. - A Our Serge Suits larity with so many men as . SERGE SUIT. A bet- Il round suit for summer dless changes can be made | Flannel, omens and ie BEST SERGE.SUIT 4 d kinks, single or double $12.50, $13.50 and $15. rrived d a shipment of the very 30SOM SHIRTS: Very imported: from Germany, ¢ LORS, so0c., 75¢., $1 to $2. ¢ for 25. New Belts; NEW SWEATERS. ¢ BIBBY CO, pdashers, Oak Hall, resets ITATLTLS LPP ) ves' Brass Beds Are Perfectly Polished and Lacquered. If you have an Ives Brass Bed ou will have no lacquer troubles -Your bed will always show the ighly finished; brilliant polish - has when ijt leaves Ives ctory. Ives' Brass Beds are strong, irable, beautifully finished and indsomely designed. " Ask your dealer to show you 1 Ives Brass Bed. 5 CO., LIMITED, REAL. Toe and ique Hats 1} New York a large con- 'y latest shapes in duck These are quite the new- r, and are having an im- | > United States. § able circumstances under we are able to sell at which ordinarily would 1d good value at that rist, Waldorf, Ormond, 4 her new styles, 1 er ---- The Leading Millinery § and Mantle Store. * ® reece -» TT -- a _-- r Specials ! Next Week We Make a Special to Clear Out - 20%, Discount 12 Sizes and Styles to Choose From. PRICES FROM $6.40 UP SALE PRICES FOR CASH ONLY. * & Birch, ock Street. Pe-ru-na Is a Systemic Catarrh . Remedy, Especially Valuable to the Declining Powers of the Older People. In old age the mucous membranes be- come thickened and partly lose their} function. ; This leads to partial loss of hearing,|' smell and taste, as well as digestive dis- turbances. Peruna corrects all this by its specific (operation on all the mucous membranes 'of the body. One bottle will convince any one. Once |. used and Peruna becomes a life-long stand-by with old and young. Mr. Charles F. Benctsbon, Truesdail, - Mo, writes: "1 have followed your in- str for the past month and At the Age of am now as well Eighty-four Years.] as I can be at the age of eighty- four years. I thank you for your valua- ble instructions and advice. I first used Peruna fourteen years ago when my health was so bad that I had no hope of staying many days, and after using it I began to pick up. It has helped me ever since. 1 feel well, but will always have Peruna as my companion."-- Charles F. Benetsson. Pe-ru-na Proved a Life-Saver. Mr. Louis Byrens, auctioneer, com- missiod merchant and business broker, 4364 Richmond street, London, Ont., writes. "I had been a sufferer with what phy- siciaps diagnosed as chronic catarrh. 1 thereby lost the necessary speaking fagulties, which almost cansed mo to discontinue the business of auctioneer. "After épending several hundred dol- Jars for various modicines and doctor Lille without avail, your wonderful rem- edy, Poruna, was rocommended to me. "After using several bottles of this life saver, I found rolief, and I am again capable of conducting my auction sales, 1 wish to convince others, likewise afllicted, of the merits of your great remedy."-Louis Byrens. Happy Results Follow Use of Pe-ru-na, Mr. Alex McKenzie, Montreal, Ont., bookkeeper for the Jowelry and Im- porting Co. and Scribe for the 1.0, 0. I%,, Jeanne of Are Court No. 1650, writes: "Ad I have nsed Peruna with happy results, 1 am glad to endorse it. My syste is at times an easy subject to catarrhal colds. Especially if I am out in inclement weather or become sud- denly chilled. "When I get a cold | take Peruna, and it 1s only a question of a day or twountil 1am fully restored."--Alex McKenzie, L\ ROMINENT Says: "I Believe Pe-ru-na Has EB 3 -- SS 3 ERCHANT OF MONTREAL ul i. em JAMES CURRIE. No Equal." en SN 1896 Notre Dame street, as follows: for coughs and colds. | believe it has bottles and she recommends it very h tinually for family use and would not James Currie. Mp. James Currie, a prominent merchant of Montreal, Can., writes from «I have used your Peruna for catarrh and find it an excellent remedy no equal. My wife has used several ly. We keep it in the house con without it at twice its cost." «= nn AAAS PD A Valuable Medicine for Coughs and Colds. Mr. Louis Monpetit, 251 St. Elizabeth Ave,, Bt. Henry, Montreal, is President of the St. John Baptist Society and a leading merchant on the St. Lawrence Market," He writes as follows: "I would consider myself very un- grateful it I aid not sEnowIsdEs the great meritof our wonderful medicine, Peruna, * = © tag "I contracted a severe cold by remain- ing too long in my ice house, and be- came soafllicted with a bad cough that I wasohliged to remain indoors for a time. "A friend brought me a bottle of Pernna. . I began taking it and imme- diafoly Téteived benefit from it. Inn very short time my cold and cough wero 'gone and I was restored to my usual health. "I attribute my speedy recovery to the usg'of Perunaand I have no hosita- tion in saying 1 believe Poruna to he a valyable medicine for coughs and colds, and Would cheerfully recommend it." --Laoutg MUnpetit. Peruana can Be purchased of all first class druggists £t $1.00 per bottle, eh Pe-ru-na For Catarrh of the Bronchi: Tubes. 7 Mr. W. B, Walby, Hotel Windsc Ottaws; Ont, writes: : "1 have been taking Poruna for en tarrh of the bronchial tubes for thre weeks, and was truly surprised to fin that it eflected a complete cure, "I isd héard good reports of his med icipe, but had never really known « its valuable qualities until I tried it fo myself, and found it such a fine remed that I feel like writing you this, "You have no doubt hundreds of or dorsements, ut no one is more sincer nor pleased to indorse it than I am because I havo found it of such benef to myself."--W. B, Walby, Pe-ru-na Contains No Narcotics. One reason why Peruna has found pe. manent use in so many homes is that { contains no nareotics of any kind Peruna is perfoctly harmless. Itcan bn used any length of timo without wequis ing a drug habit. Peruna does not pre duce temporary results. It is permancn in its effects. Address Dr. 8. B. Hartman, Presiden of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus 0. Allcorrespondeonce held confidentin) A re cP e Wo Ourry In Stock Ingot Copper, Antimony and Tin : . THE CANADA METAL CO., TORONTO. S 00000 000000000000000 000 08 OBJECTS TO TIPS. Considered An. Imsult in Country. Alexandria Bay, N.Y. Refusing to take the waiter customarily desires, Yameda Chogi, a student from! the Flowery Kingdom, sat idly on the dock, yes- térday, waiting for the Hoat that was to carry him back to his home in New Jersey. Yameda came here early in the week in search of vacation em- ployment, but decided to leave rather than accept a place that carried with it the certainty of a "hand-out." Yameda, who is a native of Tokio, Japan, came to America two years ago, and located in Los Angeles, Cal., as a student in the High School there. He remained until last summer, when he stated for the St. Louis exposition where he was employed in the Japa- nese village. Here no tips prevailed, and he was happy. Working his way east, he skipped rapidly to Denver, Chicago, Buffalo, and New York, al- ways working as a waiter, and pur- sued by the bugaboo "tips." "His last position in Watertown, he resigned as he had the others. Yameda's uncle, Gen, Yameda Oya- ma, is commander in the imperial army © of the, mikado, stationed 'at Mukden, China. He has taken part in His June 30.-- tips which the the 'general engagements against the ROYAL Russians; and in his recent letter to his hephew reports that the Japanese soldiers are mot in favor of peace at present. = } Yanteda stated that tips were con- sideredt an insult. in Japan. He com- mented highly on the super') scenery of the Phousand. Islands, but declar- ed that it did not equal in his eyes, the flowery hille: of his island kipg- dom. Yameda intends to enter Pringe-9 ton University, as a special student-in the fall, . 2€ © Ea To Beat New .York Route. Ottawa, July 1.--The Canadian gov- ernment 'Will have a speed trial made in the transportation of the English mails to the western' cities of the Dominion and the United States by the Canadian route. On her next trip the Turbines" Virginian will land her English mails at Sydney, N.S. the eastern terminus of the I. C. R. There a spesial train will receive the mail and rush it to Montreal and the west. It, is expected ' that the European mails can be delivered from twelve to twenty-four: hours earlier in Toronto, and Winfiipeg, as well as at Bufialo and St. Pauly ghan by the New York route. Bargains ' in. corsets (ordered or ready-made) of every description, New York 'Ditgse Reform. da oa SPECIAL MEETING CALLED. Shall Boats Land at Park on Sunday ¥ A special meeting of the trustees of the Thousand Island Park ~Associa- tion has been called for this evening, to consider the advisability of allow- ing boats to land at this park on Sunday. The sentiment of residents in favor of this proposition, has been steadily increased so that at present there is little 'or no opposition' to the project, 2 i It is proposed to - prohibit Sunday excursions from landing and allow only one or two of the regular mail yaats to stop. No boats of the Thou- sand Island Steamboat company have landed at Fine View since Sunday. George (. Sawyer, Syracuse, presi dent. of the Park Association, is re- ported as being in favor of raising the embargo. on boats, and J. P. Lewis, the vice-president, has declared for the proposal. et ------ Read This Rheumatics ! Just because your disease is © deep seated, the hest of treatment is re Only powerful remedies can : muscles and joints, Ever hear of Nerviline? It has been curing rheumatism for nearly fifty years-- thousands have been restored hy it. Even the king's physician can't find a liniment, with more power over pain than Nerviline. You only have $0 use Polson's Nerviline to be cured. Get it to-day. ---------- Sea salt, for preparing a sea bath at home. 10¢, per package. McLeod's 1g Store. . iE bbe That fellow is a real genius. Slobbs--Nonsense, He wears as good clothes as I do. quired, reach your sore a BAKING POWDER ABSOLUTELY-PURE ROYAL BAKING: POWDER €O,, NEW vORY. Healthful cream of tartar, de- rived solely from grapes, refined. to absolute purity, is the active principle of every pound of Royal ~ Baking Powder. © Hence it is that Royal Baking Powder . produces food remarkable b flavor and wholesomeness, ? oth In | fine Mrs, Jamés Richardson entertained at a pleasant ten on Friday for her granddaughter, Miss Mabel Chown. Tea and ices were served very inform- ally and the party was half on the verandah, and half in Hoos} or in the pretty garden, "Among Ose present were Miss Margaret and Miss Mabel King, Miss Katie, and Miss Minnie Gordon, Miss Howe, of Schenectady, Miss Skinner, Miss Ford, Miss Agnes Richardson, Miss Kathleen Richard- son, cei " Richardson, Mona ight, Miss Katie Murray, Miss Bute, Houston, 'exas; Miss Daisy Chown, Miss Eleanor Macedon nell, Miss Ethel and Miss Margaret Maudie. Mrs, Harry Richardson gave a bright little evening party on Thursday fom: Miss Bessie Richardson, and some of her friends, . - * . vid Mrs. Young entertained at a very jolly little tea at the camp on Thurs day. The usual attractive accompani- ments of a military wa were present,' and 'the bright afternoon was very much enjoyed. . . A delightful series of children's par- tics were held on Thursday and Fri- day afternoons at - Mrs, Edward Ryan's, * Brock street. Thirty-six of the older children had their gathering on Thursday, and twelve tots on Fri- day. They were well entertained. The children had gathered buttercups and with these the house, tables and lawn were finely decorated, - - - . On Friday Mr. and Mrs. John Rout- ley entertained a party of friends on their yacht, Irene, among the islands. The day was ideal and. fishing good. On the return trip luncheon was serv- ed on hoard, reaching Kingston about 9 pit The Sketch Club had a "most enjoy. able outing to Collinge Bay oi Wednes- dav afternoon. The party made up of Aeighteen members of the club and their friends, drove out in vans, and spent an hour or so sketching. A delicious al fresco tea was served, and the drive home made a delightful finish, se 8. wm The engagement is announced of Miss Edith Young, younger daugh- ter of the late Mr. James Young and Mrs. Young of Ottawa, to the Rev. I), M. Solandt, B.A., B.D., of the First Congregational church, Kingston, son of the late Rey. A. Solandt of Inver ness, Québec. The mariage will take place early in September, es wm Dr. Zeigler, of Toronto, will be here for a few days the guest of Dr. and Mre. Sparks, University avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hugo, of Dul- uth, Minn,, will be the guests of Ald. and Mrs. Meck, all next' week, Mrs. I. "Ci Wilson has' meturhed from Hawkesbury, alter visiting her son, Stanley. Miss Ida Jovee, Kingston, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. T. H. Sar gent, in Napanee. Miss Nellie Kilpatrick, University avenue, leaves on Monday for Char lottetown, P.E.I, to remain some weeks, Mrs. W. A. Bellhouse and daughters of Napance, are at Stella Point, Am- herst Island, where they will spend the balance of the summer. ! » - - » Mrs. W. Coates, Napanee, is visit ing her old-home in Kingston for a couple of weeks, Miss Corbett, Kingston, is visiting at her sister's, Mrs. J, C. Hardy, in Napanee, > Mrs. Sparling, wife of the pastor of Queen Street Methodist church, reach ed. the city last night. Her mother. Mrs. Glasdord, and Miss Sparling, wil] not arrive-for several weeks. Mrs. J. F. Gonnan and family, of Chicago, will spend the summer with her 'mother, Mrs. M. McDonald, Mont- real street, . . - . Miss Tot Gallagher, has left for Os- wego, [., where she will be the guest of Miss Ellie O'Connor. The families of Mr. J, R. Henderson and Mr. 8, Hobart Dyde, leave on Monday for their cottage on the St Lawrence on Sibhitt's farm, rs. James Stewart and children left yesterday, for Coteau Landing, on the "St. Lawrence, where they will spend the next two months. : Mrs. J. B. Grimshaw, and little Miss Marion, have left Kingston to spend the spmmer with friends in the town of Simcoe. a . ' Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Graham, King ston, are visiting with Mrs," Henry Denne in Peterboro, 4 es 8 0. Mrs, J, McKelvey Bell and her little daughter Dorothy will visit Kingston friends for some time during the sum- mer months. Mrs. Henry Rottan from Winnipeg, where she has heen visiting her sons. Miss Ruttan re mains for an extended wigit, Mr. L. J. Williams and family leit for their sumener cottage at Peaks Island, Portland, Maine, They will be away two months or more. Rev. R. Bourne and wife have re- turned to Montreal 'after visiting Irieads in the city for the past fort night, Ts Miss Mabel Mills returned from To- ronto on Thursday. " Miss Dolly Singer aod Miss Mabel Singer are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Bgl, York street. - . has returned - Mr. Felix Shaw went to Perth ves terday to join Mrs. Shaw, who has been spending some time at her home. Mrs. Hunter Ogilvie e to leave next week with her children for a summer outing at Ste. Irenee, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Branscombe came down, to-day, from "Wellington, and are staying with their aunt, Mrs. Platt, at the wardens residence. Miss Gena Branscombe is at her old home, in Picton, from Chicago, and will be in Kingston on Monday. She will come down later to pay her aunt, Mrs. Branscombe, a visit, | JiOriginal, are the gussts of Dr. ind little son; who' have: come down from Toronto to spend the sumwnbr' there. Mrs. Stuart and her two little girl arrived in town yesterday, from*Wash: | ington, and are at the "Avgnmore." r. and Mrs. Abbott, Johustoh, of . Knight, Alice street. Mr. George Richardson will take his family up the Rideau to their sum- mor island home, six miles from New- boro, next' week. - - - - Dr. Carr-Harris has retumed to New York. Miss Mauston left, to-day, for To- ronto. Col. McGill has gone up to spend the holiday in Toronto. . Miss Edith Davies, of Ottawa, came up, to-day, with Miss Grace Loucks, and will pay a visit to Canca and Mrs. Loucks. Miss. Josephine Remy has gone to Montreal for a holiday. Mrs. Yates, who has been visiting Mrs. Oliver, will spend Sunday with Mrs. Yates. . 2 A - Mrs. Keegan is in town looking up hor old 8: Mrs. J. H. L. Bogart, who has been paying Mrs, Hudon a short visit, will mobo. the guest of Mrs. George Mr. Balfour Mudie came home from Toronto on Thursday. Miss Louise and Miss Ethel Shaw will be up trop Montreal on Tuesday, to visit Mrs. Skinner, "Maitland House." Mr. Iva 'Martin went up last, night to Toronto, where he joined Major Moseley, - *« eo eo oo Miss Zeuder arrived, to-day, from New York, and will spend a fow days with Miss Jennie Shaw. MrayCartor and Miss Madeline Car- ter will leave for Toronto on Monday, where they will spend the summer, Mrs. Osborne, and Miss Folger have one ta keep house for their brother, r. Henry Folger, Mrs. William Skinner and Master Lyman Skinner wont over today to HUNGARIAN "JUST MEANDERING." er -- 3 City Girl Would Know More About It After a Trial. A city girl writes: "It is a fond dream of mine to become a farmer's wife and meander with - him down life's pathway." Ah, yes, that is a nice thing; but when your husband meanders off and leaves you without wood and you have to meander up and down the lane pulling splinters off the fence to cook MRS. LEONIDAS HUBBARD, Toe plucky woman who has set out to explore the Labrador wilds, Mrs. Hub- bard will follow the trial of her husband the well-known newspaper and magazine writer, who lost his'life a year ago while attempting to penetrate the icy wilderness of northern Labrador. Syracuse to visit Mrs. 'Skinner's daughter, Mrs. E. H, Marvin. . - - - Que., who has been spending a days with her cousin, Miss Edna | Lockett, will return by R. & 0. boat ! to-morrow evening. Captain Fitz Horrigan, White Horse, Y.T., is to have a four months' vaca tion after nearly five years continuous service in the Royal N.W.M.P. at that place. He will spend most of the time at Picton. . . . re ! Mrs. Philip Gilbert, Montreal, and Mrs. Reginald Brock, Kingston, with théir families, are gecupying the Byers | cottage on Tremont Park. Mr. J. Castell Hopkins, Toronto, is | visiting Mr. J. R. Black, Mack street; | Mr. Thomas Doyle, of the Ontario Bank, is on his vacation; he will spend it principally in Ottawa. » . . y A quiet wedding occurred © Wodnes day afternoon at. "Woodlawn," the pretty home of Mr. and Mrs, Fdward J. Presant, Surrey street, Guelph, when their daughter, Hattie A., was united in the bonds of holy wedlock to the Rev. I. N. Beckstedt, B.A, of | Athens, Ont, and a graduate of Queen's, . «le The Marquis of Bute, who last week celebrated his twenty-fourth birthday, holds no fewer than a dozen other titles of nobility, in addition to a baronetey, nearly all of which re Scottish. He is Earl of Windsor, Vis- count Mountjoy, Baron Cardiff, Baron Mount Stuart, Earl of Dumfries, Earl of Bute, Viscount Kingarth, Viscount Ayr, Lord Mount Stuart, Lord Camra, ! Lord Inchmarnock, and Lord Crich ton. His hereditaments also include the custody of Rothesay Castle, sherifi and coroner of the county "of ! Bute. His lordship ie to be married to Miss Augusta Pellingham -next month. Good As Ever. At the Opera house last evening, a good audience once more greeted the Bioscope company. The interest in the moving pictures does not seem to wane and they continue as popular as ever with the public, Last night's pro- gramme was varied from former ones, and took on a lighter character, the pictures shown being of a humorous vein. The illustrated songs also de serve a word of praise. Throughout their week's engagement in Kingston, the company have sustained the high standard of entertainment furnished their patrons. The local pictures also continue to evoke much interest, Overstocked with finest green peas in cans. We offer them for 7c. can. Crawford, A table full of ladies' tan calf Ox- ford shoes worth $250 and marked only 81.50, the Lockett Shoe Store. Butter prints 17¢. Crawford, Easier to push that baby carriage if you let Milne, 272 Bagot street, put new rubber tires on it. Mr. Huyeke ix spending the week end at Presqu' Isle Point, near Brigh 2 lbh, enns finest peas, only Te: Craw: ford, . , Battalion to leave Kingston on dinner, and when you meander along in the wet grass in search of the cows till your shoes are the color of rawhide and your stockings soaked, and when yeu meander out across twenty acres of ploughed ground with a club to drive the hogs out of the cornfield. and tear your dress on the barh-wire ' fence, when you meander back home to the house, find that the : i . : billy goat has butted the stuffin' a St. bert, vy goat has uffin' out Miss Faith Haines, t. Lam it, | of your child and find the old hen with forty chickens in the parlor, you'll put your hands on your hips and realize that meandering is not what it is cracked up to be, A Public Protest: At a meeting of the local branch of the Lord's Day Alliance held yester- day, the dean of Ontarie presiding in the absence "of President Melntyre, Shin resolution was unanimously pass- ed : "The executive committee of the Kingston branch of the Lord's Day Alliance record their protest against the action of the authorities respon- sible for the excursion of the 14th Sun day morning next. The observance of the Lord's Day is one of the inetitu- tions of our country, and it is dis appointing to find that those to whom wo most naturally turn as the up- holders of these institutions should be so publicly concerned in a violation of the day of rest, which has been des: cribed by one of the greatest British statesmen as 'the corner stone of our civilization.' " > Dominion Business College. William Fleming, graduate of the shorthand department, has been ap- pointed stenographer for the Domin- i ton Cotton company, Kingston, James « Grant, of the shorthand department, has been given a position as steno grapher for a malting company, at Montreal. Arthur Murray, James Clark and William Garvin are acting as the stenographers at the "military camp, Barrielield. Misses Florenew Sproule and Carrie Ried, of the shorthand department, left for Toronto on Wednesday, to undertake positions as stenographers. Mise L. E. Martin, of the commercial department, has been appointed hook. keeper for J, (', Wilson, manufactu Watertown; "N.Y. Miss A. Gsant secured a good position at Montreal, ---------- Fete Champetre, The ladies 'of St. Andrew's Preshy- terian church, Wolfe Island, will hold an ice creamy and strawberry festival on the church grounds on Tuesday evening, July 4th. The steamer Wolfe Islander will leave Swift's wharf, foot of Clarence street, at 7 p.m. sharp. Boat fare, both ways, and supper, 25¢.; children 15¢. rer; has Women's Hats Cheap To-Night. Every woman's hat in stock at clearing sale prices to-night. Some very nobby American styles, all at bargain prices. Crumley Bros, Tuesday, July 4th, At Ogdensburg More attractions than ever, steamer America leave 8 a.m., returning leaves Ogdensburg 5.30 p.m., meals on hoard. . return, Fresh opera cream bars, MeConkey's, at Gibvon's Red Cross drug store. NATURAL APERIENT WATER. The Analysis shows that the richness of Apenta Water in natural: saline aperients renders it the safest and most' remedial laxative 'and gurgative. DAINTY STYLES FOR SUMMER WEAR LABEL. READ THE Shirt Waist Suits of * all the lgh and oy Seaven, without which tight 18 outi wardrobe . Our on is simply in end. less variety at actual cost of - terial. Fit and workmanship ; he no better. : Read every line of this advt., then come ad vas-loe youredfb. + then SHIRT WAIST Suits. : e Flak Zephyr, ; Avimal with white braid and buttons, = Ex- tra good value Ei ab i aris whan wi SLT Other great lines for Toronty Island Breakwater Extension INTENDING CONTRACTORS WILL please take notice that the time for the receipt. of tenders for the above mens ky Sxtendud 0 Saturday. uly. DS, ine vely, that in addition to the oa i shown on the plans and deseri the specifications now on exhibition fi the oronto Island Breakwater ston, the ritment of Public Wo will 'also receive parate tenders for building of the work with the thirty. pound per foot sheet piling manufactu by the United States Steel Piling Coms bany. and also ith the Freitas Jotaty locking steel piling thirty-three poun: rolled 'channel. Only one cheque need accompany the three tonders. By oi FRED, GELINAS, Secretary. * . + Department of Public Works, Ottawa, June 20th. 1905. d MARINE INTELLIGENCE. What is Going om About the Harbor. The schooner Voges, from Fairhaven with coal, is at Booth's wharf. % - Crawford's wharf: Schooners Trade: wind, from Fairhaven, with ; An nandale, cleared for Oswego. Swift's wharf : Steame Toronto, down; Caspian, from Charlotte; Rie dean Queen, from Ottawa to-night. The schooner Queen of the Lakes clears for Sodus this. evening = from Richardsons' wharf with feldspar. i The yacht D. Waggoner is at Swift's wharf, having brought "a New York. patty from a fishing trip up the Ris dean, = Craig's wharf : Steamer' Alexandria up last night; propellers Cuba and Persia up to-night; steamer C, W, Cale, from South Bay. ' T. company wharf : Tug T| from Oswego, with three con. barges and cleared down; tug Glide up with three light barges, and cleared down with three grain-laden. i This morning while on her trip to Cape Vincent, a gasket in the mud port of the steamer Pierrepont's boil- er blew out, when the steamer was near Simcoe Island. The steamers Wolfe Islander, Rideau King and Awm- vvica went up to find out the cause of the Pierrepont's signalling. After a delay of three hours, repairs were completed and the steamer proceeded to the Cape. ' ' The Best. : Se §2 derbys in Kingston at Campbell Bros. netfee ® Overstocked with finest green peasin cans. We offer them for To can, Crawliord,