forth many imitq tions and ; LADA" on every Subafj genuine pager od or Natural Green, Louis, 1904, ; bates, wage "This iy BiBBY'S ETT 'SALE se-cleaning time in the Hat are making it a thorough We are over-stocked in some have about six dozen Hats vo Hats of a kind, These our table along with ten mples. rices were $1.50, $1.75, $2 .'BIBBY CO. aberdashers; Oak Hall, ' ' wa JORROW uslin and ouse Waists lid waists we sold so i 7 and Saturday, Some th $3.50 in the regular could be bought at less ir Price is 79c. * The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store. Sets, Vases, Jardinie:s, jets, Bread and Butter } and Saucers, Choco- ets, Marmalade Sets, for Decorating s, Carts, Viocopedes, imocks. -onfectionery. eee COCK rincess Street. a per, Antimony and Tin 1 -@ AL C0., TORONTO. A A : a fmm-- WHY DOCTORS FAIL | AND MRS. PINKHAM SUCCEEDS Reasons Are Here Given to Explain Pay Lydis E. Pinkhan's Vegetable Com- pound Cures When Doctors Are Powerless mt. story. + : k, loses her she holds something back, She hol agitated, forgets what ghe wants to say, and finally Sones es what she ought to have told, an us completely mystifies the duster. tthe Is it any wonder, therefore, thal the tors fail to cure the disease? ull we cannot blame the woman, for it ] embarrassing to detail some of the ptoms of her suffering, even to her ily physician. Ht was for this reason that years ago Mrs, Pinkham, at Lyon, Mass, de- termined to step in and help her Sex. Having had cor derable experience in treating female ills with her Vegetab) Compound, she encouraged the women of Canada to write to her for advice in regard to their complaints, and being a woman, it was easy for her ailin ters to pour into her ears every etail ir suffering. ol he way Ee bid able to 0 Jor what the physicians were u Sher simply because she had the proper information to work u , and m the litle group of wo who t her advice years ago & grea ough of her fellow-beings are to-day constantly applying for advice and re- lief, and the fact that many thou. gands of them have beeh cured by following the advice of Mrs. Pinkham during the last year is indicative of the nd results which are produced by Be unoqualed experience and training. No physician in the world has had such a training, or has such an amount of information at hand to assist in the treatment of all kinds of female ills, from the simplest local irritation to the most complicatéd womb diseases. This, therefore, is the reason why Mrs. Pinkham, in her laboratory at ' Lynn, Mass., is able to do more for the ailing women of Canada than the family physician. * Any woman, there- fore, is responsible for hér own suffer- ing who will not take the trouble to write to Mrs. Pinkham for advice. The testimonials which we are con- stantly publishing from grateful wo- men establish beyond a doubt the power of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to conquer female diseases, p------------eseee------ LORD CURZON MAY RESIGN Owing to Kitchener Being Given Control of Army. Simla, India, June 27.--It is frecly rumored that the viceroy, Lord Cur- zon, has either already tendered his resignation or shortly will do so, in consequence. of the decision of the home government, wherchy Lord Kit: chener. commander-in-chief of the fore- es in India, has been given complete control of the army in India, It is not believed" that it will "be accepted, or that the viceroy will insists on quit- ting his post, at least until after the Prince and Princess of Wales have completed their tour of India, extend- ing from November to March. The Dupligraph. An invention which satisfies a long- felt want in the business world espe- cially, has been perfected by a Cana- dian. It is a duplicating machine for reproducing fac-simile copies from a fype-written or pen-written original. The process consists in simply writing on ordinary paper and reverting the ofiginal on 4 secret composition and reproducing copies as fast as possible, t does away with stencils, wax paper, k, rollers, ete., and costs nothing to . The patent rights: have been secured and the machine is being manufactured solely by Penman & Sprang, Toronto. Mr. Penman was In town the other day and gave the local ages wey to H. Milne, 272 Bagot street, city. ---------- Kingston And Ottawa. Rideau steamer for Ottawa every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a.m. J. Swift & Co. Agents, : ------ Tove's bread is the standard bread of Kingstan, hew grub that feeds on the roots and stalks of grain, has been found in ent county, » er -------- NESTLE'S ------ EE Cs A SAAS THAT TENNIS COURT A REVIEW OF THE LATE MIS. UNDERSTANDING. mnt. "A Little Enlightenment of the Public Mind,"' Says Our Cor- respondent--Is it Principle, or Simply a Matter of '"We Won't Give In ?"' Kingston, June 26.--(To thé Edit- or) : Duri the ; past few days it seems that the friends of the Y.W.C.A, have been aiming a tirade at the parks' gommitiee for certain actions of theirs, claiming the same to be contrary to the rules of said com- mittee. Indeed another appeal to: the city council is threatened. In the meanwhile not a word is being said on behall of the other side. Of course, being winners, they can -afiord to grin and bear hut even at thata little enlightenment of the public mind would not be amiss. The young ladies who are now playing on the court in question, are using the iden- tical ground .gn which they erected the net last "summer. According to the Y.W.CAA. advocates one would imagine such was the only claim the present possessors have thereto. Such 1s not the case, however. As far back as the winter before the thought of tennis entered the heads of most people, the ladies (the Y.W.C.A. '@ is not the only "ladies' cause") sought out = Aldérman Angrove and secured his permission to again use the court.' Since that time the chairman of parks"has been seen several times and each time = hoe reiterated his per- mission. So far, so good. But the Y.W.CAA. pegplo arrive one bright af- ternoon' andiindulge in tactics of the most childish mature to take the court' away from * itg present posses- sors. Being altogether unsuccessful, the matter is carried back to the city council, which refers it to -the parks' committee and that 'body sustained the chairman's action. Now, sir, the mistake is simply over the allotment of the courts; there is plenty of room for the erection of another net. The court already allotted to the ladies, through a mistake on the part, I am told, * of the superintendent of parks, was allotted to the Y.W.C.A. and on this being pointed ont, the Y.W.C.A. refise "to "take ~another. I see they claim: it will - require some prepara- tion to put the other court in shape. Well, do they expect others to do what they will not especially when those others had to labor last season in bringing their court to its present good condition ? No, that spirit of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you scarcely seems to pervade the Christian Association un- der present circumstances. They must needs seek protection behind a technicality of committee rules as though, when making the application (and there seems to be no question as to whose application was made first), ~the ladies were aware that more «than the 'chairman's permission was necessary. The question was asked in your columms, "Where are the champions of the "Y.W.C.A. 7?" "Why did Aldermen Sears and Mallen vote against the ladies' associa- tion ?"" Another statement reads, "Tt is understood that Alderman Mallen was pledged to vote for the Y.W.C.A, and that: Alderman Sears had express od himself that way, but both voted nay." So the element of petty poli- tics has entered the case also. 7A men who are elected to serve, not one clique but the citizens as a whole and to see that justice is done the humblest must be buttonholed and whipped into line. Could you blame any alderman for resenting ouch a course , And the ladies' association is going to remember these men when the next municipal election comes around. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Truly a most Christian doétrine and worthy of the best traditions of the ladies' associa- tion. Again, the article in your columng goes on to stafe how unani- mous. the officials of the Y.W.C.A. are, how none of them intimated that the matter was too small for agitation, and the matter was being pressed on principle. Well, as to their being of- ficers of the association, I cannot say but the fact remains that members in- terested' plainly stated that they wished the matter was dropped. The leading spirit in* the strife said she would surrender the "court in ques- tion only she "simply wouldn't give in." Note again, it is merely a mat- ter of principle but the spirit sup- posedly prevaiding all Christian so- cieties is relegated to the back- ground for the time being. In. conclusion, sir, let me state that I have no quarrel with the Y.W.CA., but on the contrary admire its work in many respects. Still 1 cannot help thinking that in the present case they are carrying the matter a little too far and preretepping the bounds of common justice. --M. M, 0 The Wrong Kingston. An Hungarian named Alexander Barker, arrived at the police station last evening. He was unable to' speak the language of Canadians and an in- terpreter had to be secured. It was found that he had come all the way from his fatherland to Boston. Wish- ing to reach his brother in Kingston, Nova Seotia; he 'secured transporta- tion over the railway but through a mistake bought his ticket for Kings- ton, Ontario. His baggage on the other hand was shipped to Kingston, New York. The traveller had little money on his person and the police have communicated with his brother. In the meantime they are endeavoring to secure him some work in the city for a few days, Destroyed All The Roots. Not sufficient to ease a' corn--you must eure it for all time. Use Put- nam's Corn Extractor and both root and branch of the corn are forever removed. No pain, quick cure, Use only Putnam's. Tf sick headache is misery, what are Carter's Little Liver Pills if they will positively cure it? People who have used - them speak. frankly of their worth, They are small and easy to take. a rh The Toronto Street Railway eom- pany is prosecuting people who in- sist upon standing in the front vesti- bules of cars, « THL DAILY INCIDENTS OF THE DAY -- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Trusses that satisfy. Pr. Chown's. hat is so rare gs a day in June? "It cures any cough," Gibson's Red Cross Cough Syrup, 20c. Canon Starr returned to-day Brockville and Prescott, Daniel Reeves has Has placed in his residence, street. The number is 537. Rev. Dr. Crummy, Kingston, was the guest of his brother, Alexander Crum- my, Brockville, on Sunday. Perfectly pure soda water, pure ice cream, pure fruit syrups, and larce, thin glasses at Wade's soda fountain. Last night the article in the N. Y. World regarding the scandal at Otta- wa was the talk of the town. Copies at B, A. Hotel newstand only. Eye glasses (test free). Dr. Chown's. Miss Henderson, Gananoque, a mem- her of the Daughters of Rebeoca, who is ill at the general hospital, is being visited frequently by the members of the local chapter. In order to supply the demand for the N. Y. World containing an ac count of the scandal at Ottawa, a telegraphic order was sent in for ex- tra copies, Will be; found an for sick headache. from a 'phone Welliogton excellent remedy Carter's Little Liv- Pills. Thousands of letters from peo- ple who have used them prove this fact. Try them. George W. Johnson, Mexico, is act ing as purser on the steamer Island er for the third season. R. B. Davis holds the same position on the steam er New Island Wanderer. W. H. Nichols, New Yopk, president of the General Chemical company, of that city, is touring Europe for the summer, His palatial summer resi- dence, Nokomos Lodge, will not he open this season, Misses Sullivan, Barrie street, evening, entertained a number of friends in honor of their guest, Miss O'Brien, of Chicago. Cards, dancing, songs and refreshments were the pro- gramme of the evening. last MRS. MYERS MUST HANG, Murderess Smiles When Sentence is Pronounced. Kansas City, Mo., June 27.--An- other woman is" added to the list of those sentenced to h@ng in this coun- try for the crime of murder. Mrs. Aggie Myers, who was found guilty at Liberty, Mo., recently of murder in the frst degrée, was today refused a new trial and was senteficed to be hanged on August 11th. An appeal will be taken to the state supreme court. Mrs. Myers wa convicted: with Frank Hottman, who was infatuated with her, of killing hér husband, Clarence Myers, printer, at their home in this in May, 1904. The erime was Hottman, who is a city most cold-blooded. now under sentence of death for his part in the crime, testified at the woman's trial that she had urged him to kill Myers, had let hinr into their home on the night of the murder, had given her hushand a sedative to put him to sleep, and then, while he cried to her for help, she first struck him over the head with a bed slat and then slashed his throat and back with scissors and razor. Hottman had first stunned Myers with a billiard cue. Hottman was artested in Montana, where he had escaped on Myers. Mrs. Myers stood while Judge Alex- ander passed sentence upon her. The judge was visibly affected, and there were tears in the eves of the court stenographer, a young woman, The group of men who heard the sentence were affected by it. The one person in the court room who was seemingly unmoved and unconcerned was the murderess herself, Mrs. Myers stood looking squarely money furnished by Mrs, at the judge. There was not a tre mor of a muscle. Her face was ox- She sat down, and ressionless. fee there was a smile upon her face as she chatted in an undertone with her lawyer. The defendant will have until vember next to file an appeal. No- THE HOSPITAL AID Got Through Much Work at Yesterday's Meeting. There was a large attendance of the members of the Woman's Hospital Aid Association at the meeting on Mon- day afternoon, and much business was done. Arrangements were made for getting supplies of jam and fruit from housekeepers, and also for procuring vegetables from farmers. These will be left at some central shop in town, and will be delivered at the hospital by the shop's delivery waggon. The matter of the bazaar, to be held next October, and in wRich the teach- ers are interesting the children of the public schools, was fully discussed, All promise to work with enthusiasm throughout the summer for the good object. During the month $55 has been spent on crockery and eutlery and the hos- pital is now very well supplied, Samp- son ward is in great need of renova- 850 on hand, see what can be done towards its refitting, So far the work has gone on smoothly and well. Nothing has trans- pired to pull it back, and the officers of the association feel greally en- couraged, It is felt that people have help our worthy institution for the sick, and only needed some definite organization through which to give their bounty. The committee adjourn- ed to meet again in September, A R.M.C. Graduate Drowned. A. A. Blanchard, one of the staff of the Dominion Bridge company, Mon- treal, was drowned on Sunday by.the swamping of a canoe in which he was coming from lle Heron. Blanchard was employed in the engineering depart- ment of the company. He graduated from. the Royal Military College, Kingston, in 1902, and McGill, 1903, He was a son of Df. Blanchard, - of Charlottetown, P.E.I. He had been in the employ of the Dominion Bridge company since May, 1902, _ "Don't forget," the genuine Blaud"s Red Cross Drug Store, 100 for 250, Red Cross Drug Store, tion, and the committee will, with the been at all times ready and willing to Tron Tonic Pills, are sold at Gibson's [Gold in the Mrs. William Kirkpatrick entertain. ed at_an informal little tea on Satur day, in honor of her Ssitor, Miss Manston of Toronto. Field daisies, which are now beginning to star the land, were all b the rooms, mak- ing them ldok very pretty. Mrs. Fran. cis' King made nd Miss Etta Kirkpatrick out . Among the girls present were Miss Lewis, Miss Skinner, Miss Alice King, Miss Mar garet King, Miss Aileen Rogers, Miss Bradburn, « Misy * Isabel Ross, Miss Constance Cooke, Miss Else Saunders, Miss Lettice Tandy, Miss Mildred Mac- morine, Miss Arnoldi, and Miss Alice Hague. » w - . Mrs. Birkett asked a few musical people \ to 'Bellevue' yesterday, to meet Mids Diana Irving. They were Mrs, Horry Betts, Mrs, Fortescue, Miss Gertrude Fortescue, Mise Ada Bates, Miss Rupuy, Miss Mildred Mao morine, Mise! Arnoldi, and Miss Or- ford. Miss Fortesonie played, and Miss Irving, Miss Bates, Miss Macmorine and Miss Arnoldi, all sang several en- joyable numbers, - - . Mrs. Joseph Walkem's tea on Satur- day, for her niece, Miss Dorothy Betts was a very informal little affair. Tea was served on the verandah, and the guests were chiefly the young girls. - Ad - Mrs. Harry Betts left to-day, for Brockville to pay a visit to Mrs. Ogil- vie Dobbs. > Mrs. Gamble, who has been visiting Mrs. Hoag, has 'gone down the river, and will pay a visit to friends in Brockville, and" Cardinal, before re turning home. Nr. and Mrs, T, Rattray, of Des Moines, Towa, are visiting their daurh ter, Mrs. Stephen Roughton, and will spend the greater part of the summer here, Mrs. Lambie of New York, Mrs. Roughton's sister, is also her guest. Miss Edith English, a teacher in the Central school, left to-day, for a trip to the North-West. . Mrs. Hansard of Ottawa, came to town on Saturday, and is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Carruthers, at "An- nandale," "a Mrs. R. W. Garrett, and her young people will go down, jon Thursday, to their summer cottage down the river, Mrs. Fred. McKelvey Bell, of Otta- wa, and Miss Dorothy Bell, will come up the first of the month to spend the summer here and among the islands. Miss May Bell hag' been paying a visit to her sister-inclaw at the capi tal. Major Bruce Carruthers went down to. Ottawa, yesterdav, and is the guest of Colonel and: Mrs. Rutherford. Mre. Stuart, of Washington, and her two little girls, five expected from Washington about the end of the week, Mrs. Stuart. will stay at "Av onmore,"" with her eousing, the Misses Macpherson. . Mrs. G. H. Mather, of Ottawa, has left to visit friends in Kingston and Toronto. Mr. Delmage, of the Merchants' Bank, has gone up to Belleville to re- lieve. Rev. C. E. 8 Radcliffe returned to Camden East, yesterday, after his in town with Mrs. Hub- short visit bell. Mr. Henry Maxwell, who has been visiting his cousin, Mr. W, H, Mon- tray, 'Farnham,' Amherst Island, has left for Toronto, and a trip west, be fore sailing for Ireland. Miss Bradburn, who has been visit ing Mrs. Frank Rogers, returned to Peterboro to-day. «8 'eile Miss Manston, who is with Mrs. W. Kirkpatrick, of the week. Dr. Carr-Harris, of New York, has been in town for a week, and will be here for some days yet. Mrs, Grier, of Chicago, is expected this webk, to visit her sister, Mrs, J. H. Birkett, at *Bellovue." Her friends are congratulating Mrs. | Herbert Robinson on her place in the picture taken by the bioseope, of the Sunday morning congregation of St. George's cathedral, Mrs. Robinson, whether by coincidence or design, or with assistance from the M.P.P., for | Kingston, or a helpful combination of all three, she won't divulge, will go, down to posterity side by side with the proprietor of the Whig, and the , liberal member for the old Limestone City. will remain till the end Mrs. McGill will go up to Toronto, this week, to pay a visit to her daughters in Toronto. Miss Innes and Miss Rose Innes have gone up to.Belleville for the day. Miss Grace Loucks will be home from | Ottawa, for her summer holidays pro- bably at the end of the week. Miss "Smithett will leave to-morrow for Toronto. Mrs. J. M. Campbell, and her little girls went over yesterday, Clinton, N.Y., to Stanley. % Miss Bessie Smythe has returned from her visit in Ottawa. Mrs. Allaire Shortt will $petid a few days this week in New York. two ye to visit Mrs. Byron Mr. and Mrs. William Newlands have been spending a few days in Westport, with Mrs. P. L. Murray. and have been enjoying the fishing on Little Rideau Lake. Master John Mackenzie will return tomorrow from Trinity College school, Port Hope, for the holidays. - . . - Mr. A. N. Mercier, manager of the Saguenay Lumbering company, and ! Mra. Mercier, have been spending a few days with the latter's brother, Me. F. J. Quinn, of Regiopolis College. Miss Grace Hemming is staying with Mrs. Brownfield. Miss Parkin, Brandon, Man,, is the gruest of her aunt, Mrs. G. H. Parkin, Swdenham street, * WHIG, TUESDAY, JUNE 27. t Apollina; QUEEN OF Bottled only at the Apollinaris Spring, Neuenahr, oi Germany, and Only with its Own Natgral Gas. BEWARE OF SUB TABLE WATERS." STITUTIONS TY =, / "EVER YB Bathing Suit Materials Get In The Swim at " Everybody going on an outing or vacation trip s a Bathing Suit. We are in very belt fabrics for the making of those garments, including the new Brilliant Red Mo- | hair, so much used at large resorts. x Desirable Items LUSTRES--In Cream, Navy and " Black, very special at 28¢., 356, "aml 373e. MOHAIRS-<In Cream, Navy, Brown, Greens, Now 'Red and Black (Eng: lish makes), at 50c. SERGES AND PANAMAS-TIn Cream, Navy, Brown and Black, from 20e. | to 60c, LADIES' BATHING SUITS---Made of Navy, Wool Canvas Cloth (un- shrinkable), trimmed with narrow white braid, price $2.50, Once. & MONTREALCANADY choose from, . 'Boston. could be Laing's Pork and Beans Two styles--plain and with Tomato Sat:ce- «in one, two and three pound cans. 39 other kinds of Canned Let us know if your grocer does not handle them. THE LANG PACKING & PROVISICH CO. LIMITED, NONTREAL A Delicious Dish Our chef says his recipe {or Pork and Beans beats anything 'put up <vén in but people tell us every day that they! never knew how good Pork and Deans a 'MEATS THAT SATISFY" sb Of course, he is enthusiastic-- until they ate Meats, Soups and Delicacies to without the ee Mrs. Cunningham, Miss Cunningham and Mise en, are at present, in Paris, They go to London about the | first of July, and, will not be home till 'the first of September. Smoked glasses, all sizes, Chown's, THE B. B. EDDY - o. A. HENDRY, AGENT, KINGSTON. ®0000 orn THE MODEL OIL STOVE Is the only perfect working Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stove on the market. least smoke or smell and is perfectly safe to operate. explain this stove to you. LEMMON & LAWRENSON, 351 and 353 King Street. $0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 "2 in 1" These are the NEWEST and BEST in WASHBOARDS, They are scientifileally con- structed on a new ba An examiration the crim| ; of the zinc will com the most skeptical that in usirg these Wash! the VERY BEST RESULTS can be obta- ined with the LEAST POS- SIBLE LABOR Ask your Grocer for one of ihese brands and give it a trial. COMPANY, LIMITED. HULL, CANADA. It burns Call in and let us ET -- "int" d This Folding Tables, you will find our Phone 652, traction of teeth. Fine Fancy Rattan and _ Camp Furniture Fancy Rattan 'Rockers, only Fancy Rattan Fasy Chairs, Fancy Rattan Settees, fron Lawn Settees, in: Green or Lawn Chairs and Rockers, $2 Camp Cot, and Camp Chairs, of bath-room fixtures | Prices low ; a call solicitud, DENTAL DR. A. EB. KNAPP, B.A, LI 19 Montreal St., Cor. ~All branches of Dentistry formed. Nitrous Oxide "Try Myers Eig] at special prices. Is the place to get your tended to in the PI line of Gas Stoves Gas