RE -- eR DY-0-1.A _The very latest and best reparation for ( yein vool, cotton, silk or feath- rs. One Package does all -not like the old way where ou required a different or each class of g dade by the same pe vho made Diamond -same size, same nly better. dye ods, ople Dyes Price, Try them the ext time you want to do ny coloring, he "Best" Drug Store, 124 Princess Street, ulck Delivery. 'Phone 59 23 Baby's Own Soap is a guard ngainst all'ykin troubles in children. It cleansesisoftens, soothes and prevents chafing and sores, IT 18 AS GOOD FOR THE OLD AS THE YOUNG. * ALBERT TOILET SOAP CO., Mrns MONTREAL, "2 {ome -- i D [ "Maypole! Atlast. Here'sacake of soap that dyes--mot a powder that Takes meds and trouble aH over the Louse. Maypole yields brilliant colors that'cannot fade. "It dyes to any shade. At last home dyeing is ange sy yeing made pleasant, Madein, Maypole we eree. Soap Dyes. roc. for Colors--isc, for Black. J yomething ~00l 0 Wear e have it and at a correct price too instance': -- Negligee Shirts dozen Men's Fancy Negligee Shirts, in an endless variety of the very newest designs, stiff or soft fronts es 14 to 164, regular price 7T5c and $1 On Wednesday special price will be 59¢. and 79c. or the Ladies : Muslin Waists ample lot of White Muslin Waists, in A varity of .the very latest 0 two alike, marked to « tt one-third the oe. and off to $3 each. Infants' Sox Weight colors white ig variety of Light nfants' wear, an, all sizes Tan Cotton Hose shipnient of Tan adies and Children adies' sizes, 15¢. g pair and up 'hildren's sizes 10c. a pair and up Whitewear the line of Whitewear we have ery Dainty Corset €overs at 25 nd up, also Gowns, Skirts ond rawers at reasonable prices wman & Shaw sox for blag Cotton Hose for : : 4 NOW Is a good Aime to buy your WINTER COAL! There's a Saving ! AMES - SWIFT & C0. Telephon? 186. F24000000000000000 000 & 500 6000 cid / { SATURDAY, July._tst, 190 Return tickets, will be issued, at, SINGLE FIRST - GLASS FARE 10i iday. Saturday, Sunday and oe Foe a0ths July 1st, 2nd, and 3nd 10% turmingk "from ion on or pefore Tuesday, July 4 rg DIAN NORTH-WEST. 3 . Returning Aug. 28th. Sh one? > Returning Sept. 16th. For further particulars, tickets and all other information apply to J. P. HANLEY, City 'Passenger Agent. LIE LT IY iN IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. SINGLE FARE Dominion Day Going June . 30, July 1st, and 3rd. Returning until Juty 4th, 1905. Centennial Exposition Portland, Oregon June ist to October 15th, 1905. Round Trip Fare $75.30 FROM KINGSTON Tickets on sale daily, and valid to re- turn axithin 90 days from alate of sale put not later than November 30th, 1905 Homeseékers' Excursions to Manitoba and the Canadian North-West. June 27th and July 15th, 1905. Full particutars at K. & P. and CP. K. Ticket office, Ontario Stre F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR. Gen. Agent. Gen. Supt. Bay of Quinte Railway New short line fer Tweed, Napanee Deseronto, and all local points. Trains leave City Hall Depot at 8:25 pm. F OCNWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiagste Pass. QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED, River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises ia Cool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron SS. "Campana," 1700 tons with electric lights, electric bells and ull modern comfort. Sails from Montreal Mondays, 2 pam, 3rd, 17th 'and 81st July; 14th and 28th August; 11th 'and 25th September, for Pictou, N.S., calling at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Bay, "Perce, Cape Cove, Grand River, Summerside, P.E.l., and Char- lottetown, P.E.I. ~ . Ea bin Summer Excursions, bv the new Twin fan." 5,500 tons. Sailin from New York, from 7th October. - Temperature cooled by sea breezes seldom : rises above 80 degrecs. Princess Hotel open the year round. The finest trips of the season heaith and comfort. $35 and upwards, w S. ""Bermud- fortnightly June to 11th for ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. For tickets and staterooms apply to J. P. HANLEY, of J P. GILDER- SLEEVE, Ticket Kingston, Unt. Agents, Daily Line Tw Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Islands, Brockville, Prescott and Montreal. Now KINGSTON & TORONTO Steamers LEAVE KINGSTON : EAST--Daily, except Monday, GOING at 6 am GOING WEST---Daily, except Monday, at 5 p.m. The New Steamer "MONTREAL" Is now running between Montreal and Quebec, leaving Montreal on the even dates in June and. July and leaving Quebec on the alternate dates. Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line. GOING EAST, Wednesdays and Fri- days and Sundays, at 4.30 p.n. GOING WEST, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 11.30 p.m. J. P. HANLEY, J. SWIFT & CO. Ticket Agent Freight Agemrts. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. 1000 Islands-- Rochester Taking Effect June 24th Stes. North King and Caspian | Leave Kingston daily, except. Monday, At 10.15 a.m., for Thousand Isiands, calling at Alexanoria Bay and .Ganano- Que Returning steamert leave at 5 for Rochester, N.Y.. calling at on, Deseronto, Belleville and inter- mediate Bay of Quinte ports. STR. ALETHA --Leaves Kingston Mon- days at 5 pam., for Picton and intermed- ¢ Hay of Quinte ports. Full information from J. P. Hanley, J Pa Sildersieeve, Jas. Swift & Co. nts." E. E. HORSEY, Traffic Manager. -- ce et ete. eet LIVERPOOL and Royal Mall Steamers. Nirsiot From Montreal. From Quebec, to Tinian, June 23, 8 a.m. June 23, 6 p.m. Tunisian, June 80, 3 a.m. June & Victorian, July 7. 8 am ¥ s1oATES OF PASSAGE--First bin, 3s and upwards, according to steamer ; Second Cabin, Liverpool and London- ferry, $42.50, 5 and $47.50 accord-] = to steamer, London $2.50 oxtra ¢ hird Clans, $27.50--Virginian, Victor- fan $28 75. NONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT orinthian Wed. June 21, (daylight.) MONTREAL TO LONDON & HAVRE. Sarmatian ..;Sat. June 24, (daylight.) . NEW YORK TO GLASGu Numidian he HAR Thurs. June 2 2 p.m 2, LEY, Agent, G.T.R. Cit. Py Depot." J GILDELR SLEBVE, Chroot Stist. BR Ry 4 recent census ; the population ol Rome, former mistress of 1 the world, is 506,510, CUTICURA ' Soap, Ointment and Pills the World's Greatest Skin Cures. COMPLETE TREATMENT For EveryHumour, from Pimples to Scrofula, from Infancy LL : "The izing itching and burnin of the on a ny the frightful scaling, asin psoriasis; the loss of hait and crusting of the scalp, as in scalled |! He ; the facial disfigurement, as in ! pimples and ringworm; the awful | suffering of infants and the anxiet of worn-out parents, as in milk crust, tetter, and salt rheum, all demand a remedy of almost superhuman virtues to successfully cope with them. That Cuticura Soap, Ointment. and Pills are such stands proven beyond all doubt. No statement is made regard- ing them that is not justified by the strongest evidence. The purity and sweetness, the power to afford imme- diate relief, the certainty of speedy and permanent cure, the absolute safety and great economy, have made them the standard skin cures and humor remedies of the civilized world, | YEARS OF TORTURE Itching and Painful Sores Cover- ing Head and Body Cured By Cuticura." * "For fifteen years my scalp and | forclicad was one mass of scabs, and | my body was covered with sores, Words cannot express how I suffered from the itching agd pain. I had given up hope when a friend told me to get Cuticura. After bathing with Cuticura Soap and applying Cuticura Ointment for three days, my head was as clear as ever, and to my surprise and joy, onc cake of soap and one box of ointment made a complete cure in ' one week. (signed) H, B. Franklin, 717 Washington St., Allegheny, Pa." 3 ouse 8q.; 5 Rue de la Paix; A . " Rute Bra Chen Cor. Bont ot og" 7 2 83 Malied Free, * Low to Cure Every Humour." How to Cure ~ A Burn Apply Ponds Fxtract--tie old fam aor will relieve the a ny immediately. Cures burne, bruises, cuts, Sprains: relieves all pain asi by m For over 60 years Pond's Exiract n the "first aid" in cases of nccident-- the reliable familly remedy. Imitations are weak, watcry, worthless; 's Extract is pure, powerful, priceless, Sold only in sealed dot ties under buff wrapper. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. 'Weod's Fh The Great English Remedy. positive cure for all t) hy A xual Weakness, M 3 rors Axp Arter Brain Worry, Finissions, Sper matorrhoca, Impotency, Effocts of Abuse or Excess, all of which lead to Consum tion, Infirmity, Incanity*and an earl vo. $1 per pkg., six for 85. One will please, six will ure. Ro d by all druggists or mailed in plain on receipt of price. W_itefor Pamphlet. Wood Medicine Co., Windsor, On THE FRONTENAC : LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISHED 1863.) President--Sir Richard Cartwright loaned on City and Farm Municipal and County Debentures. Mortgages purchased Deposits received and interest allowed S. C. McGill, Managing Director. Office. 97 Clarence Street. Kingston ix "MAPLE LEAF" Money Properties. CANNED SALMON packep _ ARCHITECTS: ay WM, NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- ce, second floor over Mahood's drug store, " corner Princess and Bagot Streets. Interance on Bagot street. Telephone 608. ARTHUR ELLIS ARCHITECT, OF fic site of New Drill: Hall, near cor- ner of Queen and Montreal Strests. POWER & SON ARCHITECT, MER- chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone 212. IENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, etc., Anchor Building, Market Square 'Phone 3452 MONEY AND BUSINESS. TEE -- -- va LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLORE Fire urance Company. Available addition to policy holders have for security the unlimited lability of all the stockholders., Farm and city property insured at lowest vossible ratés. lore renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. PUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON buildings and contents than any otn- er company offers. kixamine them at Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark- + Sguars. - 'EDUCATIONAL. MUSIC! MUSIC! MISS BLYTH FORMERLY OF WATERTOWN, N.Y., will open a studio for music at her home, 140 Union St.. on May 11th. A limited number of pupils desired. Call Thurs (CITY WAS GENEROUS, IN AIDING COUNTY IN THE | PAST. Kingston Has Given Over $500, 3000 to Help Build Up County Roads and Assist Projects of Benefit to the County. Kingston, June 10+(To the Edi tor) : I was. much interested in the ar- guments advanced at Thursday's ment ing in the court house in behalf of free roads, and as a citizen of King- ston I am convinced that free roads and free markets would be to the rhu- tual advance of both city and county. However, before it can be said that Any progressive step has been taken in the matter of freeing the roads of tolls the county council must submit a statement, showing the approximate value of the roads, together with a fair estimate of annual cost of main tenance. That will serve as a basis for argent, and the ratepayers will he the better enabled to form an opin- ion as to whether or not it would be of benefit to them to have the coun- ty own the roads. In the event of the county taking over the roads, some assurance should be given that they will be maintained in an efficient manner, and not allow ed to retrograde, as have those of Lennox county. At ome time, when they were owned by companies, the roads of Lennox were the finest and best maintained in the midland . dis- trict, but since the county has taken them 'over they have been allowed to fall into a condition of irrepair. So bad have they become that it was found 'necessary to prosecute the county for maintaining dangerous highwavs, and on Wednesday, 14th ingt., the grand jury, at Napanee, in- dicted the county, finding a true bill for maintaining the Richmond road in a condition dangerous to the travel ling public. Frontenac does nof want to have a similar experience, and in the event of the roads being freed, a scheme must be devised that will not alow "of such a condition becoming possible. Some of the speakers at Thursday's meeting took Lhe city to task for ap parent lack of interest in the proposed scheme. Let me say that the city is very much interested, and juet as soon as the county has a feasible plan to offer for consideration, and asks city to co-operate in carrying it into effect, the city's interest will be sub- stantially shown, and T submit that until such a scheme is devised by the county, the city should not be expect ed or required to interfere, Other speakers found fault with the city for not aiding the county .in any degree, but insisting in retarding de velopment of trade hy collection of tolls on the - public "market. These sneakers were unaware of the fact that the city cut-off tolls on cheese, minerals, grain, ete. coming into the city for direct shipment: a tax is not now levied by the city for the use of the citv streets by farmers engaged in these lines of business, and without a doubt the remaining market tolls will be removed by the city in the event of the county making free the county roads, thus giviig unrestricted high- way to commerce, Tt will surprise later generations to learn of the vast amount of money Kingston has put into county roads, without 'any hope of regaining a sin- gle dollar, and the only benefit aceru- Ing to the city from the investments has been the trade and commerce which good highways induced to come ta this centre 'of business, As far back as 1851, as far as cords show, the city began granting aid to the county. In that vear the city gave £2500 towards the Wolfe Island railway 'and canal project, and in 1854 supplemented this grant with another of £1,250. In 1563, Kingston passed a by-law and raised £17,003 (is. Sd, and invested that sum in the Kingston and Perth road. In the same year the city granted £7.300 towards the construction of the Kingston and Philippsville road. A year later the city raised a further sum of £5,000 as a grant towards the Kingston, Ritts- burg and' Gananoque road. and in 1855, the city supplemented this grant by another ~ of £4,850 towards the same road, and before the vear had ran out a further sum of £3.000 was granted. Then also there is the grant of $20,000 which the city made to wards the construction of Cataraqui bridge, largely for the benefit of farm- ers of Pittshure township, and the south-west section of Leeds county, But the city's generosity did rot end there, In 1860, Kingston gave a bonus of $318,000 to the K. & P. rail way company, in order that, hy the construction of this road, farmers of the county, far and near , might have quick, easy and cheap access to the city. Adding these together, the result shows that. in these fow gifts, the city has given) 8540.15 towards the good and welfare of residents of the county ! Coming down to matters of more recent date, it is within the rocollse- tion of all, how assiduously the rendered the county in connection re- city "moral support" with the county's plication to parliament, Grand an- t to compel the Trunk Railroad company to construct 'a subwav beneath the com. pany's tracks at the onter depot, and how the city became liable for about 83.000 in connection with that work, T have quoted these instances to show that for over fifty vears the cite has met the county more than half wav on all questions y involving the mterests of bath . municinalities, 'and that spirit of fairness stil] abounds in council and will be exercised the city 'approaches the SUMMER SESSION "For Teachers and others during July and August KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE LIMITED Head of Queen St., Kingston, Ont. @A1l commercial subjects taught Students admitted at any time. Fxpert professional teachers in charge Sarsaparilla. Used in all parts of the world for over 60 years. Has the unquali- fied endorsement of the best physicians. A family medicine. A strong nerve tonic. A great blood purifier. asl. Lowell, Mass. Write for catalogue and terms « B. MoKAY, H. F. METCALFE, President. Principal. again as the odunty 'conneil roach 'body with a feasible plan . toll' roads. Free roads are desirable, but before the toll gates eam be removed a great deal of work Ser socomplishe 1 am of opinion t the advice of Good Roads 'Commissioner Campbell should be" , and the present method of \Pepair discarded and one more opted, As regards over the roads at to; ¥r. Rf l a once and in Ainge toll gates until Mbntreal--The ghey 1900, when the onsolidated county Exceedingly Pr debt will have been wiped out, 1 - There was a quiet the wifild agree to that suggostion in al home of the bride's Earl médified form, namely, to maintain a | street. on Wednesday when sufficient number: of gates only to | Miss Lola Wilton eldest | meet the ost of repairs, and daughter of Mr. and . Mar interest on and pavment of debentures. tile was married to John Stanley --URBAN S URBAN Havercroft Burgoyne, SB.Se., son of U -- SPORT REVIEW. -- Notes On Baseball, Lacrosse And Other Sports. Cy Young uses the «iit ball now and then, but only when he has 'two strikes on a batter. Too much use of it is what hurts the arm, : Bowmanville feathall team defen tec Cobourg at Cobourg 3 to 1. This win places Bowman®ille in the finals for the Midland league championship, Gallagher, the .. champion Canadian' pacer, 2:03, will give an exhibition at Listowél races Wednesday, after- noon and, for the Canadian hali- mile track record: on Thursday after noon. : The Brantford lacrosse: team will play next Saturday at Rosedale with the Torontos: Brantford will have a much stronger foam than at any tigy] this seadon* Dade and Finlayson will be with the team. =e Capt. Sir Ernest Cochrane, Bart,, has offered a cup of the value of five hundred doHars for 'competition he- tween picked football teams: represent- ing Great Britain, Ireland, Canada, and the United States, . A Brantford despatch says: "So far as Brantford i8 concerned, the man agement are satisfied with the im- provement that has been made, and assert, with n Couple of contemplated additions and; caren] training, the team ' will # a winning streak, which will "retain the championship trophy for het season," Phe annual sailing race from Dover to Heligoland Was won by the schoon- er yacht Susanne (owned by 0. Huld- schinsky, of Germany). Time, 40 hours 43 minutes 40 seconds, The yaw] Therese (owned'by Felix Simon, of Germany), was second, in 40 hours 5S minutes 30 seeonds . The American built schooner cht Navahoe (owned by George W. Watiens, of Germany), was third, Time, 42 hours 28 minutes 32 seconds, and _ the British schooner vacht Sunshine {owned by 1. H. Soloman) was 'fourth, 42 hours 43 minutes 48 seconds. ---------- News From Sangster. « Sangster; June 20. The hay. - is vary promising for a large orop here. The school yard is dmproved by the erection of a wird fene. John Shee- han was elected 'frustee for this sec- tion to Rl sedt vacated by the ro- i of one of the members. A num- ver of the youn pla have left here lately for So ni N.Y, Joseph | Murphy and sister, Ellen, George Mur- phy, the Misses' Anmie M. and Nellie Corcoran, all having secured situations there. Joseph Dorgn. has returned to his old employer," ¥, Egan. William Rush's pew' skiff will. soon be ready for launching. The party at FV, Riel- Iy's was a sucopasy, Hot and hostess spared no pains. in having everything in necessary for an enjoyable time. . The funeral on the 19th inst., of the late T. Rondon of Tichborme, to 'the Sac red Heart cemetery heve, was largely attended by his many friends. Rev. Father Pluymaker will be absent from his parish for ong month. "4. Daley has purchased a new buggy. M. J. Corcoran is home: from the feldspar mines. Visitors: Hugh Rielly visiting his danghter, Mrs, T; Fitzgerald, Glen vale; Miss Mina Asselstine with her sister, Mrs. J. Howilton ; Mrs, 7. Burns, Burridge, spent Sunday wit), her brothers, John and Michael Tia ley; M. Connors, guest of Frank Licl ly; Mrs. Williams and iss WM. J Goodheart, givsts abo Miss Maggie Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. 7T. Babcock at T. Young's: Mrs, P, Corveoran Sunday with Mrs, J, Barrett. reps Howe Island Ineidents. Howe Island, June 19,~The children of the island and alsg their parents, looked very happy on Sultday when the little ones made "their confirma tion in Gananogue,' House parties are a thing of the past. wn socials seem to take their plas, The lawn socials are held in J. Driseoll's grove, Mrs. T. Thompson 18" home visit with her parents, McDonald. Mi J. spent on a Mr. and Mrs. Prior and chil tay 3 atortown for a 0. Cassidy "spent Sunday n. Misses Edna Simp=on 'rior spent @ few' days of last week wit their parents. Miss lily La Ci has seturmed after 4 few weeks' visit in Gananoque, dren have gone few weeks Pleasant Valley Notes. v, June 19-8. Cowdy wood in' this viginity. ho has been seriously ill for some time, is much 'better. Mrs. Thomas A. Kerr has gone to Deseron- to on a visit Lamilton is quite poorly. Ni R. Trish © will soon be able to return home. Visitors : Miss L. Garrison ot Edgar Hughe®'; Tho,- as Tapping Thomas H. Watson's; Messrs, George and John Hughes at Petworth; Mi N. Boyee at Noscow; Mr. and Mr: VFdgar Hughes at Cam- den East: M lertha Kerr at Thom- as A. Ker A. Banton at King- ton. ®» The Modern Sadducees. Speaking at the , American Bible League convention jn. New York last month, Rev. Dr. Burr, of Lyme, Conn., said the, higher criticism was an in- sidious disease like consumption. It diminished the ministry and checked clerical support; it took away the greatest evangelizing motive, It in- duced men of o higher grade of intelli- gence to withdraw from the ministry and leave the field to the mediocre. Ministers and people under its spell were becoming universalists. It had dwarfed the message, Scattered the congregations, hindered repentance, made conversion rare. To preach it Pleasant Val is busy sawin R. Ellerbec L. : t was professional suicide, The higher PMiss McFaggart, OCCURRED AT HOME OFfW. H. MARTIN. John Burgoyne, of Halifax, by Rev, W. T. G. Brown. ] The lovely, gentle bride, given away |' by her father, wore her travelling dfess of champagne Henriotta cloth, trimmed with reseda 'and silver passementerie, . and tiny green silk buttons, With the suit was worn a blouse of white embroidered net, over taffeta, the ruffles edged with lace. Her hat was of green straw, trimmed with green panne velvet. The orna- ment worn at her throat was a brooch given by the bride's father, to her mother, at the time of her engage: ment, and later worn by the latter at her own wedding. The groom's gift, a maple spray, was caught in the folds of the blouse in front. The bridal bouquet, by a graceful thought went to Mrs. Kemp, a very old friend of the bride's mother, and who with was the only guest outside the officiating minister and the members of the bride's immediate family. » * The bridesmaid, Miss Helen Martin, wore hiseuit-colored Henrietty, with hip yoke of heavy lace to matoh, cream insertion arranged in bretelle fashion on the bodice, a crush girdle of blue silk, and hat of blue panne. The groomsman. was the bride's brother, Kenneth, the groom's gift to him and the maid being a pearl pin, and a wreath brooch. The house had been beautifully do- corated by the loving fingers of girl friends, "pink 'being the prevailing color of flowers used in the drawing room, peonies abounding. The ecre. mony took place'in front of the man- telpiece, which wax' banked with green. In the dining room white flow ers were the decoration, except: upon the bride's table, where clusters of forget-menots were, A most uniaue decoration--and it was indeed such was the china, every bit painted hy the bride's own artistic fingers in de- licate blue and gold, sprigs of for get-me-nots being chosen. Tucked about the wedding cake was a bit of the Brussels net bridal. veil worn nv the bride's grandmother." At the table where were the bride's father and mother, the china used had been painted by Mrs. Martin herself, The gown worn by Mrs, Martin was of grey cashmere, over a petticoat of pale green silk, with vest of embroid: ered chiffon, "and deep frills of ac- cordion-pleated ¢hiffon at the wrists, Her hat was of sho straw, trimmed 'with' ribbon, and green. With the going away of Mrs, Per goyne, Kingston loses a very favorite girl, one beloved not for her pretty, sweet face, alone, but for the quali ties of which it was but the index. Mr. and Mrs. Burgoyne have left for Toronto, and later in the summor will go to visit the groom's people in Halifax. After the wedding close girl fricnds of the bride gathered to see her pretty presents. Daring the ceremony Mrs. Martin sang "0 Promise Me," ahd Miss Helen Martin played the wedding marches, The Sabbath Bells. The uld man sits in his easy-chalr, And his ear has caught the ringing Of many a church-bell far and near, Their own sweet music Minging, And his head sinks low on the aged breast. While his thoughts far back are reach- in To the Eavbatn morns of his boyish And a mother's sacred teaching A few years later. and lo ! the bells A merrier strain"were pealing, And 'heavenward bore the marriage vows Which his manhood's joys were sealing, But the old man's eyes aro dimming now As memory holds before him ea gad, sad picture of later vears When the tide of grief rolled o'er him; When the bells were tolling for loved ones gone-- 5) For the wife. the sons and daughters Who. one by one, from his home went out, And down into death's dark waters, But the aged heart has still one joy. Which his old life daily Dblessos, And his eyes grow bright and his pulses warm . 'Neath a grandchild"s sweet caresses. Dut. the old man wakes from his revorie, And his dear old face is smiling, the child with reads on 8 on. The Sabbath hours beguiling. Ah! bells, once more yb will ring for him, When the heavenly hand shall sever The cord of life, and his freed soul flies To dwell with his own forever. en ------ While her serious eyes Our Strange Natures. Who of us has given a second thought to the tens of thousands kill- ed in recent battles ? And yet, such is the nature of man, we Id to at Toronto by an ungrown girl. The truth seems to be, that we are shocked most by what is outside our experi- ence, and that magnitude has little or nothing to do with it. Mrs. Cully, an old resident of Pem- broke, is dead. The same place has lost a lifelong inhabitant in the per- son of Mrs. McDonald, who leaves a husband and one daughter. Caleh Pierse also an old resident of that town, died from shock caused by a broken leg. After being in poor health for a long while, Dr. 8, W., Ward died Sun- day night, aged seventy-four years. He was a native of Antwerp, N.Y, and lived in Amprior and vicinity for nearly fifty years. He leaves four sons and three daughters. : Miss Katie Woods; Brockville, and Andrew Robinson, Kemptville, were married on Tuesday. Miss Woods will be much missed in the choir of Trini- ty church. The fire brigade was called out this forenoon to "Hotel Dieu to put ont a laze in the dining room caused by a leak in a gas main. The damage was small. Miss Belle McCrea, graduate nurse, of Merrickville, and Howard Purvis, Brockville, were married on Monday. The largest island in the world is critics were the modern Radducees, t green 'whet with * rose the marrow over a crime perpetrated 7 Comfort Fit-Reform garments between you and the heat. | Summer Their lightness makes them + luxuriously cool. Their perfect . fit, and shapeliness enable a man to' be well dressed and comfortable. : That is an unknown combination without Fit-Reform. * A Ri¢h Scotch and Irish English Serges and Flanne Suits, $15, $18, $20 up. 58 Trousers, $3.50 to $7.50. : HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS Any even numbered section of Do Lands in or the 'Ferritories, excepting 8 and 26, AE etry provide wood lots for settlers, or for a by any person who sole head of al ran is the to the extent of one-quarter section of 50 hcren. Eutry may made personally at tha local land office for the district wile he a taken is situated, or if the hol he mn apnlication to the omer. In uated ra TBR tor an fee of situa y 0) a charged for a homestend entry. H Auions of he Deriuton Lands. provisions of minion 8 Act, the conditions therewith, (1) At lease six months' year during the term of three settler deceased), of any person ons of his ig residence prior to obtaining patent may be the father or mother, x to and has obtained requirements act as to residence prior satisfied hy Jasidonce upon the first homestead, if vicinity of the first homestead. (4) If the settler has his permanent residence upon farming lang ow in the vicinity of homestead, the requirements of this act as to be satisfied Iv upon the saidland. ahs. tatm *vicini used meant to indicate same township, or an adjoining of cor settler who avails himself of the provisions of Clauses (2). 3 homestead, or substitute 20 head tion besides the duties upon i Sn TEA SR Should be made at the wih PL prep ron» pila Agen Oras ts fats of Ws niutiva 1 do INFORMATION pt ox at ey emtaian Tans oie tn Wasitoba, or the. fm he ofhcor in expenses, advice and gr the land, application to the Secretary ol Commissioner of DIinmigration, W Lands Agents in Manitobn oF the N.B.~In nddition to Free Grant Lands, to ed refer, an acres of most desirable purchase from railroad and other corporations and emt cn "gin 1" - These are the NRWEST and BEST 1d' WASHBOARDS . con- Ask your Grocer for one of hese i brands and give | k hve g x it a trial, ty § 3h THE E. B. EDDY COMPANY, LIMITED. HULL, CA J. A. HENDRY, AGENT, KINGSTON. OOO O00000000000000 1 OO O00000000000 1000 0000000000 0000000 WE DO TINNING OF IRON, COPPES THE CANADA METAL €0., TORONTO. New (Guinea, 306,000 square miles.