Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jun 1905, p. 4

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: The Gazette's Plain Talk. | eopt the advice of the Montreal Gaz otte, a most friendly print, dnd cease up of the noise and an early depar- with the idea that if there were a general election now it would even- 'uate in the defeat of the government. The Gazitte does not sée' any sense in this talk. Indeed it cannot have any {result but a grinding to the loss and | humiliation of the conservative party, .{ Candid criticism is generally bene | ficial, and the Montreal paper is both plain and honest, as the circumstances Fo | justify. onl ane, aried, it "avers, of the parliathentary proceed: ings. It is time, the flowy: of. small < ------ ' TET ---------- Stifting Personal Ambition. A St. John contemporary wonders why the icipalities 'do not under: take to supply their people with milk as well as water and light. It seems a simple . proposition, but it is - one that should make some people sit up | straight and. think, Milk, it is true, should be pure, and anybody which has to do with the public health is interested, of course, in the quality of the foods which are offered for con- sumption. But a daity cannot be run in the city, and the civic corporation is not warranted by ordinary reasoning in going into the country and launching into. enterprises for which the average alderman has not u training. Besides there should be soe limit to the schemes of the municipal eouncil, It might as well run a creamery as a milk station, and if a creamery why not gu cheese factory, u grocery store, a hardware store, a printing office, or military depot ? Leeds. in Fngland, has its dairy and its people pride themselves upon their ability to undertake almost anything. They have Glasgow for an example in municipal thrifyness. That | eity runs its railway, 'its lighting plants; its bakories, parks, pawn: shops, theatres, and though all of them are said to be a success it is just possible that mwmicipal owner: Sooner or later this fact will be fuily demonstrated. There are some things that the in- ly and perhaps better than the cor: his ambition. . o% | public health. - Will 'the conservative opposition ac- its talk in Ottawd 7 The evi: t is not missing that the session has mot contributed to the prestige 'the party. The Gagette clearly in- _ timates that it has lost in popular favour, and that its salvation - de- {pends very largely "apan the hushing . tire of the members for home. Some tory papers have been carried away | talk geased ang that he men who have % | sometioy a at Soe mth wi 'thelr' ship is heing overdone, and that dividual can manage more éonomical- poration, and it is not wise to stifle | Asphalt pavement (rome. years ago, declared to be 4 Home article, Tt succeeded wood paving," which fell into disrepute because it was regard | 6d as a contributor 40. disease. The of the streot and in time gave off the { foul smells that - were = so plttwive, The asphalt, especially if it did nat crack, permitted of the flushing which i | clearod the streets of their pecumula- tions. and so relievod them of the 0% | things that operated against the "| Asphalt, however, ix wot liked bo- | cause of its slippery surfact, and so for it there were substituted granite 'blocks, tar mecadam, vitrified brick and bithulithic, all of which have had their advocates. But. strange to say, is returning to wooden pavement, and wooden blocks can be readily removed when repairs have to be made in the water and gas and elec tric light conduits, and the wooden pavement is less noisy under heavy traffic, and noise is the bane of the larger city. Of course, the people must be given what they want and are willing to pay for, and their de- mand for wooden pavement - at the higher price is the surprise of the day. ---------- Editorial Notes. An griificial stone walk adds to the value of any property which it bounds, - : The street railway question is stil] a live one. An attempt is being made to organize a company and run it un- der such new conditions as will give the promise of success, The St, Thomas Journal nominates a man in the west for the vacant, 3 Prince Edward county judgeship. The nominee may he all 'that the Journal says, but he may have to wait an opening in the southern countries for judicial recognition ' The railway men are said to be having their innings at Ottawa just now. A great fight has just taken place. in committee over the Van- couver, Victoria and Eastern railway bill, which carried over the most de- termined lobby that the C.P.R. has been -able to put up. Mr. Foster made "the air tremble when he heard some one remark gs he spoke against the B.C. railway bill, "What do you get for this?" It was & mean insinuation, and Mr. Foster challenged the man who made it to stand up and repeat it. No one re sponded and Mr. Foster called the un- known a "coward." The Spectator now says, by way of correction, that Rev. Mr. Moore is "the Methodist pusher for the Sabbat- arians." No, he is not. He does not represent any church as the assistant seeretary of the Lord's Day "Alliance. And 'the Methodists and Presbyterians do not generally constitute the alli- ance us' the Spectator says. They are in it, but there are others, : The Ottawa correspondent of the | Toronto News pats Mr. Borden bn the back, and declares that he is the man for leader of the conservative party, and that the kickers in the province of Quebec are no good. But the To- ronto News does not dominate the party any more, nor as much, as the Montreal Gazette and Montreal Star and both are dissatisfied with the political outlook. : SPIRIT OF THE PRESS, Won And Lost. Hamilton Herald. r, tt of Calgary, went away from home to get 8 reputation. He fot it. all right; but he appears to ave lost it on the way home. Getting Very Costly. Toronto News. An English authority says a fashi- onable woman in New York requires £7,120 a year for her wardrobe. No wonder the Equitable is in trouble. Surprise Of The Hour. Toronto Star. The Ottawa Free Press was robbed of a dollar. and a quarter one night this week. And the mystery is, how a large sum of money like that ever came to be left in the office. Liberals In Danger. Toronto Star. London liberals will Lold a picnic to celebrate their vietory, They will also build a club house. If this exulta- tion continues, it will have to he poulticed to draw the fever out of it. Consoling Word. _ Hamilton Spectator. The Hamilton Herald which profess es to be full of heartfelt sympathy for the members of the Royal Arcanum is not doing them any good by exagger- ated statements of their position. The val Arcanum is all right. Tt has simply "found" itself. ------ : Have You Heartburn 77 « It's quite commen with. people whose digestion is poor. Tmomediate relief follows the use of Nerviline, Stomach is strengthened, digesticn is made perfect, lasting cure results in every case. 'Use Polson's Nerviline once and vou'll never be without it necause every type of stomach disorder is Conghiered by a few doses. One 930. bottle of Nerviline always convinces, Sold everywhere for the past fifty years. TL -- Fashionable Clothing To-Order. Prevost's Brook street, has alwavse had the reputation of making the finest clothing to order. For material, style and workmanship, he cannot be beaten, A large variety of goods to choose from at rock-bottom prices, A first class fit guaranteed. Give him a trial, ------ Hance J. Logan, M.P., who has been ill for several weeks, is convales- cent, Only pare fruit svrups used at is willing 'to pay #230 per square turned rig. career unchecked to the livery stable. Quite a crowd was' attracted by the Gibson's Red Cross drug store foun- a Chinese fill @ gap caused by the 'arrested daily by the Japanese, 'those in custody now num- bering babusen thirsy and forty. Chinese officer with headquarters at To mesncheng is alleged to be sery- ing the of Russia by sending out spies, whose. number is said to be fully 3,000. "Lisoyang and = seven other cities are to be opened for the free residence of Japanese stibjects, who will be per- mitted to ngage in business 'and s, other avocations COURTSHIP ORDERED | L: -- Judge Inflicts a Sentence on "An Erring Husband. New York, June 2. Solomon, with all his wisdom, could not hold a candle to Magistrate Higginbotham as an administrator of justice, George Lindsey, ' of No. 125 Dresden street, Brooklyn, « 'was before. the magistrate, charged by his wife with having abandoned her and their baby. "I sentence You to d one da a week with your -- and babe either in Prospect, Park or at Coney Island, Magistrate . Higginbotham said. "You accompany your wife, and watch the baby play. Don't speak to each ther. All You have to do is watch the baby play." *~ Yeu, sip. Lindsey said, fumbling his hat. ""And, Lindsey, You are further sen. tamed to Siew vour ito once each ay, continu magistrate, "You might' also fake hor a ot of flowers omee 4 week, 50 that she will have somethi t to look at. You' ard also to pay her $6 a week for four weeks. This sentence will 'be carried ot! 1 it is not you will be n contempt of court, and I shall punish you, "You and your "wife are to come back here one month from to-day and let me know how the eourt's sentence is bein fathied opb.". n Jo. the sentence, Magis- trate Higginbother aorone® Magis. mothers-in-l, were to stay away from the Lindsey home. ---- RAN AWAY IN PARK. -- Ik treatment of Horse by Lads. What ight . have proved a most serious accident ocourred, last evening, in the City Park, Three young lads, rangh gin the neighborhood of ten or twelve "years of age, were driving ab- out that vicinity in a one-horse vehi- de. They were abusing the horse most shamefully, and in spite of warning from Superintendent of Parks Phil- lips, and others, continued to apply the whip without respite. Finally the poor animal, bearing all the ill-treat- ment within bounds, became unman- ageable, and ran away while circling the park ring, Leaving the roadway, the carriage was hurl against a tree and badly damaged, The occupants had & marvelous escape from serious injury, being hurled under the up- The horse continped its mishap, and when it was found that the boys had got offi unharmed, not a few epithets were hurled at them for their foolhardiness and cruelty. Sr em-- Power Boat Races. the old boys are here, will be conduet- ed by the yacht elub. The fastest boats from river points will come up, and with them several excursions, Ernest Sorrell, of New York, who will have charge of the series of power boat races at Alexandria Bav in Aug- ust, has consented" to act as judge, It has been found almost impossible to arrange power races among local boats, for there ia too much difference in the power of each. -------------- Inspecting Export: Cheese. Inspector Publow and his associates were in Montreal yesterday end re- turn to-night, Thoy are visiting ths warehouses of the several exportiny houses inspecting the cheese offered for shipment. They propose to look into any faults there may be in the Canadien produet, receive complaints from the Ror tts and in fue make a thorough examinaticn with a view to Fadi Jugt what, if any. deficien- cies exist. On their return they will devote their energies to overcoming the same. Perfect Soda Water. Ours is perfect because we ed ture it with serupulous care. Every- thing we use is tid fresh. Our soda water is as cold as ice can make it. We use nothing but pure fruit juie- es. Pure ice cream and large, thin glasses. Wade's Drug Store. - lb, S------ Do Not Know. Members of the civic finance ecom- mittee do not know what the street railway bondholders desire. They pro- fess themselves as beings completely in the dark, Trusses, easy, comfortable: and se- cure gt all tinws. "Expert ft Dr Chovn's. Rubber sealer rings pints and quarts, Se. per yen, at Meleod's Drug Store § to Harbin-- Thousand of Direction of : Tokio, une 20 The following spe- Soi Tspateh, 3 received from "General | iteh is Milowing tac- tics different | rom those of Gen. Kuro- patkin and is | ting his army with & narrow fi wi ex- tended flanks, 'fed to die. The children were shot in pki "An outbreak of dysentery at Har bin has made it. to send thousand ts 10 Testhar, whet extensive ti being. built " iccom mods ions are "Spies the.army of Gen. Line- vitch are. ynteers who landed in the toils, last ont that owing to the influence exert- ed by members of the W.CT.U.. the dulge in excess while in citv, To this cause he attributed any disturbances in which the soldiers might become marked, "there might be some sense but here the men have only to walk want of liquor. and some don't hesi- tate at that short walk cither." the big celebration at Gananoque next, Saturday. The greatest programme of sports, on land and water, ever offer ed by the town; over $700 in prizes, The power hoat race to be held here . y ah: : # adian Manufacturers' Association were on the marning of July 3lst, when entertained at Sheffield and officially received by the lord mayor. IMPORTANCE OF g 2 Hf ESF i ih il i jis Boi Lt i i} ii | i i I it i i Chicago, June 2. feud opponent, Rev. J. G. Rawlings, Juil here to protect him 'from the an- ger of the public. A lynching is fear- & ly of W, L. Carter, a member of which shot a member of the Rawlings fami- ly recently, as a result of a long- standing feud, Two of the, Carter children--Willie dnd Inez--were shot down from am- 'bush as thev were caring for a sick calf in the vard, Eunice, another child, who was with her srother and sister, Was seriously wounded, and is. expect- cold blood, their bodies were carried into the house and then the coward murderers - tried to burn the House. None of the adult members of the fa- milv were at home, and a fire was easily started inst the side of the "house, The ora then fled, ex: to do so. When the children's father came home he saw in all its horror the result of his enemies' revenge. : The neighborhood wes aroused to a frenzy of rage when the news of the cowardly crime spread. Suspicion pointed immediately to the Rawlings family, but the preacher's reputation as a fanatic shielded him from open charges. A negro farm-hand emploved on his farm was arrested for the murder, however, and under pressure confessed, implicating not only Rev. Mr. Rawl- ings, but his three sons--Jesse, Mil- ton and Leonard--and to prove ~ his remarkable story exhibiting the $100 which he said had been the reward for his crime, The anger against Rev. Mr. Rawl- ings is increased by reason of the pretensions he has made to righteous- ness. He has never before taken anv hand in the feud that has existed for two. cerarations, between the family of which he is the head -and the kin of W. L. Carter. Carter. on the other hand, has Jed in the feud, professing contempt for Rawlings, and taking advantage of every opportunity to taunt him. - He shot a member of the Rawlings fami- lv in the street here recently. Rev. Mr. Rawlings had~hoth Carter and the man he shot put under peace bonds, Thie provoked more taunts and charg- es of cowardice, Moore savs. the Rawlings hovs ac- companied him to the Carter home to murder the children. Rev, Mr. Rawl- ings -paid him the $100 .and induced him to accompany them. He savs the shots were fired by Milton Rawlings, and describes accurately the killing. His confession has been corroborated in_sevéral particulars, - Troops are heing held at Atlanta by Governor Terrell, and will be sent bere at a mément's 'notice to prevent lynch- ing. -- Canteen Abolished. A military patrol was seen march: ing the streets this morning, and ar- citizens, The eause was some five vol- evening, as a result of too good a time in town last night. In reference to the matter, a military man pointed canteen had been abolished at camp this vear. He pointed 'out that the men instead of going quietly to the canteen and getting a glass of beer as in former wears. now come to town, and knowing they could secure no Kanid beverage after their taste when they returned, were very lable to in- mixed up. "Besides." a bystander re- in abolishing a canteen in other camps as far as Barriefield to secure all they Take the America at 8.30 am. for The visiting members of the Can- THE FIRST STEP speptics Should Begin Right by Using Smith's Triple Cure. first point in the treatment of dyspepsia remove the cause -- to cure catarin causes eg --~Charged with g a negro $100 to his three ; Joving a be the Sr eitip his old is being guarded at Atlanta, Ga., in The preacher is accused by Alired Moore--the negro who says he was hired as a murderer--with plotting a revoltingly cruel revenge on the: fami- The Norfoik style is ev the many Boys' Suit styles, It gives the'b pearance. We ha $2.50, 3, 3.50, 3.7 he Norfoik isa s from 8 to 15 years of a All the correct st ways be found here, Boys' Knickers, er a great favorite among peoting the fire to spread, but it failed | 0y a sort of smart, ve them at such re is 5» 4 to 6.50. plendid suit for boys anywiee distinctive ap- nable prica; yles in Boys' Clothing can al- 50¢., 63¢., 7sc., 85¢., goc. and See our Corduroy Knickers, something Boys' Shirts We have a full line of Shirts for boys, toth big and little, all sizes. ys' Shirts are made of the same materials just like our men's styles, 5oc., 65c.; $1. Boys' Sweaters, Boys' Stockings. THE H. D. BIBBY CO, Clethiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall, OOOO 0000000000000 00000 OO "FOR JUNE - BRIDE Fancy China Tea Sets, Vases, Jardiniers, Salad Sets, Berry Sets, Bread and Bitter Plates, Fanty Cups and Saucers, Choco- late and Cocoa Sets, Marmalade Sets, oused considerable interest among | } Fancy China for Decorating Go-Carts, Waggons, Carts, Viocopedes, Hammocks. Fruits and Confectionery. = J. HISCOCK - 160 and 162 Princess Street. OP OeEEIeE CEERI Clean Furnaceg Dou't wait until cold weather sets in to bave your Furnace and Pipes The rash may be on then and you'll be delayed aud dissapointed and besides it's bad for the Furnace. DO IT NOW Or at least "phone us st 228 to do it for you. McKELVEY & BIRCH 69 and 71 Brock Street. MONEY SUBSCRIBED. put in perfect order | Dingman's Island, near Glenora, ; i i i: fod and keeps them healthy, 80 that catarrh ot gxiet of Bod lodgment, he maces me the skin protects the outside. y Aid idi You | would | : ; | i 2 £ id i i i it i be ih 1s i HT i sk i a get | i the S. All dealers sell Smith ipl ure, pen 00 tn, mers, Sumi bir ny walus for the money ever offered. your druggist 's you, send us 25 tiocent stamps and oo. postpaid and guarantee sa! . Siren WR bo at reached the inspector, and, day, Constable Hufl wen vestigate, He found. in cases of lager, two case and these he seized, 1) na to appear before Magistrate Wednesday next. . Napanee, June 20.--June is certainly wherever located. Its use is the firet | the month for weddings, A very quiet v- | wedding took place yesterday morning 'at the residence of the bride's father, i James Miller, Switzerville, daughter, Ada, became the bride of William L. Van 'De Bogart. Only the 'near relatives of the bride were pres- | Mr. Mears performed the | ceremony. After partaking of a wed- | ding dinner, the newly married couple mucous | drove to Napanee and took train for €2- | a honeymoon in the west. A number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Van Bogart were at the them happiness, known in Kingston, The Ladies' Aid of the Eastern Me- thodist church made $125 at the birth- day party, the last Eastern Methodist church. The of tearing down commenced yesterday morning. A force of men are at work and very soon the work of building up will be commenced, The new Strue ture is to cost 820,000, nearly all o + | which has heen enhseribed, Until com- of these ailments. pleted services will be. held in the Op ; era. House and the coun the town hall, will be w If you mre tired, ner Hamilton's Pills; th the stomach, assist tired feeling disappear instantly Vim irits, happy health, al the i 3 ps to everyone that station to wish life comes to The bride is well to-day. 25. per box at all « sme vam Sprained Ankle, Stiff Neck, Lame These are three | for which Chamber! : especially valuable. If pre I save you time, TU ey hen troubled with an) liquor * selling on. store. DRESS DOMINION D SATURDAY, July 1st, 19M Return tickets will be issued at SIAGLE FIRST - GLASS | Going Friday, Saturday. Sunda Monday, June 30th, July 1st, 2nd 00. Br, Cp turniag from destination before Tuesday, July 4th, 1905. Homéssekers Excursion Tie ILL BE ISSUED TO MANITOBA AND. THE CA DIAN NORTH-WEST. 7 Aug. oi June 27th. Returning Going July 15th. Returning Sept. LEWIS & CLARK EXPOSITIO Personally Conducted Dour te Coast, _ California, and 8 Lay Clark Exposition, Portland, a reg Special Train, July 6th, 1905. For further particulars, tickets a other information Aupix to LEY, City Passenger Ag TORE REE RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY SINGLE FAR Dominion Day i p ly 1st. and Going, June '80, July -. Returning until July 4th. 1905. Centennial Expositi Portiand, Oregon June 1st to October 15th, 1905 Round Trip Fare $75. FROM KINGSTON Gm Tickets on sale daily, and aud 1 turn within 90 days from date } put not later than November 30th, Homesec kers' Excursions to Mani and the Canadian North-West, a7 905. June 27th and July 15th, 19 Fall particulars at K. : P and Ticket fice, Ontario & ree! - B CONV AY, FCA FOLGER, J Gen. Yass Agent. Gen. & Bay of Quinte Railw New short line for Tweed, Nap Deseronto, and all lccal points. leave City Hall Depot at 83:25 pm CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiagste Lao Ontario and Bay of Qui Steamboat Co., Limited. 1000 Islands -- Roches Fuking Effect June 24th Stes. North King and Casy Leave Kingston daily, except Mon at 10.15 a.m., for Thousand Isla calling at Alexandria Bay and Gan que. Returning steamert leave at p-m.. for Rochester, N.Y. calling Picton , Deseronto, Belleville and i mediate Bay of Quinte ports. STR. ALETHA--Lcaves Kingston ] days at 5 p.m., for Picton and inter iate Bay of Quinte ports, "Full information frown J. P. Hanley P. Gildersleeve, Jas. Swift & E. E. HORSEY, Traffic Manager QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMP LIMITED, River and Guif of St. Lawre Summer Cruises in Cool Latitude Twin Screw Iron SS. "Campa 1700 tons with electric lights, ele bells and all modern comfort. Sails from Montreal Mondays, 2 p 3rd, 17th and 81st July; 14th and ! August; 11th and 25th September, Pictou, N.S, calling at Quebec, Gs Mal Bay, Perce, Cape Cove, G River, Summerside, PEI, and C lottetown, P.E.I. Bermud: Summer Excursions, $85 and upwa v the new Twin Screw SS. "Ber fan." 5.500 taps. Sailing fortnig from New York, from 7th June to tober. Temperature cooled by breezes seldom rises above 80 deg Princess Hotel open.-the year round. The finest trips of the season health and comfort. - ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Que For tickets and IANLE , staterooms apply t P. HA) or J. P. GILD SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, Kings Ont, Daily Li wr Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Isla Brockvills, Preseott and Montrea Stetmers KINGSTON & TORO! LEAVE KINGSTON : GOING EAST--Daily, except Mon a 6 am GOING WEST--Daily, except Mon aL pow, - -- The New Steamer *MONTRE! 8 Q NOW running between Montreal o Shee, leaving Montreal on the ates in June and July and lea uebec on the alternate dates. Bumilion, Toronts, Bay of Quinte Montreal Line. GOING day SAST, Wednesdays and ays and Sundays, at 4.30 p.m. GOING WEST, Tuesdays, Thurs: and Saturdays, 11.80 p.m. J. Pp, HANLEY, J. SWIFT & C Ticket Agent Freight Age ALLAN LINE "vemroprass Royal Man Steamers. Niginian, Fin, Mo Vier sian, June Ctorian, July 7, 3 am, J 75 RATES 'of PASSAGE Firat Ce FU) k and Sovards, according to stear abin, Averpool and Ion Sorry. '$42.50. $45 and $47 50 act R10 steamer, London * $3 50 ox arg Class, $27.50-- Virginian, Vi CONTREAL TO GLASGOW, pins ian... Wed. J MONTRIAY NDON 4 Matian NEW idian da yi TO LONDON & HAV Sat. 24, (dayli YORK TO GLASGuW v Thurs. J « P. HAN ) D4 Pa LEY, A

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