uslins E CONTINUED is Chance to get new and yy. ne Muslins, suitable for Waists its and for Children's Wear, 2%¢. to 15¢c, yard, "® t Lasts for Yc. Yard, Ladies' Rai ncoats If you have not a Rain. coat you surely felt the need of ane during (he past two weeks. This is the time to enjoy it, and a Rain. coat made from good Cra. venette, stylishly made, is a source of great comfort. y.. Ladies' Raincoats $4.75, 5.95, 7.50, 8.75, 9:50. 10.50, 11,50, 12.75. 13.99. {E YARD ualities of English Craven- ous Priestly, of Bradford. Light Greys, Mid Greys, d Black. 85c. to $1.50 yard, accord- fineness. XX rellas y 75¢, 97¢., $1, 1.25, 1.50, 75¢, $1, 1.25, 150, 2, 2.50 3 Re-covered yodr Umbrella if the cover over it quite as good as new, st one-third the price of a £1.25 thher Soles ........ ea ther Soles ......... . : ) {H) Tie, Cuban Heel ..... - Hx Shoes ... /hite your selection. . T SHOE STORE" Shoes ason and now is the time and This is the Season For Out-of-Door ¢ FURNITURE Comprising? every style of Porch amd veranda Chair, Rockers, Settees, Camp Cots, for $1.50 to $6.50. loat Chairs, $2.50 to $7.50. The quality of these goods. ara tha highest and prices the lowest. Robt. J. Reid. Cut Glass A Most Attractive Showing The result of the RIGHT KIND, of goods properly 'displayed. For brilli- ancy and purity of color our CUT GLASS is unsurpassed. We sell only THIS KIND and respectfully ask that you see our excellent values, when shopping. SMITH BROS, Jewelers Opticians 380 King Street. J. S.-Smith, Issuer of Marriage Licenses MILITARY FOOTWEAR We make to order every- thing required. Absolu- tely correct in style and pattern, Wear "Allen's"' 2 Military Bootmakers, 48 Brock St. Sign of Golden Boot. | SWIFT'S INSURANCE AGENCY FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, CARGO. DAILY MEMORANDA, bie. The moon rises at 1.44 am., Wednes- day. He only possesses time who profitably uses it. Band in Macdonald Park, Wednesday, 8 p.m. 14th Regiment Company Tuspection, 7.80 nam. ' City Property Committee, 4 pan. Wednesday. The sun rises Wednesday at 4 21! and sets at 7.45 pan. London Bioscope Company, Opera House, 8.15 p.m. \ Love is an excellent diet for young men who have too much avoirdupois The greatness of a man is measured by the greatness uf the service he renders. Show on Market Square vo-night: thousands attended last night; first class He who has hopes for to-morrow, sel- dom wofries about the failures of yester day. Grand This day in hist ~Wolfe bombarded Quebec, 1759 Allies ptured Tien Tsin, ph re and come to Lawn Social, y wight, Grounds. St. Paul's School Room A man may pose as a lion hold,, But it makes him as meek as a laanb, While espousing the ter T d wrance cause TED CHINA We have a new and particularly hand- soins display of decorated DINNER SETS TOILET SETS They will please you without a doubt, and the prices are very reasonable. ROBERTSON BROS.. For Table and Kitchen. CEREBOS TEA SETS LOSSES PROMYTLY PAID. LOWEST RATES on approved risks of every description. + fice, Opposite Ontario Bank For the Hot Weather 5 Refrigerators, from $2 to $5 each ; Gas Range, 'Also Gas Stove, Veranda Chairs, Summer Kitchen Stoves, TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE, 398 Princess Street. Td Contains the Wheat Phosphates (Absent from White Bread) which are necessary to give strength to the food and vigour to the body. WHOLESALE AGENTS Geo. Robertson & Sons KINGSTON. WANTED. VETERAN LAND GRANT APPLY Box 20, Whig office DINING-ROOM GIRLS, CHAMBER Maids, Bell Boys. Apply manager British-Aanerican hotel ---------------------------------------------- EMPLOYMENT BY A YOUNG MAN, aged 23. Wild aceept any kin@l af work, Address L Herman, 279 Bagot Street. AN EXPERIENCED LADY BOOK- eeper for wholesale house. Give re feren and state salary. Box : * Whig Oftice. -- A ------------------------ GENTLEMEN, TO GET THEIR Spring Suits made up at Galloway's, 181 Brock street, next to Bibby's ¥ ; style, fit and price guaranteed : pressing and repairing done promptly.' A STRONG YOUNG MAN stove fitting and repairing and do general work. Steady employment and good wages to the proper man. Must he well recommended. Mckelvey & Birch, 69 & 71 Broek Street TO LEARN MEN AND BOYS, TO LEARN PLUMB- ing trade. We cannot supply demand for graduates. $4.50 to $5 per day. Eight weeks completes course. arn while learning. Address, for Cata- logue, Coyne Bros., Co., Plumbing Schools, Cincinnati, O., St. Louis, Mo. Employment guaranteed or money refunded, TO-LET. THE SHOP ON DIVISION STRERT, near Garrett street, occupied by Miss Boon, milliner. Apply at Whig office. DWELLINGS FURNISHED AND U) furnished, stores, offices, etc., at Mc- Cann's eal Estate Agency, 51 Brock Stree . A HARP-SHAPED BROOCH WITH settings, on Wednesday, June L Finder will be suitably reward- ed upon presentation of brooch . at Sreny' Jewellery store for identifica- amy A COLL E DOG, ON 'SUNDAY NIGHT, SIX months old, well marked, answers to name of Tip." Infor- mation will be gladly received hy Cant. Chas! Martin, Balaclava St., FOR SALE. A BARGAIN. --STEPHENS( IN SQUAR BE Piano in Excursion Jones ' Falls WEDNESDAY, June 28th Per Rideau Steamers Under Auspices of Pittsburg Metho- dist Circuit. Leave Kingston, 6 a." Mills, 7 a.m; Brewers' Mills, 10.45 a.m; 11.30 2 Hours at the Falls Adults, 50cv.; children (5 to 12), A : Kingston Washburn 8.45 a.m; 9.45 a.m... Seeley"s Bay arriving at ' Falls Jones 5 AUCTION . SALE. I will sell at the residence of John Shanahan, 105 Wellington St., on Wednesday, June 28th At 10 a.m,~--DB. W. Hair Cloth Parlor Suite, Centre Fine Donay Bible and Stand, 1 try Carpets, Fight-Day Clock, Picture B. W Extension Table and Sideboard, Souvenir Heater and Souven Range, Bedstes Springs and Mattresses. Bureaus, Ctockery Glass ware and numerous other articles ALLEN, The Auctioneer Residence, 243 Sydenham asa 252. "Phone Street. CEMENT WALKS We are prepared to construct Cement Walks. ed promptly. First class work. DOUGLAS & McILQUHAM 16 NELSON STREET. nn --p---- Open Air Concert & S Under the Auspices o Luke's Young People's Will be held on the beautiful adjoining church on Nelson S THURSDAY EVENING, June at 8 o'clock. Kingston's best known and most pdpu- lar talent will take part. 14th Band in Attendance. REFRESHMENTS SERVED ON GROUN Estimates furnish- a. A rst class condition, a Hicketsr-Adul oe Children. 10 snap. i CRets-- ts, 20¢. ; ildren f Pp Pply to this office. Jone ns rr TEN TO TWELVE TONS OF y imothy and Clover Hay, last } y Baseball Yesterday. 9 crop, at low price. The purchas National * League--At Chicago, Be > TAW 'same from b Cine i » ork, 10 Os duly 1st. Apply to |G. M, Sears | Cincinnati, 1. At New York, 10: a2 "Heathfield" Farm. Princess Street, | oN; 3. At Philadelphia, 2; Brookly 1, = near Bath Road. "| American League--At Detroit, 5; Cleveland, 14. : Are You Pale And Sallow ? Eastern League.--At Jersey City, 3: It's blood you want, more blood and better, s Tron Tonic Pills make purify and enrich the blood, changing that sallow face into one of beadty, k boxes Be. at Wade's drug store. ouey back if not satisfactory, ON ---------- Expert tras Sitting. Dr. Chown's, Baltimore; 3. At Toronto, 5; Roches ter, 4. At Providence, 9; Newark, 5. High class candies, Huyler's from New York, McConkey's from Toronto, only at Gibsom's Red Cross Drug Store: Double vision glasses. Chown's, ANEW UNION IT 1S ANTAGONISTIC TO THE EXISTING LABOR ORGANIZATIONS. Debs to The Front Again--The New Organization to be Called The "Industrial Union--Will Introduce New Methods. Spacial to the Whig Chicago, June 27,--The organization of an international labor union, whose trend shall follow the teachings of so cialism, is the purpose of gathering of labor leaders which assembled in Chi cago to-day. The king pin of the ix Eagene-V. Debs, the or the now defunct American Railway Union, and late candidate for movement ganizer of president of the United States on tle socialist-democratic ticket. The new organization is to be launched under the name of the Industrial Unioh. The new movement makes no con cenlment of its antagonism to exist ing labor organizations and methods, particularly the American Federation of Lahorgand the United States Mine Workers. After attacking the present system of labor organization and pro hibitive initiating fees, the official call sent -- BUGENE V. DEBS for the convention which assembled to-day "the that "class divisions foster political ignor- ance among workers, thus dividing them at the ballot box as well as in the shop, mine and factory." Continu ing makes declaration the call says "Craft unions may and have been used stablish ising of to assist émployers in the ment of monopolies and the r prices. They permit the association of the misleaders of the workers with the in, the Civil Federation, : are made for the perpetu ation of ce ism and the permanent enslavement « the workers through the wage system. A movement to meet these conditions must. consist of one great industrial union, embracing all in tries, providing for craft auto- nomy, industrial autonomy internati- onally and working-class unity gener ally. It should be foundid on the class struggle.' ; Ihe Debs movement has the active co-operation of the Western Federation of Miners a large and influential or- ganization which has of late years of fered serions opposition to the Ameri can Federation of Labor Debs and his associates declare that the In dustrial Union will begin its career with a membership of 600,000. The of- fiinal color of the new organization will be "red," the same as that of social fving that regardless of the color of the skin the blood of all people ig red, whereby wrosting a common brotherhood of men." The new union makes. the prophecy | will be 'long remember- that this vear od for strikes and labor troubles; that the laboring people are becoming aronsed and will ingist on a more equitable division of profits of all in- Another railroad strike will he started by the union, which hopes the Switchmen's Union of North America will join the new body. Debs is said to be anxious to try conclusions with the railroads, as he has never forgiven them for his de- font in the great railroad strike in this city in'1894, After the railroad employees have been organized, Debs will turn hi= attention to the mining industry, and it is said that he hopes before the present year ends Ao bring ahout the greatest strike in the his- tory of the country. dustries big new very Voters Did Better. Ottawa, "The blue book containing the general election re- turns for the dominion is issued to- day. The vote polled was 1,030,186; rejected ballots, (000, and spoiled ballots, 5,757. The rejected ballots in 19600 The clerk of the erown in che ; says that the work of hig office was carried out with less difficulty than in 1900, June 27. Were Jilted Girl Suicides. Albany, N.Y., June 27.--After a quarrel with her lover, who refused to return to her, Eigenig Cook, a young and pretty girl, went down to the river last evening, - and, when the New York hoat was pulling out and the dock was crowded, drowned het self. Life preservers were thrown to her after sh@fumped in, but she re fused to touch them, PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT. Allowed: %0 Select Rushia's Plenipotentiaries. Special te the Whip + Wash ; June 27. Russia haa given nee of conditions in the peace tions by placing Prosi dent. PIL. in possession. of the tentatives selotion of her plenipoten- tiaries ag follows ; M."Ne 5 the Russian ambassador at Parig Sand Baron 'Rosen, the newly- appointed Mssinn ambassador at Washington. It i: holioved that Mr. Takahi the Jupancse minister, dur- o ing his 88l-at the White House, vos terday, iormally 101d The president that Japla's sdeotions, also tentas tive, weip Baron Komura, the Japa: nese mindster of foreign affive, and himself, | 2% * > -- One Ship Left. London dune 27.-A cablegram from thet Petersburg correspondent of the save v "It is reported that the @vernmeot has decided to lay a thitd frack on the Finnish rail way road b» With a view to.a possi- bility of ghe arrival of the Japanese fleet in t \ Baltic, where it could cass ly form & naval base in the Alanda islos, do the whole Baltic coast, § has only one serviceable battleship Toft.' Czar's Troops Evade Attack. St. Ps ire, June 27. Two tele grams peceived. yesterday by Em- peror Niche from Lieut.-Gen. Line- vitch, dat June 24th, and June 25th, respectively referring to the move- ments of dime 21st and June 29nd. On the latter date a Japanese at- tenipt to dislodge the Russian out posts in the valley of Kao was mepuls od while Russians in the Hailung- chen distrigt dislodged the Japanese outposts at Navshancheng, and ad- vanced southward of that place, The Russians on ating near Ufanglu retired after. unmasking many Japa- nese. The fatter pursued the Russians and occupidd Yulantzeu, The Japanese resumed the offensive near Shimiaotse, continuing a frontal attack and making an energetic ture ing movemént. The latter threatened to cut off the Russians, 0 consequently retired. Commanders Sorry. Gunshu Pass, Manchuria, June 27. Vague dispatehes reaching here by the official paper, * edited for the army, make the ecomditions under which the proposed pees is to be reached indif ferently understood. g Although Gens. Lineviich and Kuro- patkin express the convietion that ig i i toward peace ; Fan Srmisting hab Por been taken. On the contrary the commanders ap- pear to regret that at the time when the army has reached its maximum strength it is likely to be deprived of victory, Niimerous small bodies of Japanese scouts have appeared in the regions of either Russian flank, and it is feared that they intended to screen the turn ing operations of the Jdpanese as be fore the battle of Mukden. Chinese report. that tanking move ments have been aleeady begun, but, the Russian staff denies this. Traders comibg from Bedouin sav that the Japanese are advancing in that direction from Sinmintin. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. The Canadian team had its first practice in the Bisley ranges on Mon day. Walsall, Eng., was en fete on Mon day in honor of the visit of the Can adian manufacturers, President Roosevelt's eyes, he thinks, are failing him. An appointment ha been made with Dr. John Morgan, Boston Joseph Miller, the inventor of the first mowin machine, is dead, at Olean, N.Y. at. the age of nearly ninety-six years. A cyclone accompanied by a deluge of rain, passed over New York. A half erected apartment house was blown down and a workman killed. Joseph Clement, sentenced to five years' imprisonment for burglary in Ottawa, was taken to Kingston, Sat urday, by Deputy Sheriff Mcolaughlin, Mr. Fi rick announced, in the commons, on Monday, that the gov ernment would apply for leave to ap peal from Justice Anglin's judgment in the alien labor case, The ord + exports of the United States an said to have practi- cally deci that the sixteen-inch gun from whic » much was éxpected, is not practicable as a weapon. N. D. Almond, engineer, of Hamil ton, and Walter. White, Bannockburn, transit yan, employ®d on the trans- continental railway survey in section C, near Lake Abittibi, have both been drowned As chairman of the Equitable Life Assurance Society's Board of Direot- ors, Paul Morton has-begun legal pro- ceedings to recover money alleged to have been wrongfully taken from . the society, and he has eat off certain per quisites in the society, The residents of the village of Rob- erval on Saturday, a serious fight with dastardly employees of the Lemon Broz. cireus,, who kidnapped a young girl named Touzin and locked her up in (he round house of the Que. bes and lake St. John milway, Tie voung girl + finally rescued, but in the fight a voung girl = was shot in the arm and a man received a bullet in his leg. . ' had Strikers Reject Tenmus. Chicago, June 26. --<By an almost un- animonus vote the striking tearhsters last night refused to accept the terms recently offered by the employers and the latest peace prospect in the strike has vanished. | Sea salt, for preparing a sea bath at home, 10c. per packagé. McLeod's Et Drug Store, 'a BRITISHSHPS Ordered From China Sea . To England, THE GERMAN REPLY TO FRANCE'S NOTE WILL BE t STUDIOUSLY POLITE. Prospect of Agreement Improved --Paris Calmer, But Bourse Depressed--Relaxation in Ten- sion--Germany Won't Agree to Proscription of Subjects, Svecial to the Whig. Berlin, June 27.-While there is no indication that Germany has receded from her attitude regarding 'Morocco, there is, undeniably, a relaxation in the "recent tension. The semi-official newspapers which were lately aggres- sive, and even threatening towards France, have moderated 'their tone, some asserting that Germany is ac- tually exceedingly anxious for a friendly settlement. The relations be- tween Chancellor: Von Buelow and M. Bihourd, the French ambassador, are again 'declared most amiable, though it would seem indeed that an order had been given from the highest source to take a more conciliatory tone to allay the general uneasiness and prevent a premature explosion, All enquiries regarding the contents of Germany's reply to France . have failed to draw out any positive in- formation, but there is every -indiea- tion that the note will be found to be studiously polite, even friendly, in its wording, hut will virtually amount to the assertion that Germany can do nothing until France announces her decision regarding a conference, and that Germany cannot assent to pro. scribing subjects from discussion. Bourse Is Depressed. Paris, June 27.--Public opinion here is calmer and there is a disposition to take a more hopeful view of the situation, The bourse,. however, con- tinued depressed yesterday although prices closed steadier. Prospect Of Agreement. ) London, June 27.4 Phe Patid corres: Pgndent ol the Times says he learn- , late 1 evening, Ta ar poet of an agreement " ance and Germany had improved. Warships Ordered Home, Hong Kong, June 27.---The South China Morning Post states that the British warships, Glory, Hogue, and Suttlej have been suddenly ordered to return to England. Tt js Believed that the large dimunition of the British fleet in-China waters, lately, is con- nected with the European situation, Get Word To Join Colors. St. Petersburg, June 27.--The French army reserve men living in Russia are reported to have received notice to hold themselve# in readiness to join the colors. Fears Sudden Attack. London, June 27.--~The Brussels cor- respondent of the Daily Mail savs that France, fearing a sudden German at- tack, through Belgium, has warned the German minister in Paris, of the necessity for making effective fortifi- cations along the river Meuse and at Antwerp, ! HIGH HONORS FOR AMERICAN. Archbishop May Make Rainsford a Bishop. London, June 27.--High honors are reported to be in store for Dr. Wil- liam 8. Rainsford. The Archbishop of Canterbury is said to be contemplat ing the elevation of the divine to a bishopric and has already written him in the hope of inducing him to de- liver addresses in the larger churches of England, including Westminster Ab- bey. The archbishop's action is unpre- codented, it being the first time in the history of the country that so high an honor has been offered on a member of the American communion. Dr. Rainsford is said to have discuss od the advisability of accepting the offer with J. Pierpont Morgan, by whom he was' originally persuaded to go to New York. St, George's church, New York, does not wish to lose him, Killed By A Dog. Chicago, Ill., Jung 17. ~~Mistaking the frantic cries of her father's bull: dog for playful cries, Yuonne Davis, the seventeenth-months-old daughter of Pgul Davis, 1,042 Otto street, ran to the animal yesterday. afternoon. The dog caught her by the throat and swinging her little body around as .a terrier would a rat, inflicted juries which proved fatal in a few utes. The dying child was rescued only after the vicious animal's back had been broken with an axe in the hands of a neighbor. A' stone thrown by some boys in the street striking near the dog aroused it, | I Ho ! For Rochester. Spend Dominion Day and Fourth of July at Rochester by taking steamers Alexandria, North King or Caspian, going June 30th, July 1st and July 2nd. Fare for round trip, $2.50, tick- éts_good for return until July 5th, Full information from J. P. Hanley, Taleum powder, | violet perfume, equal to the best in tins at 10c. each, McLeod's Drug Store. ~~, The greatest care 'as to cleanliness and sanitary conditions is taken in the manufacture of Toye's bread. William Swain, piano tuner, " reovived at MeAnlev's book stare, Trusves that give ease. Dr, Chown's, Jing to freight train. The will to some medical go structions of the state board. The old man learned that he had betrayed and he di the that the officers came to his farm w a warrant for his arrest, all Descriptions of him were sent out, and he was i of white silk, trimmed bridal party drove te station together, where separation took place, foing in a different pockets filled with skeleton plosives, and fuse, a st doad of town front of a safe. upon his body and while he was intent upon the is evident from the he had fallen, his work he had of identity. There was not a letter or a card upon his sessions were rious trade. He is a man of medium build, about thirty years old. T In Will of an English Physi- cian Thomas T with an annuity of 8160, on condition ficers be no Hildebrand {inh =F opera in west an souri, in the sixties. Frank 4 tured and hanged. It is Sam had twenty-seven u re, hen he dropped ou in It was supposed that he was until he was discovered ago living on a farm » Ok, He had confe his identity toa neighbor, who not : recognized : the description given in one of circulars. He is heavily armed and, despite his age, is stil! aotive and able} to put up a good fight. be -------------- THREE SISTERS, THE BRIDES. ---- Separated for First Time After Ceremony. JFatorbury, Conn, ua wl three pretty ters . and Mrs. George Gillette, of 20 Comp steect, this city, werd married at the fist triple wedding ever held in A Koglamt, n ude, Mabel Elocta,' Annie Laura are their i a from their ocavliest Tesollection have as i almost though they had been triplota. 4 : The tedtling party entered the par-| r, pre tow, Sher Gun n Bois ushers, Tho cdinb ine holes, 5 with Pearl J. Shilton; Miss r with Morton R. Chipman, ne opel. Edward J © brides wore gowns exactly alike with duchesse laco and cut without train. The onch direction moon. 3 3 i Des Moines, Towa, June 27.--With | tho burglar's" drill in his hand, his | -----p heart Si the litt of Blakeburg last night There was not a trace of violence position in which | Before entering upon | destroyed overy trace rson. His only pos- of his nefa- man was seen early last even: dismount from a sthool under in- ---- BEQUESTS MADE TO PETS. London, June In his will Dr. of St. Leonard-on- nason, who leasehald om $20,000 Frances Crouch, Sea, a ro t FB died on cil Dut, left residence and. the income to his housekeeper, that she cares for "his dogs, birds, cats and other animals." in a man- ner satisfactory to the excoutors. He also left $500 to the Home for Lost and Starving Dogs at Battersea and 3600 to the Royal Bociaty for "thie | Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. There were in addition many be ueste to charities nected with conne reemasonry, hospitals, and churches, | and $7,500 to his butler. Crew Rescued From Rigging: Alpena, Mich., June 27.-- Captain Morgan and crew of six men of the steamer Shamrock were here on the tug R. T. Roy, which ' took them from the steamer Peshtigo off Thunder Bay Island. The Shamrock became waterlogged five miles . off Prosque Isle, and. the crew was driven' to the rigging and rescued bx the Peshtigo two hours later. The Sham- rock was abandoned and is dow float ing down the lake, a menace to gation, - A Railway Accident. Special to the Whig. Frank, NNWT., June 27.--An acci- dent occurred on the Crow's Nest Pass railway, yesterday, three miles east of Bellew, ca by a land slide. The engine tender left the track. The x through the w w into creek, was fit hurt; "e 8 man was buried in tl fa as taken out alive, but budly scalded, Nove of the passengers were injured. ---- The City Estimates. Special to the Whig. ' Winnipeg, June 27.--The city esti- mates, as submitted to council, last night, aggregate $1,443957.3), as 0! mn total assessments is $62, 4600, of which amount $53,786,070 is reglized, : Charles Chestnutt, well-known negro | autho: of Slensinnd, O...aftvusytes in- ermarriage of whites negroes solution of race problem, i for the} that death came | > Bent | with $1,01093177, for the employees lea conrega tion of ete. #3