nd Saturday t 9:30 To-morrow morning ong as the lot. lasts, t of English Lace manu- ham, England, sent to his wo cases of Laces, repre- ces of patterns on hand. re usually -hard to get and amble for them as they are RICE. We secured one hem TO-MORROW and )JOZENS WHITE LACES f Torchons,, Valanciennes, S, In a variety of different a few insertions to match. from 3c. 4¢., 5c. 7c. 8c., 15¢. yard. These will be PRICE nciennes Laces will be sold ll the other makes either by tockings ings for children, all sizes. ckings for children. n Stockings, 20c., 25¢. Thread Stockings, ce Stockings, 39c. e Stockings, 25¢,, 35¢., 45¢., "otton Sox, all sizes; Unshrinkable Merino, best Lace Sox. Lace Ankle Sox. YEAR 72. NO. 157 B. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. -- SPECIALS Paddling Jerseys 'White, Blue and Cardinal, short sleeves, trimmed in colors... 50c. Long Sleeve Jerseys White, Green and Blue, trimmed, ind ist imteass sererecersss- $1.50 - Gps to Match New York Shirts 50c., 65c. and $1, perfect fitting, great. bargains. Underwear French Balbriggan and Natural Wool i... wie 50c. and $1.00 E. P, Jenkins Clothing Co. We Do Repairing Neatly Don't Throw Away the Old Comforts for the New. Bring in your last year's Shoes and enjoy them for another year. Wear "Allen's"' Military Bootmakers, 84 Brock St. Sign of Golden Boot. ------ SOUVENIRS In Sterling Silver, Enamelled Pieces comprising Belt Pins, Hat Pins, Brooch- es, Ash Trays, Pin Trays, and Spoons. These can be supplied you in Canadian, Ontario or Kingston Coats of Arms, together with many other unique designs, SMITH BROS. Jewelers Opticians 350 King Street. " Marriage Licenses Issued Lawn Mowers SHARPENED AND REPAIRED Locks and Keys a specialty, All kinds of repairs done. D. J. GARBUTT, 225 Princess St. Try Myers'. for Fine COOKED MEATS. WANTED. -- TWO BARTENDERS AT ONCE, Al Anglo-American Hotel, Ont, A MAID, Apply to Street. ------------------------------------------------------------ A FIRST CLASS COOK, MAN OR woman, for Steamer America; highest wages.' Apply, Folger's ticket office FOR Miss GENERAL Ferguson, WORK 191 King EMPLOYMENT BY A YOUNG MAN any . Kind of drive. Apply to J, Ellis St, leib, 34 GENERAL SERVANT, ONE THAT would. go with family to Stella, for 3 Apply to Mrs. L. C 54 Wellington street, GENTLEMEN, TO GET THEIR ring Sults made up at Galloway's, 131 Brock street, next to Bibby's livery ; style, fiv and price guaranteed to please ; pressing and repairing done promptly. A MAN OF ABIL ) REPRESENT us in the city of Kingston, to can- vass for high class Fruits and Orna- mental Nursery stock. Territory re- served for the right man. Liberal in- ducements. Pay weekly. © Stone & Wellington, Toronto. BY A WELL-ESTABLISHED COR- poration, wishing to extend its busi- ness at home and abroad, young men who see no future in their present position. An increasing income guar- anteed and association. with cultured gentlemen. Apply, Box L., Whig office. MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN PJ id ing trade. Cannot supply Jemandptos gradudtes. $4 to $5 per day. Many complete course in two months, Graduates admitted to Union and Master Plumbers Ass'n. Send forfree Catalogue. Coyne Bros. Co. Plumb- ing Schools. Cincinnati, 0., St. Louis, Mo. TO-LET. "a, TWO ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT board. Call at Mrs. Richardson's, 1 Vaughn Terrace. THE SHOP ON DIVISION STREET, hear Garrett street, occupied by Miss Boon, milliner. Apply at Whig office. ------e tte eee eet DWELLINGS FURNISHED AND UN- {urnished, stores, offices, etc., 'at Me- Cann' Real Estate Agency, 51 Brock Street. LOST. A LARGE ROUND GOLD BROOCH, at sheial in J. Daly's Grove, on Thursday, June 20th. Finder please Jeave . at hig office and receive re- ward. ------ee eee FOUND. ! MONEY AT DANIEL Egan's Cigar Store, Princess street. Owner may have same hy proving property and paying for this advt Cool, Comfort. Tn our feather weight felts and nobe by straw hats George Mills & Co, bat specialists to men. Butter 18¢, Crawiord, SUM OF Belleville, | work acceptable. Can} DAILY MEMORANDA, The Best hy test Campbell Bros,, Hats. Butter 18¢., Crawford. There is nothing divine in dullavss, Sulkiness is oaly seliishnass sour. Gilding the wagon does not ease the springs. Many great souls little sins. Blessed is the selfishness. Missionary chugeh, 8 p.m. have beéh lost by sorrow that cures of Convention, St 9.30 Saturday. Baptist Sunday morrow, 1.80 p.m. The sun rises Saturday at 4.26 a.m., and sets at 7.43 p.m. You can hold up your head, Where ever you go, If the Hat you are wearing, Is from George Mills & Co. This day in history :--Skirmish at Fort George, 1813 ; Hawaii United States, 1898 :. Lincoln's murder- 1865 : Edward I died, 1307; ieutenant-governor of upper Not How Cheap School pienic to- TUMBLERS---There is nothing as nice as a Full Crystal Tumbler cat! with a rich pattern. You feel like drinking out of them, no matter what you take, and it will taste better. We have them in endless varieties. Tumblers From 25¢. a Dozen Up. ROBERTSON BROS. Will be a Success British, | If you let us fill your basket. We have Cooked Meats, on slice, .Canncd Beef, | Corned Beef, Chipped Beef, Tins and in | Glass, Lunch Tongue, Veal Loaf, lam Loaf, Potted Meats, Kippered Herring | Pork ond Beans, Plain and in Chili {| Sauce; Salmon, Sardines, Smelts, French Mustard, prepared, Qiives, Pickles Sauces, Catsup, Biscuits, Fresh and Canned Fruits. We have many other {lines all just suitable ior the days out- Hum, | 'F. W. VAN LUVEN, 246 Princess St. Phone 417. SE UMAPLE LEAF ™ CANNED SALMO GOOD TIME PLANNED Andrew's | Slle of Odds and Ends, Laidlaw's, at} annexed. to | ture | Town 0 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 7, A WILD SCENE Soldiers Burning, Looting. MUTINEERS SHOT FOR REFUSING TO TAKE OATH OF ALLEGIANCE. No Word of Sebastopol Squadron --Kniaz Potemkin Captures Merchantman, With Rich Cargo---Another Torpedo Boat Joins Mutineer. Special to the Whig. : London, Jaly 7.--The Odessa cor- respondent of the Daily Mail savs- it [ dosia But How Good | rumored, is reported. that the town of Theo is burning, that the soldiers of the garrison are looting, that the Kniaz Potemkin is bombarding the town, and that another torpedo boat has joined the mutineers. Only one | Russian steamer has been allowed to leave the Port. Another Odessa despatch says it is there, that the Kniaz Po temkin has been blown up near | Fheodosia.* There is nothing, h,w | ever, to confiry, the reports. YOUR PICNIC ¢ in her efforts to secure an | and provisions. PACKED | | For Visit of Watertown Yachts- | men to Picton. Picton, July 6.--A gala reception is planned for the Crescent Yacht Club, of Watertown, on their visit to the Bay of Quinte Yacht Club next week. | On their arrival, Monday 10th inst., they will down the bay on ra. Fifty be given a trip the steamer Nia members are expected. Thursday, a regatta, in conjunction with the First Methodist church Sun day school excursion, will be held at Glen Island, the trophies heing award ed hy local vachtsmen. Miss Edith Bolton, 'daughter of John Bolton, | was successful in her examinations at | the Normal school kindergarten, Ot | tawa, first. She will be one of the assistants in the Normal, Ot | tawa, until Christmas. While clearing the timber on the Sills property, late I ly purchased hy 'A. HH. Baker. man ager for Old Homestead Canning com | pany, Patrick Lynch severely crushed his left hand. W. Boulter and Sons | have raised a new steel smoke stack, | eighty-five feet high, by four feet in | diameter gnd weighing six tons, on | their canning factory. | Maj. Fitz Horrigan, inspector NW. M.P., White Horse, Yukon, arrived in town, Wednesday, after a five years' | absence. Maj. Horrigan will spend the nifost of his four months' leave of | absence around Picton. This morning Lhe left for a few davs in Kingston. Before vacation. i teacher in Mount Carmel school, was | presented by her pupils with a band- | some lady's companion. A very pretty | though ruiet -- wedding, took. place, | Monday morning, at the home of the { bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry | Van Vlack, Waupoos, uniting Miss | Jessie Van Vlack and Stanley Palen, | Rev. Mr. Seabourne officiating. Mr. | and Mrs. Palen left on the steamer | Alexandria for a trip to Quebee | Mrs. Andrew Baile, Montreal, is a | guest at the Royal for the summer | Mr. and Mrs. Stickney and three song, | Buffalo, are in town for the summer | at the Jackson house. Mr. an l Mrs { Herbert McMullen and child, Chicago, | are visiting Mrs. G. W. McMullen, { Main street. R. Clarke and G. Hall, | guests of Dr. M. Currie, M.P.P., re- | turned, to-day, to Toronto. cM | Shadbolt is acting rmmnager in the {absence of D. M. Farmer, on a {month's trin to Newfoundland. Miss | Dorothy Wilcocks is visiting Mrs. Wil liam Wright, Wellington. There was a large number on the Main Street Methodist © Sunday school evearsion per steamer Aletha, to Belleville, and Twelve O'clock Point to-day. Our Hats. : Are as comfortable a= thew ar | beautiful, and their beauty lasts. See | our men's foe straw sailors fn 500. {to $3. Campbell Bros, the style cen- - g tre for men's hats. evening, | | Sebastopol, Miss Mabel Brishen, | Shieh i Reuter's Telegram that at nine o'clock, morning, a boat from the Kniaz Potemkin was sent ashore, and | was met by. an infantry fire, which { killeel' two men, and caused seven to Jump overbgard. The torpedo boat, in the hands of mutineers, fired a shell which passed over the town, and at noon the Kniaz Potemkio and the torpedo boat "it port, . but continued: to manoeuvre in sight of the town. Another despatch that = the Kniaz Potemkin has captured the Russian merchant ship, Grand Duke Alexis, and seized her cargo of cattle A despatch 1g company yesterday says says er 4+ RUSSIA PERSISTENT. + -- 4 London, July 7.-- In 4 spite of the denials by the 4 foreign office I have excel- 4 lent authority for stating 4 that Russia is persisting armistice" says the St. Petersburg correspondent of the Times. "I am assured that representations to this effect 'have been made direct to Japan, but ¢ Tokio has vouchsafed no < reply." PEFTEEFFTEFSSTT 454 4 The got a sum oi money monds. The capture I'heodosia. mutineers also and was some dia maile near Mutineers Put To Death. July 7A despatch from Orlessy to the Eelair, savs that forty five mutine of the battleship Georgi which surrendered Inst been put' to death PP, biedonosteff, Monday, have The ringleaders were required to re new their oath of allegiance to the czar. Forty-five of them refused tq do so, and were shot. No Word Of Squadron. St Petersburg, July 7--Up to three o'clock, this morning, ne from Theodosia, of the squadron from which left for Theodosia had been received the arrival of atl noon. The latest despatch from Theodosia, received here, timed ) terday afternoon, re Kniaz Potemkin shore. ) o'clock, ves that the cruising off was Black Sea Shipping Safe. Vienna, July 7.-The Russian - am bassador, here, has assured the minis that far-reach have been taken to foreign interests in the try of foreign aflairs ng measures ruard Black Sea. In Centre Of Stage. Odessa, July 7.~The Kniaz Potem kin occupies the 'eentre of the stage here. Her whereabouts are constantly reported. The | authorities are well informed about her movements, and her operations at the various , Black Sea ports form the topic of contin uous Speculation and 'comment in business: and official circles. But as the opinion prevails here that she will not return to menace Odessa the Odessians view her bearings without _particilar alarm. The fact that the Kniaz Potemkin i «till at large, cruising in the Black Sea, threaten ing ports and holding up steamers, is beginning to bring criticism wpon the naval authorities owing to their ap parent slowness and lack of energy in pursuing and terminating her pirati cal career. : The torpedo boats, which, it is re. ported, are trailing the Kniaz Potem kin have 'done nothing, although the whereabouts of the battleship has never been a secret, The Black Sea is 50 small that she has never been out of reach of the fleet, which left here yesterday and popularly supposed to be r the renegade for the purpose ting her surrender or. sinking her. The belief is general that the crews of the ships are strongly dis inclined to engage the mmtinous hat tleship. It is reported on good' an thority that crews have actual ly refused to attack her "In the meantime commerce on the Black Sea is being slowly resumed and coastwise and other steamers are | gloating from Odessa on their former schedules Oclesag these j= resuming Hs normal life, and the theatres and other public | places are reopening, while stréet | ! Yife is about the same as usual. There diplomacy will | anese fie on the a strong. undercurrent of upeas ness, however, and disorders are ex- pected soomer or later. Just at pre- sent the reign of military law and tho recollections of the recent lesson are acting as strony unruly persons. The police are active in making arrests and in deporting suspected persons. Honee to house searches are frequent, and they have resulted in the finding of 4 number of | bombs, It is believed that the Jews are practically all - armed. Prosent conditions are proving gu serious. d° triment to business here. The port shows fair aetivity, and the factories are resuming, but ngt , business pan | is coming to Odessa and are almost empty. the hotels Under Martial Law. St. Petersburg, July 7.-- Admiral Chouknin's warships left Sevastopol for Theodosia about -noon yesterday. The result is awaited with the most intense anxiety. Dispatches received from the governor of Simferopol, who is executing the decree of martial Jaw | half of. at Theodosia say that About the Kniaz Potemkin's crew desire to sutrender, but are prevented by the revolutionists. There were only six companies troops at Theodosia yes- terday, but yeinforcements of infantry MARQUIS ITO, "Bismarck of Japan largely shape the | procedure in the expectml peace negotiation. = The whose J and artillery have heen dispatched from Sevastopel and probably reached there toeday. It transpires that the torpedo hoat | which accompanied the Kniaz Potem- kin was towed all the wav from Knst enji to Theadosin "and was not sunk; as was supposed. : Wild Exaggeration. Odessa, July 7.--An official report | from Kahanoff, the military governor | of Odessa, declarce that there has been the wildest exaggeration regard ing the.number of casualties resulting from the rioting here. He savs that of the mob forty-nine were killed and seventy four wounded, while of the po troops one man was killed were wounded, liee and and twenty PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. The waterworks by-law was carried at Gananoque, Several Ottawa people were slightly mjured in a train wreok at Williston N.D. it a single new Chinaman has en tered British Columbia since the £3 tax was imposed. A cloudburst in Baltimore has put under water a large portion of the lower business seetich of the city Floods in Algoma Rave stopped traf Canadian Northern railway between Port AFthur and Winnipeg, The United States riflunen are ahead in the shooting contest with the Queen's, Westminster, " volunteers at Bisley, Canadian ministers delivered ad dresses a opening of the interna tional ention of the Epworth League at Denver. A remarkable story comes from Sta ten Island of a man still alive with a bullet 1 I in his Jung which passed through his heart The Dowager Italy is hn Queen Ma ening her pre tor Japan, to spend sev there in an auto car Niagara Falls Power losed 4 contract with a firm on the Niagara herita of arations company | manufacturin river for ply of power at £13.50 per. horse power, Baseball Yesterday. National league--At. Boston, 0; Philadel 2. At New York, 8; Brooklyn, At Cincinnati, 6; St, Louis, 1 At Chicago, 2; Pittshurg, a. American league--At Philadelphia. 7; Poston, 4.° At Cleveland, 2; Chicago, 7. At Detre 1; St. Louis, Eastern league--At Rochester, 3; Ruffalo, 5. (11 innings). At 8: Montreal, 0. At Jersey Providence, 2. Toronto, City, 3; All Legacies Must Pay Dugs Toronto, July T5<In future all Ie gacies of specific amounts will have to bear a proportionate share of the suc cession duties assessed against th tate out of which they 8ome. The Eng lish method of charging: all the duties against the residuary estate, and let ting the. specific. legatecs go scot free, is declared not to be according to the I#v of Ontario hy the divisional court Pokotiloff To Join Envoys. Washington, July 7.5 In an authori tative quarter it is Jearned that in addition to those already selected M, Pokotilofi, Russian minister to China; had been * ordered to the United States in comection with the pegee | negotiations Buy Gir pills at Gibson's Red Cross fug store, Fresh there, WHAT MEMBERS OF CONGRESS | maintained is certain, Tentative esti- 4 restored. It is known that he was op | bers of congress who believe it would pose the | es. Ny idea now would he to impose { a stamp tax on checks, stocks, bonds, | legal papers, -patont | 4+ | + BRIEF BUDGET SPEECH. > m---- < Ottawa, June 7.--Hon. 4 W. 8S. Fielding's budget speech delivered in the Cominons yesterday was . Sugpicion fell immediately on fore the HE DAILY BRITISH 1905. emi, To Prevent A Big Treasury Deficit. A WAR STAMP TAX SUGGEST. Coffee May Be Taxed and Beer and Whiskey Made to Carry Heavier Burden--Many Mill ions Would be Gathered In. New York, July 7.--The Herald's Washington correspondent says : Earnest thought is being given by leaders of congress and sdjnleptagion officials to devising ways and mans to prevent a tréasury deficit at the end of the fiscal year 1906, which bo- gan last Saturday. That there will be a large deficit if the present standard of expenditures is mates made by experts of the treas- ury department place the deficit at be- tween 825,000,000 and $30,000,000, IH Secretary "Shaw were ealled upon to advise congress he would: probably intimate that some of the stamp tax es which were imposed in 1898 to sup- port the war with Spain might be posed to the abolition of all the war taxes a few years ago. There are mem- be advisable to restore some of the stamp taxes. One of these is Senator Dick, 'of Ohio, who says : "I have come to the conclusion that about the best thing would be to im Spanish war taxes on numer- ous articles, especially the stamp tax- medicines and one ol the shortest on re- cord. Very few changes in 44 the tariff were annountced. 4 A plan to enlist the aid 4 oi the banks in collecting We » United States silver money back to States and shipping it 4 the United, 4+ outlined. 4 concluded. The debate was IPFEFTTETCTV IEE 5F97 +2 other things of acter." 'War revenue taxes imposed hy con- gress in 1896 vielded more than $100 - 000,000 each fiscal year for three years and in the fourth year, after the act was amended, it produced nearly $62, 000.000, During the first fiscal year in which the act was in operation the stamp taxes of the character men tionod hy Senator Dick produced ab out £11.000,000, "It is acting such general char- believed the question of reen portions of the war revenue law will be agitated when congress as sembles in Decembpr, A duty on coffee | and heavier revenue taxation on beer and whiskey are also suggested. | SECRET OF A MONASTERY, | A Mystery Has Been Just Made Clear. Special to the Whig Vienna, July 7.<A murder mystery of thirty years' standing has just been cleared up, it is announced, from Bucharest. In. MoMavia an old magn and hix three sons, dll grown up, were RESTORE. TAX deterrents to | IN TROUBLOUS STATE. Serious Anti-Semetic stration. Special to the Whig St, Petersburg, July 7.--A press despatch from Sebastopol gives a ru- mor that the Kniaz Potemkin went seaward late yesterday afternoon. If the squadron arrived before her de parture either the surrender of the battleship or a battle is regarded as certain, as Admiral Chouknin, it is believed, would not have dispatched his ships in search of . the mutinous vessel unless sure that there would be no repetition of tho Odessa fiasco. Rumors of the : most diverse nature are in ciroulation, one of which is that two torpedo boats attacked the Kniaz Potemkin and were sunk bv her. The cruiser Chernomoretz, which was due at Sebastopol, Monday, and for which considerable anxiety was felt, has ar rived at Yalta, on the south coast of the Crimea. Advices received hy Minis: ter of the Interior Bouligin report a serions anti-Semitic agitation in the governments of Ekaterinoslav and Kherson. : According to dispatches from Odessa the president of the Lawyers Associa. tion has been given by the authorities notice to leave the city within fifteen days. The dispatches also sav that the insurance companies are refusing to pay the losses by fire in the port dur ing the distrubances. Demon- Has Joined Mutineers. London, July 7A dispatch to the Central News, from St. Petersburg, says that it is reported there that that the crow of the battleship Cathe rine the Great, has joined the muti neers, - Robbed British Colliers. Theodosia, July 7.- The report sent from Odessa, regarding the bombard ment of Odessa, is untrue. Order is fully maintained. Before leaving Theollpsia the Kniaz Potemkin sight ed four British colliers, which she fol: lowed seaward, and from which she took a quantity of coal. She escaped before the Black Sea fleet arrived: INSPECTOR'S REPORT. Were More Drunks and Fewer Licenses. Speelal to the Whig. Toronto, July 7.--~The report of the inspector of licenses for the year end ing May, 1904, shows an increase in the committments for drunkenness of 3 over the preceding year, the res pective figures being 3,000 for 1903. 10M, and 2957 for 19021908. This increase is the more noticeable be cause there was a reduction of forty- nine in the number of licenses, includ. ing shops. Licenses numbered 3,083 in 1903, and 2974 last year. The re oeipts for the year aggregated $649. 110.90 as against 86114,005 in the pre ceding vear. The total amount of fines was 320.465 compared with $16,530. HAS TAKEN ACTION. To Prevent a Will Being Carried Out. Srecial to the Whig Windsor, Ont., July 7.--Prestige T. Leach, formerly of Sandwich, and now with one of the big Chicago dailies, bas issued a writ to restrain the exe cutors of the late A. W, Nelson for partitioning the estate. The entire es tate of the decbased hardware merch ant was left to a maiden sister, Leach who "is the son of © another sister, olaimed undue influence was exerted upon Mr. Nelson who, at the drawing of the will, was in a weakened condi: tion, Lights For Guns. Washington, July 7.--Gen, Macken zie, chief of engineers, under his re cent invitation for buds for portable searchlight outfits thirty-six inches in diameter, for use in connection with seacoast batteries and for which $170, 000 is available for the current fiscal year, has received but one bid, that of the General Electric company, discovered one murdered the wife was missing, and, known to have lived on ex- | terms with her hus | | morning of the mgn, who who was coedingly bad band and « of heating bh , who were in the habit «very eruelly and other wise ill-using her. Though a hue and & raised, she was neved found, | wns recently died in the yponas- tery of Tibueani, an aged monk call ed Vasile Popoviteh. When the body was being prepared for burial, it was | found that the supposed monk was a | ory wy woman. She was no other than the | missing murderess, it béing found she | entered the monastery as a man the very morning of the murder, which took place only a fow hours' journey | ULTIMATUM TO CZAR | Will Demand Political Rights for | Army. seinl to the Whig ondon, July 7.--The Moscow. cop | respondent of the . Standard says he | kas received the startling information that an ultimatum, shortly? will be presented to the czar, demanding political rights in bebalf of the army. | The date of presentation, the corres. | pendent adds, probably will coincide | with the completion of the mobiliza- | tion wogv in progress. Two hundred thousand of the youngest, and there. | most * disaffected; reservists | will then have received - their arms, | and will be under the command of men | drawn largely from civil life. The tor respondent saves, he ix told, that the initiative has heen taken in the gar- rison at St. Petersburg, | 26c. Fedora Hats 25c. i Fedora hats, made of linen, the acme of comfort, only 25¢., while they last. George Mills & Co., head i quarters for men's and boys" hats, ! 2 pe. off the prices of all men's tan, patent and cull Oxford shoes, | Slater's 'Store. Canned peas, Te, Crawford, | To-Morrow Only; Schenectady, which offers to furnish the outfits at the rate of $5800 for each, He Has Been Appointed. Special to the Whig Oyster Bay, July 7.--Official an- nouncement was made here to-day, that Elihu Root has been appointed secretary of state. Mr. Root will not | go to Washington, permanently, until some time in September. To Prevent Suicide. Newburg, July 7.--Daniel 8. Fowler, weapon from him. Fowler had recent ly been discharged from an asylum, A -- Saturday At 2 y Mullin's. 20 Ibs. granulated sugar 81. Corner | Johnston and Division streets, A Large Assortment. Of summer hats at Campbell Bros. Honey 106, in eombs. Crawford's. PUBLIC MEETING A MEETING OF ALL RATEPAYERS opposed to the action of the City Council, || on July Sth, in the Street Railway matter, and to advise and take legal action, will be held in MONDAY EVENING, at eight o'clock. For the Hot Weather, 5 Refrigerators, from $3 to $5 each; Also Gas Stove, Veranda | Gas Range, Chairs, Summer Kitchen; Stoves, Toronto, Ont., July 7.~(10 = Light winds, mostly fair and very nth local showers to-night and Sal Ve SPECIALS Fine summer weight, in white. Special lines at 10c., 13jc. to 23. Ladies' Knit Drawers Fine Knit, in, white, with lace trim- ming, knee length. Special, at 25c. and asc. Soc. Special price, 85¢. ors Ladies' Cotton Hose In Black, with natural Cashmere Sole, all sizes, 8} to 10. Extra special, 25¢, In Black, Rubber Tipped. 2c. quality, for 1B8e. ; WEN 0 el MURPHY. In" Kingston, on Friday bY Tth, to My. and Mes, WF, Murphy, & son. MARRIED, RAYCROFT--GRANT In Murvale, on July Sth, 1905, at the residence of the bride, James Raycroft of Baldur, Ban " to Miss Florence Grant, urvale. DIED. HAWLEY. «In Toronto, on July 6th, William Hobart Hawley, son of Mrs. T. B. Hawley, aged thirty-five years. Funeral, private, Saturday, from OG. FR Station to Cataragui Cemetery. (Napanee and Belleville papers please COPY) NICOL. ~In Cataragui, July 1st, 1905, Mercy 8. Pure relict. of the late Joseph Nicol, aged sixty-nine yoars. Funeral took place Tuesday. STEWART. --At his residence, 91 Queen treet Kingston, on Wednesday July Oth, Alexander Stewart, ' seventy-seven years. Funeral, 4 pan., Saturday. Friends acqunintonges respectfully » ime to sttends oon ¢ AS vited 'ROBT. J. REID, The Leading Undertaker Phone 577. 222 Princéss Sty OUTING WEATHER For the first time in threo years we are having genuine out-door weather. Everyone wants to be outside--PIC- NICKING, CAMPING, FISHING. We are thoroughly equipped for this busi- ness, and will be plecsed to hear from campers and cottagers | a civil war veteran, killed himself with i delivered. la horse pistol in the presence of wife, who vainly sought to wrest the | Jas. R.edden QQ Co. msane J | your coal bin with best the hall «ot | | Corper of Princess and Sydenham Sts. July 10th excepted, The Lockett Shoe | TUBK'S SECOND-HAND STORE, | plete tour of the islands 2:30 p.m. | 398 Princess Street. ; Goods carefully packed and promptly Importers of Fine Groceries { 178 Princess Steet : : 3 | i OOOO O000000CO00O0000 | §o0o« "THERE IS A FOR ALL THINGS." Now, while prices are low, is the time to fil uality SCRANTON COAL ¢ Le rom : : [2 P: Walsh's Yard a BARRACK STREET. g | "SWIFT'S INSURANCE AGENCY || _ FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, CARCO. | | Strong reliable Companies only represented LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. "i 'T RATES on approved nsks |] OW ES RT aenriptian , Office, Opposite Ontario Bank Saturday, July 8. J: | Steamer America will make a coms 3be, 3 * wt vinkal