INEY (A. H. DIVER Sellers). Dewdney & Bre.) : (Mgr. Contral Press Agony). ree use of them om conditions of . The sale of these suppli x i. east FIFTY PER GENT. of his pass tores as well as by small shopkeepers Sh point he a hyo oy place upon the market. - It is made Ince of the twine now used by farmer in | for all ordinary purposes twine is required ired for. Also water pails will be air-tight and meat and other quickly attack by dampness, mothe of handling goods; not one than those now in vogue, punt of business that can be done will make d world. . who have investigated thess new inventions of ,3uch upnattun ity has ever been offered of which be Rn contributed to ok at par, with ied by cheque, draft or money in full be given the preference. FARIO BANK, THE UNION BANK pmpany), or to order of CANADIAN ade, Toronto, Canada. and shares issued will be mailed on a bonus of one share of r's Office. Letters addressed to the Manag: 8. ¢ machines it is estimated the business will 0 per cemt. on the capital. The Company as other articles. Company, Limited \. 7 -- EBOS ALT coking, Corsbos Salt makes all shing, because it oowtains the sent from White Brea?) out of and Brain, Bones and Teeth. . Robertson & Sons, Kingston to have your house fitted OORS AND WINDOWS fines of doors that we will ays only at greatly reduced e the best of them are all € Lawrenson 58 KING STREET. nw wn wn wn O * a gE a, ng, gl, ag, ugg, i, rs from full in 2 oubles --Ihats all. © 25% am 60%a bottle. GETS ITS WRITER INTO TROUBLE." ------ Automobile Accidents in cago--New Toy Prohibited ~--Misery Caused by Strike Be- ginning to Show--Burglaries and Assaults. % From Our O © Chicago, June 19. While ruining at full speed two sutomobiles collided at {the corner of Harrison street and Mi- chigan avenue the other day. The oor cupants of both autos were thrown {out on the pavement. They were all more "or less v injured, but ¢ mach day morning and fatally wounded him. The trouble arose over the six-year old child of the wounded man throw- ing a piece of coal at Pine's wile. Pine resented the act by ing the child when the father in . Edward Browning who lives with the Pines in the flat below Gosie's, is also mixed {up in the affair. Both men are under | arrest. Ww. G. FROST, Proprietor of the CITY STORAGE | en the youngest child, scarcely a Wishes to amnoumce that he Han Sum De Miracle month old, for adoption. She states pleted a modern elevator, ome Tt ts better than alectricity, b as her reason for doing this, that she Buffalo Ball Retina ine Do. Pra. a on or produce. SAISW STOW. eS dose pod not earn for them all and her Furniture, i a scar or usband had deserted her. He, howev- tandled with care. ayes he Tammes und fhe sin Borer an er, returned to 'the home on Four While his orm are Hay to ~ fore it will not blood or pro- | teenth street, and stated that he had sive and tura finest class Jie 3 oy 1% break off the } kSepila- gone away to make a home for them Painting all kinds of --Vehie)*s at short- a off She hate, in a small place. It is said the Stark st notice. rah: ay OF eptize arooffered family have been helped by charitable : 526. 290 gucen St. Tamufscturers. De? OLEisnot. Itiathe | SOvieties considérably lately, and their 'Phone - | present abode is a mere cellar where ------ on Siinous ~ Buen 81. [TYPEWRITERS * \ practial- suggestions with expert advice and detailed prices. All our material is first class and our * workman are skilled methanics. David Hall. 66 Brock St., Kingston. Phone 58 SANITARY PLUMBING ! When you are in of plumbing or heating work of May We can give you what you want at prices that will suit you with werkmanship and terial suaranteed to be the very best. We make no charges for estimates om plumbing or solicited and promptly ol A attended to. A & J. JAMIESON. "PHONE 287 CALL AND SEE The new stock of Plumbing and Heating Fixtures, Gas Stoves and Incandescent Gas Lamps. JOHN M. WHINTO, "Phone 339, FOR Takes the KIDNEY - WORT TABLETS » i is to reco i a fact whic | TE 1 outrageous more where Yorees are rtunity PRhere. ark *laws are in many of extremely, c Frankville, Superfluous Hair Removed by the New Principle, on oar masts RTL SEE ne LR a RRR Se West. THE nr SIMPSON PRMPANY, ing a letter to Nan Patterson, wherein YORONTO, ® she sympathizes. with that lady and ai {Dr, Fisher found she was suliering | from. laudanum poisoning. Despondency 8 was the cause of commiting suicide, Wy, . f {A new toy in the shape of a toy pis NET" o£ IY {tol has been brought before the at: Np / | tention of Judge Dunne. This pistol is MAKES YOUR EXPENSES LIONT Order from your Grocer. E.W.GILLETT aT Fat those suffering with Boils, Scrofula, Eczema will find Weaver's Syrup invaluable to cleanse the blood Davi: & Lawrence Co., Lid, Montreal. In a sermon Livermore and Modern in the Church _of York, Rev. DR andotsed diy b b i PETTINGILLS church does" and women, marry themselves. All the law can do is mo marriage, then it is desecration LAA A to_ki up the sham. if there arc was open. This is the second automo- JY , children, that complicates things, but bile accident resulting fatally within JISE ASE y many times the woman is simply re- the last four months, Dr. Alice B. leased by divorce from an intolerable sweet and hopeful in the way of love and life. On the whole most of the di almost always in the interest of; r women, * nearly 80 many as frightened ministers ine. These cases are exploited in the papers until people think society Mrs. Humphrey, formerly | John Stark; hos hams is on West { Four street, cha the proba- tion -- with taking advantage of his poverty and absen home to deprive his wife of the custody of their six Children, Mrs. Stark had giv- {water stands on the floor in damp Mi weather, Judge Mack of the juvenile {court says custody of the children {will be retained until the husband and Write | father makes a home for his wife and CAL CO, | children. A young girl, nineteen years en De Toronto. For sale by old, Rosa Conan by name, after writ- tells hot she is similarly placed and | asking her help, took poison in Lin- coln Park recently. Some people . pass- ling saw the girl lying in an unocon- scious condition under some trees and {immediately summoned a pédliceman. Ah ambulance was prooured and the j unfortunate girl taken to an hospital. {made to discharge matches as projec | tiles. The barrel is the size of a regul- {ation matoh, and in order to shoot, {the niatoh ww placed with the sulphur | end protruding, When the trigger is | pulled .the hammer strikes the match, {causing it to explode. The match still { keeps burning, when it is dropped. and | is considered very dangerous as it ig- nites any inflammable substance it falls on. Mayor Dunne has prohibited the sale of the toy. | Evidence of the misery and hunger ¢aused by the strike lasting so long, is beginning to show itself. Last Wed- {nesday, Eva MoUoy and James Me | Cann were arrested on of | stealing meat from the wholesale meat Te store of O'Brien & Patterson on West ! Lake street. Entrance was gained by | picking a padlock on a rear door with ja hairpin. Part of the stolen meat { was found in the apartment occupied {by Miss McCoy in a tenement house {on Washongton Boulevard. It seems {they have been without food for sev- leral days and resorted to stealing in {order to" appease their hunger. Joseph | Howard, composer of "I'he Isle of Bong Bong," and "Land of Nod," was | seriously injured in an altercation last d ! week with Fred. Mills, president Mills { Music Publishing company of Chicago. { Mr. Mills and the composer were sil- ting together at a table in a Ran- { dolph street after-the-theatre restaur- | ant, when a dispute arose of the mer lites of a popular song. It is asserted | Mr. Howard struck Mr. Mills and the | latter retaliated. When Mills had fin- ished, Mr. Howard was ready for the hospital. About nine o'clock, Saturday night, an automobile containing Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kurtzman, HE. M. Hart- ley, Mrs. J. Renyou and William H. Hoopes, Jr., chauffeur, ran into the river at the open draw of the Rush TORONTO.ONT. DIVORCE LAW. Other Side of the Ques- tion. on "Mrs, Mary A.| Womanhood" the Messiah, New | Minot J. Savage not only orce as an imstitution, but ts recent wth. ""1he r 1 1 fot make Areingts. Men | street bridge, plunging twenty-five if they ever are married, |feet into the river, The first three | were drowned. Mrs. Renyou was taken | to the hospital. Mr. Hoopes says there was no danger signal displayed and nothing to indicate the bridge ize and try to consecrate h already exists. 1f there Stockham, who is a Pravtitions: in existence, and placed once | Chicago, -and a woman of ability, to- she may ind something | gether with manager in the book pub- lishing house of which she is owner, was fmed- the other day for ciroulat- ing improper literature. Dr. Stock- {ham is a woman seventy-one years of | age, and is supposed to have reached the age of discretion, She defended herself on the ground that her book was designed to instruct women on matters it is highly important for | them to know, but Judge Bethea rul- 'od that when the laws were framed it {was not believed the general discus- | sions of the marriage relations is ad- visable, and so Alice was fined $250 Mise Hunt, and one third of the costs and her | manager $500 and two-thirds of the {costs, And the incident was closed. | President William R. Harper, head of | the Chicago University, is suffering to be welcomed. They are op iving them ancther for aie wholesome ile. cases where the divorce abused, but they are not our churches seem to im- is ofrupt." is dead at Inkster, N.D. The Red Feather of uniform flavor. Black, Its "quality First-Grade Tea indicatesa first-grade Ceylon tea, " standard is fixed. Green or Mixed--never put up in lead but suas in sterilized parchment-lined packages--gqoc. : Get Red Feather in your cup | from cancer. Experts say that he is ! afflicted with many cancers. He has {been obliged to abandon all his daily work, even the light amount that was { permitted him. Early yesterday morning, Joseph | Heart. who had been drinking, shot | and killed his wife. The two had been quarrelling almost incessantly for over i a week hefore and the trouble reached a climgx, when, it is said, the hus band demanded money to purchase some Tipuor. Mrs. Heart bad been ih if Er | Fiips FT fyi A Ie # 2d i : Reid . yostorday OR ¥ to thy Desplaines on. - According o his story "by one of the high- for a match, As Tf you are suffering, or know of face : ouvind and his poo: ™ sample of GIN PILLS. Sg x & : 4 to Save WO WOmMen members gr Gin Pills Cure of you get your Money Back. iS Sold by leading dealers everywhere, so a box, or 6 for $2.5 = BOLE DRUG CO., Dept, J, Winnipeg, Man. Salvation Armg, from the insults of last Might on » Larrabee street oar, W. A. Jordan, the oom: ductor, was severely beaten. The two men were pte]. They gave their namps as Arthur Butiner and Gustave Baurer. After Barrowly escaping in- jury. Alexander Carlson, a policeman in Lincoln Park, stopped a rumaway horse, which tened to dash into | a crowd of em the other day | and brought horse to a stop a | few feet from where a little child had fallen directly in the path of the run away. Carlson, who "is a mounted policoman, . saw 2 horses attached to an empty ash past and imme: diately For over hall a mile the two Tal an even ruce alomg the boulevard, the runaway horse narrowly missing striking several per- sons. Caflson sprang from his horse and caught the runaway hy the head and swerved #t from its course in time to pass the little one, whi, had fallen ! in its efforts to get ont of the way. | Three burglars broke into Ahe dry | goods store of George Wimsburg, 72 NEWBRO'S Milton avem the other day and re moving a rrow full of mer: P\ ise from the store when they were seen by Charles Zeigler, a pn- vate watchman, who ordered them to stop and go to the patrol box with him. They started to do so, but g few eet from the store the watchman was struck in the héad with @ club by a third man who had come', from the | store unnoticed. The three men then | started to rum, $hough Zeigler fired | four shots after them as he lay am | the ground. They escaped however. | Marthe M. Davis a little girl - eight | years old, whose parents live on State | street, was run over and killéd yester- | day evening by a cable train at Hib- | bard Court i State street, The hit | irl who had been" sent on an er | x by her parents was returning home when the accident orcurred. Sha | waited for one train to pass but fail- | i ed to notice the approach of another | in the opposite direction and stepped | directly in front of it, The gripman in | charge of the train tried to prevent the accident, but was unable to do so. Two blind inmates of the Illinois Tn- | dustrial Home om Nineteenth street | and Douglas boulevard, namely, Wil- lism Nolan, and William Longly, | started an argument over some work | they were assigned to do which final- ly ended in blows, Nolan caught hold of a "breaker," an instrument used in the manufacture of brooms, and | struck wildly at his companion, | wounding him fatally in the head. | When Nolan heard his vietim fall to the floor he made his way out of the institution and escaped, but was cap tured last night. ied a short Longly died Is Pros. Usna (ask your doctor highly contagious disease, is now recognized The ) hl ta iota the orginal remedy that time after being ~W, HARRY This SPEARS, a ths woathiessness of - an oppor: unity for scientific hair preservation, Cuban Diarrhoea. of Newbro's Herpicide, U.S. soldiers who served in Cuba during the Spanish war know what this disease is, and that ordinary re- medies have little more than so much water. Cubds diarrhoea is al- | most as severe dangerou S a8 a mild attack of cholers; There is one femedy, however, than can always be ded upon as will be seen by the following certificate from Mrs. Minnie Jacobs of Houston, Texas : "I hereby certify that Chamberlain's colic, cholerg and diarrhoea remedy cured my husband of a severe attack of Cu- ban diarrhoea, which he brought home from Cuba. We had several doctors, but they did him no good. One bottle of this remedy cured him, as our} neighbors will testify. ¥ thank God for so valuable a medicine." For sale by all druggists, the deadroff germ." Lord Scorned Red Tape. A recently published story of the | late Lord Morris illustrates his scorn | of red tape and petty details. A ques- tion had arisen as to the cost of heat- ing the Irish law courts, and a conse | quential treasury official was sent over | Millionaires Who Tossed Timber in Lanark's Limits. last week reported the capture of a $3,000,000 contract from from London to Dublin purpose to | > 3 ' ' investigate tha matter. When he ine { the SPR. nd a $7,000,000 one from Refrigerators, troduced himsel{ and explained his er. | the Grand A nk Pacifie by She Raley, bo ! rand Lord Morris sm with sus- Fo 4 Sol others 3 {oe Cream jpicigu blandness and said : "Certain: | ly, I will put you in commumication | with the person immediately in charge | : life in| Garden Hose, of that department. Then he sent out the. hemblest I Fhe Sogn > a mestenges. ond presently here aD | a Mair of 1 anne They imits as Sprinklers, old chgrwoman. Loi erin | : -anark. d Ta fet left the room, saying ed he as crows, except in the matter Screen Doors, { poor did so: 'Mary, here is the young man {of intellect and energy. to see about the coal." fon a big oe was i erful i art ] 5 ine Wade's glove ol , 10e, hon es fonrcd her hp! and | alacrity. The brothers hitehed: their Beware of Olntments for Ca- thariol io a star, which Srapped 1 : he aul, w STOO tarrh That Contain Mercury began spread with a rapidity As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and com derange the | whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces Such articles should ' }eq i ] never be used except on prescriptions beauty ald wy nent a | She from utable physicians, as the damage (rams al A A they will do is teu fold to the xood you gil he married Ws Sutharie, off can possibly je them. all's Jal x othy Fol ives a '0 Cure, manufactured by F. J. | eat Cheney & UC. Toledo. ©. contains ne home next that of James J. Hill, the} mercury, and is taken internally, acting noted railway magnate. John i& at directly uvon the blood and mucous sur- eeent visiting Europe. Hall's made. in Co. faces of the system. In buyin Catarrh Cure be sure you ine. It is taken internally and Toledo, Ohio, by ¥. J. Cheney & Testimonials free. i | Miss Minnie Robertson, daughter of A. Robertson, Carleton Place, a mi | taking in washing and working out {hy the day to help support hersolt {amd the two children. It ds said ! Heart had been in the habit of com- Sold by Druggists. Price 75. pet | xionary in Chin, United W : bottle. : riage on April 3h, to Rev. 6G. Take Hal's Family Pills for cousté | R V ali a mini po