i in ~ {roca NOTES AND THINGS Interest To The People. Rolls of butter, 18¢. Crawford. Newman & Sheaw's "To.night." . Boys' wash suits, special price, Liv- ingvion's lonight, : with H Cadets' search- light excursion, Monday evening, 25c. Spend two days in; Watertown, AO, H. excursion, Monday, July 3rd, 8 a.m, piano tuner from Chickering, received at McAuley's book store, Princess street. A purse of $260 was presented to Rev. C. E. Mann on his leaving whole argument in a nut- Dominion Stare * church, Montreal, in hs : Bn Ey Father's . cons Nothing so nutritious ag bread, and that. io tention, the bondholders have been re so nutritious and tasty as y ng strenuous efforts (since the of- . i k toa, and the | for of Dr. Ball of Detroit), to retain St Cra daha sicko fold, the mor ho nid | rd Shs pay. Wl be ci, | Eni he nal fmm 5 the 5 -at once. Ald. Meek . "torment righ wrence 8 score Of 4 committee i & y claimed | "Grand A.0.H. excursi to Water- the the "The cos Sd that the reason it went behind was town, leaves Monday, aly A over $20 and the by-law, that ; : not offer sufficient | 1, returning, 6.85 pm. or July 4th. tenders be and a "contract | ampprSor, nd inducements. Let to | by. rogular trains. Tickets only $1.25, awarded commi con g truss fitting, Dr. Chown's. ditor on " vy attount. ap She So iy they have lost some Ty ving oo ~ * the | there was no ty for it. He. for on, Curing the past ten years. | ution of Rev, J. E. Starr, to the ; | i Ald. thought that the case was one of emergency. Thi i taken by the committee ri oti 8g0 was to authorize tenders to be sulle for. - This had not been done, Ald. Sara pointed out. The duty of £ : 5 Fe §f | =F 7 i g v i / fl $ i i ) been ay rom the association after being who played A on court claimed it, after it had if iE i fr 3 : t £ i fit 53°? i £ ; F i hi; i ir 23 gt § t fi th By 4 EEL Po 3 £ F if 13} £ i i Hie £ § Feo out, but they Riz ol on was quite satisfac- t he was justified in art in question to the pointed out that some committee decided that applications must be received 8, and applications would be in order of their coming in. WA the first written a prior right to 0 had made verbal ap- the chairman. He moved court, in question be awarded Y.W.C.A. 1t was an organiza- ion with | members, and was to {6 considered before a club of half a Ald. Carson claimed that the chair- mans verbal promise to the other | parties could not hold, because committee had taken other action. The chairman, in view of this, should have informed the i i od, and ¥ : Yoas--Alds., Meek and Carson. Raye-alds. Angrove, Sears and ing inst the Y.W.C.A;, and thus {the YW.C.A. do not get the court hey put into condition and were . al- ted, Ald, Sears moved that the as- sociation be granted the court near the car. track. This motion was car- ried. Alds, Meek and: Carson refused to vote upon it. As the city council: gave the parks committee power to act, the matter is at an end. Caretaker Phillips applied for in- crease of salary, The amount in the budget is $500, Meek asked - if the committee would have a surplus with which te pay an increase. e city clerk said the caretaker received' a bonus of 850 at the end of last year the unders then was that be $550. . The chairman broke the tie by vot- || "| when the music ceased, cert of the series will in all probabil Mr. Cross places the amount at' $67,- 000: Now what inducements do the proposed advantages at $3,500 per year. on the ments of the there imn't a nigger on Favor It. withdrawal of the train over the Kj have been received there, névertheloss, grounds afloat. It on the lages along They claim that their trade the effeot. considerably, tend that they have the contemplated action, In the road territory covered orders had been end, re is another one runnihg the Thurpday train. one and if this case ns BAND IN PARK. Witnessed. the band of the 14th Thiferms, r goad ' band concerts treat was the first. er hill and the skifls, while several luminated the scene. who enjoyed the ance of the bandsmen, W. W. Gibson, Kingston. Islands at 10.15 a.m. callin andria Bay and G ue. leaves at 5 Quinte ports and "Double vision lasses, lg s iaees 3 as - much for consideration at the hands of the road as the city merchants and hence ing of the matter one of the omployees i stated that the average citi- zen had no idea of the volume of buei- ness brought to Kingston from the by the Kingston & Pembroke railway, 'and that while no received to cancel the Thursday trip there certainly had been considerable agitation towards Quite a Pleasant Scene y of snow. clearing, ete. The city solici- tor and the oity engineer have both been consniled by me and the matter fully discussed, and we find that the to. He "extended them aggregate a corresponding out- lay ob something over $2,000. I. will give them aniple margin and place it Now thoy have formerly lost $6,000 a year, hende the fference will necessarily still be found side of the booke. course this is all provided the state- company are true, they lost, the amounts supposed. How much better off will they be then un- der the inducements asked. and will they run the railroad at a loss If 80 for how long can they stand it ? Besides, he concluded, Mr. Campbell has said the city cannot run the road to make it pay under present condi tions, so I would like to know if the fence again? ONLY ONE RUNNING IT. The Rear Merchants Do Not Despite the fact that the losal offi- cals know nothing of the proposed Thursday moming n n & Pembroke railway, and allowing that no orders here to that effect, seems to be . good for the persistent rumors appears that considerable pressure has been brought to bear management of late by merchants doing business in the vil- the line of the railw carried to the city and that they fool They also con- Of and 4th and the Methodist church. He has not resigned as reported, but only asked to be re- lieved from appointment for a year, Another lot 200 pair boys trousers, all sizes, 39%. pair. "Livingston's to- night, At a directors' meeting of the Cata- raqui . Bridge company, . held .. yester- day afternoon; a dividend of two per cent, upon capital stock of the com- pany was declared payable on August 1st, next. Council 20, C.0.C.F., having' chang- ed it's nights of meeting to the d uesdays, will Lold its next regular meeting on Tuesday, June 27th. A large attendance is requested. Trusses, perfect fittisfg, Dr. Chown's. A baseball aggregation went to Yarker, this. morning, for a friendly contest with. the nine of that town. The players from Kingston were : Hartrick, 1b.; Hunt, 2h; Shannon, ps McParland, c.; Derry, 3b.; Williams, s8.6.; Harrison, 'Lf; Fegg, cf; Lap- pin, rf. ] July 3rd, Y.I.C.B.A. picnic, Brophy's Point; baseball, Artillerys vs! Y.I.C. B.A; sports, dancing, etc. Bring the children and enjoy the day. is a real scarcity of strawber- ries at present and the few that ar- rive in the city are eagerly bought up, the wholesale price ranging about 12}c, 13c. per box. However, the local dealers claim that there is no dearth of the fruit, but that the season ' has scarcely opened, and expeet the next few days will see abundance offered for sale. 3 William Swain, piano tuner. Orders received at MecAuley's book store. The steamer. Rideau Queen, of the Rideau , River. Navigation company's squadron, took an excursion: party to Jones' Falls this moming. A large piri Sy of ay. | number of citizens bei the opportunity to spend a day op the water) and enjoy' the beautiful scenery u) the Rideau. The pleas- right | ure seeker left at six o'clock and ex- that 1 contention which enters into the case as well, namely, that the local road is the Everything considered, there fore, the question seems to he a live as in others, forewarned should be forearmed. Was Macdonald Park presented a scene of old-time animation, last evening, when giment, treated the citizens to a complimentar: 'cert, Some time agp, through the gen- erosity of a number of residents, n were enabled to secure new and thev 'are returning good by giving a series of weekly of which last night's It is two years since the band has been engaged dur- ing the summer and, judging from the, number of people who turned out to listen to the music, the citizens have indeed missed this pleasure. The tow- park on both sides, down to the shore was a mass of at. tentive listeners, while the water. was black with small craft of every des- eription, which lay idly upon the sur- face. Steamyachts and motor boats buzzed in and out. midst canoes snd searchlights il. Nor were these evening's pleasure just the nearby residents. People flock: ed from all parts of the city, 'and thoroughly appreciated the reappear- only too sorry . The next com ocon- S100 Islands And Rochester. teamers North King and Caspian Jeave daily except Monday for 1,000 at Alex- urni am, for Bay | ter, Dr. only the pect to return about eight this even- ing. + MARINE INTELLIGENCE, sp sin, What is - Going on About the : giv Harbor. William Chipmen, Ottawa, "is here to-day with a gasoline yacht for in- spection. y ; The steamer Caspian leaves this af-. ternoon for. Charlotte on hér first trip of the season. A ma Craig's wharf: Steamer Alexandria up last night; schooners Pilot and Idlewild arrived from down the river with sand. Swift's wharf : Steamers Toronto, down this morning; Hamilton, down last evening; Rideau King, from Ot- tawa to-night. The ' Kingston Foundry company has received the contract to repair the machinery of -dhe steamer Scout. The cost will be about $1,500. Yesterday afternoon, Capt. Thomas Donnelly adjusted the compass of 'the steamer Wolfe Islander, which, during mists and fogs, had heen running all over the harbor. oy The tug'St: Paul has returned from Montreal, having towed the schooner Rutherford there. The tug . Blanche, which was taking its place 'in the dredging operations here, left to-day for Ottawa. Is"Behind Bars. - Toronto News. . * Broken in health after ive | years' sonfinement in . Kingston itentiary, fon which "he ee lot two months ago, Manly Kimball, the man who took care of a trunk full of dynamite for McIntosh and Williams at the time they figured in the Varcoe murder and attempted burglary in 1899, was a prisoner at the police court on a charge of tasking o bicycle from a boy named Bruce yes. He was remanded to the jail for examina- tion into his mental condition. Kim- ball, 'is about sixty years of age. -- Roach--Bryant. A quiet wedding took place, Wed- 3 ¥ nesday eveni last in the Bishop's iy be held on Thursday ev raday evening next. bo ined when ey. Pathet ehoe uni- in the holy bonds of matrimony Druggists Meeting. Edward F. Roach to Grace D. Messrs. Hoag, Gibson, Chown and Bryant, yo! daughter of Mr. Best attended the annual district and Mrs. Report Bryant, Princess teeting of district No. 2 of the | street. The bride was d in a Druggists Association, held at Na- becoming gown of blue canvas cloth, Danes, on Tuesday. A pleasant out- trimmings of white Liberty silk, and ng down the 'river was enjoyed in E, white hat, and carried a bouquet of Roy's steam launch, and in the | white roses. The' bride and groom evening dinner was at the | were unattended. 1] house; The Jollowiny Offic | p------------------ cers were elected : esident, Edward 1 | Case, Picton; vico-president, T. B. LIQUOR AND TOBACCO HABITS Wallace, Napanee; secretary treasurer, A. MecTAGGART, M.D, C. &. References as Dr.MoTagrart's pro- fossiohal Tabiing and personsl itegrity Sir W. R. Meredith, Chist Justice. Hon. G. W. Ross, Ex-Premier of On- rio. J Rev. John Potts, DD, Victoria Cal- 5. eT 's vegtable remedies fo! igtor SAT faba Sas os be y injections , ei time from mnetn, Ans SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES. | What Wil Be Doing I' The Church To-Morrow. church-- 3 p.m. Rev. F. B. Stratton will preach at both services. - St. Pauls church--The Rev. J. Fitz- roy Bourne, M.A. rector of long ueil, preaches in St. Paul's to-mor- o Barrie.--Services, 11 .m.,, conducted by the eorge A. McKenzie. At pastor, Rev, 3 p.m., a special children's day ser- vice will be held. Calvary Congregational church, cQr- ner Charles and Bagot streets--Rev. G. A. Lowes, pastor. Morn'ng ser vice at 11 a.m.; evening gospel ser- vice at 7 p.m. Seats free and unap- propriated and all are welcome, . Cooke's Presbyterian church, Brock street--Both services will be conduect- ed by Rev. J. Fairlie. Morning ' an- them, "O Lord Most Holy;" solo, "0 Eyes That Are Weary," Mrs. Nelson; eveni anthem, "Lead Kindly Light." Strangers made welcome. halmers, Preshyterian, corner Bar- ric and Earl streets.--Pastor, M. Mao gilliveay, D.D. Services, 11 ~a.m., "Christ's Use of the Present for the Future"; 7 pm., "Studies in Genesis, and Bible Class, 3 p,m. Prayer meet- ing, Wednesday, 7.30 pm. Strangers cordially invited to all services. Sydenham Street Methodist Church-- Rev. C. E. Manning, the new appoint- ed pastor, will preach at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Epworth League, Monday even- ing, at8 p.m, Mid-week service, Wed- nosday, at 8 p.m. Moming anthem, "As Christ upon the Cross"; offertory solo, "Light in Darkness," Mrs. Hen- dersén. Evening anthem, "Like as the Heart," Miss Mills and choir; trio, "All Through the Night," Miss Mit- chell, Mys. Henderson and Mr. Simp- son. Queen Street Methodist church, Jvne 25th, 1905--Rev. W. H. Sparling, B. A., will preach at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m Sunday school at 2.45 p.m.; KE' L. of C, E., on Monday, at.8 p.m; mid- week service on Wednesday at 8 p.m. All welcome. Morning anthem; "Come Ye Disconsolate," Miss Sparks an' choir; solo, with male quartette _ac- companiment, 'Jesu lover of - My Soul," Miss Sparks,. Messrs. Shea. Rutherford, Shammon and Manhard; evening anthem, "Lead Kindly Light;" anthem, "Lift Your Eyes, the Sight Is Glorious;" solo, Mr. Shea. Y. M. C, A. Notes. The morning watch will be kept by a number of young men at 7 o'clock in tho moming. Any man interested may join them. The Bible class will be held at 4.15 o'clock in the afternoon. All men in- vited. We heartily thank our friends for the magazines donated for the sol- diers' camp. We have quite a cupboard full. To beautify our reception hall, the Rev. G, A, Lowes has given us a handsome, stately palm. We appreai- ate this gift vory much. Perhaps an- other friend would like to follow. this worthy example, as we need one more, -------- New Moving Pictures. The London 'Bioscope company, whose moving pictures attracted . so much favorable comment at the opera house, last week, have arranged for a returning engagement of a week, commencing op Monday, June 26th. The progratiime . will be new and of the same high order as the last. Some of the principal features will~be a reproduction of -the great Hiawatha as enacted by "the Objib- fantastical trip under the ocean' Ja: and specially selected military sub- jects, and numerous others, also ani: mated pictures faken' yesterday at noon by Manager Bradford of the em- plovees leaving the Locomotive Works will be reproduced on Monday even- ing, and several other local pictures will be taken and shown through the ing. Farmers' Institute. The annual - meeting of. Addington Farmers' Institute was held at Cen- C. Pb Wagar, presided, ars some wholesome advice, which, if remembered and put in ractice, must certainly add to the 'interest and success of the institute. Officers were elected as follows : Pre- sident, J. 8." Lochhead; vice-president, W.. J. McGill; secretary-treasurer, J. B. Aylesworth; directors, C. Wagar, M. Shannon, .G. Angon' Ayles- worth, J. M. Lochhead, Charles Whe- lam, Adam Gilmore, H. A. Thomas. Jackson, Wesley McGill; au- ditors, James Reid, A. N. Lapum. Places for holding meetings were also selected. Messrs. C. D. Wagar "and J. B. Aylesworth were appointed de- legates to a convention of institutes to be held in Toronto in September next. Ask them rescription i} of Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. Fifty years in use, certain and prompt. Use only "Putnam's.'" ~bout your Free Show To-Night. Frée show tonight, 8 p.m,, on the | market square. Bring your ladies, first | class. i Campbell Bros., To-Night. For children's nobby headwear. Ask your grocer for: Toye's bread. Have no equal as pi t and posi- | tive cure for sick headache, hiliousness | constipation, pain in the side, and all | liver troubles. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Try them. i Hold July 3rd for the Y.I.C.BA. | picnic, Brophy'd Point. Baseball, sports, music and "dancing. A good | day's outing and home at a good hour. | "Very popular" egg phosphate or | chocolate nogg at Gibson's Red Cross | drug store fountain, Rev. Robert Laird, the new agent of Queen's, will remove to Kingston early | in August. Buy Abbey's salt at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Trusses, "fit guaranteed." Chown's, Battle of the Kings." Sunday school | play = of | way Indians: at Desbarats, Ot., "a | remarkable series entitled the "Won- | ders of the Deep," illustrating a pan vs. Russia, new series, Our Navy, | week, 'and new illustrations each even- |: treville on June 17th. The president, | In his open- | ing remarks he gave the officers and | D. | ney Pill. Baker, | The Doctors Say So. | Even Doctor y x the i (hardwood floor work), but the lame- invariably one bottle | "*S8 decreased and on the second or { ing off of poisons from A QUEER B MR. MACGILLIVRAY'S OPIN. ION OF STREET CARS. Why the Sudden Somersault ? He Asks--Usual Procedure 'With Insolvent Business Concerns 'Remember the Smelter Deal," His Warning. Kingstcn, June 23.--(To the Edit- or.)--l, doubtless, in common with most. residents of the more outlying portions of eo city, would like to see the st cars again in running operation, but like Alderman Carson wo like to know with whom we are doing business, and are not pre to be °stampeded into any transaction that will not perhaps bear the light of day, and that will involve ug in extra taxes in the shape of extra monetary concessions and leave us in the end as liable' to be without a strect car service, when most needed, as. before. The council hitherto scemed to be acting in a prudent and bpsinesslike way, their sudden somersault is, to 'say the least, remarkable, If an ordinary business concern becomes insolvent, the stock-in-trade is sold to the highest bidder, or if a mortgage is foreclosed, there is a similar sale. Such a sale it scems has not yet occurred, and it is rather curious if the "Bondholders" or. ori- ginal "Company" can, without more ado, resumé operations, when it suits them, With the assistance of the city. If these parties can, with the conces- sions now asked from the council make a profit out ef the road, why cannpt the council, by using the $1,- 500 or thereahouts, of concession | money, run the road, and make the | same profit ? id ; The road must be sold to the high- | est bidder. - The "Bondholders have | already kindly offered it to the city | for $125,000, a queer way of doing | business. The city might now offer, say $75,000, a good offer, get the road, and run it for its own profit and convenience. We have already walked four months in all Sorts of weather. We can walk two more when the present franchise expires. y As' for the gentleman from Detroit, who has been promising such fino things for our good, and acting eo mysteriously, it would be well to re- member the smelter scheme of "sacred memory and the smelter site deal. -- J. MACGILLIVRAY. ---- Art In The Drug Stores. Some attention is being attracted lately to a series of etchmgs in the leading drug stores. Close examina- tion shows that"they were issued by the Abbey Effervescent Salt Company. These etchings are little gems in na- ture studies and are practical demon- strations of art in advertising. They are by two famous American artists, Randall and King, and are quite wor- thy of a place in one's library or den. The Abbey Salt Company are to he { commended for sending out: advertise- | ments so artistic. They are far above | the usual store hanger and. merit. a | prominent place in every first class { pharmacy. : | Trusses, easy, secure. Dr. Chown's. | On June 2Ist, Miss Oliver Gertrade { Gerow, daughter of Mr., ana Mrs. W. | F. Gerow, Déseronto, and Elmer B. | Miller, of Adolphustown, «wore mar- | ried. i { | | | } Cure Lame Back and Weak Heart Hn | What Bu-Ju, The Kidney Pills, | * Did for a Hardworking Car- penter of Simcoe. | Here is what a resident: of Simcoe, | Ont., writes regarding *'Bu-Ju," the Kidney Pill. The immediate effect 'of this remarkable specific is worthy of | special attention. There is no other | "kidney remedy" offered the public at all comparable with Bu-Ju, the Kid- | | { | | ! | | | Simcoe, Ont., Makch 23rd, 1905, | Claflin Chemical Co., Windsor, Ont. : Gentlemen,--1 have been using '"'Bu- t Ju" Kidney Pills for some time, and | can say that I have been greatly bene- | fited: by them, and that when I hegan {my back was very lame, my heart | working badly and I, simply had to force myself to work; more than that, {as a proof that they have curative | powers, I will "say that the work 1 was doing when | began their use was very hard aud trying on the back third day 1 could work as hard as 1 wished. You may add this to' your other testimonials if you wish, as a 1 | believe they Will do as much for oth- ers as they have dome for me. Yours truly. ARTHUR OWEN. The change from a lame back, a dis- ordered heart and an inability to work | was very welcome in the case of a . man who had to work for his living; and that change came in two or three | days. It was due to Bu-Ju, the Kid- ney Pill. These pills cure lame backs | and Shesngtlon weak hearts, because 1 they act directly on the kidneys. A weak or deranged condition of these sewers of the body prevents the throw- the system. The blood thus becomes infected and a number of diseases are the result. "Bu- Ju" cleanses and invigorates the kid- neys, enabling them to do their work of elimination properly. What th:s sovereign specific did for Mr. Owen it will do for all others afflicted as he was. The effect of this remarkable remedy is felt at once in a measure of relief, and faithful adherence to direc: tions will bring about a cure. Bu-Ju Kidney Pills are for sale hy druggists generally. Ask for them and refuse substitutes. USINESS FLY TIME] The flies are here again. yw, something new this year to stay where they alight. Vampire Spiral Fly Catcher -- ERY rw vay yyy, " uspended from gasoliers, have make they, chan leliers, ete.' Will take care of all the flies which usually select these spots for a meeting place. We. have them in active use here-- enquire when next you. are iy They sell for Bc. each and arc easily worth ten times the price. --AT-- The "Best", Drug Store, -Ls T, Best, Chemist and Optician, Phone 59. MITCHELL'S OLD STAND Specially adapted for children, on account of its absolute purity, Baby's Own Soap is used by young and old alike and commands an immense sale, Dont trifle with imitations. ALBERT TOILET SOAP CO., Mrs MONTREAL. 2 TO-NIGHT Piles of Ladies' and up. Extra good Vests at 15 Summer Vests, 3c. » We., 2x The Best Tan or Black Cotton Hose in the city for a quarter. Ask to see them. Other mukes of Cotton Hose," spec- ial at 124c. and 19c See the big lot_of sale at 15e. ya. BIG SALE ON MONDAY Foo many Silk Ribbons on All colors Raincoats in stock and knife goes mto For so the price-cutting them' good and deep on Monday instance :(-- on, the Your pick of Raincoat rack, being the any newest and most up-to-date garments, marked from $11 to §15.50 each for Any Coat marked £7.50 to 20.95 $6.50, and Any Coat marked 35 to 37 for one price, $1.25. all Every Coat perlec new goods, boug These are this spring. stylish. Newman & Shaw. Business Properties, Lots. all kinds of REAL ESTATI market. We can offer you Sever opportunities for buying at pre Bagot ty Have a look at 121, 123 125 ot St., three brick dwellings, good §7 John St., nice frame house, seven rooms, garden. A Grocery Store on I'nine ing a good business. Good selling. A. F. BOND, Insurance and Real Estate. -- ston. 63 Clarence Street - - Kingste ee ---------------- 5 TAXES,190 . PER CENT. BY PAY4 Mig hi {38 PER, pefore June 30th te. Ro discount allowed after hat PLS. Tax Collector t and . £10 for y ERX There are hu from Female Dise i they write to me . ; rience.-=-S. B. Har Lovosereeees - N view of the great multitu 1 women suffering from somo fo female disease and yetunasble to fis cure, Dr, Hartman, the renowned cologist, has announced his willix to direct the treatment of as many as make application to him uri summer months without charge. The treatment will be conduct -orrespondence. 2 he adiclnes prescribed can | tained at all drug stores. The Dactor will prescribe all clies, applications, hygienic ai ary regulations necessary to oor a cure. Furthermore, all corres ence will be held strigtly confides This offer will hold:good only ¢ the summer months. Any woms: become & regular patient by sen written statement of her age, con of life, history and symptoms of rangements, sud previous treatm Pe-ru-ia Brought Health and Happiness. Miss Nellie South, late of Manc) Eng., writes from 86 Prince Arth Montreal, Can. as follows: « Peruna has made a dh in my life. It has broug health and happiness. «#gince my seventeenth year ) had female complaint and irregul; My general hoalth suffered, I hac in my back and lower limbs, m were dim, and I became morose a reasonable, «Mother sought the advice family physician, who prescrib me, but I grew no better. «J then read of Peruna and pn a bottle. That one bottle was more than all the doctor's med had taken previously. «J cannot express my gratitud runa has been a great blessing to Nellie South. Miss Edna Moore, 46 Elm stree falo, N. Y., Secretary East End Li Association, writes: "I was a great sufferer from sy catarrh, was extremely nervous not sleep, fainted easily, was very ble, had a confusion of the sens: got up in the morning feeling mo than when I went to bed. «J was ve Jrreithod, bit up Peruna | began improv, the medicine four nn 1 felt like 8 new woman and wa pletely cured."--Edna Moore. The principal remedy whic Hartman relies upon in curing ca diseases of women is Peruna. dreds of women sufferers find | a household necessity. BAG rrerrrrseressesns oa ! Warm We: PRINT WR to $1.7 qm PRINT HO ayy cord str ie PRINT SHI eames | puok sxn from and 90¢ Spence's | HITE PI 2 re ery. muse WHITE JE be 1 good,» | NEW WHI eee PIQUE AN _NEW GLO} ' i: SPENCE' Is a good time to buy your WINTER COAL! There's a Saving! JAMES SWIFT & C0 Telephone 135. ® -- ere CRESCENT WIRE w( "| T. PARTRIDGE IAL OOO OOO Manufactur PORE Ornamental (AL) KAXAEKS OX) YOON COSAAENE Ro LOG OOOOOCAA XD Oy A OUOL OA PA OOOO 0) POR NN 3 OOOO) Wire POCONO XY RAR dy Roofing, SAAN & er and bette les,