ny ! hearty eneoi , which was responded Smal kesident, Jresided, 4 to Miss id . and addresses by ; L 8 : Shareho Revs. Pr. Suto and F. B. Stratton. inception te 'the present time. His vis- its to the eity had given him the op- portunity of listening to all the pas- tors stati in: Brock street church, but none superior to the tthe Merchan s paid an excellent tribute today, in which thera waa more than |(. Dr. Crummy, and the latter. giving of | usual interest on of the wide reminiscences of his knowledge of the N g tween ini i pcend reporta he church, "and interest in it from its oi dircotorate and. the late general , Thomas F as well us Teg arding the repor ; was not present at the maotiz huts couple of Whatieholilers i Mon w to him, and ond reliony with the directorate, whi ve n report- dress 6 Dy heen: . » and Mrs. Crummy, refer «l to have be of a stormy char or Bo the excellent work secomplish- who has widespread finan- | °0 during their sojourn in able men, tor "rR Carnovsk hen cal . Carnovsky was then called to tho platform, and read an able ad. ial interest sharcholder, - | the city. Special mention was made oy the preioat at al ied of the of the doctor in wiping and Feodor Roas did dikewise, The [out the debt of so long standing, re- resident, however, dismissed the | Pair "and Begutifving the life and . matter, by stating that his | Ins mg an excellent organ. e ad- Sales 15,005 | rotiroment was due to his ill health, roms totiched on thd interest. takon Regarding the rumors of aualzoma- only in' all departments of church ton Sir Montagne stated that. share- | Work but in the general welfare of the holders ie believe all they |eity, -- especially that of college and read in the papers. He also | life, in ce. of which deep answered some, questions, answering | feelings of regret, everywhere nrevailed the ount in he annual statement | at his departure. As, a tangible evi- in premises, by stating that the | dence 'of the high esteem in which he m was held by the church and citizens at large, the readér handed him $130, and, on referring to Mrs. Crummy's labors, Mrs. Rbid. surprised her hy the presentation of a fine leather cov. ered rocker from her friends. in gener- al, and Mrs. Watts with a lovel: auto- ta pit the. dime FS wore directly' vesponsible, and he ed the . discussion by moving the annual statement t has already been widely published, and it was adopted without. further discussion. +o A ------------ VA BATTERSEA LADY graph quilt,: the gift of Mrs. Godwin; ---- dg who was toe ill to be present, Succumbs at Ripe Age of Eighty | The was so complete, as to seven. unnerve the doctor for a time. Recov- Battersea, June 20--On the 6th | ering ho gave a moat excellent fare- inate; there sod away at her son's | Well address, thanking one and all in Will bo con: | residence another of our oldest and } behalf of himself and wife for the 0. Crisp, rector of | most ted residents in the person | 2ifts bestowed, and most of all for the of Mrs. Rachel 'Miller, - relict of the friendships enjoyed during ' his four late William Miller, who preceded her | ¥°ars in. the eity. to the spirit world: some twenty-six | T. F. arrmon ocennied the chair years ago.. The deceased lady had {8nd did his part well. The ladies sery- reached the ripe age of eighty seven | 80 the company with ice cream and 'ears, about 'four-score of whi she | cake. : J. Eliott, had spent in this country, coming out ed ire, Scotland, at the age INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. caps; 25¢. Gibson's Red ot seven, setth with her parents on m---- % ; e¢ shores of e Champlain in Low Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By a er Canada. Her maiden name was oo Taff, and she was the last survivor of ers' On Their Rounds re 3 ta a Dr. Hugtfie Nesbitt, MPP. Toron n eburch, Ports: the deceased was a Quinn, Baptist minister, in the city on a visit is home owing to the death of ther. fig a large family. "She and her husband | Pr. J é as mo to this nei Sid, hes, ny to, is in the city. a Ss Xty years a 0, Sutfl} first on. the | * ashing Cups all Sizes, Me. Gib- Fis Le Le ' farm sou Cedar " med | SOR 8 a ross Drug Store. ry Ser HB itchie. Bros, $ a awnel Frederick LC. Scott, Syracuse, N.Y. % in li his th: econom but later connected herself with mo! : : that rue n A i Shurgh. Of Janily of eleven of HE fine. appearing Kingston band --good tha pill children. only. four. ave leit, viz., John, IE fix ©' 38 the way the Ea a t Wi & hin place; Dn Jennie Jones Fulton, Waterton, xx i tive it. 3 , + Mus, ey in, HI, * and it, Gibson's 'ross for the spent. Trash Mes! Dr. 8K. a he «ta Drug Stove. . : - 'he. funeral services were conducted at 'opera house is one of th l- 'matter how little, 1s rash ex hor son's residence, where she est places in the city. No Natit Tr Be by the Rev. Douglas Laing, Kings- [0 FAAS TORY : : ton, who delivered a very earnest and is cool and delightful. 5 'impressive discourse. Her grandson, | Take in the 'steamer Americy's four Soh Dr. B. J. Lake, of the city, conducted | via the American and Canadian chyn- atiractive garments, made of | the Bible reading. The body was in- | nels, Saturday, 2.30 p.m. Howe early, cotton, free from starch and terred in the Sand Hill cemetery. Only 35e. § d with Insertions, Laces and oppressive the weather is the theatre Rev, G. A. Bell preached his fare The Kingston Yacht Club Associa: well sermon last Sabhath evening. A [tion was to have held its annual 4 3 tongregation was present, in. | Meeting last evening, hut a quorum of nd Se epument i the cluding some United States tourists, | members did not attend. ellence, fu widths and engths. who ate stopping at the Granite. and | Rev. D, Laing. moderator of the ¢ She TR a whe showed their appreciation of the Canada Centr, Baptist Association; Gown H Corset Covers, services by. loading collection | In session at Arnprior, gave his an- Children's Underwear. Plates, With American grecnbacks. The | ual address yesterday morning. has been practising faithfully for | "High class candies," Huyler's and ; Pri ces 1 their band' on tomorrow in I. MeConkey 8 Gibson's Red: Cross Drug Reg ular Vanluven's ve. - Since opening u, Dre. ; ! h kN his lumber en here, Frank Rrgin Miss Bella Batten, Barriefiold; Miss has di of the second cargo of lumber brought ue from Ottawa by the steambarge Nile. It is a great convenience for the farmers of this dis- trict to be able to procure their build- ing material near home. Antonio Begudry and Miss Eva An- grove, city, ave leaving for Montreal and Ottawa at the end of next week, The steames Pierrepont took the Cape Vincent trip this afternoon. 1 he steamer America earries a moonlight ustres, best English finish, 3se., Di 8 onals, 44 inches, all wool 45¢., 5oc., 6oc., 750. ------ excursion party out, of Clayton this PE a J : RECOLLECT WITH PRIDE. evening. : . lennes, all wool and silk Rev. "C. E.'S. Reddliffe, Camden That He Ever Held Command | East, attending the synod of the 45¢ , 50¢., boc., 75¢., goc. al English church, in Kingston, is being % The | allowing iol ex \rosk from entertained by Mrs. Hubbell, 108 4 i 15 a t street. hs, fine -- Takes, She rg Raval ilimry College orders, for Hath ero bleached and un- . . une : f 3 : % o wea y 3 ' » The intment of Col, R. Reade, Bleashed, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug : as commandant of the RMU, wilt ex- pice the th," He, therefore, takes J Miss Ada Chown, Kingston, and loths, for extra fine wear, $1, $1.25, i ; Miss. Eva Griffith, .- Sydenham, hav ~ Riek to ah wr "an Eoodbye and prowented with, diplomas hor td. ick to all at the college. Sup- | oratory. at the... Cntario Ladies' Col . 7, {ported by the good feeling, which ag Ty 4 . fait 8, al as always anima # § No. 2 Firld Hospital Anny Medical az -- wide, gtong wash g ho nif a pt efforts ie ps, is to drill at the Bemoneics pi . 6oc 4 » spar is evening. There are sti few ! wear, 5o0c. y 65¢., 75¢, of the stall it has been to him a plea Vacancies, oft Shere will bo: no Ba ; So Sure, as well as a high honor, 16 |in filling "them, - This corps will be ns, light 3 i ig Soliege. ox ny Jost fone stronger this year: than last. ling," light and dark designs, a cars, I n now biddi | cadets, cadet N.C.Os, and. to. the su | bordinate and superior staff, he does rants tha oe rE lie oy his fortune all. new patterns for summer 20¢., 25¢., joc. yard. uslins, very latest London ideas, dies, Spot Lawns, 'F cy All-Black Newboro Tidings. Newhoro, June 20. Manager Spicer and Captain' Stanton iad ths Now's 1, baseball team "to their fret vivtary, when they defeated the Westport team ; jon Wednesday bv a score of twenty- one to four, Ne L of Perth, was i ured Ba- |» ome of those - who hav i he Conldér | Gren dines, 1s¢, with him oi Kingston Be il al bays i he gt of hin sister Moa. ohm gc xy 5 : recollect b ¥ e, a e has C 5 : Tar at. % 3 - ya rl command of such a great institution Dorie in Pratt i wah ine Millie irts, long and short} 3% Boral Military College of Can- | Green. matron. in the Brock ihe He 6 inches; drawers to match, eral Hospital, spent Sunday the guest re ---- of h i \ 3 » agent: of ACT OF BRUTES. Nara 0 Gy? a 50c¢., 6oc., the Life com- od ne Torey pany, ps in town on. W ; ta oa N¥on-Union Teamster Tortured In- Mesers, Foster and D. 1. Mori- 7 os Soe 08 nT (4k i Cy Chicago, June 21.~Fdward Bickett, | » on Friday. 1 s a noti-uion teamster, cuiployed by left this morning for Kingston, where tional Express - A he has secured. a position as purser on = 5 ] NS torture a four | the steamer. Ride King. moe; : {I | eee. d to be . DE NA oh u; g y | ¥ To Sele A Pastor. ip PRE we i three fingers of the right. hand. were | Cooke's boi BE. the nape vou ' were | Cc 8 Shim during pulpit vac worn ora Sk, bin aPpsaled: 4a | thie 'even fou the prmsorn or eu the men. to have mercy, but his cries Ne Pwpos of ee were in vain, and when. the assailaits he was unconscious in the street, 45 found Inter by 'u poles ing a Dive hiley siding +n re digestive functions, An Italian named Natale Montale was thrown off 'a tram car at Niagara, Falls and killed. e University of Ottawa confered the of LL.D. upon Principal J. F. White, Ottawa Normal school. G. J. Binks has been appointed' su- perintendent of dead letter offices, Ot- tawa, vice Major J. Walsh, resigned. The reported capture of Warmsbad, the German -headhuarters in South Arica, by the rebellions Hottentots, is deniéd. | * W. J. Code, barrister, of Ottawa, - has been appointed by the Ontyrio government © to" be offeial arbitrator of the city. While passing through the Corn- wall canal the steamer Cornwall was damaged by having her wheels strike against the lock! ™ Mme. Calve, who /iz convalescent from an undoubtedly! serious illness, is Preparing for a six months' tour of the United States. Mrs. Pauline Harrer Kéovil, wife of Rev. Charles J. Keevil, New York, committed suicide this morning' by in- haling illuminating gas, It is reported, that the Baltic ship- vards, of St. Petersburg, are about to pass into the hands of the United States Steel Corporation. « Mrs, John Rdkins, wife of a farmer near St. Thomas, cut her throat with a kitchen knife, and was found dead in the vard by her husband. Dr. Walter 'F. Langrill was chosen medical superintendent of the Hamil- ton, city ~ hospital by the board of governors, at a salary of $2,500. The members of = the Canadian Manufacturers' Association were the guests of the London Chamber of 'ommerce and several other eorpora- tions. Mrs. Edith Wickham, Bath, Maine, had a successful fight with an oagle measuring six feet, which had been stealing her chickens, Her weapon was a shovel, About 300. delegates have arrived in Toronto, to attend the meetings of the International Tnstitute which pre- cedes the Tnternational Sunday school convention, R. Stanley Bagg may be an indepen- dent candidate for the Quebec logisly- ture vacancy in St. Lawrence divi- sion, caused by the death of James Cochrane. { Italian parliament has refused petition of the Garibaldi family to be allgwed to remove the body = of Gen. Gisseppe Garibaldi from tho Is land of Caprera, Fran = Lizatschenk, a professional faster, has committed suicide in Ham- burg. by hanging, 'because she was starving, owing to her failure to got fasting engagements. George Le Clair, a mechanical engi- nee of Cleveland, 0., claims to have been robbed of more than $808 at 'ongress Hall, Syracuse. William Geary, thirty. years old was arvested, A man suffering from a bad case of smallpox, was found under a tree near the G.T.R., station, at Brock- ville. His name is John McDermott, and belongs to Rutland, Vt., and is a tailroad man. Eugene McNichol, aged twenty-threp years, employed on the government railway, was drowned on Sunday in Mud Lake. Temiscaming district, to- gether 'with a comrade, whose life he attempted to, save from a like death. The Spanish ministry of Marquis Villaverde, which was formed in Jann- ary, it being = the fifth cabinet in twenty-six. months. has . resigned; owing to an overwhelming defeat in the chamber. The strike amongest the Jewish bak- ers of Montreal, was settled to-day, all the demands of the men being granted. The new rates of wages will be 815 a week, and ten hours to con stitute a day's work. Elzear Mann. the longshoreman, whe shot his mother-in-law, Mrs, Desinr- dins, on the night of June 11th, 1808, has been pardoned, and will be liber: ated from St. Vincent de Paul peni tentiary in afew days. J A. Ruddick, 'commissioner of dairying, leaves on the Victoria, July 7th, for. Europe, He will visit the Un- ited Kingdom, France, Belgium and Denmark in order fo study dairying conditions, and will be absent for the J. A. Buchanan, commercial master in Morrisburg. Colleginte Institute, and three . lads, Douglas, Deneshn, Reginald Bradfield snd Proctor Chal mers, while out . sailing, narrowly: es: caped drowning by the upsetting of their sail boat. -------- Low Rate Excursion. The personally conducted excursion to the Pacifie Const via the Grand Trunk railway system, to start Ju 5th, bids fair to be an unqualified obons The design is that the id wi e trip way eBjoy the pleasantest four of their lives. The route is one of the most attractive on the continent, the rates are the Jow- est over Sajid to the Pacific, and the details looking to convenience and pleasure have had most careful con- sideration. Any who anticipate join- ing the July 5th party, should make reservations at once, as gall plans must soon be closed. A second party will tart August 98th. Bookings for this one are coming in rapidly and i i? any tions must will he conducted by B.C Bowler, of Bonaventure Depot, Mon- treal, whom full information may be obtained, ' Clark's Luscious Lunch Tongue Has a flavor all its own' The de: licious, juicy taste stimulates all the -- v posteards are subjected to in some eontinen- Russia those bear- Tait of Tolstoi have been Picture & fle en countries. In ing the po Tokio it a Tow" de tha recently. Be tel. und "the | London in Tamas. eo Gh, hn Sev into his en. y uly. oy op for campers, Se. DE -- "wre DR-- -------- 4 ». NEWS OF THE WORLD. boi Crummy, CARY et fia ip Brock: Steet Methodist chureh was 'OCCURRENCES TED at its best last evening, when its con- URRE RECOUN gation and hosts of others met in IN BRIEF FORM. fal lecture room, decorated Xo ivy with flowers and palms, to do hone ; "Ho the "retiring pastor, The spacers: Despatches and Oullings Télling Difficulty --Strike of Jewish | building 'was filed and a delightful of Events Transpiring in All Fieh | «Bakers . Settled -- Canadian |*vening spent listening to excellent Parts of The Earth, ® v Electricians' in Gordon, si 4 none: Mes. Stanley Wilcox of Hamilton was anoint Attendance. " T R. Camo - drowned while bathing, : : Soccigh to the Whig. well rendered: recitation, followed by a Foulett, elected by acclamation in pel, Juss Sir FH. Mon: : . a, Que., yesterday. { JoHvLADLAWeS LO White Underwear Dainty Summer Underwear that will interest every woman. Our customers know this to be the largest and most complete Whitewear Department in Kingston, and that our prices are unquestiony- bly the lowest for reliable qualities, Thelrapig growth of this department in face of al| competition has proved this, : Nightgowns, White Skirts, Corset Covers, Drawers, Chemises. In each of the above garments we h regular makes as well-as the nove L ave all the Ities as they appear This isa Ribbon year. make up of all sorts of 'dresses are very popular. Taffeta Ribbons in all wanted shades widths. French Pompadour Ribbons They enter into the and for sashes they and in 6 or flowered effects HOSIERY Women's Tan Cotton Stockings, 20c., 25¢. Women's Tan Lisle Stockings, 35c. Women's Black Cotton Stockings, 12 1-2¢,, 20c, 15C, 25C. Women's Black Lisle Thread 39¢., 45¢., 50c. Women's Black Lace Ankle Stockings, 25¢ to 75¢. Women's Black Lace Front € tockin 7s, 25¢. to 75¢. 10C, Stockings, 35¢., Children's Hosiery Girls' Black Cotton Hosiery. Girls' Black Lisle Thread Hosiery, Girls' Black Lace Hosiery. Girls' White Cotton Hosiery. Girls' Tan Cotton Hosiery, Boys' "Leather Knit" Stockings, all sizes in the famous make of Stockings, This quality will last longer than any Stocking for boys usually sold at the prices, 15¢c.. 18c,, 20¢., 25c., a heavy Ribbed Fast Black Cotton Stocking, extra strong toes, heels and knees. x es hite Sh Are the Coolest We have just received a very nice WHITE CANVASS RIB- BON TIE SHOE, turn sole, very cool and comfortable for this hot weather. YEAR 72. NO Special Se 3 IN 3 Dressers a Wash Sta Solid mahogany Dresser and fo regular price $65, now $5( peis, mirrors, Solid Mahogany Dressers, $45, Brass and Iron Bed to Match f to $2.50 Solid Quartereut Oak Dresse "TT Stand, from $40 to $25, po ish. Robt. J. Re * 222 Prinoess St., Next to Opera Telephone 577. MILITARY FOOTW We make to order eve * thing required. Abso tely correct in style pattern, Wear "Allen Military Bootmakers, 48 Brock St. Sign of Golde: DENTAL DR. A. E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, 19 Montreal St., Cor. Princes Phone 652, All branches of Dentistry skilful formed. Nitrous Oxide Gas used tractiog of teeth. SWIFI'S INSURANCE AGE FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, CARCI Strong reliable Companies only represe LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. LOWEST RATES on approved of every description. Office, Opposite Untario Bank AIR For the Hot Weal 5 Refrigerators, from $2 to $5 Gus Range, Also Gas Stove, V Chairs, Summer Kitchen Stoves, TURK'S SECOND-HAND §' 393 Princess Street. WANTED. FOUR GOOD WAITERS FOR S er Rideau Queen. Apply, DD, N STRONG BOY TO LOOK A horse and be generally useful. 265 Ontario street. eee ee GO-CART, IN GOOD CONDITION Son having one for sale, ap , Whig office. iene -- A GOOD SECOND-HAND TOP BI ust be in good repair and H. C. Rothwell, Collins Bay, | $13,000 ON $30,000 SECURITY, Iistate, 5 or 10 years. Apply A. Gardiner, 151 Wellington S A YOUNG @IRL ABOUT FIF y old as nurse girl. Appl Lwe 6 and 7 in the evening Barrie street. Em AN EXPERIENCED LADY 1 keeper for wholesale house. G ferences and state . salary X.Y.Z.," Whig Office GENTLEMEN, TO GET T Suits made up at Gallo rock street, next to livery ; style, fit and price guar to please ; pressing and repairin promptly. Spin ---- A COMPETENT COOK, TO GG the country, five. miles from for summer; small family Wages. Apply, enclosing refe to Mrs. Coyne (Box 8), city MEN AND BOYS, TO LEARN PIL ing trade. We cannot supply d for graduates. $4.50 to $5 pe Eight weeks completes course. i learning. Address, for Coyne Bros.: Co., Plu Schools, Jincinnati, O., St. Mo. Employment guarantee money refunded. TO-LET. FINE OFFICE AT 346 KING STF front room, newly furnished. to J. P. Forrest, 848 King Str THE SHOP, ON DIVISION STI near Garrett street, occupied bh Boon, milliner: Apply at Whig DWELLINGS FURNISHED ANI Urnished, stores, offices, -etc., Cann's Estate Brock THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY the Corner of Queen and O Strosts, lately occupied by Mr Cron as a grocery with and outbuildings. Offers w ceived urchase. Apply em, wolieitors, Real Agen Street. ston. FOR SALE. A PONY CART, ASH GRAINE rood condition, Apply at 248 on Street. FIRST-CLASS Horse, 6 yea farm; great Also 'a' good GENERAL. PUR TS old, Al for roa ler; jowest price roadster, 13 year fine appearance and good driver Sold 'only for want of stable Apply to G. WM. & ars, '*Heatd faim, Princess siveet, LOST. A HBARP-SHAPED BROOCH Pearl = settings, on Wednesday, 21st. Finder will he suitably ry Xi Upen presentation of brooe Ghaws Jewellery store for ider on, # At The Top. "Our Bata are at the top for qu style and durability. See or nw hats, new ras, new. dy a, oberon," ie howe a >