Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jun 1905, p. 3

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~The very latest and preparation for wool, cotton, silk or feath- ors. One Package does all --not like the old way wheres you required a different dye for each class of goods Made by the same people who made Diamond Dyes --Ssame size, same Price only better. Try them the next time you want to do any coloring, The "Best" Drug Store, 124 Princess Street, Quick Delivery. best dyein 'Phone 59 KIDNEY -WORT / TABLETS 4 A GUARANTEED CURE FOR BRIGHTS DISEASE, DIABETES LAT BLADDER TROUBLES yy ah PUGgist Ad For Table and Kitchen. GEREBOS + SALT Contains the Wheat Phosphates (Absent from White Bread) which are necessary to give strength to the food and vigour to the body. W.IOLE3ALE AGENTS Geo. Robertson & Sons KINGSTON. Something Cool To Wear We have it and at a correct price too or instance': -- Negligee Shirts ) dozen Men's Fancy Negligee S 5 variety of th ry 5, 'stiff or soft fro to 164, regular price Wednesday special and 79c. 'or the Ladies : Muslin Waists sample lot of White Muslin Waists, in a varicty of the very latest makes, no two alike, and marked to clear at one-third off the regular price, 50¢c. to $3 each, ' Infants' Sox big variety of Light Weight Sox for Infants' wear, tan, all sizes dan Cotton Hose Cotton Hosa for colors. » £ fac ¢ shipment of Tan Ladies and Children Ladies' sizes, 15¢. a pair Children's sizes 10c. a pair « Whitéwear »' the line of Whitewear we have Very Dainty Corset Co and up, also Gowns, Drawers at reasonable p bwman & Shaw d ups : : We NOW. - 4 Is a gcod time to buy your WINTER COAL! There's a Saving! JAMES SWIFT & C0. Telephon» i' 5. | | | | PLOPP00006000000004 | 3 Return tickets will be issued Gt SIRGLE FIRST - GLASS FARE Friday, Saturday, Sunday alsa June 30th, July 1st, 21d, ad 05. i ; /alid returning from destination on of nay, July 4th, 1905. Homeseekers™ Excursion Tickels WILL BE ISSUED TO MANITOBA AND THE CANA- DIAN 'NORTH-WEST. Going. June 27th. Returning Aug. 28th. Going July 15th. Returning Sept. 16th For further particulars, tickets and all other information apply to J. P. HANLEY, Vity Passenger Agent. J 3rd. 2 KincsTong PEMBROKE R 4%) WwW AY i. INCORNEGFION Wit : CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. SINGLE FARE Dominion Day Going; June ~80, July ist, and 8rd. Returning until July 4th, 1905. ---- Centennial Exposition Portland, Oregon June 15t to October 15th, 1905. Round Trip Fare $75.30 FROM KINGSTON Tickets-n sale daily, and valid to re- turn within-9e : days from "date of sale ; put not:latér than Novembér 30th, 1005, Homeseekers® Excursions to Manitoba and tie Canadian North-West. J une th and July 1 . Full particulars at nd C.P. H. Picket office, Ontario Stre PF. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR. Gen, - Pass. Agent. Gen. Supt . . . Bay of Quinte Railway Ni¥ abhor ine fer Tweed. 'Ndpdries, Deséronto, and all local points, Trains jeave City Hall Depot at 8:35 pa. FP CONWAY, Avent BQ. Ry. Klagsten & UEBEE STEAMSHIP SOMEANY River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Sammer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw. Iron SS. "Campana," 1700, ton with electric lights, electrie bells and all modern comfort. Sails from Montreal Mondays, 2 p.m. Ard, 17th and 81st July; 14th and 28th August; 1ith and 25th September, for Pictou, N.S. ealling at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, Cape Cove, Grand River, Summerside, JI, and Char- Tottetown, PEI. e---- . Sugifier Excursions, $35 and upwards, bv the hew Twin Screw SS. "'Bermud- fan."" 5,500 tons. Sailing fortnightly from New York, from 7th June to 11th October. Témperature cooled by sea breezes seldom rises above. 80 degrecs. Princess Hotel open the year round. The finest trips of the season health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. for For tickéts and staterooms apply to J P. Hi . P. GILDER- Kingston, BY, or J. Ticket Agents, int. Daily Line Tw Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Islands, Brockville, Prescott and Montreal. Steimors KINGSTON & TORONTO LEAVE KINGSTON : Sova EAST--Daily, except Monday, at.6 OING WEST--Daily, except Monday, at 5 p.m. The New Steamer "MONTREAL" IS now running between Montreal and Quebec, leaving Montreal on the even dates in June and July and leaving Quebec on the alternate dates. Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line. GOING EAST, Wednesdays and Fri- ays and Sundays, at 4.30 p.m. GOING WEST, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 11.80 p.n. J. P, HANLEY, J. SWIFT & CO Ticket Agent Freight Agents. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co. , Limited. 1000 Blands-- Rochester Taking Effect June 24th Strs. North King and Caspian Leave Kingston daily, except Monday, At 10.15 a.m., for Thousand Islands, calling at Alexandria Bay and Ganano- que. Returning steamert leave at pb n., for Rochester, N.Y. ICton, Deseronto, Belleville liediate Bay of Quinte ports. STR. ALETHA Leaves Kingston Mon- days at § p.m., for Picton and interyed- late Bay of Quinte ports. 3} Full information from J. P. Hanley, J. R, Gildersieeve, Jas. Swit & Co. wen 8. E. E. HORSEY, Trafic Manager: LIVERPOOL and LLAN LINE LONDONDERRY Royal Mall Steamers. pi From Montreal. From Quebec. Virginian, June 23, 8 a.m. . 6 p.m. Tunisian," June 80; 8 a.m. June 30, 2 p.m. Victorian, July 7, 8 a.m July RATES OF PASSAGK--First Cabin, $75 and upwards, according to steamer ! de Liverpool and London- $45 and $47.50 accond- 3 r, London $2.50 oxtra Third Class, $27.50-- Virginian, Victor- MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRMCT. Corinthian ... Wed. June 21, (daylight.) MONTREAL TQ LONDON & HAVRE. Sarmatian .... Sat. June 24, (daylight.) NEW YORK TO GLASGUW. Numidian Thurs. June 22. 2 p.m. poe: HANLEY, Agent, G.T.R. City RTT P. GILDER- calling at and inter- BE. Clarenca Streat. Architect Dillon, Brockville, is' Paring plans for church at Napance, pre a new Methodist Grow. There has never been a cracker made in Canada that 'won friends like Mooney"s Perfection Cream Sodas They have made the nation | cracker hungry ; made us 'double the size of our factory { the first year, and made every- body think of MOONEY'S PERFECTION CREAM {site STANDARD article READY FOR USE IN ANY QUANTITY. For making aoap, softening water, removing old paint, disinfecting sin¥s, closets, drains and for many other purposes. A cad ® ls 20 pounds SAL SODA. SOLD EVERYWHERE. TORONTO.ONT. THE FRONTEYAC LOAN & INV: STMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISHED 1863.) President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on Properties. Municipal Debentutes. Mortgages arc Deposits received and interest allowed S. C.'MeGill, Managing Director. Office, 97 Clarence Strest. Kinghton. ' ss MAPLE LEAF 7%, CANNED SALMON pack City and Farm and, County hased -- EE EE adi NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, second floor over Mahood's drug store, corner ; Princess and Bagot streets. knterance om ot street. Telephope 608. ARTHUR . ELLIS ARCHITECT, OF; fic site of New Drill Hall, near cor- ner of Queen and Montreal Streets. POWER & SON ARCHITECT, MER- chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone 213. 1IENRY P. etc. Anchor Square 'Phone MONEY AND BUSINESS, LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire surance Company. Available assets $61,187,815. In addition to which the policy holders have for securitv. the .unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and city property insured at lowest poskible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. SMITH, ARCHITECT, Building, Market M5. PUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON buildings and contents than any otn- er company offers, kxamine them at Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark- #* Sauare, EDUCATIONAL. MUSIC! MUSIC! MISS BLYTH FORMERLY OF WATERTOWN, N.Y. will open a_ studio for music at her homer 140 Union St.. on May 11th. A limited nuwinher of pupils desired, Call Thurs days. SUMMER SESSION For Teachers and others during July and August KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE LIMITED Head of Queen St., Kingston, Ont. All commercial subjects taught. Students adgrtted at any time. Expert professional teachers in charge. Write for catalogue and terms. . B. McKAY, H, F. METCALFE, President. Principal. SUMMER TERM DURING JULY FOR , Teachers and Senior Students Aes KINGSTON, ONT. Accounting, Shorthand, Typewritirg, Penmanship, efc. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE WIL SHAW, T. N. STOCKDALE, President. Principal. BARRIE AND CLERGY STREETS. Mrs. R. J, Carson's young peoples' dance on Saturday evening was a very jolly affair. The . guests wisely were asked to come early, and equally wisely did so. About fifty were present and the evening was thoroughly en- joyed by all from L#ginnifig to end. The house upstairs und down was fragrant with sweet peas, and looked very pretty. Supper was served in a marquee on the lawn, flags and lant: erns decorating it. Here Miss Spang enberg poured ocqfiee, and Mrs. Wade cut ices, the young men - waiting on the girls. Among those present, were, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Jessi Smith, Miss Gladys Hale, Sherbrooke ; Miss Gladys Grant and Miss Peterson, of Goderich; Miss Norah Gordon, witle Miss 'Toller of Ottawa: and Miss Stew art of Whirl Miss Lillian Kent, Miss V a Mundell, Miss Jessie Me- Capfi, Miss Mildred Cooke, Miss Kath< ih White, Hamjlton; Miss Marion Iogslie, Miss Grace Hémming, M Julia Horsey, Miss Amy' Campbell, Miss Ethel Mudie, and Miss Margaret Mudie, Miss Irene Swift, Miss Grace Murphy of London, Miss Etta Ward, Miss McIntyre, and Miss Florenoe Mc- Intyre of Memphis, Tenn. Miss Tot. Taylor, Miss Aileen Rogers, Miss Eva Rog¥rs, and Miss Bradburh of Peief boro, a goodly sprinkling of cadets, and a number of the younger dancing men-n town, . » - - ' The tea given on Saturday, by Miss Bessie fiordon, and 'Mise Norah Gor don, who were hostesses in the -' al- sence 'from town of Mrs, Gordon, was p very delightful affair. Colonel! Gor fort was good enough to recéive with his daughters; and contriblited ve ry greatly to everyone's pleasire during the afternoon. The large list of guests indluded no married people," but the many girls in town helped to. swell it materially, Mrs. Macnee poured coffee, Mrs. © Young making 'the tea, Miss Rutherford and Mrs, Arthug Clnning- ham serving lemonade and cutting ices, The men present,--and there was a large attendance of military men and civilians passed refreshménts. The pretty house, which'is so well adapted for a large function, was most artisti cally decorated with lilacs, sweet peas, pink honey-suckle, and the other flow ers of 'the season, and the afternoon wore on very elose to dinner time he- fore the guests managed to 'tear them selves away from the pleasant sur roundings and pleasant people. o Ts ren» Mes. -Osler's young peoples' dance last night was very gay and bright, and made a delightful beginning for this gay week, The house was decorat- ed' with pink peonies and pink carna- tions, and looked extremely pretty. Among' those present were Mrs. Platt, who is staying with Mrs. Brownfield, Miss Mabel and Mise Dorothy Brown- Feld; Miss Kdith "ahd © Misd Gladys Drury, Miss Marion Redden, Miss Jes- Smith, Miss Constance Tandy, Miss Rutherford, Miss Bessie Gordon, and her visitors, Miss Stewart and Miss Toller, Miss Gladys Crant, and Miss Peterson, some of the wwn wen, and a number of cadets, . » . * Mrs. Arthur" Cunningham is - enter taining at tea this afternoon. Mrs. Gearge Richardson has asked some young people to tea this after noon in honor, of the home-comitg of her son, Mr, George Richardson. Mrs. Knight, Alice street, omtertain ed. some of the eollege prople at a very informal tea on Saturday after noon. Mrs, Ward entertained at a "veran- dah" tea for some of the cadets and the younger set, the first of the week. - . .. Mrs, Walter Fleming entertained a few friends informally at the tea hour on Friday afternoon for her sister, Mrs. Strange of Kingston. Colonel Gordon gave a supper Sun- day night, in honor gf the cadets, and some of the younger girls, Mrs. Brownfield will entertain at tea on Wednesday in honor of the visiting girls, Mrs. Kent gave a little supper par- tv on Sunday in honor of Miss Ruth- erford. . . » live Miss Tnnes and Misd who are at present in Kingston are the niece and grandniece of Lady French, wife of General French, so well known in Kisgston and in Canada. It was General French who formed "A; battery and who was in charge of the Red River expedition. Both Miss Innes and her niece intend going up to Belleville this' week, and the former will pay a short vigit there, Miss Rose Innes will be in town for the summer, . Rose Tnnes, * -. . Judge and Mrs. McDonald, of Brock- ville, are guests at "Bishopstourt." Mr. Raymond Forneti, of Montreal, i« spending his holidave with his father, the Rev. R. 8. Forneri. Mr. Hubert Oshorpe's friends in town, and they are very many, will not be surprised. but will be very pleased to hear that the Toronto peo- ple have been delighted with his act. ine in "As You Liké 11." iy which he takes the part of William. In "Two Gentlemen of Verona," his work also received hich praise, Mrs. H. B. Sherwood. came down 'Ozone Solution' Special Offer. There is just one way by which vou can get a package of "Celery King" free with a hottle of "Ozone." That is ask vour drugeist for "Solution of Ozone (the coupon kind)". Each bottle of this contains a coupon for which we send vou a twenty-five cont . age of "Celery Kine." Never take "Ozone" without "Celery King" if vou want the best results. We are' putting coupons in "Ozone" good for "Celery King" becanse no other dealer or firm in the world has the right to mam: facture "Celery King' but ourselves and no other remedy in the world will give such good results. "Ozone? Killa the inside germs and 'Celery King" is a tonic laxative. Ask vour druggist for "Solution of ; Ozone Tithe counor kind)" manufactur ed by the Public Drug company, Bridgeburg, Ont. EE TE------------ G: A. BATEMAN ISSUER OF MARRIAGE TICENSES, PE 20d AEE INSURANCE i Oinrance street. G ARDINER'S FOR REAL ESTATE OR INSURANCE Consult with Geo. CHE before buying at 05 'Clarence s IF YOUWANT A HOME A NCE, Have a Talk With GEORGE ZEIGLER, SepiEmase , 87 Bock Sin George F. Dalton B.A, M.D, C.M., M.R.C.S., (England) | Xe RVC. Pi, (Lohdon). Office and Residence, 64 William Steoet Tele none 898. . MAXIM'S MAXIM, 5 -- Modest Claims Often Carry More Conviction "Than Loud Boasts. When Maxi, © 'the famous inventor, placed his gin before , committee of judges, 'he stated its sarrying power to be condiderably LeTiw what he felt sure the gut'Would jceGmplish. The re- sult of thé thal was, therefors, a triumph 'of suprise insted of disap- pointment as it night have been if he had ayer estimated his gun's offi-' ciency, . Our' elaig refiarding Newbro's Her. picide is based "on actual scientific faéts, . I a living 'gern is causing your hair to fall ot {5 the most seqsible thing to 'Kill that rerni Newbro's' Mcgpicid, dods this quick: ly and effectually. Distroy the cause you remove the effect Sold by! leading 10c. in stomps for Hprpicide, Cos Mahood, Send The Ww. driggrists sample to it, Mich. G. of A 'to Cons plion, vo 'rice aod 'in yindn for Pan; or Painphiets ns "a 4 "MAPLE LEAF" CANKED SALMON packen from Toronto torduyl® Miss Flett who was to have come iwith her, changed her plans at the last mbment, and will not come to Kihigeton: fust now, . . ii Mre. Tilley denham. The Rev Téwin have hus come'home from Sy Willian Lewin and Miss nmed to town, Miss Hickson, oF Topomto, is the guest of Mrs. Stearn Tighe, Mrs, Grout has returned from Otia wa, " Miss Fd n, who 'stayed over in Peterho 1 her wiv down from Tor onto, came back th the dity on Mat urday. Miss Moi Rothwill will "veturn from Chica about the first of next month, : , : Migs Norval Mabtdongld: kde, to-day, for Grim<by, to spend - the summer with her Mrs: Miller, at her cottage ther i Mrs. Trumpours wef tolphustown, spent, Sunday in tomm with Mrs. For neri. Erte . . ' ., » Miss Edith Fielding and Mr. Harry Fielding, of ttdwa, will in Kingston, ior the Royad Military ball. Colonel und Mre.. Seriinge, Ottawa, intend leaving on Thitirsday for King- ston. : Lady Kirkpatrick © hae come down wn Borden, the minister I be here for. the closing Military © College, and 4 of Mrs. Carruthérs at the R« will be the at "Annanda Miss Flear amongst the Macdonnell will 'be febutamtes "Yomight. Miss Merriman, of Ogdenshurg, is the guest of Mrs. Francis. Macnee, . . $. . Mr. E 11. P nse is at present in town 1 Miss Geraldine Daly 'is home from Montreal. Mr. John McKelyey wetirned from Atlantic Citv on Saturday feeling considerably improved, He, will spend July at a summer cotlagge on the St. Lawrence river, on Mrs. Gilbert Won who has been fof "thy of Winnipeg, "pst ten day ; past ten ays with Mra. Armstrong, = Alfred street, ow to Ottawa to-morrow to spend the summer, ' i 7 Miss Alice Macnee is en pension 'with Mis. Kav . Mr. George Richardson has return. ed to téwn., | ] Mrs. and 'Mise Canfield, of Simcoe, mother and sister. of Mr. Canfield, of the RM.C., are in town for the ball, ge are en pension with Mrs. Kava: nagh. ist Gwendoline' Darling, of Teton. to, is the guest of- Miss Marion Red- n s8 MaParlgnd i staying with Miss Loretta Swift. -. . - . Mr. Ford Jones, ol Gananoque, and an ex-cadet, will be here for the ball tonight, 4 . . . Mrs. Douglas Young, leaves soon to spend the summer at Murrgy Bay, Quebec. Mes. J. D, D. Stewart, and Miss Olive Peters; of London, are in King stor to atten the military-~pal 1. -. . . The marriage of Miss I. Edna Ger- ald, second daughter of Mr. W. H, Gerald, of Prescott, to Mr. Bernand Saunders, of Toronto, will take place on Wednesday, June 28th, The marri of Captain the Hon. Frederick William Stanley, 10th Hus- sars, Ww served in South Alrica severely. wounded, medal) son of the Farl apd Countess of Derby of Knowsley, Lancashire, Eng., to Lady Alexandra Louisa Elizglieth Acheson, daughter of the Earl Countess of Hostord, of ' Gosford Castle, Armagh, took place on Saturday. 5 2 . The king has appointed the Duke of Argyll, .G., formerly governor-gen- eral of Canada go be chancellor of the most distinguished - order of St, Michael and St. George, in succession to the late Hon. Sir Robert Herbert, G.O.8, b SPORT REVIEW. Notes On Baseball, Lacrosse And Other Sports. J The Winnipeg Rowing Club has de- cided to institute a series of semi: monthly regattas. The Canadian Amateur Athletic Un- ion har decided to face the question of professichalism in lacrosse, Presid at Gorman has called a meeting of the board of governors for that speeinl purpose, It was said that the life of lacrosse in Brantford depended on the result of Saturday's game, and the m rent floatad from the masthead Togo's mots "to, "The fate of the empire depends of you." Brantford, however, met defeat. The match at Paris between the Un. ited States and French pola teams for the International cup, resulted in a victory for France by six 'goals, th four. The match took place at Baga: telle, in the Rois de Boulogne, and was attended by many prominent members of society. & Seventeen thousand persons saw Yale win the third deciding 'game for the baseball championship of 1903, he tween Yale and Princeton, att Polo grounds. - Yale's . victory was somewhat wmexpeoter], hut it was pains el 'by a fairly good ma , the final score being eight to five, Two strong teams representing Eng- lend and Seotland, containing many of the best-known amatenr footballers, will leave in November next to plav against the association leagues in Canada and alko give three or four exhibition games in the United States, with the hope that the Ampricans wiil take un thé association game, Provision for the double referee gva- tem, the stiffening of punishments for rongh plav and a definite arranee ment for the lay off in case of a tie at the end of the usual four quarters were the features of - the business transacted Saturday night at a spe cial meeting of the committee of mpn- agement of the National Anita } crossé [Tnion. At a meeting of the University of Toronto. Rughy Football Club, A, W. McPherson was apnointed. manager of the senior team, Mr, NePherson has heen one of the valuable hall-backs for two vears. With Ottawa College in the Intercolleciate Union, thin seasdn, neeessitatine a longer schedule, anrlier rractices will be necessary, Candidstes for the team will be out eatly in Sep- tember, -------- LEEDS FARMERS' INSTITUTE. The Annual Meeting and Officérs Chosen. The annual meeting of this insti- tute was held at Gananoque Jast Wed- nesday. The financial report showed the year's receipts to have heen $105. 25, and the expenditure, including a deficit from last year of $13.91, wan 09.95, leaving a surplus of 85.90. The membership at present is 221. During the past year five meetings were held, which were attended by 980 peo- ple. The regular meetings were fixed to be held next winter at Lansdone and Delta. These are umally held the first week in December. The supplementary meetings, generally held in Februaty) will be at Gananoque, Elgin and See- ley's Bay, The following officers were elected - President--W. M. Bass, Newboro. Vice-President'. F, Rath, Lans- downe, . Secretary Treasurer-- Fresinan ~ Beit- ton, Gananoque. Dircetors--North Crosby, George 8S, Duncan. Newboro, Ephraim Vander- hoof, Westport; South Crosby, W, M. Bass, Newhoro, H. 8, Davison, Elgin; Newboro, W. 8. Bilton, J. H. Sin- gleton; South Burgses, 8, J. Rogers, Portland; Bastard, John Bowser, Del ta, H. E, Eyre, Chantry; Front of leeds and Lansdowne, [ol ¥. Rath, Lansdowne, W. J. Webster, Tilley, 0, W. Landon, Melcombe; Rear of T.oeds and Lansdowne, Frank C. Chapman, Seeley's Bay, James MoMillan, Ellis ville; Gananoque, John A. Webster, F. Britton. . . Have It In The House. There is nothing else you can have in your house worth so much that costs so little as a bottle of Smiths White Liniment, It will enable you to cscape the discomfort of sprains, bruises, swelling, neuralgia, ws 3 apt to come to anyone, Costs but 25¢. for a big bottle at Wade's. Truss perfection. Fasy, light. fick, secure at all times. Dr. Chowr's. tism and the various aches and pains] apr Axain' thrpwg, aban hd APPLICATION poR PATENT ye Should r uw Begs da tor ia es Jr, belors the Lott Arent. Sub "tawa of his intention to do so. or at an formation" us free of apoiicasion application Commisarohes Lands Agants in finest Leaf Lard and open kettles. © Nothing had: ot Sm a Gee Entry muy be mats € . hed : wo pA A Re RE ti EE RET EAE Te Singh, Srl ti Ww the Losal charged for eto innipeg, or the. ne \ receive au One to make entry for him. A feo homsetend law is Halle to have for entry "motice in writing $0 Pe mth application for "commissioner od INFORMATION vod immigtants will receive at Sich Newly & . Immigration Of ds Office in Manitoba or the - Nofth-West the lands that are open fOr entrv, and from. the advice and assistance in securing lands to suit og. the land, timber, coal;8nd mineral laws, if the Raliway Beit in British Columbia, 3 'Secretary ol the Department of the In a of Tmmicration. Winnipeg. Manitoba: of to any of 'the anitoba or the N 5 Ny ne . W. CORY, Deputy i N.B.-fn dddition to Free Grant - refer ousands of acres of most ha 3 railroad and other Now is - the time to have your house fitt out with SCREEN DOORS AND WINDO! 'We have a few lines of doors that wey dispose of for a few days only at greatly redu "Come early before the best of them are picked up. ad Lemmon &

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