tible,. now exceedin g Ye d or Natural Green, 28¢., 30c., 40c¢., 50¢ » 60¢, Por ip Try "SALADA" Green Teg ee i wee = . w Beautiful, Hoy Dura the ery isit ng y & Birch, Brock Street. » eee eee PISS R LINN S A na BiBBY'S I \STED SERGE SUITS, in the 0, 8, 10, 12.50, 15. , Greys and strips, $1.50, .50. 1, 1.25, 1.50, 2. BIBBY CO. erdashers, Oak Hall, a a > Ea SS, Ef Sate = Dp PAV VAVUCVVTVACLIEY ss Street. the matter be referred committee with power was agreed to, Other Business. The report of the a r ceived and ordered J report is long overdue improvement by-laws © Ald. Rigney gave notic that next council: meeting he woul i 8 by-law to repeal the curfew Bog The council adjourned at to-clock. at the submit imran A Tremendous Loss. a Not only of tine, but oa fost oo j if you have a corn. Be : UY nam's Corn Extractor an Tr ' corn. Painless and sure, acts 1 Fy four hours. Use only ite the best. Putnam §~ Thirteen wouex who carn FOTIING KNOWS It Helps .Women to Win and | Hold Men's Admiration, Respect and Love Woman's est gift is the power to inspire i agreuteat respect, and love, Money--The " There is a beauty in health which is niore attractive to men than mere regu- larity of feature, To be a successful wife, to retain the love and admiration of her husband, should be a woman's constant study. At the first indication of ill-heal ' painful or irregular menstruats n, headache or backache, secure Lydia. Pinkham's Vegetable begin its use. Mrs. T. E. Gillis, Windsor, N\ 8., describes her illness and cures; inthe following letter: Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- "When I commenced to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I was suf- fering with weakness and womb trouble, headaches, backaches, and that worn-ous, tired feeling. I have only taken the Vege- table Compound a few short weeks, and it has*made me well, strong and robust. I believe that Lydia E. 's Vegetable Lon is without equal for female trou- es. : Women who are troubled with pain- ful or irregular menstruation, back- ache, bloating (or flatulence), leucor- rheea, falling, inflammation or ulecera- tion the uterus, ovarian troubles, that *'bearing-down" feeling, dizzi- ness, faintness, indigestion, or nervous prostration may be restored to perfect health and strength by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Surely you cannot wish to remain sick, weak and discouraged, when you might so easily be cured. The medi- cine which has made so many other women well will cure you also, -------- A YOUNG MAN STABBED \ By Father of Girl With Whom- He Was Driving. The police have been, making quiries concerning a stabbing affair, which occurred late' on Sunday night. A young man wis out driving with a girl, the daughter of 4 ward residend. objected on- Frantengye The father of the girl to the couple keeping com them na the girl was ahont to leave the carriage, he is said tog ave attacked the ygingz man with a knife, inflicting severe cuts on his handy wrist and body. The doctor in attendance savs the voung man will lose the power of the hand injured He is around, but as yet has laid no complaint against he one who at tacked him. it is. not likely the po lice will act unless he takes cut a warrant for the arrest of his jusanlt er, pany. and happering to meet near his hows Put Dresses On Cards. Will gl! those town people and out of-town people, also, whose the, ball, to-night, have not already come into the society editor for in gowns for sertion to-morrow, leave their visit ing card with a di scription of their dress, in the dressingroom at the college." The military college ball is uch a dominion function that a full, and also an accurate list of the gowns worn is anxiously looked for, °* Sacrificed Her Life. Watertown, N.Y., June 20. Mrs. Chester Doney, aged forty, sacrifi her life Sunday to save her three-year old boy, whe had upset an oil can and ignited it by stepping on a match. The woman was horribly burned, but lived several hours. The house destroyed, was W. F. Wasley 'was appointed acting manager of the Muskoka: Lakes Navi gation & Hotel company, [BEAL rd 4 "What shall I feed my Baby?" Negtlé's Food comple- _tely takes the place of a mother's milk, estlé's Food agrees with baby's delicate stomach. Nestle's Food contains nourishment that baby's fragile system can ge intostrength and muscle. Nestl€'s Food is instantly pre- pared with water--no milk re h for 8 m Sample--enough for 8 meals --sent FREE to THE Lezming, Miles Co., Limires, Compound and\ MURDER OF MISS QUINNE A MYSTERY. 3 . et Suspected She Was Slain by Men Gone East. Spacial to the Whig. Montreal, June 20.--Provineial De tective McCaskell has been working for twenty-four hours on the mystery surrounding the exceptionally 'brutal murder of Ellen Mary Quinne, at St, Louis De Mile ¥nd, but so far * no: thing has been uncovered. 1t has been learned that all the money she egrned had been put into the little home she was building: The man Crossen, ar- rested ith blood stains on his clothes, 'while drunk, is-not believed to have had. anything to do with the crime, although he is being detained, |The two men who worked on the house are not seriously suspected and one of them is prepared to establish a com- plete alibi. The only theory of a mo- tive is that thé victim may have been' suspected of having had some money The Michigan press party took their departure for Portland, Maine, by the Grand Trink railway, this morning, aftr) a busy and enjoyable visit to t city. Their special train left the city about eight o'clock. and although their departure was in a rain storm it 20k plate 'at an hour which did not reNult. in any interference to their s for sight-seeing. Zhe C, P.-R. express from Toronto, as delayed an hour in reaching this city, 'this morning, a short distance west of Montreal, by the breaking of a car wheel, Little damage was done beyond the detention, William Redpath, a "son of the man who made a certain brand of sugar well known, and himself wealthy - at the same' tine, had an unenviable ex- perience with his automobile vester- day. He had just left the sugar refin- ery and was spinrting along towards the canal on Seigeurs street, when the automobile became wnmanageable and before he or the few spectators well aware of what was happening, the. vehicle and its cecupant rushed headlong into the canal. At that point the current is quite strong, but Mr, Redpath displayed a familiarity with water equal to "his acquaintanceship with horseless carriages. He rose to the surface and, with the assistance of a plank. that had been cast on the water, 'succeeded in reaching the bank. Needless to say more difficulty was ex- perienced in recovering the vehicle, were ------------ SOCIAL TIDINGS. Mrs. Best will not receive again this season, but afterwards on the second and fourth Fridays. . » a Miss Talon M. (4 staying with M Tsabella days. of Kingston, is E. W. Day in [0 street, Toronto, for a few . . , ia The marriage of Miss Beatrice Rit- chie, eldest danghter' of the late chief Justice Sir William Ritchie, Ottawa, to the Hom. Francis Macnauchton, see ond son of Baron Macnaughton, of tunkerry, county Antrim, Ireland, will take place on Thursday, July ih. - . le Mrs. 'Oliver Macklem of Toronto. is down for the Lall, and is at the Brit ish-Anerican Hotel: Mise Kirkpatrick of Niagara, will also be an out-of-town guest at the hall, and will be at the British while ere, Miss Holt, of Deseronto, is a guest of Mrs, L. T. Best, 321 University avenue, v . Ce Miss Reta Hiscock left for Pirton this afternocn to visit Miss Alice Woadrowe, Another Carload Of Bananas. All this week Camovsky will sell big, ripe bananas,. twenty-five for 25¢. Death Of An Old Resident. Arden, June 19.--The rainy weather has given a good start to vegetation: everything looks promising, and pas turage is On Sunday, 11th, John Vandewaters, for many vears a resident 'af Kennebec, died at his cot tage in the village. The funeral took place on Tuesday. There was a large attendance. Body was afterwards inter- red at Dead Creek. Deceased about eighty vears' of age. He leaves a large family of grown-up children, good. was has his boat the BURIED ON SUNDAY. A Representative Gathering at the Funeral. Picton, June 19.-The largest, and ww far the most representative, fune- ral ever in Picton occurred Sunday, w hen the last sad rites were perform- ed in the burial of the late Judge Ed- wards Merrill, who died Wednesday. Who Wanted to Get Her | Rergice wat held at his late residence at 2.30 o'clock, Rev. W. L. Armitage Pressmen Have, (Anglican), and J. J. Rae (Metho- dist) officiating. There was a 'turn out" of fully two hindred of the Ma- sonic arder, of which deceased was a member, including brethren from Na- pance and several near-by fowns. The bearers were : W. Mackenzie, P, C. Macnee. A. Buchanan, . nger, John Waring and Mr. Rin or. The floral, offerings literally Bebe coffin and were beautiful in the ex- treme. A special service was held in St. Mary Magdalene's at four o'clock, Sunday, attended by the Foresters and Citizen's' band, crowding the church to the doors, 'Rev. W L Armitage preached a forceful and im- pressive sermon. The choir rendered the anthem. "Praise Yo the Father," A wedding of 3 very quiet nature took place at eleven a'clock. this morning, at the rectory of St. Mary Magda- lene's church, uniting Miss Lily Clarke, mg, by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, Glenora. The first prize winners were; Mrs. J. H. Allan and W. V. Pottet, while Mrs, E. M. Young and E. M. Conger captured the consolation, Mrs. J. de C. Hepburn and Miss (ie n, Hepbury left Saturdgy for 0il City, Pa. Mrs. Irwin has returned from a six weeks" stay in Toronto. Miss Louise Owens left Saturday for a month's visit in Rochester. Dr. Rar old W. Dingman, Toronto, is in town the guest of Mr. and Mrs, W. W, liamson." Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Grant, Toronto, have been in town a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. F Beringer. Mr. and Mrs. Grant con template retwmning shortly. te reside in town, Miss Allan, of Lindsay, is the guest of Mrs. W. G. McClellan. Rev. Mr. Jeaney. England. is in town and preached in the Parish' Houke, Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. Red mond, Winnipeg. are in town for the summer. W. R. Wrin-h returned lost night to Toronto: Mis. R. Y. Leslie and three children have gone 'to 'their cottage at Presque Isle for the. sum mer, Mrs, T. E. Owens, Bloomfield, is visiting in Owen Sound. After a week of inactivity about (he wharves the harbor seems fairly alive with craft of all descriptions. Thurs day the Niagara. fairly commenced the excursion season with, a moonlight to Deseronto. Over four hundred on board. The Niagara is under the command of Capt. Skillen, mate E. rooks; engineers, Charles McWilligms, Kingston, and F, Patterson: purser, F. Smith. Schooner F. H. Burton is unloading coal for Lake & Killop. Sloop Madeap, with brick for Metro politan Pank. Steambarge « Aberdeen 1 unloading soft coal for Hepburn. Schooner Annie Minnes is unloading coal at Hepburn's wharf. Sloop Mag- were gio L.. with building stone, at oll Gildersieeve wharf A Yound Man Drowned. Vennachar, June 17.--Rain is very plentiful in this vicinity and the orops are looking fine. The two cheese factories are doing a rushing business. Mr. Wood, one of * our cheesemaker d, Ella Ross on Brown Lake. A new flag has been procured for the school, Miss Malinda Bebee, opr teacher, and Jennie Behee, will start for Napanee on Monday, June 26th. Rev, Mr. Topping gave a temperance lecture in the Methodist church on the 13th inst. Herbert Goodrich made a business trip to Denbigh, the 14th nuel Jackson still continues ' in a very critical condition with little hopes entertained for his recovery from heart trouble. Miss Lena Wilson has gone to Verona to visit friends, The many friends of Mise Grace Irish are pleased to hear of her recovery from pneumonia. Rev. T. Brown has inst, S nearly all married. The new store of A. Hadig on: Queen street, is nearly finished and will be soon ready for | occupation. On Tuesday last Mrs. An- | na Brown, Tichborne, was charged, ! before Thomas Andrew, J.P., on the | information of Janes Williams, inspec- | tor, with a violation of the Ontario liquor license act, allowing liquor to be supplied to minors. Defendant ad | mitted the charge, and was fied | thirty dollars and costs, which were | paid, Nathaniel H. Hinchey, who | has nved at Khn Iree, in this town { ship, for many years, has left Kenne bee, and gone to live in l'amworth, Willard Parks, in the willage 'last week, has returned to Lavant Station. Farmers and others are doing statute labor. A Great Charity. A most beneficent. institution, the Ragged: School Union, of London, held its sixtieth anniversary lately at the Mansion House. Burdett Coutts, husband of the baroness, spoke of his wife's great interest in the movement and the extraordinary good it had ac- complished. It maintains in London two hundred and ninetéen Sunday schools, into which it gathers fifty thousand children, Three hundred thousand books are prbvided, and fourteen thousand little ones last year received their Christmas dinner, | Seven thousand crippled boys and { girls are on its roll, and it deals with | an hundred Shousand waifs in a year. IA noble philanthropist, the Marquis yof Northampton, is at its head. This vear it needs $80,000 additional for its , work, and much of that sum has been promised. June 14th, Miss At Kemptville, on ) Selina Williseraft, only daughter of purchased. a new buggy, Visitors; Miss Jennie Kenyon, Kingston, renewing ac- quaintences here; Mrs, J. A. Prond- foot, Palmer Rapids and Miss Me- Dougall, guests at R. W. Conner's: Fogriam Sallans at William Sallans'; The meadows and pastures are look- ing fine owing to the recent rains, A little girl has come to stay at John Thompron's Miss Barry and Miss Ef fie Bartsch, made a flying trip to Vennachar and report very bad roads, The post-office will be managed hy the assistant. Miss Jennie Snider, in the absence of her parents, Mr. and Mre. H. Snider, who are visiting in Verona, Master James Snider visiting his wister, Mrs, A, Crankshaw, of Denbigh. Norman Wicks made a 1,isi- ness trip" to Wenslev, on the 13th inst. We have heen informed to dav bv telegram of the drowning of Dani, el Behee. second son of Solomon and Jane Bebee, : -------- Charleston Lake Locals. Charleston, June 19--A great many in this section attended the funeral of the late James Cox, at Treveiyan, on Thursday. J. Bruvea, Deseronto, was a guest over Sunday. C, ¢ J, Ranta, mother and sister, have arrived gt their island home. Mr. and Mrs. Pp. Flood, Trevelyan, are visiting their daughters, Mrs. D. Hefiran and Mrs. T. Foster, Nrs. J. Slack, Lyndhurst, visited friends here on Tuesday. Mrs. H. PlunkMt has returnad from a visit, to friends at Lyndhurst. Mrs. F. Modler, Lan:downe, has returned home after spending a few days at the home of her sister, Mrs. F. Slack. Mr. and Mrs. H. Slack spent Sunday last with relatives at Lyndhurst. At Kemptville, Miss Rachael Murphy. James Williseraft, Kemptvilic and Truman Adams, Burritt's Rapids, were joined in Hymen's bonds, was united in marriage 0 George Cochrane of Patterson's Corners, on' Wednesday last, the | THE DAILY : WHIG, TUESDAY, JUNE 20. x OTTAWA COLLEGE ---- CONVOCATION PROCEEDINGS TAKE PLACE TO-MORROW. r---- J Cousin of Earl Grey to Get Hon. | orary ' Degree--Suicide of Os. | goode Township Widow--Sec- | retary Hanna's Axe is Swing- | Sweocial to the Whig Ottawa, June 20 --Gitawa Univer sity convetation takes place, to-mor- row. "but owing to the number of buildings uncompleted, will be strictly private. The degree of doctor of laws has been eenferied , J. ¥. White, | principal of Ottawa Norman School, and master of arts op Prof, Grey, of the college stall, why, is a cousin of | Earl Grey and Lady Minto, Mrs, Opldwell, idow, aged fifiy- eight, who lived |, Osgoode town: | ship, t a dose of strychnine, yes- | terday, and ended fifegin great agony. | She had been bro, ing for some time | over illness and property troubles, Coroner Baptic wont gut to day' to | investigate. License Faspecir Wil | last Sunday as Brockville, and Mrs. er, spent Friday afternoon, with Mrs. | C. 0, Fiakle, vice of Court Newburgh, No. at the court rooms, Masonic phadly sprained wrist, A fow from the of management of the: Methodist Sun | day school day 2.30 p.m. States says, Smith, * and deputy, Frank Hannum, \ BK are among daughter of" George Clarke, and | the latest official: to come under the | George Brown, Cherry Valley. The | swing of Provincial ecretary Hanna's bride wore a pretty gown of hrown | oxe®They got notice of smissal to- | colienne and was unattended. Mr. and ; day. Alderman J.C. Foright sue Mrs. Brown left on the stpamir Alex | Coeds Smith, &1d A. E. Coleman takes andria for a trip to Montreal, the ,'Hannum's place. | going-away dress being of gre ; tweed. Tp Nancy Leavens, rn oF the late OUR NEWBURGH NEWS. W. H. Southard, aged eighty-six ' mn. years, died at her home in Hailowell, , This = Little Village Ts Always near Picton, on Friday. The funeral Busy. jook aes to Glenwood cemetery on Newburgh, June 2g The weather of " Y- ia the past few days has been very he members of the Ladies" Euchre he hae ing} Club, Tey hoe husk " | aun th thermometer hovering | » together with © their husbands, around eighty-four degrees. 1. and gentlemen friends, Jere most | Noshitt, Be. M. J pleasdntly "entertained, Friday even Beeman, Charles Welbanks and W. p Hedley, of Prince of Wales lodges A. 1 & A' M., at | tended the fuhoral of the late Judge | Merrill, Pieton, on Sunday. W. hi Adams, C. F. Shorts, William Boyee, | Joseph :Seott, Samuel Kellar, Robert Dogan, T, D, Scriver, F. D. Moore and W, D. NM, Shorey, of . Caurt Newburgh, ~Né. 417 LOK: attended the anniversary scrvice of Court Sel. | by, LOK., in the Anglican church, | Selby, on Sunday. The Ladies' Aid and trustee board of the Methodist church ave running gn excursion to | the Thousand Islands per BQ. pail way and steamer Caspian, on July 6th. We understand that (he com mittee has secured the low rate of ninety-five cents from Newburgh. hinds : For First Communion| | COMMUNION VEILS, 72 inches square, hemmed and embroide (WHITE NET FOR VEILS, 72 inches wide, 35c. and soc. per Red Reaihor Copion Ten hus set 8 Aint 4 ty" standard for itself--below which it neve Feo Black, Green or Mixed--never put up in lead but wa in sterilized parchment-lined packages--goc. perl : spat = You'll find here all the desirable items at the least possible prices :-- : BUYS" STOCKINGS, in Black or White, from 10c. to 25C. BOYS' GLOVES, in White Lisle, at 12%c to 25c. 8 GIRLS' STOCKINGS, in Cotton 'or Lisle, in White, from 10é: to 20¢. Pod GLOVES FOR GIRLS, in Lisle, Taffeta and Silk, in White, at 12%c. to 25c. ered, at 75c¢., 8oc., 85¢. and $1. yard. Call and see them---they're just right. Next Sunday will he Miss Thomson's | organist of the Me thodist chureh. The choir are pre paring special Music Owing to dantpness the pipe organ in the Methodist church cold be used i but little on Smiday evening, Rew, J. | Gandier and family spent Friday | at Beaver Lake, Mis, 10. I. Woodcoek, of Connolly, Yark. | ard Badgely, and Friday 'a D. Shorey's. Miss ¥la Chant "yesterday for Belle ville, to attend 'the closing exercises of Albert College} The anni ersary dg B. Haight and Rich. Cen spent Thursday | t-P, [er 417, 10, F., will be held, in' the Presbyterian church on Sunday evenings July 2nd, | at 7% p.m. The sermon will be preached by Rev. J. Gandier, The members meot Hall, at a.30 p.m. "a John Hinch and wile, Centreville | spent Sunday at Dr, Beeman's, V7. G. | Millar, B.A. spbnt Sunday in Cole | brook. The funeral of the late Mrs Hinch passed through the village Sun day evening. Charles Shorts has a village i took in the lawn social at | Wesley on Friday evening. The hoard | are seriously considering | the advisability of changing the Sun | school hour from 10.30 am. to | Wilmot Patterson lefy last week for Alexandrig Bay, N.Y., where he has secured 'g situation for the | summer, | ---- © The Pest-governed City. | The best governed city in the United | is. Cleveland, Lincoln Steliens | in his story of Ohio, in July | MeClure s | "Tom Johnson is the 'business man for mayor' that Business men have been prophesyving so lofg must com: some day, Business hat en Cleveland him because he has gis not only good govern ment but representative government, not only clean streets but clean tax lists; he Liss stopped not only black mail, but bribery; he tackled not only low-down, petty police and political graft, Lut high-toned, big, respectable, buginese graft, both legitimate and illegitimate, Tom Johnson is a reform ed man. Hi: reform began at home. he reformed himself fiest, then he unde took political reform, In Cleveland we have this spectacle: Two street rail way Mavor Johnson represents the city, Precident Andrews his stock men, holders, negotiating in publig for the disposition of the street railway sys tem. There is no excitement, no had feeling, no n<picion of boodle or cor- ruption." ee -- Bongard's Briefs, Bongard es, June 19.--Reve, = Messrs. Seaborne and Dibh were callers in this vicinity last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bradley atunded the funeral of Mrs. Bradley's brother, Jdeob Kemp, Tren. ton, whose cath occurred on Wed. and, now that he has come, | * TR 7 PORT_ARTHUR Lots for Sale in Best Residential Quarter, $75 Each. $15 Cash, Balance $5 Per Month. SemrstSem--" a-- PORT ARTHUR cannot be kept back, and real estate: investments will show an increase of 150 per cent. to 300 per cent. in less than three years, Ask anyone who knows the country what the future of PORT ARTHUR will be: For maps and full information, apply to PARKER & CO., Establish sd 1889, ' 21.23 Colborne St. -' - - TORONTO. i BE LiL Mtavivnaeg Hot Weather Skirts, Pretty ! and Stylish--and Cool SHOT MOHAIR SKIRTS, light colors, trimmed | : with pleating and buttons, $1.26 acd $6. 1 DUCK BEIRTS, stripes and spots on white groond, 66¢, and 90¢. WAIrE PIQUE SKIRTS, $1.25, $1.3¢, $3.76, 4 $8.50, LIGHT WEIGHT FOULE OLOTH SKIRTS, 4 "pit sell-trimwiog and buttons, in navy snd comes black, $5 and $6. i from re Spence's PRETTY LUSTRE BKIRTS, in light greyr, 1 it must new browns, navy, rg tad back, ot Iron, oi bo good." ing frimmed and shirred, G0, 50, y ron - $4.60, $5 ani $5 60. i: A igen nesday last. The remaing were brought to Waup: for interment. Arnold Minaker has pone to Oshawa, where he has ccourcd a position. Miss Beith entertained su few of her friends to tea on Friday lust. Levi Pierce was in Hamilton on a business trip last week, Visitors: Mrs, James Patterson and Miss II. Harrison at Mrs. J. ND. Bongard's; Mrs. A. Cowder and daugh ter at W. Bradley's; Mr, and Mrs. G. Hobson, at SX. Bobey's: J. ¥. Mau ders and wile at Mauders'. Mr. and i Mrs. R. Harrison 'at J, Harrison's: | Miss Edna Woodrow, Harry Stanton | and W, Haggarty at BE, A. Williams', | Messrs, Bongard and Harrison have | received two more carloads of eooper- age stock for the manufactire of ap- ple barrels, -------------- i Russell Pitman, aged eighty-five vears, died on Saturday, at the home | of relatives at Foxboro, so 000~~ INEW CONFECTION SPENCE'S, ™ 'thing een aves | GANONG'S Pearled Puffed Rice, 30c¢. per pound. ~TRAY IT AT Pe or = A.J. REES', Princess St.