like white flour it con- hole wheat, ¢ Book," postpaid. Jimited, Niagara Falls, Ont. rch St. chy Water, neh Republic o-¥-1 Vancouver, St. John, N.B. on, Sole Agents Ve have been striving win the public's confi- ce for a long time. have succeeded, be- se we do good work noderate prices. Esti- cs furnished for put- ¢ in Gas, Plumbing, ting, etc. All orders mptly attended]to. BROS .. Telephone 35. | COMING | da's Hair King t Randolph Hotel, Kingston; on uly 17th and 18th Antimony and Tin s ; )., TORONTO. 2 Ceylon Tea? If not-- the best, Why not try it ARE YOU DRINKING "Shida you are certainly rot using "now"? Black, Mixed or Natural Green. Sealed Packets Only. "Refuse Sub- stitutes." Won the First Prize Geld Medal, St. Louls, 1904. : MEDICAL. eee George F. Dalton B.A. M.D, C.M., M.R.C.S., (Englagd) L. R.C, P., (London). Office and Residence, 64 William Street Telephone 378. EDUCATIONAL. MUSIG! MUSIC! MISS BLYTH FORMERLY OF WATERTOWN, N.Y., will open a studio for music at her home, 140 Union St.. on May 11th. limited iiber of pupils red. Call Thurs ye. SUMMER SESSION For Teachers and others during July and Angust KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE LIMITED Head of Queen St., Kingston, Ont. All commercial subjects taught. Studentsa adwitted at any time, Expert professional teachers in charge Write for catalogue and terms. . B. McKAY, H. F. METCALFE, President. Princips\. ARCHITECTS: GEE -------- | WM: NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. 20, second-floor over Mahood' 's-druw store, corner Princess and Bagot Streets. Enterance on Bagot street Telephone 608. +: ------------ee ee bee ee ARTHUR ELLIS ARCHITECT,. OF- fc site of New Drill Hall, near cor- ner of Queen and Montreal Strests. TT ---- i POWER & SON ARCHITECT, MER- ant's Bank Building, cormer Brock ang Wellington streets. Phone 213. IENRY P SMITH, ARCHITECT. ote. Anchor Building, Market Square (Phone 945. MONEY AND BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Jwurance Company. Available assets $61,187,215. In addition to which . the policy holders bave for security the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and city Proj insured at lowest possi rates. lore renewing old or miving new ness get rates from Strange & Stra , Agents. PUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON buildings and contents than any ota- er company offers. Kxamine them at s Insurance Emperium, Mark- ** Sauare. LNG i COPPER | PLATE | NO NEED TO SEND OUT OF TOWN FOR ENGRAVED CARDS WHIG WORK IS GOOD WORK E weasono § { STEEL DIE EMBOSSING § $000000000000000000008 "THERE. IS A TIME FOR ALL THINGS." Now, while prices are low, is the time to fill your coal bin with best Quality SCRANTON COAL rom P. Walsh's Yard BARRACK STREET. 000000009 THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISHED 1863.) President--Sir Richard Cartwright @®o Money on City snd Farm Properties. Municipal and County Debentures. Mortgages purchased Deposits received and interest allowed 8. C. McGill, Managing Director. Office, 97 Clarence Street. Kingston. HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO SELL QUTSIDE OF YOUR SINS AND YOUR TROUBLES? COME TO WM. KURRAY, The Auctioneer THE DUPLIGRAPH Complete Uabinet with three tablets foolscap size...... $7.50 Single Dupligraph Trays, fools- Qapsize...... ol 82.50 The Dupligraph - i the simplest, cleandst, quickest and cheapest dupli- cating machine on the market. It will reproduce exact facsimile copies of an ordinary type-written or pen- written original at the rate of fifty in five minutes; and requires no expen- sive supplies. No steneil, roller, silk or wax paper-no trouble, dirt or hing. You simply write whatever you desire jn the ordinary way on or- dinary papér, and the Dupligraph does the rest. . Write for circulars and samples of work. PENMAN & SPRANG, Sole Manufacturers, Heaa Office, 22 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto, Canada. For sale in Kingston by GOAL} GOAL! DON'T ) MENTION IT1 Just allow us to say, you save money on your coal bought POS 9090OS now. No guestion about @ burning it--just yet : JAMES SWIFT & GO. 0000009000004 i "MAPLE LEAF" BEST CANNED SALMON pacxen CARRIAGES and BUGGIES FOR SALE I Kensington, ' second-hand, in good order; 1 Makedo, second- band; 1 Phaeton; 1 road wag- gon; also new Top Buggies, Runabouts with rubber tires; also a fow sets of Harness left. Call and see for yourself. JAMES LATURNEY, 390 PRINCESS STREET. The only safe effectual monthly medicine on which women can 448 depend. Sold in two degrees of strength--No. 1, for nsry za! oases, §1 per box; No. 3, 10 de- stronger for ial Frees. $8 per fox. Sold by all dr ats, Job- ton 'ompound ; take no substitute. The Cock Medicine Co., ~~ Windsor, Ontario. ro M-------- UL YOY) "a J WN O00) 4 RRR AM) WN ON () ANA ROX XXXXXKKY HES OOO an \ ) A) hw \ This Week Fancy Rattan and Camp Furniture Fancy Rattan Rockers, only $2.50, Fancy Rattan Easy Chairs, only $4.50, Fancy Rattan Settees, from $6.50 up. Lawn Settees, in Green or Red, $3.50. Lawn Chairs and Rockers, $2.50 each. Camp Cot, and Camp Chairs. Folding Tables, at special prices. JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker, "Phone 147. | reason that a FOR THE FARMER SOME USEFUL AND PROF. TABLE INFORMATION. Horses Exported from Canada-- New Idea in Wheel Building-- Horse Raising in the West-- Ontario's Rich Farm Lands. The number of horses exported from England during the five months ended May 3lst was 17,664, against 12,722 last year. Of these 8320 were sent Netherlands; 1,282 to France, against 1006; and 1,320 to other countries, ageinst M47. Value of horses eyport: ed was £264,227, against $213,170. The number of horses imported was 1,690, against 8,027. Of these the United States sent 602, Canada, 83, and other countries, 4,005, against 6,- S46. The value of the horses imported was £134,851, against £202,756 last year. Under cultivation in the province of Ontario there are twenty-three mil- lions of acres. Living on the farms are 300,000 farmers, producing $250, 000,000, showing that they are en- gaged in no mean business. A report made in 1896 in regard to agriculture in one district in the pro- vince of Grenada, Spain, shows that the average profit per two and one- half acres of irrigated land devoted to cereals varies from $21.75 to $50.40, The profits of sugar growing, also on irrigated land, vary from $48.15 to $184.35. Cotton was formerly produc- ed in Spain with profit, and an en- deavor will be made to revive the in- dustry. The Farmers' Advocate says that everything indicates that the number of foals being raised in Manitoba and the territories this year is the largest in the history of western agri- culture. Very few are dying, and strong, healthy colts are the rule. The demand for horses is good, and prices high. As a consequence, a very large number of mares are be- ing bred this season, and the de- mand for sires is unusual. As a re- sult some very poor. animals are being used. As the Advocate says, it would be better to raise fower colts than breed from inferior sires. Attention has been called by tech. nical write to the fact that the wheels of vehicles intended for driv: ing roads have not kept pace in de- velopment with the other 'parts of carriage mechanism. Experiments with heavy vehicles indicate that wheels should be made both higher and broader. In England it has been recommended that 'with a maximum axle load of cight tons the width of tire should be about ten and one- half inches. Increase of the diameter of the wheel is said to be more effec tive in preventing damage 'to road- beds than width of tire. There is occasionally a pasture that is high and dry where the stock can be turned out quite carly without de- triment. If quite early, there will, of course, be little feed, but the out- ing seems to do the cattle good. athing the shoulders with strong salt water should be continued after the animals are at work in the fields. Fach evening, as soon as the harness is removed and the horses have had a roll, the shoulders should be wash: ed clean with clear water and then bathed with' the salt water. It is the house lice that have to be fought, not the insect that infests the hens themselves, and which on grown fowls seldom do much harm. The house kind lives in the coop from year to year and is seldom found on the hen, except when she is nesting or on the roost. These lice on young chickens will kill them. The usual plan is to paint the house with crude petroleum, and for the young chickens, put them in a dust. ing machine which thoroughly ap- plies the insect powder. . Greasing the yoimng chickens is effective if done early, before they begin to droop. Jt is estimated that about sixty per cent. of what a cow is able to con- sume goes to maintain the wear and tear on her system, and the profit in milk and butter fat production comes from the feed she consumes outsidd of this amount needed for support. The cow is selfish enough to take her share of the feed first, and then what is left over goes to the owner for his profit. "If this per cent. needed for maintenance is correct, it stands to cow fed seventy per cent. of what she will eat will return ten per cent. profit; while the cow fod 100 per cent. will return forty per cent., or four times as much. Of course it is possible to over-feed and a man should watch his feed bin and milk scales at the same time Sheep should find a place upon the high clay and rolling farms. It js their nature to scek the high places to rest, and these receive a well dis- tributed quantity of fertilizer. Sheep farming may be made as profitable as cow raising. Eight sheep are counted, as one cow, that js the amount required to keep a cow will keep eight sheep. -------- Are You Pale And Sallow ? It's blood you want, more blood and better. Wade's Iron Tonic Pills make purify and enrich the blood, changing that sallow face into one of beadty. In boxes 25c. at Wade's drug store, Money back if not satisfactory. ---- Malorytown cheese factory narrow- 1y 'escaped destruction by fire on Sat- urday last. Thomas Tennant noticed the fire and gave the alarm. Mr. Raphael got a ladder to the roof and, with the aid of a number of his neigh- bors, who arrived just then, and by the free use of whey, managed to put out the fire, HOW'S THIS ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We the undersigned have known F. J. Clieney for the last 15 years, add believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is takem internally acting directly upon the bhlood, and mucous surfaces of the system. uti monials sent free. Price 75 cents per hottie. Sold by all Drugeists, Take Hall's Family Pills for constis 'pation, TIE DAILY to Belgiums 6,742, againe® 3,164, to} WHIG, THURSD DOES THIS FIT YOU ? Fit Collar to Horse, Not Horse to the Collar. : Some folks think they can fit the horse to the collar, so they buy any- thing that measures twenty inches from top to bottom. But it is pretty expensive business to do it that way sometines. Horse is apt to get sore. on his shoulders and they are not apt to heal in one night. When you have your measure taken for a-pair of pants, you rather feel as if you ought to be there yourself don't you. Why not the seme way with" the horse ? Take him along and fit the collar to his . It is all right to put a bell on the cow so that you may know where she is at milking time. But the hell will not bring her from the farther end of the pasture. A nice dish of wheat bran will. Give the bran and keep the bell yourseli please. Some fi 'papers keep telling their readers to. "humping." Keep humping !| Most farmers have kept humping till their backs are Berit up double. So we may "straighten out the kinks mow and then. Lock around and 'see what is going on in the world about you. It is often worth more fo watch somebody else Jump than it #8 to Kump yourself." If you set the boys to working in the back lot, and then ride away to "sec a man," don't find fault when you come home if you find that busi- ness has not pr ssed very much at the old stand. If we expect the world to move much; we must be ready to do our part at thé moving. A MILLION DEATHS. Washington, July 13.-- More than a million deaths from the bubonic plague occurred in India last year, according to the latest re. port of the marine hospital and public health service. Every effort to stamp it out has failed, great alarm following among all class es. In Arabia the disease is dying out but outbreaks are reported in Japan, Siam and Amoy. AEEEFETIN 24904 40 4 FEF TEFEITVIOR LF + | . BOYS ON THE FARM. They Should Be Allowed to De- velop Interest. How to keep boys on the farm is a problem that interests wany land owners who would like their sons to become their successors in the profes sion of agriculture. It does not nes cessarily follow' that because 4 boy 'was born on a farm and raised amidst, rural environments he is better adapt- ed to become pn successful farmer than to achieve distinction in other avoca- tions. It is difficult to make a boy follow a profession unless he has na- tural talent and inclination for it. Because a hoy is born on g farm is no reason why he should mot attain distinction as , lawver, physician or merchant. The reersite that stimu- late commercialism and industrial de- velopment come from the farm. It is a difficult proposition to keep on the farm a boy whose naturgl in- clination and qualifications 'adapt him to a successful career in some other profession. That the country boy should acquire a love for farm life and be ready t, take the burden of responsibility when the infirmities of age disgualify the head of the family from active management of the es- tate depends largely on the example of the father and the early experience of the boy If parents desire the son to remain on the farm he should early be given an interest in stock that he can re cognize as his own. Boys want spend ing money, and to have the oppor tunity to make it by the ownership of stock--cattle, sheep,. swine or horses early teaches thei the management of stock and the value of money. The boy who, before he is of age has start. ed a good bank 'account of his own from the management and sale of stock of any kind will be more likely to become attached to the farm than will the hov who never had a dollar except what was given to him by his father: MI men are under the penalty of earning their sustenance by the sweat of their face, and if the boy before at taining his majority learns that agri culture is 5 profitable profession he will be more inclined to stay on the farm and be a solace to his parents in their declining vears. If the farm er desires his son to follow agricul tire he should not make his tasks too hard when a boy. Boys are ambitious to mgke x com petence and if they discover it can be achieved on the farm with n, more strenuous efforts than are necessary to suecess in other professions they education that will qualify him to operate the farm according to up-to: date ideas of husbandry. Why so many country bovs migrate to cities 48 not hecause agriculture is not a pleasant and profitable calling, but because "of mismanagement by pa rents, Amnesty For Deroulede. Soecial to the Whig Paris, July 13.-1t is semi-officially announced that Paul Deroulede, the famous irreconcilable, duelist and jonr- nalist, who was banished from France for ten years for alleged participation in a plot to overthrow the republic is to be included in the general am nesty which will be granted to-morrow on the occasion of the national holi day. Since his banishment from France Deroulede has heen residing in Spain, chiefly at San Schastian, where he Decame well aoguainted with King Al foneo, and it ix reported that his per mission to return to France is largely due to a good word spoken for him by the young Spanish sovereign, 'on the occasion of the latter's visit to Pre sident Loubet. Bedding-out plants should be thor- oughly watered before being turned ont of their pote and boxes, and again when replanted, to settle the soil around the roots. JULY 13. will naturally be more imelined to | One cow well kept is worth half » follow agriculture. The farmer who dozen poorly fed. Plenty to eat in intends his son to become his succes- the secret of plenty of milk and plenty sor should meke a sacrifice if neces: of cream ; sary to give his bay an agricultural HE IS KNOWN HERE ENERGETIC. BUY M. J. Butler, Who Succeeds Mr. Schrieber, Has Had a Varied Career--He Was Once on the K. & P. RR. M. J. Butler, who becomes deputy minister of railways 'and canals and chi engineer of the department, is a brilliant engineer, who has a rather oddly diversified career. He was born in Deseronto in 1856. His father was almost all his life in the employ of the Rathbun firm, rising. to a high post in its services, and the son has spent' a considerable portion of his life working for the same establish- ment. He was educated in the public school and in the De la Salle Ineti- tute, Toronto. He left that school in 1872, and read the engineering course in Toronto University, finishing in 18M. For three vears he was artided with Evans & Bolger, Belleville, a firm which did a general engineering, sur- veying and architectural practice. He became an Ontario land surveyor in 1878, and a Dominion land surveyor in 1879, "and practised miscellaneous sur- veying work for three years before he hogan engineering work. His first work of this sort was the laying out of the mills and yards of the Rathbun com- pany 'at Deseronto. His first railwhy work was about this time, when ho was transit man on the building of the Kingston and Pembroke railway. In 1882 Mr. Butler went to Gana- noque, and built the Thousand Islands railway. In the autunm of 1888 he took charge 'of the Napanee, Tam worth & Quebec railway--a Rathbun enterprise--as chief engineer. He also did general engineering work for the Rathbun's and occasionally took gov ernment surveys. In 1880 he went to the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe rail way, having charge of the bridges and water service department in Kansas. Colorado, Missouri and Indian Terri tory. This employment he loft in 1887 to engage in the pulv mills at Riviere de Loup. He put these up and spent three years, incidentally exploring along the route now followed by the Tomiskaming --- rathway: hn 1090 My: Butler went back again to the Rath- bums, this time as their chief engineer, As such he erected the buildings of the Canadian Portland Cement com pany, and also constructed an addi: tion to the Napanee & Tamworth rail way, At this time he had a consid able consulting practice, acting for various towns and establishments, In 1900 Mr. Butler went cast again, becoming M. J. Haney's chief engincer on the contract for the great Hills horough bridge in Prince Edward Ta land. He organized the plant. for this work in 1901 and 1902. Then. in the autumn of 1902 he went to Montreal, and designed and built the huge shops of the Locomotive & Machine com pany. He was the chief engineer of this work, and 'it was a great success, the plant, shops, éte., being remarkably well designed. In September, 1904, he joined the Transcontinental commis sion, where his good work was mark ed. As a side issue Mr. Butler studied law, in 1897, taking the degree of LL. R., from the Keit Cee Lo Chicago, his purpose being to fit him self for the business side of his pro fession, in regard to such matters as the drawing of contracts, ete. He is an M. T. C. E., énd also a member of the American and Canadian civil en gineering societies, Dairy Notes. Feed cows as regularly as you milk them. If vou want to make the straw stack benefit the cow, put some of it under her for bedding Let the cow frisk in the open air, once in a while; continuous stable life it not good for her, Hay gréen in color and sweet in taste is the only quality that is fitted for a cow in milk to eat. A good milker does not let his |e come in contact with the milk Strangers seem to annoy cows at milking time as cals, Cows with full udders. should nat be driven faster than a comfortable walk It is poor policy to allow the calf, intended for a cow, to grow poor | Keep it well up in growing flesh. Only the quictest treatment will help the nervous cow. To scold or thump with the stool or a club does no good. It is not altogether the amount of butter a cow produces as what it | costs to produce that determines the profit, Showing the amount of fat actually in the milk does not "indicate how much the butter maker can get gut of it. much as dogs or How It Looked. Smart Set "Dear John," wrote Mrs. Newlvwed from the shore, "I enclose the hotel hill." "Dear Jane, 1 enclose cheque," wrote John. "but don't buy any more hotels at this price--they are robbing you," "If yon go any deeper." said the patient bald-headed man to the mos: quito, "I'll smash vou." "H you do," sang the tormentor, warningly, "your %Slood will be on vour head." Grandmama-- When your grandpapa was courting me he always kissed me upon the brow. | Granddaughter--If a man kissed me on the brow I'd just call him down a little bit. Perfect Soda Water. Ours is perfect because we manufne ture it with scrupulous care. Every- thing we use is pure and fresh. Our soda water is as cold as ice can make it. We use nothing but pure fruit juic- es. Pure ice cream and large, thin | Slasses. Wade's Drug Store. -- Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) disinfect ant soap powder is a boon to any THE NEW DEPUTY IS VERY| oo A beautiful teaspoon in every package of CANADA FLAKES in the big rs5c package " DR.J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNI (THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE). the to he E the most wonderful Rovere) rem in the best known for OO! : E COLDS, CONSUMPIINC BRONCRT. x IS, ASTHMA. 4 ¥ acts like a charm in DIARRHOEA, and is the : E and DYSENTERY he in CHOLIHA, effectually cuts short all = attacks 4 AR HYSTERIA, "PALPITA. © CHLORODY NE tits is the liative in NEURALGIA, RHEUNMATISM, GOUT, CANCER, iw HACHE, MENINGITIS, ote. ho Always ask for "DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE," and beware | ol spurious compounds or imitations. The genuine bears the words "DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" on the Government Stamp of each 2 bettie. Sold in bottles at 1s. 134d., 2s, od., and 4s. 6d. 'en 0 (Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies each botth.. . Sole Manufacturers :--J. T. DAVENPORT, Limited, LONDON. Wholesale Agents, LYMAN BROS, & CO., Limited, -- | p-- Fancy China Tea Sets, Vases, Jardiniers, Salad Sets, Berry Sets," Bread and Butter Plates, Fancy Cups and Saucers, Chaco- late and Cocoa Sets, Marmalade Sets, etc. Fancy China for Decorating Go-Car(s, Waggons, Carts, Viocopedes, Hammocks. Fruits and Confectionery. = J. HISCOCK - 160 and 162 Princess Street. SRE EEE Q0 The real merit and superiority of JOHN LABATT'S ALE ; and PORTER are well 3 known. The claim is made, supported by numerous 5 medals and testimonials, that they are pure, wholesome beverages, superior to any made on this continent. JAS. McPARLAND, King Street, Kingston. AGENT, WANA Wily CONFECTION ANN NEW ; GANONG'S Pearled Puffed Rice, 30c. per pound. TRY IT AT home. It disinfeets and cleans at the same time, A. J. REES', Princess St.