Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jun 1905, p. 7

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-- | ---- ld | His sind and teach his ig N me (his own sad €XPerience ldren from fh, | Sonséquences of SinNing aos. cori} th<-and that wo might be te st. God; . 8 twas not the will of Gq ih that jy 168 | ning, that man sh, i take 1) © begin, 0d, | ing of blood fo his oer ie aveng, an | I take to be the clea, 1s. Thig | Word of God. Now in 'the _s Of the | 88 to whether the tokin, .¢ 0 Place, his} cially, is in accord ee Jo te, Judi. ciples of Christianity, | , = the Pring 8€ | ammert it js not, and chal 'Hhatically as iste difficulty' in pron, ove bus nd [tion In so far a8 Christianity 25en Pe. | expression of th 18 an of | Christ, its influences 1 rdsu O- | ings with, the very lowest and deal, ay | hardened of the human re Most nd | eYer be remedial ay not ip co. to timnity has no right to give hris. on, work, and acknowledge, jie; fo) ny he | oven 'with the worst of criy Rr, 12, its efforts should neve, 1S; and ie (God. "Who Y5 long.cuffersy, "tl fe, | Whose long-suffering, i W itt and od | delaying to bring iudgient on, in \p- ungodly, ig to Wo a o on the m- | their salvation, shall Hinelf all Jor of feriminal to. his atoount, The Chea i {church, 'if she he true 14 the _Mistion A her Master, aid hor God, - o % | delibérately give up any' huyan hy N° Las hopelessly depraved, and |e a oe Bl | ty, 'even by her silence the by ly ip hurling "hint cut of 1if, no hy ut | er it 'to live, There wp 3 ong 18 long gone by, when eon ni Or Lnominally Christian Eng rive °F | als wire treated in r. from of whith our present civ 1 and en. d- lightenment, shrinks 1 Rorror, They n* | were not only condemned 1, death Ve land mutilation and d : of | {hi poor body of infirm tO | {sich as hanging the ID" spectacle for reprobation he | some cross road, Wher 0 Lhy, could see it): am 1 Ce with a' stake driven thy igh it, hut AR. | consigned' to death, as . rd went, "without the ¥ he clergy." In other Words rt wag 8 made to punish the man | to le | cond him not only to dea if 13 possible to hell, the place prepared nog Wr | for man, even the worst of men, bug . "for the devil and his an Thank God, that da one for acer, and thank God, day will come when capital punishment, under any circumstances, will have gone hy | forever, . Christianity against it, and Christianity, which is 10 « neuer the world, will | conquer and over. | come the spirit which now maintains punishment, as some , for the de- m | fence and protection of ety. Ide in | pv that there is nweessity, ts | First, because whatever is not of God's appointment, or at t, in accordance with His mir at | can never be needful, or 10 | any purpose: Secondly, bec o- | are strongly against such er | tion, and not unreasonahl ig | mind of man naturally concludes, that wv: | if: human society, composed of men, od | can, under the name of law, take hue he | man life, then in the sight of God, i- | there cannot be such sacredness be «| longing to it as some would say; or o- | such a terrible «in for the evilly dis i. | posed. individual to take it away: he regards it as a crime perhaps, but 1. | only one with other crimes. To such, Rt { the fluence. of the death penalty, T 1 bel'everto Be not H deterrent against fo murder, but an incite t to it. Now, as to facts; When have there been so of many executions in 'this country, and ¥ lin the neighboring republic, as within TF | the last, few. years? Comparatively " [few death sentences have been ro al prie.ed; and when have there been so . many murders ? An execution is ine V variably followed, somewhere in the "land, by a murder. When death was of | the punishment for the 1 minor i erimes in England, when in the Nn of that country did crin ) ® lahcund ? A mania for rin xisted, t | which men could not, or would not d| resist. At a public exceution for theft '. | (these are facts of hist men stole LU under the gallows. 8 - The criminal stati # | elaborately set forth, go t 0 | just as justice has bien Z| mirey, society in elery grade ha t | elevated, and erime e Laztly, we have a s | to crime in the emplin e | ling executioner. Such d | tian of law and of it n | robs it of all its ma been the result 7 At first 1 tures, ready to tak: ¢ | low-being for mone ndker tection of law, were hard t vetformed their work tn in dis uise, but now. v pire in human form, boldly and un- masked, going up « un- s been a public try, from place to pla hangman. : It is a degradation t« » country, tj and a retrograde step it "and morals; a leprous spot : "| fair name, that is being thought : v a * | eultured by those in authority. L hes no right to help to the degrada: } | tion of a single soul, as it helps i the degradation, and al and * | unmanning of him, who | y Be | his living by taking the lives of ofh ers. 'Not only is it a dog and hardening, and erimin | this man, but it will hat || upon others also. So I ng os a | puniehment remains, the law shou ud {compel its own officials to carry A | pital i i e; and i its sentence, or resign their offi a n . Jihe, com allow no man' as a hirli Hh om | mit murder in.its name. The must dome, and every : : sten should do what in him lies to | 3 s ¢ shail be | its coming, when no gallows ha k erected in' our land. As we. A . lat the many shadow made : which such instruments of death, by Wi our country has been disfigured, io us heat and take heed to what the We it of God says, "From the beginning, | was not sd." The Sacred Scriptures. . In previous charges | have spake yak some length about the reverent which we should hold the sacred in tures, 'and 1 may be pr med jt Jaw fer to it again; and emphasize it the present occasion. a For a time has come, when the ridicule and di geragy ment, which formerly, was only heap from the lips of infidels, or Bunt po: is now heard from ministers a Word, against that Word. Thee fas tely been sent tq, I suppose, wjanil clirgyman of the Church of Erglans, | throughout the' world, by a #2 . stitiited comimiftee, comprised o gland number of the clergy in Lg ant (some of them bearin, dieting and holding important ¥ names, ot ic! s mar tions), a document which was Marke ; and confidential, "private E (Continued on page 7.) Christian man --- <4 0 whe me once . / 7 AB ecallller Fon Oxfords With Snap, Style and Comfort. Our New Spring Lines = have. been universally" admired and are great trade winners. We have them suitable for all occasions. See our range Ladies' Shoes at $2. H. JENNINGS, King St, Wines and Liquors In our large and mew assorted of stock of Ales, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, we think that we have everything to meet the. demand. We guarantee entire satisfaction as to prices and quality. Agent for the well known "De- spatch'" Scotch Whiskey. JAS. McPARLAND 839 and 341 King St. "hone 274. Buggies Buggies We have a ful line of McLaughlin Buggies, Runabouts, Surreys and Wag- ons, also a large asortment of single and double Harness, which we will sell at very close figures. SEEING IS BELIEVING Come and see if we have mot got the largest and best assortment of Buggies and Harness in the city. Hay & Wilson, MASSEY-HARRIS AGENTS, 132 CLARENCE STREET. Look at the Cream our first delivery Milk bottles. The second delivery is just as good, only the Cream is not yet raised. | Our Creamery Butter is always Sweet and good. Kingston Milk Depot CALL AND SEE The new stock of Plumbing ana Hearing Fixtures, Gas Stoves and Incandescent Gas Lamps, GOLDEN LION BLOCK JOHN M. WHINTO, 'Phone 339, HALLIDAY ELECTRIC COMPANY Specialists in Diseases of Motors and Dynamos and all Electric Troubles. "Phone 94 ------ SANITARY PLUMBING ! en you need heating ar or I oh Biv Si at mit yo! 8 want at prices that will Karate 3 Or kmanshiy and material Vory best. We make bea parmen or estimates on plumbing or Mlaein®, work solicited and promptly A a J. JAMI J ESON. Er ------ : DENTAL DR a, B KNAPP, BA, LDS, D.Ds. ed St., Cor. Princess St, An : iaachus of Dentistry skilfully per. Jormeq, itrous Oxide Gas used for ex- v 7 Sitherfand Sisters GREW THIS HAIR VICTORIA SUTHERLAND This lady is but onc among the thousands whose ir was grown by the use of the 7 Sutherland Sisters' Hair Grower ; but the fact that she is one of the 7 Sutherland Sisters, and well known, her experience, and the manner in which she recom. mends this valuable preparation $0 the publi can. not fail to Invite the attention ofall who are inters ested in the culture and preservation of the hae. The 7 Sutherland Sisters have devoted many rs to thas important subject--the structure of the go the cause of its decay, and means by which it may be preserved or renewed in all its original elegance. The 7 Sutherland Sisters can be seon and consulted without charge; and the magnificence of their own hair is the first and unquestionable proof of the merits of the preparations they manufacture and use, thé 7 Sutherland ers Hair Grower and Se: For sale bY AT utherland Sisters Druggists Price of HAIR GROWER, 0c per bottle. SCALP CLEANER, the oly and $1 Dandruff cure. It kills the Dandruff germ. For shampooing it has no equal. Price 50 cents. To show how FREE quickly it acts we will send a jarge sample free by return mail to an: one who sends thi Sut! advertisement to the 7 Sisters, with their name and address and 10 cents in silver or stamps to pay postage. GREATEST HAIR TONIC ON EARTH 1 Sntherland Sisters 4 i), Sole Manufacturers and Propri. is a, CANADIAN OFFICE il COLBORNE STREE"Y, TORONTO 3 where all letters of inquiry and orders can ne addressed. The photograph of the Seven Suthers land Sisters (group) must be on every box. J. H. BAILEY, Foreign Maar Recommended and Sold by Gee. W. Mahood, druggist, ov. | Bagot and Princess streets. Right Dreams. Dull Headaches. TERRIBLE PAINS AND A FREQUENT DESIRE TO URINATE. Such were the troubles of Mr. Joseph Leland, Alma N.W.T. He happily found relief in DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. Here is what he says :--*'I was troubled with dull headaches, had frightful dreams, terrible pains in my legs, and a frequent desire to urinate. Noticing 'Doan's Kidney Pills recommended for kidney ble, I decided to give them a trial. I procured a box, and was very much surprised at the effectual cure they made. I take a great deal of pleasure in recom- mending them to all kidney trouble sufferers," Doan's Kidney Pills help the Kidneys to drain off the poisonous impurities which have collected, thus ojeansing out the kidneys, bladder, and all the urinary passages, They correct inability to hold the urine, and thus obviate the necessity of getting up many times at night to urinate, Their good results will be im- idney . -- ---- 3 r The only safe eff: monthly on w. 'Women can depend. Sold In tee of o. y 2 cases, $1 per box ; 10 de stronger for nl : Eases. 53 Sold by all Ask for 's Oot ton i take no The CookMedicine Co. Windsor, Ontario, Er ------------------ Only pure fruit syrups used Wade's soda fountain. at BISHOP'S CHARGE f { (Continued from page 6- that it might be signed, and rethened to the senders. It wa not sent | any of course, - i Ver unobjectionable to throw the unwary off their guard; and perlaps, lead them to sim it. But section iv. is unique in its 'audaciousness, and in rits expression of insolent unbelief. It i says i "Our conviction is that it is | not without grave. responsibility and peril, that any of us should build the faith of souls primarily, on details of New Testament narrative, the histori- cal validity of which must ultimately be determined in a court of trained re- search, although many of .us, until sich final decision «takes shape, may cling devotedly, to the traditional de- tails in question." As the primate land the co-adjutor bishop of Montreal have said, in a circular add to the clergy of that diocese, if such men were honest, they would give up their jr ferments 'and leave the church. . | trast that no clergyman of this dio- cire was misled, or so far forgot him- self, or was sb far recpeant to his or- dination vows, as to gn it. I have nothing to say against legiti- mate criticism, or an honest investiga- tion of the books of Holy Scripture. I. am not a blind advocate of one thedry of inspiration, as against an- other, but there is a fact, and a doc- trine of inspiration, which Scripture itseli affirms, and "which the church has always taught. Let us then, ney- er lose sight of 'the faet, or let go our hold of that doctrine. God's revela- tion has not suffered from any of the assaults, and they are many, which have been made upon it, in the past, and it will not suffer now. It will came out of the fierce fire through which, it is passing, purified, brighter, clearer. "The Word of the Lord en dureth for ever, and this is the Wond, which by the gospel is preached unto you," The danger is to the souls of men, who may lose their anchorage and drift on a sea of unbelief, tossed about by: the waves .of this trouble some world. The vigit of Dr, Kirkpatrick, master «f Selwyn College, Cambridge, which some people dreaded, because of his connection with a school of erities, in which there are n.a utterly hostile to the Bible, who go to it with "a priori" opinions against it, was a very pleasant experience. He pleased and surprised all who heard him, by his reverent and scholarly treatment of his subjects; and I am sure, did much to strengthen and confirm the feith of many. Memorial To Late Archbishop. At the requestrof the executive com. mittee, I issued, a few weeks ago, a pastoral in behalf of an object which every member of the church in this 1 think ought to commend itself to diocese. There is no memorial to the late archbishop, who was a member of this diocese for more than half a cen- tury, and its bishop, for nearly forty years. This. is not creditable. to us, and surely has been an oversight. He was undoubtedly, in many respects, qn great man, and did a great work for the diocese. A becoming memorial te him, and something which as a dio- cese, we owe the cathedral, would be the erection of a reredos, - there. 1 shall be very glad, therefore, if the clergy, (if they have not already done £0), will bring the matter before their congregations, and appeal to them in its behalf. It MET ought not ti, be a difficult matter to secure suffi. cient fuiids to erect what would be a fitting memorial to the late archbishop, and an ornament to our cathedral. Mr, Burton's Work. Rev. Mr. Burton, still continues his good work, and with undiminished success, increasing both the stipends of the clergy, and the offerings to the mission fund. It is a work which can- not be done quickly, but when he gets over the diocese, its financial position will be very different from what it has been, and the clergy will have sti pends on which they can live, -- The Ontario Churchman. This paper still holds on its way, with the high character with which it started, Each number contains as much interesting reading, as is usual ly distributed over four copies of an ordinary weekly paper, for which from one, to two dollars a year ix charged; and yet the subscription t., the Ontario Churchman, is only twen ty-five cents a year. Those who know it, wonder how it can be published for this. It certainly is evident, that it is not for the purpose of making money, that the editor continues to publish it, but for the church's sake. I am exceedingly sorry that it does not find its way into the home of every church family, because | know it would do them good, I am persusd- wd that if the clergy generally, were to take a little more trouble over the matter, and commend it to their peo ple, there would be few who would fail to take it. In certain parishes where this has been done, it ig in the hands practically, of every with an educating influence both manifest, and satisfactory, My estima- tion of the paper is such that I per- sonally send it to a considerable uum- ber of people. I do wish the clergy would make an effort to put it in the possessicn of all their people, family, The Woman's Auxiliary. The Woman's Auxiligry, which has just had a most successful and enthusia tic annual meeting, in Na- panee, ws the even tenor of its way, ana avounds in good works, It has decided to give its thankoffer- ing this year, which reached the mag- nificent sum of $650, to the general board for missionary ~ work in our North-West. We shall miss the large amount, which, for some years, it has been giving' to one of the funds of the diocese; still, we feel that under the circumstances, the auxiliary has done right. It has not, however, forgotten or overlooked the needs of this di cese, and by a unanimous vote, it was decided to devote the thankoffer- ing next year, to our widow's and or- phans' fund, It is a wonderfully econ- secrated organization, and has heen Armour's tar 'soap, Se. cakes. Me ot foot; | Leod's drug store, wonderfully blessed of Ged. All jts year's leave of .matis . as been vouchsafed, Quiet Day. Rev, Dr. = Whitnoy, principal Bishop's College, Lennoxville, ducted a Quiet Day for us, last tumn, and all who had the of hearing his admirable addresses, felt that it was indeed go day of spiritual refreshment. His resignation of the tion of principal of Bishop's College, to return to Eng- land, is a deeided loss to the Can- adian church. ooking to God for guidance gnd help, which certainly of con au ivilege -- Days O! Intercession. At the last meeting of the board of management pf the M.S.C.C, a resol lation was. passed, asking the bishops to request the clergy of their several dioceses, to observe the days of inter- cession in behalf of missions, and in obedionée to our Lord's command, to entreat him to raise up men for the work. I trust therefore, that the clergy of this diocese, will see that services are held in ull their parishes, on the days Appointed by the church, for this purpose, and with their peo. ple, pray the Lord of the harvest, to send forth laborers into His harvest. Work Of The Diocese. We miss the chancellor from our meeting, and indeed day by day, in connection with the affairs of the diocese, in which he take: go ¢ Pep LB interest, and to which he js always ready to give his attention. We gro especially sorry for the cause of his absence, and hope that he may re- turn with renewed health ond strength. A wesolution of synod; ex- pressing our Wind in this respect, [ think would be fitting. In a letter I received from him from Vancouver, just before he -sailed for Australia, he says: "J would. ask you to. tell our brethren, elerical and lay, that 1 am very Sorry 40 miss our meeting in synod, and thay | cain tly hope and pray, the blessing of the Al: mighty will rest upon their labors." I am fairly well advanced with my sixth visitation of the diocose. . I have completed the rural deaneries of Prince Edward, and Lennox and Add- ington, and wisited parts of Has- tings, and Frantnac, and a few parishes in Leeds. Since last synod I have hold two ordinations, and ordained five to the priesthood, viz, : Rev. R. 8. Wilkinson, Rev. W. Hilyard nith, Rev. W. Ennis Kidd, A, Rev. Ci. R. de Pencier, M.A., Rev. Herbert F. D. Woodcock, M.A. als admitted four to the dia¢onate, viz, H. R. 'Trumpour, MA. CC. PF. Lancaster, B.A., Hutt Lipseopb and Walter Cox. 1 have ccnirmed '766 persons, 338 males and 428 femalcs; preached 181 sermons, given eighty-six addresses, celebrated the holy c¢qin- munion sixty-three times; baptized six childron, performed one marriage; 'in ducted one rector, set apart one lay reader, consecrated threw churches and two cemeteries; dedicated go altar at Oxford Station, a bell at Roslin, a window at Christ church, Tyendinaga, a window at St. Paul's church, Marwiora, and an altar at St. Thomas' churgh, Rawdcn. Changes An@TAppointuients. There have been a great many changes in the diocese since last synod. Rev. C. €. Rollitt resigned the curacy of St. Paul's, Kingstcn, and returned to Montreal, where he has taken up secular work, Percy Rollitt, student, wh, had in charge of Banpockburn and Nillbridge for a year, resigned and left, the diocese, as I could not see 'my way to ordain him. Rev. G. Af Vv Rollin resigned the rectory of Hillier, and has gone to the diocese of California. Rev. Joseph Forsythe, A,, resigned the parish of loughboro, and has been placed on the superanauation fend. The Ven. Archdeacon Worrell was elected Rishop of Nova Scotia, and, therefore, resigned St. Luke's, in this i R. I appointed Rev, 8. For B.D., to that church, and he resigned the rectorship of Merrick ville, to accept. 1 also appointed him one of my examining, chaplains, in the place of Archdeacon forrell, in recognition of his ripe scholarship. | appointed Rev. Joseph Elliott, rector of Cataraqui rural dean of Fron temac, in place of the Rev. C. .J. Young, M.A. wh, had left the dean ery. Rev. J. H. H. Colomen, MA. was appointed to rectorship of Mer rickville, and resigned Btirling and Frankford. Rev. B, F, Byers, M.A. resigned the rectory of Amelinsburg, and accepted Stirling and Frankford Rev. J. H. Astley M.A. of England, was appointed to Abe mission of Loughhoro. E. M. Rowland re signed Newboro, and * Rev, Joseph Stanton was anpointed reetor in his place. Rev ie. Pencier Wright, M.A. resigned Losin, and accepted the rectorship of Ameliasburg. Rev. J. L. Holah has left the diocese; and has been appointed to a curacy in Rev. J. VW, For the parish of "Wife granted him a absence from the Hamilton, Yermuda ster has resigned Island, and 1 }a diocese, I appointed tl} morine, D.D Ontario, in the Worrell, who been Scotia; Rural ba canon. viee | Rev. Cancn Mac- Archdeacon of lace of Archdeacon me Bishop of Nova an Bogert, M.A. to won bike re signed. Rev. . lioss Beamish, M.A to be rural dean of Hastings, vice Bucy | Wonderful 'ese. | Bladder Cure, PILLS. SICK KIDNEYS, The Bladder, Rheu- | m andthe wu these dis, eases at once and are quickly and fully cured, Price only 5 cents a box. A CURE at the Paopie's Price. | 23. k ans Sample Packass | 00 Sent Free to any ad- . W.F.SMITH CO. 185 58. James 8¢., Montreal 'To cure Constipation, Sick Headache and Bilious. Bess in one aight, use Smith's Pineapple and Butternat Pills. Only cents at dealers, TEE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, JUNE 20, Rural Dean pointed Rev. Dr. Roberts to be , Miner canon "of 'the cathedral. pointed Rev of the death of Stearne Ti rectory of Al heen 3 Saints has for some time existed only in name, and I have, therefore, do- to amalgamate once covercd, parish of St. and has cided which it which will, receive the portion of Surplus | | x Rectory Fund, of Kingman, wi ih 3 a " wu ra OF #5 was formerly paid to the rector "vim a : »* wostpald. , All Saints. CANADIAN SE of Sar Rev. W. Bertal Heenay, B.A., has 5 ws "Toronto #2 Chureh oa 3 resigned the rectory of Christ church, a Belloville, 'and accepted a parish in . . Newport. Rhode Renn Rev. FE. Scammell has resigned the mission of Augusta, to take effect the lst of October, and has accepted superan- nuation. I have appointed Rov. C. . Lancaster, B.A, to the parish of + Walle Island | the mission merston, and the Rev, | pour, M.A. or the sumner. 1 am supply nockburn ang Milford, for the summer, | ment 'to supp -the_diocese. | most weekly but there soems of the country. Meeting The Provincial met in Montreal, in October last, and found it had more business to trans- than any of its members imagin- ed. The archbishop of Montreal, who had been acting primate, was formal ily elected primate of all Canada; a fitting orown to his blameless life, and ' act, long service their consen Synod, will to be given, its place, w elect twelve eal, and six Within, the been many to Omtario's was elected while undo church, in deed a great archdeacon, hand to ful, oration took Cathedral, in session, of bishops ¢ With, The Dioces ant, the Ch which and so has suggested terbury, the the terbury, Mr, ing bishops, the election graduate of good classion) talk of the w What he left Rev, The parish ness, to tive interest always his house, ever welcome The death ice Seollard Bishop of Hy the God, and his him a power, be with him, never spared "The cious." which is able give you an them which in all things. these diseases the blood, sessions are opened with prayer; thus ahs 7p Drug Store. ry. diocese of Montreal, to parish of Leeds The Diocese of Algoma, was erected into an independent diocese, but our svnod, together the other adjoining diocese, action to this effect. special summons, The General Synod which will take September; and we 'have the. right to Changes On Bench of Bishops. of the Canadian ation of Bishop Courtney, the Diocese of Nova Scotia was left vacant; and me, ever every possible way, the work diocese. I am sure he will be a faith. and successful bishop. His conse October 15¢h, 004, Montreal, the fact of the Provincial Synod being an unusually large numiwr the bishop of Toronto I of the presenting bishops, provides to the Duvernet, B.D,, request of the ed by the archbishop of Montreal, on in Ch" cu center | § Fruits and Confectionery, Montreal. | the diocese of Huron, by the lamented death of Bishop Baldwin, was rector of Stratford, in one of the presenting bishops. Obituary. © . soi € Rev. Mr. Forsythe, a retired clergy Rapid Circulation man, father of the Rev. Suseph For- sythe, and of ' Mrs. Metzler, passod s "D: " ki away at a ripe old age. Ho was a m the Bison Heater remembered this will ultimately come to it, George King's College, Windsor, a hard work- ing clergyman, who way spare himself with comparative midst of suecessful work where he was greatly beloved, lost a devoted member of the church, George Sanderson, a godly layman, who passed away after a lin ering ill- the more than fifty years, he took an ac the clergyman's friend, Canadian easily be filled, epistle for Christ, known and read of all, consecrated life, his out his Master's business, and literal: ly died in harness, memory of the just is' pro- And now brethren, 1 commend you to God, and to the that you may have a right Quality Counts. In blood especially, nothing shows more quickly blood. Pimples, boils, of all kinds should be treated through 4 the blood. Wade's Iron Tonic. Pills cure Bogert, resigned. op: wil the vacant the Ree Rae ++ has resigned the Saints', in this city, superannuated. All W. F. Fitagerald, Rear, Rev. GQ. . MLA the district with the Luke's, in this city; therefore, for the future, warming in the oven--it's a crisp, whole-wheat wafer. : £ ; the of Rev. Walter Cox, to. Clarendon 'and Pal- H, R. Trum-. to the parish of, Ros!'n, ing Ban- by a student 1 require five clorgy- ly the pressing needs of I get applications al- for town or city work, to be a decided fear ---- Of Provincial Synod. Synod of Canada, "'Cystoms" inthe church of God. change with the synods of must give ask for The Provincial not meet again, unless by which is not likely to suit® t and 1 would ill meet in Quebec, next delegates to it, six cleri- lay: -- past year, there have changes in the episcopate church. By the. resign- lose, Archdeacon Worrell to fill the see, which, ibtedly a gain. to the ke larger sense, was in- loss to this diocese, As he was really as a right ready to help, in of the Lemmon & Lawrenson, 000000000 0000000 EE * FOR JUNE BR Fancy China Tea Sets, Vases, Jardiniers, ) Salad Sets, Berry Sets, Bread and Butter Plates, Fancy Cups and Saucers, Choco- late and Cocoa Sects, Marmalade Sets, etc. : Fancy China for Decorating Go-Carts, Waggons, Carts, Viocopedes, Hammocks. place on 8t, Luke's day, in Christ Church when, owing to and clergy were present. was one eo of Caledonia being vac urch Missionary Society, the bishop's salary, the right of nomination, Archbishop of Can. name of the Rev. F, H. for the vacant see. At Archbishop of Can- Duvernet was consecrat- was one of the conscorat- The vacancy caused in filled hy of Archdeacon Williams, that diocese, -J. HISCOCK - CEERI CR Rr Oe 160 and 162 Princess Street. ; who was consecrated in St. Paul's . church, London, on the festival of the O00 0000000000000 I00000000 0000! Epiphany, January €th, 1906. I was I'mnity College, Dublin, a I scholar, and loved to ork of his early days, Ho diocese in his will, to his son and daughter, B.A, The expansion of hot water in the heater causes circulatioh, If the water heats at the bottom first, it cannot circulate till the water in the upper sections. is also heated. Most heaters heat : the bottom water . The ** Bison heats the water at the top first, That is why it gets almost instantaneous circulation of hot water into the radiators--it is one of ten reasons why the ""Bison" is the best heater. TE Metzler, of did mot in any was cut down, suddenness, in the , in a parish of Oxford Mills, has rest of Paradise, For in church work, He was and at bishop and clergy were of the Right Rev. Baldwin, iron, has Maur- the late saintly left a gap in church which cannot He was indeed an which could be His pure and dose walk with eloquent utterance, made wherever he went, To was a benediction. He himself, was always ab- ENTS' OXFORD SHE Oxfords, in Tan, Black, Vici, Box Calf'and Patent C. in lace and button, all the newest ast, . iis iF id Prices. $3, $3.50, $4 and $4.50. . Canvas Goods Just Arriv word of His grace to uild you up, and to inheritance among ' all are sanctified ic praying judgment em, than impoverished skin eruptions bv driving them out of In boxes, Oe, at Wade's Money back if not satis }

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