Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jul 1905, p. 6

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[Bagot and Princess strects. TIME SAVED uaranteed WHEN WOMEN USE DIAMOND DYES. Fach year tho in from all parts ion telling of victories and with Diamond Dyes in the h he marvelous and in Canada have induc and 'speculators (who t the chemistry of the putting up of dyes are adulter- rs are muddy and ruin to the materi- colors) to go into Package dyes. Such ated and crude: colo; Diamond Dyes, the are the kind used w intments possible vou use Diamond Dyes, are sold by all lead nd dealers, Refuse titutes when you ask Tru 816d by ua ment desired to assume vided it received the official aid asked for and the imperial officers consented to a transfer. will feel the change as it takes patriotic character, she is getting her experience by ly all the while. -- : > Editorial Notes. Pablie opinion it? Not always. -- The aldermen contemplate longed holiday. What about the 'ac. counts ? Arc there any old-timers out and unable to pass the usual audit ? a pro- -- Toronto street railway will use Nia- gara power at "$40 per horse power. What does power in Kingston cost ¥ -- Mr. McDougall has fixod his rp allowance at 82,800. His salar is $4,000. He is as tiring y now dictatorial with regard to his Superannuation as with ¥ rogurd to other matters. -- More accidents, from upset canoes, eh? The People who 'go out for pleasure in the canoes, without being experts inthe use of them, must be inviting suicide. ---- Mr. Bump, the Charlotte collector who poses as an authority on flags, is doing some hard thinking. Ne is having his own time of it in = ac ting for the excitement on July 4th. -- Mr. Southworth, of the forestry de partment, figures it that Ontario wil) wake $10,000,000 o Year shortly from its reserves, and later on this income pallbearers. Canadian and his flag were shamefully insted), do not tend to give a high opinion of American civility. A change for 'the better--to say nothing of the recognition of right--would come if Mr. Bump, of Charlotte, wese official- ly and publicly reprobated for his act. It is simply without defence, and the captain' of the Acacia is entitled to the satisfiction that will be the more acceptable the sooner it is preferred. Canada And Her Defences. -- H 8 e how incidental bless. public ownership, street cars intend to star Cth, when the ys team of that vil- : * Con. Millan has the colonies and the mother country, Canada took time to think over the Proposition. It became clearer that something should be doe and so in the n of this year the Cana. dian government agreed to take over the expense of garrisoning Halifax and Esquimalt, provided that the imperial government recognized .this step. to. hospital, New York, is in town ou his holidays. Mrs. Montreal. Miss lena town from Toronto. Miss Alice Ham- ilton; Port Credit, is Mrs. Jd. 8S. Wileocks: The steamer Alexandria had seventy- five through passengers to Quebec to- day. The steamers Niagara and Aletha are each trying to other out of business on the Belle- ville-Picton Saturday excursions. Both crowds Saturday. The ) sloop Madcap is unloading lumber at Lake & Killop's wharf. At Hepburn's wharf : Waterlily cleared for Mon- treal; steamer Lloyd 8 coal; schooner Clara is coal for Hughes. THE DUPLIGRAPH The. imperial government suggested 'anadian government oon- tribute $500,000 a year towards ex- Penses, and the old arrangement would continue. But the Canadian govern- the responsi. bility of directing the garrisons, pro- boats® had slim is still in pro- | Thieves" of fairy tale renown. gress, but it must be nearing a cli- max. Perhaps the British government was the more considerate in agreeing to accept a money payment in full of all liabilities of garrisoning' the two stations, but the dominion government in 'the fostering of a national spirit, y In Charlotte. In Sight of Yank on one duty after another of a purely Charlotte, NY. Induiged in thany It has been said of Canada that she did not realize what her defence real- ly meant, so watchful had the imperial government "een of her interests, but de- Or a reasonable number of perfect groes and it is getting the more cost. copies from written original we defy any machine é in the world, we care not what its cost may be. duplicating work to do, all we ask is Pee é an opportunity to demon -- But Simmons mind- is evanescent. Jy From Simmons' act, the. merits of our machin with three tablets foolscap «ise, ' So plete with ink, price $750. 8; ve Mould any, Dupligraph Trays, foolscap size, $2.50, ---- ~ For sale in Kingston by H. MILNE, 272 BAGOT STREET. PENMAN & SPRANG, Head Office, 22 Yonge Street Arcade, changes all this qn ture constipation and always do so. anilton's Pills you ar splendid color, jovial in action: good for At all dealers in medic; * em------------ Gold Found In Iceland. ¢ Copenhagen, Jul eries in id have gold fever in the island from Reykjavik states th, Write for circulars and samples of work, - re, Hi~Gold discov- engineer has brought get he dug up at 1 considerable distance here it is believed a opened Paul Findlay MeC at his rooms in the Tecu: forty years ago he came to Picton, remaining in the same line of busi. ness, but during the past fifteen vears he led a retired life. He jas a brother of the late James M uaig, Cuaig, prominent stock brokers, of Montreal, and of A. McCusig, of the inland revenue department, Belloville. Of a family of six boys and three irls, but ¥wo now survive--Mrs. John t conservative. The funeral, which took place Sunday, was largely attended. services being held in - St. Mary Nagdalénc's church: interment in Glenwood cemetery. There were many beautiful floral pieces. The mourners present were : McCuaig, Montreal: A. McCuaig, Belleville: B. R. and J. de C. and R. G. K. Hep- birn and Capt. E. B. Smith were the The funeral took place to-day from the family residence, of Mrs. Richard Dobson, who died. Saturday, in her forty-eighth year. During a moment temporary insanity 'on Friday, David Terrill, it is alleged, 'attacked his father and step-mother, Mr. and Mrs. John Terrill, with a hammer, and but for timely intetference, a double ' tragedy might have been the t | result. When ~~ assistance came Mr. Terrill was in an' unconscions condi- tion from the severe pummelling and pounding which he had suffered, and he is vet quite ill. David Terrill is subject to epileptic fits and had shown much spite against his step mother, to whom his. father had been recently married; this is supposed to be the undercurrent to David's alleged illusage of his parents. David Ter- rill is about thirty years of age. He as been removed to jail. To the num of fully seventy-five, the A0.UW, accompanied hy the Citizens' band, attended morning ser- vice in St. Mary Magdalene's chiirch, yesterday. Rev. W. L. Armitage con- ducted the service. In the absence, on her holidays, of Miss Walker, who has recently been appointed organist . of St. 'Mery Magdalene's church, Mrs. Hunt presided at the Sunday services. Miss Louise Owens returned to-day from a three weeks' visit in Roches ter. Miss Maizie Tyrrill, Toronto, is visiting Mrs. D. J. Barker. Mrs. J. de C C. Hepburn and Miss Gena Mip- : w TT eee 2 taken to the station remainin burn have returned from Oil City. iq cooler over night. This a Miss Christine Barker is home from i R Rochester on a visit. Miss Jessie » " CO, ; Newbery, of Belleville, is visiting in 4 town. Miss Dorothea Whitton, whe Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall. : has spent the past two weeks in Pie- ton, returned to-day to Toronto. - Misses Madge Hepburn, Bernice Young and Carly Ross returned to-day after i a week's outing at Presque Isle Point. Mr. and Mrs, Williane Bailey and son, Watertown, are guests of Mr. and Mrs Nelson Bailey. M. Fenimore, Hamilton, is in town on siness. Dr. Frost Thorne; Bellevue Ross is visiting in Conger is in the guest of run each - Picton, July 10.--Ome of. Picton's octogenarians, al mseh , Friday, after an illness ex-) tending over the greater part of = the spring and winter. He was well known about town, familiarly called "Uncle Findlay" by his many friends, uy & and t the -'! Roo ak; Green or wir sterilized parchment " "+ "Get Red 'Feather in your cup . i A ------------------------ Rell FeatberGéylon Teais a " tea in sterilized ir-proof or °f put upin lead but packages--goc, be- tween Kingston and Montreal. Some shirtmakers. The New Oxfords will require straw Ready Store. S. Porter, w ith unloading Fancy Vests White and Fancy Vests are Y Smart. Tasty dres lots of them. They monotony of his usual sombre attire. See our New Fahey Vests, the patterns are 'ex $1.50, $1.75, $2 to 83. : Soft Bosom Shirts "Ask to see our great $1 line of Shirts. We've everything that's good in Summer gures, plain, white, éte. We are y ¥ Qualities are the best, 25¢., 50c., 5c. Joustre Coals Lustre Coats, $1.50, $1.75, $2 to $2.50. serve to brighten up a man's appearance, Shirts--solid colors showing the masterpieces of the Every pattern & new one and many of them exclusive with Fancy Hosiery handsome Hosiery to think we can please any man with Hosiery, Sers are buying and break the ceedingly handsome, 81.95, do them justice, We Warnf patterns for swell young dressers, or more plain and modest colorings for the tive man, Our Store will Close at 5 o'clock each evening (except Saturday) during July and Augyst. It includes every colored -to-Wear in the The styles are the very new- est--regular. prices $125 to $3 50, Our price while they las R special offer in Ready- to-Wear 'Hats is still in | 98c.--Ready-to-Wears--98c. Ov effect. £5 |! SPENCE', a type-written or pen- If you ever have any strate to you Cabinet Sole Mawafactarers, Toronto, Canada. No Breakfast Tabie: » Sig best duplicator on the market. S Oxfords and Bluchers, SAPPY up-to-date style, a fe amiss! |For $1.50 and $2 aa. bufl and to resist Patent & valuable diet for children. |" COCOA The Most Nutritious . | cighty-five Colt, Choclate and Black Vici H. JENNINGS, King St. Ne v= SHARPENED AND REPATRD William Norris has botight a farm 'of Locks and Keys a Specialty. All kinds of repairs done. Richmond, and Beonomical. - 4 Mext spring. Price, £5,300, . CH 4 mn i ) | good Sound value, ares from M: C, Bogart, and" will take possession The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store. 00 00000000000000000 00 WeOury in Stock Tngrot Copper, Antimony and Tin THE CANADA METAL CO., TORONTO. S04 basa -- EDUCATIONAL. MISS BLYTH FORM --- ------------ T. AGNES' SCHOOL URCH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Pool, Belleville, Ontario. ~The Lord Bishop of Ontario n_ English, Langu- Physical Music Examinations | Elm i i Patron N Thorough. courses § » + ages, Music, Art and . onservatory of complete without There is Much |i y th upils taken fr That can be said i Ladies' © preparation : eur: Luding: ' the, Preparati of the a large addition to th The grounds extent For prospectus tion, apply to MISS F. E. CARROLL, ¥ Principal. rr e-- Lawn Mowers MUSIC | om the Kindergarten to for universities. school has justified © building, contain- d over five acres, informa- D. J. GARBUTT, 225 Princess St. y - Stripes, conserva- >> One Culture. Mrs. Pinkham claims that the kind of Ayshepais that is cause de: of the e ot and w) while it causes a « ance similar to indig cannot be relieved without a m which not only acts as a stomact but has pecun uterine-tonie also. As proof of this theory we ¢ tention fo the case or Mrs. 8 Beaubien, 58 Sparks St., Ottawa who was completely cured by Ly Pinkham's Vegetable Compound everything else had failed. She v Mrs. 3 3 th. I now enjoy a splendi y -- can eat all kinds of have no of with and know that I ow : to Lydia 's Vegetable Com 3 No other medicine in the wor of received such widespread and ur fled endorsement, or hassuch a re cures of female troubles. as has E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compou 3 POLICE COURT. Paid for Quenching His 1 Too Often. A young man belonging to th created a disturbance in the shox ing parlor at the corner of P " and ° Montreal streets, last ov while under the influence of liguo police were telephoned for and | i prisoner was arraigned on a cha A being drunk and disorderly. N appeared, however, to prosecute latter offence. For quenching his too often the young man had t up $2 and costs. ---- Children's Aid Society. The Children's Aid Society is ganization concerning whose wor haps even few of our aldermen very much. Yesterday at a me called in G. M. Macdonnell's offic look over the work done during last two = months by ite agent, Mr. McCallum, the welfare of { five 'children was discussed, an every case some action was t These: cases had all been soughf by the agent of the society, who sense is the best policeman King has, because these forty-five chil without the care and proteetion Children's Aid Society, would join the. criminal class and thus come not only a menace to. the munity, but a direct expense, ------ A Fine Trip. The attention of our readers called to advertisement on_ anc page of the second ~ annual exeur to Montreal, Gttawa and return St. Lawrence and Ottawa rivers Rideau canal. Patrons of this last year pronounce it the finest wi trip in America, Any Symptom Like This. Headaches, nervous desponde; loss of energy, failing memory, Di despair. Wade's Iron Tonic Pills ; ing through the blood. and on nerves restore to you the viva and health of youth. In boxes Money back if not satisfactory, The drug store that keeps high ¢ candy. Gibson's Red Cross drug st Er EER wr m---- COMMERCIAL. STOCK MARKETS, Norman Hinmore, Manager Hartsho Telegraphed specially to the Whig Rogert & Battelle, Members New Y Stock Exchange, 151 St. James Str MONTREAL STOCKS. July 11+ Japanese 43 Bonds REN 91 3 Dominion Iron a 28 g Dominion Iron pid.. RC ; Detroit United N w Montreal Street 224 oronto Rails . 1 & Mackay, pid 73 "Can. Gen. Electric 154 NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS, Supplied by W. F. Dever & Ceo., Market Square, Kimgston. July 114 b- Atchison " 85% 83 Awal. Copper . 84 a2 Baltimore & Ohio 113% 118 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 71 69 : Canadian Pacific 152 150 F Erie 7. 474 45 g Illinois Central 167 166 Louisville & Nashville 149. 147 & Metropolitan 2 1284 126 Missouri Pacific Sai ar Oe 98 New York Central ve wo 147§ 146 Pennsylvania fa ae ado» 1434 141 Rock Island. 7 7° 0° 81: 80 Reading . J 106§ 105 St. Paul ' 179 178 Sugar | . 1393 188 Twin City Saks ae 1134 113 Union Pacific 129 127 3 1. 8. Steel wo 343 88, U. S. Steel, Prd. ee Se 108 101 ---- GRAIN MARKET. Wheat-- Sept. si 88 May 90 90 July 90} 90; Corn--

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