-- fmm: liousness or Constipation. Torpid Liver is bottom of \-tives to make that lazy liver work. * resh fruit is fine for these troubles, but one ugh fruit todomuch good. 'The medicinal » in too small proportion in the ripe fruits. r Ottawa physician discovered a method by juices could be combined so that their 'tion would be iticreased many times. e these fruit juices in tablet form. They e stomach and liver, cure Constipation and One Fruit-a-tives tablet has the purities. on liver and nes. And this action is as gentle as the 7S. ith Torpid Liver and Constipation, and a at ; system requires to relieve | hope many more s MRS, Fruit Liver Tablets. : Manufactured by Fruit-a-tives Limited, ottawa. Headaches then the Head aches and = the Tongue is Coated the trouble. And it 'takes bowels as dozens of oranges, erers will try them." WM. TREFFRY, Burnside, Man, Qs weather sets i rush may be on then and you'll be delayed and s bad for the DO IT a to bave your Furnace and Pipes Furnace. NOW 7 at 228 to do it for you. /EY & BIRCH nd 71 Brock Street. AAA adv CONFE sANONG' ffed Rice, 30c. per pound. ES', Princess St. RARRARRAR 1 Work toWin . USIG ! T™ CTION Is the right motto for every young nerson. We would like "to direct the work .in our excellent 'OWN, N.Y., at her home, . A limited Call Thurs- DURING JULY a . Whdle or half day sessions may he selected. A fine combination of pleasure ) and profit is available. Enter any time s during eGiee Barrie and Clergy Sts., Kingston T. N. STOCKDALE, ton, Ont. Principal oe. MEDICAL, 's in charge. ORIA | University INTREAL ) for the s of ty. September triculation, ws, terms of ion address Montreal. :RSITY Science (Civil, ng and Rail- ecture, and and Medicine. ns and Exa- and Scholar llth Septem- will begin on ns and copies t full infor- es of study, be obtained M.A, ECISTRAP. e------ JRISTS New York, ge Custumes, George F. Dalton B.A, M.D., C.M., M.R.C.S.,, (England) L.R.C. P,, (London). Office and Residence, 64 William Street Telephone 378. SEALED. TENDERS | ADDRESSED to the undersigned, and endorsed 'Tens der for Supplying Coal for the Dominion Buildings,'" will be received at is office until Tuesday," August BB) 1908, inclus ively, for supply of Coal for the Public Buildings throughout the Domint ion. Combined specification and form of ten- der can be obtained on application at this office. Pérsons tendering are notified that ten ders will not be considered unless made on the printed form supplied, and signed | w ih their actual signatures. . Rach tender must be accompanied an accepted cheque on a chartered honk, made pavdble to the order of the ion: ourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to ten per cent of amount of the tender, which will be forfeited if the party tendering decline to enter into 8 contract when called upon to do so, orif he fail to complete the work contracted for, If the tender he not accepted the cheque will be returned. The Department does not bind itseil to accept the lowest or any tender. v- order, FRED. GELINAS, Secretary Department of Public Works, Ottawa, June 26. 1905. Newspapers inserting this advertis® ment without authority from the Departs ment, will not be paid for it. HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO SELL OUTSIDE OF YOUR SINS AND YQUR TROUBLES? COME TO WM MURRAY, The. Auctionee sseaux, Shirt ders executed tech. Popular 8. 251 Prin- (ingston. A smart brick-maker can make 4,000 bricks a day. ~ A sixteen-horse-power t machihe makes 3000 in the same Cite, THE DAILY FURNIT Comprising every style of Porch and Veranda Chair, Rockers. Settees, Camp Cots, from $1.50 to $6.50. Boat Chairs, 2.50 to $7.50. The quality . of these goods. are the highest and prices the lowest. Robt. J. Reid. E. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. Iii Dominion Day Y Speci als 3 Paddling Jerseys White, Blue and Cardinal, short sleeves, trimmed in color: Long Sleeve Jerseys White, Green and Blue, trimmed, . $1.50 Caps to Match New York Shirts 50c., 65c. and $1, perfect fitting, great bargains, Underwear French Balbriggan and Natural Wadk Ji v 50c. and 81.00 E. P, Jenkins Clothing Co, Em -- WANTED. GENERAL. SERVANT. APPLY TO Mrs. B. W. Robertson, 161 Earl St. A SMART YOUNG MAN TO WORK a8 an assistant shipper. Address Box *'C."" Whig office. A ---- 6 SMART GIRLS TO DIP CHOCO- lates ; piece k ; good pay and steady employment. W. J. Crothers GOOD LAUNDRESS AT GENERAL ospitali Also a kitchen woman. Re- ferences required. Apply Mrs. Pucvis A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT FOR small family. Good wa paid to competent person, Apply 3035 © Alfred street. A CAPABLE GENERAL No washing ; good with references, at 181 William St. eee cette steer eee. SERVANT. wages. Apply the Parsonage, GENERAL SERVANT, ONE THAT would go with family to Stella for .the summer. Apply any time after Wednesday, 5 o'clock, to Mrs. L. C. Lockett, 54 Wellington street. A MAN TO DRIVE AND CARE FOR horses and. barn. ust be strong, steady and well recommended. Good wages, and steady employment. Mc- Kelyey & Birch, 69 & 71 Brock St. GENTLEMEN, TO GET THEIR Spring Suits made up at Galloway's, 181 rock street, next to Bibby's livery ;'style, fit and price guaranteed to please ; pressing and repairing done promptly. A MAN OF ABILITY TO REPRESENT us in the city of Kingston, to can- vass for high class Fruits and Orpa- mental Nursery stock. Territory re- served for the right man. Liberal in- ducements. Pay weekly. Stone & 'Wellington, Toronto. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN PLBMB- ing trade. Cannot supply demand for graduates. $4 to $5 per day. ny complete course in two months, Graduates admitted to Union and Master Plumbers Ass'n. Send for free Catalogue. Coyne Bros. Co. Plumb- ing Schools. Cincinnati, 0., St. Louis. Mo. m---- YEAR 72, NO. 154. DAILY MEMORANDA, Civic Finance Committee, 8 p.m. Envying another's cake spoils our own cookies. General Hospital governors, 4 p.m. Wednesday. Portsmouth council and court of revi- sion, 7.80 p.m. Reception at church, 8 p.m. A petrified crecd often goes with a putty conscience. Nowhere do souls sour quicker than in an icé-box church. Presbyterian church land, this evening. Men who intend to be good to-morrow always die to-day. The sun rises Wednesday at 4.24 a.m., and sets at 7.44 p.n. Fete Champetre, Wolfe Island, this even- ing: steamer leaves at 7. This day in history : United States, 17 A807; battle of Ulun Queen Street Methodist social, Wolfe Is- Independence of Garibaldi born, Not How Chea But How Good TUMBLERS There is nothing as nice as a Full Crystal Tumbler cat with a rich' pattern. You feel like drinking out of them, no matter what you take, and it will taste better. We 'Nave them in endless varieties. Tumblers From 25¢. a Dozen Up, ROBERTSON BROS.. A New Partnership Ed. Graham has entered into partnership with J, Nugent & Co., hardware merchants. The new firm of Nugent & Graham carries a full line of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Stoves, etc. Tinsmithing and Plumbing work done on shortest notice. All work guaranteed sat- isfactory. : Nugent & Graham 335-337 King Street, NEXT McPARLAND'S. ST. AGNES' SCHOOL CHURCH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Elmpool, Belleville, Ontario. Patron--The Lord Bishop of Ontario Thorough courses in English, ages, Music, Art and Physical Comservatory of Music held at the school. Pupils taken from the Kindergarten to the preparation for universitie Langu- Culture. Examinations The success of the school h justified a large addition to the building, contain- ing six class rooms, piano rooms, gym- nasium, swimming bath and sleeping ap- partments. The building is he: by steam and lighted by gas and electricity. The grounds' extend over five acres For prospectus and further informa- tion, apply to MISS F. E. CARROLL, 2 Lady Prinelp SOUVENIRS In Sterling Silver, Enamelled Pieces, comprising Belt Pins, Hat Pins, Brooth- es, Ash Trays, Pin Trays, and Spoons These cam be supplied you in British Canadian, Ontario or Kingston Coats of Arms, together with many other unique designs. SMITH BROS. Jewelers Opticians 350 King Street. " Marriage Licenses Issued " Lawn Mowers SHARPENED AND REPAIRED Locks and Keys a specinity All kinds of repairs done. D. J. GARBUTT, 225 Princess St. STRAYED. EARFOLD BAY A THREE- HORSE from the premises of Allan Stroud, Rideau street. Information as to its whereabouts * will he thankfully re- ceived. TO-LET. a FRONT BEDROOMS, WITH OR WITH- out board. Apply to 160 King St, OR WITHOUT Mrs. Richardson's, 1 TWO ROOMS, WITH board. Call at Vaughn Terrace. THE SHOP ON DIVISION STREET, near Garrett street, occupied hy Miss Boon, milliner. Apply at Whig office. ------------------------------------------------ DWELLINGS FURNISHED AND UN- furnished, stores, offices, etc., at Me- Cann's Real Estate Agency, 51 Brock Street. LOST. SE II TI ITI A BLACK VALISE, WITH NAME OF Edward Spooner upon it. Will the finder please telephone P, Devlin, Grand Union hotel, A PLAIN GOLD CROSS. ON MONDAY, between Craig's wharf and Red Cross Drug Store. Suitable reward given if returned to Whig office. ' FOUND. * 'A ROSARY, ON STUART STREET. Owner may have same by paying cost of this advertisement and calling at Whig office. ' rm ---------------------- Rubber tires for baby carriages, cheap at Harvey Milne's, 272 Bagot siroet CANNOT ALLOW IT. Boats Not to Land at Park on Sunday. At a special meeting of the trustees of the Thousand Island Park Associa- tion on Saturday it was definitely de cided that no boats would be allowed to land at the dock there on Sunday. J. P. Lewis, vice-president of the Park association, stated that a ma- jority of the trustees were in favor of allowing two boats to stop at the park on Sunday, one in the morning and one in the evening, for the gecom- modation of visitors, but that upon investigation it was found that such a plan could not be adopted. The right to control the water front of the park, he stated, had been granted to the as- sociation by special act, with the pro viso that boats should be prohibited from landing at the dock on Sunday. Competent attorneys, he said, assured him that this prohibition could not be abolished in favor of two boats without allowing all boats to land. As this would include excursion boats, guch a plan did not meet with the approval of the trustees. Fresh citrate of magnesia, 25¢. bot- tle, Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, gi Cp ARE STARVED Will Not Disarm. ODESSA IN TERROR THAT MUTINEER WILL RE- TURN AND BOMBARD TOWN, Torpedo Destroyer Sails, Intend- ing to Sink the Mutineer-- Crew [Elect Committee of Twenty to Rule Ship--Thirst May Compel Landing. Special to the Whig. : \ustendji, Bucharest, July 4.--~The Russian torpedo boat, accompanying the Kniaz Potemkin, attempted to en- ter the port of Kustendii, sterday. The Roumanian cruiser zabetha fired on the torpedo boat, but failed to hit her. This incident followed the refusal of the crew of the Kniaz Po- temkin to accept the government's offer, made through the captain of the port, who positively announced that the mutincers would not be al- lowed to receive provisions unless they came ashore, unarmed, and delivered up the battleship and torpedo boat to the captain of the port. If these cgnditions were fulfilled the mutineers would be at liberty to go where they pleased. The rebellious steamers con- ferred together, refused the govern- ment's demand, and renewed their de- mand for provisions. This was again positively refused by the captain gi the port, whereupon the Russian tor pedo boat attempted to enter. the port, After being fired upon, the cruiser Elizabetha, the torpedo boat, and the Kniaz Potemkin Tavritschegky sailed without disclosing their destin ation. A sailor who had escaped frog, the battleship reported that all on board "the battleship. were starwing, having had only very little to cat for three days. Sails To Sink Mutineer. Petersburg, July 4. to a despatch received by an official agency, the torpedo boat destroyer, Smetilvy, with 4 volunteer crew, has sailed, from Odessa, with the inten- tion of sinking the Kniaz Potemkin. PIL St. According To Sink Her On Sight. Odessa. July 4.-There is anxiety and excitement here concerning the Kniaz Potemkin Tavritschesky, it be ing feaved that the battleship will re turn and bombard the city. A de- stroyer and two torpedo boats, which ate now received orders, vester day afternoon, to attack and sink the Kniaz Potemkin on sight. here, Twenty Captains Rule. London, July 4.-The Brailia cor respondent 'of the Chronicle says that the Roumanian cruiser, Elizabetha, and torpedo boats followed the Kniaz Potemkin Tavritschesky until she passed the Roumaniap coast. The battleship is commanded by a com mittee of twenty men elected hy the crew. Fngineer Cakdenn ig chief of the committee. It is believed that thirst will compel the mutineers to land in Russia. PEARY'S DASH FOR POLE. His Ship Better Equipped Than Other Pole-seekers. winl to the Whig New York, July *4.--Inquiry to-day developed the fact that Lieuts Com- mander Peary will hardly be able to complete his preparations and start on his trip to the far north as ori- ginally scheduled. The Roosevelt, in which the polar journey is to be made is still taking on sto and if will perhaps be séveral days before she will be ready to sail. The departure, however, will hardly be delayed yond the end of the week. " Lieut. Commander Peary intends that the Roosevelt shall be better equipped for the Arctic regions than any previous ship. Even though the date of sailing must be deferred he ingists that everything shall be perfectly arranged before the depar- ture. After leaving New York the Roosevelt will make but one stop and that will be at St. John's, N.B. Leav- ing the latter place the vessel will plinge immediately into the region of polar bears and icebergs. Arriving at Grant Land Mrs, Peary and their twelve-year-old daughter will be put ashore to remain in specially con- structed cabin while the husband and S+ be- father endeavors to accomplish the last stage of his great journey. The expedition will consist of seventy men, several of them physicians and scientists and all of the rest carefully selected hardy young sailors from Maine. Streets Flushed With Beer. Xenia, 0., July 4.-- The streets were flushed with hundreds of barrels of heer notwithstanding this is a "dry'"' town and hydrant water is plentiful. It was caused by the visit of a gov- ernment inspector from Dayton to the Brinkle & Reading brewery, where was formerly manufactured "bishop beer," a dry town beverage, but which for soveral months has been in the hands of a receiver, and they preferred to forfeit the beer rather than pay the required government tax. Why Bronchitis Is Serious. Jecquse if not quickly eured, it be- comes uz chronic. condition that verges closely consumption. '"C'atarrho- zone" the most pleasant, simple and pertain eure. Try Catarrhozone. on Citrate of at Gibson's Coca-Cola for headache at magnesia in 25¢. bottles, ted Cross Drug Store. Wade's KINGSTON, ONTARIO, But Kniaz Potemkin's Crew |. HAVE BEEN NAMED As the Japamese Heads Convention. at Peace KOGORA TAKANIRA Special to the Whig. Tokio, July 4. The emperor, terday afternoon, yes: formally appointed Baron: Komura, minister of foreign af- fairs, and M. Takahira, minister at Washington, as the Japanese plenipo- tentiaries to the peace convention at Washington. ~ | ---------- PITH OF THE . NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. The election of Hop, C. 8, ' ( Hyman in London is t6 be protested. A Toledo inyentor - travelled three miles in + twenty-five 'minutes in his airship, i Field Marshal Oyama has begun an aggressive movement against Mailon gechn, Unprecedentes] rains in Nebrasky and Kansas are delaying traflic seriously on the railways, ; Judge Barron found thiricen forgedy names on the pétition of Harry Otto of Shakespears for a liquor license. Norman Musscluan, a carpenter in the Mercer refomustory, was drowned while attempting to swim the Humber river, William Anderson, M.L.A. for East Peterboro, is very ill and not expected to recover.' He is sufiering front pleurisy, The imperial authorities have not vet notified the (Canadian government when they propose to vacate fortifion- tions at Halifax. Wentworth James Buchanan, former general manager of the Bank of Mon: treal, pas away at hi in Montreal on Sanday. : Western Australia is offering induee- ments to English agriculturists and will give 160 acres upon the same conditions as Canada, The cabinet, headed hy Dr. A, Kuy per, has resigned. The resignation due to the defeat of the government in the recent elections in Holland. Duane E. Hilts, a well-known farmer of Chaumont, NX, while driving across the railroad track, was struck by a teain, fured 100 feet, and kill ed. A warrant been issued in Bow street police court, London, for the arrest of Willoughby Middleton. Scot land Yard believes he is in the metro 18 has polis, During a tussel with a mob in Kurek, Russia, the mob drove an of ficer into a railway ear, soaked the car with petr im, set fire to it and Jhurned the r to death. John F. vens, Chicago, Yormerly fourth vice ident of the Chicago, 200k Teland d Pacific railway, has been selected as chief commissioner of the Panama canal commission to sue coed John | Wallace. Mr Stevens' salary will be $30,000 per year. PRECIOUS METAL FROM BASE ? Lead Into Silver and Gold. According. to Andre Transmutes Paris, July 1 Thels, a brother of the author of "La Montansier an astounding achieve ment has |x performed by Dr. A odern alchemist, who is discovered the method of Jobert, the said to have converting lead into gold or silver, and silver into gold. lbels publishes an article in La Presse affirming that Jobert, on several occasions, success the transmutation be fully performed w, and is willing to reveal fore witne the method a seientils committee, He desires that the Academy of Sci- ences investigate the discovery. R. & O. Foremen Get Demands. ly 4~The firemen amer Kingston. went on strike ye v, and left the boat, At a conference, latder, with the cap tain, they explained that they were kept awake bv the pantry hove danc- ing. This grievance was pemedied, and Toromto, J on the R. & 0 the men lit the steamer a second time, and this time they demanded higher wages. This demand was also met, and the men returned to work satisfied. . Employees Dismissed. Belleville, Ont, July 4.----John Marsh, for seventeen years the popu lar turnkey at the county jail, has been notified that his. services are no longer wired, Robert Collins, Madoe, i= hi successor, (oorge Dual mage, and Richard: Arnot were also applicants. (i. G. Keith, supervisor f boys at the D. and D, Institute, has also 'received his release at the hands of the educational department Baseball day. National LeaguesASg, Philadelphia, 1; New York, 9. At _ Pittsburg, 4; Cin: cinnati, 3. At Praoklyn, 2: Boston, 1. American Deague.~At New York, 0: Philadelphia, 3. At Boston, i Wash- ington, 2, in League.--~ At Rochester 7; Montreal, 5. At Buafilo, 2; Toronto, 1. At Baltimore, 4; Providence, 2. At Jersey City, 5 Newark, 2. at ------ "Army Servi" foot soda fountain, 'Gen. De la Rosa Released by [HE BUDGET May Be Brought Down an Thursday. HUNGARIAN AFFAIR TO MAKE ENQUIRY FOR THE GOVERNMENT. Toronto Insurance Company Ap- peals to the Government Re a British Columbia Statute -- To Arrange a Pension. Ottawa, July 4.--1t is reported that the supplementary estimates will be laid before the house at to-day's sit ting. The budget may possibly be brought down on Thursday. The. government has 'commissioned Sandford H, Pelton, K.C., Yarmouth, to visit the South American Republic of Uruguay, to make a thorough in- Yuiry ito alleged unfair treatment dealt out to the officers and orew of the Nova Scotin sealing schooner Ag- nes Donaghue hy the authorities at Montevideo. There has been such a conflict regarding the facts of this case, and negotiations through im- perial channels progress so leisurely, that it was thought best to get at the truth of the matter by means of an independent commissioner. Mr, Pel- ton will repgrt to Ottawa, One of the Toronto insurance com panies incorporated under federal charters has applied to thy justice de- partment for disallowance of a British Columbia statute that imposes a tax on other than local companies doing Business in the Pacific coast province. Their claim is that such enactment is ultra vires of the provincial legisla- ture. The point is now under consid- eration hy the law officers, It is said that the supplementary estimates' will make provision for a pension for Mrs. MacDougall, widow of the late Hon. William MaDougall, Precedent 'exists for it in the case of Lady Cartier, who received a pension after her husband's death, ? FREED BY FORCE, : Friends. a San Domingo," July 4.-Friends 61 Gen, Candelario de la Rosa, who was a political prisoner at Barahona, on the Bay de Neiba, in tho southern part of this republic, have released him from prison hy foree. Several men were killed or wounded during the afiray. Gen, do la Rosa and his party have left Barahona for the mountains. i The government is sending troops to Barahona to maintain order and the United States cruiser Des Moines has gone there to protect the custom house. The rest of the republic is quiet, WANT EX-CHIEF BACK. Deputation Waits On Police Com- missioners, Brockville, July 4.--~A deputation of Brock¥ille's leading citizens waited on the police commissioners at a special meeting, and urged the reinstatement of ex-Chief Adams, dismissed a year for alleged insubordination to the chairman of the police committee of the town council, before the depart- ment was put under the control of the commissioners. Jt was claimed that he had been unjustly dealt with, The commissioners promised to take the matter under consideration, and it is not unlikely that an investigation will be instituted. Sergt. Burke sue- ceeded Adams as chief constable. China To Stop Boycott. Washington, July 4.--~The Chinese government has taken steps to stop the anti-American agitation and boy- cott against American goods. Minister Rockhill, Pekin, cabled the state de- partment that after repeated and urgent representations from the = Am- erican legation orders have been is- sued from the Chinese foreign office te ull viceroys and governors in the em- pire to cease anti-American agitation and attempted boyeott against Ameri- can goods, Noted Swindler May Come Here. Paris, 'July 4.-Romain Durignae, brother of Mme. Humbert, and one of those convicted with her in connect- en with the gigantic . Humbert frauds, has been released {rom Frosns prison. He has completed the entire term of his imprisonment, the minis ter of the interibr having refused to make any allowance for good con- duct. For some time Durignae has de- voted all of his leisure time to the study of English and it ig believed to be his intention to emigrate to the United States. Young Woman's Body In Creek. Watertown, N.Y., July 4.~The body of Miss Vietorin Decker, aged twen tv-four, of Croghan, Lewis county, was found in Black creek near her home. The young woman loft at night to see a neighbor and the authorities are at a logs as to whether it is a case of murder, suicide, or accidental drowning: Stole The Valises. Special to 4 Whig, re. ae ily 4,3, P: Kors ney, Montreal, reported to the police, last night, that two grips, w@iued at $120, had been stolen from an automo bile while standing in front of the A NARROW ESCAPE, A Young Lad Falls Of the Break- Water While Fishing. What was one of the narrowest es- capes this summer, occurred at the breakwater this morning and showed the lamentable luck of appliances for saving life along that part of the harbor front. During the morning a young lad, pat} Abort Staley, son of Daniel Staley, Barrie street, was fishing along the esplanade, Losing his footing by some means or other, he fell into the water. Beiilg but a pi me chap hv had slim chances of imbing up broakwater in, and was nag down for the third time. However, little Norma Twigg, aged the drowning Jad. Eagerly he seized the frail hope and kept himself above water till rescued by John Gleeson, who was summoned by the cries for help. It was a olose shave and should serve as a reminder of the danger run by the dozens of little tots who daily play along this portion of the harbor front. It is even a favorite ramble for nurse girls with their Shatges and the wonder is that more accidents do not ocour, In speaking of the affair this morning, a resident was very strong in calling upon the ity council or whoever is responsible to put chains or rope or something of that' nature 'along the breakwater for persons who may fall in to grasp. As it is there is no protection there for persons who may loge their bal ance and bo precipitated into the water. Unless some action is taken, more than one fatality will surely oc- our there during the next month or two. . TRIP OF THE 14TH. Lord's Day Alliance Protest. Came Too Late. Over a thousand ole were at Fol go's whaet nS morning to soo the 14 ogi depart for Utica, NY. At halt ng J the regiment was aboard, and steamer left for Cape Vincent. crowds lining = the. wharves waved many 'good-byes and the band re sponded to the greetings. The local Lord's Dav Alliance did not act soon enough in order to bring pressure to boar nwpon the au- thorities to prevent the 14th Regi ment from leaving on Sunday, but it is presumed, that pro ' the The allianes will action rovent Canadian regiments ie trips in the future, Bofore the Mth could for nh mission had to he secured from the Rovernor-general, to' whom the papers are submitted by the militia depart- ment. - Last year, through the papers having been laid aside by Lord Minto the permission did not come until the night previous to the trip, and the wires were hot at work for hours in getting the matter before the gover- nor-general, who happened to be away and was communicated with by tele- phone from - Ottawa. This year, Lignt.-Col. Kent saw to it that the application was put in early, and the permission arrived several days heforo the trip. $ The 14th. will come home to-night vin Clayton. The steamer St, Law rence will bring theny up the river, arriving here about 2 a.m, Wednes- day. f : DR. JOHNSTON'S FUNERAL. House of Commons Attended in a Body. Special to the Whig. Ottawa, July 4,--The funeral of Johnston, M.P., West Lambton, take place at.three this afternoon to the Union station. "The remains will be taken to Brockville by the C.P.R. and from there to Sarnia. Rev. A. W. Mackay, of All Saints church, will officiate at the funeral. The House of Commons will rise at five o'clock to permit members to attend. Dr. John- ston succumbed to erysipelas in a malignant form, Fred. Ford obtained a temporary in. junction, to-day, from Judge O'Meara, restraining the city from paying money to Alderman Champagne to de- fray expenses of a trip to St. Malo for the purpose of attending the unveiling of the Jacques Cartier monument, and to Paris, to buy French books for the public library. The. motion for en: argement will be argued at Toronto, July 11th. Dr. will Big Sea Lion Shot In Trap. Vancouver, B.C.., July 4. The seck- eves are running #teong. Todd's trap, off the west. coast of Vancouver Ts land, when examined Saturday morn ing wae found to be holding a plung- ing sealion in ite meshes. He had rent a big hole, and let all the sal- mon out; but failed to get away him- self. He weighed 1,600 pounds when shot, Threw Pepper; Snatched Money. Chicago, July )4.--Near the board of trade building, Don Beemy, a messan- ger employed by Bartlett, Frazier & Carrington, grain brokers, was robbed of over $1,700 by a thief after throw- ing red pepper in the boy's eyes. The robber escaped, Arrival Of A Vessel. Special to the Whig. Father Point, Que., July 4.--8.8. Malville, Flder Dempster Line from Santa Lacia, inward, (140 am, We Do Repairing Neatly Don't Throw Away the Old - Comforts for the New. Bring in. your last yeor's Shoes and enjoy them for 'another yeary Russell House, from Dr. Chown. When 'he fits a sowder, 10¢, git Gibson's Red Cross Drug No guess work in getting a =| truss it is perfects \Wear "Allen's" Military Bootmakers, seven years, who ha) to be along, w remarkable presence of mind thrust down her tiny parasol to | st nine o'clock | point, per. | wi S Crosse & Blackwel July 4.-(10 a warm and unsettled, thunder storms to-night | Toronto, east winds, showers and Wednesday. BLACK VOILE French Obiffon' Weave, wide, usually sold at 50s,. © Price 40c. 3 BLAOK MOHAIR, of facture, benutful finizh, 66 inches at 76c. Clearing OOO OO00000 f ARNIEL~In Kingston, July 2s to Mrs. William J. Arniel (noe Ainslie), of Bululo, a da + f ~ Jn Kingston, on Sunday, y 2nd, 1908, to Mr, and: Mrs, Fred. -Le Fuve, Ordnance street, a son. FOIK--In Kingston, on Saturday, Jul 1st, to Mr, and Mrs: H. J. son, still born, LE SMITH--SCOTT,--At the bride's father, Kiroet, on. J Card, In ov, A. W. rdson, M. garet Scot, char or of Di Scott, to G, Hilton Sm ROBT. J, REID, The Leading Undertaker "Phone 877. 222 Princess St. DRY SWEET : GINGER : Just Arrived Jas. Redden @ Co., Importers of Fine Groceries JOHN MAGKAY & GO. HANDLE 4 High Grade Bond Issues Canadian Bank of Commerce Building, Toronio For the Hot Weather 5 Refrigerators, from Gas Range, Also Gas Stove, Chairs, Swumer Kitchen Stoves; TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE, 398 Princess Street. SWIFT'S INSURANCE RENGY FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, CARGO. Strong reliable Companies only represented LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. LOWEST RA' approved risks y of every y Office, Opposite Qutario Bank Fashionable Clothing To-Order Provost's Broek street, has. always had the reputation of maki the finest clothing to order. For material, style and workmanship, he cannot be beaten. A large variety of goods to choose fiom at rock-bottom prices. A first class fit guara Gi a trial, dh Sb phlei. McConkey's high "class candies sold only at Gibson's Red Cross 84 Brock St, Sign of Golden Boot. SA Store, 3