Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Jun 1905, p. 8

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INES LATIN, ou "MAPLE LEAF" -\Wines and Liquors | sweet and good. per pound. E. Str. North King Loaves | on Sundays 15 5 anas, al Alexandria Bay and Gananogue. Re fhrning St leaves at 5 p.m. for Y .¥., calling at Bay of Quinte ports. Str. Aletha Lea Kingston daily except S dak s gh, 0 ha for Picton and intarmediati Quinte ports, calling at Deseron- to and Ralisville on © Tuesdays, Thurs information ftom J. P. Hanley, J. ildersieeve, Jas. Swift & Co. EB. HORSEY. Trafic Manager. PPP 000000 Save 30c. ~ A TON ON YOUR COAL. : : Swift's § Scranton § Coal For. this month at a discount of joc. a ton. CAN WE TALKTOYOuU? & RE BEST 'GANNED SALMON packs In our large and new assorted stock of Ales, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, we think that we have everything to meet the demand. We guarantee entire satisfaction as to prices and quality. Agent for the well known 'De. spatch'" Scotch Whiskey. JAS. McPARLAND and 341 King St. "hone 274. Look at the Cream "On our . first delivery Milk bottles. The second delivery is just as good, only the Cream is not yet raised. Our Creamery Butter is always ed Kingston Mitk Depot CARRIAGES and BUGGIES FOR SALE 1 Kensingtom, second-hand, in good order; 1 Makedo, second- hand; 1 Phaeton; gon; also new Top Buggies, Runabouts with rubber tires; also a few sets of Harness loft. Call and see for yourself. Beware! ot _Jee Cream. We the best the city for 45c. ee Tara) . Tea Cream served with Crushed Fruits, also Ice Cream Soda, 5c. a glass. : Full line Candies from 10c. to 50c. Ganong's and Lowney's Chocolates from 10c. to 78¢. per box. whose ears 'were familiar with the plause of sors a heard § Condpeation and merit are not thus farewell is as touching in the as sembly as reminiscence and greeting. OF the moderator to begin with it would now be altogether demooratio, and his con- duct in the chair has savored of the same. During the ordinary sederunts some of the best speeches by Principal Gordon on thé Queen's subject, Dr. Du Val in reply to the Methodist deputation, Principal Pat- rick, and President Forrest on the un- ion. At the evening meetings, Dr. John addrese of the assembly. It was on our Sabbath schools. There has been no "lion" of the qccasion. however, began to manifest itself of a certain stiffness in the procedure. Ope ond the reception of a report or mo- tion, and thus in a small circle the business is passed around. This may laid by the House of Commons, but it gets monotonous in a meeting where freedom is dearly beloved. The clerical scribes who have been distributing copy over the land Scott of Perth, for Montreal papers, Seott of Montreal for the Record, P. Macdonald of Toronto, for Halifax, Br. McCrae for London Advertiser. B. Robinson (elder) 'of Ottawa for the Dominion Presbyterian, Murray for Halifax Witness, and MacGregor for the Presbyterian, Grant (Knoxonian) was also present, but usually lets the inspiration simmer for a week ere'he writes for sketchy style. J. M. Duncan was also here and will give some word pictures of the assembly to the Preshyterian, in his the children in "Fast and West." It has not been what one would call a "rousing" meeting. Its eloquence will rather be found in its deeds than words. From ocean to ocean as the moderator said in dosing, the idea has been "Forward." Two new. Pres byteries have been formed; two special agents appointed; a half dozen chairs in theology provided for a dozen min- isters from other churches admitted in our numbers; a church service societv organized, and long conferences held by the leading committees of the as- sembly. As a rule only a review was seen upon the platform, whereas the battle royal took place in the various dass-rooms of the college. In fact many of our leaders spent practically the whole time in' these meetings aside. It is difficult to get committees together owing to the extent of -the church, hence they run "full time" during the rush. Any corporation would be proud of such men. Those who have met the men now holding the points all along the line gladly admit that neither our financial nor legislative bodies can compare with them, A lady asked, who is the minister at B--, stating at the same time that her son had just been appointed ito a good position there, Ams --------E----E----T-------- SEE Pain in the Back FICIAL EFPECTS OF BU-J0. A Young's Point couple find Bu-Ju, with many others who have oC tried this remedy, they find it highly beneficial for pain in the back and rheumatism. hese complaints are due to disordered kidneys. Bu-Ju, the Kidney Pill, heals diseased kid- neys and strengthens weak kidneys. Mrs, A. C. Kidd, of Young's Point, Quebee, writes : Claflin Chemical Co., Windsor, Ont. : Gentlemen, Have tried your "Bu- Ju' Kidney Pills and found them very beneficial for rheumatism and pain in the back. They are certainly a bless- ing: My husband is also receiving great benefit from Bu-Ju. He has had great pain in the small of his back, but is so much better now. ' MRS. A. C_ KIDD, Young's Point, P.Q. The beneficial effects of this scienti- fically prepared specific for any and all ailments, have only to become to be appreciated. Prudence would suggest a trial of this highly successful preparation whenever there are any signs that the kidneys are mot doing their appointed work properly, Bu-Ju, the Kidney Pill, is sold by druggists generally. 1f unable to Morin in your locality, write The Claflin Limited, Windsor, Ont., T; Petters & Co. [i E Street. "Phone 840. i will tell vou where to get them. classes of the sixties and seventies, as well as those of recent years, For words on the rughy line are not al ways "forwords" in the public eve of the church, vet they have mot shifted from their old honors in the affections of their class mates. And prize men ap ud students and profes- triumphs, have of the same since they have gone into a world where ability always recognized, will be adjudged that he was a fair, 1 judicial i . Had mr a yo pdicia) shalman. ud he | loose. John extricated one. but among the leaders at | Dove found the gthaeidnowned. before the bar or upon the bench, as master | Dk came, well ! Sal of ceremonies, however, his ideas are | Prother. never sever mind. were made | Neil possibly gave the most popular | A feeling, | friend calls upon another friend to sec | expedite business and be along the line | are | SIGNIFICANT TESTIMONY TO THE BENE- the Kidney Pill, a great blessing. In | disorders of _ the kidneys, which lead to rheumatism, neuralgia, diabetes, Bright's disease, and other d us | own | shoe, oul and were furnished tations from the fathers and brothers of their western parishioners. Last year ono man had a gift of 2500 in his pocket to eross the ocean to visit Scotland. These are tokens of a high ing. Many other worthy men have no tangible proof of appreciation, for the church in all ages has been characterized by sacri: fice. The best things also were pot told upon the platform, but as old friends walked arm in arm among the delightful parks of the city, or up and down the long corridors during a long sederunt. ".ast night as three men so spent the time a good story was told of two brothers, both born in the Orkneys, but educated at Mani- toba College and settled in the west. It was in the spring and John and Dave were driving ir span to as- sist a brother munister beyond a cer- | tain river. Secotchmanlike cross it | they "would, though it was a rushing | torrent. Their horses ani buggy be: came involved in Some stacks and the | men had to swims around to cut or drowned before Lil | swimy out with this ome, and vou just bring the. bu * Dave, however, | did not take fo the invitation. ' He was already fagged out and cold, so | John shook himy mp, sent him back | with 'the horse while he swam across | the stream to Keep appointment with | his neighbor. This 'sounds "fishy," | but to those who Know the men will accept the statement as fact. In poli- | tical matters Jobm was enually for- midable, being a liberal, like many of his countrymen. Om one occasion he was eagerly convassed. "Yes! yes ! | was his invariable mse, and it was the last word of the interview. But if any one i that his political faith was shaken, he was a stranger. "Yes! yes!" to Jobm's friends, means a deal. Another related am experience of | ten years ago in a mining camp. It | was the first night in town. room was at the only hotel, and had to be shared with several other men. A dance was on at. the samo place. The minister received a' pressing in- vitation from his hostess to attend "the ball" and in fact as an introdue- tion to the people of the place, took him arbund and made him ae | nuainted with everybody assembled | for the party. He went through the | ordeal in the best mammer possible, {and also conducted himself at the | swell event &s best he could. It was | rather embarrassing, however, to one | sent on such a mission to the moun- | tains. . A rather amusing ificident occurred | about the same time to a man in | another charge. As an attraction to | the evening service a music box was loaned by an obliging miner. It did | its work well in place of an organ | prelude. But during the sermon, by | some mistake, went bd and the | selection 'was yin "with the thought of the discourse. Noth ing, however, can throw the mission- ary off his base, so the machine was | allowed to run, and the address to i clude. ee may be repeated for the benefit | of the medical profession, whose eyes | may 'glance at these column. A very | reverend father had a serious illness | lately, during which he was put on | the liquid diet. To an old "'oatmeal- 'er" this was very amusing and seem- | ingly unreasonable. He pleaded for | solid food. It was at length granted | and thankfully appreciated. "Let us | return thanks," said he, and the fa: mily at once began the renewal of a | pious duty, which had been for weeks | intercepted. We can remember our: | selves of the old boat still called | "Knox" by Prof. Murison, the founder | of the mission. Then also pay. our kind | regards to "Billy," the broncho, | whose weekly trip of 100 miles, was first begun by W. H. Grant, now mis- | sionary in China. It is something to | make a man think and live; to recall | how A. J. McLeod, late principal of | Regina Indian school walked the "ties" seventeen miles to keep an ap pointment, and Paton sold his horse to buy shingles for the new church, and the wife of one of our ministers made a Christmas dinner, with its | cranberry sauce and plum pudding to | the men of the mission away from home. No wonder the church is going { forward. But as it was said of an old soldier who lost an eye in battle : "May he never see poverty with the other." So may these men and wo- men who are so sacrificing never feel | ingratitude. 3 This assembly has been a blessing in every sense. To be entertained £0 | comfortably and kindly by the homes | of Kingston is enough to impress the | heart with the worth of the city, as | the eye has been with its manifold | beauties.1f the "hearing" was not {good in Grant Hall the ventilation | atoned in full measure. But above all | the work accomplished was truly the making of history. On Wednesday night many waited to see the end. Those who have run awav from the close of assemblies do not know how touching is the final act. During the évening Dr. McLeod, of | Barrie, whose striking presence and | personality have been 5 feature in the | meetings, made the chief speech. By ! the way, his face is of the same strong | Scotch mould as that of the late | Principal Machar, whose portrait adorns Convocation Hall. Then the | moderator spoke out his heart, calling | finally Dr. Wardrobe, a dear old | Queen's man, to lead in prayer. We | sang "Peace Be Within Thy Walls, and Prosperity Within Thy Palaces." and | then were dismissed, and another as- | sembly ordered for London in 1906. The Pain Must Go. am, ded i | di er Smith's ite Limi ment has ied. It quickly on TP hg pri draws away the soreness, and gives relief as if by magic. Get it to-day, and have it handy. Costs but 25c., only at Wade's, ° A few ladies' Oxford shoes, rather narrow but just the thing for a house ly 35¢. a pair at Abernethy's. NEWS OF CHURCHES ly = THE VARIOUS DOINGS IN THE Items That Will Interest the Church-going Public Gleaned From Many Fields--A District Wiped Out. A Wesley memorial chapel to cost $MW500, is to be erected at Kings. wood, i Rev. i. J. Smith lately planted Christian Endeavor work in Madeira, organizing 'a society at Funchal. The induction of "Rev. W. Peck into the pastorate of St. Andrew's church, Arnprior, has been fixed for Tuesday. General Booth has concluded his New Zealand campaign. In twenty-two days €00 persons have professed ocon- version, St. Andrew's congregation of Hunts- ville, has called Rev. G. B. McLennan, St. Thomas, offering a salary of £800 and ménse, : A religious revival has broken out among the Welsh churches in Pata- gonia, and also iz Khassia Hills, As- sam, India. . -- ee RIGHT REV. A. F. SCHINNER. Chosen first bishop of the new Roman Catholic diocese whose. see. city is to be Superior, Wis. Fhe new bishop is at pre- sent vicar-general of. the Milwaukee arch- diocese. His consecration as bishop of Superior is expected to take place within a few weeks. Rev. Wiliam Hipkin was formally inducted as pastor of Trinity Con- gregational church, Bowmanville, on Tuesday evening. The work of the Salvation Army in the United States during five weeks lately) was wonderful, 10,641 persons be ing converted. Rev. Dr. Charles A. Crane, of Bos ton, after careful enquiry, has come to the conclusion that there are about HO different kinds of religion in that city. Genoral Booth has appointed this week as a week of prayer among the Salvation Army throughout the world for the cessation of war between Rus sia and Japan. Rev. Hugh Black, of Edinburgh, Scotland, is to come to the United States this conting fall, to remain one year and perhaps permanently. He is to fill the graduate chair of homiletics in Union Theological Seminary. Since the terrible persecutions in 1900 it might safely be estimated that 50.000 souls had been added to the church in China, whilst the circula- tion of the Scriptures for last vear reached the number of 2,306,44¢. A Christian from the London Missi onary Soviety's College at Tientsin, China, who is now studying in the Im perial University at Pekin, has started a Thursday evening prayer meeting in the university. He thus brings togeth er seven Christian students of the uni versijpw The United Free Church of Scotland has just come in for a windfall in the shape of a legacy of $5,000, left hy the late John Gilmour, of Helensburgh partly to the augmentation fund and partly to the aged and infirm minis- ters' fund. | By action of the Bay of Quinte Me- thodist conference, the Tamworth dis trict - disappears from the minutes With the exception of Flinton and Cloyne missions, joined to Madoe dis trict, the old Tamworth district js incorporated with the Napanee dis trict. 'West Huntingdon circuit is taken from Madoc district, and join ed to Belleville district. Report comes of a great religious awakening in Christiania, Norway. A voung evangelist, Albert Lunde, who has been working among the Norse and Danish people, having secured the consent and support of the bishop, is now_preaching in the city of Chris tiania in the greatest hall in the whole kingdom to thousands of people of all classes, Arrangemente are going forward for a monster church conference to be held in New. York during the coming au- tumn. The conference will represent cichteen millions of American Evan- gelical Christians. It will not seek to bring about union, but will discuss topics of pressing national interest. "No religious body in the world does so little for the support of their clergy as the members of the Church of England." The speaker was the Bishop of Newcastle, preaching on be- half of the Clergy Orphan Corvora- tion. His lorship expressed his opinion that no class of workmen in England was so poorly paid as were the clergy. The Young Men's Christian Associa- tion in the United States, has gained as manv members in the last five vears as in the previous forty-seven, increns- ing its boys' department from 19.000 to over 50,000. There are 472 college associations and 47,000 members; 130, 000 men in the physical department. and 520,000 workers in shops attend- ed the noon-day Bible classes during the year. Three, years agoe a Mohammedan merchant of that Islamic centre of ex- clusiveness of the Soudan. Timbuctu, was trading at Bathurst and was giv- en a card bearing a Scripture text in Arabic. The next vear be came and ask- ed for a book from which "that wond. erful text" was taken, bought a Bihle and took it with him. The thin vear he returned again and hought eighteen Mibles for friends of his who wanted My acceptance of a ease fo, equivilent to a cure, because I for reatment is Lurable cuses. Ain Satisfied to receive 1. Foney the value I have given ti, pati he Fe A De B er th : shou ld 1 to cure the Cats or the fea, mothing, while when I cure fi, | ot given what Is worth much more the, o.' k, ory Besiven hin bis hewith again, | -- 1 t ii the Unites States w Basing sufictent contidcncs in his ability NOT ONE DOLLAR NCED BE PAID UNTIL "There is 10 guess work, no experin,. .« method, I nnn Known' expert |. he: « ies, and offer you the best a best treatment. When your life ol rh - se Nr ast e disease itsel) 3 and certificates from the various colleges an 1 I Have 14 Diplomas medical examiners which should bo sufficient ise parda of iY standing and abilities. It makes no difference who has failed to cure you. |g.) \° advantage to get my opinion of your case £-e0 of char, Spd PHYSICAL DEBILITY The Latest Method Treatment is a heaven-sent boon to nervous sufferers. There scores and of suffering froin severe nervous disord rs resultin CURED bout ga, Di and certi- ho wants plana 3 that he ATA. ) rry, worry, business ayd domestic cares, bereaveinens dissipa ro them life is one continual round of misery, while peace, comfort ani happiness are j pos sible. They suffer trom hendaehe, loss of memory, mental depressio: strange sensati i. dullness, dizziness. restlessnes: irritability, constant indescribable fear. {re ' sleeplessness. weakness, trembling. heart palpitation. cold limbs, utter fatigue a) haustion. In this class o ig cases almost. finmediate refi: fis afforded by ny treaty hue of Daredties and p stupefying drugs is done away with, and pe rinaneng 1 Curé Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stricture, Early Decay and Waste of Power, All Nervous, Chronic, Blood and Skin Diseases. X RAY EXAMINATION, ADVICE AND CONSULTATION FREE HOME TREATMENT If are in or near the city should apply for treatment in pe ut | live ge away, write me a ful and reso history of your orn, it 1f you ¢eiveas careful. conscientious and painstaking attention ss if you were in my of As men in different parts of Canada and Mexico, #8 well as uli over the Unig are being cured by iny system of home treatment. I feel fully justified in claim and sa gystem ever devised. All physicians comi ) mé for consultation over obstinate cases which they are occasionally called upon to treat wil} asual courtesies cf the profession. Medicines for An patients shipped Wi , Ont., all duty and transportation prepaid,» DR. GOLDBERG, 208 Wdogward ave, " h J Suite'?S Oetroit, Mich. Friends of Your Feet! Now, sir, don't your feet deserve to be made cm- fortable the coming sultry, summer months ? It will take a pair of cool, comfortable and stylish "Sunimer Oxfords" to do it. Oxfords in Patent Colt, Tan Russian Calf and Velour Calf. New ideas for this season, all shapes, all toes, all styles, are here. Every man in town this summer will have on a pair of Oxfords. $3.50 to $5. 5 Get Yours Now ! J. H. Sutherland & Bro. COUNTESS SPOTTISWOODE FACKIN DUCHESS ROCHEFOUCAULD for the sale of Bibles in Timbuctu by SEIZED DRESSES. a British Bible Society. : The first self-supporting Protestant congregation in the Philippines is the Presbyterian church at Hoilo, whose neat chapel building, costing about £300, is the gift of the First Preshy- terian church of Yonkers, New York state. The church was started in 1900 as a = mission hy the Preshyterian hoard, and has just voted to eleot church officers and call a pastor. The An Episode the Outgrow! a Feud. Special to the Whig. . Paris, June 17. The Countes tiswoode-Mackin, a titled 'An has seized thirty dresses belon the Duchess: of Rochefoucauld daughter of Senator Mitchell, gon. This is the outgrowth of Presbyterians also conduct services for | ter feud that has existed between tf the Chinese in that town, and the two women for some time. It members of the congregation of that [ started over the lease by the Du natibnalvtyl have already subserived {of Countess Mackin's handsome a enough money to send one of their | ments, in the Rue Auguste Vacquiri Young men to Amoy, China, to study, | The duchess wanted certain repal " for the ministry. * made, but the countess did not Hk ---------- them. Thereupon the duchess Son - Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia, | suite of rooms at an Xp dared and too hearty cating, is relieved at [and told the proprietor to latter once by taking one. of Carter's Little | the bill to the countess. The tart Liver Pills immediately after dinner. | refiised to settle and thercupon Te ed a feud, which has enlivened Pert Don't forget this, "ticular society: for some time, and partici Men's canvas shoes, all prices at them, Now an office is to be opened : Abernethy's. ly the American colony. Contains. more nourishment than beef, eggs or milk d is more easily ¥ es all the nutriment in "Send for the "Vital Qu CANADIAN ED WHI ] 'Toronto Off Fish ; gman's Outfit 'This Splendid High GradeOutfit consists of a hexa 1 stock six strips ilyglued and nicely finished, very closely silk wrapped, solid metal reel seat. All mountings are full Peavy nickel plated. Cork for: bag. One fine qual fy Multiplying Reel, foll nickel is Line. wo dozen ,split shot for Sinkers for Bass fishing. Six wssorted styles bass and trout flies. One six i y ed ny kl hated with swivel hooks, nicely feathered float. This outfit would ciffinarily cost at retail We will send itto you for §3.00 with the- $ erstanding, that If you are not satisfied have ox Our Special Price ir expense and we will refund your money. = amon. T, W, BOYD & SON 1683 Notre Dame St. MONTREAL xis. Money rst order of more, BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE MAGIC BAKING POWDER Smns-- It is Pure, Wi and Economical SOLD.IN ALL SIZES. EW.GILLETT Spire TORONTO, ONT. No Breakfast Table complete without EPPS An admirable food, with al its natural. qualities intact fitted to build up and maintai robust health, and to resis winter's extreme cold. It i a valuable diet for children COCOA The Most Nutritious and Beonomical. Gel the Doctor Quick! When accidents ha; in the home quickly get she bottle of Pood's Ex- tract --tAe old family doctor, Al Ady --always sure, at any time. day or night. A bettie on the medic, ehelf is like having. a dector in t! house, racks the body + Watery, worthless ; ~Lsct Is pure, powerful, QUICKLY CURE CONSTIPATION. +. NEADACH STOMACH TROUBL 2 Geenrs. . ALL DRUGGISTS . WELLS §RICNARDSON CD.

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