Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Jul 1905, p. 1

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'SECTION. HE NO. 158. i ------------ For Out-of-Door Comprising every style of Porch and Veranda Chair, Rockers, Settees, Camp Cots, for $1.50 to $6.50. Boat Chairs, $2.50 quality of these goods arc the highest and prices the lowest. Robt. J. Reid. Cut Glass A Most Attractive Showing The result of the RIGHT KIND of goods properly displayed. For brilli- ancy and . purity of color.our CUT GLASS is unsurpassed. We sell only THIS KIND and respectfully ask that you see our excellent = values," when SMITH BROS., Jewelers Opticians 880 King Street. I mith, Issuer of Marriage Licenses MILITARY FOOTWEAR We make to order every- thing required. .Absolu- tely 'correct in style and pattern, Wear '"Allen's"' Military Bootmakers, 49 Brock St. Sign of Golden Boot. WANTED. I IC EIT TTT ET GENERA (BER A .. APPLY TO Mrs, \Y, Bae tne Street. to $7.50. The peti. GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY. TO Mrs. TI. W. Rohtrtcen, 161 Earl St. 6 SMART GIRLS TO DIP CHOOQO- lates ; piece work ; good pay and steady employment. W,. J. Crothers. TEACHER FOR 4, Parrot's Bay. Millhaven, AN EXPERIE School Sect Apply, J. W. C ED , 'No Baker, P.O. A CAPABLE GENERAL No_ washing; good wa Apply with references, #t the Parsonage, 181 William St. TEACHER, COMMENCING summer holidays, for Schoal Section 6, Hinchinbrooke. Apply to H. J. Wager, Secretary, Wagarville, Ont. AFTER RIGHT AWAY--THE BRIGHEST BOY in Kingston, to earn Twenty Dollars, and a splendid Watch during July. Address; Blue Jay Magazine London, Ontario. ENBRGETIC WORKERS where to distribute circulars, samples and advertising matter Good pay. No canvassing. Cooperative Advertis- ing Co.,, New York. EVERY- MAN TO horses and DRIVE AND CARE FOR barn Must be strong steady and well recommended. Good wages, and steady employment. Mc- Kelvey & Birch, 69 & 71 Brock St. GENTLEMEN, TO GET THEIR Ppring Suits made up at Galloway's, 181 rock street, next to Bibby's livery ; style, fit and price guaranteed to please ; pressing and repairing done promptly. A MAN OF ABILITY TO REPRESENT us in the city of Kingston, to can- vass for high class Fruits and - Orna- mental Nursery. stock. Territory re- served for the right man. Liberal in- ducements. Pay weekly, Stone & Wellington, Toronto. MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN PLUMB- ing trade. Cannot supply demand for graduates. $4 to $5 per day. any complete course in two months, Graduates admitted to Union and Master Plumbers Ass'n. Send for free Catalogue. Coyne Bros. Co. Plumb- ing Schools. Cincinnati, ©., St. Louis, Mo. TO-LET. FRONT BEDROOMS, WITH OR WITH- out board. Apply to 160 King St. THE SHOP ON DIVISION STREET, near Garrett street, occupied by Miss Boon, milliner: Apply at Whig office. DWELLINGS fu , Of , etc., at Me- i » Cann's RR Estate Agency, Brock Stroet. FURNISHED AND UN- STRIPED, WOOLLEN RUG, June 17th, from a carriage driving along Union and Sydenham streets to Brock street. Finder please return to Whig and get reward. A HARP-SHAPEDP BROOCH WITH arl settings, on Wednesday, June ast. Finder will be suitably reward upon presentation Oo rooch a rene' jewellery store for identifica- Hon. STRAYED. COW--ON MY PREMISES ONE MILE south of Sydenham, one red cow, dry, and in Good condition. 'Owner can have same by paying expenses Thomas Wolsey, Sydenham. FOR SALE. FARM OF 166 ACRES, WELL-WOOD- ed and watered, first-class Jand, 38) miles of city. Apply to E. Godwin, Market Square, or Miss Kelly, the Gore, Pittsburg. PERSONAL. YOUR FORTUNE TOLD FROM THE ; matters of busi ness, love and narriage made clear. What 1 tell comes true. Send birth date and 1%. Prof. Lavas. Box 14, Ste, Cunegonde P. 0, Montreal, DAILY MEMORANDA, A New Hat, For the holiday, at Campbell Bros. Whig not issued on Monday. Board of Audit, 11 a.m., Tuesday. Fine Prints Butter, 17c., Crawford. City Council meets Tuesday evening. Excursion to Ogdensburg, Tuesday, 8 a.m. Excursion a.m, Piety is more than a nice little line of natter. Y.LC.B.A; Monday. : Borrowing trouble never strengthens a man's credit. to Watertown, Monday 8 Picnic, Long Island Park, This day in history :--Confederation of Canada, 186° 14th Regiment leaves for Utica, N.¥., 9 a.m., Sunday. Y.M.C.A. military service, 3 .» Sunday. Satan agrees with the man who is sat- isfied with himself. Str. Caspian's Monday, 10.15 a.m. London Bioscope Company, Opera House, 8.15 p.m. Steamer America's Excursion to Cape Vincent, Monday, 2.30 p.m. The sun rises Sunday and Monday at 4.28 am., and sets at 7.44 p.m. This you hear where you go, "For finest Hats, George Mills Sale. of Jewelry Saturday Princess Street, near Sydenham Labor to vourself rather than impression on others. Famé and Fortune met one day 7 "You are all right in your way," Fortune sneered, 'and yet 1 pray you Just remember I outweigh you." Not How Cheap City Hall, trip down the river, &'Co,"" night, Street. to make the best But How Good TUMBLERS-- There is nothing as cul You feel fike nice as a Full Crystal Tumbler with a rich pattern. drinking out of them, no matter what you take, and it will taste better. We have them in endless varieties: Tumblers From 25¢. a Dozen Up. ROBERTSON BROS.. A New Partnership Ed. Graham has entered into partnership with J. Nugent & Co., hardware merchants. The new firm of Nugent & Graham carries a full line of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Stoves, etc. Tinsmithing and Plumbing work done on shortest notice. All work guaranteed sat- isfactory. Nugent & Graham 335-337 King Street. NEXT McPARLAND'S, BY JOHN H. MILLS Auction Sale of Jewelry, Sliver Watches, etc. I have réceived large consignment of Gold and Iver Watches, Gold Rings, Opera and Field Glasses, Clocks, Chains, Mirrors, Show Case, and other goods, all to be sold a BECINNING ON SATURDAY NIGHT At the store opposite Furniture Store All must Sale at 8 o'clock each night JOHN H. MILLS Auctioneer. Harrison's be sold. VILLAGE OF PORTSMOUTH. THE ADJOURNED the Court of Revision, for this Municip alitv. will be held on " TUESDAY next July 4th, at 7.30 p.m. By order of the Council. 3 MEETING OF W. HENSTRIDGE, Acting Clerk. KISSED THE FISHER LASS. Alfonso is Gallant--Loubet Follows Suit. Paris, July 1l.--An interesting inci dent occurred during the young king of Spain's recent visit to Paris. At the Central Markets the king was re- ceived by ome of the prettiest of the fithwomen, a buxon lass of twenty, who is "Queen of the Market," and who presented him with a bouquet, He took her hand gently, and after kiss- ing her fingers placed a gold bracelet on her wrist. Then he laughingly put his hands on her shoulders and kissed her on both cheeks. The crowd laugh ed and cheered, and the applause was King terrific when the president, not to be outdone in gallantry, stepped forward and diffidently kissed the much-embar- rassed girl. New Headgear. For the children af Campbell Bros. The Trusts and Guarantee com- pany. limited, Torofito, has declared a dividend at the rate of five cent. for. the half able at the company's offices on July 3rd, 1005. "Angel food" is what ®o many eall the Maple Walnut Sundae at Gibson's Red Cross drug store fountain, * Buy Hepicidg at Gibson's Red Cross drug story. Fiesh there. Grangt give the hest expression to Gold and per 3 year ending June | °0t Jewish 30th, 1905. The dividend will be pay- BACK TO ODD ANOTHER STORY THAT PUTS DIFFERENT FACE ON IT. And Further That Some of the Crews on Ships in Admiral Kruger's Squadron Have Joined the Mutineers--A Fight at Sea. Special to the Whig. Odessa, July 1.--Without firing a gun or the slightest show of resistance the Kniaz Potenikine hauled down the red flag, and surrendered the battle ship to Vice-Admiral Kruger's squad- ron, which arrived here at noon, yes terday. It was an anxious moment for Odessa, as the squadron of five bat- tleships and seven torpedo boats, with their crews at quarters and their decks cleared for action, steamed with- Jn range of the Kniaz Potemkine, fly Ving signals which read, "yield or be sunk." The display of force was too overwhelming for the mutineers, who surrendered unconditionally, after, it is said, vainly demanding amnesty. Admiral Kruger ordered the Ekateri- na II. to place a crew on board the Kniaz Potemkine, and the other ves- sels of the squadron immediately sail- ed away. The mutineers will be tried. Ekaterina II, which is now . lying alongside of the Kniaz Potemkine, will be taken to Sebastopol. Another Story Told. London, July 1.--A despatch to the Daily Mail, dated Odessa, 12.35 a.m.: "It was at first reported by the auth orities that the Kniaz Potemkine Tav- eritchesky had surrendered uncondi- tionally, but it is now confirmed that the mutinous warships have been join- ed by the battleships George I and Pobedonestefi, the officers of which are prisoners. The vesscls are anchored in the soads and are using their search- lights vigorously as if expecting an attack from the rest of the fleet, which is about fifteen miles distant. One of the searchlichts of the latter is visi- ble. The information of this second mutiny comes from an absolutely re- liable authority." A despatch to the Times from St, Petersburg, time 11.55 p.mn., says it is reported that telegrams have just been received announcing that a bat- tle i& in progress outside of Odessa. It is said that several of Admiral Krug- er's ships have joined the mutinéers. The latest news from Kronstadt that two officers were killed and six wounded by sailors. Workmen On Strike. St. Petersburg, July 1.--A. strike of 8,000 imperial sailors together with workmen in the yards of the national port at Kronstadt occurred, yester day, and one officer was killed. The sailors soon yielded but the workmen continue on strike. LOVED THE COUNT. Dying Of Broken Heart, Left Him $600,000. London, July 1. mantic story comes says the Daily Mail : A rich and bean- tiful American lady, named Mary Newbice, whose parents live in Cali: fornia, fell in love with the Count of Turin, to whom she wrote proposing marriage. No notice being taken of the letter, Miss Newhice, who is twen- ty-four years of age, took expensive apartments overlooking the grounds of the conmt's residence, and every morning and evening was at the win- dow when the count went to the cav alry barracks. fer carriage was painted in the colors of the count, and his portraits were found in every room. Some days ago Miss Newbice was found dead, lying at the foot of a large painting of the count. Death from natural causes was the ecoromer's verdict, but all who were aware of her infatuation believe she died of a brok- en heart. She left the Count of Turin £120,000 and her personal goods by her will. : The following ro- from Florence, THIRD READING ON TUESDAY, The Autonomy Bill Going Through the House, Snecial to the Whig. Te if Ottawa, July 1.--The Alberta auto- nomy- bill was reported by the com- mittee of the whole in the Comanons, vésterday, and it is proposed to take up the Saskatchewan bill, on Monday and to give the third reading to both on Tuesday. Mr. Monk's amendment, to make French an official language in the new province, got only six votes. Conference Of Rabbis. f-gbial to the Whig. Cleveland, 0O., July 1.-- Prominent Jewish rabbis from all parts of the country are gathering here for a con- ference which will begin to-morrow and continue throughott the greater part of the coming week. : An im- portant question which will come be- fore the conference is whether Jews and Christians should intermarry, A controversy has heen opened by Jos- eph Lazarre, who in a public utterance called Rose Harriet Pastor, the Jew- who ie soon to marry J.C. Phelps Stokes, a "renegade." Promin- thinkers condemned La- zarre for the stand he has taken. The introduction of the subject in the coming conference is expected to he followed by a lively discussion. ess, The Russian warship Terek, which sunk a British merchantinan has been interned, M. Witte May Lead the Russian Liberals. St. Petersburg, July 1.--~It is quite possible 'that M. Witte may suddenly appear in the present crisis with the full leadership of the liberals. 1t de velops that the real cause of the meeting here of Prince Troubetskoy, Prince Dolgorukofi, ' M. lwoff and others was not #0 much to arrange for another Zemstvo congress, which could easily be dene at Moscow, but to-secure the benefit of M. Witte's ad vice. M. Witte's position has been equivocal for months. He is feared by the emperor's entourage, and he was equally suspected by the liberals. His natural bent was ta support the gov- ernment, but since the emperor fused to accept his services he ap. pears to have definitely climbed down into the camp of the liberals. KRONSTADT'S HISTORY. & + Cronstadt, the great naval arsenal of Russia, was provided by Peter the Great in 1710 and was fortified so strongly that during the Crimean war the great naval forces of England and France found themselves powerless to attack it. Cronstadt is the headquarters of the Baltic fleet and the site of the principal dockyards and shipbuilding slips for the navy. Its population was 59,- 539 at the last census, al- most all of which is engagy ed in pursuits in connection with the 'navy or its cons struction. Cronstadt is the nearest port to St. Petersburg, being within a short dis- tance of Russian capital. It is situated at the ex- treme eastern end of the Gulf of Finland, and dur- ing the depth of winter is inaccessible. HEPES EP EF 4 046 4E ITTF ET $443 54540 4 FEFFETFEFTEFTEIFRIIFTFITIITETT 4340 tos FEESIFEONS Conservatives' Long Lease. Special to the Whig. London, July 1 vears, to-morrow, since the eonserva- tives entered on their long. lease of office, Lord Salisbury having become prime minister for the third and last time July 9nd. 1895. In spite of incessant. attacks on the government in parliament during the last year or go and the difficulty at times of maintaining anything like normal ma jorities, there is no reason to believe that Mr. Balfour has any present in- tention of tendering his resignation, nor have the liberal leaders at this moment any real desire to attempt to force him to take this step. It is known that* Mr. Balfour desires to remain in power at least until im- portant pendins questions are settled, such as Morocco and the Russo Ja panese war It will be ten To Provide War Revenue. Special to the Whig Tokio, July 1. ~The new customs ta nffi on import into Japan went into operation to-day. The new schedule provides for / norease of duties on nearly all aftivlés that have been sub- jeet to import tax, In all cases it is ad valorem increase, whether the arti cle 'was previously taxed by specific or ad valorem duty, and is designed. to afford an iberensed revenue for war expenses. The change is expected to ywoduce additional funds of at least §2,000,000, Dominion Customs. Ottawa, June 0.~Thig is the last business day of the Dominion govern ment current al year. The entries in the books of the eustoms depart ment dp to this morning show total collections of 511,536,873, an increase of £1,025961 r last year. When returns are in from outlying ports this showing I bo somewhat im proved. : ------ Seventy Year Old Groom. Phitadelphia, July 1.--George Baum, a retired millionnive leather merchant, was married to Elizabeth Johnson, his housekeeper, formerly a housemaid. Baum is seventy vears old and his bride is twentv-cight. The aged bride groom changed his, faith, to Catholic ism, so . that could marry Miss Johnson, who would' accept him otherwise, . he Doesn't Like The West. Toronto Junction, Ont., July 1.-W, 8. Fletcher, a met member of the teaching staff of the Collegiate Insti- tute, and who has science mas- ter in Edmonton College, has returned to town. Mr. Fletcher will pot go back again, as he prefers Ontario to the west, and expéots to secure a position before the holidays are over. Fine prints butter, 17. Crawford re. RA eneznela and KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1908. WAS His Methods. Berlin, enormous profits being made by a quack doctor named 'Ausmeier, who abandoned the trade of a carpenter for the more lucrative occupation ' of trading on public credulity. Ausmeier, while Norking at his law- ful trade, was fascinated by a news paper report of a certain quack doo- tor's profits. He abandoned his car pentry and announced to his fellow villagers "in Kirehgauden, near Aren- hauser, in South Germany, that an angel had appeared to him _in a vis- ion to tell him that the divine power of working miracles had been conferred on him. The peasants took hip at his word, and came for treatment. : During the first vear of hfe practice he took $1,500. This increased to over £15,000 the second year, and to $35, 000 in the third year, His regular in- come is now estimated at from $15, 009 to $20,000 a year. Ausmeier has now been a quack for live years, and his practice has at tained such dimensions that a spetial service of omnibusses has been; estab- lished to convey his patients from the station. Three new inns have been built at Kirchgandern, and are sup- ported solely by Ausmeier's patients. The quack is busy from y morn- ing till late at night, and generally contrives to treat from ten to fifteen pati'nts an hour. His fee. varies £1 to 82 for each consultation, ac cording to the prosperous appoarance of the patient in questioh, He treats both internal and external diseases. For the former he doses his patients with simple, harmless reme- dies, which for appearance sake he keeps in. labelled rows on a shelf, Nearly every bottle contains the same remedy, ud it bears a Jiferent 1 ond ivtio signs, which: create' & deep impression on credulous patients, For external complaints his remedy it a mild form of massage, which he performs with many rites. One of the most curious features of his activity during the past five years is the fact that a majority of his pa- tients believe that they have derived real benefit from his treatment. The result has been that they recomsnend him to friends. His fame as a henlor has spread all through Germany, Aus- tria, and Switeerland, and even to the Baltic and Polish provinces "of Russia. During one summer, Ausmeier treat. ed thrée Polish peasants from Galicia who had come to the distriet to work as harvesters. They advertised him_so well at home that during the ensuing months over 200 patients journéyed 1.000 miles from Galicia to Kirchgand- er to have their ailments cured by th ex-carpemter, 3 -------- -SPECIAL AGENTS, To Promote Foreign Commerce of the U.S, Special to the Whig. Sr Ashington, D.C, July 1,--The act passed hy the last session of con, giving to the department of labor and commerce authority to send special agents abroad to investighte trade conditions withthe object of promot. ing the foreign commerce of the Un- ited States hecomes operative to-day, and the department is making ar rangements to take immediate ad- vantage of ite provisions. Within the next week or two five special agents selected for the mission will be . gent abroad. The five agents chosen for the work are Charles M, Pepper, Harry R. Burrill, Raymond F. Crist, Dr. Fd ward Bedlee, and Prof. Lincoln Hut chingon of the University of Califor- nin. Messrs. Burrift and Crist will go to the Orient. Prof. Hutchinson will go to South America, and visit all the important seaports on the At- lantic and Pacific coasts of that con- tinent. Mr. Pepper will go to Canada, and subsequently. to Mexico. Dr. Bed- lee will be sent to the West Indies, ; British, Dutoh and French Guiana. Tt is expected that the investigation will be completed in the field by the close of the present vear and that all the agents will have their final reports ready for congress in January. -- Steamboat Inspectors Meet, Special to the Whig. "Washington, D.C., July 1.-The exe cutive committee of the Board of Sup- ervising Inspectors, Steamboat Inspec tion Serviop, began a meeting bere to- day, pursuant to the call of Secretary Metealf of the department of com- merce and labor. The purpose of the meeting iz to consider certain changes in the rules and regulations of the board and to approve such safety ap- pliances for use on steamers as have passed the official test, No Demonstration. Prterboro, Ont., July 1=There was no demonstration to boro's first bow as a city today. The 57th Regiment left for Ottawa to spend Dominion day, as the of the Governor General's Foot Guards. | "eves, of course |" said the ens- tomer when the grocer asked. him whose bread he wanted, A QUACK A GREAT NUMBER WERE TREATED BY THE EX- legal ~~ pro- ceedings Rave: brought to light ue] mark Peter- | ¥ Special to the Whig. pa St. Petersburg, , July 1.--Telegrams received this morning, from Uuessa, fo i Fo AA i away from " the hmiaz Potemkin has resumed her ition near the water fromt she threatens the city with Joined The Mutiny. London, July 1.--A private despatch to , reccived this , BAYS that a second-class battleship has icin the mutiny. There is no pos: \ R \ in the vity and the to Ry is un: doubtedly critical, ; TO BE SATISFACTORY, Germany without hurt to tibilt- ties of aithen oer Sante ty and no Jonger socks to a Pony national feeling, but is honestly striv: ing lo arive at a settlement that will be satisfactory to both nations, Utica, © A Guest Loses His Life. N.Y., July lL---Vietor Vin- cent's hotel at H in rondacks, was tailing a loss of by upwards Charles po hundred thousand p total value of the hull and 4 the four British steamers by the Russians--the Hipsang, Ki Commander, St. Kilda, and Tkhona-- oxoeedds £250,000. Judge Fitagerald Dead. Winnipeg, July 1.-<J Fi R of the district of age Hi ugerald, found dead in bed at- Port Arthur. He had been affected with heart trouble for the last few « days. Mrs, Fitzgerald went to nurse him, and called a physician, but he was found to be dead. Judge Fi was ap- pointed to Thunder Bay district in 1895. He pradtised Jaw in Hamilton. © Going To Rome. Rev. Father A. J. Hanley, curate of St. Michael's church, Belleville, and won of Archibald Hanley, of this city, will leave in September for Rome where he will take a two years' course in theology. It is expected that Bishop McEvoy, of London, Ont, will accompany Archbishop Gauthier to Rome in No- vember, American Duchess A Mother. New York, July 1.--Friends of the Duchess de la Rgehefoucauld in this city. learned by private despatch from Paris that she gave birth to a son yesterday. The duchess was Miss Mattie Mitchell, daughter of Senator Mitchell, of Oregon. She was married on Fobruary 11th, 1892, Carried Off Umbrella, A few evenings ago an expensive umbrella was left in the vestibule of T. R. Carnovsky's home on Princess street, It was placed behind the door, in a position thought safe. Puring the evening some bold thief appropriated the article for his own use. A Nice Holiday Trip. Steamer America to Cape Vincent, Monday, July 3rd, 2.30 pum., return: ing leave Cape 400 pam., giving time to get supper there, only So Sale Of Property. T. J. Lockbart, real estate agent, sold, this week, a gatden proper ty be longing to 8. N. Watts, Portsmouth, to Charles Wilson, Hamilton, Ont. Want A Transfer ? Alkmar, Netherlands, is to have steam tramway, to be built by "Noorder pi." a the Stoomtramwagmaatschap- Young Women, Who want a swell hat at about one- half price will do well to call to-night at Crumley's. Can peas, 70. Crawford. Consult Dr. Chown, "éxpert jan," if your eyes trouble you. That invigorating drink, Coca-Cola, The original at Wade's soda fountain. Finest can peas, 70, Crawford, optie- Special to Whig, eT morning. 'The H had been entirely. . eleven o'clock he wi ly. A few minutes he called the nurse, moned Dr. Sendd was breathing wit vive almost a't © + Black 'warranted, a Stooking, 108 a ot sun of State John Hay di signs p death were: palmonory ! condition duting

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