CALLING CA COPPER PL k haw insistent we be the kind of run tout to nn Flt "that Tye 1 Jos of belng a ho a nolan hut' the host the mines produce, you woul o ta id to buy intro and | hie ro 0 Ll | Toul eoal, NO NEED TO SEND 0 La ho ra apt fh bal, TOWN FOR ENGRAVED k ou cont you cond, y £On) Ee MAING an. any ol Hope a ls an Susliiory, "hetter Bane money, Bd bd ddd ds a ENGRAVED FROM WHIG WORK IS GOOD WORK that the my turing inust | tion, under the ol wide atten Spectator his of the aet hulk of ing," who had fo dy the daw of the the taxation of productive J enquiry, beenuse true it in at reasonably to #inte, The Spectator thin : "In view suridey judges it them to judges law--the sire into mich la those who mearure will not judges did not | covered by the sented the plan effectually lower experiences - of * thi which the party ference with upon the merits The idea was to ger, and to wlong this aw he suggestad, and with plans their own. The they did, Why ? and papers that F vatives," it adds AT against some' of their side. Their lie campaigy is tives, For whom ix tered the racial orie "were pot their influences, UT OF CARDS sald to hgve at any time, of t : CRAWFORD. | « Ti arrerrrr rrr x WE ALSO } STEEL DIE EMBOSSING sald to papers which w DO rd thd a Your wind soverts to things tient, eonsider (he wonoral excolibnes we of Most partieal lines i lig wn asmortnent of HCAL GOODM), readily adapted, in WANN hewt uly Vidusl poguireinont : Sariety of OHOWN'S UE £6 quiekly and matis the needs of 3 al a abuse of the Cat gritty influences, iv now edited by the Globe, but It was an evi of the gpporition and when, as a pleased It haw ar he question, moured retirewen the leadership soRRign. ita eriticism of tre, It will be « hd necessary, and wed Director, | *! or hampers gent and conitriotive dkpenditure,' aaa Le nierpretation Of The decision of the Brocky he exempt from taxa "was to assess the great machinery used in manufactur. Was that the ease? work? It is a pertinent variance with the prac. vieo that has generally prevailed, The disposition has been to free al mae chinory from enrrent rates, and on the ground that the mon wh oper- ate it gro taxpayers and contribute mark that challenges attention, It is idea for authors of author plain 'to the judge what he means, and the: judge to put the author's de- terpreted, by judges, to mean what it is intended to mean." The proposal in not acceptable. The experience sought to have tho su- preme court pass upon the powers of the legislature to enact 4 prohibitory tod upon legal points which were not they thought about an issue and hay- ing framed 5 bill which would most repetition of it might suggeht serious things to our judiciary, The Party In Trouble. The Torgnto Mail has NE repiiliinte yerwe in the recon, hye-elogtions, . Mr. Borden decided, after 'a personal' edn- the make ou fight, and' to have it hinge trine of provincial rights was in dan- line should arose them into activity, But Mr. Borden did not have things Is not to be hold responkible for what not friendly to the that 'butt in," and protend to be on and help Laurier, and is not intended to promote the interests of conserva: Not for the liberals, not the offenders. The men who on- the constituencies Hughes, Sheppard, Starr fortunate in granane, but they are not gritty theie party affiligtions. Sheppard, of thew jl, is the only one who can be . thought at all kindly, from the government at Ottawa he is have had his representatives were wot liberal, or of ral, nor independent, but out and ht conservative, and | [ponent of anything that is liberal in federal or provincial politics. the kickers run away with the caneus that overy one wonld speak and vote] ruption of the party, and to the ru at The Montreal Star is reasonable year, The Star dows not want to see ony outlay which is not absolutely soe the progress of the country oheok ill y used in 0s alge: new law, has gitrgets tion. The Hamilton ft that the intention Did the men with the drafting of have in mind all machinery used in if the contention he the burdens of thé makes ang thor ro- of gecent decisions by might hot be a bad bills to submit before they are made of the bill to ex- nguago as will be in of be forgotten. The ike to be interroga- statutes. They re- ol finding out what thei opinion, Ono s Kind is enough. A IR miffered a Sovers re. local leaders, to of the gutonomy bill, show that the doe: ppéwr to the peaple in an manner that Others cam along and specifications of Mail says the party Bocause the persons did the mischiol are party. "Conser- , 'may well protest the gritty influences anti-Catho- to please violent raloulated this snub intended ? for they were ond raised w--Sproule, Maclean, and others their pro- in in and not gritty he liberal party, and reward, The ore florcost in their holic church and its The Toronto News a former 'oditor of he News is not libe- the bitterest op- I day for the leader whim ho let some of result, he announced upon the autonomy led to a serious dis t of Mr, Borden frog the close of the in the federal expendi: wer 881,000,000 next it dogs not want te for "lack of intelli: her salary 7 Ts one, look- welfare, expected to and the great work was Mr. Wallace received over moving imprilse 'whout twice that which prouised h try, He therenpon resigned, 1 v Mowgrds 8 public duty. "Fomm astonished," he writes, "that, for mers laere you change your position without thought of the em. 'harrassing position in which you place your government, Your duty in the premises should he measured by the high obligation of a public officer with a sacred allegiance to the government it should be his honor and his plen-, Sire to serve, You were in honor bound to perform your duties upon the Isthmus for a year at least un til wo had redsonable opportunity to select o competent. successor and pre- pare him for the great duties of that office," ' { That js a Very high altitude from which to view the conditions 'of ser- vioe, and to pass upon the efficiency or deficiency of the individual, It is just posible that Mr, Taft wos irritated by the prospective loss of an engineer whowe place he could not fill at onoe, while he had his plans laid for trip abroad. For he must be AWAY, pain- fully, that the public servants under the government are no better than the members of the government itsoll. Men of large mind and capacity for service will not hold public offices any longer generally than it pays them, Elibu Root and Panl Morton Jeavo the cabinet of Mr. Roosevelt, the one to enter upon a law practics that com- mands several times the reveiiie he enjoyed as a secretary of war, and the other head of the Bquitable Life Ag Surance company at six times the sal- ary he received as the secretary of the navy. To neither of these Mr. Taft read a lecture upon the proprieties of life, and partiontarly upon the vir. tues of welfwaerifice in the public in- terest, The idea enunciated by Mr: Taft 1s the one which has made Japan what it is. In the wikado's kingdom every man is for the slate, and the aim of his existence, pursued with unfaltering persistency, is to serve his nation at any cost. The world has been aston ishod with the micoesses of the Japa. nese, Why should it when they are in- flvenced by one great and mighty im- pulse--~to do or die for the nation's glory. America has whelming semse ( not this over. of national greatness, and its people, however patriotio they may appear on certain occasions, the test fal) very far short of th own ideals, n eir ---------------- Edijtoriat Notes. According to the Mail the national policy has been lost. Can't Mr. Fos. ter tell where it is? | ------ district attorney, is ar ranging to give some of the Rquit- able grafters a now experionce, -- Hon. Mr. Hyman has revived politioal picnic. It may not be fully appreciated, but it jis recognized as a great. political agency. z -- Peterboro has a plumbing by-law, and it is making trouble because jy is interfering with contracts that were entered into before it was passed, Jerome, the the President Roosevelt is hitting some folks real hard when he says the country needs a system by which men van get money only when they earn it. When Jerome gots after Chauncy Depew it will be in order for him to show what he did Jor 820,000 n year which he enjoyed from the Ehuitable, At present Chauncy is in Europe, > ' Prof. Jaméy has intimated that He ard College is the nursery of oripfe. The insinuation is resented Ly t, president of the college, but its of ts are lingering. and calsing great irritation, ! ---- The conservatives wanted to print the evidence of the "auditor general picce-meal, The government says it will be printed - when it is complete, and when the government side of the] issue has been heard, That is right. Rumour again has it that Mr. Fite Patrick will retire from the govern- ment and become the chief justice of the superior court of Quobes. It may be that the minister of justice will Seaept a dudicial position, but jt will be at a considerable Personal saori- A private corpora- Practically upon his terms, When his stat had been Privete corporation, and be im by his eoun- Too ents of wae, Ms. at, | she coming Stic wil" seemy to. have the immediate super: 1 "The whole movement," Dr. Bland vision, in. & 1 mental sense, of | said, "is u kind of humbug. the Lad he bedame very no are the movers in England * ' a y > r. Chamberlain, whose ruling motive groaily N LIM Mr, Wallace's ap is personal ambition; manufacturers, Rev, Dr. Bland, Denounces Eng- lish Protection. Winmipeg, July . 6. References to, Downinion day were general in the pul pits on Sunday. Rev. Dr. Bland, a Wesley College professor, took occa sion tag speak on imperialion, In 'the course of his remarks, he re ferred to "that party in Britain that brings repugnance to most Cana diagns--the party that stands for a state church, even when that church tramples on the conscientious eon victions of others, the fundamental principle of the rit ish constitution, that with public sup port should go public control; a party led by. two men, one of whom na politician after an order not characteristic in Fogland, clever and unscrupulous; the other 4 man why plays fust and loose with his own pledges. That party has made 5 de. spergte efigrt to retrieve its fortunes, discredited by the conduct of the South African war and the education act, by representin its adherents as the only Arr Its followers aswert that every vote cast aguinst who hope to have 4 large market in Canada, or, at least; a protected market in Britain; landlords and armors, who want To see the price of wheat raised; some disinterested and simple-minded wealthy people, who can' afford to he magnanimous as to incregsed cost of living, and are carried away by imperialistic phrase logy so lavishly. used, "In Canada its chief friends are the manufacturers, some of whom are now hobnobbing with. the Cham herlain party in England, [bragging #bout the Canadian preference which, probably, most of them have denoun eed, and would gladly abolish if they eonld." ot -- The address, which continued alony the same lines, contained reference to the farmers of Canada, He said they had" not yet spoken on the question, but when they did speak their voice would not he raised on the side of Proposal to tax the food of the Brit sh poor, cight millions of whom are habitually only one week from starva- tion. Dr, Bland predicted. that at {he next election in Great Britain Cham berlainism, which included the educa tipn act and colonial preference, would not be snowed under--it would be "steamy rollered." ------ SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. -- Does Not Like The Experience. Toronto Globe, r. Whitney is suggested as a man of experience for leader of the domin ion opposition, But apparently he doés not like the experience, : Under Restraint. Montreal Herald * Our old friend Doe. Osler was at the Dominion day dinner in London, but as Sir William Mulock was there too he behaved himself, The Ideal At Last. Toronto Star. According te H. @. Welle, the fu- ture man is to be a great unemo- tional intelligence without ears or a nose. And at last the woman's right- ers will have something they can real- ly. love, 3 The Inevitable Result. Ottawa Journal. The request preferred by York citizen who asks the ata erintendent of insurance to investigate the management of some of the other large insurance companies is a logical sequence of the Equitable: scandal. a New te . sup- What May Follow. Hamilton ilerald. It will be strange if church disestab- lishment in France does not produce an effect upon public opinion across the channel and hasten the day' when, by the disestablishment of the Angli- ean church, the principle of religious equality beconies permanently tri- umphant in England. --- Money In Music. Toronto Mail, For singing four songs Melby pe- ceived 85,000 from William W. Astor, Unlike the poet who cared made his country's laws he made its songs, the who makes any long as she gots he them, not whe so long as diva cares not country's songs go 'r price for singing NOW IS THE WINTER OF YOUR DISCONTENT You are trying to gt t out of poor ™ is hand-screensd apd uni- form. one-ten erder will Fring yow gond A 4 large lot of DRY SLABS for Fresh Tons tooth powder at Gib Booth & Co. son's Red Cross drug store. ¢ Phone 188, Brrrssncencrcsncnnnane A CROWN OF GLORY As Well as a Mark of Beauty is Luxurious Hair. heen truly spid glory of our uxuriant heudiyof hair. It used to HP thought that this was one of the blessings which the gods bestow capricigusly, and it is only recently that scientists have discoy- ered that its beauty is dependent up- on the absence of a minute germ which flourishes in the hair follicles, where it destroys the life of the hair. To restore this life and kill the germs which cause the mischiof is the mission of Newlbiro's Herpicide. It has } that - the crowning i race . ia a erpicide surely kills the germs, and is the best hair dressing on the market, It contains yo grease or oil fice. His law fiom a very large practios, It « i neither will it stain or dyo, : Sold by leading druggists. Send 10. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co.. Detroit, and repudiates Ia! ot THINK OF US! We want you to think of us whenever. you think of Clothes. Our whole energy is concen- trated on securing good things for you to wear. This is true of Clothing. This is true of Headwear. This is true of Furnishings. Our styles are now making a strong appeal to your eye, while our reasonable prices make an equally strong appeal to your purse. We're waiting to serve you. Summer Suits, $7, $7.50, $3.50 and $10. Fancy Vests, $1 to $2.50 and $3. Summer Coats, $1.75, $2, $2.25, $2.50. Summer Shirts, 29c. to $1.25. THE H. D. BIBBY CO. 8 Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall, . BBV RV TTL BACLT LTR TBE EER ERIE BREE EE TRB R ETE SEEr frecsssescssscsssssssaas Trial By Jury The 12 Jurors | The Verdict RAIN, SUN, WEAR, TEAR, WIND, MUD, DUST, ROUGH USAGE, SNOW, GRIME, SMOKE, GREASE Jos. Abramson's Cloth ing and Gents' Furnish- ings Stand the Test, Jos. Abramson, The People's Clothier 180 Princess Street, Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. OUR SPECIAL $I Ladies' White . Canvas Oxfords Others at $2. -- The Sawyer Shoe Store. 1 i 3 a A ee -- : GREAT RETIRING SALE We have the goods; but are retiring from business, and must let them go. If you are looking for bargains, this is the chance of a lifetime. Gents' and Boys' Clothing, Fur- nishings, Hats, Caps, etc, a big line of fine "goods must 'go regardless of price. miss this chance, JOS. SILVER 102 Princess St. ' i. Don't rr ------ ---------- - Again A Millionaire. USE &4 ? [HE 2 EAF New York, July T~Theodord Price BIST 15 agama millionaire. Five years ago he was one day 'known as "The | CANNED SALMON PACKED Cotton King." A 'sudden turn in the _ d market Toft hin with $1,000 on the eve Mich. G, w, Mahood, special agent. 4 ' i | 82,000,000 in 'debits by successful spec of his wedding. Monday'sjump in ulation, 3 : cotton of 85 per hale has again land- ---------- od Price among--$he-anitlionives. da | Fairy flaating soap, 5e., for camp the intervening period Gibson's Red Cross he has paid ers. drug store. ¥ OPERAT 2 % i ION A) EXPERIENCE OF MR! Was Told That an Ope ti How Shs Bee -------- sician tellsa When a ero at an thought of the knife and th table strikes terror to her our hospitals are full of wo or womb, opera for There are cases where a is the only resource, but wi siders the great number ovarian womb troub Lydia E. Pinkham's V. pound after physicians opérations, no woman shon one without first trying th Compound and writing Mr Lynn, Mass, for advice, w Mrs. Robert Glenn, of 43 Ottawa, Ont , writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: -- * Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta isso well and widely known ti ng % to the many hich 0 3 soni Isuffered untold agonie § troubles for three year: tors told me that I must unde tion; but as I was unwilling to your V Compound, and leased 1 did so, ok if rest me! [ Rian Ovarian and womb troub ily on the increase among the monthly periods are v i or too frequent and exce have pain or swelling -low left side, pearing Sowa P rhea. don't neglect yourse E. Pinkham's Vegetable C COMMERCIAL MAS What Is Going On In ti World--The Mar) Britain uses 1,00 of which she Great paper a year, tons abroad. The' commercial wealth o its population of 300,000,00 be in the hands of less tha sons. The spring wheat crop in Minnesota, Manitoba, and North-West is generally dition. The Western Canada Flo 0 pany propose to have the | Canada. Bonifage: The Toronto Railway cor ings for the six months endi totalled $1,247,550, an £126,070. In the United States th the past six months totalle estimated assets of $34,822 tal liabilities of $60,634,66' The gross earnings of Car for the year endgd proximately $49,917,800, a $3,500,000 over the previou A bid of $18,000 has bee New York Cotton Exchange When D. J. Sully paid $10, a little more than a year agi } cized for reckless extravaga Captain Fitz Hourigan, completed five years' service in Yukon territory, says th taken out since 1898 is $128 the gold resources have tapped Grand Trunk earnings I June, $995 .896, a decrease From - January 1st to 'Jur 73¢ an increase of $86 July 1st, 1904, to June $3 H88. an increase of Failures in Canada for si: reported to Bradstreet's, nu volving $7,239,384 of liahil an increase of 20 per cent. i compared with the first half i an increase of nearly 40 per ities. The Cheese Mark Peterboro, July 5.--Offe boxes All sold at 9 9-16¢ Picton," Ont., July 5.--Se ories lLoarded 2,144 boxes, Ofc. was bid : 1,600 boxes s Stirling. July 5.--Boarded all sold at 9 11-16¢ Roxton Falls, July' 5.--I white cheese ; all sold at 9-16¢ Three Rivers, July 5.--A and cheese hoard, butter sol 204c., and cheese at 94c¢ ul z Splendid Value In B: For Saturday we offer 50 bananas in sound conditio ripe,-at 150. a dozen, Can the corner." EE ------ "COMMERCIAL STOCK MARK] Norman Binmore, Manager Telegraphed specially to Rogert & Battelle, Membe Stock Exchange, 151 St. J Montreal, MONTREAL STOC Japanese 44 Bonds | Montreal Street Toronto Rails Detroit United Montreal Power Dominion Iron - Dominion Iron Bonds Textile, pid. Mackay, pid, NEW YORK STOCK M/ Supplied by W. F. Dever Market flquare, Kingston. Atchison Amal. Copper Baltimore & Ohio Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian Pacific Erie |. Illinois Central Louisville & N Metropolitan Missouri Pacific New York Central Pennsylvania . Rock Island Reading St. Paul Sugar Twin City Union. Pacific 1 Steel U. 8S. Steel, ashville pid gs GRAIN MARKET Wheat-- Sept. May July