CURE he and relieveall the troubi, ip to ow illus state of the system, i th a8 ausea, ness, Distress aft sting, Pala in the Side, &c. While thei vow le success has been shown in curing __SICK a Siriery 's Lids Liver Piflg are tion, curs ary EE While thoy oi parrect all disorde: aa tomach.stimulste he iver 3 and regulate bowels, Even if they only HEAD hehe they would basimast priceleasto those who from this distressing complaint; ony hatery theirgoodness doos notend here,and those Nhadncetey them a ud beso little pills value y wa; ey will not be wil {0g to do without them. But after allsick oad ACHE the bane of so many lives that here is where mma cur an great boast. Our pills cure avian while Carters Tito Liver Pills are very small and pry easy to take. One or two pill Ya doer [hey are strictly vegetablo and do not gripe or purge, but hy their gentle action plese all who ase them. In vialaat 25 conta; five for $1. Sold py druggists overy where, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO. Now York, oa) Fl Sol Dose, Small Prin Exceptional Snaps For SATURDAY ig range of Silk and Lace Collars, worth 25c. and up to 50c. each, Satirday for 15c. and 25c. adies" Fast Black Cotton Hose, 124c. a pair and up. adies' Tan Cotton Hose, 15c., 19, 25c. pair, hildren's Tan or Black Cotton Hose, 10c. a pair and up. xtra value in Summer Weight Cor- sets, 50c. a pair. ape Girdle Corsets, 35c. a pair, spe cial, en's Summer Underwear, 25c. and 58c. a garment. ' inch White Cotton, worth 10c., for Sc. a yard. leached Cotton Towels, 12x20, for 5c. a pair. UNBLEACHED TABLE DA MASK, full 70 inches wide, pure linen, neat pattern, & regular 49¢. linen, on sale Saturday for 35c. a yard secial prices on Whitewear for Sat: urday -- Corset Covers, Gowns, Skirts, Drawers, Waists. ewman & Shaw 000000000002 : NOW Isa good time to buy your WINTER COAL! There's a Saving! JAMES SWIFT & © "Telephone 185. | P0069 00H OPPO PES 3 ) J p 4 ) ) 8 4 ) 4 p » ) ) ) 4 3 - 000000000000 CHITEOT, MEK. British Isles--"Troopi POWER & SON AR corner Brock s! e8-- ooping the chants Bank ar 'Phone 213° Colors" on the Horse Guards r CHITECT Parade. TENRY PB. SMITH. AR Special to the Whig, and contents than he day is celebrated on the actual anni- com| . Examine them versary. Gogwin's co Emporium, Mark- The genuine affection' with which the British people regard their Rcvereign This Week Fancy Rattan and Camp Furniture Fancy Rattan Rockers; only $2.50. Fancy Rattan Easy Chairs, only $4.50. Fancy Rattan Settees, from $6.50 up. Lawn Settees, in Green or Red, $38.50. Lawn Ci Camp Cot, and Camp Chairs. Folding JAMES REID, The 'Phone 147. " Qillett's Mammotl: Clue. noon and evening. The grounds were ° . Qillstt's Washing Crystal. with lanterns, flags and bunting. Two huge engine head lights also illumina- or {0 mn y MADE FOR OVER 50 YEARS. ted the surroundings. The festival (zsracusnEn 1682) y sf 4 i : Sk | | respect and a large number of the Is the right motto for every young ss 3 nerson. We would like to direct the W.GILLET SOMPANY | male portion of our population was work in SUMMER SCHOOL Whole selected. and profi hose | | Barrie WINTER OF YOUR Onl tS ) Hard crease in the funds of the church DISCONTENT: $7 at Swactans, Mardvare I! you are trying to get guod heat out of poor coal. Ours fs hand-screened mnd unis form, A one-ten erder will bring you i naw Las Anes Brain Worry Zon , Sperv TOW N 'here ada lot of DRY SLABS for of Abuse or | morrow for New Bedford, Mass., wher Bra mity'and an ve. C tive position. He was one of the lead Booth & 0. un Bi por lt. pliztacth O SE wil UR POLICIES COVER MORE ON buildings RINE ~ IAN OFFICIAL EVENT d | ceresmamonor THE KING'S § r------ The Demonstration Limited to the London, June 30.--King Edward's birthday was officially celebrated to day. The king's real birthday is on November 9th, as everybody is away from London at that time of year, soattered at the shooting lodges in Scotland, at country houses in Eng- land, or else on the continent, another date is always selected by him for the celebration of his birthday dusinp the London séason. To-day's celebr however, was limited to the Brit Isles. In all parts of the empire the was evidenced as always in the keep- ing of a general holiday and the sus- pension of business. The towns throughout the kingdom were gaily de- i i OXAXXCH / / corated and the shipping at the vari- AA AMAA AASB ous ports made a liberal display of OXON Ws: bunting. The day was observed at all i OAV the home military and naval stations \ O00 RETRO, WKY ih with parades and salutes. The chief feature of the London cele- bration was the ceremony of "troop- ing the colors' on the Horsd Guards parade. Thousands of persons lined the 4 | itehall route and cheered his maj- ty as_the royal procession passed on ity. way from Buckingham Palace to scene of the ceremony. Stands covered with crimson. cloth were erected ab- out the parade ground and were occu- pied by thousands of privileged spec- tators, including the new United States ambassador, Whitelaw Reid, his -wife--and- daughter. The king was greeted with loud applause as he made his "appearance with a brilliant escort that included many notables. The troops taking part in the ceremonies were. the Grenadier Guards, Scots Guards, Trish Guards and the Life Guards. After an inspection of the troops and the presentation . of the colors, the ceremonies ended with, a review of all the troops on the ground, h and Rockers, $2.50 each. ws hairs St. Paul's Garden Party. What was voted by all present as one of the prettiest and most success- ful garden parties held in this. city took place at St. Paul's ehurch Sun- day school grounds, yesterday, after-. Tables, at special. prices. Leading Undertaker, Magic Baking Soda. handsomely detorated for the occasion was a most pleasing event in every xcellent i 5 e. Fi P s our e © TORONTO. ONT. in attendance. Five o'clock tea was served and the tables and booths looked exceedingly pretty. Those in charge of the several tables were : Candy: table--Mrs. « - Seale, Mrs. Smythe, Misses Thurston, Newton, Bawden and A. Bawdeén. Fancy work table--Mrs. Woodrow and Mrs. Thurston. Teo cream table--Mrs. Youlden, Mrs. Carmoveky, Mrs. Downey, Misses King. Noble and little Misses Jean Gaskin and Norma Elmer. Strawberry table--Mrs. McCullough, Mrs" Elliott, Mrs. Savage anl Miss Arthurs. Miss Daly had charge of the on- trance, while Mrs. (Rev.) Carey was everywhere looking after the wants of those present. As a result of the efforts of the ladies, a marked in or half day sessions may he A fine combination of pleasure t is available. Enter any time. o and Clergy Sts., Kingston. TN. STOCKDALE, Principal. NOW IS THE The Polish that won't wear off, workers is now noticeable. Wood's Goes To New Bedford, Mass. The Great English Remedy. Arthur Kennedy . for. several years +4 positive cure for prorma of past manager of the Metropolitan Life Insurance company, will leave to- op oad a Cones he has been appointed to a very lucra- ing soloists in St, Mary's cathedral Plone 188, aon bialiienel gr wolif > mphiet choir) where his loss will be greatly SPECIAL TO TOURISTS MME, Dinner, Tailor- ening and Carriage Oustumes. | B.A., M.D., C,M., M.R.C.S., (England) | Saturday at 6 a.m. J. Swift & Co., Waists, with neatn pricss. Drossmeking'® poigbateh. Popular | Office and Residence, 64 William Street Cess St., RONEY felt. bid MEDICAL. ptemnrsiats init si Kingston And Ottawa. Rideau steamer for Ottawa every George F. Dalton Wednesday, Thursday and Monday, ELDER, from New York, Gowns, Trous: Shirt , Suits, ete. All ousseaux. Shirt L. B.C. P., (London). agents. Sha June, 1889. vary homesteader the homeetoad law Ja Hable to have tty again thrown open for entry. Should be made at the-4 the Homestead Inspec Newly arrived Immigrants or at any Dominion Lands Office formation as the lands free of expenses, advice Immigration, Lands Agents - a x N.B.--In nddition to ed refer, thousands ns Acres of | rane purchase from rafiroad and "HIS MAJESTY, KING EDWARD. -- manent - -- we ees - -- -- -- ---- ------ OPEN AIR' CONCERT TURNED /THEM BACK. Held on . St, Luke's Church Irish Woman and Three Children Grounds Last Evening. Were Deported. St.. Luke's church open-air concert An Irish woman and her three chil held last evening, on the grounds ad- dren, who have just arrived from the joining the chireh} 4vas very success: Emerald Isle, took the steamer' Am- ful. The programme was most enjoyv- crica for Cape Vincent yesterduy after able. D. Couper opened the concert in noon, en route to Syracuse, NY, to good: style, and & boxing match be- join her husband and brother who are tween Messrs, @onld and Corby, wag at work there, but the little Irish fa well fought ony' Mre. Forneri then milyv was refused admittance to the rendered a song. A single stick exhibi- 'land of the free," by Immigration tion between Messrs; Dalby and Part- Inspector Lewis. Homeless and friend, ridge was a featupe which is always less the little Irish family arrived in appreciated at these concerts, Messrs, Kingston last evening. On hearing MoFedridge and Saunders followed in their sad story a collection was tak- a burlesque boxing match, which hap em up by people on Folger's wharf, pily ended without bloodshed,' The and the mother and hor children tak- stars seemed to twinkle more bright: en to the Grand Union Hotel, - They ly when W, 'H. Medley sang. Miss Dut- had tickets through to Syracuse and ton gave a recitation in her best just a dollar. inh cash, so Inspector style. Mr. Gouldiand a pupil pave a- Lewis'caction forced tha family to be fine exhibition with broadswords. Al depend nt upon Canadian charity, lan Lemmon afforded much nleasure in when it would have been under a hus- his vocal efforéii«? A sketch by Miss hand and father's care had it been al- Sherrinig and William ~~ MoFedridge lowed to prooeed to Sveacuse and not created great amdsement. eut adrift. This morning, the woman ! The 14th Band 'was in attendance appealed to the House of Providence Clean and made the mtervals between the to assist her in getting 'to her hus- . vocal numbers enjoyable. Miss May band. Tt seems she has all the neces: Newman, the organist of the church, sary papers and Unifed States Con. rendered a piano 616 which met with sul Twitchell is giving her a note to Your applause and thé:waried proceedings the inspector. so that she can resume were brought to a close by a super. her journey this afternoon, . human effort on the part of J. Saun The need of a United States immi- ders, and if a laugh'is worth a pen- gration inspector at Kingston is be- Fu rn ace ny, every one prégent ig indebted "to coming greater every day. People from 4 b Mr. Saunders t*Alonbiderable ex- the Old Country going across the Z tent as he had to'vespond three times, border would be saved much trouble and inconvenience if the inspector was a In What Way. stationed here instead of at Cape Vin- Don't wait until cold weather sets in to bave your Furnace ad B d . ; . or ' cent. Inspector Conway used to make ut in perfect order. The rush may be on then and 1 You spend the holiday does' not of oat . p Pp you matter. We have! hégdigear suitable Ningston his headquarters. dissapointed and besides it's bad for the Furnage. for all Gecasions Seeronr light weight S------------ . ; 1 hinting dats, 25c. up Found A Cure For Dyspepsia. WwW . camping leat ° g 2 d oth Mrs, 8. Lindsay, of Fort William, ¥ DO IT NO Ne Fing ilk. crash ane caps. 5c. to £1.50, at Campbell Bros, Ontario, Canada, who has suffered Or at Jost 'phone us at 228 to do it for you. the house iA quality; quite a number of years from dyspep- sia and great pains in the stomach, was advised by her druggist to take 3,000 Ietands ANE chester. 4 Chi ymberlain's Stomach and Liver opmers rth RNE and Laspidi op plets. She did so and says: "I leave daily except Monday for 100 Gog gay they have done me a great _ 69 and 71 Brock Street. Islands at 10.15 am,, calling at Alex. jo.t of pood. I have.never had any x andria Bay and Gananoque. Returning suffering since I began 'using them." an A Lm eH SE i | 0006 00000000000000008 Quinte ports and Rochester, tion why not take these tablets, got h well and stay wl? For sale by all | @) Taloum powder, violet perf me, drug gists. sha : % We Carry in Stock Ingot Copper, Antimony and equal to the best in ting at 10c. each 251 Prin- "Mother's mustard plasters," 3 for Cor. Sydenham, Kingston. Telephone 3878. 10c. Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Mcleod's Drug Store. "On Saturdy don't forget vour BY THR 3 TORONTO. i a a in DO red or box of MeConke 's candies or Sun S e CANADA METAL €0,, hi a dy-made} of 'every geription dav. Fresh at Gibson's Red Cross Neat York Dress Reform, drug store beebe eee eee bee i IT'S A - ' » A L.ot of All new goods just fro the maker, Four-in-Hands, 'Strings, and Shield Knots, regular 25¢. each, on sale Saturday at 13c. each or 2 for 25¢. New Bows, regular 25€, each,' 'goat 3 for 25c. If you haven't been in yet, Your are missing something. Big stock of Men's Suits and Boys' Suits. Choice patterns--see them. Prepare for an Outing on the Holiday at a 2 Vory Small Cost : Het Weather Suits, Fay Vests, Summer Underwear, and Colored Shirts (soft fronts) can be bought here at a saving of THIRTY PER CENT. WINN E R! New Neckwear CO., Tresor ThtsenTre tue [27 Princess St