly a popular employee of the street railway. Miss' Myrtle Carpenter, - sis- |. ter of the bride, was bridesmaid and Frank Sherring, brother of the groom, was groomsman, The ceremony took place at eight o'clock in the evening in the presence of a number of friends including several nurses from Roek- wood Hospital, of which institution the bride is a graduate nurse. The wedding presents were numerous and testified to the esteem in which Mr, and Mrs. Sherring are held by their many friends. The young couple will spend a week in the city and will then leave fot. their new home at Niagara Falls, N.Y. where Mr. Sherring has a good position. iti Collided With A Cab. At a quartergto one o'clock this afternoon, the little son of H. Small, | Earl street, ' while riding his bicycle along King street, towards Gore street, got too close to a cal which was jogging along towards him. The upset, and the little rider thrown to the road. Very fortunately the lad escaped unhurt, as the cab driver stopped on the instant he saw that a collision, must occur, and, jumping down, Ficked up the little boy who was taken home, amid his half crying explanations, that his bicycle seat was too high and to blame for his getting so close to the cab. ---------- Said He Had An Appointment. Sanford, the ex-convict who "is in the county jail awaiting trial on Sa- turday morning, became slightly talk- ative while being escorted to the jail yesterday afternoon by one of the police. He informed the latter that he realized his crime. but stated that he had an appointment to meet his raising of the bills. He claimed that aad an appointment to meet his accomplice who did the raising, in Watertown today. This story is hardly given 'credence by the loeal polices Jeet oad Stay Fifteen Days. Sprefal to the Whig. Montreal, June 15.--In the matter of the 'several claiments to Fletcher's field park, who are seeking to recover several hundred thousand dollars from the city for its value, .n stay of fifteen days has been 'granted, on the retjuest of the city, which wants se- eurity for costs from the plaintiffs, who are non-residents of this pro vinee, -------------- Affected With Measles. The hospital at the Royal Military College has grown too small to ac commodate the cadets who have been attacked by measles, 'a disease quite epidemic in the city for months past, and the old gymnasium has been torn. ed into an isolation ward. The boys are not very ill but require to be quarantined. How to Avoid Catching Cold. Allow yourself to "run down" and catch cold from the first that your . Wade's . Tonic Pills make Na proaf by giving I rich healthy blood, the kind that ills all disease may In boxes 256. at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if not satisfactory. A Steamer Sunk. Special to the Whig. London, June 15. The German Steamer Tetaros was sunk bv the Rus- Sian orniser Don, on May 30th. The Tetaros was on her way from Otaru, Japan, to Tien Tsin, with a cargo of wooden TS Ladies" house slippers made of fine ie fronts only: 0c. 8. Pair at Abernethy SRE ¢ White German Linens for waists, 75c. bicycle grazed the cab wheels and was THE LOCKETT SHOE \ iP J LSATN Tl The old. reliable Huck-a-Back Touels are being used again, and many a housekeeper is grateful that the turn fashion has brought back these useful kinds once more. » Linen Huckaback Towels, 1oc., 124c, 15¢. Linen .Huckaback Towels, 18¢c,, 20c, 25c ; Thes 6 qualities are extra good values ind repre: ent the pick from 3 Belfast" manufacturers, We purchase in large quantities and secure the lowest 'price. | White Linen For Waists and Shirt Waist Suits, White Linen Suitings, 35¢., 39¢., 45c. 'White Linen Suitings, 49¢., 63c., 75¢. White Waist Linens, 49c., 50¢, 75¢. White Waist Linens, goc., $1.25. White Linens for embroidering waists, j3qc 45C., 49¢. SHIRT WAIST SUITS ro In New Wash Materials Prices range from $1.49, 4 59, 4-99, 5.59, 7 95. Come and see these. Never mind about being prepared to buy. You are never urged to decide here; We are always glad of an opportunity to show the new things as théy arrive. 2.49, 2.75, 3:75 New Shirt, Waist. Theassortments. are now com- plete and the prices ? - Well the lowest possible considering the quality. White Lawn :Waists, 75c., 992, $1.25, 1.49. White India Linen Waists, $1.25, 1.49, 1.95, 2 and on up to $4. .: Val Laces and Fine Embroi- dered insertions are used and dain- ty designs in each. White Skirts | Lace trimmed, g9c., $1.25, 1.49, 1.69 Lace trimmed, $1.75, 1.99, 2.25, 2.75, 3-99. JOH ADLAWESHN Great Bargains We have secured direct from the manu- facturer a lot of ladies' very fine Tan Rus-. sia Calf Blucher Oxfords, extension sole. These shoes are worth $2.50. We have put them on a table marked $1.50 A PAIR. All sizes, 2% to 7. ! STORE we ¥ WEY YEAR 72. NO. 140 dnote eS B. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. LION BRAND KNICKERS FOR BOYS double. knees, 50c. Double seats and Al seinen Saeed rests sialon BLACK CAT STOCKINGS FOR BOYS "_ Extra long legs and extra wear, A oeeeries sesberiees berms sienna, BALBRIGGAN AND NATURAL WOOL "UNDERWEAR FOR BOYS-- Bb Mice sina: 350)" 8d 75c. Boys' WASH ~SUITS-Direct from New York, per suit... Tc. to $2.50 B, P. Jenkins Clothing Co. The Boys' St A PENNY SAVED Keep in touch with our prices and you will "866 WE CAN SEVE yOu money pn your purchases for the table and Kitchen. BUTTER-Weé are well supplied with the different grades at prices, as follows No. 1 cooking, fresh, made, per Ib 16¢. and 17c. e < No. 1 table, farmers, at 18c. and 19¢c. Creamery, at 22¢c. and 25¢. per Ib SATURDAY--We will give spesially reduced prices on Teas, Green or Black also on Moca and Java Coffees. Try sample lot, if not entirely satisfactory you 'may return, F. W. VAN LUVEN, 246 Princess St. Phone 417, TE RS WILL BE RECEIVED B)Y ed up to 12 o'clock noon oy; MONDAY the 19th inst., for the suppl) 1 j r the Waterworks an Depm W fOr Lhe ensuing year Specifications may be had from the un dersigned., L. W. SHANNON, City Clerk. Kingston, 14th June, 1905. B----------A--------- SWIFT'S INSURANCE AGENCY | FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, CARGO. Strong reliable Companies only represented LOSSES PROMITLY PAID, LOWEST RATES on approved risks of every description. Office, Opposite Ontario Bank ARERR RB MEDICAL George F. Daltor B.A, M.D., C.M., M.R.C.S., (England L. R.C. P., (London). Office and Residence, 64 William Stree Telephone 378. WANTED. A YOUNGS MAN TO TDISPENS Soda Water, at Wade's Drug Store GIRLS Bro's Street TO SPLIT Mica MICA, Works, foot AT KEN of Princes tems eps gen $13,000 ON $30,000 SECURITY, REA state, 5 or 10 years. Apply to « A. Gardiner, 151 Wellington St. -- EXPERIENCED FIRST CLAS dressmaker to ' take charge of sho) Must be reliable. State salary e pected and experience to Mrs Garvin, Sydenham: GENTLEMEN, TO GET THEI Sprin Suits made up at Galloway' 181 Brock street, next to Bibby livery ; style, fit and price guarantes 19 pleasd'; pressing and repairing do; Promptly. -- treme se--. MEN AND BOYS, TO LEARN PLUM Ing trade. We cannot supply demar for graduates. $4.50 to $5 per da Bight' weeks completes course. Ea. While learning. Address, for Cat logue, Coyne ros.. LCo., Plumbii Schools, - Cincinnati, O., St. Lou Mo. Employment. \guaranteed money refunded. TO-LET. FINE OFFICE AT 8346 KING STRER front room, newly furnished. App to J. P. Forrest, 848 King Street. ren ta DWBLLINGS FURNISHED AND U furnished, stores, offices, etc., at M Cann's Real Istate Agency, Brock Street. THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY the Carner of ueen and Onta Streets, lately occupied by Mr. Hi Crson as a grocery with large ya and outbuildings. Offers will be Seived "for purchase. Apply Naim & waikam, solicitors, Ku FOR SALE. A PONY CART, ASH GRAINED "ood condition. Apply at 248 Diy lon Street. ee etc eaaiesbitmita NEW REAR WHEEL WITH NARR brake, 84. Solar gas lamps, $2.7 Ihi8 year's best Dunlop Covers,$2. Bicycle Munson, Toronto. LOST. ( A BLACK CLOTH CAPE. TUESD Worning. between Princess St, Cricket Find, by way of Wellingt or Bagot Sts. Finder kindly ret ia A. Strachan. Hardware, Prin White Duck Hats, 25c. gprs and boys' white duck ha Lat Campbell Bros.

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