Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jul 1905, p. 8

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CHAMBERLAIN BEATEN, a & Court Case, Suing For London, July 18.-~Joseph Chamber- a county court action ! Harris, carrier, for to his carriage through a col | | lision. The judge stopped the 3 finding in favor of Herries. | rit ininn #] For The Best Outing. Take the America for Brockville and "BL WA, Lovitt, secratary, of the Wood: ® | stock 'M.C.A., has resigned. Ready-to-Wear To be Sold for $1.98. To be Sold for $2.98, LL SKIRTS, $6.50 $7, $7.50, $3, $8 50, $o ~ To be Sold for $3.98, See Goods in Window, {against the ci it declared L SKIRTS, $350, $3.75, $4. $4.25, $4.35, $4.50 ALL SKIRTS, $475, $5, $5.25, $5.50, $5.75, $6, $6.25 le Saturday Morning at 8 O'clock Reticence a to Its Operation. Annoys : Man 5 act g He ¢ ~ Company in Geoffrey Porter | Foronso, duly i3-An_ application WY aoveral of the shareholders of the | National Share Copper and Smelting "| company, to wind up the company, was argued before Justico Anglin to- ho complaint of the shareholders was that they . the the should not be issued ri in ihe meantime, the information is given, - can be heard again, | Ig case of es Manufac- any, of Pennsylvania, he tions Manufacturing , of Pembroke, was heard in court this morning. The § company asked for an in- junction against the National com- to restrain the latter from mak- harples company claim to hold = patents, The latter company 1 sold the machine for $100, but 'the price to 850, while the Na company sold their ma- chino for $28.50. Judge Anglin re to grant an injunction, as this fused would close the works of the Na- tional company, bul suggested that the latter go on manufacturing sepa- rators, and pay royalties of 215 on the smaller, and on the larger machine, The disposition of these royalties to be settled at the deal. Col. Geoffrey Porter, R.E., dircetor of the mint at Calcutta, India, is to investigate the nickel mines, at Sudbury, to see if the nickel prod there would be suitable for. coinage, the Indian government hav. ing passed an act authorizing the use of nickel coins. Col. Porter also will en to British Columbia. MN. Stewart has issued a writ ty of Toronto, to have that the anti-trading ultra vires, and also vincial statute upon stamp law is that the which the by-law is based is ultra The attorney eral of Ontario has ian three writs againet Michael J. "Brien, Renfrew, W. C. Chambers, Aitken Furland, and Thomas Herbert, Nipissing, and Ellis, P. Earl, New York, and the Nipissing Mining com- , to have jared void, as hav- ng been issued by mistake, and fraud, the leases of certain mining loeations in the Niplsing district. The interprovincial boundary line of Quebec and Ontario, which has boen nn out forty-two miles off the height of land is to be further extended for 100 miles, if time will permit, this season. E. Tache, deputy commission- er of erown lands, mines and fisheries, Quebec, had an interview with Hon. Frank Cochrane, this morning, with o view to the appointment of commis: sioners for this purpose, and Mr. Tache afterwards saw Mr . Kirkpat- trick, director of the surveys, on the subject, 1t is desired to prolong the Rresent boundaries which runs on eridan about 78} degrees longitude to meet Spats Tine of 192 north of Lake Abitibi, This would leave about 130 miles more to James Bay. FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. Good Price Realized To-Day-- Small Lot Offered. Kin , July 13.2Theve was a no- ticeable falling off in both attendance of salesmen and number of boxes of cheese boarded at to-day's session of the Frontenac chieese board. There were not above a dozen salesmen pres- ent when President Cramer called the meeting to. order. Fifteen factories registered 98% boxes, of which 549 were white and #45 colored. The lot was cleared out at 9 11-16¢. These factoried "had cheese on sale : White.--Momi Star, 50; - Pine Hill, 90; Silver Springk, 75: Wolfe Is- land, 70; Glendower, 50; Collins Bay, 105; Catarayui, 100. Colored. --Glenvale, 80: Gilt Fege, 5; Howe Island, 15; Hinchinbrook, 45; Ontario, 50; St, Lawrence, 60; Thousand Island, 40; Arigan, 50. The sales were : To Mr. Evervtts, St. Lawrmee, Gilt Edge, Glenvale, Silver Springs, Thousand Island, Wolfe Is- Tad. Ne 0 Mr. Murphy--Pine Bhv, Arigan. ph To Mr. Mackinnon--Hinchinbrook, Glendower, Ontario,. Howe I8land. The buyers present were: Messrs Everetts, Gibson, Murphy, Alexander, Thompson and Mackinnon. CHIEF PLENIPOTENTIARY. ---- M. De Witte, Olothed With Power. "<acial to the Whig. E St. Petersburg, July 13. Emperor Nicholas has signed the appointment of M. De Witte; president of the com: mittee of ministers, to be chief pleni- potentiary . representing the Russian government in the peace negotiations to be conducted in the United States. The appointment clothes M. De Witte with plenipotentiary powers. Niti- fication was forwarded to Washing fon this morning. x be Witte will take passage on the Kaiser Wilhelm Der iy which sails from Cher bourg; July 26th. Lightning Strikes A Church. Winnipeg, July 13- During heavy electrical storm yesterday the walls of a new Catholic cathedral in course of eomstruction were struck by lightning. The walls were twenty feet high, and fell with a crash that could be heard Hill, Collins for blocks around. Loss between £3,000 and $4,000. -------- Friday And Saturday, Only At Mullins. 7 Ibs. rice, MWe,; 7 Ibs. tapioca, We. Corner Johnston and Division streets. -------- Heintz tomato soup, per Fridav only, at Mullins, ' Hand 'Shpolio for campers. Gibson's tin, 10c., Red Crosg Drug Store. of a Shakes P haties Shields: was fatally injured - in attempting to board! train. : Canadian. Manufacturers' Asso-| party are being lavishly enter: H. mos The Oe ciation - | tained in-Paris In parliament, Mr. K plained of the nuisance caused pn noisy' on Toronto felon. torm. Hlderton, while near i a The w "tongue pierced his ange s - a ry conference was held ween F. H, ly 8 by wigan, manager o co , and a committee of ay in the Black ; 4 e imperial forces have won a vie tory over the Moorish pretender near Tie Pte Sham RAE. Tes e aped, leaving 180 men . The sultan's troops captured many prisoners. Two arrests have been made as a re- sult of the si ing. of the yacht, Nor mandie, near 's Ferry, in. the Hudson, They are Rudd, the host of the yachting party, and Joseph Har- gan, deck hand. As the result of an explosion of na- tural at Pittsburg, Mrs. Mar- garet Billon is dead and seven others injured. Two houses were completely wrecked, Mrs. Dillon, with lighted match, was looking in the cellar for gas leak. While it would be a mistake to de- nominate him a peace-at-any- man, M. Witte earnestly believes that the stry should be ended "and be succeeded by any understanding be- tween Russia and Japan which would ensure peace in the far east for half ha century. He is personally belioved to favor a § -Japanese alliance, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds Talcum powdets for campers. Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store. For pinies, luncheons, etc., Toye's bread makes the finest sandwiches, St. Paul's Sunday school picnic was held at Long Island Park this after- noon. x 2 L Stanley 'T. Chown, barrister, Ren- frew, is visiting relatives here for a few days. "Perfect satisfaction guaranteed," if you get your "'glasses'" at Dr. Chown's drug store. The schooner Clary Youell arrived at Swift's wharf this afternoon Charlotte with cobk.. "When going eafuping" take a box of fresh seidlitz in a tin box at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. . Fournier, formerly night clerk in the Randolph hotel, but now of Ottawa, is in the city. The total number of pupils who were successful at thé entrance exam- inations in Kingston, was 173. Why work so hard keeping cool on larid when you can do so without any trouble by taking the America's moon- light, Thursday, 7:30 p.m., half hour at Clayton. 25c¢. James Macdonnell has returned from St. Thomas, where he has been on the staff of the high school. He will leave about the end of September for Eng- land to study under a Rhodes scholarship. Forbidden fruit is McConkey's latest addition. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, The reason the get low rates on the July 12th is that they are so numer ous "that the railroad companies couldn't supply half enough cars in this busy summer season to carry ex- cursions, 4 lbs. wine biscuits, 250,; 3 lbs. gin- ger snaps, 250; 3 lbs lemmon bis- cuits, 25c.; 3 Ibs. mixed b scuits, 26¢.; 3 Ibs. vanilla bar, 25¢. At Mullin's. The newest ideas in confectionery al- ways at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, ; A young man accompanied by a much older companion, who carried a healthy looking scythe in his hand, created much noise as they journeyed down Prificess street this afternoon. As usual too much of the cooling bev- erage resulted in a vociferous loosen: ing of the tongue. from Orangemen cannot railways for ai -- STARVE PASTOR OUT. Congregation Cut Of Contribu- tions. Port Huron, Mich., July 18.--Rev. W. N. Scott, pastor of Calvary Bap- tist church, who gained a certain amount of notoriety last winter by his red hot sermons attacking all kinds of fashionable amusements, resigned upon request of the deacons of the church, to take effect August Ist. One faction of the church mem- bership has been at 1 s with the pastor for some time and he has practically been starved into submis sion as a-result -of contributions be- ing out off. rs Hull's Population. S-acial to the Whig. Ottawa, Julv 13.The population of Hull is 13,997, according to assess ment figures, issued to-day, an in- crease of sixty for the year. i ---- Not A Mosquito Allowed. On the America's moonlight to Clay- ton, Thursday, 7:30 p.m, home early. 25¢. 3 lbs. Japan tea siftings, 250: 3 lbs. black tea siftings, 2e.; 2 Ibs. good Japan tea, 260; 1 1b, pure coffee; Bo: 2 lbs. 0c. Japan tea, 50v. At Mullin's, . See the islands by moonlight by taking the America's trip to Breck- ville and Ogdensburg, Friday, 8 a.m., home early, 50. Dr. Chown's Headache Powders give quick relief from headache and neu- ralgin, 2c. box. "Mosquitoes won't bother you." Use Mos quite oil Gibson's Cross rug Store, g TFVE_ WERE, INJURED paid in London _ STRUCK BY LIGHTNING WHI- LE WATCHING PARADE. Banner Also Destroyed--Team of Horses' Was Killed and a Grist and Sawmill Was Set Afire. * Renfrew, Ont., July 13.--Five per- sons were injured by lightning || yesterday while watching the de, a team of horses was sti s and the grist and sawmill was set | afive, but the flames were extinguished { before any considerable damage had 1 been dome. The injured were : Samuel Adams and M. New, of Ot- tawa. Yow Peter Phillips, of Douglas, together with his wife and son. Those injured had been, standing close by a tree watching the parade, and when rain began to fall ran to the shelter of the tree. From a show- er the rain increased in volume, and. accompanied by thunder and lightning, became a storm. The lightning flashed continuously, and when the storm had been in progress for ten minutes a bolt struck the big tree under which those mentioned in the foregoing had taken shelter. The fluid tore part of the tree away, and all those in the immediate vicinity were prostrated rendered unconscious. @ Medical aid was hastily summoned, aid all five were resuscitated, and af- terwards returned to their homes, yet suffering from the shock. A banner of Ottawa lodge had been placed for protection under the tree, and it was tom into ribbons as one effect of the lightning's work. --------t-- WHEN THEY COME. ren G.G.F. G. Band to Entertained by 14th. James Robinson, bandmaster of the Ith Regiment, has received a letter from Richard Lake, a former member of the band, and last year's president of the Ottawa Old Boys' Association. The writef is at present in the Capital City, and a member of the Governor General's Foot Guards' band. Ho in- formed the local musicians that the band would be in Kingston, accom- panying the Ottawa contingent, dur- ing the reunion. It is altogether like- ly that the members of the 14th will meet their fellow bandsmen on - their arrival and the massed bands will play to the visitors' quarters. The Ot- tawa musicians will probably be the guests of their local comrades during the visit here, The Be GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC. Western Section Construction Will Begin Soon. Winnipeg, July 13.--Construction on the western section of the Grand Trunk Pacific is to proceed imme- diately, and tenders will be called for this month. The route is definitely located westward to the intersection with the Regina & Prince Albert branch of the C.P.R., and provisional- ly to Edmonton, Construction will begin in the vicinity of Portage la Prairie, and the first contracts will cover a section 400 miles in length. The reason for starting so far from Winnipeg is the fact that terminal facilitics have not been settled de- finitely. -------- FOR KNOCK-OUT BLOW James Brooks Gets Three Months in Jail, Snecial to the Whig. Montreal, July 138.--James Brooks, Brooklyn, who knocked out Jack Walsh, in four rounds, a couple of nights ago, appeared in the police court, to-day, and pleaded guilty. His opponent, Jack Walsh, pleaded not guilty- Judge Choquette intimated to months in jail. Armstrong, Weller, and Connors, three persons interested, were allowed to go with fines, BOULIGIN"S SUCCESSOR will Be Trepoff--Latter's Threatened. Snecial to the Whig. 3 St. Petersburg, July 13.--The resig- nation of M. Bouligin as minister of the interior, is expected daily. Gen. Trepofi, the assistant minister of the interior, probably will be his success or. The terrotists have: recently re newed their warnings #gainst Gen. Tepofi with ominous persistence. Life Got Three Months. After court had been adjourned ves- terday and a warrant issued against Mrs. Ellen Worth, for not obeying a swmmons, she appeared before the magistrate. A local physician, hav- ing already given cvidence of there receiving proper care the case was heard by the magistrate, Rev. Mr. McCallum was algo present. The cadi decided after reviewing the case and considering the prisoner's previous ro- putation to sentence her to three months in jail for keeping a baby farm. The children will romain in the Infants' Home in the meantime, whither they 'were taken hv Sergt. Nesbitt and Rev. Mr. McCallum. ¢ -------- Conferring About An English. The street railway company is con- ferring with an electrical house repre- sentative here for the purchase of an engine to run the road. An order will be placed in a day or two. The com- pany has till August 15th in which to instal the engine, and there is no doubt but what it will be ir position by that time. The place of its local is being put in: shape. ------------ Tail End For Kingston. Kingston got merely the tail-end of the rain storm yesterday. It visited the west and northern New York state earlier in the day. In the evening quite a squall broke, the waves run- ning high in the harbor for a while. The bluster passed over after an hour. tena cos The Archbishop's Itinerary. Archbishop Gauthier will be at Merrickville on the 14th; Carleton Place on the 17th; Chesterville on the 21st; Spencerville on the 24th, and Kemptville on the 28th. He will take | bis vacation in August, Brooks his offence was good for three being three children in her house not. Ready with a most complete stock. Ready with new styles, crisp, cool, fresh and very often exclusive. Ready with dependable goods. Ready with best values. Women's Summer U and Drawers, fine white thread and soft cotton vests, with short sleeves or without sleeves, high medium or low necks, a great selection from 1o0c. to 75c. each. Children's Fine White Cotton Undervests, all sizes, with long or short sleeves. Misses' or Girls' White Summer Vests. SMART BELTS AT LITTLE PRICES White Duck Belts, for wash dresses, 15C. White Linen Belts, hemstitched, a most serviceable wash belt, 25c. " White Silk Belts, new to-day, 25¢. and 49C., 75C. 99c., $1.25. Black Silk Belts, 25c. 49c., 65¢, 75c. and up. Colored Dress Cottons Chambrays, fast colors, in good quality of Imported Chambrays, Pink, Light Blue, Greens, Lavender, Reds, Creys, 15c..and 20c. yard. Fancy Dress Muslins Light colors. good design, 7%c., 15C., 25¢. 12%%¢c., All Day To-morrow! We will sell another lot of our Famous All Silk Taffeta Ribbons ! Full § inches wide, worth regularly zoc, yard. Special To-morrow 14c. yard. ___ Colors are Light Blue, Navy, Cardinal, Brown, White, Our Travelling Goods Department It has been greatly en- larged and now includes every- thing in that line usvally kept only in the larger cities. Suit cases in all the best makes from $2.25 to $12. J fn English Kit Bags, imported direct, the Handy Club Bag, from 75c¢. to $10, Tranks, in all qualities. . Summer Trunks, Tourists' Trunks, Willow or Basket Trunks, English make. sizes and THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE - TRUNK DEPARTMENT ON SECOND FLOOR, {a i UU YEAR 72. | NEW V TIES SATURI These are a little be anything we have are fresh and attract; Our Window. LEATHER T Nothing | like th shown before. Only They wear like le: are leather. These specialties handled by the Se EP. Jenkins Clot] 8 SOUVEN 4 In Sterling Silver, comprising Belt Pins, es, Ash 'I'rays, Faoame Hat P Pin Trays, s These can Le supplied you Canadian, Uantario or Kingst Arms, together with many o designy. 8 SMITH BR Jewelers Op 850 King Street " Marriage Licenses WANTED. A KITCHEN WOMAN, AT Hospital ; referencds requ to Mrs. Purvis. Storrington. KE. Ames, & Seeley"s Bay, Ont GENERAL SERVANT, ¥ mer Cottage, at once ; Apply at this office at on EXPERIENCED FANCY also girls for mangling r to Imperial Laundry, Bar ---------- ee ------ BY A LADY, A POSITION panion to a Lady, or Ni erness. Address, "J. K." YOUNG MAN FOR MAIl Must be quick and reliable Business office, Whig betwe pam. A MACHINIST AND TA Apply to Thos. Gallow; 181 Brock street. Nex: Livery. i i A TERSON TO PLACE S| a Company being organi very large profits; good will be paid. Box 19, Whi FIRST CLASS INVESTMIE ing 7 per A taken. Inter short term § GENTLEMEN, TO GET Spring Suits made up at | 131 Brock street, next livery ; style, fit and price to- please ; pressing and rey promptly. A MAN OF ABILITY TO RE us in the city of Kingst vass for high ass Fruits mental Nu y stock. Te served for the right man. ducements. ay weekly. Wellington, Toronto. LOCAL AGENT TO SELL * of a Great Detecti be from the life of Inspectos Murray. A remarkable boo interest to Ontarip pec local sale assured. Good agent. Apply, 114 Mail Toronto. MEN AND BOYS TO LEAR ing trude. Cannot supply graduates. $4 to $3 per complete course in ty Graduiites admitted to 1 Master Plumbers Ass'n. Se catalogue. Coyne Bros: Co Schools, New York City, 0., St. Louis, Mo. TE TO-LET. TWO ROOMS, WITH board. Call at Mrs. Vaughn Terrace. oR Rich THE SHOP ON DIVISION pear Garrett street, occupi Boon, milliner. Apply at DWELLINGS FURNISHED furnished, stores, offices, 'e Cann's Real Estate Rrock Steget. FOUND. BUNCH OF KEYS: PICK} Alfred street, await the ov oflice. A NEW KID GLOVE, WE evening. in front of Lane's Store, Willington street. ¢ have siime by paying for 1 FOR SALE. ------ BRUNSWICK BLAKE 43 Riftiard and Pool Table almost new, will be sold a Apply 'at Whig. oilice THAT PROPERTY, AT 42 street containing nearly a a large frame house, wit} For particulars, apply t Perry, on premises. SOMETHING NEW Have you noticed the " aml Iniwrance Cormer,"" at of page five? It contail attractive little advertis If vou aro an insurance broker, or conducting a business, your ad. should ¢ bw there. Drop into the office and lenrn the cost. vestinent brings better than judicions advertising, SEEEFEESOERE 4 >> |

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