k Selling of Jnderwear veek has demonstrated once largest assortmets ang that e to the woman who js truly value. Most women want ir for every day wear, every want to pay about what jt em at home. This kind of you can find in our White- rts, vers. st attractive stock of Chil . Ir, Skirts, Drawers, bies' Slips, Skirts, ctc. French Dresses, trimmed /alenciennes Laces, -- IRT WAIST all-over embroidery fronts, and insertions, others with ions, and still others with ly novel effects you will see e, and the piices are very 95¢, 99¢:, $1.20, 1.25, 2.49 and up. a Silk Waists articularly attractive White made of good quality India laundry well. The design price for this lot as long as izes from 32 to 42. m as well. ; n- We only me Useful _ hen only those going across unks. Times have changed. or a week or ten days buys 2 : light and easy to handle, o not cost quite so much lendid stock of thee goods Ber kinds. See them before SHOE STORE 1 B. P.. Jenkins -- Dominion Day ys _. Specials Paddling Jerseys White; Blue and Cardinal, short, sleeves, trimmed 'in' colors... Ble. Long Sleeve J erseys White, Geen and Caps to Match New York Shirts 50c;, 6c. and $1, perfect fitting, great bargains. Underwear Balbriggan 'and Natu 50c. and $1 French Wool Cut Glass A Most Attractive Showing The result of the" RIGHT KIND goods ancy and GLASS is you see our excellent values, shopping. SMITH BROS Jewelers Opticians 380 King Street. J. 8. Smith, Issuer of Marriage Licenses MILITARY FOOTWEAR #7 We make to order every- thing required. Absolu- tely correct in style and pattern, Wear "Allen's Military Bootmakers, We are Cement Walks. ed promptly. First class work. DOUGLAS & McILQUHA 15 NELSON STREET, REE Bh Cio id abi. ARO 8 For the Hot Wea ther 5 Refrigerators, from $2 to $5 each ; Gas ' Range, Also Gas Stove, Veranda Chairs, Summer Kitchen Stoves. TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE, 398 Princess Street. -------------- A ----------------_--_---------- SWIFT'S INSURANCE AGENCY FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, CARGO. Btrong reliable Companies only represented LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. LOWEST RATES on approved risks of every description. Oftice, Opposite Ontario Bank WANTED. VETERAN LAND Box 20, Whig om GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY Mrs A GENERAL EO down the qd. Apply, Miss 3 Island, Gananoque. HOUSE SERVANT Dixon, RiGaT AWAY--THE BRIGHEST BOY in Kingston, to earn Twenty Dolla rs, any a splendid Watch during July. i Adc ress; Blue Jay Magazine London, Ontario. BENTLEMEN, TO GET THEIR d rn Suita made up at Galloway's, : id rock street, next to Bibby's to lokse ramming ang op Kipranteed Promos ; Pp ng and ing done Vass for high stock. Territory qorved for the right man. Liberal ticements, Pay weekly. Wellington, Toronto. MEN AND poy ing E. P, Jenkins Clothing Co. yroperly displayed. For brilli- ] Purity of color our CUT unsurpassed. We sell only THIS KIND and respectfully ask that when CEMENT WALKS prepared to construct Estimates furnish- GRANTS, APPLY ce. TO H. Richardson, Stuart Stréet. TO river. References requir- Bostwick A MAN op ABILITY TO REPRESENT By the city of Kingston, to can- class Fruits and Orna- Stone & S TO LEARN PLUMB- Ghigo | 3 50 ral .00 of 9" re- in- Fyou take, and #t will taste better. We v MEMORANDA, nls DAILY Hate occasions at Campbell Bros. A labor of love--Cupid's. The moon rises at 3.38 a.m. Civic Finance Committee, 8 p.m. Fine Prints Butter, 17¢., Crawford. Kingston yacht race at Gananogue to-morrow. Remember Crumley"s to-morrow. ' Inspection of 14th Regiment, Cricke Field, 7.30 p.m. América's trip down the Saturday afternoon. The sun rises Saturday at 4.22 a.m. and sets at 7:44 p.m. A man may be known by his deeds; also by what he doesn't do. London Bioscope Company, Opera House, 8.15 p.m. When * the dinner bell rings the hungry man has his shortcomings. When a peck of trouble comes we never complain of short measure Millinery Sale, river, 2.8( Grand Excursion to iananoque, for celebra- tion, 8.30 a.m.,.to-morrow. Man) a marriage for money has re- sulted in love starving to death. Sale of Jewelry Saturday night, Princess Street, near Sydenham Street Matinee, London Bioscope Pictures Opera House. Saturday afternoon, 2. To-morrow's the thirty-ninth Dominion Day since confederation. Read the Whig. For Hats at hall a dollar, One dollar, two or three Georee Mills & Company, Can always suit me. How Cheap But How Good TUMBLERS--There Not is nothing as Tumbler cal You feel like nice as a Full Crystal with a rich pattern. drinking out of them, no matter what have them in endless varieties. Tumblers From 25¢. a Dozen Up. ROBERTSON BROS. Biron wre aa Ne ace 4 WHERE 1ST OF JULY, the Annive of the Confederation of Canada, falls this year on Saturday, an inconvenient day to be holiday. I hereby invite the citizens to observe MONDAY, 8rd July, R. N. T™HER ary observed as a AS a public holiday. F. McFARLAN Mayor. Kingston, 30th June, T0 QUEBEC DIRECT WITHGUT CHANCE STR. "ALEXANDRIA" Leaves wharf every Monday, at 6.30 p.m., for Montreal and Quebec, running the rapids. Returning, leaves Kingston Fridays at 12 midnight, 1905. Craig & Co's. via Bay of Quinte, jor Charlotte and Ruffalo. The Steel Lake Excursion Steamer NIAGARA" Open for Charter, For particulars, apply to W. a. CRAIG C JO. Agts., Kingston, or B. ALG « 3 R. HEPBURN, Manager, Picton. BY JOHN H. MILLS Auction Sale of Jewelry, Goid and Sliver Watches, etc. I have received: 5 large consignment of Gold and * Silver Watches, Gold Rings Opera and Field Glasses, Clocks, Chains, Mirrors, Show Case, and other goods, all.to be sold BECINNING ON SATURDAY NICHT At the store opposite Harrison's Furniture Store. .All must be sold. Sale at 8 o'clock each night. JOHN H. MILLS, Auctivneer. "ARE YOU GOING WEST ? Tt so, it will be in your interest to call on me at Windsor Hotel, Saturday afternoons, during July, or write to Kingston Mills P.O. Best farms in the v 3 great west. Easy terms. trade. Cannot supply demand for Eraduates, $4 to $5 per day. any GBete course in two months, WwW. wn ANGLIN tan, duit ted to, Union'and . . 9 umbers Ass'n. Send for fre Represen ing love. Coyne Bros. Co, Plumb. ting Loais hao s Cincinnati, 0., St. D. A. Ross & Ca., Winnipeg. TO-LET. CARD OF THANKS. FRONT BEmROGM. wit OR WITH- Agly to 160 King St. out hoard. THE snor on near DWELLINGS furnished, Cann's. * Reores: 0 ly, © Estate Agency, LOST. 1 settings, on ita $d upon presentatipn of Jowa. Sows in. lewellery store for tif FOR SALE A SoD. wi y HIGH. crRADR oft Lady's' eye, A Rory DIVISION STREET, occupied by Mi Boon, milliner. Ao at Whig office. URNISUED AND UN- te., at Me BROOGH wiTH Wi st. Finder will be ednesday, June SECOND - Apply, this 51 rd- at ca To the London Life Insurance Company, City. GENTLEMEN--I wish to express ray thanks to You, for your kind, gourteous treatment and the 'prompt manner in which you settled my claim under policy No: 66,226, issued upon the life of my late son, James F. McCormick I re- ceived the check from Mr. Linage forty- eight hours after completion of the papers. AGNES CAMPBELL. Portsmouth, June 30th, 1905 EE ------ Sullivan And Durnan. London, June 30. Sullivan says if the match with Durnan can be rowed in the first week in September, he will consider the proposal to row double with Durnan at Westminster. ee ee, Crawford DAILY FIRING OX 11 The Town Of Odessa Un. der Bombardment. QUADRON IS ATE GOVERNMENT TRANSPORT CREW HAS MUTINIED. Martial Law Has Been Success fully Imposed in the Town-- The Mutineers Are Said to be Without = Ammunition--Crews Said to be Untrustworthy. Snecial to the Whig. London, June 30.~The Odessa cor respondent of the Daily Telograph, in a despatch, filed at 11:29 o'clock on Thursday night, says that the Kniz Potemkine is firing on the town, and that Admiral Kruger's squadron is not in sight, The 'Squadron Delayed. St. Petersburz, June 30.--A despatch received early this® morning, Sebastopol, announced that a squad- ron of battleships, the Trisviatitelia, Sinope, and Rostislav, with a cruiser and several torpedo boats started for Odessa at eight o'clock last evening, This explains the non-appearance of the squadron at Odessa, but it is dif- ficult to conjecture the reasons for delaying departure two days at such a critical juncture, from Calling For Warships. Odessa, June 30.--The crew of a gov- ernment transport: which arrived here, vesterday, from Nickolieff, mutinied, seized their officers and joined the crew of the battleship Kniz Potemkine, to whom they turned over the captain and other officers of the transport. It is reported that the foreign consuls have applied to their respective gov- crnments to send warships to Odessa. It will be rhost difficult to describe the exact situation here. The Kniz Potemkine still lies off the harbor but at the time of telegraphing she has not molested the town, nor have the mutineers aided the rioters to the ex- tent of .repulsing the troops, or in- ducing the latter to join the revolt. Martial law, thus far, has been effec. tively imposed. Tt is impossible to reach. the 'seenes of the fighting. Any attempt to pass the soldiers who volves instant death. The inactivity of the mutinous sailors is ascribed in scme quarters to the men having no ammunition. The rumor, is, at least, plausible inasmuch ns it has heen sail that the Black Sea fleet was de- nuded of ammunition to supply the Baltie fleet, Untrustworthy Crews. London, June 30.--The St. Peters burg correspondent of the Times says, according to the latest advices from Sebastopol, only two of Admiral Kruger's ships sailed for Odessa, the crews of the others being considered untrustworthy. Admiral Chukhuin has hurriedly left St. Petershurg to resume command of the Black Sea fleet. Sum mary powers to quell the revolt have been given him. The strictest censor ship i exercised over Odessa . tole- grams. Even the newspapers are not aware of what has happened. Troubles Elsewhere, St. Petersburg, June 30.--Tt is re- ported that the troops started to quell the revolt of the sailors, at the imperial navy, at Libau, and succeed- ed, after sev fighting, in repulsing the mutineers, who, however, escaped with their arms. There is an uncon- firmed report that trouble, similar to that at Libau, broken at Revel. Official circles, especially thé depart ment ofdpolice, believe that outbreaks were planned by revolutioniste and are manifestly alarmed. The alarm is shared by the higher social circles of the capitol. has ont Fire Upon Odessa. London, June 30.~The Daily Mail, this morning," prints the Wllowing from its Odessa correspondent; -- time 10:30 o'clock, Thursday night : "Using full charges, the Kniaz Potemkine opened fire on the city to-night, Large bodies of troops have arrived. It is reported that there are altogether 10,000 troops in Odessa. This after- noon a tugboat flying the Red Cross flag proceeded to the opposite side of the bay and reported thai two war- ships . were lying opposite a little fountain at the harbor énd of one of the main streets." A Cruiser Burned. Petersburg, June 30.--1% is re- ported that the volunteer fleet cruiser Saratoff has burned at Odessa. Admiral Kruger's squadron is expect- ed to arrive. at Odessa to-night, His orders are to summon the Kniaz Potemkine to surrender and on refusal to sink her, after which' he is to as- sist in restoring order in the town. The emperor has issued the follow- ing ukase addressed to the ruling senate ©: "In order to guarantee pub- lic safety and to determine the dis- orders at Odessa and neighboring lo- calities we have found it necessary to declare a state of war in Odessa and district and to invest the commander of the troops in the military district of Odessa with the rights of military authority and special rights of eivil administration for the de re of or der and public tranyuility, St been Nine Ships Burned. . 1 Odessa, June 30.---Up to the present nine ships have been burned; 500 riot- ¢rs have been killed. 4 Capt. | western grain inspection. mT KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1905 : Odessa, to Lloyds, dated to-day, says the city is quiet. Thre steamers of the Russian Transport company have been burned and (i). thoroughfares leading to the Ports closed, A tole gram sent from Odessa, at 10.00 gum. this morning, to a ship owner, says the bombardment which eommenend vesterday evening was not serious, A renewal was threatened this morning, Another telegram wnt at IL am, says the British shine are thus far safe, + {a ---- Nearing Odessa. Londan, June 30. The Daily Ex press has a special from Odessa which says that a #eond mutinous warship is reported at Cape Fontain, ten miles from here, ¥ -- GONE, BUT NOT FORGOTTEN. Bereft of Wife, But Finds a Fortune. New York, Jute 30.-B, the death of his wife last Wednesduy, Kdward Tuo- hy, of 352 East Forty-second street fell undisputed heir 1 4 snug bundle, containing $15,000, Mir. Tuohy found the bundle ia the "ed on which his wife expired. He gasped for a moment, and is anything but o happy man now. He declares he would rather have his wife than all the gold she could have stored away for him. Mr. and Mrs. Tuohy had lived to gether for fifteen vears, Tuohy worked hard every day, spent little and his wife spent less. She was always sav- ing. Tuohy told the neighbors he new. ghe wag putting some money in care of a parish priest, but ney ox imagined it would total more than Mrs. Tuohy had several teeth ex tracted about a month ago, and con- tracted a s@vere cold, to which was added a species of lock-inw. She was | sick *only ome week when she died. Tuohy, when = the undertaker came helped to remove the hed on which she lay. When he lifted the upper tick his hand fell upon the bundle, He hurried into an adjeiming room, opened it, and soiled bills of all denominations fell from it. macnn GET OUT OF PRISON. Six Nova Septians Arrive From Uruguay. New York, June 30. After serving a sentence of six months in a Uruguay an prison for fishing for seals off the coast of Urugihy, six Nova Scotian soilors arrived in this port yesterday on the British steamer Ralhill, from Montevideo, en route to Halifax. They were members the crew of the fish- ing schooner Agnes G. Donahoe, which was seized by a ruguittan govorn- ment vessel for illegal fishing. | Ryan a Porinos a sentenced to imprisonment for three vears, the mate for one year, and the crew for six months, An appeal from the seizure of the schooner has been taken by the own- ers and damages will be demand ed. The fishermen say the vessel was seven miles. outside the limit set hy the Uruguayan government when she was seized. C.P.R. A BOON TO CANADA. So Says Tarte--West Dependent on It. Montreal, June 30.--Hon. Mr. Tarte says: "Il lose patience when 1 hear people from the west talk about the C.P.R. monopoly. The Canadian Paci fic is the route of 'the mation which cost R100,000,000. It has been, and is to-day, a superb instrument of pros- perity for our country, for, as a mat ter of fact, without the Canadian Pa cific the west wouldn't exist. "Our in terests," concludes Me. Tarte, "are intimately connected with the (.1.R.. and I would like to hear what Messrs. Hill and Morgan and their railways will ever do for us." ---------------- Encircled By A Snake Lock Haven, Pa., June 30.--Lumber man R. W. A. Jamieson, of this city and R.-V, Rog , of Renovo, lawyer, surveving on the mountains north of % this pity, vesterday had an experience with a snake that caused their %lood to run cold These men are interested in some valuable timber land, and were run ning lines over the tract. Rogers, he coming thirsty, wandered down the mountain in scarch of a spring. © He hafl gave bwt a short distance. when Jamieson heard a loud ery. Hastening to - his companion, he saw a large black snake coiling about his neck and body Jamieson carried a small ¢ with which to cut away the underbrush and mark the lines. With this he severed the head of the snake and rescued the lawyer, The anake measured more than five feet, and its body was ge thick as a man's arm. Rogers says it was lving in his path, and he thought it was a dead limb, until he stepped upon it and felt it twining about his body. To Honor An Event. Sracial to the Whie, Detroit, Mich, June 30.--Hon. C. H Harvey, Toronto, Ont., who built the first locks at the Sco, fifty years ago, is here. The plans for the semi-cen- tennial celebration of the event, in August, have been explained to hime This wees 2.500 mvitations will be sent oul to notables all over the country. Governors of the various states, congressmen, legislators and others will DJnvited to attend, Amn Old Kingstonian At Head. Special to the Whig. tegina, 'N.W.T. June 30.---The Ter ritorial Board .of Trade met in con vention here, yesterday, with ninety delegates in attendance, an increase of thirty over last year. Thomas Tweed, Medicine Hut, was re-elected presi: dent. Resolutions were passed in fa vor of government telephones and Corsets 25c.. 40e., 30c. and up. New ~ Fine prints butter, 17¢, London, June 30.--A despatch from ORITI LATEST NEW Despatches From Near And Distant Places. EVENTS OF THE DAY | GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST Pos. SIBLE FORM, Matters That Interest Everybody ~--Notes From All 'Over--Little Of Everything Easily Read And Remembered, Mme. Sarah Bernhardt will spend the next theatricgl season in Amcricy, J. Rllen Baker, the Canadian candi- date in East Finsbury, was elected hy a majority of seven hundred. Joseph Gauthior, a little Montreal bby five years of age, was burned to death by the overturning of a coal oil lamp. : The Canadian Manufacturers' party were reccived at, Jeods and entertain: od at luncheon by the Chamber 'of Commerce, John D, Rockefeller has promised a gift of 81,000,000 to Yale University, and certain graduates of the univer- £h have Pledged another million, Lieat.-Gen. Grippenberg, who was re- called from Manchuria for disobeying the orders of Gen. Kuropatkin, has been appointed inspector-general of infantry. . PT. W. Johns, Halifax, N.S., cashier of the Bank of Yarmbuth, was found guilty that he had made false returns of the Bank of Yarmouth to the gov- ernment, gnd that these returns were wilfully false. A horrible story comes from Hun- gary. A band of gypsies, gear Jagher- eny, have been arrested, charged with having killed and eaten children. The leader alone is alleged to have eaten eighteen children, In the commons, on Thursday, the educational clause of the 16erty autonomy -hill was passed in commit- tee with an amendment of Mr. La- mont, making it clear that the trus- tees are 10 determine the character of the religious instruction to be im- parted between half past three and four o'clock. FOUGHT OVER WAGES. An Italian Row at Port Arthur, LE rn Zi Dn maa Special to the Whig. Port Arthur, Ont., June 30.--In" a dispute about wages, yesterday, Frank Duelo, an Malian laborer, stabbed a fellow countryman, named Rialo, an employment agent. Rialo defended himself with a pick and succeeded in fighting off his opponent after wtrik- ing him in the abdomen and inflicting a wound several inches in length, Duclo was captured by the police, When armested he was covered with blood from his own wounds and those of his vietim, Rialo sustained eight distinct knife thrusts and slashes; some of the wounds were deep and but for the striking of one of the ribs thus deflecting the blade must have proved fatal. Paid Up All He Owad. Denver, Col, June 30.--Grant Gillette, the "Cattle King" who from Woodbine, Kansas, in November, 1808, after having raised money by mortgaging thousands of cattle be longing to others, of which he was in chargg, came to Denver three days ago Keeping his coming secret, he located two Denver creditors, and paid them every cent due. The ereditors Mrs. Alvin C. Dake and Edgar A. r. Mrs. Dake and Keeler receiv- Neither expected 10 real During eight years he was GG. Keeler, wd $150,000, Ze a ont, in hiding in Mexico, Gillette made a fortune, ¢ Baseball Yesterday. Philadelphia, Brooklyn, 1; National : Boston, w York, 11. ican League--At Chicago, 2 St, . AL Row York, 13; Phila- delphin, 4. At Cleveland, 8-2 Detroit, 33. At Boston, 4; Washington, 3. Eastern League--At Newark, 6; Jorg. | ey City, 7 (twelve innings). At Provi- dence, 2: Baltimore, 17. At Montreal, 6; Buffalo, 5 (eighteen innings). At Toronto, 9; Rochester, 3. League--At 21. Av Bringing Hay For New York. Snecial to che Whig, Detroit, Mich., June 30.--The steam- er Dorothy, which oreated so much commotion along the lakes and the river St. Lawrence, two weeks ago, when she passed up with a cargo of dynamite for Houghton, Mich., is at Port Huron, on her return trip; tak- ing on a load of hay for New York. Died At Sharbot Lalke. Harry Roberts, the wellknown and popular hotel keeper at Sharbot Lake Junction, died on Friday mottling af- ter a prolonged illness. Decdased ab- out forty-eight years of age had lived many years at the Lake. Ha was an Englishman and a Mason, "Three Swallows." Sir John Power and Son's "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, famous for over a century. Of highest standard of purity. Distillers to His Majesty the King. Women's Hats, Crumley Bros. have marked every woman's hat at bargain sale prices, Come for a nobby one. Prices nearly out in two, July 3rd, Y.1.C.B.A. picnic, Brophy's Point; baseball, Artillerys vs. Y.LO. B.A.; sports, dancing, ete! Bring the York Dress Reform, children and enjoy the day. and Cah the 'crowd Special to the Whig. HONOR LIST OF BIRTHDAY. _ ------ red Arbitrations on North Sea Out rage Knighted. London, 'June 30.The official Ga stowed on the odeasion of the king's birthday, to-day. Prince A a, of e Japanese imperial house, now in Europe, is made an ho orary 'member of the military = division of the fivst- slate of Jia Order of the Bath, : The ollowing pointments are Tnde to He Orde Merit : Field: arshal Sir White, Adwiral Sir John Fisher, K. ©. Tebb, Sir Fates rence Alma-Tadema, George Meredith, and William Holman Hunt, i Admiral Baton von Spamm, of the Austrian navy, and Admiral Fournier, of the French navy, are made Gran Crom of the Order of St. ael a th , in ition of their phe Bispi L internation] commission that settled the Dogger Bank incident, Prince Louis of Battenberg and Col. Watson are appoointed Knights Com- manders of the Order of St, Michael and St, George. The latter receives the honor for his servieos connection with the St. Louis exposition. Baron de Courcel, 3 and Richard Martin are appointed companions' of the same order for their services in connection with the Dogger | Bank commission, ¥ Following are tho Canadiine who aro decorated : CM.G., J. W. Robert fon, commissioner of agriculture in Ca. nada; ordinary oul of the mili tary division, Gen. Laurie; Compan. jons of fhe Imperial Service Order, Aurence Fortescue, North-West od Police; Lieut.Ool, 3 Honk: ment of agriculture; Arthur t clerk of the exeoutive council, P.R.I. ---------------- Sharpton Items. Sharpton, June 30.~Hay ié an im mense crop. Grain is good where net injured by the wet, Much of the -- ing is undone on account of the wet, and ' chen for D. Karins, Mr. and . F. W. Bell attended ut B their nephew, Clarence, to, Miss Lotta. Bell, Morven, on June 13th, Vi i Misses Jdna and Beatrice 3 Colebrook, Mr. and Mrs, 1. dy attended the wedding of Miss Taylor, . Hartington, Miss Stone, Montreal, at W. Bell's, -------------- A Parade Waggon's Slide. Special to the Whig. Montreal, June t. Hill, a be rade $ ir Yop or oo Atreat. : of the hill it stew 2 a did not cause serious' trouble, ---- y He Fired At A Foreman. Special to the Whig. Guelph, Ont., June 80.--~Robert An. derson, an Englishwun, wo ing at Crowe's foundry, today, at noon, fired a shot from a revelver at Samuel Terral], shop foreman. Fore tunately ho missed his mark Ander: son was arrested and is now in the cells. He is silent regarding the affair, -------------- Russia Must Act First. . Washington, June 30.-Ja; has exproased her willingness for the ash- ington conference to, in early in August, but it is impossible for her mission to sail until Russip officially names her plenipotentiaries agrees upon the number of them. It is this for which the president is waiting. Murdered A General. Vienna, June 30.--A despatoh, receiv- ed at Bucharest, from Kishinol, says Gen, Szernolucki, chief of the Bessar- ab Genarmerie, found mur- dered in his residence at Kishineff, A general strike has broken out at Kishineff. The town is occupied by Cossacks, A Great Disaster. Ekaterinsolay, Russia, June 30--A report. has reached here that a ter- rible explosion of gas has occurred in a coal mine near the town of Makey- ofi-Ka, Miners are rcporied to have been entombed and no hope of get. ting them out alive is entertained. Saturday, July. 1st. Steamer America will make a speci- al tour of the islands, 2.30 p.m,, home early, su; on board, 356. Orchestra Bored, on The death is reported in Chicago, on June 19th, in his seventy-dourth year, of Willet Casey, Ingersoll, third son of Isaac Ingersoll, of the Bay of Quinte, 'and a brother of Mrs. Canniff Haight, Toronto. Finest can peas, To, Crawford. The best whitening for white shoes, helmets, etc., is put up in liquid form. retails for 250. at the Lockett Shoe Store, . Y If your baby carriage needs new rubber tires take it to Harvey Milne, 272 Bagot street. Foot powder for tender feet at Gib- son's Red Cross drug store. ot INTENDING CONTRACTORS WILL please take notice that the time for: the for the above mwen- tioned work is ? extended to Saturday, the 15th July 1905, inclusively, and that in sddition to the steel piling shown, on the plans and described ' in the specifications now on exhibition for the 'Toronto Island Breakwater exten- sion, the 'Department of Public Works will nino receive separate tenders for the building of the work with the thi pound per foot sheet piling manu by the United States Steel Pi) | Dany. amd. - roi . locking steel piling thirty-three pound rolled channel. wo Y ors ne Sued company th 3 y order RED, GELINANY Sectors! : Departmen blic Works, Ottawa, Juge, 29th, 1905, si zette publishes a list of the honors be | Pastures are great the ! milk is away up. J. Smith Po ow ot A a barn for * 8. Somerville and a kit- Presenting 10,000 Li Moving: Pic H stung ; employees lea congregation ©