Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jul 1905, p. 6

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Recovered 1 :! umachar, Suiy'di =Siten Ball is | to be out again after his severe . Samuel J 'ilk isa better. Misses. Malinda and] he! Bebee are spending vacation at] tertown and other Statés," Miss Annie and Mr. Connor Lapent a few days ot Snake cently, visiting friends. ls Good- "has returned to Kalurah, N.Y. | - Purchased New Engine. hy a new engine: ahd boiler Jor his grist mill from & Lon- fim. Mills is ¥ FP . G. Storms and , spent several days . James Bulloch, Lyn, visiting his son, C. W. Bul- .and Mrs. B. B. Shibley fourth with « frien Miss MeO an, Perth, and Mrs, (Dr) N.J., are spending a th friends in Wilton. Pe Switzer was the t of the Mis Frankié and Hattie Lake, ian ¥ for a few days last week. Bent To Jail: July H-xifumng Jave § cutting. William - Cassidy &ot the plated a wore with a Jog { Buggies: groveries.. + Murph: as once 1 Eo verdent of Stoeco. Peter Lennahan's new barn is some- er J what differently planned from any- ' © Jthing of the kind in this locality; E. DIN, | ie « Btoco, Elziver, is the architect. The over the feeding of hogs in toco cheese factory has terminated somewhat seriously, namely, in a short term of imprisonment 'for one of the patrons. While Peter Lenpa- {han was working around his barn, in course of erection, a board fell eigh- teen feet, striking him in the arm and inflicting a painful wound. Thom- as Masterson and Miss Alice Irvine, = \\ ; Joungest daughter of the late Dennis LAN [7 ne, wero united in marriage at the Roman Catholic church by Rev, Fr, i , toach- for her Laura 14 . Monday. Miss be a en er osevatiute {home Jam lord, 88 lin her canv: A Pretty Wedding. Maberly, July 11.~The 12th of July promises to be a big day here, A y pretty wedding took place in : s Shureh. Ns , wher Ahan Bathurst, and Mr. Watt, assing, tour. parts of the 8 Creek re- | Wilton, July 12.--George Simmons. rs is meeting with good success --- -- Clarke. Mr. and Mri. McPhail have arrived at Mr. Briggs' to spend their summer vacation. James Campbell, Clarendon, shipped g carload of cattle from here to-day. Stewart Armstrong is spending a few days with his bro ther, Marshall Armstrong, Mr, Curl has arrived to spend a few days at his cousin's; Frank Curl. Robert Hughes, Jr., is suffering from an at tack of quinsey. Mrs. John Morrow has e to Ogdensburg, and Carth- age. Miss Jennie Armstrong is spend- ing ga few days at Willig Buchan- nan's. Rey. Mr. James has purchased a fine horse. Dave Oliver has gone to work in the United States. Mrs. Churchill, Perth, is spending a few days at her father's, G. Buchanhan. Rev. Mr. Cox, Plevna, passed through here Thursday on his return from Newhoro. Casper Speagle, Westport; was here on Friday. Life On Christy Lake. Christy - Lake, July 10.--Owing - the Old Boys' reunion at Perth" the season is a little later than wal at the lake, but now everything is boop- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Rudd, Perth, oc Wholesale Agents Geo. Robertson & Sons aaa " : KINGSTON. ahieles at short- | | FROZEN DAINTIES ! Freezer becomes the hard-worked friend of the family. This year we have the Peerless Iceland From 1 pint to 10 quarts. One mo- tion and 'only takes threes minutes to Warm weather is thirsty weather, and suggests ice cold drinks, and if you are an expert mixer you will want a Lemon Squeezer, an Ice Pick, and probably a Cork Screw, and the best can only be bad at W. A. MITCHELL'S HARDWARE . 86 Princess Street. fhe. finest, purest cream fa required such a delicious 'dish. THAT is the ly kind of cream we supply. » fresh and tasty. Delivered always fresh here in the city: 'Phone 567. HAT | i ih There is Much That" oan Ne sald' of our Ladies' Oxfords and RBluchers, good sound value, snappy up-to-date style, For $1.50 and $2 Patent Colt, Choclate and Black Viel [)) EE Ted . 2 T ES Warm weather intensifies the craving for frozem things, and the Ice Cream enjoy the lake breezes. Mrs. Wil by Jtev Mr Tim, Hooks, with Edward and Mervyn, have opened "Breezy Time" cottage, and have for guests Mr. and Mrs. Turpin and family, Toronto, who will grow and thrive, spend the summer 2 Yeess Ploseunt women strength, uarters. Ottawa Point has taken on a Sr" Vo life, and in addition a large can- food vas house to accommodate new com- ls seasoned erg.' Mrs, Thomas Farrow, Brussels, © with nk is the guest of Mrs. Farrow, "Alford 2 i % Lodge," - Ottawa Point. Fred Has tin Ottawa, is the guest of Mrs. Cinningh®m. 1 R. Farrow; Ottawa, spent Saturday and Sunday at the Point. Alexander Kippon and dhugh- ter are enjoying life at "Oak Lodge.' Mrs. George Finley and family will open "Bay View' cottage this week. Alexander Marks is rushing the com pletion of his new cottage, as it will be shortly occupied for the summer. R. W. Marks and May A. Bell Marks are enjoying a well-darned rest 'at "Red Cedar' cottage. Christopher Allen, enjoying an outing in one of Mack Marks' cottage, will leave this week for Lake Luiden, Mich., to join Tom Marks' company. Baseball At Sydenham. Sydenham, July 10---An interesting ame of baseball 'was played here Saturday, 8th inst., hetween the Black Watch team, of Kingston, and the Sydenham team, composed of Roy Wartman, pitcher; William Leé, catch- er; Hedley Martin, first base; A. Martin, second base; C. Drader, third base; W. Lacock, short stop; C. Wood- ruff, right field; W. Godirey, centre field; Harry Woodruff, left field. The Sydenham boys put up a good game for -the little practice they have had and lost by only two runs, the score standing 16 to 14, In the first hali a dozen innings Sydenham kept nicely ahead and, with the nice steady pitching of Roy Wartman, was hold- ing the visitors down effectively, the score at that point being only 2 to 3 in favor of Sydenham. Hedley Mar tin plays a perfect game on first base and every one died there who did not secure thé base on balls, and even some of them were caught napping and retired. Clement Woodrufi, by a clever clip, made 4 home rim und 4 three-bagger was made by H. Martin; two baggers by D. Woodruti, A. Mar- tin rR Wartman. Sydenham team have an excellent battery in Wartmay and Lee, and have good men in the field, and with some practice, will he ready for all comers. They are anxi- ous to arrange a match for next Sat- urday with some hustling team, and invite y challenge. Clayton, N.¥., And Kingston And Ottawa, Ont. Rideau Lakes' Navigation company steamers leave for Clayton every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sa- turday, at 6:30 par. Leave for Ot- tawa every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 am. J. Swift & Co., agents. Limit Of Human Agony. Is often reached with coms. Foolish, because Putnam's Corn = Extractor cures in twenty-four hours. Don't put off-get "Purnam's" to day. Fifty years in use--painless and sure. Thiee applications of Peck's Corn salve will cure bard or soft corns, BL, JEXWINGS, King St, 1be, 'at Wade's drug store, cupy "Breezy Crest' cottage, and are: 'WHIG, THURSDAY TE ie em "BLOAT IN Cows. How to Treat Animals Afected by Overfeeding Clover: Death from bloat is not imfrequently dew on it or after a rain, The follow- ing treatment is advise wad wast? given quickly in. severe cases: Spirits of turpentine, two. ouness, (or: eight tablespoonfuls ; raw _ linseed oil, 1 pint; common, soda, 1. tablespoontul, Mix and give as a drench, and if the animal does not get relief in one hour and a half give, silts 1 pound; sweet spirits of nitre, 2 ounces, or 8 tablespoonfuls; ' 'éommon soda, 2 table- spoonfuls, ET Dissglve im - a quart of lukewarm water and give as dreaoh, after this give the following '@yremch "every hour until the 'animal getsOvelief : Sweet spirits of nitre, 1 ounce, or 4 table spoonfuls; common soda, 2 table spoonfuls, #4 L. The after trefttmient is to give luke- warm water to drik'and light feed, thus give the stomach "a rest. When an animal is found ek adly bloat- ed, it should He tapped! way to do this is to cut 'a small"S8% in the skin on the left side, midway between the point of the hip hone 'atid the last ib, and about four inchestdown from the back bone. After the hale is cut in the skin take a trocar and 'cannula and insert it. et The trocar and cannula is an in strunient consisting of a hollow tube in which is contained a inted in~ strument. After it is 'theerted the , in- strument is pulled out and the tube left so that the gas ay escape, If one of these is not at land a kuife mavbe used and a big goose quill used to keep the hole open until. the gas hms: gone away, When the quill or canmila is removed the wound will heal. . FIGHT FOR HIS MONEY. Already Started Since Suitide of Chicago Millionaire, Chicago, July 13 Lewis W. Stone, a pioneer business man, worth proba- bly $£2.000,000, has committed suicide by shooting himself at his home. on Michigan avenue, He was sighty-eight years old and had nof been. well for some time, The fight for his fortune is already on, his widow and nephew try- ng to prevent any of his wealth pass- ing into the hands of his adopted daughter, Mrs, Frederick Howard. Stone wrote this note before shooting himself: : "Mary, Be good to John and his wife. Look 'out for them. You have not long to live, so you will be pro- vided for, and give the rest to the poor women and childpen of Chicago. I have lived too long. 1 fo. 8. A Tale Of Horror. "-acial to the Whig. St. Petersburg, the horrors L. We. 8 July 13.--News of committed at Nakhiche- van, in the province of Erivan, which is published here, relate that the Ar menians in' that regfon have been completely ruined; Their houses have been: demolished and burnt down, their personal belongings looted, their cat- tle carried off, their crops destroyed or left to ' perish, churches and schools sacked, and holy images torn. down and broken. At Badamla 800 Chris Bans and a priest were converted hy force to Islamism, a dozen boys were mutilated, and the church was. trans formed into a mosque, AT. Djagrakh; women are stated" to have been out- raged hefore their husbands and sons, in the presence of their wives and children. These atrocities ye said to have been the result in part of the agitation carried on hy certain persons who find excellent ground for : their propaganda in the gross ignorance and hratality of the Tartar and Rus sian population, and enjoy: the secrot protection and encouragement of pro- vincial officials, ---------------- Crop Outlook In The Northwest. S-esial to the Whie Chicago, TH. July 13.~Offidale of the Northwestern, Burlington, Rock Island and other railroads = of the northwest are optimistic regarding cron conditions in that section, They declare that while there has been more or less bad weather the reports have been much exaggerated as to the dam- age done. -------- Coca-Cola for headache at Wade's soda fountain, | leather caused by eating clover 'with 'heavy while thirty-seven men were beheaded} GHW vii ? JULY 13. : HE HAS THE MONEY SO. MUCH COIN HE CAN'T USE IT SAFELY. Los Angeles Visitor is a Man of Mystery--Tosses Big ° Sums Around Like Chaff--Source of "Wealth a Secret. Los Angeles, Cal., July 12.--Walter Scott, mysterious millionaire, pro- poses to travel via Chicago' from Los Angeles to New York by special train. He will pay $5500 for the train. Hoe has ofiered .to pay $500 more if the train reaches Chicago within forty-eight hours after leaving Los Angeles, and $20 extra per min- ute for cvery minute less than forty- eight hours, if the road will agree to forfeit $20 for cvery minute over for- ty-eight hours. The road has declined this propositish. Six years ago this mysterious young man, hard of muscle and tanned to a finish, was one of Col Cody's men, and the best "broncho He used to ride the peevish and fret ful bucking fiends known as broncos for $60 a month, taking risks twice a day. Now Walter Scott is the richest man who calls in at Los Angeles, to judge from the way he spends' money, Where he gets it no one knows. It comes from back in the hills or out in Death Valley or from some place to which he has never been trailed. He is said to have killed eight men who tried to follow him from Los Angeles to his camp far off to the east, but this he has always stoutly denied, In Caliiorniy the legend runs that he has rediscovered the famous "Peg leg mine," orie of the lost mines of the west, and known to have heen the most fabulously rich piece of land , in the world. There is nothing improb able in the theory that it has been lo cated by Scott. *Seotty," as he is known in los Angeles, has eliminated coins and bsmall bills from his caleulations. He buys snd thinks in hundred, five hundred and thousand dollar bills. He purchases. champagne enough in the courke of a day to flood a swimming tank and drinks his own share of it, He earries dollar cigars around in his pocket in sheaves, and it is estimated in Los Angeles that he has never given away less than $100 y day in tips. The bell boys who wait on him when he is in Los Angeles usually buy race Miprses when he leaves and take to the track. It is one of his customs when buy- ing cigars to toss & hundred dollar bill on the counter in payment. When told that the bill cannot be changed he tears it in half and tosses one frag- ment to the cigar salésman. "That's an easy way to change a bil," he says, as he walks away. A GREAT BATTLESHIP be Built in i .. Dockyard. Special to the Whig, London, July 13.--Construction . of the largest and most powerful battle- ship in the world is soon to begin at the Portsmouth dockyard. 1t is plan ned to build the vessel from the lay ing of the keel plates to the hoisting of the pennant in a period of sixteen months, Thirty to thirty-six months is the average time at present devoted to" the building of battleships of small- er size, This rapidity is calculated to result in a great economy, but, never theless, the cost is estimated at near ly $10,000,000. 8¢ heavily will this vessel be grmed that she will be equal to any two battleships now afloat, and her striking power at such range as that at which the engage- ment opened in the battle of the Sey of Japan will be as great as any three battleships of the ordinary type. The. displacement will be about 18,000 tons. The Dreadnaught, as this battleship will be called, will mount twelve 12-inch guns of the latest type, throwing three 850-pound shells every two minutes. The vessel will be driven by turbines, and will be able to Steam at upwards of. 20-kpots an (hour. - Bhe will carry no secondary armament. The elimination of the 6-inch guns, borne by practically all the battle ships of the world hitherto, is one of the main lessons deduced from the long-range actions which have been fought in the far. east. The essential feature of a battleship in modern con ditions, it is now realized, must be the ability to deliver stunning blows at a distance of five or six miles; and this the Dreadnaught, with her dozen great guns, will be able to do with terrific effect. No battleship - has hitherto mounted more than four of these wea pons, : will Portsmouth Have It' In The House. There is nothing else you can have in your house worth so much that costs so little as a bottle of Smith's White Liniment. It will enable you to cscape the discomfort of sprains, bruises, swelling, neuralgia, rheuma- tism and the various aches and pains apt to come to anyone. Costs but 26c. for a big bottle at Wade's. For tan and sunburn, use Mel.cod's witch hazel cream, 15¢. per bottle, Only' at McLeod's drug store, Perfectly pure soda water, pure ice cream, pure fruit syruns. and laree, thin glasses at Wade's soda fountain, V. R. Marshall returned from Flori da to 'Brockville, two years ago, bringing a baby glligatorsseven inches long. Now it is four feet long, has a» prodigious appetite, curiosity in the company's yards. A ------------------ Hair Vigor. Better wear your own hair; not the kind you buy! But you are losing yours? Then be quick! Fasten tightly on your own head what 'is left, and get a new lot, too, Lowell Moss; and is a great Brockville Lumber buster" in the entire Wild West outfit, | . Contains more: nourishment thal beef, eggs or m ad is ge easily digested. Unlike white flour it con- tains all the nutriment in the whole wheat, "3 Cooly Book," postpaid. CANADIAN SHRED OPED WHEAT 00 Lana: a Falls, Ont. . . Toronto Office, 82 Church St. aan XE S00 IPE LTS Vichy AEC : property of the French Republic The duties of Minister to the Interior of a Sunshine f\ Furnace M<Clarys London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, N.B. PUBLIC - CONFIDENCE SAN Lemmon & Lawrenson, Sole Agents We have been striving to win the public's confi- dence for a long time. We have succeeded, be- cause we do good work PLUMB © cues oad or Mz at moderate prices. Esti- = oJEX '3 3 mates furnished for put- , FTITING ""° ti. in Gas, Plumbing, TR Heating, etc. All orders promptly attended]to. Ve . : NN VAN Har Try S \ i .. ELLIOTT BROS .. 77 Princess St.' Telephone 35. COMING 1 COMING ! COMING ! W. T. PEMBER, Canada's Hair King (Representative) WYNN TREGWIN, Will be at Randolph Hotel, Kingston, on Monday and Tuesday, July 17th and 18th Don't fail te see the exhilition of hale every deseriplion thal will be including = the latest ma or piece us applied to Toupees, Wigs Bangs and Waves, viz/i-- A Natural Scalp Parting So natural in' appearance that you fors get it is artificial. This description apt lv "applies ta all Hair house, goods of on view ; Goods from this Seize the onportunity of purchasine on' above date, The selaction placed helore "ou will 'he. complete in every and the prices as' low as in our Switches of Straight from $3 to $15 $4.50 upwards. cordially in vited, Will call at wesidenice if Vou ilove message at Hotel. Shall not he here again for three months W. T. PEMBER, Canada's Hair Klug, 127«129 Yonge St., Toronto. respect Store and © Wavy Pomp: Hair wdour "Wangs from Inspection THE CANADA METAL CO., TORONTO. : Wetay in Sot Jiggf Copper, Antimony and Tin S ; a Ceylon Tea? If the best, Why not Natural Green. Sea stitutes." ; Won the First Pr MEDICAL. Er George F. Dal B.A. M.D, C.M., M.R.C.S., (En L. R.C, P., (London). Office and Residence, 64 Willia Telephone 378. EDUCATIONAL. MUSIC! MU MISS BLYTI FORMERLY OF WATERTOW will open a studio for music at h 140 Union St.. on May 11th. number of pupils red. Cal days. SUMMER SESS For Teachers and others du July and Angust KINGSTON BUSINESS GO LIMITED Head of Queen St., Kingston, All commercial subjects taught. Students adnitted at any time Fxpert professional teachers in Write for catalogue and terms. « B. McKAY, H. F. METC) President. P ARCHITECTS: 8 WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITE: 8¢e, second-floor over Makoo corner Princess and . Enterance on Bagot Telephone 608, § WRTHUR ELLIS ARCHITEC ic site of New Drill Hall, n ner of Queen and Montreal S RT -------------------------- POWER & SON ARCHITECT, chant's Bank Building, corme ang Wellington streets. Pho IENRY P. SMITH, ARCH Anchor Building, {Phone 945. MONEY AND BUSINES Square LIVERPQOL, LONDON AND Fire Iwurance Company. A assets $61,187,215. In addi which . the policy holders }§ security the unlimited limbi the of hol, . Farm 4 Proj insured at lowest rates. lore renewing old o) new ness get rates fro & Stra , Agents. PUR POLICIES COVER MO} buildings and contents than a er company offers. Kxamine Godwin's Insurance Emperiun ** Square. ECALLING CAR ENGRAVED FROM COPPER PLA | NO NEED TO SEND OUT TOWN FOR ENGRAVED CAl WHIG WORK IS GOOD W( SPEER + WE ALSO DO 4 STEEL DIE EMBOSSIN FEEe edb E Ebb Ee Te "THERE. IS A TIME FOR ALL THINGS." Now, while prices low, is the time to your coal bin with | Quality SCRANTON Cf rom P. Walsh's Ya BARRACK STREET. THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOC! (ESTABLISHED 1863.) President--Sir Richard Carts Money City wand Properti - ely 1 d TO] es. unicipa an Debentures. Mortgages pv Deposits received and interest 8. C. McGill, Managing Di Office, 97 Clarence Strest. Kin HAVE YOU ANYTH TO SELL QUTSIDE OF Y SINS AND YOUR TROUBL COME TO WM. KURRAY, The Auct @®o

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