We paleo have about 30 PAIRS OF LADIES' 'TAN RUSSIAN CALF OXFORD 'SHOES, large 'or small eyelets, regular $3 and 5 $8.50 line, most every size. § SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK 2. Was Given Up to Die, The Doctor Said Se,, Burdock Blood Biters ot tr SE port, Quebec, has to say about Burdock Blood Bitters :--* Last December I fell very sick after confinement. I was mot able to walk for three mouths, and was given up to die by the doctor. My hus. band read of the many wonderful cures : fast figure frenzy of the American peo- 3 Wooate of the strenuous life, and so it '} of some things which he valued and as '} so they do not make the effort which J cipline, and it transpired that he was Wo are afflicted with record-reducing rabies. It is often a fatal delirium. For the shortening of time or of dis of life. Not only are fatal accidents in- creasing at an alarming rate, but the mental strain and bodily wear conge- quent upon the whirl in which we live and travel are telling upon the lifs of the American people. . Go slower. What's the use of an ever increasing hurry ? Let 'us take our timo in going to Chisago. Surely it is not such an attractive place that we cannot afford: to wait an hour or so to reach it; neither is it so bad that we must risk our lives in a mad haste to' get away from it. The got-there-quick mania and the ple have become a factor in life und accident underwriting. Slack up ! Good Plain Talk. President Roosevelt is a great ad- was most natural of him, when visit: ing his old college, Harvard, to speak an outgrowth of college education. Above all' he esteemed the men of scholarship, the choice spirits, who in science, in literature, in art, are.equip- ped: to do first clags work. Next. to these, in importance and worth, are those, in large numbers, who go into the world to influence it "with the well-balanced. development . of body, mind and of character, which fits for honorable and efficient service." The evidence has been accumulating that the college has not cured some men of idleness, They go to it with " Gonsciousnoss that they have oney in possession or in sight, and the highest usefulness of the indivi- dual demands. This may be ended by the cultivation of "the spirit that makes for democratic conditions.' But there is another side of college life, which requires sttention--the ath- lotic side. Here is a tendency to ex- oes,' to the roughness that is some- times hurtful in more ways than one. Roughness that is incidental to the games is tolerable, but not when it is "tainted by professionalism." Great was the surprise awhile ago when a student rebelled against. dis- a professional who was engaged be- cause he excelled in athletics. He was doing service as a college player only for the money that was in it. It came out, too, that several of the Ameri- can: colleges have encouraged profes- sionalism by paying the: coaches hand- some salaries, and" allowing these coaches 'the means whereby they strengthened théir teams with: salari- ed members. Even. the college under graduate who in furtive fashion ' be- Gomes a semi-professional is in the op- imion of Mr. Roosevelt, "an unmiti. gated curse," and he has no hestita- 'tion in passing this opinion in for the information and benefit of all who it concerns. : EI ---------- The 'Equitable's pay list included | the following salaries : That of a med: déal director," at $25,000 a yoar, "for man, at $15,000 a year, for eighteen months alter 'he had resigned. Could wr. fh i Mr. Tarte's pink theory, that Mr. federal arena, is having a pretty run. It is accepted as an evidence that "close: Mr. Tarte has heard something! Gen- tance means frequently the shortening Whitney is a man of destiny in the | them to every form: of mism@nagement and dishonesty. Of 'the thirteen Compun- ies idered by : this i only' one can be seriously claimed to have been decently ' eonducted during its declining years." They 'were Ameri: can companies. - | ; But it may be said that these thirteen companies, like the benefit so- cieties, failed some time ago. 'What about the Washington Life, which be- came bankrupt. soon after the present year had dawned. It had 34,651 policy holders, representing $65,000,000 of in- surance. It was a, tariff company and yet it had to assign its business to a trust company, and the policy- holders realized, 'according to one critic, that th¢y were "dropping from the frying pan into. the five," It has héen asked why no new fra- ternal societies have been organized with the Hunter table of rates. For the very good reason that no society can he organized under the: present law. Dr. Hunter's ides in framing the statute--and he has 'been very careful to explain {i-was, fat 'the old so" their 'rules and regulations, as several of them have doné and for their im- provement, 'and they should not be hampered by the. mew societies start- ing up with lower rates or fanciful forms of insurance. The Hunter "table was promulgated at a later date, for the information of the existing so- cieties. © wi The Whig 'is not'interested in - the complaints of certain persons against societies or companies, Canadian or American. These complaints are not confned to any"tlass of insurers. The Era, since November, 1904, has been publishing letters which charge deception and worse with regard to life insurance contracts, and the "warnings" they éontain do not re fleet upon the the benevolent or friendly societies. | ¥ Editorial Notes. Sir Willrid Laurier made short work of the dual language question of Mr. Monk. He called upon his liberal friends to vote it down, and his ap- peal was loudly applauded. It is announced that the conserva- tives will not unduly prolong the ses- sion, That is very nice of them. They , have taken the Montreal Gazette's advice seriously to heart. ---------- : The Brantford ' venders have been keeping their milk fresh by the use of "freezine,"" The effect has not been stated, but "freezine" will cur] the hair or the stomach, according to the manner in which it is applied. The case of a : man who was em- ployed by the Equitable Life Assur- ance and whose name re- mained on the pay list more than a year after he had passed away, is re- forred to as: an illustration, "the rul- ing passion after death." : Senator McDonald, of Beitish Co. lumbia, has suggested that the gov- ernment lease 'the Intercolonial rail- way to some company, in order to demonstrate whether it can be made self-supporting. Good idea ! But is there any ) ; which is edger to experiment for the government's bene- fit ?- . eo cieties might have) occasion to revise |, so-called hair vigors. He is One of the Most Famous of | Russian Erclesiastics and ' Fairly Worshiped by Peas ants. eg astery located\at a desolate point on 3 2 the so coast ite sea. This | o 0 3% |) The decree has issued, accord- : in On- ing' to the Post, as a punishment for not always get have great {gross immorality on the part of Fa. ation, but we < ther John, and for irregularities in his 'some point, affairs which have recently been dis- The horrible' govered, ;. pik ~ Father John, of Kronstadt, is one sulting from of the most famous of Russian eccles- : ° ¢ 'the new record-breal ation For years he has endeared him : cause men to as af to t ussian people by his ef- y Re 2 thorbquick mania Of Shots SRSLLY: af Torte in thois Mohott. oie U3, ia of The Norfolk style is ever a reat favor; mele sin, any. ants he is held in' the greatest. vener- the many Boys' Suit styl 4 avorite among more. victims Insirance, | ation, and by many has. been declar- Te gives Styles. : Weare' a: the' oliapter She Chior ite the ate] veehe hoy oft of smart, distincyiye ap- abbing Beh have | Worshioping. of Father John ae the | | $2 "ove have them at such reasonable Prices as a Messiah, was formed at Kostroma, 200 2.50, 3, 3:50, 3:75 4 to 6.50. x them were | wiles rom Kronstadt, in 1902, ard iy he Norfolk ; lendid sud, : with which | was necessary for the priest to make 1S a splendid suit for boys anywhers | 0 oy New York | a ip to Um town in ing toput| § from 8 to 15 years of age, ¥ Where '} chi ; ' : rt { an end to the services im-his honor, : : CAE J when 4 things, "5 Sh le FOr Tha het Thar Too ae hemor. All the correct styles in Boys' Clothing ¢, al hi ; Ming, ves this' 3 by thousands peasants all over ways be found here. *an- ale F Date pracy "Fhe 'wave of financial profligacy | Russia and pilgrims in numerous oas- Bovs' a J ting grimly 'beside on the seat - in which 'swept over the land during. jes have come as far as 1,000 miles to oys Knickers, 50¢., 6oc., 75c., 85c.,: goc. d " sip: a. this od" shed down: the barriers Nip him, himself has done ever $1. ; X 3 records: ~Recklessness ho ; ar o as r : . ands. from or vent in motos laundh Fac. of conservative and honost adminis thing PORIDL to discourage. the be See our Cordiiroy Knickers Something cos [10nd a now Vent fu mothe. Iau tly | ation aitl 'found outlet in gros | ief "of the pecple in his diviuioy, s0c. » ' g special, ing. The New York public impatien =| abuses 'and disgraceful betrayal of | charging those who professed to be- : clamors: for Harlem in fifteen min- sacred trubb. Yielding "the current | lieve in him as the Christ with being -~ utes. Railroads pit their fiery ravers of of spoonlation anvelo A them, their She tools of the devil, The police, too, steel against each other in sn en officers andl di gave up ve taken an active hand in trying to 'end the worship of Father John and many peasants who came to wor- ship him were arrested. ---- KINGSTON HQNORED. A Former Resident Elected to the British Commons. The word which has reached the city of the election of Joseph Allen Baker, London, Eng., as a member of the British commons for the district of East Finsbury by over 700 majority is of more than usual interest to Kingstonians. Older residents will re- member Joseph Allen Baker, who some twenty odd years ago resided in King- ston. His home was on William street, just three or four doors above the Twin property on the corner of King street. At. that time he ran a shop for the manufacture of machinery for bread making. The start was a Hitle Potent hand sifter for flour. "But the ness grew and expanded. Mr. Baker soon 'moved to the old country where equal success awaited him, His business scope enlarged and the hand sifter became a thing of the past. To-day the firm of J. A. Baker & Sons is - the largest: in the world. They manufacture steam machinery for the use of the baker and have agencies in South Africa, Australasia, Cennda, and all over the globe. Seat i ing back to the mother country the Kingstonian became in-, terested in municipal matters, Elected to the London county council he soon became chairman of the highways committee and waged a successful war on behalf of the people to secure 'pub- lic ownership of the tramway systems, as the controlling monopolies were robbing the people right and left. This has been his particular hobby and he Can now, no doubt, prosecute it from the floor of the house. Mr. Baker visits Canada almost every vear on business and readers of the Whig of about a year ago will remember him as coming to Kingston in company with George Hawes, sub- editor of the London Daily News, and a writer of note on socialistic problems. At that time an interview with Mr. Hawes appeared in these columns and reference was made to the good work of Mr. Baker on behalf of public ownership. The cubject of this sketch is a cousin of J. F. Baker, Alwington avenue and Prof. Ww. C. Baker of Queen's University. plaved last night to decide a long standing tie matoh Beavers and the Park ines, giving the former a load by the seore of nine to two. McCartney : lf Boys' Shirts We have a full Tine of Shirts f, boy i and little, all izes. DY on bby Our Boys' Shirts are made of the same materials and cut just like our men's styles, 5oc., 65c., $1. Boys' Caps, ' Boys' Sweaters, Boys' Stockings. THE H. D. BIBBY Co, &. Sltgers and Hatsios, Oak Hall, 4 200009 COOOVOO2OOE® ©0035 © seg Men's Rubber 2 Soled Shoes Made of White Canvas and Tan Calf. Most appropriate Shoes for Summer Wear --cool, sightly and serviceable. $2.50 and $3.50 a Pair. McDERMOTT'S SHOE STORE 000000006 e® OO AOICIOOIOI000) Smart Clothes for Smart Dressers One 'man wants to dress better and pay no more. Another wants to dress as well and pay less. We Keep Clothing to Suit Both. Good serviceable Summer Suits, Tweeds and Home- ----e spuns, just th fi i , $5, $6, and i CRETE. puss, just the thing or this weather, $5, $6, $7 hotel match ea rE, Oh mother IT IS OUR PROVINCE To gratify the taste for stylish clothes and developit. IT IS OUR POLICY and Nicholson were the battery for the To make the prices as low as good quality will Park Nine, and Suddard and Barry permit, for the Beavers. "Shine" MeMullen made a satisfactory umpire, -- The Truth Will Out. That is why Putnam's Corn Extrac- tor has such an enormous sale; it's good--a sure cure-- and better than any substitute. Insist on having Put- nam's only. --_---- Straw Hats. New ' York's latest styles at Canp- bell Bros'. WASHING WITHOUT WATER -- Is Like Trying to Get Rid of Dandruff Without Herpicide. Did you ever see anyone trying to wash themvelves without soap or water ? H Jou did, what would you say of him? It is every bit as foolish to try to ge rid of dandruff and to prevent ness by feeding the germs which cause it, with canthrarides, vesoligs, glycerina cn similar substances which form the principal ingredients of most Newbro's Herpicide is successful be- cause it attacks and kills the parasi- tic germ which feeds on the hair roots, It is the original and ¢ nly genuine scalp germicide manufactured. Sold by leading druggists. 10e. in stamps for sample to Herpicido Co., Detroit, Mich. G. Mahood, special agent. Send The Ww and Scotch materi Jos. Abramson, The People's Clothier JUST ARRIV Anoapolis (Mo.) Capital. | IT IS OUR PLEASURE 7 ; To extend a cordial invitation to every man in Kingston and vicinity to pay this store a visit. Suits made to' your measure from the best English x als, $15, $16 and $18. 180 Princess Street, Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. ED Another lot 'of LADIES' CHOCOLATE .DONGOLA BLUCHER OXFORDS, new- est styles, sizes 23% to z. The Sawyer Shoe Store, 212 Princess Street. "Phone 159. 4 . : il about jou, Definition Of A end. person who knows a h n Fes but likes you just the same. There could of a friend than school be ng 'hetter definition that 'given by 'a : boy "Nut, fruit bars," MeConkey's, ab ; Who said a friend is a j Cline 's Red Cross drug store. Wiss OE Schwalm through Pinkham :-- Det J. Tom Cdn. Paka og troubled for year inful menstruatic ¥ a which I have been "Siig my gu with ¥ 4 i general y as dL if i} i 8 discovering such The ee pouiala which we are co stantlypublishing from grateful wom establish beyond a doubt the power Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Co pound to conquer female diseases. Women suffering from any form female weakness are inyited romptly communicate with Mi inkham, at Lynn, Mass. She as nothing in return for her advice. It absolutely free, and always helpful. SOLD LOOT IN PRISON. Thief Successfully Bribed Fren Warden. Castile, Monferrato, Italy, June ~Francesco Russo was put on tr here - for a burglary committed March, 1903, when he entered 1 house of a rich widow named Gavi and carried off booty valued at $60 000, mostly in the form of negotial Italian bonds, Russo fled to Fran and was caught, but he delayed just by bribing a prison warder to pe an letters. by which. he disposed of 1 money among accomplices, the number of sixteen. The authorit seized $90,000 which Russo had « posited in a Paris bank, under an ; sumed name, Clothing To-Orde Prevost's Brock street, has alwa had the reputation of making 4 finest clothing to order. For materi: style and workmanship, he cannot beaten. A large variety of goods choose from .at rock-bottom - prie A first dass fit guaranteed. Give h a trial, Fashionable Your Outing. Will be more enjoyable if vou ke your_head cool. You can do it if ¥ Wear one of our stylish straw, lig felt, or nobby crash hats. Camphb Bros., the style centre for men's ha -------- The laxative effect of Chamberlair Stomach and Liver Tablets is agreeable and so natural that you « not realize it is the effect of a mec cme. For sale by all Armggists. Opera cream bars, McConkey's, Gibson's Red Cross drug stoi "SPECIALS FOR "SATURDA} ONLY 10 dozen Black and Blue Overalls, wi or without bib, sizes H to 40, re lar 50c. and 600, value, at 39¢. Pair, A large stock of New Summer Sui at prices that can't he beat. Fine Serges and Tweeds, $3.90, § $7.50, $8.50 and $10. Special $8.50, oh Men's Saparate Trousers fi 69¢. 2m, ion Drop in and See Our Stock. IS The AAC New MN > ZACK. Store and the Old Stand 273 Py Street. Money i Property on City wad Fa Debentures unlcipal "gag Coun Deposits received