Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Jul 1905, p. 3

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fhe "Best" Drug Store. FOOTWEAR Do you need a pair of Shoes. We have » good assortment of Men's Fine Boots it $1.50, $1.75 $2, up to. $3 a pair. Also good value in Men's Working Boots and Chil- rom $1 8 pair up. Ladies' ircn"s Shoes at equally good values. Trunks and Valises If you need a Trunk or a Valise for your summer vacation,we will be able tp supply you at close prices. ISAAC ZACKS The New Store and the Old Stand. 271-273 Princess Street. Remarkable Sale of WHITE GOODS - For Saturday All our Mercerized White Goods, in- cluding Matting, Pique," Dimity, ete., in pretty floral and other de- signs, all new this spring, will wash and still retain their brilli- ancy. A grand opportunity to procure a Shirt Waist Suit or Waist Pattern at a big bargain. Goods marked 20c., 22¢. and 25c. a yard. Saturday moming, one price...15¢. 300 yards of Fine Quality English Percale, in neat stripes apd spots, dainty colorings, perfectly fast, 30 inches wide, former price 15c. a yard. Saturday to clear, per yard..... 10c. Ladies' White Lawn Aprons, embroid- ery' trimmed, some with tucking, with and without bibs, former prices 50c. and 60c. Saturday your choice ............... 30. Children's White Dresses, to fit aged two to six years, very neatly made, marked 75c. : Saturday yours for .................. 19¢. I8 'only Ladies White Underskirts, worth 65¢. Special Saturday price .. 39c. 36 inch White Cotton, for 10c. quality Th Apron Gingham, 36 inches wide, with border, fast color, regular 13c., for, per yard 10c. A few of the $2 White Voile Skirts left, only, each .......... cio 98e. Newman & Shaw. Leb Pe bath beee NOW Is a gcod time tobuy =~ --. your WINTER COAL! There's a Saving! ue; 95729 Telephone 185, POPP P00OOOC 000000000600000000 Sp be So FROZEN DAINTIES | Warm weather Intensifies the craving for frozen things, afd' the Yce Cream Freezer becomes the hard-worked friend ot the family. This year we have the Peerless Iceland From 1 pint to 10 quarts. tion and only takes three minutes to freeze. Warm weather is thirsty weather, and suggests ice cold drinks, and if you are an expert mixer you will want a Lemon Squeezer, an Ice Pick, and probably a Cork Screw, and the best can only be bad at W. A. MITCHELL'S HARDWARE | 86 Princess Street. Ts MOST PERFECT MADE. Xa eel AND EVERYWHERE. : EE EL Cook's Cotton Root Compound, _- The only safe effectual monthly edicine on which women can Sopandg Sold in two degrees of strength--No. 1, for ol eases, $1 per box; No. 2, 10 de grees §iien er for ial or Corde Cok 2. Ask for Cooks Cot: ton Compound ; take substitu 38 per cent. of $346,889,862, the The Cook Medicine Co., Windsor, Ontario. | ruminmg income of the seventy-two m------ old line companies-is $29,069,370, and ¥ the difference between this sum and Grand Union Hotel | sus oc cine of anne R.ooms From $100 Per Day Up Opposite Grand nd Qantral Station economical lines as fraternalism, as 1 BAGGAGE Fx FREE think, and ethers doubtless will think, Station 1 MEDICAL. George F. Dalton B.A. M.D. C.M., MJRiC.S., (England) L. R.C. P,, (L&ndon). One mo- | | COSTOF IN INSURANCE AN ENORMOUS ¢ OUTLAY on! ACCOUNT OF 'EXPENSE. his a 5 The Calculations of Actuary Har vey--Room for Reform--Who is Paying for the Waste ?-- Fraternalism Commended. Kingston, July 6.--(To the Editor) : Charles J. Harvey, Fellow of the In- stitute of Actuaries, and a consulting actuary, has a very able article on "Fratérnalism the Solution of the Ex- pense Problem in Life Insurance' in the Insurance World. Actuary Harvey is one with 'old line insurance leanings and training. The thorough and com- | prehensive comparisons which he has instituted between the fraternal or- ders and the old line ¢gompanies has led him to conélusions that ought to he interesting to all fraternalists. He summarizes the report of eighty-one old liné, industrial and ordinary, as per their reports for the year ending 31st' December, 1903. These companies had 19,239,972 policies in force; they received | in premiums $447,197,530; their getual expenses and management were $121,950,708; their mean insur- ance ih force was $11,036,251,000; and their expense of management on insur- ance in force was 1.10, and the per- centage of expense of manage ment to premiums was 27.27. Excluding the industrial companies, it is shown by Actuary Harvey that the percentage - of expenses on in- surance in force per £1,000 was 904, and the percentage . of expenses of management on, premiums received was 24.13. Mr. Harvey then takes twenty of the largest fraternal societies as forming a fair ayeérage of the whole. These twenty have a me mbership of 3,274,- 657: their expenses of every descrip- tion for 1903 were $5,145,577, and their mean insurance in force was $2,- 903,571,000. Their percentage of ex- penses was A105, as compared with 1.10 for the industrial and ordinary old, line companies, In other words, the expense element was $10, as com- pared to $1 of the fraternal societies, Actuary Harvey closes his article as follows >" "It gannot, T think, be ques- tioned that reform is needed, but it will never take place until the public awakes to the fact that it is yearly paying An fnormous sum unnecessari- ment actually expended is $54, 633,976 upwards of $54,000,000 per annum. All of this would have been saved if com- panyism was conducted on the same it_ought to be. Every gentleman re presenting frater- nal societies should carefully ponder these figures, and every citizen should also read them care fully. They contain information which is at once striking and 'thibst aiiying to fraternalists.-- Yours, CITIZEN -------- Office and Residence, 64 William Street | <.. waldron's Telephone 378. * RONEY & CO'S Bla CLOTAING SALE Have You Had Your Share of the Bargains ? join with the hundreds of pleased customers who have made purchases hare during Is Drawing to a Close. If not come now and the past two weeks. Still Further Reductions for the Next 15 Days! g rush of people at our sale, the sizes in MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS AND RAIN- | g lot out at once, and have marked them down, regardless | Owing to the continued bi COATS are broken. of original cost. SEEKS PRESIDENCY.' Tom L. Johnson Expects the ; Backing of Dunne. TOM L. JOHNSON, Chicago, July 7.--Tom L. Johnson, of Cleveland, has his eye on the presi- dency. He will seek the democratic nomination for presidéncy in 1908. If he gets it he will run on a platform declaring for government ownership of telegraphs, telephones and. railways. These statements are freely made in political circles in Chicago. These ambitions are said to be the underlying motive of Johnson in tak- ing 30 active an interest in the effort to municipalize the Chicago traction lines, Mayor Dunne is grooming the Cleveland man for 'the presidency and, it is understood, hopes to deliyer him the IHinois delegation. DEATH IN A KISS. The Facts Related at Medical Gathering. Dr. T. H. Thomtan, of Consecon, at a medical council in Toronto, re- lated a significant case that had come under his observation. A young girl from Consecon had gone to visit relatives at ~ Kingston. While there she had kissed a person afflicted with tuberenlogis, and in this way eon tracted the malady. On her return to Consecon she, in turn, was kissed by several friends in the village, and hy this means three families became in- fected with the disease and three deaths resulteds The malady he re- garded just as contagious as small- PoX,' and 'in order to stamp it out, or at least prevent its spread, provision should be made so that eonsumptives could be isolated and at the same time given the treatment necessary t; their recovery. Good For Stomach Trouble And Constipation. "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets have done me a great deal of good," says C, Towns, of Rat Port- age, Ont., Can. "Being a mild physi- the after effects are not unpleasant, and I can recommend them to all who suffer from stomach disorder." For sale by all druggists. N Taleum powder, "violet perfiime, equal to the best in tins at 10c. each. McLeod's Drug Store. windows. Rain coat sale Saturday morning. William Swain, piano tuner. Orders received at MeAuley's hook store, We mean to clear the remainin ALL MUST BE SOLD. Your size is sure to be in the lot. Don't Delay. Come To-day. Real Bargains for Everyone At the Biggest Clothing Sale Ever Held in Kingston. iS THIS 1S i H, INDEED ! ! The Lord's 'Day 'Alliance and On- tario Synod. Toronto,' July 5-47 he Rditor): Over a week ago, there appeareil in the daily papers a "so-dalled report of some discussion regarding the report of the Lo : Day Alliance committee The Oxford Chancellor Range has two distinct grates and fire-box linings for coal adapted by the Chuveh-of -E d Synod of the Ontario diocese, That re- port purparied to state what G, F. Ruttan of Ni apahee, said, and did not even suggest what was contained in the synod committee's report, which strongly supported the Lord's Day Al- liance, and was. unanimously carried. Surely the report was more important than the remarks of a member of the synod, and yet even these vemarks were incorrectly stated, and appeared | under glaring headlines doing a gross injustice to Both the Church of Eng- land and the Methodist church, as well as to' Mr. Rattan. 1 wrote Mr. Rut tan about the matter, and quote from his reply, dated June 98th, as follows: "In reply to vours of the 27th inst. would say that T deeply regret that my remarks at the session of the On- ~tario Svnod should have heen report ed as they were, In speaking on dan- other subjéet, 1 incide nally remarked that the Sunday xe ursion referred to by you, was one got up to acoom- modate people: who svished to atfend the Methodist. conference at Picton, and I further stated that I believed that the excursion was promoted by the captain of the steamer Reindeer. I have no reason to believe it was pro- moted hy the Methodist church. T am in sympathy with, the d.ord"s Dav Al liance in obtaining one day of rest under the statute laws of Canada for the laboring péaple, and must say that it is unfortunate that the re- porters for the public press cater so much to the sepsationgl loving pub- lic. "Make such nse of this letter as vou wish in comeing the false im- pression given," I_ hope you will give this lotter a prominent plage jn your columns, and thus help to correct a very great and grave wrong to the Christian church, and to an important! ecause~--T. AL- BERT MOORE, Secretary, Lord's Day Alliance. . This letier would pass without com- ment did not Mr. Ruttan go out of his way to have.a fling nt mewspaper fellows. Their. catering to sensational. ism is not very evident in connection |' with Ontario Synod, whose treatment hag Seen kindly and. indulgent. Assur- edly Mr. Ruttan was understood as reported. Interviews with members of svnod to-day - unhesitatingly confirm this view. Mr. Ruttan's remarks were not made when Mr. Moore was pres- ant in synod, nor upon the alliance committees report, hut was interject ed into the educational debate. The alliance report came np several hours later, and was passed without reading or comment, having heen printed, Tf Mr, Ruttan's. remarks had been made, as they should. have boen when Mr, Moore was before the synod, all mis- understanding would have been avoid- ed, in the explanations exchanged. By-therway,. for (a lawyer, the mann- factuper of semtation 'hetore jurors. to be acousing others.of #t, is too. rich for . church blood. Newman & Shaw's "White Sale." and wood. Either is supplied as requested. 1 The hard coal-burning fire-box of the Oxford Chancellor Range is fited with "ironstone" front and - back linings and iron end linings and a patent duplex grate. The grate may be removed without disturbing the linings. For soft coal burning cast-iron lin ings throughout are supplied. Oxford Chancellor Range There are many excellent, exclusive features in the construction of the Oxford - Chancellor Range which we would like to explain to you. Your address on a post card will bring our booklets, and the address of the nearest dealer who can show you the range. THE GURNEY FOUNDRY CO., Limited Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Calgary = Vancouver-- 'On Exhibition and For Sale ale by § SIMMONS BROS... Hingston THE CUSTOMS REVENUE. Ap------ y At Kingston Less Last Year Than the Previous Year. During the dominion 'government's fiscal ywar, which ended on June 30th, the receipts at the Kingston customs house totalled $174,121.28, an average of about $14,500 a month. The re ceipte were less than the previous year by about $3,500, The retums by months were as follows : J308 1904 1904. 1905 $12.209 60 42 , 25 18,175 15 oy 11.248 17.515 88 16,980 7 i : 62 14,221 76 Jan «. 14448 BO 11,411 60 Feb. is 12,288 10 14,207 49 March... .. .. 18/454 80 20,741 98 APHL oo. 14,828 41 18.500 87 Wola TABIT 40 120185 O04 8 Te ve 12/862 86° 11,886 88 177, 610 88 174,121 28 Bpecial Dip Hip Corsets, Ge. New York Dress Reform, $a ¥ i 41 Balbriggan Underwear, alls suit, for - sizes 3 to 46, regular $1 per = ge, Soft Front Shirts, (orokencpizes), worth soc. and 75c. each, to clear at - Regular soc. and 75c. Ties, all shapes, at = - Regular 25¢. and 35¢. Ties - We Are Certainly Giving Bargains--Come With The Crowd . | RONEY & CO., Look for the Sign 2 0: 3 35c¢. ' Good Working Shirts, all sizes, dark and light colors; worth 50c. and 6oc, each, for - - 3c. 19c. Ic. to goat -l ow Men's Suits, Young Men's Suits, Chil- dren's Suits in Tweeds, Worsteds and Serges (Blue and Black), Cheviots, Top Coats, Rain Coats, Fine Trousers, etc., AT NET COST, SOME LINES BELOW The Store that Sets the Pace and Always 4 "Its Advertisements 'to the Letter. Carries "Out B Men's Good Tweed Working Pants, per pair - 75¢ y . A better pair, regular $2 a pair, for - = -- regular $8 togoat - » The best grades, reguler $12 and $12 50, NOW $8. 45. | A Few Flannel Suits left, to be sold at $2.95 and $3. 95. i 127 Princess Street. ig Cotton Front. + Tig

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