- or YEAR 72." NO. 144. E. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. e, ortectly-shabed Wiaists ar UyIng, no matter how lige to be sure that when yoy git ey will fit and have (he style is Waists of this character nuch business this spring and fasts, White Lawn Waists 0 patterns between to choose ists, new arrivals, with all the nkles, $2.25, 2.98, 3, , » 7 19D Waist Suits .. The very mention of this comfort. 5, in Black, Navy, Brown, in Fancy Navy Shot Effeuts. 16 75. -- ts, the silks that wash, 25c, These 5 qualities have given rade during the paSt thee ES, 49C. lilks, 75¢., 99c. Iks. Iks. Silks, 6oc., 75¢., 9c. This well and will wear like as genuine "Habutai" is made silk. . 'rench Taffeta Silks, Brown | White, Navy and White, s. 5 ks, in all the new combina. ite Hosiery adies' White ic Front : received A v Shoes e Coolest 'We have just received a very WHITE CANVASS RIB- N TIE SHOE, turn cole, very Land comfortable for this hot ther. 2 A PAIR} 'T SHOE STORE No Trick to | Sell Our Straw Hats We import diseet from New York, and our sales for the past week more than surprised us. . Prices, $1, $1.50, $2 and £2.50. $2.5 4 \ Italian make, at $2.50, for cannot be equaled. fine felt Hats are our hobby---styles do our talking. E. P, Jenkins Clothing Co, MILITARY FOOTWEAR We make to order every- thing required. Absolu- tely Correct in style and pattern, Wear "Allen's" Military Bootmakers, 48 Brock St. Sign of Golden Boot. and prices SWIFT'S INSURANCE ACENCY FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, CARCO. Strong reliable Companies only represented LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. LOWEST RATES on approved risks of every description. Office, Opposite Untario Bank WANTED. A APPLY MRS. hn street. A GIRLS FOR STEADY WORK od wages" Apply Kingston Mos- iery Company. STRONG BOY TO 1LLOOK AFTER horse and be gene ly useful. Apply 265 Ontario street GO<CART, IN GOOD CONDITION. ANY erson having for apply to Sox 35, Whig Ila --------------------------_-- A YOUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL house work. Apply to Mrs. Hender- 49 Clergy street _-- DAILY MEMORANDA, \ ---- Cheese board, 1 This is the R.M.C. Thursday Ontario Synod, 10 Thursday. i 0 pan. Thursday. «ay in the exercises, 10 long¥ closing year am. am. and 3 pn Good resolutions are apt to run down at the heel. Meeting Cooke'$ church congregation this evening. This day in istued 1764. The sun rises Thursday at and sets at 7.43 pom. A man may be as afd still be' no good history : Queliec Gazette 4.19 am. good as his wdrd sier to criticise people than it is reciate thom. . St Andréw's church, preparation 'ser- 4 this evening at 8 o'clock He remained' here 'in the : the city goes whtors; DECORATED CHINA We have a new and particularly hand- sums display of decorzied DINNER SETS TOILET. SETS They will please you without a doubt, and the prices ire very reasonable. ROBERTSON BROS.. Cut Glass A Most Attractive Showing RIGHT KIND of TEA SETS result of the ds properly displayed. For brilli- ancy and purity of color our CUT GLASS is "unsurpassed. We sell only THIS KIND an spectiully ask that you our excellent values, when shopping SMITH BROS. Jewelers Opticians 380 King Street. J. 8. Smith, Issuer of Marriage Licenses Auction Sale. Lot 12 on north side of Cataragui street, west of and near Orchard st fronts feet, depth t. with the two attached frame 3 thereon now occupied by Mr v and Mr h ho each, will at $6 per n John H. Mills Brock stre n at 'his auction rooms Saturday, the 24th Day of June, Instant At 12 noon subiect to one resérve bid! Fot further inform n apply to JOHN MUDIE, Vendor's Solicitor 80 Clarcuce street Dat@ TURE "20th; 1963 A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR GEN- eral house work; family of two. Ap- ply at 148 Johnston street. $13,000 ON $30,000 SECURITY, REAL Estate, § or 10 years. A. Gardiner, AC Apply to J 151 Wellington St. IRL TO ASSIST WITH ( housework. A good home reliable girl. Apply BRAL for steady, 45 William St AN SXPERIENCED for wholesale and state "Z.,"" Whig Office LADY house salary. BOOK Give re Box EMPLOYMENT BY A YOUNG MAN, aged twenty-two years. Is willing to accept a kind of work. Address 1. Caplin, 279 Bagot street. te ---------------------------------------------- GENTLEMEN, TO GE1 THEIR Spring Suits made up at Galloway's, 131 Brock street, next to Bibby's livery ; style, fit and price guaranteed to please ; pressing and repairing done promptly. -------- A COMPETE GO TO thé counvry, five miles from town for supuner; small family good wages Apply, onclosing references to Mrs. Coyne (Box 6), city mimi atti s-------------------- MEN AND BOYS, TO LEARN PLUMB- ing trade. We cannot supply demand for graduates. $4.50 to $5 per dav Eight weeks completes course. Karn while learning. Address, for Cata- logue, Coyne Bros.. C Plumbing Schools, Cinginnati, 3 Louis, t. Mo. Employment guaranteed or money refunded. TO-LET. EE ES EE FINE OFFICE AT 346 KING STRE front reom, newly furnished. A y to J. P, Forrest, 348 King Street. DWBLLINGS FURNISHED furnished, stores Cann's Real Brock Street. AND TUN- offices, ete at Mc state "A cy, 51 tte eee Sree THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT the, Corner of Queen and Ontario Streets, lately occupied by Mr. Hen- erson as a grocery with large yard and outbuildings. Offers will be re- Ceived for purchase. Apply tw Walkem & Walkem, solicitors, King ston. & FOR SALE. ---- em A PONY CART, ASH GRAINED, IN rood condition. Apply at 248 Divis- ion Street. FIRST-CLASS SEWI MACHINE, POLO HORSE FOR SALE. ONE OF THE y Cand ands, HANDSOMEST da: Arabian YOO LIT- Hackney Hinges on Minute Flames Killed Andrews. New York, June 21.-Upon the de termination of the exact time of the death of Wallace Andrews and his wife, who burned to death in their home in this eity on April Tth, 1899, depends the * the failure of a contest for $1,500,000, which gun in New York state supreme here, Mr. Andrews' will directs that his executors organize. an institution to Were Suceess or was be court be known as the Andrews Institute for Girls, and left to the institution $2, 500,080 of his three million-dollar es- tate, cutting off his relatives with £500,000. Under the laws of 1860, a testator leaving a cannot more than one} estate to---charity, and the tend that Mrs. husband and wife give Institute for the Andrews only receive $1,500,000 Counsel for the institute ntend that there is no proof that the wife survived her husband and the pm onen being the died first sumptiotti= that the w weaker phys NOTHING DEFINITE Has Been Reached Between Two Powers. Special to tha Whi. Yaris, June 21.--An eliort was made to bring -up the Eranco-ficrman nego tiadions for dis of Deputi Rouvier's' earnest rec m in the Chamber . but at Prem ye st the indefinitely postpone the discussion. It is considered here that the German newspapers are assuming, too hurried ly. that eversthing is mining optimis tically, As vet Franee has actually ac nearly i cheap for cash. or will} outed nothing. The conversations be mee tor hugey | wood routs tween the two powers are continuing y ems | Su tisfactorily, bat it is premature to : think that definite conduiions have ® : FOUND. been reached. A YOUNG POX. OWNER CAN HAVE same by calling at Ringwood Lodge King street west. Sent To Penitentiary. ESE | London, Ont, une 2 Louis Baseball Yesterday. Rhennme, the Quebec "politician," National league At Cincinnati, 8; | was sentenced to two years in the New York, 8. At Pittsburg, 2: frock. | Kingeton penitentiary on two charges lyn, 9. At Chicago, 2; Phiadelphia, 3. | one of horse stealing and the other a Ameritan league At Philadelphia; | of fore Rivvaume came her at the 2: Cleveland, 3. At Washington, 2; St. | time of recent, election and took Louis, 12. A¢ New York, & Detroit, 5. fa hor and vig from a livery man Eastern lea treal, 2. At 9 t o--AL Toronto, altimo) 3 ter, 2; Buffalo, 1, (ten i 9: Mon- 4 Jersey City, At Newark, 0; Providence, 4. At and did not return it. He also passed a forged cheque om a city hotel man, He collapsed in the prisoner's dock when the sentence was pronounced. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, OIG AHEAD Joyfgl News Is Shortly Ex- pected. 10 INSERT WEDGE AND TO DRIVE GEN, LINE- VITCH TO WEST. There 'Will Be nd Armistice While the Peace Negotiations Are @ Going on--Russia is Quite Agreeable to August 1st Special to the Whie, London, June 21.~According to- the Tokio correspondent of the Telegraph, the Japanese are continuing their vie torious advances in Manchuria, The Russians are completely outflanked on both wings, Joyful news is shortly ex- pected. "The Japanese have considera- bly more than a half million men in the field. The preliminary operations began as far back as May 20th, The Russians occupying the outer works, south-east and west of Harbin, and the forts on the Sungari river, num ber 54,000, with more than 300 guns. Numerous mines have been laid. A train leaves Harbin for St. Petersburg daily and one arrives daily from - St. Petersburg. One train is despatched daily for Vladivostok A dispatch to the Standard, from St. Petersburg, says that military of) servers are inclined to believe that Field-Marshal Oyama is prepared to msert a wedge between Kirin and Viadivostok, driving Gen. Linevitch west, The situation is watched close lv. Great Operations. The St. Petersburg mdent of the Temps says that tion is caused by the intelli of the operations in Manchuria and hopes of "approaching peace are being abandoned. The present opera tions are unprecedented, They extend over a front of 500 , from Keo rean and Mongolian frontier, aris, June 21. vers To Be No Armistice. J St. Petersburg, June 21.--At the for eign office Count Nearotofi r ag the re- presentative of Foreign Minister Lams- dorfi, stated, terday afternoon, that it had been decided, definitely, that there would be no armistice. When asked thé hearing the battle of Man churia would h on the peace nego tiations, M. Nearotoff replied that if Russia was successful Japan's propos- als might be influenced 50 as to be made acceptable, but if the Russians were defeated, he believed that the war would continne to the bitter end. Russia, "it {is officially stated, finds no ohjection to gested, to August Ist, as sug Japan for the date of the plenipotentiaries and in < will be sent to Ambassador to 'accept that date. Cassini May Be Armistice. Washington, June 21.--It is intimat od, in official circles, here, that negoti ations are provecding looking to an between Japan and Russia. armistice Severe Fighting. June 21.--The Petersburg correspondent of the Echo de Paris, says the expected battle in Manchuria Paris, St. has begun. The two wings of Gen. Linevitch's army have retired. The fighting is severe. TO RETAIN CONTROL. Both Seas and Ship of That Name. Ottawa, June 21.--The mounted po- lice will continue in charge of the northern patrol work. It was stated some time ago that the marine de- partment would undertake the patrol ling of the morthern straits, leaving only Hudson's Bay to be looked after bv the police. Tt has been decided for this vear at least, that the Arctic shall continue patrol work under dir- ection of Major Moodie, and sailed by Captain Bernier. A sunply boat will be sent to meet her "at Cape Chedley, about July 1Sth. There will be a couple of police: men up to take the places of any of the party of ten who are not in good enough health to spend another win: ter in the north. Kaiser Never Borrows. Yerlin, June 21.--The repors- which have heen printed in regard to the kaiser's personal finances, in which it has been stated that the emperor was habitually "broke," as he spends the alloganes-made him by the state as fast as the money comes into his hands and that he has on ocoasions hegn forced to borrow, have at last drawn a denial! The Nord Dentsch Al Igemeine tung, emphatically denies all the stories which have appears ant says: "We are authorized to af- fm in express terms that the amper-. or has never borrowed a single pen- ny, Marriage Announcement. New York The formal an- ment is made by Mr. and Mrs. ward Webb, of the engagement of their danghter, Miss Frederica Van- derbilt Webb. to Ralph Pulitzer, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pulitzer. Miss Webb is a great-grand-danghter of the Vanderbilt family and a grand danghter of the Inte William K. Van derbilt. Mr. Pulitzer was graduated from Harvard in 1990 and iz a son of the owner of the World; June 21 At Cologne. Germany, a serious col lision ocenrred last night between the police and the populace on Chlod- wig's platz, nt Administered to Thieves. Juhe 21, ~The large Yuin organised to thioving, At a given teed - suspected thieves und Lo trees and gag- they stamp out moment a were a . Were successive ly taken, ups of teh, to. a large cellar re claborate torture appuratos hafibeen inctalled, The el- der. farmers" @nstituted themselves Judges," Suspeoyad thieves "to the question 3 y hey deeds, and wer was had Spanish hoo! berg Maid™ an iron Ww a9 ed about their nis no satisfactory ars mh screws, then the gd finally *'the Nurn applied. The latter is enveloping the whole ody, th squecze the limbs and Pout of all proportio is 'sine til he has ce n hte during (he t re, The court @i@ided that cleven of the prisoners w them to bh cero crippled for The court Was in men, . women the cellar ang listen raged man guilty oul torture | s While cighty others' ile "as a warning." session five days, and children crowding onjoy the bloody work Ethe wails of the out 8 FE LAMG HORNE SHAW, mnghorne sisters of Lord wed Lord Rev- t London bank- thers. * MRS. N One of Virgini vistoke, ing house ¢ The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Yellow fever is a menace to the com- pletion of the Panama canal. Of 134 wells drilled in Leamington distriet 100 are now yielding oil. A select committee of the British House of Commons will investigate » army stores scandals, ™ s ler Haggard's report on the Sal vation Army colonies in Canada, says they are socially a success, but fin ancially a failure, A premature explosion of dynamite, in Hogan's drilling section of Port Colborne breakwater, killed Thomas Heckakor, and injured two other men Engineer Perry and M. F. 'Slacey, express messenger, of Winnipeg, wer killl in a collision between the ( P. R. west-hound express' and a stock train, near Kenora; rolling stock was badly wrecked, John ¥. Wallace, chief engineer of the Panama canal, has cabled tary Taft, asking pemmission to nt turn to Washington, saying that his return was of the wdmost importance and that he would explain clearly when he arrived. in Washington, TELLS OF SUBMARINE'S LOSS, British Secre Expert Explains Recent Disaster to A-8. London, June 3 ,--Captain RB. HW. S Bacon, R. N., who is chief of the sul marine. flotilla testified before the court-martial at Davenport, which is inquiring info the recent sinking of the subi ¢ boat AS, He said he found one rivet out of the foremost petrol ik of the hoat, leaving a hole «uf! for a ton of water to enter her in ten minutes, Captain Bacon considered that this accounted for the fast that while ateam submarine hoat was gra dually down by the rose. An exple carved an hour and forty minut the boat sank. The bums « bodies Bf the crew were antemort howing that the vie tims w Il living 'at the time of the expl but experiments showel that ms must have been in sensible + considegable time. -------- BURGLARS ARRESTED. Busy When Seen by a Man Near By. Special Whig. Toront Tune 21 While watching at the | of his sick wile, 4 five «© this morning, James Arnott two, burglars industrious- ly trying break into the store of Bradior Co., 417 Dundas strest, He aroun Polieesman Wettrop, who li¥es near and who, in night shirt and tro started after the burg: lars, backed up, by Arnott. Both house breaker were captured and gave their names, as Michiel Coonev and Jar Halgate." In the police court, tl morning, they were © re manded for week, so that the police could loo their records Found Good Coal, facial to the Whie. Toronto, June 20. --A find of gol bituminous coal is reported from Whit ney township, in the clay belt of New Ontario. A settler on the Porcupine river claims to have made the fil and has put in an application for the land. The mines' department will in- JUNE AN EVIL SPELL 21, 1905. Has Been (C Engl IS IT BEWITCHED ALL MANNER OF STRANGE THINGS OCCUR. Over An Fomii. A Woman Called to Elucidate e Finding of Gold is Charg- With the Offence--The Place is now Shunned by All the Neighbors. > London, June 21.-The visit of a modern "witch," who was called in to aid in the search for lost gold at a small farm in the parish of May. Hill, on the western side of Gloucester, has had disastrous: results to the farmer and his family, The farmer missed £30 in gold from a secret hiding place in his house, and it was suggested that the "witch," an oll woman reputed to have powers of divination, who resides in the Forest of 'Dean, should be called in to eluci- date the mystery, ~ The suggestion was. acted upon the entire neighborhood now bel that the farm has been "bewitched" as the result of the woman's visit, Immediately the "witch arrived on the scene the farmer's daughter and grand-daughter developed unmistak' able, signs of madness. The daughter, who is a married woman, became so bad that she had to be removed to the Gloucester asyhmn, while © the grand-daughter was taken to Newent workhouse hospital, The morning on which they were re- moved the farmer's wife suddenly dis appeared, Inspector Dennis of the Gloucester police and a staff of con- stables, with many neighbors and friends, organized o search for her, but no trace of her whereabouts could be discovered. < She returned home a few days ago, however, in a very exhausted condi- tion, having subsisted during her ab sence on the leaves of the trees in the wood and a little water from the ditch, She had both seen and hia the searchers, she said, but was afraid to discover her whereabouts to them. In her hand she cartied a hazel stick, which, she maid, was "to keep the witches away," Later the farmer's son also develop ed symptoms of insanity, and it was necessary to place hin under re straint," He succeeded, however, in in- juring himself severely by running his head against a large iron spike. His wife soreamed loudly when she saw his condition, and the man, im- darining that she, too, was "bewitch- «l,"" frantically 'implored her, while the blood was streaming from his head, to seize a hazel stick and to pray fre quently that she might escape the evil sparits, . The entire district is in a condition of ferment, and the "bewitched" farm is shunned by all the neighbors. Al though the "witch" has returned to her home, mysterious breaking of win- dows and destruction of other pro- perty are declared to have occurred in the district, NEW ZEALAND TRADE. Subsidy of $50,000 a Year by Can- ada, X Ottawa, June 21.~The trade and commerce department has been advis- od by the Australian government that it is proposed to continue for another year the present steamship service maintained by the Union 8,8. Co. be- tween Canada and Australia. Negotiations have been in progress for an improvement in this service, but so far without result; The Cana- dian government warts direct connee- tion with New Zealand, whose govern- ment has voted Canada a customs preference, and it is 'extremely pro bable that a contract will shortly be closed to provide this stimulus to mutual intercourse, Canada and New Zealand contributing $50,000 each" A monthly service has already been offer ed on these terms, Rounded Up Tramps. & peial to the Whig. Montreal, June 21.-Six tramps who were arrested at diferent localities in the province, as the result of a eir- cular despatch sent out by Provincial Detective McCaskell, in connection with the Quinn murder, at 'St. Louis de Mile End are free so far as the murder case is concerned. They were gathered in on the general suspicion that tramps way have committed the deed, but the men arrested, it is be lieved, had nothing to do witn the crane, ------ Asking For A Writ, Special to the Whig, Montreal, June 21 Judge Onimet heard arguinent, this morning, in the application of Gaynor and: Greene for a writ of habeas corpus. The ground on which the petitioners hope to se- cure the freedom of the noted persons is that Judge Lafontaine had not jur- isdiction in the case and that the of- fence with which they, ave charged is not extraditable. The judge took the matter into deliberation, Bowen Dismissed. Washington, June 21.--The dismissal of Herbert W, Bowen, United States minister to Venezuela, amd the exoner- ation of Assistant Secretary of State Francis B. Loomis of the allegations brought against him by Mr. Bowen are directed by President R volt, in a letter addrbssed to Secretary Taft, made pulilic last night, approv- vestigate, ing Mr. Talt's report on his findings and conclusions in the case, Special t A iu dots Qe Cl ya o ore e Street 10 establish a claim to a share of the estate of her mother, Mary Maldie, who left a house and ST.500 cash. latter's will was a peculiar one. It stipulated that if any of the ters got ae waa! ht whan nl ir personal were to Tat off from any of the benefits. Under the will the same fate was to overtake the' husband if he married again. The - daughter, Jemina, was cut off with one dollar exactly, Five of the children have died in recent years, Jemina claims changes the status' of the will and entitles her to a share of the estate. A warr KNOWN FINANCIER Became a Forger for Millions of | ; Dollars. " Phil phi . June 21.--Since the de odelphin. i ill, four weeks ago, it has been discovered tha was mixed up in one of the most sen- sationall y cases on record. By raising 'Small numbers of stock shares to hu of shares, Gaskill, whose credit was of the best, caused a loss to banks and trusts of $1,000,000. Little will bo recovered . from his = es: tate, He. was forty-one and reuked high in club circles. ---------------- Speech . Acclaimed. Soecial to Whig. So Petersburg, June 31--~The im: pression Emperor Nichol as' , on Monday, at Peterhofl, is reflected in the joyful acolaim with which it has been received by the Rus- sian press. The question of peace and the reports that another great battle has begun in Manchuria, have become a secondary importance in the public mind before the. great fact that the emperor has again pledged himself to popular representation. The Russe de- clares that the history of representa tive government, in Russia, dates from Whitsunday. The Novoe Vremya thinks this renewed assurance, direct from the throne, imposes the obligation of all classes of society, which have the welfare of Russia at heart, to unite for the suppression of the agitation which is shaking the whole of the country. : # i Belleville Yacht Clab. Belleville, June 21.--A local sailing i Spy veo Tor prises al . Taos g bo held on Wednosduy 'afte ing July and August, followi officials were elected: Commotiore, Corby; vice-commodore, Thomas Rit- chie; captain, E. Guss Porter, M-F. committee of management, Mayor Suliman, R. H. Fonwick, W. Rogers, W. Carnew, Joseph D. Clarke, Thom. as Ehomsone T.S. Cunuan, 4 . Wills, Dr. Yeomans, . Oh ippey; Bowell, and C, J, There'll Never Be War. London, June 21.---In: an article in the Standard on "Imperial Defence," Sir Charles Dilke changes in the dockyards of Canada were based on policy rather than on strategy. The government must be of the opinion that . all future disputes Between Groat Britain and the United States will be settled by arbitration. A ------------ Spain To Fortify Islands. Madrid, June 21.---The Spanish cabi- net has decided to begin at once to erect strong defences on the Balearic and Canary Islands and also along the - Sicilian . coast. Gen. Polavieja, chief of staff jSechiipatied by several staff generals hae: left for the Balearic Islands to commence the preliminary survey for the fortifications. Appointinents Made. Snocial to the Whig. Toronto, June 21. The following provincial pointments have beon made : Patrick J. Herrington, Killa- los, to be the clerk of the eight divi- tion court of Renfrew: Hugh McMillan, Eganville, to be bailiff of the sixth di- vision of Renfrew county. 'Saved His Pay Chest. Special to the Whig. aris, June 21. he St. Petersburg correspondent of the Agence Russe states that Admiral Rojestvensky's pay chest, prior to the Battle of the Sea of Japan, Was taken to Chefoo, and there handed over to the Russian consul, A Delightful Outing. Jones' Falls and return, Saturday, June 24th, steamer Rideau Queen leaves Swift's wharf at 7 a.m. Tickets 50c. : First Of The Season. 3 America begins her lar tours, Saturday, 2.30 p.m carly. Only 35e. an------------------ " In parliament, Sir Wilfrid Laurier explained the schedule under which th new province of Alberta is divided in- to constituencies. M. 8. McCarthy, of Calgary, moved an smendment that 'the distribution be delegated to three justices of the supreme court of the North-West Territories, and argues for a division which would give fifteen members to the southern part of the province and ten to the northern part. The axe has fallen upon the necks of License Inspector Smith and his as- sistant, Prank Hannum, of Ottawa. They -have béen removed from office and their places taken by Alderman res| h A union of Presbyterian elders has formed in London to watch the higher criticism. x Ji C. Eoright and A. E. Coleman, pectively, © New shaving hrushes at Gibson's Red Cross 'Drug Store, : & A $3 BILL, THIS A tween Crumley SCOTT--In Kingston, For Mid-sum Bd Wp Fabrics that are as light perfect wehves'in all wool fast d terials, just the right thing for ti days." You have your ¢ the largest stocks, the most weaves, the lowest prices, that © had in the city 1, NUNS' VEILINGS at 28e. | ALBATROSS CLOTH at 8746. FRENCH DELAINES at 874c. WOOL VOILES, very special, MOHAIRS at 37§e. to 78e. BOLIENNES, special line at Come and wee, if only to ble to show our goods. DIED, 1905, the in ntti eral te i iar------------------ -------- da"s Crack Militar; A dds i Dostors 3. 1 a, uiom, 4 v men PRES And the Kilties Great Sen Jo Trou of D. . Palace, Theatre, dy Prices, 25¢. Olives at Olives at Olives at Chairs, Summer Kitchen TURKS SECOND-HAND LOST house. Kindly FTERNOON. BE mos. an]