GREW THIS work. : Nel | "Oplifer per Orbem Dicor," Committee Vs. Council, trie lighting plant, r Grower HAIR "I ISIE N Hal i 2 7 i om Zo § He § 1 Sutherland Sisters, Manufacturers and = Proprietors, . CANADIAN © : it COLBORNE STREET, TORONTO where all letters of orders. The Seven Bisters rei must be on every box. BAILEY, Foreign Manager. Recommended and Sold by © Ges. W. . 00) Bagot and Princess streets. -------- THE DUPLIGRAPH ean be Suther+ of go - LL ---- The best duplicator on the market, For a reasonable number of perfect copies from a typewritten or pen. written original we defy any machine in the world,' wo care not what its cost may be. 'If you oyer have any duplicating work to do, all- we ask js an opportunity to demonétrate to you the merits of our machine. Cabinet with threo tablets. foolscap size, "com. plete with ink, price $7.50. Single Dupligraph Trays, foolscap size, $2.50, For sale in Kingston hy = H. MILNE, 272 BAGOT STREET. PENMAN & SPRANC, Manufacturers, 'Head Office, 22 Yunge Street Arcade, ' Toronto, Canada. Write for civéulars and samples of _} their interests are placed in. the pro- mission, and contemporary argues : "It is decidedly in the interests placed in authority. In this way there would Bol be 8 wontin 1_build- ing up and tearing down of sys- ro. 'Too many cooks spoil the broth," and this is exactly what will happen if the city councillors are per- mitted to run the plant. In cities where the city councillors dictate to the manager re is not the high state of efficiency that is hrought about by commissioners. The alder- men do a little' wire-pulling for sake of placing friends in positions. "St, masites are tired of the mismanagement of civic affairs and they desire that commissigners shall be placed "in charge. The aldermen can surely have no objection to the commission as . honest. management would only necessitate extra work on their part and bring no reward. "If the comymissioners are not ap- pointed there "is but one conclusion, and that is that the aldermen desire to do a little grafting. In the mean- time electors will keep close tab on their representatives to see that per hands. The electors of this city are tiring of Carnegie library storage battery and speedway deals, and have their eyes on those who thought they slept 'in the past." . All these retnarks recall the emo- tions that possessed our people a year ag, when the city went into the lighting business; and debated for a time whether its interests would not be safest in the hands of commission- ers.- The council decided eventually in favour of a committee, and there are some misgivings as to the wisdom of this course. The insinuation that the St. Thomas council may be under the influence of the grafters is a serious matter, . ---------- Deferred Dividend Poticies. ' One of the strong recommendations of the Frick committee in the Equita- ble case is that the business should be revised, and that an end should be put to the deferred dividend policy. If the report on this point meant any- thing it was this--<that the sooner the society adopted the simple plan of life protection the less money is would have or hold and the less tempta- tion there would be to gamble with the funds. The Frick report was re- jected in its entirety, because 'it was radical in its tendencies and meant a complete reform of the business, Its essentials, however, are being carried out, The officers who, have so seriously mismanaged things are down and out, and Mr. Jerome, the New York district attorney, is exam- ining. the record of wrong doing be- fore proceeding against the wrong doers and moving for their reward. The report of the state 'superintendent of insurance is a startling revelation, and it is but a glimpse into the ini: quity. All Mr. Hendricks has so far done is examine the expenditures. They look bad enough. The greater surprise may come when he examines into the revenue and resources of the society, And now the magazine Era, which did so much to expose the Equitable's mismanagement, is after the Mutual, another of the "Big Three." It finds that the company has a cinch on the deferred dividends because the com- pany can settle for them when the time comes on any basis that suits its purpose. The Era has received let ters from thousands of policy holders, who have learned by experience the meagreness of results on' deferred di- vidend policies. "The facts in some cases," says the Era, "prove that the treatment of members in settlement of deferred di vidend has been little short of swind- ling." A man pays from twenty to forty per cent. more than is necessary for the deferred dividend policy, with the promise that his money will be safeguarded and returned to him with earning, and in quantity to compen- sate him for his over-payments, and he gets "a gold brick" --without com- pensation. And, marvelous to relate, there are hundreds and thousands of way. : So in the opimion of the Era life insurance on the semi-tontine or de- ferred dividend plan--as exemplified by the ' Mutual--"is a delusion and a snare," Of the accumulated surplus of the Mutual on January Ist, 1905, $75, 000,000 consisted of undistributed sur- plns, "belonging to the policy hold: ers," and it. is figured that most of mL LL LR | THE DAILY WHiG $ St. Thomas has acquired the efec- by arbitration jand purchase, from the private cor- "| poration which = owned once there is great public concern as to how 'the property shall be man- aged. At present it is in charge of a J committee of the council, but the Journal is an advocate of the com- it reflects, we opine, J public opinion on the subject. . Our it, and at of the ratepayers that commissioners be |. the |. people who are being cheated in this : Ex-President Alexander has coughed up $250,000 of the money he obtained by deals with the Equitable's money. Will there be general disgorge ? Tt is the turn of the other grafters to speak now. 2 5 The International Sunday School Association is going fo éreet a temple which will cost $2,000,000 and repres- ent what? Afsentiment. Two millions is a lot of money to spend in useless experiments, J The sdisenssed change in the leader- ship of thie eopservative party is a remarkable" oxperience. Mr. Borden must see now' the error of his way in permitting the party to . become "heady" on'any subject. He meant to lead it and he: has failed. ~ Prof. Frank K. Sanders, Dean of the Yale diviity school, and a delegate to the convention in Toronto, is not in favour of Decision day in the Sunday 'schol,' Evangelistic effort" is not to be. suceegsfully conducted on a wholesale plan. The declaration will be heard witi¥'surprise by some people. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Does Seem So. Toronto Star. While Judge Anglin may be a high- ly practical" humorist, a two-column judgment looks 'like carrying the joke too far. PETA Man Of The Throme. Montreal Star. Wanted. --Nice blonde young man to sit on throne. One used to losing his job preferred. No triflers need apply. Address Box 41144, Norway. Work For The Judge. Hamilton Herald. The ' gerfymander business will be eternal until the. judges or some tri: bunal ihclapendont of parliament and party are entrusted with the framing of constituencies. One On Hal, Hamilton Spectator. al Donley of the Simcoe Reformer is down on erinolines for, he says, "the shirtwaist girl is good enough." Hal misapprehends. Crinoline wouldn't interfere with the shirt waist. END THING QUICKLY. New York Murderer is Very Cool, New York, June 27. ~Edward Pe- karz, who last April' beat aged Sarah Rose to death and then spent rg the 3 Which he i as a, remit muyder, - wag foun guilty of murder in. the first degree. He will be sentenced next week. When Pekarz was arrested nearly a week ago he said : "I know what you want - me for. It is for killing that old woman. Well, I done it ane 1 don't want any fuss made about it. Just kill me as soon as it suite you." 2 "Push things along," he said. "If I've got to go to the chair I want to go there just 'as quick as I can." When he heard 'the verdict, Pekarz turned to his solicitor : "That's all right, You've done all you can for me. Just let me slide into the olec- tric chair, an' T hope they won't be long in doing it." Pekara made a determined and al- most successful attempt to end his life in the Tombs prison . recently, by cutting his. throat. ------------ SULTAN OF TURKEY ILL. Again in Danger of Death From Heart Direase. Constantinople, June 97.--A - recur- rence of the attack of heart disease, which made the court physicians al- most give up his"life, has again com- Jelled the Turkish wuler to refrain rom. participating in the active affairs of his empire. He is also suffering from an incurable disease, and during the past week the pain has been so great that his pliysicians have had to make frequent injections of morphia. At the present moment Dr. Ibrahim Pasha, his chief medical adviser, is in Ger- many to consult the German savants as to the best. methods to adopt to ease .the sultan's agony. : Sentenced. For Life. Boston, June 24--Ray OC. Johnson, formerly of Burlington, Vit., was sen. tenced to state prison for life. Jokn- son shot and killed Mrs. S. A. Pet- ers, Nova Scotia, in this city, on June 3th, Jol; and was convicted of mur- T In the second degree. A stay of proceedings was granted to enable his counsel to carry ~ the case to the Supreme court on exceptions, which were overruled. The shooting follow- ed a quarrel at a lodging house. ---------- Enter Arcanum Fight. New York, Jume 27.--New interest Was arouserl in the insurance rates of the Royal Arcanum, which has met such bitter 'opposition, when at a Sneting of the De Witt Clinton conn- ail in Brooklyn it was announced that counsel had been enga, in co-operas tion with other councils to fight the additional charges. ---- Sprained Ankle, Stiff Neck, Lame especially valuable. plied it will save you time, suffering, when troubled with any one of these ailments. For sale by ali A---- The rebel leader, Marengo, in Gor man South West Africa, has defeated a an force at Amoas, in the Karas mountains, and carried off .all their ammunition and supplies. y 1 the account of the scandal in high life in Canada. Monday's N. Y. World, B.A, Hotel newsstand. Trusses that fie secure, Dr. Chown's. Brings germs, ask your druggist for the "So- lution of age of "Celery King" laxative needed alter the stringent centrated Ozone, and thus are every bottle of "Solution of Ozone" a coupon for a' free package of the best. results in the use MISS ROSA McAHAN OF BUTTE -- Qartz street, scalp of dandruff, wit entirely covered; and it my falling hair. different preparations in t years, but none bro's Herpicide," disease and Herpicide is an infallible destroyer of the cause, you. ronfove-the effect." Kill the dandruff germ. : Herpicide, allays itching; makes the silk, 10c. in stamps for sample to The Her- picide Co., i hood, special agent. ---- Ship to © 7 Safety. ; Colombo, June 27.--The American steamship Garonne, with several hun- dred Russians on board, has just ar- rived Here after an exciting voyage from Singapore. After leaving the port one of the Russians became mutinous and was put in irons. He was released by a crowd of fifty comrades, who then threatened t6 throw the captain over- board and take the ship. They at- tempted to rush the bridge, 'and the 'captain used a revolver on them, which, however, missed fired. Grasping a rifle, he boat down foremost mutineer, down he grappled with the ringleader. The ship's officers, armed with rifles, came to the captain's assistance and drove the Russians off. The ship was brought in safety to Colombo, where the ringleaders were landed and imprisoned, Two hundred of those on board formed themselves into a guard of protection. The vessel proceeded on her voyage to-day. I ---------------- YAWNED IN COFFIN. Port in the then springing -- Cemetery Employes Find Greek in Gruesome Bed. Montreal, June 27.--As Superinten- dent Roy, of a local cemetery, ' 'and some of his assistants entered the vault they were much afirighted to see a man deliberately sit up in a coffin, stretch his ~ arms, and yawn, Thinking themselves in the presence of the supernatural, the men fled. Later some of them summoned up enough courage to make an investigation. When they got back to the vault they found the young man, who was bare- footed, calmly walking about. He said that his name is Luring and that he is a Greek. He was taken before Re- corder Weir, who has ordered an in- vestigation into the youth's sanity, Luring would tell nothing more con. cerning himself than his name. a -- NAILED UP IN A SHOE BOX. -- Convict Makes Unique Attempt to Escape. Jefferson City, Mo., 'June 27.--Harry Hammond, a convict, tried to escape from the penitentiary in a novel man- ner that almost proved his death. Hammond was in an ordinary shoe case in a shipment going to Chicago. The box was nailed tightly like all the others and had no air holes other than the cracks, Hammond was discovered by one of the employees in the Treight office of the Chicago and Alton rail- road across the river, whos heard groans issuing from the box. Mr. Wil- son, the railroad agent, ordered the box opened: Just What Everyone Should Do. J. T, Barber, of lrwinville, Ga., al- ways keeps a bottle of Chamberlain's colic, cholera and diarrhoea remedy at hand ready for instant use. Attacks of ic, cholera morbus and diarrhoea come on so suddenly that there is no time to hunt a doctor or go to the store for medicine. Mr. Barber says : "1 have tried Chamberlain's. colic, cholera and diarrhoea remedy which is ome of the best medicines I ever |Caution ! CEYLON TEA having brought forth carefully for the name of "2ALADA" t1e public safeguard." Y a The enormons demand created for # OR every genuine Black, Mixed or Natu Gold Medal, St. Louis, 1904, . BIBBY'S _-- This is our house-cleaning time in made up of one or two Hats of a kind dozen Travellers' Samples. and $2.50. Sale Price, 5 -- many imitations ang gy, -- | > Department and we are making it a thorough clean up. We find we are over-stocked in some sizes and that we have about six dozen Hats we have placed on our table along with ten Their regular prices were $1.50, $1.75, $2 Caution, . Stituteg, wach packet, "Phig H ral Green, -- BiBBY'S TT ---- -eeee the Hat . These Oc. THE H. D. BIBBY saw. I keep a bottle of it in my room as I have had several attacks of colic and it has proved to be the best medicine I ever used.' Sold by all druggists, -- British Officer Appointed. London, June 27.--Brevet Lieutenant- Colonel W. Ww. Gwatkins, of the 3rd Manchester Regiment, has been ap- pointed director of operations on staff duties in the Canadian militia, with promotion or half" pay to licutenant- | § colonel, J -------- \ Trusses (fitted free). Dr. Chown's. | Buy Taloum powders at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, In Ottawa, spurious twenty-five cent pieces are in circulation, Strong Partnership. When in need of liquid oxygen for for the speedy removal of any internal Ozone (the coupo, kind)"', bottle is given free a pack- a popular tonic «to cleanse the system effect of the con- We have the sole | @ right to manufacture "Celery King" able 'to include with With each fam- essential to the of Ozone. Both by the Public Bridgeburg, Ont. ous laxative which js roducts manufactured g 'company, How After Two Years She Found a Remedy for Dandruff. Mise Rosa McAkan, of 211 West, Butte, Mont., says: "Herpicide has thorou hly cleansed my k which it was has stopped I haye tried many he past two took effect except New- Dandruff is a germ germ, "Destroy the Ask vour druggist for It is a delightful dressing; i hair soft as Sold by leading druggists. Send detroit, Mich. G. W. Ma- PETTINGILLS KIDNEY -WORT TABLETS AGUARANTEED CURE FOR BRIGHTS DISEASE, &... = Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall, TO-MORROW Sale of Muslin and Lawn Blouse Waists - More of the splendid waists we sold so 4 + many of on Friday and Saturday, Some of them are worth $3.50 in the regular way--NOT ONE could be bought at than $1.50 To-morrow Our Price is 79c. id sea sssasel CO. ceraaagn py | less Ww eu LO00000000000000000 FOR Ju etc. Fancy China for Decorating Go-Carts, Waggons, Carts, Viocopedes, Hammocks. Fruits and Confectionery. Fancy China Tea, Sets, Vases, Jardinie:s, Salad Sets, Berry Sets, Bread and Butter Plates, Fancy Cups and Saucers, Choco- late and Cocoa Sets, Marmalade Sets, bs SPENCE'S, The Magus Manis Store. of ces Ee = J. HISCOCK - 160 and 162 Princess Street. DIABETES LES BLADDER TROUBLES it" should be in the people's pockets, Wind's glive eleanor, 10, 5 peal 0000 00000000000000000 WeGury in Sook [ngrot Copper, Antimony and Tin THE CANADA METAL C0., TORONTO. *ea0000e 000006 000000 san WT WHY DOCTORS FAIL | AND MES. PINKHAM SUCCEEDS Reasons Are Here Given to Explain a Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound Cures When Doctors Are Powerless ei Awomanis sick; some diseane pou liar to her sex is fast developing n her ays She goes to her famil y phys! sot tells him a story, but not 'hole + She holds something back, doses 8 het oat, becumes af and finally conceals nts to s ahs ought to have told, and thus - letely mystifies the duster, te Orit any wonder, therefore, tha he doctors fail to cure thy 1 gymptoms of her suffering, even to her ily physician. family P for this reason that years 0 Mrs, Pinkham, at Lynn, ag. Se ined to step in and help her Saving had considerable experience in treating female ills with her Vegetal e Compound, she encouraged the oun of Canada to write to her for ad: ise 5 regard to their complaints, and be! ' oman, it was easy for her ailin, sie ep pour into her ears every de ir suffering. a way he as alle 30 do Jou what the physicians he simply because she had the proper information to work upon, i he the little group of wo w! sorght her advice years ago in army of her fellow-beings are to-day tly applying for advice and re St > to that many thom gands of them have beeh oured y following the advice of Mrs. Pin 1 ok during the last year is indicative o! h nd results which are Produce 1 bj Br oqualed experience and tra ning No physician in the world has such a training, or has such an BON of information at hand to assist in i ¢ tréatment of all kinds of female ills from the simplest local irritation « the most complicated womb diseases This, therefore, is the reason w ; Mrs. Pinkham, in her laboratory a Lynn, Mass., is able to do more for the ho women of Canada than the family physician. * Any woman, there fore, is responsible for hér own suffer ing who will not take the trouble t« write to Mrs. Pinkham for advice. The testimonials which we are con stantly publishing from grateful wo men establish beyond a doubt th power of Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound to conquer female diseases pee ---- LORD CURZON MAY RESIGN Owing to Xitchener Being Given Control of Army. Simla, India, June 27.--It is frecly rumored that the viceroy, Lord Cur zon, has either already tendered his resignation or shortly will do so, i consequence. of the decision of thi home government, wherchy Lord Kit chener. commander-in-chief of the fore es in India, has been given complet control of the army in India, It i not believed" that it willbe accept or that the viceroy will insist; on quit ting his post, at least until after th Prince and Princess of Wales hav completed their tour of India, extenc ing from November to March. The Dupligraph. An invention which satisfies a long felt want in the business world espe cially, has been perfected by a Cana dian. It is a duplicating machine fo reproducing fac-simile copies from type-written or pen-written original The process consists in simply writin on ordinary paper and reverting th ofiginal on 4 secret composition an reproducing copies as fast as possibl It does away with stencils, wax pape silk, rollers, ete., and cos 8 nothing t operate. The patent rights: have bee secured and the machine is bein manufactured solely by Penman Sprang, Toronto, Mr. Penman we In town the other day and gave th local agency to H, Milne, 272 Bag« Street, city, a -- Kingston And Ottawa. Rideau steamer for Ottawa eve Monday, Wednesday, Thursday ar Saturday at 6 a.m. J, Swift & Cc gents, ees Tove's bread is 'the standard brea of Kingstan hew grub that feeds on the roo: and stalks of grain, has been found ent county, » EE -------- NESTLE'S LTH THE LEEMS, MES 00, Lt, Menton,