EE a In Regard To Towels 3 Huck-a-Back Towels and many a housekeeper arn fashion has brought S once more. » 'owels, 1oc., 12%c, 150. Towels, 18¢c,, 20c, 25c e_ extra good values and 3 Belfast" manufacturers, quantities and secure the Linen Shirt Waist Suits, 2, 35 39¢., 45¢. 2S, 49¢., 63c., 75¢. 49C., 59¢, 75¢. s, goc., $1.25. 2mbroidering waists, 39c,, ns for waists, 5c. AIST SUITS ash Materials $1.49, 2.49, 2.75 31% . Never mind about being are never urged to decide lad of an opportunity to théy arrive. t, Waist.s now com- Well the ering the ists, 75¢C., n Waists, id on up Embroi- and dain- Skirts 1.69. 2.75, 3-99. $1.25, 1.49, 5, 1.99, 2.25, irect from the manu- ies' very fine Tan Rus- fords, extension sole. rth $2.50. We have ble marked $1.50 A 2% to 7. YEAR 72. NO. 110. g, P. Jenkins Clothing Co. LION BRAND KNICKERS FOR BOYS Double seats and double knees, at BLACK CAT STOCKI Extra long legs BL oeeiries crsieriees perme sean. NGS FOR BOYS and extra wear, BALBRIGGAN AND NATU RAL WOOL UNDERWEAR FOF ab Nicer sisnnanie anes BOYS' WASH SUIT New York, per suit.. R BOYS 25¢. and The. S--Direct from 5c. to $2.50 B. P. Jenkins Clothing Go. A PENNY SAVED Keep in touch with our, prices and vou will purchases for the table #06 WE CII SVE yOu money pn your and kitchen, BUTTER-Weé are well supplied with the different . grades «ot prices, as follows No. 1 cooking, fresh, made, per Ib. 16¢. and 17c. « No. 1 table, farmers, at 18c. and 19¢c. Creamery, at 22¢. and 25¢. per Ib SATURDAY--We will give spesially reduced prices on Teas, G 1 or Black, also on Moca and sample you 'may return, F. W. VAN 246 Princess St. Java Coffees. lot, if not entirely Try a satisfactory, LUVEN, "Phone 417, TENDERS FOR COAL TE? J the MONDAY the 19th RS WILL BE rsigned up to 12 o'cloc inst. RE ci IVED BY ck noon ou for the supply the Waterworks and Specifications may be dersigned, L. WwW. Kingston, 14th June, the ensuing year. had from the un- SHANNON, City Clerk. 1905. SWIFT'S INSURANCE AGENCY FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, CARCO. Strong reliable Companies only represented LOSSES PROMITLY PAID. LOWEST, RATES on shoved ricks of every descrip Office, Opposite Ontario Pa MEDICAL George F. Dalton B.A, M.D. C.M., M.R. C.S., (England) L. R.C. P., (London). Office and Residence, 64 William Street Telephone 378. L WANTED. A YOUNG SM MAN Soda Water, -- at Wade's Drug Store. TO DISPY GIRLS TO SPLIT MICA, AT KENT Bros Mica Works, foot of Princess Street eerste eee $13,000 ON $30, 000 SECURITY, REAL Estate, 5 or 10 years Apply to J. A. Gardiner, 151 Wellington St. -- EXPERIENCED F dressmaker to Must be reliable. pected and experi Garvin, Sydenham: GENTLEMEN, TO Hiring Suits made rock street, style, fit to blouse] Pressing Promptly -- MEN AND BOYS, TO ing Vagé. We SaBnok Swply Semand inapire Jaen ith: grave doubts as or graduates per day » ECO! g o Russia's erity. Biehl weeks completes course. Earn TURKS S ND HAND STORE The newspapers point out that Ja- i - 308 . . + Togue, dearnl bros. Co. Plums Princess Street. pan % Prime shieets are not to teri: Schools, Cincinnati , Bt. uis, ate the war, but to secure a lasting Mo. Employment. Naruse or AUCTION SALE. peace. Japan is fully prepared to niausided. Five rood Milch Cows will be continue the war, nevertheless, partly TO-LET. SATURDAY, the 17th, at 11 o'clock, in the interests of humanity and part- Raisins 1 are MURRAY,. Auctioneer. Market |}, in deference to the suggestion from Sq 5 FINE op FICE fron to Ty I vom, DWELLINGS FURNI furnished, stores, Cann's p p - Brock eitend Estate. Axor. 1 London, June 16.--A blue book con- "The telegrams from Manchurig do taining the report of the war office | not confirm the alarmist reports tg THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT | committee headed by Lieu.-Gen. Sir | the effect that Gen. Lineviteh is sur- the Corner of Queen and Ontario | William Francis Butler, was issued to- | rounded," says the St. Petersburg cor- man at Lp geotsuried, by Me. Den. day. It fully confirms the forecast | respondent of the Times, "but jt js and outhuiidings. Offers will be re-| cabled, June 2nd, showing that. the evident that the Russiang are with. Hike, for jLirshase, Apply _ to | improper disposal of military stores | drawing from their advanced positions Hie «Ww licitors, King-| o+" (he conclusion of the Sonth Afri- | on both sides of the railway bridge ean war has revealed a huge scandal. | before the flanking movements of the FOR SALE. The report censures a number of of- | Japanese. Tt is feared they may have ficers who are alleged to have workeal | to fall back north on Kuntuland. A PONY CART, ASH GRAINED, In |i collusion with contractors. The lat : fo Segui Avy a 248 ivi: [ter bought _ Stores ut shatelly, Jou China Wants Indemnity. prices anc a terward resol them to soki | 16. The Chine a NEw REAR the military authorities at enormons Pe am, June lh, - he mese govern- brake, $4 WHEEL with NARROW prices. 'The value of the stores invols {ment is urging the powers to [apport this 3 fears best Dunlop Covers, A ed in these transactions is between j her in an endeavor to secure from the Bicyc unson, Toronto. £30.000,000 and $35,000,000, The offic- | belligerent nations a definite under- ers involved all belong to the army standing that she is to be compensat- offices, IRST CLASS take charge of shop State salary ex- ence to Mrs. J GET THEIR w at Galloway's, xt to Bibby's a Oh guaranteed and repairing done LEARN PLUMB- AT 346 KING STREET, newly furnished. . Forrest, 848 King Street, Apply SHED AND LOST. ¢ A BLACK CLOTH CAPE. TUESDAY Princess St. and way of Wellington, = ot Sts. Finder fo Eno, Hardware, Princess morning. Won Cricket, Fisid, . by Kindly retur _ White Duck Hats, 25¢. axen's and bo Be, w Emb Bra duck hats, etc, at Mc- DAILY MEMORANDA, rere. The y Well dressed man unpbell Bros. Hats. ance Committee, 8 p.m Yacht Club Races, 2.80 p.n., Satur- day. Frontenac Liberals, Whig Hall, 1 p.m. Saturday. This day in history :--Laval arrived ut Quebec, 1659. City League aseball, p.m., Saturday. Cricket Field, 2 Confirmation at St, John's church, Portsmouth,, 8 p.m. "The sun rises Saturday at 4.18 p.m and sets at 7.43 p.m Sydenham Street Methodist Flower Sunday, 18th, 11 a.m. Do not shake-the tree of quarrels. fruit falls too §uickly as it is There is always oom at the top, Lut notalways the strength to climb to it. Henderson's Photographic Studio, 90 Its Princess St., is the place you hae been looking for. There are others, of course, --- But who doesn't know That the Nobbiest Hats Come from George Mills & Co It is always the frosty atmosphere that brings the bloom to the cheek of the maiden enjoying a sleigh ride. 4 To plant a hope in'a human heart, To bring a smile to a weary face Where care and sorrow = have left their DECORATED CHINA We have a new and particularly hand- some display of decorai DINNER SETS TOILET SETS They will please you without a doubt, and the prides are very reasonable, ROBERTSON BROS.. By John H. Mills Auction Sale of Household Furaitare of Col. Reade, Under instructions from who is leaving the city the premises Intely occuy Wilkinson Sons, Well MONDAY, June 19th, viz:--Piano, and Brass Beds, Dressing Stands, Double and Single Beds, TEA SETS Col. Reade, I will sell at i M. Iron Cases und Writs ing Desks, Rugs gnd Carpets, Oval and other Mirrors, Extension Table. Dining- Room Sets, Oak Hat Rack, Chipa and Glassware, Oil Cloth, Cutlery, Spring and Mattresses, China Cabinet, Ch fo nier, Pictures. and goods tbo nume to mention. Terms cash. Sale at 10 30 a.m. JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer, Robinson's Tailoring Store A first-class, up-to-date pair of Pa- 1 I tent Leather Shoes, or Tans (your choice), to all persons leaving their measure for a custom suit at Rob inson's Tailoring Store. One of the best stocks in the «ty to choose from, and our long experi ence in the business is a guarantee for UP-TO-DATE TAILORING. Opposite Windsor Hotel, Princess Street PEARSALL'S MILLINERY We To morrow Morning (Satur- day), good bargains in Ladies' Ready-to-Wear and Duck will put on sale some extremely Hats, the New York Sail or and Children's Trim med Hats, It will pay you to call and see them. PEARSALL'S MILLINERY 228 PRINCESS STREET. For the Hot Weather 5 Refrigerators, from 82 to $5 each; Gas Range, Also' Gas Stove, Veranda Chairs, Summer Kitchen Stoves. BRITAIN ACCUSES OFFICERS. Bought "at Low Prices, Sold at Big Profits. E DAILY i BRITIS KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1905. A SENSATION Grand Duke Alesis And Ad- miral Avellan Resign. FORMER IN OFFICE SINCE RUSSIA HAS BEEN FIRST CLASS SEA POWER. Washington Chosen by Belliger- ents as Place for Peace Con- ference--Japan Still Doubts Russia's Sincerity--Will With- draw if She Sees Signs of Bad Faith. Special to the Whig t. Petersburg, he 16.--The s tional announcement was made; short- ly before midnight, that Grand Duke Alexis, the high admiral, who is an uncle of the emperor, and Admiral Avellan, head' of the Russian admir- alty department, had resigned, This announcement was followed a few minutes later by an imperial reseript relieving the grand duke: of the s0- preme direction of the navy, which he had held ever since the days of the emperor's father, Alexander 111., when Russia. resolved to enter ithe Tilfls of first class sea powers' sensa- Washington Chosen. Washington, June 16.---The an-< nouncement that Washington had heen selected for the location of the peace conference came in -the form of an of- ficinl statement issued by Secretary Loeb by direction of the president. The statement follows: "When the two governments were unable upon either Chefoo or Paris, to agree the pre Was Willing t Special to the Whig: er's wife, the same. ren from Hull Faulkner, Faulkner, Bro, Hodgins, gold-headed cane and a pair of glasses for Mrs. high ponse, o TO SAVE THE SHERIFF. FRANK BAKER. was fixed for Jume 16th. convicted of the murder gold Faulkner, secretary made feeling address in Ottawa was chosen as the Spring Death Trap. larkep -------- OFFICERS CHOSEN, read and presented to Bro. 1905 took place and resulted : High chief ranger (hy was of his broth amendments for the high court and the adoption of The chief ranger called the court to order and on hehalf of breth- and Ottawa, nicely worded address to Bro. secretary, former residents of Ottawa, Ottawa, George Mr Faulkner mounted opera The high res next acclamation), ON Tn The Budget Spe Speech Will Be | Delivered. 2 AUTONOMY BILL LIKELY TO BE FINISHED AT EARLY DATE, ; [Monk Will Seek to Dual Language Re Established in the New. Provinces--New Zealand Ready to Extend the Preference. Ottawa, June 16.--It is hoped by the government that the finance wmin- ister may be able to deliver his bud- get speech © on Thursday, next. The Kearney ., June 1(,--Frank Bar. | autonomy bills should be put through j ker. a. Nebiaghtt convict. under sei J 1° house during the seining days tence of death, has expressed a will: al this week and the first of next. ingness to relieve the prison warden |, - py CHE estimuntes pd to of a disa, sable duty by springing Ie ple . te house some ime his. own desth:itrep. The execution next week and the government antici- pates being able to have the session closed by July 10th. It is known that Mr. Fielding will annotmee that a tariff commission will be appointed to meke trade en- fvisien dilfing the summer aud re- bunconscious. The loss on stock will be " wort to the next. session of parlia- heavy. A Present to the High Secretary os nt. The commision will probly ' ---------------- : and Wife. seme L consist of the fingnoe minister, 4.the TO WED "KID" M"COY. Srocial tothe Whig. minister of customs and the minister ---- Gananoque, Ont., June 10.-- The |of inland revenue. A - Widow With a Fine morning session. was mostly taken up | Mr. Larke, the Canadian commercial | i : ; Fortune. with a discussion of the agent in New South Wales, reporting to the trade and commerce depart. ment, quotes Premier Ward, New Zeoa- land, as having expressed his willing: a | ness to enter into negotiations with Canada for a further extemsion of the s. | existing customs preference. The New Zealand first minister believes also a | that a preferential . arrangement can be made between his colony and Aus. tralia. P.D. gs | intention, to move in the commons, an amendment to the autonomy hill, place for high court meetings, al- providing for the reestablishment of though St. Thomas made a strong bid the. dual language in the new pro: for the members' vote, in favor of the | YNO%. : i Railway City. The final vote was 130 D. W. Campbell has notified the for Ottawa and 9 for St. Thomas government that the draft contract The election of high court officers for has been forwarded to the Elder. Dempster company and that the first boat of the Canadian Mexican service will sail from Montreal about Bro, J. A. Stewart, Perth: high vies 20th duly chief ranger, Bro. D.. Allan (elected), 1 rimshy; high secretary. (by secdama- Fonts Bro. Ceorge- Faulkner, -Brant- Breeze. In ay ford; high treasurer. (by acclama-} In the senate Hon. Mr. Cloran cats tion), Bro. Robert: Elliott, Ingersoll ; ed quite a breeze to spring =p b; Pont high auditor (by acclamation), Wil- ferring lo th result of the ye il liam L. Roberts, Horning Mills: high | tions. Ho said that he had tried to registrar (elected), Bro, D. R. Keene | draw attention to the autonomy bill, dy. Montreal: okboutive committee, Put that he had been choked by the y, 2 ; ' > first member, W, D, Carroll, Mont late speaker (Mr. Power.) a real; second member, Bros, C. FE. Brit lon. Mr. Ferguson raised the point CHARLES B. HARRIS, br ~ ax Lop of order that Mr. Tloran was' refer ton, Gananoque: third member, Bro. y . Who sent first news of the great battle " : ring to a previous debate. of the Sea of Japan, has been American | Mark. Mundy, Galt; fourth member, M Speaker, having decided that consul at Nagasaki since 1897. He is an | Bro. C. Laporte, Montreal; fifth mem- | x bireti a well hon. Hon Indianian, and at the time of hisap- fy, : oi ga hie] w objectio a; Wa ote aaed In a: aaah: They, Bro. w. Dearngey, Toronto; high Mr: Cloran said that he would ask ing and farming. During the progress of | chaplain, | Bro. A: P. Vansomerone, the neni of the goverpment. if the present war he is credited with | Winnipeg. 10 mem », gove a 4 having sent most valuable information to they: had received any information his home government about the elections - in London and The Hague, hut both governments have now requested that Washington be chosen as the place of meeting, and the president. has, ac cordingly; formally. been notified by the governments that Washington will be so selected." sident suggested Russian Plenipotentiary. London, June 16.- The that the Russian plenipotentiary the peace conference probably will be Prof. De Martens, of the University of St. Petersburg, the distinguished j consult, and M. Nelidofi, the Russian ambassador ta France. According to Times says to the correspondent, arrangements for an armistice will be made only when the plenipotentiaries meet. Diplomats consider the chances of peace are dis tinetly. strengthened, The correspon- dent adds that he is officially assured that the decision to discuss peace will not be affected by anything the gen- erals in Manchuria do or say. The Times correspondent .at Tokio gays that the proposals to appoint M. Nelitoff, Russia's plenipotentiary for the suggested peace negotiations, and to make Paris the place of meeting, President Roosevelt, enter upon a she is willing to conference, and form Jate demands for justice which the world recognize, reserving, however, the right to withdraw on the first evidence of Russia's bad faith, Service co " > ed for the losses of life and property service corps and pay department EE elie, mad perl Light tan Russia cali Blucher eut subjects ° in Manchuria, during the n | Oxford . for ladies, selling at 31.50 fichting which has been in progress Saturday. The Loekett shoe 'store. there. 50¢c. Tape Girdle corsets, for 35c. a Sp-------------- New York Dress Reform. With the warm weal you gan Armour's tar sopp. Se. cakes. Me | buy cheaper than make your rhu Lead's drag store. barh pre for Saturday. 'W, J. Crawford, Crothers, "Phoné 141. Print butter, 18c. Mrs. Elliot G. Eliott, of the merly of Napanes is, Mrs, Lance Mich, - Wiped Out Special to the Wi Fort Fran serious fire, tl ed damage of t dollars, was « . Albert known, Special to the W Perth, sing incident t day of the conve store, Ont., Ju IN TROLLEY CRASH. y sister-in-law of T Whig, Her aunt, Adams, Ont, orning, an estimat hundred thousand These buildings were and also hy of Sagin SERIOUS FIRE. Many of the Business Houses. a. June 10L--At Given Purse Of Gold. 16.- place on the | ntion of the Catholic |S was | A very plea North Oxford. Hon. Mr. Seott said the govern Serious Accident on New York | ment had not received any official in. Central. formation . : A Hon. Mr. Perley said that he had N , alls v June . hr ' . |] Jagara | 5 : NX... June 1G A been inforowd that banners had been score of people were injured in a co used in the London election hearing lision between a trolley car and a the words "Vote for the king" and New York Central passenger train at |. y io for the pope," and' the pope the Second street crossing last night. | 5 a twitted Senator Domville F. Archer, a Brantford lacrosse play about his cables to the emperor of er, who was on his way to New York, Japan. congratulating him on the was hurt internally. His condition is victories of the Japanese, and ad- serious. Others injured were : . vised him to eahle to the pope and Miss Eanily Drown, No - 10607 Dine | (oll 'him that' in the fight in London stroet, Philadeiphin, spine and chest | (a pope had beaten the king. injured. . = Hon, Mr. Donwille defended his act a Lan Aducng; Saginaw, Mich., | i, in cabling - tho emperor of JA ankles sprained pan, 'and proceeded to give an mn Mrs, Virginia P. Brown, « No. 1907 ance of an occurrence during his Pine strect, Philadelphia, right wrist | wn election contest in King's, N.B., sprained and knee injured, when an image of the Virgin Mary Mrs. G. M. Elliott, No. 494 Euclid | was brought out to fight against him avenue, Toronto, right foot crushed. when he was interrupted by Hon, Mr. Miss Henrietta MaeMarton, Thorn: | Poivier. who demanded that the place dale, Ont., severe injury to head. where this occurred should be named. Mre. W. L. Stillnan, Toronto, back Hon. Mr. Scott suggested thet the injured. question should be = asked pi Vately, Mrs, William Barrett, Toronto, bruis- | and Hon. Mr. Lougheed, having ca ed about the hi od attention to the fact that there -- was nothing before the house, the J. | matter dropped. or ir, Aw, Fossick Gets Five Years. London, June 16.--Alfred lawyer, of Maidenhead, amount of $60,000, to five years' penal judge held that Mrs. Potter had nothing to do with servitude, pricier, maeriaon, 6 "as oo | 0 0 0 Sr rman aling of the trinl that Fossick had Fuesday, June 200, the hig Su¥s. loaned money to Mrs. Potter without Steamer Paves 9 2 En! security. wiped out on Hotel, Holbedk's 11 Yesterday. restaflrant, Breckion's bakery, Strain's ney Baseba AY: Legislator And Journa b : Baker' il h National league--At Pittshfirg, 9; list ather. , shop her's tatlor shop, | oriladeiphi 7. At Chie 10; | Special to the Whig. Scott ii) tore. Fort Frances | Philadelphia, i. At hicago, } I NE 6-Sir Joh A Thy Joni her a) Xoodh: Brooklyn, 4. At St. Lowis, 5; ow Liverpool, June - i John . Hotel, Christ ° e es shop. ouch York, 4. At Cincinnati, 3; Boston, 2. Willox, Droprister, ol he i¥arpoo] chiching Hotel, Wells Nelso Lge A | American league--At Washington, 0; | Courier, and : member of pax iament Bank of Commo en CULE | Cleveland, 2. At Philadelphia, 0; St. | for the Kverton division of Liverpool, store, and Prati : As otal Louis 5M Boston, 0; Detraiy, 5. | died here to-day, insurance wi sho 6 to : LOH. _ loss. The cause of the fire is un xy IeRE0, dr Jeague--At Buffalo, 2. At Newark, 1. At Jersey City, 3; At Baltimore, 4; Toronto, 8. He Dropped Dead. scial 'to the Whie, Ont. ast i Go town Order of For which . met at ge : .. | Snecial to the Whig. Perth, this week, when the provincial [#et man, about fifty: five Fewin of age, Toronto, June 16. Premier Whitney trustee, Rev. J. J. Feeney, was mude |driesed in gray clothes, § registered 4t leaves to-morrow, for Napanee, where the recipient of a well-filled purse of | 8 hotel as Thomas O Donnell, Indian- he remains till Thursday. ? 1 gold by the delegates on the occasion apolis; h i Jropped hd, ck he -- pero gp. i ch lv jubyi street here last n e iV." 18 of his approach silver jubilee. Wiloow's undertaking TOONS Butter And Potatoes. Th 1 t assortment i =mit waiting entifientiop. 5 LTS, ant, the pst fimo he larges ol - » 1 eases and travelling grips in town and - the lowest prices. The Lockett shoe George Mills & Co., New potatoes, :Carnovsky's. For straw hats from 10c. to $3, Have the | Monk has given notice of his | Fossick, Berkshire, ac cused of embezzling trust funds to the has heen sentenced I he James Brown the Providence, 1; 3; Montreal, Rochester, 1. June I-A low ' FISH SEASON OPENS. -- Regulations Regarding Black Bass and Munkin onge. / Special to th % Hroronto, in 16.~The black bass and maskinonge season opens y and continues. till Bebe ay The provincial oa department draws attention to the federal regula- | tions that eight black bass can be caught by one person. in one day and maskinonge twenty-four inches in length whereas the old minimum was thirty inches. SMALLPOX IN IN HOTEL, A Waitress in Lindsay Contracted the Disease. y Snecial to the Whig, Toronto, June If--The provincial board of health received a report to- day of a case of smallpox in a hotel in Lindsay. The patient, a waitress, is | isolated and. the other help of the hotel and a number of other persons have been vaccinated and the house closed pending the arrival of the in- spector of' the department, BROUGHT OUT UNCONS: From Fire in a Rope Company' s Building. Special to the Whig. Auburn, N.Y., June 15.-Firemen are working over a -smouldering fire in the stock of jute and hemp on the third floor of the Columbian Rope company. Over two score of firemen and employees have been brought out © MRS. HOWARD C. BLLIS, Srecial to the Whi N York, a 16.--Mrs, Edward C. Ellis, to wed "Kid" McCoy, the pugilist, is the widow of young Kd. ward (, Ellis, a son of the founder of § the great locomotive works at. Sche- nectady, N.Y. Through her husband's death a few years ago she came into a fortunc estimated at $5,000,000, ° But One Week To Live, Special " the Whie. Montpel ier, t., June 16.~Unless there is an eloventh-hour interference on the part of the ernor, which is regarded gs extremely unlikely, Mrs, Mary Rogers, etl of the murder of her husband, will be hanged one week from to-day in the staté prison. No. visitors are permitted to seo the condemned woman excepting her mo thor and sister und her spiritual ad- viser, She is said to be bearing up well, though the prison officials anti- cipate a breakdown before the fatal day, The scaffold has been erec ted in an unused wing of the prison, Careful tests will be made during the coming week and every precaution taken to prevent any bungling in the execu- tion. Work At Esquimalt Ends. . Victoria, B.C., Juna 16.-The do- mipion government hax ordered the stoppage of work at the Signal Hill fortifications at Fsquimalt, where mountings were almost complete for a battery of 9.2 inch guns to come mand the Straits of San Juan de Fuca for a radius of twelve miles. The guns will not be mounted. First Excursion To Watertown. Do not fail to attend the Old Home leaves Watertown, 6.40 p.m, Only $1. return. Rouvier's Choice. soaciol to the 2. Paris, J Fornwl announce- ment is made that Premier Rouvier has decided to retain the position of minister of foreign affairs. To Visit Napanee. Shirt Waist Suits Gatton Stockings > » ) Ladies' otv ives in large EIT thes, 'We have Stuffed tod Qlives, and Frotich Olives nd HC Sienia Spanish Olives New lag 5 of e3tton wash materials of | & In polka dot' effects, navy and black, with white dots, very Rows ladies' and children's sizes, 4} to 94, prices range team. 36 Yo 3 In an endless variety of new I oral TH Ww Saturday 17th, ment at Are You Fett We h 1 ave fe gh Olives, Queen. Olives Olives Olives Olives Olives lives Olives Olives at at 3S is ity si sq THIS KIND and reapectiully ask YOU Hee Our ex: ; shopping. We make to order every- thing required. = Absolu~ tely correct in style pattern, : 48 Brock St. -- Turkey Settles One Dis; tgnmtipoble, June 16. co-dServian dispute. in violation of the Loti Tome Monastir has heeri settled by missal of the chief of She George Mills & Co., ah Panama hate, $5, $7.50 and ford shoes $1.35 and $1.50 Lockett: shoe! stores Grass butter, fine, 18¢c. Crawford.