Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jul 1905, p. 4

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Jease by referring' to it in the com- mons. He complained that the gov- it ~ Hon. Mr. Fitzpatrick said he was {not given any notice of Mr. Porter's desire for y discussion of the 'case, but he quoted from memory the proceed- ings he had taken to bring the offend: fers to justice. He had first sént the in- spector of police to make an enquiry, He followed this by sending the com- missioner of police too. He engaged counsel. Mr. Porter had been called Jon, but was ' non-communicative. 'He said little and referred the crown's |officers to his solicitor in Toronto. . Mr. Porter's excuse for this. was that he had a criminal libel suit on at the time, and Mr. Fitzpatrick's re ply was that it was more important | to get the conspirators arrested and {into jail. "T have always been at a loss to understand," said Mr. Pitz patrick, Ywhy he was so vigorois in his prosecution for criminal libel and $0 dilatory in presenting those con- nected with the fraud." The escape of Shibley and Lott was 1 to besregretted, but the minister of justice made it clear that he and the government were not to blame. Mr. Porter did not make much out of the case, He got, however, what he seems to have wanted--some newspaper no- tice. But for this episode we might have forgotten that he was a member of parliament. ------ The Scheme Disapproved. "The Lake Erie dam question had an airing in Montreal, and without add: ing to its 'popularity. The proposi- "Jtion has not a great deal to {commend it, and: the little that can be said in its behalf is weakened hy hisenoc ; geonerete scheme. : . Wisner, of De- og | troit, and a 1 w of the Interna- tional Waterways' Commission, has to say with interest, but with the feel- ling that the plans of the projectors are exceedingly crude. "In a few words the scheme in to raise the water in Lake Erie, by damming it, but it has been confessed that hitherto the data did not show what the cffect would be in Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence channels. This information is being collected and it was hoped to show by it that the Lake Erie dam would not interfere with the navigation of the waters between it and the ocean, The position of the city of Mon- treal was set forth hy Mr. Gear, who said that the board of trade felt that the Lake Erie scheme meant a serious interference with navigation along the whole canal system * and the river St. Lawrence. To his mind the dam referred to in Lake Frie would affect. the water level and render the expenditure in dredging in the river and eanals a waste of money. The work would have to be done over again, The attitude of the shipping federa- tion was expressed by Mr. Allan, of the Allan line of steamships, who said the navigation of the St. Law- rence was a question of inches, not feet, and he protested against any ox- If you knew how insistent we have to be to got the kind of that we kiow gives greatest it and burns slowest. If you knew how anxious the many com- B panies are to rket the lower iades of vd hat looks just ke. the best Kind -- i ar you knew that I've the re- putation of being crank, who is 'sa With nothing but the best 1 the mines produce, you would too glad to buy hero and the worry and bother of choosing really good coal. ~ oo IL pays us to he cranks, ways get the best coal. You can : it in turn. It will: eost you SAME as any to ale old coal. My ness depends on the confidence periment which threatened to afiect a tus tomers. Sa one here the level of water to any extent. | Same money. Much had been done to ake the river navigable by boats of heavier draught, but much more had to be done so that trade might find an out- let by the nearest route between Ame: rica and Europe. Gther Canadians expressed themselves in a similar way. Col. Frost, of Washington, referred to his opinion which had been ex- pressed to the effect that the Lake Erie dam would damage the St. Lawrence route, and in doing so fulfil the mission of its projectors. Such a thought had not been enter- tained by any seriously disposed per son. 'The St. Lawrence river belong- ed to the United States as well as Canada, aiid nothing would be done about the Lake Erie canal unless it had the approval of both countries. It is safe to conclude from present appearances that the dam in Lake Frie will not be built. cost, whether you need glasses or not, or whether your old glasses ave yet suitable for you or not. We make no charge for Exami- err ip ne Set wh ate : : John Bull may sit up straight when nation, and if you require glasses, | | "4 "ni England has been gold our charges are very moderate. bricking Canada on the cattle ques Flas a tion; But the old man needs a shock occasionally so that he may get after his officials. Chauncey M. Depew, is being scarifi- ed by the American pressy Does he de- serve it ? Surely, He posed as a lead- | or of men, and his mind and methods were supposed to be pure. The Eauit- , has sent a representative into to see what is the matter with ative party. The result is up in these four paragraphs : g as Sir Wilfrid Laurier ins in power, there is no hope the conservatives to gain ground in . One officer of a put it this way: ing so long as Laur- 3 the angel Ga- down to lead us inst Laurier." conservatives would ing chance to win, : 4. But re-organization is necessary from top to bottc rule for and within the 4. There must be an end put to all cabals within the ranks of the ty. The leader must possess the dl 0g of his lieutenants on all questions of policy, or he mmst get new lieuten- ants. refore, if conservatism in Quebec is ever to amount to anything again Mr, Monk must disappear from the sub-leadership. These conclusions are impressive. While Laurier lives there is no hope of a change in public sentiment. Why? He has the confidence of the people. They recognize hinv as a great lea er, as one possessed of the wisdom, sagacity and prudence which his office demands. They see, too, that he does not hold first place in the people's | affections by the tricks of the politi- cian. He can disapprove of some things, meant to irritate or excite his countrymen, and not lose in the re spect or popularity of the people. fn this respect he differs from other would-be leaders. Mr. Bourassa would have the commons legislate as if all the people of Canada thought as he did, 'and would endorse what he thought his constituents desired. Nr. Monk would "have dual languages forced in the new provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan, officially, because he thought Fronch Quebee would ap- plaud the idea. Bir Wilirid Laurier counselled against the course of both these men and the house and the country confirms his decision, And s0 it comes that the newspaper critic sees disintegration and discon- tent in the conservative party of Quebec, and the necessity for a new order of things under a new order of men. Mr. Monk, the weather-cock and wobbler, must go. He has failed. for something new, and the sooner he disappears from public life the bet- ter. So it bas been decreed, a le Se -- Editorial Notes. A Canadian company talks of sup- plying Toronto with natural gas at 15c. a thousand feet. ret] Japan has raised a new war loan without difficulty. Ite finance minister now lives on Easy street, Lawson has been singled out for ftesh distinction in Kansas. He is now talked of for the presidency, He would then 'need a bhody-guard, sure. The Albertan, of Calgary, says the only issue of importance before the people is the location of the provin- cial capital. Of course Calgary wants "Bobs" may lave shocked ' the Eng- lish people "yx his reforms to the army. But if he can shock the Yossilism out of the war office, he will be doing the country a great service. i The light department pleads that it cannot strike off the meter rent. It is an indispensable tax. The people get no value for it, and $5,000 a vear is an awful imposition, It will have to go. Mr, Price of St. Thomas, has receiv- ed his reward. He is the commissioner who will adjudicate upon all mining disputes in the department of lands and ines.' It pays a partizan, sometimes to be ---- Is Canada on the eve of conserip- tion ? Must every voung man, between certain years, do service as a volun- teer or militia man ? That is implied by a recent statement of the minister of militia. Questichable Souvenir Cards. Washington, July 13.~In the post office department's crusade against im- purity in the mails, attention has heen directed to questionable souvenir pos- tal cards. Daily the officers of the general superintendent of the city and rural fee delivery are in receipt of scores of these cards having a ten- dency toward the immoral, obscene or profane, They are sent in by arguas- eyed mail carriers, post clerks or post- masters all over the country in con- formity with the instructions of the postmaster general that such missives mus not. be delivered to the persons addressed. Hundreds of designs just a trifle off color, but whieh may be soen exhibited in windows of reputable stores in city, town and hamlet are among the tabooed. The Mails Arrive. Special to the Whig, North Sydney, N.S. July 13.--The cruiser Canada with mails from the R.M.S. Virginian, arrived in dock, I. C.R. pier, North Sydney, at 9:30 am. She met the Virginian six miles off Low Point at 7 a.m. by the steamer North King, He must be sacrificed to the clamour | A CHOICE OUTING ER ST. LAWRENCE. And This Time the Steamer North King - Carried the Party--The Route is Filled A pleasant sail took place yesterday among the islands of the St. Lawrence which revealed the fact that nothing in na- ture or art has deteriorated this sea- fon in comparison with what was found there in previous years; in fact improvement was found in those de- partments, the islands being garbed in their most perfect green foliage and flowers, mature ing very lavish, and perfect in her y in those parts, and the nunterous and beautiful cot- tages, which have heen increased in umber, whilst the artist Jia been in spreading on m e most tiful shades that can be con- of, giving the structures a very appearance, while the steam, other 'sailing craft are as and fleet gas ever. This the place of all others and other tourists comfort, pleasure ly when they have such nrst-class fa- cilities as our splendid steamers afford all those who avail themselves of them, and such courteous officers as those the proprietor of the North King has been fortunate in securing, at all times, those of the present seq- son comprising John Jarrell, cap- tain; Percy Anderson, purser, and Howard Vandusen, steward, who has a host of bright, active, polite and alert waiters under his mdance, who allow no ode to be neglected in being readily waited 'upon with the very best delicacies - the market affords, cooked and served in a manner that cannot be excelled by those * whe have occupied similar positions during past seasons' on the steamers North King. and Caspian, of this fine, or anywhere else. The steamer left King- ston at 10:15 and arrived back at 4:15, after one of the most delightful Passages over ome of the very best and in routes that could have been ted. These and other steamers provide similar passages to this one every day, and should be availed of hy every one before the al- together too season. closes, and while it is 80 hot, which every one can do at. the low rates which are charged, for Both passage and meals. EE ---------- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Fi -- . Thanks For That. Toronto Star. =~ © Although the price of cement has gone up, teeth will continue to be fill- ed at the old rates. RA 'Good 'Enough. Torénto World, Elihu Root is 'Hkely to be the next President of thens United States, in which. event the«Whife House will be known as the Root house, Why And 'Wherefore. Toronto News. Liquor license officials say drunk- enness is inepeasing in Ontario. Quite 80. Most of the W, C. T. U. officials are on their holidays, --- A Way Money Goes. Hamilton 'Spectator' Inthe old line: life companies extra: vagant salaries are paid to the officers and agents, vet the actual amount paid out each year to the beneficiar- its of insurance policies is less than one-half of the total sum paid in for premiums, Can't Stand Him. Toronto Glabe. It may as well be said at once that no government, whether liberal or con- servative, could accede to the demands of the 'auditor-general. Parliament can- not abrogate its powers and appoint one man to virtually limit its author- ity. Editor Arrested. New York, July 13.--Robert C. Cris well, editor and publisher of the New Yorker, a weekly publication, was ar- rested on a charge of eriminal libel, made by Congressman Joseph L. Rhi- noch of Kentucky The paver published that Rhinoch (introduced at Cincin- nati to Miss Roosgvelt) had been in- dicted by the Campbell County, Ky., grand jury on the charge of snatching a roll of $50 from an old farmer at the Alexandria fair. Criswell says the information in the article had been sent to him by 'a correspondent in Cincinnati, whom he had known for twenty vears. He asked for an ad- journment, so that he could get a copy of the alleged indictment and wet his correspondent here from Cali- fornia. 2 Congressman Rhinoch said he be lieved that the article had been inspir- ed through polities. He said he had never heen indicted and that Mr. Longworth was a man of good repu- tation and standing. Although he dis- liked notoriety, he said he had made up his mind'to prosecute, Well Laid-Out Poultry House. One of the most conveniently laid- out poultry houses I have seen is that in Superintendent Gilbert's de- partment at the Dominion Experimen- tal Farm, Ottawa. There is an alley- way extending the full length of the house in front. Directly in front of { the allev and at the bottom is a trough in which eut bone, mash, etc, can he fed; above are the nests, which the hens enter from the pen at one side, and from which, the eggs are tak- en at the other by the gatherers; over these nests again, is the chop- ping board with the reots above it. The feeding of mash, ete, the gather ing of the eggs and the removal of the droppings can all be done from the al- ley; the hens are not in the least dis turbed. At the end of the alllev and the fll width of the house, is the scratching pen, : A Guarantee Of Coolness. Is given with each ticket for the Armour's tan soap, 3 in box, for able graft has ruined his reputation, 10c. McLeod's drug store. | America's tour of the islands Satur- :. THURSDAY, JULY 13. WAS ENJOYED ON THE RIV-|c BUMPITY BUMP! Bumptions Bump is Being Bumped . FP. Turner. Brooklyn, in Rochester, Post Express. news despatches say that De- puty Collector of Oustoms Duane Bump at Charlotte ordered the British flag to be taken down from the Brit- ish ship Acacia of Ki on, threaten. ed to-board the ship himself and haul down the colors, and when the captain dared him to touch the flag he retali- ated by refusing to issue clearance pa pers while the was flying. If this story is true Mr. Bump is clearly unfitted to hold responsible federal office, Surely a child would know that an American ship is virtu- ally American soil and a British ship or any other has the same argument. When I showed the account of the de- puty collector's act to a well known naval officer in navy yard here, he said it seemed impossible that such an outrage could have happened. "I won- der what we would say," Le added, "'if an American ship was ordered to strike Old Glory by an official in a strange port. It would be almost an act of war, unless a government apo- 1 were forthcoming." a case at this date such pre- judice is foolish. Our country has been built up by so many millions from all countries and July Fourth is the an- niversary of the founding of a great nation. The quarrel of the British col- onists. with the German king of Eng- land over unjust taxation surely was & great blessing und one that should leave no trace of bitterness on our part at this late date. Our quarrel was with George I11., not with the British people who so soon after we had led the way, peaceably obtained what we to fight for--no taxation without representation. The colonists fought actively for thie very principle for which their fathers and cousins and brothers in England had long been contending and soon after cnjoved. So of course they revere Washington in Great Britain as one of the dozen great pioneers. that achieved liberty for the English speaking people. Tt is surely very foolish when we are near ing a hundred millions to look back and feel 'bitterness for the struggle which made us what we are to-dav. We should read Cobbett and Franklin and take a lesson from their pages written when we were young and fee- ble. But to demand that the British flag be taken from a British vessel on our great national holidav is an in- sane act beyond - belief. What about the French flag? Washington was fighting that just before to save the colonies from their grasp. How soon we forgave and forgot and welcomed them as allies ! SPORT REVIEW. 'Notes On Baseball, Lacrosse And Other Sports. Lou Scholes and Smith, of the To- rontos, will row double in the C.AA. 0. regatta. The Seawanhaka Club, of New York will likely send a four to the Cana dian Henley. Franz, of Arthur City aggregation, Assogiation, Kid McCoy has chosen primrose with, white polka dots for his racing colors. The kid is partial to bridal effects. : At the Canadian Henley the Argon auts' senior eight will be opposed hy the Detroits, and a pieked crew from Philadelphia. Pick Cooley, of the Detroit Ameri- can team, has made only one error in the forty-four games in which he has Irwin's Kansas leads the American participated. The Canadians scored another vie- torv at Kenilworth when Trainer Littlefield won with Quixote in the maiden two-year-old race. Two candidates for the honor of defending Canada's cup, the Kee Lox IT and the Rochester, had another lively brush in the regular haces of the Genesee Yachting Association, the former again showing her superiority by three minutes flat. The Ottawa Football Club met at the Russell and clected officers. The officers are : President, R. T. Shill ington; firdt vice-president, I.. N. Bate; second vice-president, W. A Cameron; third vice-president, H. R. McGiverin; secvetary, T. A. Godirey; treasurer, P. J. Baskerville. Sheep Notes. Sheep fed highly often shed fleeces in winter. The best results in wool growing are had by feeding a mixture of wheat bran four parts, linseed meal one part and oats one part. This mixture is always safe for ewes and lambs. -p Timothy hay is the curse of sheep. Don't feed it if possible to avoid it. When dover hay is fed, one quart a day of the mixture is a liberal ra- tion for ewes, and half of this quanti- ty for lambs. Red top is excellent for sheep. but it must not be too drv or woody. This grass if not tog rank will v :'¢ hay next best to the clover, + Over-ripe hav, while it lart< inf »1 substance is thus made indigestible, which often results in stretches, con- stipation and death. This explains why sheep are often found dead without anv known cause. iverv. man who owns a hilly farm should find profit in sheep. their home table. Tt is a most economocal and healthful meat food. Improving Gullies. On many farms are pronounced gul- lies or rums, which not only injure the appearance of fields. Hut increase the labor of working the farm. Many of these have a small stream of water running down through the centre. To improve such conditions, old stone walls should be filled into the bot- toms of the runs for drainage, and shoulders of the hanks nlonghed down upon the stones. Treated in this way, runs that formerly reqnired machinery with a result, too, that where only swale grass would grow, good hay can now be grown. If stone walls are not waiting to be cleared awav, a tile drain can be laid through the centre of the run, and . the hanks plonghed down to cover it deeply. Pratt's headache powders for neural- gia, and headache, 4 powders in pac- ket, 10c. Only at © Mcleod's drug day, 2:30 pam, hame early. 35c. Use "m lamb 1 I ! I ore lamb and mutton on the who comes to us for relief. great coolers on a hot day, Summer Hats, 50c. to $3 New Collars, 2 for 25c. New Belts, etc. Comfortable Summer Clothes We have loads of summer ¢omfort in store for the man Our Serge and Homespun Suits in two or three-piece styles, costing $6.50, $7, $7 50, $8.50, $10 and $12.50 are Our Furnishing Department is full to overflowing with comfortable Summer Toggery of every description. to you, sir, to say whether you'll suffer with the summer heat or find relief by coming here. It's up Summer Shirts, of all kinds, 75¢., $1, 1.25 to 2. Summer Vests, $1 25, 1.50, 1 75 to 3. Summer Hosiery, the very newest, 25c, 35¢., 50c. Summer Underwear, 25¢c. a garment and up. Summer Neckwear, Yacht Caps, etc. Summer Coats, $1.50, $1.75 and up to $s. * Summer Trousers, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50 and $4. THE H. D. BIBBY CO. Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall, Oxfords Can sale? $2.75. J. H. $4.50 and $5 for (Gentlemen ! you afford to miss this We have placed on sale all our $4.50 and $5 Oxfords for $3.5), and all $3.50 and $4 Oxfords for These shoes are all made in the newest spring styles, in Tan, Russia Calf, Patent Colt, Velour Calt. Gnw Kid and See Our Window. Sutherland & Bro. In our large and new assorted stock of Ales, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, we think that' we have everything to meet the demand. We guarantee entire satisfaction as to prices and quality. Agent for the well known "De- spatch" Scotch Whiskey. JAS. McPARLAND 839 and 341 King St. "hone 274. ANOTHER WONDER OF SCIENCE Biology Has Proved That Dand- ruff is Caused by a Germ. Scicnce is doing wonders these days in medicine as well as in mechanics. Since Ada lived, the human race has 'been troubled with dandruff, = for which no hair preparation has hereto- fore proved a ' successful cure until Newbro's Herpicide was put on the market. It is a scientific preparation that kills the germ that makes dand- rufil or scurf by digging into the sealp to get at the root of the hair, where it saps the vitality; causing ifching scalp, falling hair, and finally bald- ness. Without dandruff hair must grow luxurian{ly. It is the only .destroyer of dandruff. Sold by leading druggists: Sind 10c. in stamps for sample to the Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich, G. W. Mahood, special agent. ET I -------- Korean Legation Abolished. St, Petersburg, July, 13. ~The Ko- rean minister to St. Petersburg = has sold the furniture of the legation and left the city, having, been, informed by the foreign office that the Japanese store, protectorate overs Koma has been fe Wines and Liquors |swooe EXCURSION sn! MONTREAL and OTTAWA ""All By Daylight' Per Steamer '"ALETHA" Which will be comfortably fitted out for this trip, with easy chairs, sofas, ete. Going, THURSDAY, August Srd RETURNING--Tuesday August 8th. From Belleville and Bay of Quinte ports, Kingston, Clayton, and Alex andrin Bay, Via the St. Lawrence River, (Running all the rapids), Ottawa River and Rideau River and Canal System. SIX DAYS, $16.50 Which includes meals on board boat, and hotel accommodation overnight at Prescott or Ogdensburg, Montreal Ottawa (2 nights) and Smith's Falls. Giving half day and evening in Moii- treal 'and one day (Sunday) in Ottaws: first class orchestra, led by Prof Denmark of Belleville, will accompany the excursion. } Tickets limited to 125 and can be re served on receipt of $3.00 deposit. Pronounced by last year's passengers. to he the finest trip ever taken. For further particulars and reserva- tions, apply to W. J. MAGRATH, P. F. CANNIFF. Chairman Secretary REV. R. H. LEITCH, Pastor Holloway St, church, Belleville, Ont. DENTAL DR A. E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS, 19 Montreal St., Cor. Princess St. Phone 652, . All branches of Dentistry skilfully per- formed. Nitrous Oxide Gas used for ex- traction of teoth. finitely established and that Korean legations consequently have been abol ished. y Dr. Chown's Bucher-Juniper Kidney Pills cures lame back. 25. 3 $3.50 | Dx. Lyo Tooth Po Cleanses and h teoth and purites sed peopl or LA ator of Very convenient for PREPARED BY SHG, ee . eea-------- JOHN M. WH Plumber, Gas and Steam-fit! GoldenlLion Is' the place to get yow tended to in the Plumbing line of Gas Stoves before p you will find our prices rig of bath-room fixtures aad hb Prices low ; a call solicited "are. by alld sts or © on receipt of Writ © Wood Medicine Co., Wi COMMERCIAL MA' What Is Going On In ti World--The Mar} The Cockshutt Plow (« ereft a three-storey 'brick bu 100 feet; in Re : Nr The London Machine Te London, Ont. have secure and will build an up-to-date Samples of barley, sown exhibited in Winnipeg the st ft. 6 inches high. It is uni) headed out. The Grand earnings from were as follows 1905, $69. 7 2 ; decrease, $16,656 It is reported that Swift & of hicago, will erect a la ment in Vancouver, « B.C. $200,000. Mr. Strong is th tive in Vancouver. The New York Central ha Trunk railw Julv 1st, 1 tract to take all the ele which it will use in the op traction lines at Syracuse g of the Ontario. Power * Niagura Falls. The announcement corporation in Canada of | White Company, Limited, ty eeneral contracting and engi ness on lines similar to J. « Company, Incorporated, of J G. White and Co., Limi England, and the Waring pany; London, England patent of the incorporation the latter part of Ma and tian © of the company is no completed. The Canadian Wh Limited. will undertake civil electrical hydraulic, and bu is ma The Cheese Mark Woodstock, July 12.-- white, and 1,050 | Bidding: ranged fro : no sales. cton, July 12: boarded 1,550, 9 11-16¢ Fifte all colored ; All sold Creditable To Pe The Old Boys' re-unio during the early days of . ed the proprietors of Courier to issue a special that always admirable we The Courier at all time readable sheet, cléanly printed, and packed full densed news. On this « sides the regular issue, a eight pages was printed, on colored paper. The Perth---one of the earliest tions of Upper Canada --w forth in a number of a toric scehes were reviewed graphies given of the pe made Perth and its leading The articles were well illus the entire edition was a the enterprising propriet. Walker, a former Kingstor well kipwn here, Hand Crushed By John Rudrean, living ni came to the general hos 2) day afternoon, with a ha hand. He sustained the in falling of a tree. Severa + the hand were broken, a tion may eventually hav sorted to. Everything for campers Red Cross Drug Store. EE I i Uhhh AA COMMERCIAI STOCK MARKEE) Telegraphed spocially to Norman Binmore, Manager Bogert & Battelle, Membe Stock Exchange, 151 St. J Japanese 43 Honds Montreal Power Twim City Dotwinion Tron Montreal Street Mackay, Com Mackay, pid Richelieu & Ont Nav. Cao Nova Scotia "- Com NEW YORK STOCK Mm Supplied by W. F. Deve "Market Square, Kingston. Atchison Amal. Copuer Baltimore & Ohio Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian Pacific Erie x Illinois Central Louisville & Nashville Metropolitan Missouri Pagific New York Central Pennsylvania Rock Island Sugar Union Pacific 8S, Steel U. 8 Sgeel, oid. GRAIN MARKE

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