; STOCK: The Prices Paid = ou [BUILDING A CHURCH ye Montreal, June 19.--The heavy, dull |AND UPON A VERY IMPOSING | Di este : FITABLE, [oni ths wong Lo we PLAN, gesters -------- done at the ° i End Abattoir this | i : p: ornifg. were out in large aol Pluck Blossoms of Newly Planted | numbers; but sales wore not any too | Death Of Mrs. Huffman In Mani | 5 sales v . U have thirty fect of In- * cause the less exerci Strawberry Vines--To Save brixk. The supply of stock was in ex- toba--Logs Going Down the exerci e se they pet, he 5 b e ] testines! through the slow passage of Food, Waste of Hay--Cheapest Way he Steud, pot te Quality River Strawberries For Sale What makes Food travel Castor Oil," or Glycering, wi to 01d Cows factory Ras. no : on Napanee Market. | through them? grease the passages for cone |, of 0 Fatten diay In fact. it may. be said that prices | Napanee, June 21.~The work of | A set of Muscles that fine the Food at a time, but these lubricants The bluatibrds, She wrens and the show dove tendency, as the | tearing down the Eastern Methodist | walls of these Intestines or Bowels. can't help the Cause of Delay, Jarrows i often - ve a Protracted market apparently is well overstocked, | chirch will commence this deck. The | These Bowel Muscles are sensitive "Cathartics"™ "Laxatives or ting pl We find Nore such I | and especially is this true ab regard- | plans for the new edifice are on a to touch, ' Physic" like Salts, Calomel, Jalay TE or a Sed Whire such a {5 STLCIALY i vos. ic most imposing plan, and work will When a piece of Food rubs the ~~ Phosphate of Soda, Minera] way" tight 18 on that it pays to shoot the Cattle--A "about 400 heads in { begin on the rebuilding as soon as | walls of the Intestines these Muscles = ©tc.,are all mere "Bile-drivers" Se Jrecraws and let the Tay eile tal, Quality, fairly good. Quotations | the spire and walls are razed. A ma. | tighten behind it, and thus drive the Simply" flush-out the Bowels for Wh trees are best selected from t a shade lower than last week. Best | chine for the making of the cement | Poot nd It, and thus drive: the he oooasier-- om) ls for the slow growing or the dwasl types of stock sold at fram 4c. to Ble. per | blocks to be used in the building will | ood onward, to its finish. "Th Y tres. The hackberry, the hard maple, a: be bought and the blocks made on the | 'In this way a swallow of food ey do not remove the Cause the black cherry, the mountain ash, ground. Services will be held in the | starts a Muscle-wave which follows ©f Constipation, - : he a thors and erab apple, adhe : town hall while the repairs are being | the Food, and which drives it through Moreover, they waste, on each : » lawn trees. The soft maple, the cot- made, and it is expected that the | the whole length of the Bowels and ©ccasion, so much of {hese pr structure will be finished by early Intestines. Digestive Fluids, in the flush fall. It should take about 12 hours to ©°S% that it takes a bigger dose Word was received in Napance, of | do this properly, so that nutfitious Sucteding time to move the Bowe] * the death last week of Adam. Henry : loac Huffman at Rehvers, Manitoba, son of parts of the food may have time to be * »x x the late Robert McD. Huffman well | digested and absorbed. tonwood, the box elder and willow should never be € or this pur. Effervescer The traction engine is coming more and more into use on the large farms a8 a motive power for plowing. Some | - But,--if it takes twice or three But, jt is different with Cas arets, " Sit very remarkable and effective work is p ipoun ut Bath, Desonsed went, Yost { times that period you can see plainly ~~ Cascarets confain the m= In p being done by these engines on the children are left. Mrs. Huffman has |" that the food spoils In passing,andbc- bination of drugs that acts B : Lig small grain farms of the North- many friends in this vicinity, who | comes as poisonous as jf it had Musclea of the Bowels and Intes E : West. 2 will deeply sympathise with her in her | decayed before being eaten. They act just as Cold Water, or Ex- The blossoms which appear on the sad loss. Deceased was about forty- | Ta ip act on a Lazy man, 664 strawberry bed set out this sprin, eight years of age, and well known in | should be removed and no fruit be al- ~ : cy act like Exercise, Bath and vicinity. A sister, Mrs. A. | Now, the cause of delay (Con- A Cascaret produces the same sort Hitchins, resides on Amherst Island. .| stipation) is simply Weakness, or The Mhap 4 lowed to set. The young plant needs 3 Wie A all its vigor to induce a healthy of Natural result that a Six Mile ------------------------ £ 5 3 The Rathbun's company's drive of | Laziness, of the Bowel Muscles.-- walk in the country would produce, EEE : RES growth, 'which , the bearing of fruit logs are passing through Napanee a | These are the Muscles that tighten The Vest Pocket Box is sold HIEOOE VIVO OOO DOOD y -- prevents. . : month earlier than last year. | the Intestines, and thus propel Food - 5 { ¥ 5 Tg Hay always keeps with a smaller Yesterday was quite sultry, but | he all Druggists, at Ten Cents. . 3 per cent. of waste in a large stack a nice breeze was blowin ; which made | Slong therm. : It shouldbe. carried cons LL Suffered with Boils for Six than in a small one; hence an invest- it more livable than the two previous Wantof Exsraise, indoor Employ- because a Cascaret should be 4 PT TY ment "in a stack cover always pays. The we us ment, weakens thése Bowel Muscles, when you first suspect you ne e y ) vs. The weather seems to have set- - GRAVED FROM With the cover a stack may be kept tled_and more cheerful reports ome just 'as it weakens Arm and Leg You can try Cascarets FRE EN open for Several days and be made of from the farmers who were beginning | Muscles. fore you buy, Write for Free any desired. by sian i Boh at hat yy to_ery too much rain. They Jase tose. Ssnstsh, strength ple and booklet, "The Curse of C To e care of uy fiel of corn jus . & a The first strawberries of thd season fo force the foo gnward, Stipation," best ever print right we want a broad, light Borrow, is iu ARLE, OF INDIANA, as Were on the market, yesterday, and And, the longer they stay in that subject. Address Sterling oe iat dln Fondly President of the Wmalgamated Askocia- | readily sold at 15¢. a box, and not stato the weaker they become, be- Company, 374 St. Paul St., M lon tion, of Iron, Steal and Tin Werkers. half enough to supply e 1 I he gz pply the demand. If . th i v vey on oy Should. Rave nado Forfers cultivator | 1b. Fair - e bright "warm wegther continues MARAE tty good, 3c. to dic. i i 3 for he lr to plowinge and, should Pi pretty je §c. | there will be quite a lot on Saturday, | (STRATHCONA HEIGHTS) EAS SAA COPPER PLATE o PO ! common 'and lean, 2jc. to o---- the season be a very dry one, a single | 31c. per Ih." F Jhorse cultivator to go~ through the Sheep and lambd--Arvivals, 500 Toy ag The War Call, s field after the corn has tasseled out. lambs and 200 shéep. Quality good, Bopey em a i, er, wf hadian ie 16 is very easy to get too much with fair defand. Prices had a down. on robhin as 2 o en : e war 1 Te shade . around the home, Two things | ward tendency. Sales rather slow, | O80 wok 5 hia a ong Dieople. in should be watched--one, that the sun- | with a deag on lambs. Market ap: Nogana ed Starch $ Siatinng left shine is not barred from the roof of parently overstothéd. Sheep sold at oa belor, vas roman yo two the house, for green shingles made big §3ic. to 4ic. per Ib; lambs, $2.50 to yea Christin a, 2 Ne o ous of doctors * bills; another, that = there | $4.50 cach. according to quality and db hor She i ai agano Mid. should not be 80 much shade on the | weight. , : 9. aac been The Lrilish Wiig a' Red | A Tue . . Cross nurse, but with her. marriage | . . : 1 vill Calves--Arrivals, 600 head. Suppl y i ge | hn acronis Sl 10 bot, Sunt |G Bt ih be mage | Lots for Sale in Best Residential fh i, 1 Shh Fl igi, SE, Sn | ny TTD Te 1h can be found in connection with | vious market, he... choice tock sold at the Military Rospital fo or 10 She all too many homes. at 88 per head, awhile from $1 to #6 handed her Ae RE toby Pe The cheapest way to fatten old cows | was paid for the diferent sizes. another woman's care, and went rave: is to turn them dry, let them summer Hogs- Arriyals about 100. head. ly away, but our hearts ached for her, | on grass, give them a few pumpkins | Quality good, with slow demand. | ¢ yr i NO NEED TO SEND OUT OF Quarter $75 Each ; TOWN FOR ENGRAVED CARDS ' . WHIG WORK 1S GOOD WORK Jand a Litt green corn and fodder, Prices lower, with lanotations at be, ra the ing that, in the Jast 55 Cash, Balance 5 Per Mon, i EB A G i Shes will ot mt at vl con, To doy cs A pad for fi wien Outer eo eon poe | Sng FEL BE sel dot bay to Jot Wg Je Fo nd Cliiigg Markets. a good excuse for her prief." | POR T ARTHUR cannot be kept back, uw real be tA bE | a ieders. he: made By. guts 0 mate Hiatt, seovipts, You Melancholy Women | estate investments will show an increase of 150 Per EN Tr ting. off. about, one foot from the end dt i ' $5.40 15, $6.95, | fan't even slesp--restiess day and | of a stout, tight barrel, The short end Se 3 00 | me , night--brooding over imagined trou- | ' \ : Poor ta medium, $1 to. 85.95; stock- | 1° ¢ time. The disegee ar | is filled with water and placed in the fers and feeders, a to $4.75; cows, Ae poh but in Th esa hich. +3 stall so that the forefeet will come in {$2.50 to $4:60; heifers, $2.50 io 85: 1 thin and innuritious Do, the right | the tub. An hour or two of soaking | canners, $1.40. to 182.40; bulls, $2.95 thing now and vou'll be cured hin | daily is good for dry, hard hoofs. . |to 34; calves, $3 to $6.50; Texas fod ly. Just! take * Ferrozone: it on The place where the well-bred ani- | stears, $4 to 8. se. | C¥ervthing you cat into nourishment, | mals really comes in his own is in Hogs, receipts, «40,000; market 5c. consequently, blood containing lots of | the hands of the average farmer who lower; mixed and butchers, $5.20 to iron and oxveen is R r Fo "3 seeks the best and most economical $5.40: good to choice, heavy, $5.35 vig Bt ll cent. to 300 per cent. in less than three years. ; New Telephone Director) "Ask anyone who knows the country what -the -- future of PORT ARTHUR will be. The Bell Telephone Compan; of Canada, Limited Is about to publish a new issue of the is | For maps and full information, apply to ial Teleph method" of marketing his grain and |to $5.40, 'amd rough, heavy, $1.70 to 2ome Suukep: fsb, muscle, nerve -- | Official e ep one grass, $5.20; light, 85.95/40 $5.40; bulk of quite Yori eek, | cures yer : 7 ; 2 The sowing of corn so thickly that |sales. $5.35 to $5.40. hes ho free foour lg oh i oe | RE Director it will not ear and cutting while green | Sheep, receipts, 20,444, market, | | wl Ferrcoone ny ano oly i Established 1889, y and juicy for fodder give a tender | steady; good to 'choice wethers, $4.50 1 "box of this good to ie (Aft ol uve t food much relished by the dairy cow. | to $5; fair to choice; mixed, $3.50 to the tome ity. choo: | The fodder may be put in the silo or | $4.40; native lambs, $4.50 to $7. ite voted abletz in every box) at cured in the shock, but in either case map y . it is doubtful if as much nourishment East Buffalo Live Stock. Val i Ahiacured as if the crop were sown | Kaur Bullglo, June. 10mCoitle. Heo. Seta ew ie For. Sale. thinner and left until the ears were ceipts, 6,700 heady slow. 15¢. to 25c. oudon, June 21. Harvard House, in nearly matured. Ten to fifteen pounds lower; prime steors, $5.25 to- 85.75; Stratford-on-Avon once belonging daily is a good ration. ; ing 21-23 Colborti¢ St. - - - TORONTO. For the Distriet of EASTERI ONTARIO, Including the A MS City of Kingston. TR lB Cat a Orders for new connections, changes « to Nios S17 £5.25: 1 h firm name. changes of street address, ¢ . shipping steers, 84:76. to -$5,25: butch- the family of John Harvard f le for duplicate entries should be handed t Be careful of the odors in. the cow ora 25 "to byheifers, © $3.50 to of Harvard University was offered fon ~=be = stable. Mik is a subtle agent. Recent- 84.65; cows, $2.75 te $4: bulls, 82.75 a ' : the Local Manager at once. ly the milk and cream from a farm sale at public' auction to-day. the to $4.10; stockers amd feeders, $3 to ty wil bably nibed ho H, W. SNELLING, had a rank taste of turnips. A visit to 184.20: stock heifers, $2.50 to $3.25; Shak brotubly by wtyaieed hy Local Manage the stable disclosed two big boxes of fresh cows and springers, "common. -------- 2 turnips stored in one part of the sta- steady; others, $2 to 53 tower; good ble. Days when the milk was left to choice, $12 {or 859; 'nedium. to |, Henry ; Cunningham, piano tuner standing a "little while" it would be good, $28 tg $10; cothmon, $20 to $26. fron Chickering. Orders received af almost unfit for use. Veals--Recoipts, "81,7850, active and P Bley . y are, Prinoms street 1t sometimes happens that young | strong, $4.25 to 6,75. Mi Hol ig Nan , A and calves when fod nice clover hay are | Hogs Receipts, 12,000 head; strong Nise ok oe A i % HLA, only | taken with impaction of the rumen, fand 5c. higher and. mediim, $5.65 1, Plaratell o She ate Jacob Hi 8, of | and they generally died. We once lost | £5.70: Yorkers and pigs, $5.70 to |, infield, were married on June I4th, -- a valuable cow and a fine young bull $5.75; rougls, $480 to $5; stags, riot iopard is professor of oratory WIRE LEGRAT from this ailment. It is generally un- 83.25 to $3.75; dairies, $5.50 to £5.70. , >. LESS TE - RAPHY. durstond how by Yeleritiaeians that Sheep and lambs--Receipts, 4,200 : : i this trouble largely comes from over. bead; active and steady; spring Is the Result of Prolonged Study feeding. The animal cats more than it | lambs. $5.50 to $7.75; yearlings, $6.60 FOOD SATISFACTION. | and Deep Research. tan remasticate. Constant care is | to $6.65; wothers, $5.15 to $5.25; ewes, Malta-Vita--Clear, Crisp, Sweet | Marconi--the wireless wizard--did with young calves to guard }$4) to $4.25: shaep, . mixed, $2.50 to : » not stumble accidentally upon the against. overfeeding. Their digestion is | $4.75. and Most Healthful--The Per. principles of his marvellous invention. easily upset, Same Price as the cheap ~~ adulterated kinds. SW. GILLETT ores ieipl is x , ij and avery attack gives fect Pang, i a \ § | was only by deep and prolongec em a serious setback. Giant Drum-Major Coming. Malta-Vita "melts in the mouth," | This ook tu of the f cert, ki . ' ; a bt . \ Anais | A i i 3 a Pe Ee eo known ees e' mnowncegmit op ry ert. 18 a" senve of sampivts narnia" | Rout with SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS W to [roduc the startling effect Gospel Of Success. the announcement of the coming | of [ §. sense sm ! le ot 1% "| ny. pie ople, in speaking of hair | The man who makes a place for him- | the famous Kilties' band, of Canada, | the perfect food, alike for the weal i y ; d the strong. For worn-out or : 4 this: strenuous wou who have so successfully toured | an rong. OF as fo oe" wll at (egrnots blows THRE inh 0 SUL J LOI, Sm tion are full, the front ranks are seldom if | Thin wonderful Srgwnisation. which, id renewed Ghasitive on; ou the body pices as difirnt, from other over chow. "Too. many men are | Comists of forty Dandraen. tour he | on ach. 18 3s tho 1004 for Health, on | | so-called "hair . and "ro- jeontent toldrift, but it is the men | Pipers, seven solgists; four . Buitish oma - 14 is the oot Jor enty » red | medies" as day is from night. who buffet the tide and overcome. 'ob. | military buglers, | six Highland dan- ood, glowing cheeks, clear brain and | It is a scientific" preparation, pre: | Stacles who travel up streams. Colum. f cers, and one giant, dram-mijor, who | 8 A ohms. b ill be pared for the sole pu of destroy- fbus followed no ender, Lincoln never | i8 over seven feet in "height, is 're-en- 18g0 Man whose name yj ing the hid i that causes | drifted. We have a few lines of doors that we will dispose of fora'few days only at greatly reduced prices. ! Come early before the best of them are all picked up. Dining=room Furniture =--Solid Oak Polished Sideboard --Solid Oak Polished Extensio ( ( : Nowis he fie 10 Have your house El : F Puy Tables, Shak . B ! forced by a splendid vocal choir of | furnished on request, writes as fol: | we : : TR ahs iy Be rah op Harn Sh PR, ee (Lemmon & Lawrenson On Fob. 4 a by loadin ne' \ mer Jollowa] the lead of no other fonoert at the Grail Oper louse onl "A Jr An murat fat one home | : hairs, & A a sk b sday, Juni nel Bean was 8 en suddenly ill wi rheuma- | ~ . Hoi i ee por Fy a3 original. © These ---- ereated boldly pears in alt kitted iforin amd iy help of Tnost roe natite: She lay | " 351-AND 353 KING STREET. These are a few specials we ars clo ( ht et 3 a a lendidl ¥ pa Y e$s 1n her bed, unable even to | k ng out, Bow Taos to mani in "eke | lend equipped. 7 ONE megan: Her suflerings were | @) I WE wh wn Jot copyists, but creators. Do some. May Cut Thain Off. ost excruciating and she was great. | worth while, and let it be sore. pos Yours, JAMES REID Princess Sr nderiaker, cree im HISLOP CRESCENT WIRE WORK: ; T. PARTRIDGE Manufacturer © Ornamen Hy hat the ly affected in the stomach. She refused | that 18 not an echo; that is the 418 hes all food, even the daintiest and most | of a v rslay ya 4 lain om tempting broths, and her condition | GAS S70 Vi S . " - x bot Lake and Kingston «will be an off, besuma Slamming. happy thought m LaLa, sp oe Ko Tt oh ET PERSE BE We have an assortment " " 2 san % side, eo sufferi ir! i - : : | soughing and get rid of that catarrh, | What by the fons of EN Tieved she would Tike thas. 1 re of these that will suit the dK i a &arthotone, brings a Shrtun rh ye ing. 1¢ [Pared with cream and sho ate of . it "most exacting, oe oe 4 sv ontg tissues the "shana oh Ere de hops con- | heartily. Indeed ghe ate three dishes | " . ah fail So Thar nr Ee cunt templating its cutting off as it is said | of it that morning and. craved more, | it's bound to Kill the gorme, an as | they are, the hoard of trade. had bet. a Ho sd poten tut | A NICE LITTLE for healing up the sore places, noth. | ter make Some move, , mote hel opin J than. alta Vier | ! : J a A . SORT HET | conn wateroorar, [Se 1 th mina 0S RANGE. $7 nt allowed all sf lesired, ! cure Jou will at loast get Racks ou at, Brock street, i Showing , fOur friend lived on Malta-Vita dur.' 3. Sood do iw. gatarh. in. any tho | pattern in Rin onl ber tient. Thess ---- el ot ha | And we have eight sizes - You run no risk--there. are his' own importation, and the thematism, and she w | 3 i i fore. use Cat our expanse a and Putters have no eqiial. ARS aroun mation awed" and Styles funoing as high 1} dar Z if sot satisfel. ep to te hia Rout at} MaltaVita is such a deliciously | 2§ $32. : ViokELVE er tands an Wire Works of a kinds; alio Tv or Wire Edge Re dy Rooting cheaj er and better tha shingles. STREET, Fay ry Sell awestoond snd jnsuith- | : a pee Shorea | satin without it. He free Bi ~ at | year through of 8; grocers--the same quality and government about $15, The eae Wig Package ae aloe i, and + £8 BAO