ve swept it away: cent. Men now prefer ce where they can eat as well as and I think in the course of a years all the west-ond bars will 5 z laws of England had upon present' 're.' te. Anything that would make pib- unpopular would have "sul Tie much the people. Clapping On The Taxes. 'What is the object of the transient traders' license ? Primarily it is to keep out those who would come into competition with ~ the local mer chants, It is the device of the muni- i | cipal council which would, at the call of the business community, do some- | thing to protect its resident taxpay- "Jers tich influence, if any, the new 'liquor But what can be the object of the tradets ? British 'Columbia led in i, and men who went te the Pacific . eoast under Promising conditions, . | baving ' engagements + vince without completing their tasks | rather than contribute $250 to the | public exchequer, v British Columbia resorted to the tax for revenue purposes. What of Que- {.bee, whose legislature," 'at the last session, passed an act attording to which the 'commercial {raveller must pay annually a tax of $3009 It means that the sample and order man will keep out of Quebec. A big house and a slarge businoss conncetion may warrant the investment of $300 in a personal tax. But the average whole- saler is not going to submit to what he regard as a great imposition. The convenience. of the traveller is wn the goods they want, will be. educated as to the conditions and demands of the day. He appre- cintes a service that is expensive and must be paid by some one. Even the good housowife is becom: i 'calls of the canvassing agent, 'and de- 'her orders at the door in place the store, though half the plea- buying: lies usually in the dent and a stranger to most of the audience, For some reason he was not able 10 appear in person that evening; but he was fortunate in his substitute, a little French-Canadian lawyer. "Fm verra sorry," he began, "ma freend could not coom--I'd lak mooch you | haf seen heem. He verra deeferent from dis man dat has joost sit doon. He ta} Geeference between de men as dere between de makers!" was enough for the gudience, and too much for Fraser and his friend. necessary, and yet he was the subject of a personal sketch by the president | Th, Jeadi of Cornell College recently. putting life into the stock busigess. Stock farms ought to spring up and ith i ite | thrive. do with the tippling "habits $106, for - x (cavalry), $200. the Watertown Times, "needs to be re- gulated.Men save for their families, and not to fatten the already rich lot of men who have profited by this sacred trust." great advertising in the America's 'cup yacht races. So he has given his order for another challenger, another Shamrock, If he wins we will all drink 'his tea. which would | oartoon. a paid them the act of reading that the Toronto have well, left the pro: World. has kim lead the, federal oppo- | o ith i . He single exception, a il et oh vocates of the assessment system now m Fg ! sitions long enough." go. They cannot agree upon the In-' dian policy. The imperial government leans to Kitchener. He is judges to redistribute the seats in the new provinces, What do more about the circumstances than the government ? Why not carry out the tory idea in its entirety and have the Judges k out of all political inter- to the regular and courteous rece id Kaiser Bill as the star peacebrepker to have a friend die and leave them all the cigars they could smoke 3 ¢ | Guelph Mercury. the political arena that has yet been Tron at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, 100 for 25q. x and sanitary' is be | the manutacture of oye's bread. pe me, " "The rival candidate was a non-resi- | Chal "be & sort of an brought - lies both in ited i the a says he made heemsell. 1 believe dat. | on the oars RT incretaing the rates But ma man--God made heem ! And, | that makes the continuance of = their me freends, dere is joost' as mooch | certil ve. has written © that great truth That was all his speech; but that 1¢ | Life insuranee 'has practically had ou i : is ex ' On ly it was taken by restaurant] oh.uld be remembered now when Peo" | claimed to be impossibl 1 fulfil The bar 'is doomed in the ple are hunting for characters to ex- Then the ectaredd "it was By of London. In the last twen. alt for personal glorification. . Some: | ing in the fase of Providence. Now, drinking, has decreased | thing higher and purer than Hyde is | all the world wants it, and clergymen are both' eloquent in its behalf and almost invariably holders of policies. e ng exponents of the assess ment idea in' this country claim that that their idea has three great merits, have been superseded by saloons for | Editorial Notes. That is like ate arity, 'solid refreshment as well as liquor." | mp0 Spain-Salmon - scandal has | the crab. His answer was, a red fish | his x will lend strength to shifted from = Ottawa to New York. that walks backward, Perfectly right | the Canadian movement against the The World's contribution of a page is ie all hut_threa Sings, aad the pro. . -» » 18 ' Re: re, 4s She divren and Saline of ude but an elaboration of much that Ys does not walk ) chet as, nd ] intemperance of the times... current gossip for some time. | jigs insutance in the long-run is inse- | When Eondon leads in the reform. Lg GT alaries | SUr%; costly and wities in popularity, the people of no place and no| Hamilton now pays higher L*1%8 | You olaim™ that assessment sodietics an 40 be 20 wt in their cus 10 ita teachers. The limit to kinder- | have "boon profiting hy the cownsel of : od to ovpent it nlf rs is $300; to female teachers, | the registre® of friendly socieities, and tome-=there is grou ; . | garte incipals, $750, ahd | 2cting upon his advice, have been a. Canada. The evidence is mot 'at hand, $600, to female principals, : Justing their affairs as a guarantee to and so it is important to know how |'to male principals, $1,000. longevity. You also claim that the representatives of fraternal insurance have ing for and .ac- cepting the advice of insurance ao "tuaries, in the conduct of their busi. ness. Now sir, if you can show mea i assessment organiza- tion doing business on this continent, based upon the principles laid down hy life insurance actuaries, or if you can name one single society aceepting the Hunter schedule of rates, applied to 'the old and new business as he re. commends, I will admit that there is still hope for some of these concerns, The facta are, that the average rate collected by the largest societies is not much more than half of what is 'manded by the Hunter schedule. Since Mr. Hunter submitted his ta ble, which you seom to take refuge be- hind, not a single new assessment so- 0 $ 1 , or opened up in Canada, by the, governments of this or other provinces, This in itself is Julicient "proof Ro convince anyone : vital tit is impossible to got new mem. Toronto News har 8 co in | Pers, when they can do so much bet- It pictures Mr. Whitney ter by buying legitimate investment insurance, Perhaps you know that without oe is The army's demand for horses Current prices for 'troopers, $100; for blacks, "The whole insurance business," says . Lipton has found great pleasure and The a prominent ad- agree, that a reserve fund is necessary " and in some 'cases an attempt has . : been made in that direction, but the The friends of J. W. Alexander, the amount they have on hand is jiverage fallen president of the Equitable, be- |less than 85 for every $1,000 of busi. lieve he honestly thought he earned all the mgneys he received. Hendricks' story of his grafting does not bear out this conclusion, and if any doubt re- | 6f what the experience of the last fifty maias Jerome will dissipate it, ness in force, and the average amount of total reserves held to protect the great volume of life insurance carried oy these societies, is not one-twentieth years has proven to be necessary, and which the government of the various countries compel line companies to maintain. Any student on the subject can satisfy himself on this point, by reading the various articles published not more | in the American, and insurance press on the subject, Lord Curzon or Lord Kitchener must important than Curzon, but he is During. the last twenty years there ¥ great. It has coms to he re}... necessary as a military strata- | have 0 over thirty-five assessment | garded as necessary that the man who gist. concerns wound up in Canada, where- will do business shall canvass for it. I by the members lost over $125,000,000 People find that by waiting they will | he tory opposition wants the | of life insurance. The record of assess- sho ment failures in United States runs into the hundreds, and the results are appalling. The lesson to be learned from ah this, is, that assessment societies have a rapid growth in their earlier years, while the mortality is light, and the assessments low, but having failed to set aside a proper reserve for each policy each year, as ascertained by a valuation of the policy labili- ties, the societies are unable to fill their contracts in later years, and thus decline and fade away, as strikingly they know SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Properly Described. ; Toronto Tolegram. illustrated in the case of the American - | shopping. 3 June is he month of roses and ion of Honor, which was founded "fhe result. of the Quebes. tax will frainwater. : in ton in 1878, but .was wound up ut some t t of business, 2 -- ast year. law Srayehiers at Produce In Contrast. H it were possible for some such en- Rh? 3 may Pe iy FE Proronto World, actment to be generally made and ; 'the desired effect. £ Theodore Roosevelt may yet be [en as "Thou shalt not humbug y } known as the star peacemaker, and | the public," the occupation of not a few would be gone, It is true, the of the world. ni often gets as if it liked to be i -- umbugged, and in its credulity or | 8S Suggestion. hali-blind cupidity runs into the very' ronto Star. arms of those who offer (it dead sea 'an You imagine any more de | fruit, or promise it indefinite future lightful happening for some men than wealth, for very definite present-day dollars, And therefore the public needs to be protected from the wiles of such as lie in wait for it. i The following is a list of societies Something In It. . ° ~ : that have failed in Canada within the nevolent Baociety, London Mutual Benefit Association, e all of Toronte; m-- Provident Association of America, Spring sickness" take Blaud's | Bquitable:. Provident 'Society, British, Tonic Pills. The genuine are sold | North America avolent Associa- tion, Dominion Masonic. Benevolent Association; Masonic Mutual Benevolent Association, all of London; Mutual. Marriage Aid and Canadian Legion 'of Honor, of Hamilton. Otte "For care 'as. to eloanlineys . 2 --(To the Editor): 'column of yesterday, ve made an' attempt to use of fraternal insur- g their methods and po- ce institution at This is rather a sur- always understood 'was not open for con- wv subject, unless by t. The article seems apology for and disaster this system son thousands of fami- States and Cana. goes through three phias- es: First, pe say it isn't so; sec- ond, that it conf; ts with the Bible ; third, oy always believed it. nia; a have In exorbitant lars wheel to a experience, secure and am now notice stati crea gust." ed upon the assessment principle.--W. J. FAIR. s------------------ NAPANEE NEWS. The Death of Mrs, Peter Miller. ing, of known and Strathcona. Christian patience. She leaves four daughters to mourn the loss of 4 loving mother. 'I hey are: Mrs, (Rev.) W. B. Tucker, King- ston; Mrs. Hamilton Armstrong and Mrs. W. Wilson, Strathcona. Mrs. | Armstrong, came down from Car- The town Association, Guardians; Fidelity and lecting thousands unnecessarily that their reserve fund was & the whole basis ance as illustrated by cerns in the world, is a foundation of sand, and is bound to produce in" the end, dismay, disappointment and dis- Napanee, June enrred at Strathcona, Mrs, 'to rates; coach, and that the gssess- ment concerns would carry my ipsur- ance for half the cost. like many others, ment bait, and now bi 1 have to whole thing is a miserable sham, and that in my old age, ng I therefore take this ppportunity of utilizing my experience to warn people of Canada against having any- thing more to do with societies found- Peter much; respected resident of Deceased sixty-eighth year, and "had heen ill about a year. ness with much She be man, Man., last summer to attend the bedside of har mother, who was then very ill and has remained with ever since, The 10.30 o'clock to the family plot at Newburgh, gay with soldiers fy rod coats, yesterday. Here there and everywhere they were to be seen. the evening the Napanee band, with the. soldiers, following, paraded streets and played martial airs prior to leaving on the 6:40 train for camp funera on Thy was at Barrielield. Since the day evening cool and more June weather. : Van Every are spendifig their holidays Van Every's parents, Templeton. is the guest of sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Ming, John street The birthday party in Methodist chure this historic, old church, was well at- with Mrs. and Mrs, Robert Fngl tended, and ticular. day; about attendance. ing given lonely spot from the to contract when he fail to com for. If the William der for Supplying © Buildings," will be received at this office electrical y- the Mr. ish , the a success The entrance examination starts to- pupils will be sixty Worried Himself To Death. Syracuse, N.Y., June 28.--Albert R. Vaughn, a post office employee, died suddenly yesterday, heart failure be. cause. About a month ago his wife was the victim of a brutal assault by an unknown man who waylaid her as she was passing a . With the husband who works nights she had been attending a | party, and had been obliged to walk as the car to her Vaughn blamed himself for letting her go alone and worried himself to death the physicians say. The laxative effect of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets is agreeable and so natural that you do not realize it is the effect of a weili- cine. For sale by all druggists, Er ---- Lip, SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED the undersi, d endo Ty ~ The trouble with most people is | last few rs i until Tuesday, ot fon che arom to, fcust thee brow | Medical Men's Mutual, Teographers |i. 167th BSS 3 LFon the waters to-day and have it Mutual of Ontario, Bauity Life Re- on. TR 88, the J tome back in French rolls and Vienna | serve Fund, tine Mutual Benefit | Combined scéctfication and form of tons ty and the fread in time for to-morrow's break- Association, Toronto Life and Aoc der ean be obtained on application at this : % t. 5 na dent Association, Reserve Fund Acci- , oi 3 beas np w As B or ! gant "4 sociation, Provincial Life 2h ders wil ot be Content un a omen As Economists. Live Association, Dominion Mu- | on_the print the 'ox- J ottawa Free Press. y tual Tock A C lian Educational with their actust-w; natures, renting The lady deg ou at the St. Louis Endo! nt, Canadian Order Knights an accepted s fair who had a $100,000 to spend re- | of the ccabees, Lion Life and Pro- | made ; the tired $26,000" after they settled up | vident, \Canadian' Relief Society, Can- rt 1 pe hiater, » The | their accounts. This is the strongest | dian Mytual Aid, Good Templars | fone" Son Per co he ven- | argwnents in favor of women eénterine Benefit Association, Septennial Be- | narty tendering decline cheaue will be returned. Newspapers Department of ot ie Department does not hind accept the lowest or any By order, FRED. GBLINAS, Public Works, wa, June inserting mént without autkority from the Ie rt ment, will not be paid for it. rl Thomas; after many years' ay for new insurance, | TO! out assesementess Mong with thousands of other membdrs am in receipt of a the, necessity of assessments, which increase I am unable to pay, so that m ence leads me to the conviction that of assessment insur- 28.--The death oc- weather has been like September and Mrs, an n- oal for the Dominion August 8, 1905, inclus- form supplied, and signed be accompanied vy chegue on a charterad bank, payable to the order of the Hon. called upon to do so, or if plete the work tender he not ' ' Royal Benefit Society, Sar- Industrial Union of B.N. America, uelph; Dominion Provident Endow. ment, Stratford; Provincial Provident Institution, St, Mutual Association of Canada, Mon- treal, Que.; New Brunswick Aid Life Association, St. John, Relief Societ, N.S.; Select and the public, 5 in- was insured, and by told the public; like 4 fifth Accordingly, I, t at the assess say that the when unable to by increased in- experi- the largest oon- the yesterday morn- Miller, a well was in her re her long jll- her | takes place at irsday morning, the storm of Sun- than J. p Mr. Mrs. her the Eastern last meeting in in every par- in home alone. EO Coal jor the the Domin= unless made of Public Works, f amount of the forfeited if the to enter into a contracted accepted the itself to tender. Secretary 26. 1905. this advertise- Provincial N.B.; Mutual y of NS. Yarmouth, Knights of Canada, St, Catharines; Massachusetts Benefit. So. ciety, Boston; Covenant Mutual Bene- fit, Illinois; Mutual Reserve Fund Life i New York; Fraternal Knights of Sobriety and Integrity. . engaged in the life in surance business for the past seven- teen years, and during that time, have received hundreds of letters from those who were insured in assessments con- cerns. I append herewith an extract from a recent communication received : "As a warning especially' to my fellow members sured in the various fraternal assess: ment societies, I wish 'to submit results of my unfortunate experience, er, 1888, | at the time it was represented ta me through the society's officers and lit- erature, that 1 could get insurance for one-half the uspal rates charged level premivm companies. 1 was that old line companies were charging that they were col- and millions of dol- from the \ Xi. Sal J Teach the lath generation to disCriming ¢ Sunlight So and others that just look like it betwee, ap BIBBY'S -- HAT SALE This is our housecleaning time in the Hat Department and we are making it a thorough clean up. We find we are over-stocked in some sizes and that we have about six dozen Hats made up-of one or two Hats of a kind, These we have placed on our table along with ten dozen Travellers' Samples. : Their regular prices were $1.50, $1.75, $2 and $2.50. Sale Price, 50c. . THE H. D. BIBBY CO, $ Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall, . BOO reese seseesseseeraen® -@ - EE -- S-------- Smart Clothes for Smart Dressers One man wants to dress better and pay no more. Another wants to dress as well and pay less. We Keep Clothing to Suit Both Good serviceable Summer Suits, Tweeds and Home- Spams, just the thing for this weather, $5, $6, $7 and .50. ' IT IS OUR PROVINCE To gratify the taste for stylish clothes and develop it. IT IS OUR POLICY ; To make the prices as low as good quality will permit, IT IS OUR PLEASURE : To extend a cordial invitation to every man in Kingston and vicinity to pay this store a visit. ish Suits made to your measure from the best Englis and Scotch materials, $15, $16 and $18. Jos. Abramson, The People's Clothier 180 Princess Street, Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. Cool Shoes for Hot Weather Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords, $1. Misses' White Canvas Oxfords, 1110 $1 and $1 25, Child's Barefoot Sandals, goc. and $n Infants' Barefoot Sandals, 5 and D 85¢. Mens Wh'te or Pearl Canvas Boots, $1.50. 2 50 and $3. . ort Also oh a Oxfords in Velour Calf, Patent Col Tan or Chocolate, QOtheis at The Sawyer Shoe Store. 2, gor. Child's White Canvas Oxfords, 8 to . 10, 75¢. Misses' Barefoot Sandals, 11 to $2 ssemblymsa Tighe's lette bar every brain worke, « strenvous life. Hon. John Tighe, No. 98 Re: Cohoes, N. Y., Member of A from thé Fourth district, Alban; N.Y., writes as follows: « Peruna has my hearty inde as a restorative tonic of superi At times when I have béen co! broken down from excess of that my faculties seemed actu standstill, Peruna has acted as s restorer, starting the machiner; and body afresh with new energy. "1 recommend it to a man mind and body as a tonic su anything I know of and wel serious consideration."--J. Tig Excess of work so commol country causes impaired nerves to catarrh and catarrhal nerve a disease that is responsible f« all nervous troubles. Peruna cures this trouble b cures chtarrh wherever locate 1f you do not derive prompt factory: results from the use of write at once to Dr. Hartman, full statement of your case, an be pleased to give you his val vice gratis, Address Dr. Hartman, Pre The Hartman Sanitarium, Colr A Greatly Prai Remedy There is only one way to | whether all the good things about Zutoo Tablets are true that is to try them. If half what is said abou headache remedy is true, the lets should be in every hom office, in every ladies' purs gentleman's pocket. And yet, not one individua ter trial, has ever said that are over praised. For while no other remedy ever made so many faithtul fr in so short a time, no other ever deserved so many as 0 -- LL EE -------- PERSONAL MENTIO Movements Of The People They Are Saying And D Samuel Sutherland, ~wife an ter, of St. Louis, are visiting in the city. Rev. Principal Gordon left for Banff, N. W. T., where remain for the next six weeks Mrs. Offord, Division street, moved to the General Hospite day. afternoon in James Reid lance. The Bishop of Ontario will a confirmation at Peterhe week, for the absent Bishop onto, Mrs. J. Burke, of Kingstc paid a visit old home week George Wilson, No, 39 Factor Watertown, N.Y. G. A. Woodruff, M.D, who has been in town for few days, left this morning fc ups the Rideau. D. J. Mackinnon returns fr treal this evening: He has he tending a convention of chees exporters, and instructors city, Mrs. Hemsley, Ottawa, a citv to-day, via Rideau Quee will stay at Mrs. W. Baker's, street for a few days. She i very robust health. Drs. MeMutry and Alguir paddled from Ottawa and a ing a few days in the city, Morrow on a continuation trip down the St. Lawrence. The late A. A. Blanchard, ate of the RM.C,, who was at Montreal, was very well k this city and many expression pathy and sorrow are being over his sudden death. ------ 8; George E. Lorenz, Toledo, vitted over 'a year ago of e to defrand the government i tion 'with the sale of letter | ners, was removed to the s son at Moundsville, W. Va, nee is' two years' infprisonm a fine of $10,000, ; Er -------- All It Needed. There is more real oxyge lignified form in the "Solu Ozone (the coupon kind)' th, othér preparation of a simily As a prompt eure in the kill; inside. germs of throat, lungs, or bowels it has no equal wl led with "Celery King" th ative, That the Stringe a togic of this natun cure this best results was so that the Pablie Drug oo Brig, . 5 Ont, offer thro druggist a free package \ ®ith every fifty oe dollar hottle of "Solution (the coupon kind)."