bu, § - E attacks that + pT In addition 84 against a i | Ridgotown Pi wide open eyes "Surely Mr. ter to London that caused thousands of with shame," ho decided ference. Has he Whitney has x » they held the questions of : Ln entitled to No. The ciroui presentatives, and 2 MPP, |. Finally there ix [ Me.' Borden is a failure and that he should be retired. He began the ses- | sion by the amno would run the party, The Ridgetown has been already quoted, he lost his control of the and that the party has 'as one reads the | political subject. M 'ers havo their views, naturally ative party. d scores the ® t decided to adopt defeat in the the Roman Catholic church have taken advantage of the made upon its re- it is assumed that oted against the con- ite, or that as con- refrained from voting there is the independent element which is disposed to criticise '4 | the campaign, as the conservatives conducted it, and to warn the party repetition of it. This Mr. + in his paper, the men thee ol the mischiovous and .| France répudiates. And so the propos- to the forefront in the battle which raged in London and Oxford. Learn ing nothing from the past, they tac- tis which to the mercst 4yro in-poli-- + | tice meant not only r [ings in question, but injury to the party throughout the dominion. rid- Gray's managers in = London had not forgotten the K contest and the result of the former visit of BK. E. Sheppard and Mr, Mar- ndon. Let us repeat, in our opinion it was not so much the issue at stake as the methods followed on the platform, in the prees and canvass, defeat and which made good conservatives blush the intimation had his way ? alleges (Successor to him, LNT Church And Politics. The question which frequently arides es, motions ss Y the day, and xpress the vy that uncement that he as its leader, as Be would brook ne inter. Plaindealer, which that bye-elections suffered in Mr. been suggested, But My, Whitney has no notion of leaving sunshine of office "the for the shade of op- views upon any 0st of the preach: Pon | they uy, respect- » and in the proper place. 1 It. may be asked, Js | meeting of the church not clergyman the annual this place ¥ his his | according {0 | any purpose. They have not dae any > | helpful elevator, Jo! the conference or synod is mot politioal pera of the church. Politically ? No, hu crowded upon hig attention. But in any event he has not a command or permission. to discuss or dispose of it his personal or political predilections. "| So it comes that most, if of the reference to the by the church leaders, vain. They have not aot ull tonomy bill, ve hoem in good. Om the contrary they have only irritated the people, have intensified their feelings, and Have led to uo bitterness of spirit that cannot be to the church or any phase of its work. i And this remark applies even to the higher critics, or the higher dignitar- ies, of the church. These have been independent or impartial in their com- '| ments. Thoy have been inclined to scorch both political parties because | both have failed, it is said, to. reach the ideals of service and statesman ship. Does any large body, political or ecclesiastical, reach its standard in moral excellence ? Some of the church bodies strange things, indulge in rare extraordinary diversions, and peculiar and partial decisions. Their judgment is faulty. At least it thus appears to. .thase who .are not its members or its sympathizers, Yet the church is mercifully. spared the criti- cism that is its due, and people say. it is well. : do and reach Editorsal Notes. 2 Hon. Mr. Cochrane, the new head of the crown lands department, will wield the axe in decapitating public offici- als. At least a tory print so announe- es, though it may not speak by book. The two conservatives who are mov- ing in parliament--the one for dual languages, officially, in the new peo- vindes, and the other for separate schools--must be going it alone, Who is leading the party anyway ? Hon. Mr. Foster insiniiates that the half-breeds are being robbed by mid: dle men, in the barter and sale of their sorip, but he does not make any direct charge. Mr, Foster ought to be above mere insinuations, Emperor William 'appears to have gone off at half cock. He suspected the French of designs upon Morocco which od conference will not amount to much. The mailed fist is'not the men- ace that it was. Rumour has it that Mr. Haultain will not be in it when the new pro- vinces are formed. He will have to take his chances in a local election, under changed conditions, and it will be apparent later whether he is with the people or against them. Bishop Mills ealls the conservatives to accopnt when he says that the par- ty is absolutely and irrevocably com- mitted to separate schools and have heen for years, While some members of the party pretend to weep becaiise these schools are being forced upon the people ! The Duke of Argyle is understood to have advised Canadian, manufacturers, now in England, not to be too exact- ing on the tariff question, but to ex- periment. Is he pleading the Chamber- lain cause ? Let "Jog" tell what he wants and let him be so clear that the Canadians will know what he means. Has the city specified that the coal which it has contracted for will be brought hore in Canadian bottoms ? It ws a grievance against one chair- man last year that coal for public use was carried in 'an American vessel, though the alderman had nothing to deo. with chartering of the vessel in question, ------------ MARINE INTELLIGENCE, What is Going on About the | Craig' down." ~ .. The schooner Echo, from bay ports, is unloadi grain at Richardsons' MT, company wharf: Tug Emerson cleared down with three in laden Swift's wharf : Steamérs Kingston, down and up; Rideau King from Ot. tawa this evening. The steamer Calvin and consort Ceylon, cleared to-day from Garden Is- nd, for Sault Ste, Marie, At Rathbun's wharf: Schooner Max- well from Oswego, with coal; steamer Arctic, from Deseronto, with brush. Another 200 feet of -the Cape Vin- cent breakwater is being built by an Oswego firm. This will make 900 feet completed, out of 1,400 feet planned, -------- One Kind Of Them. Ottawa Journal, : ) The University of Toronto has a de- ficit of thirty thousand dollars. Which 18 quite enough to confute the critics who say the university dosen't show results, -- The City of Mexico has contracted for seworpee was elected to. consider ogy 5 f spiritually. Education is a matter + that deeply concerns the average | | churchman, and, incidentally, it is *| destructive sa gléct of the present a oe the almost universal dn the disciplining and destruction or mutily- . ing in the Heious, 'mis- annoying its. They / of any- i rogerlens whims, one way, these way- the may be seen climbing tls. fences and other ardens, upon and ruining 3 No. matter whey ar or what trouble and waers and citizens may in their endeavors tify their homes undings, while on and seem to 4 which hele chil- ¢ in upon their neigh- bors and the. ewners of such on perty, as wrong and provoking as it 18, to soy hing "the expense and trouble wi! Tf Promoters have been put in their endeavors = i, bring about improvements ahd to eaulily' the City, and their own loca. ities. TH Very little timely and Necessary re- straint on the part of those Parents towards their children regarding their conduct would quite readily bring about, the. necessary results, and which: would ¥He much ap- preciated by themselves, as well - as v the very large and much-annoyed portion of the citizens, who at pre- sent suffer 8g. mich by the misconduct and ill- manners of these restless and ouths. For the sake of these and al 'others, includi the sufferers, lot this desirable dhe ng, which can so Sasily be accomplished, be brought about by those who have it in their power to do' so, by their attending to it at once, so that peace, quietness and satisfaction, the n may be experienced thereby for what is better ar more desirable, than modest, well- behaved children ? or what worse than, bold, impudent, noisy, destructive and vile ones? a note of this, is the advice of many who are much an. noyed in the manner It is bad 'enough to be pestered by i and destructive cats 8, of "which the ' town is swarming, and which should be anni- hilated; as they are of ne, earthly use, and the ators of most of them inl cessantly lie to the assessor that they have no animals, and by their decep- tion thus cheat the city out of its just uk Jothomn eithowt_ boise no; y childrengof people whe now better CITIZEN. | ---- A Hint To Ald. King. Kingston, June 20.-~(To the Editor): 1 was amused last evening at the city conneil meeting when I heard Ald. King state that hefore anything could succeed in this city there would have to 'be a change in the attitude of the newspapers, which allowed poli- tics to sway them too much. It just reminded me of Satan reproving sin. Who in the city council or out of jt has allowed politics to get such a grip on im, 'as Ald. King himself ? the reports of his council speeches for the past CA and nearly every one of them has the po- litical taint, When Mr. King throws politics to the wind, the newspaper he chiofly refers 'to will probably do likewise, for it has to fight him with is own weapons, --CITIZEN. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. You Don't Say ! London Advertiser. the erinoline 'may come and the crinoline may go, but mankind hopes the shirtwaist girl will go on forever, A Summer Campaign. Montreal Star, The Toronto papers intend to array the school question in a straw hat and a light flannel suit, and keep it going all summer, Threatened 'Decision. Toropto World| Toronto Saturday Night has ac cused the Star of pandering. The ac- cusation is weaningless, hut it is not without humor from that source, There is not a wooden rooster on a barn in Ontario that has. faged north, south, east and west, more readily in response to shifting winds than Sat- urday Night. Turns Without Squeeling. Toronto Star oderate conservatives in Quebec are said to be thoroughly disgusted with the eourse of the ty, and in. tend to throw in: their lot with the liberals. One of the moderate conser- vatives is Mr, Monk, who wants to force the legislature of the new pro- vinees to use the French languages. ; -------- Married At Mississippi A pretty house wedding took place, NG afternoon, at five o'clock, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Me- Kinnon, "White House Lawn," Mis. sissippi, when their daughter. Annie, was married to 'James Cornelius, of this cit§. The ceremony took place in the presence of the immediate rela- tives of the bride, Rev. W. A. Guy, McDonald's Corners, officiating. ] bride was atte; bv her sister, Miss Minnie, while Alexander Flett assisted the groom. The bride was kindly re- membered by her manv friends, After the ceremonv the guests sat down to a pleasant dinner. Nr. and Mrs. Cor- nelius, upen their return to the city, will ake up residence on Montreal street. The groom is the genial man- ager of W. J Crothers' King. §treet store, and his fricnds extend hoarty congratulations, : St. Helen's Island will be sold to Montreal, The militia department has "dune 20.--(To the Edit. children, particularly The |! + JUNE 21. Mrs. Rowe, seriously fll, ed home from the hospital Miss Rose Burke, visiting driends in Na) The be at the Grund all next John Cook, Xingst fied to a Bellevil lady A franchise bill for to be under way at the Justice, Miss May Weir, 139 friends. rents in the capital. returned home The death is re «AL, of Mrs. J. 'F. Heagle, Miss Fanning of Kingston. ecting he completed in a couple of Correspondence with th the sinking of the ilda. mouth. Woods, ed across the Pacific Columbia to Shanghai this cises to-day of LI.D., Douglas, The news has Constantinople. McLeod's Extract Compound, purifies up the system, feeling, Large Leod's drug store. Christ clinrch, Belleville, removes th bottles, for the new rector. tario says Rev, The laxative -offect Stomach and Liver cine. For sale 'A number of priests devotions, now of the Sacred der the Spratt. Mechanics, To heal direction of Rev and earth, etc., use The chanic's" Tar Soap Co.. Manufacturers. this morning, on the St. of a vear ago. Probably 1 would be picked up along t Little sches never \ ones if they are Perry Davis' Pain killer, thing to remember in. the se diarrhoea, cholera bowel complaints summer, : Police Magistrate W. Mrs. Horsey, their golden that col Bowmanville, wedding on J At a nieeting of legiate Institute hoard, Willi die, who formerly lived in the J. Jolifie. Mr. Hardie is principal of the Perth stitute, every Monday and a.m. SHOES FOR SHAPELY FEET Have you good-looking, we serve then:. wear the right kind of shoes, 'INVICTUS SHOES Invictus Shoes are made to and handsome as well. See our the most swagger thing, this 'season. See this shoe, it, then try it on--never min buying. Las cost $600,000, works and pipe lay ing, i decided to dispose of this picee of pro- perty to the city at. a fair valuation, The Sawyer Shoe Store. pointed a commmittee to select nar was appointed classical master to feet ? If you have, vou want INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked f weeks. ¢ Russian government is proceeding in regard to British steamer St. summer, hat hag Farmers, Sportsmen |-- and soften the skin and re- move grease, oil aod rust stains, Paint "Master Me- Soap. Albert Toilet Nearly 300 People went from here, to Ottawa by G.T.R.; James' church excursion. The crowd was much larger than that more. 50 he line. grow to be hig promptly treated with A good of morbus and 'qther Fason me with M. Horsey and celebrated une 16th, They were married in Gananoque in 1855, while Mr. Horsey was a resident of Kingston. The P. M. 'is a, brother of Edwin Horsey, of this city. the Ottawa Col- am Har- Ottawa, fill vacancy caused by the death of 0. at present Collegiate In- v --n Kingston And Ottawa. The Ridean King leaves for Ottawa Thureday at "6 J. Swift & Co., agents 1 il-shaped to pre- To do this you've got to fit overy line of your foot, And they're stylish BRIGHTON BLUCHER OXFORD In Corona Colt, Tan, or Black. It's in shoe style, examine d about ap nes The Belleville On- Mr. Fitzgerald » is favourably spoken of. of Chamberlain's Tablets is agreeable and so natural that you not realize it is the effect of 5 medi bv all druggists. of the diocese are attending the annual forty hours' going on at the church Heart, Wolfe Island, un- . Father Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. } Jas return- , \ Yortsmouth, is | London Bioseope company wi week. on; is to be mar- | ¢ this evening. anitoba is said department of Aired street, left for Ottawa this moin'ng to visit v Mrs. W. Smith, Ordnance street, left to-day for a shory visit' with her pa- Miss 'Laura Williams, Ottawa, who spent 'the last couple' of months here, this morn'ng, orted at Kaukakee, formerly It is expected that the work of er.) pe, St. Mary's cathedral organ will Last evening a pleasant time was spent at William Woods' home, Ports- It was the birthday of John A long raft containing ten million feet 'of spars and piling is to be tow- from Pritish At its annual commencement = exer- Tufts College, Medford, Mass., conferred the honorary degree upon Governor William L. Steamer North King Teaves Sun- days at 10.15 a.m. for Alexandria Bay and Gananoque, and at 5 p.m, for Rochester, N. {., via the Bay of Quinto. The situation in the Yemen) province of Arabia is bécoming graver, The in- surgents are now marching on Mecca, alarmed' the police of Sarsaparilla the blood, tones tired 5c. Me- of so do Old Sol is getting in some hot work and sg | it comes to us all alike. Don't fret and stew, | was just as hot other seasons and we' aj] lived through it. List of Summer Clothing. Blue Berge Buits, comfortablable and good looking, $s, 8.50, 2 pieces, 87, 7.50 9 ang 10. neat effects, $1, 1:25, 10, 12. Flannel Buits, in Stripes, Plaids, etc., 2 4 Fancy Vests, washable goods. in very 1.50, 1.76, 2. 2.50 end 8. Negligee Bhirts, some made with reversible collars, Leylon Flannel, Cashmere and Bilk Mixtures, 75¢ , $1, 1.95, 1.50, 1.75, 9, Bummer Underwear, in Balbriggan, Lisle Thread, Merino ang Mercerized Goods, 25¢ , 40¢ , 50c., 75c. and $1a garment, Bee our special 250. garment, 'Straw Hats, Liven 76¢c. and $1. Belts, 23¢ , 856., 50¢., 750 and $1. oft Bosom Bhirts, plain and pleatsd fronts, in the latest de. ' sigus, 49c., 600, $1,1.25. . ) Bee our Special 49¢c. and 69¢ lines. THE H. D. BIBBY CO, Clothiers and Haterdashers, Oak Hall, Hats sod Boating Hats, 850, 400, 66c, % o You Won't Have to Carry Your Shoes If You Buy Here if ssa Brown came in--he said: "I heard that you had a line of Shoes made for tender feet--Shoes that were com/ortable from the moment you put them on. We fixed Brown in short order." That was some time ago. Yesterday he came again and said : "Give me another pair of those easy Shoes ; T'd give ten dol- lars for a pair, rather than be with- out them." We fixed him again. These Shoes are just the Shoes every man should have who has tender feet. Not high in price, $3.50 to $5. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. THE POPULAR SHOE DEALERS. _ -- We Say Most Emphatically ard "We Won't Take It Back That our $7.50 and $10 Men's Suits are the best suits for the money that ever honored the tables of an up-to-date Clothing Store. Remember, we state this positively without fear of contradiction. If you know of a doubter, bring him in, it won't take us long to convince him. : These Suits are of good quality, well and syhshl) tailored, 'perfect fitting, and are positively cheap, an what is more we guarantee these Suits to give satisfact- ion or money refunded, See Our Tailor-made Suits. Jos. Abramson, The People's Clothier 180 Princess Street, Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. -- SR "CONFECTION: EW CONFECTIONE GANONG'S Pearled Puffed Rice, 30c. per pound. TRY IT AT jaan A. J. REEY', Princess St AAA amma MISS ELLA OFF, INDIANAPOL. SUFFERED FOR MOA Pe-ru-na, the Remedy Cured, Miss Ella Qff, 1127 Linden St., spolis, Ind., writes: «| suffered with a run down c tion for screral won ss, and I would have ve up m mat! seeking the advice of a cian, he prescribéd a tonic. | however, that it did me no go: seeking the advice of our drug, asked me to try Peruna. In weeks I began to feel and ac different person. My appei creased, I did not have that w feeling, and I could sleep sph In a couple of months I was recovered. | thank you for wh medicine has done for me." ~=-1 Write Dr, Hartman, President Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus for freb medical advice. All pondence is held strictly confide mE ------------------------ THE TURF CLUB. Making Arrangements fo: Meat to be Held Here. A mecting of the Turf Clul held. last evening, when there thirty members present. This that a lively interest is heing in the organization which may on a permanent footing. Com tions were received from points, indicating that the would be suecessful, There wa discussion upon the two loeal tracks, but-it was fmally deci go to the fair grounds. The there will be got into shape a The secretary, Dr. Morgan, w; thorized to advertise the meet These stewards were elects Marshall (chairman), Mavor lane, F. Whitney, Alderman Alderman McKay. C. D Ho McCue, Alderman Rigney, G. Gowan, Dr. Morgan, J. MN. Sh James McParland. Clhaperon The Boy ! Parents chaperon their gir carefully guard them against thy boys, but leave the boy to his associates and his achicver Girls are naturally winsome, companionable. They' win the in homes and hearts. But tl noisy, awkward, mischievous vited ipto few homes, and fee too much at home in his own. The door that swings oftencst sure welcome to the boy, th most often shoved near the fir ially for the boy, about the on where he is sure of cordial gro where he ought not to go. lee cream, just like MeConke Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store By the will of late Benjamin fon Irving, Windermere, Engla Breeches bible which formerly b to Henry, Prince of Wales, old "of King James I., has been beq to the king, Some Goo People still follow antiquat methods of raising cal biscuit, bread and past with home-made m tures of what they si pose to be cream of tar and soda. They do not kn that these articles as n sold in the groceries : almost anything clset cream of tartar and-so The best houseke ers use the Royal B: ing Powder instead. scientific composition sures uniform resu Only by its use can | finest flavored, wholesome cake, bisc and pastry be produc Toany housekeeper v has not used 'the Ro Baking Powder we wo like to. send our C n m Book, free. Mark y request "For instr tion." . wou Sons roses of: new so