finish | 20; Lumb, did prospects ever look brighter real estate 7 rents a righ com: hot it . The final was 7 to 5, in favor of the Enweralds. "Umpire Nicholson gave perfect sati behind the pitch: By the time the second match wis er cal 'the diamond and scattered over 1 Barrie street. A ladies also graced n this contest both teams were even up to the sixth in: nings, the score being 5 to 5. In the soventh, however, the Artilleries got the lads from the locomotive works 'the run, and made the total, 10 to 5. In the last innidgs they foreed still another run "across the plate. ing the first part of the game it was the best of ball and impossible ta pick the winners, hut, somehow,- the Black Watch always get over-con- fident or are unable to hold the pace or something or other, for they Jnever play nearly as well during the last of the afternoon. On the other hand the Artilleries work like a well-oiled machine. No- worries their battery and the field render the best of support. If only hold together they bid fair rival their forerunners, the Ponies. The teams were : oodhouse, c.; Smith, x Lawson, p.; Chap- man, 3b.; Nicholson; 1.f.; Welsh, rf; Fitzgerald, 1b.; Pierce, o.f. rtilleri , rf; Cotman, 8.8; Powell, 1b; McCartney, i Stoakes, ¢. and 8.5; Turcott, 3b. and Ps Robb, p. and 3b; B. Young, ef; Kk. Young, Li. Umpire The feature of the game was the i £ 7 manner in which "Alfie" Pierce, 's dusky mascot, was caught asleep third base several times on during the game. Despite appearances our old friend must be advancing in years and needs more rest than of a ---- y Baseball On Saturday. . - National League--At New York, 8; Pi , 7. At Brooklyn, 0; Chicago, a At ton, 8; St. Louis, 11. At iladelphia, 7; Cincinnati, b, American At New York, 6; Cleveland, 5. At Boston, 2; St. Louis, 1. At Chicago, 2; Washington, I. At Detroit, 5-1; Philadelphia, 29. Eastern League.--~At Toronto, 0-4; Providence, 43. At Buffalo, 1; Jersey City, 9. At Montreal, 2; Newark, 5. At Rochester, 3-0; Baltimore, 2-5. Sunday Games. . American league--At Chicago, 1; Washington, 3. At St. Louis, 2; Bos- ton, 5. | Eastern league--At Montreal, 1; Baltimore, 13. At Newark, 11; Rochester, 1-3. Game At Cape Vincent. A: picked team from Kingston went over to Cape Vincent, yesterday morn- ing and played a game of ball with a nine from that town. Perhaps it would be better to say with a nine represent. ing that town for most of the players came "from Utica and Syracuse. The match took place in the afternoon and was one of the closest and best seen for some time. Ten innings were neces- jay to decide the. game, the Cana- ians, securi o ran, and winning i a score of 5 to 4, e Kingstonians were an evenly bal- anved aggregation and played the me quietly and steadily from the rop of the hat. The boys arrived me again about half-past eight. Alfie Steps Out, After years of faithful service to what he calls his "Alma Mater," Alfie Pierce has finally decided to no r remain with the college. This spring it was decided to appoint a groumlsman at Queen's, and he took over the most of the duties which had occupied Alfie's attention during the summer. The trainer's services were retained, however, for the fall and winter to look after the foothall and hockey teams. In the meantime "Alf." went to work in the Locomo- tive Works and has become so en- amoured with "his labor and pleased with its financial results that he has definitely announced his intention of remmining where he is. It will be bard for him to stick to his inien- tions when the = bogins. How- ever Allie delivers his ultimatum with | every protest against coming back to his first Jove. 'Oh, ne money where I am," is his answer when ask- ed why he wishes to quit. If he real ly sticks to his intentions 'the faith- i will be sadly missed. For ful Joiner years been a picturesque figure about the university and is known EE -------------- Value Of "Ozone." The value of . "Ozone" (it is really liquid oxygen) is well known to medi- cal science. It kills the germs of in: {fermal en in concen- orm that means "Solu- tion of Ozone, the coupon kind") it ensures a speedy cure for asthma, bronchitis, Bright's disease, kidney { trouble, malaria and rheumatism. This stringent remedy needs with it a tonic laxative 10 secure the best re sults. Your ist will give vou Sateen ounces 'of "Solution of Ozone" oF Pio the = wickets, declared. Armstrong 1303. Somerset put on 112 for three | wickets, . "erican League being his sentation 'event of defeat he is generall Sporting Notes. aa the game wi - ek in ¥ is in hie od a that he lost 'ten with a ounds in refereeing the Hart-Root Bek ing the pair apart. ustralians made 604 for four , not oat, - President Roosevelt is taking inter- est in the war against the telegraph y furnishing pool-room news in Washington Lacrosse :. Tecumsehs, Toronto, 7; Beanrford, 2. Capitals, Ottawa, 9; Montreal, % Shamrocks, Montreal, 9; Nationals, Montreal, 5. The ~ National Amateur Lacrosse union will in all probability be pro- hibited from playing with or against onals by the Canadian Ama- teur Athletic union. Secretary Navin, of the Detroit Am- Baseball club has un- nounced that Pitcher Eugene Ford has been sold to the Minneapolis club, and will report there at once, Peter R. Sullivan, of - Fall River, was given the decision over Blink MeCloskey, of Philadelphia, in the 8th round of a scheduled. fifteen-round bout before the Rhode Island A.C., at Thornton. The second annual field day of the Canadian Association Athletic league is to be held this year in Ottawa on September 15th, the last Friday of the Central Canada fair. It is open to all amateurs in Canada only. A good mahy of the local golfists, says the Toronto News, are sur- prised that no attempt has yet been made in Canada to establish municipal golf links. These 'are comparatively 'common in Great Britain, and the poorer people have an opportunity there of becoming acquainted with the game, that would otherwise be denied to them, Now comes Thomas W. Lawson, of. Boston, as a factor in automobiling, with an offer to give $5,000 in gold to the automobilist who makes the best nile under fifty-three seconds at the St. Paul track meet. He expresses the opinion that a mile in an automobile in thirty seconds will not create any great excitement in a year or so, for it will be a common occurrence. Ernie Russoll, of the Montreal hoe- key club, was the recipient of a bean- tifal diamond stickpin, the occasion departure for an extended holiday to the old country. The pre- took place on board the Allan line SS. Bavarian, within the luxurious smoking-room, Harry Shaw, president of the club, doing the need- il. Major Daingerfield may be a sulker and all that sort of thing, but it seems rather odd that whenever he wins the odds are long and several wise betters are aboard, while in the a v vorite, with an indulgent public sup- porting him, says the Sun. Because do with the major on his last ap- pearance. His next race and the bet- ting will be watched with unusual in- terest. The most satisfactory trials that have been held this season for the se- lettion of a defender for the Seawan- haka eup took place last week, The weather conditions were ideal and the merite and defects of different yachts could be seen more easily than at any of the previous trials. The new boat, Alexandra, made a better show- ing than at any of the previous trials, winning three out of the five races sailed. The Aeolus 1I., which made a favorable impression on Sat- urday, lost both races in which she sailed MARINE NNTELLIGENCE. What is Going on About the Harbor. Craig's : Propellor Persia, up, Sun- day morning; steamer Alexandria, down, to-night. M. T. company wharf: SS. West- mount, from Fort William, due .to- night; tag Emerson, down with two grain-laden barges; tug Glide, up with three light barges. The steamer Kingston, in leaving here yesterday afternoon, was sprung around the end of Swift's wharf, in- stead of backing far out'into the harbor. No time, however, was gain- ed by the manoeuvre, though time might be saved on a very windy day. Swift's : Steamers Kingston, down, yesterday; North King, from Char- lotte, vosterday; Belleville, up, last night; City of Montreal, down, yes- terday morning; Toronto, down, to- day; Aletha, from bay points, to- day; Rideau Queen, for Ottawa, this morning. Street Railway News. Repairs to the street railway gener ator were made after working all Sun- day, and the cars were all runnin this morning, The trouble was cau by a portion of the generator ground- ing. The street railway company is pur- chasing an engine from St. Louis, of the Westinghouse make. It is a large piece of machinery, and will afford lots of reserve power. The system is now covered by open cars. The last to go on was one to get the Lake Ontario branch in oper- ation this afternoon, Where One Can Swim, A citizen wants to know in what part of the harbor front he can bathe in the mornings. Madadonald Park wharf is used by quite a number every morning before seven o'clock, That is probably the best place, and no one will be molested there if he goes early. Swimming is also resorted to off the government dr. dock wharf, and also at the foot of University avenue near the breakwater, Fit Fér A King. Not only the delightful island out- ing, but also. the dining room service of North King and Caspian. Daily ex- opt Monday at 10.15 a.m. soap, 3 in Kingston at board nightly excursions Gananoque and of this peculiar state of affairs, many | persons would not have anything to | THE ISLANDS. Rochester People Had a Sail on Sunday on the Steamer America--They Were Shown che "Venice of America." Yesterday the steamer America left nine o'clock in the morning for Clayton, arriving there in good time, ring the afternoon she toured the islands, having on almost her full complement. was. one of the fort Yun out of Roches ter on Sunday morming by the New York Central railroad authorities. The octasion The steamer left directly on the ar- rival of her passengers' and followed, for a great part of the way, the track of the steamers Ramona and Visger. Steward § m had his hands full, looking after his depart- ment for directly the passengers came on board there was a rush for the dining-room. However, that officer was ready and too much praise can- not be given for the manner in which he looked after the wants of all. In about an hour and 'a half, with his busy staff, he had. supplied over one hundred and fifty passengers with dinner. And they were satisfied pas- sengers, too, having nothing bat good words to say for the excellent -delica- cies placed before them. : The run about the famous nooks lasted till after five o'clock, the route being from Clayton past Round: Is- land, T. I. Park to the Bay, then returning by the (lanadian channel to crossing back to Clayton. The trip thus included every spot of interest about this por- tion of the river and presented many features new to even the oldest on board who, were familiar with the river. The run was «completely around Wellesley Island, Tt showed the beauties of the American channel with the magnificent summer resorts along its banks as well as the marvellous scenery of the Canadian side, un- shorn of any of nature's garments and largely unadorned by the hand of man. The trip was most enjoyable throughout and imanensely apprecia- ted by the Americans, who. glad to run from the heat and bustle of the city spent the day among the cool breezes which waft here and there about the "Venice of America." Capt. Allen, of the America, knows the river like a book and can be trusted to show his passengers all the beauty of the islands to best advan- tage. It has been said of him that he could take a different route every trip and still have some to give away, so one can imagihe the delights of a ramble on the Folger boat un- der his care, REGIOPOLIS COLLEGE. Successful Ones at Recent Exami- : nations... = The following students have been romoted to higher forms. A number Do been promoted conditionally : To Form V.-T. J, Connor, J. Doolan, P. J. Gillen, P. J# Kennedy, J. L. Madden, J. S. Quinn, S. E Thompson. To Form 1V.--H. Cochrane, F. J. Daly, A. Des Roches, JJ. C. Doyle, J. Gratton, L. Kane, A. Lawler, Nicholson, F. 0'Connor. To Form HI.-E. M. Davidson, J. G. Lovitt, E. J. McConnell, 0. Mad- den, I'. J. Moran, E. Mallen. To Form 11.--E. Beecher, W. Cum- mins, L. Cook, 8S. Daley, D. Dono- hie, E. Donoghue, J. Dunn, M. Fahey: H. Fleming, M. Gratton, A. Gravelle, W. Gravelle, E." Hammond, J? Howes, A. Kane, D. Kennedy, E. Kerr, L. Kavanagh, V. Lawler, R. Madden, J. Manly, R. McAllister. M. McDermott, E. Metcalfe, L. Millan, G. Murphy, W. 0"Donaghue, M. Sul- livan, C. Tierney. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. The Civic. Authorities Not to Be Congratulated. men, who, no doubt at matter. This city's of in ten minutes preparation. truly, THOMAS DONNELLY. Made A Good Record. being two three years school and certainly reflects credit on her teachers. The Officers Chosen. The Laborers' Proteetive Union, No. 8663, elected their officers for the fol- lowing term, on Thursday night, July 13th, 1905: President, J. 0. Saun- ders (re-elected); vice-president, George Acton, (re-elected); secretary and treasurer, W. 8S. Shafflebotham, (re- elected); recording secretary, William Gray, (reclected); guide, Samuel Percy; guardian, Joseph Smith, (re- elected); auditors, Kdward Groom: bridge, Joseph Smith, G. Givens; trustees, William Gray, James Earl, John Hynds. Caught A Maskinonge. While fishing on Saturday after noon, below Cataraqui bridge, the Misses McDermott and Dr. and Mrs. Baker caught. a maskinonge, weigh- ing eighteen pounds. They had to secure the aid of a pessing boatman in order to land the big fish. Henry Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering. Orders received af MeAulev's honk stores, Princess etre Armour's witch hazel Molead's box, for 10e. drug store, Razor strops, good ones, at Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store, Kingston, July 15.--(To the Editor): While our thanks are due the gentle- mach incon- venience, met the international water- ways commission last evening, our city authorities after being duly no- tified, ean hardly be congratulated on their handling of such an important interests could not, 1 submit, be properly taken carc Yours Among the candidates at the recent entrance examination to the Collegiate Institute, w hoy deserve special mention is little Alice' Marshall, daughter of Prof. John Marshall of Queen's Uni- versity, She took fourth on the list of candidates with 540 marke to her cre- dit, a record all the more remarkable since .she is only 'twelve years of age, younger than the who passed ahead of her, ,She stood first of the pupils from Victoria great «© 3 -- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. To-day. was another scorcher. The heavy rain early this morning was gladly heard. The weather took a much-needed bath during the night. ! There were no casés to occupy the attention of the magistrate this mornin, commitive done about Kingston? The date of the firemen's field day at Prescott has been changed to Au- gust 16th. . The worst cases of headache can be cured, 4 powders for 10¢. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. It is proposed to make the bachelor city officials wear uniforms of grey with red stripes, Capt. Arthur Sudds, Simcoe Island, has purchased a half interest in the schooner Laura D. The atmosphere yesterday was a treat for the people who will insist on going to church. When vou have a five cent bit to spare after giving to church and charity, give it to the street ears. In Montreal, electrical designs on street cars at night are used to ad- vertise sporting and outing events. Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) disinfect- ant soap powder is a boon to .any home. It disinfects and cleans at the same time, As a summer resort, Kingston can- not be properly advertised till it has tourist hotel accommodation to offer. The government will not pay for letter-carriers riding on street cars. The carriers will petition for the pri- vilege, : - Pratt's headache powders for neural- gia and headache, 4 powders in pac- ket, 10c., Only at Mcleod's: drug advertising The steamyachts Wherenow and Cas- tanet brought a number of excur- sionists from river points to the city at noon to-day. In less than two wecks, Kingston will be alive with the Old Boys. There'll be lots doing in the way of sport entertainment. :Once the street railway motormen and conductors were all uniformed. Does the new company intend to make its car employees -Jook nobby ? The police were on duty at Swift's wharf again yesterday afternoon, keep- ing the sightseers from crowding be yond the foot of Johnston street. The lower flat of the, south-east wing of the old Hotel Dieu building on Bock street, is being fitted up as a store house for a commission firm. It makes hard roads easy, perfumed horated taleum. powder in vour shoes, 16c. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. The steamer Aletha arrived here this morning on her Monday trip fro,, Bay of Quinte points. She brought quite a number of people to the city. The Oddfellows' Relief Association annual meeting opens here to-morrow aftemoon, and will continue Wednes- day. Fifty delegates will be present. The city eouncil will likely adjourn to-night for vacation which extends for over two months. Special meet: ings may have to be called; however. The board of education is not clamoring for holidays. It has vir gust, besides having in July. Good times surely exist in Kingston when workmen in various lines can- not be secured. The city is having hard work in getting scavengers for the wards. Residents on Upper Queen streot would be much pleased if some planks were placed on the sidewalk, broken lately by a runaway team of horses with a heavy waggon. No offer has yet been received for the Merryweather fire engine which the city is anxious to would be most useful for a village to adquire, and could be got cheap. The crowds that gathered on Swift's wharf every Sfnday afternoon to meet the big steamers have lessened since policemen were stationed to prevent them going further than the railway tracks, Inless the military authorities here make. representations to headquarters at Ottawa, the Montreal street por tion of the artillery park will soon be without a sidewalk, except that provided by Mother Earth. The travel on the steamers King- ston and Toronto this season is far larger than a year ago. Yesterday, the Kingston had an exceptionally large number of passéngers on her up trip. The down trips are usually crowded, On Saturday afternoon the steamer and passengers for the summer resorts down among the Islands. The breezes were refreshing and the islands are all heavily clothes in Nature's garb, of green, The principal alive with yachts and steamers. young people of the several boats passing up the lake on Sunday af- ternoon at Macdonald Parle than at Swift's wharf. There the coal and police questions will not be in evi- dencé, At the park the cool breeze from the lake can be enjoyed. Imjtation is the flattery, The Belleville shoe merchants, following the example set by their svatem of selling for cash only and allowing no goods out on approba- tion. The Ton has worked splendid- lv here, and - finds favor with nearly every slore customer, Quality Of Butter Improving. J. W. Mitchell, the Eastern Dairy School, reports there is a decided improvement this year in the quality of butter made in Eastérn Ontario. The output is very doubling its output of last year. The averagé creamery, he states, is turning out about 1,000 pounds a in buildings and equipment. "Three Swallows." Sir John Power and Son's "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, 'famous for over a century. Of highest standard of purity. Distillers to His Majesty the King. Ten New Yorkers arrived yesterda$ afternoon on the #eamer Kingston, and proceeded to Battersea to spend a week fishing. They journeyed out in a large waggon with a canvas cover, sali re A SERIOUS OFFENCE, What has the city council industries' | CHARGED AGAINST A PROMI- NENT CITIZEN. Alleged to Have atc a Ten- Year-Old Child Into An Hotel Bedroom--Given a Midnight Hearing--Trial Called for To-Day. Gananoque, July 17.--A serious of- fence is alleged to have been commit. ted by a prominent citizen of Ganan- oque upon one of the sweetest little children in the town, in the person of a ten-year-old daughter of anothet well-known business man. The man who domintied the as sault is a barrister by prefession, and had been drinking heavily for the past few days. About four o'clock, Saturday afternoon, he was drinking at the bar of the American hotel. When he left the bar, it is said, he walked through the office and into the main corridor. Then he noticed the child, upon whom he is alleged to have attempted the outrage, she be- ing at the head of the stairs, amusing an infant child of one of the guests. Approaching the little girl he entic- ed her into a room adjoining and closed the door. Struggling from the drunken man, she escaped; threw open the door, and screaming for dear life, dashed downstairs, two and three iy at a leap, out of and into the arms of her mother, who was leisurely approaching the hotel. The mother, learning the facts, 'was almost shocked into insensibility. She immediately communicated the facts to her husband, and together they sought the chief of "police and magis- trate, the latter issuing at once a summons. for the appearance of = the offender, The man was served and was given a midnight hearing, but was in such an advanced state of intoxication that an adjournment had to be made Being such a prominent citizen--an ex- member of the school board, ete. and so well-known and highly thought of up to the moment, the magistrate left him with the night constable and friends who agreed to return him for an official hearing at tem o'elock, Monday morning. X A crowd gathered near the scene of the crime, Saturday night, but before it developed imto. a violent company, Chief of Police Ryan appeared and dispelled any idea other than that the law must take its course, The accused is a member of the same church of which the little girl is a scholar in the Sunday school. He formerly taught in the same pub- lie school, which the child now at terids, The case will be tried 'by 'he magistrate behind closed doors. Case Adjourned. tually decided to meet again in Au |Of Civie a special meet- | i on the part sell. The steamer | America took a crowd of excursionists | channels were | A better view can he obtained hy | sincerest form of ! Kingston brethren, have adopted the | superit tendent of | much larger, one creamery more than | week. He reports many improvements | The lawyer's physicians presented ty the magistrate this morning a cert: ficate 'that the alleged offender was too ill to have his case heard. It was y {adjourned until Wednesday afternoon; A MARKED NEGLECT Committees Regarding the Larger Questions. There is a very noticeable tendency of civie committees to | neglect the larger questions. 'In one | committee in particular, hours are | spent in wrangling over little hits of | things that ought to be settled in a | few minutes. Then there is no time | left for the consideration of what should be beneficial to the city. A lack {of initiative is a fault with. most of | the civic committees. At a board of works meeting recent- | ly, Ald. Rigney referred to the bad condition of the roads and the need of | something being done to improve them. The suggestion was a good 'one, | but the likelihood is that the matter { will not be heard of again this year. | The light and power committee has so far failed to report upon the propos- | od by-law to raise funds to extend the works. The year end will be in sight Lefore the question is considered | and left over to another committee which may likewise shelve it., The city property committee seems to be the only one which has had nerve and initiative ability. It unhesitatingly re commends to the coumcil that the east wing of the citv buildings be improv od and shows that the city will profit by the expenditure of the $3,000 re quired, { BISHOP OF ONTARIO. Preached at St. Cathedral. The Bishop of Ontario preached in St. George's cathedral on Sunday morning from the text: "I am the { way, the truth 'and the life." The eager enquiry of St. Thomas as to the | way to the Father, brought benefit not only to himself, but to all sue- ceeding generations. Men once walked with God in unfettered freedom, hut sin «ntered, and with it the estrange- ment of the creature from the Crea' { tor. Since the fall mankind had been George's feeling after God, if haply, they | might id Him," seeking the way back many a rough path. The in- | carnate Son of God was the answer to man's longing. He came to be the way back to the Father. Through Hip alone mankind has "access by one Spirit unto the Father." Desecration Of The Sabbath. Allusion was made at St. Paul's church by Archdeacon Carey, in the course of his sormon at the evening service, on Sunday, to the fact that | five exeursion boats had leit the city | that aftérnoon to the desecration of the Lord's day. A strong protest was entered by the preacher against the divine such as presumed to ignore the diree- tions by which the Creator, in His infinite wisdom, had seen fit to safe- guard the moral and physical welfare of mankind. The Sure Catarrh Treatment. It isn't a snuff nor a wash, neither is it a stomach sickening medicine-- it's just antiseptio, balsamic vapor-- it's name is "Catarrhozone." For last ing cure "Catarrhozone' is the one re- medy, Th the house, | laxity of recognition extended to the command, . "Remember the | Sabbath day, to keep it holy," and ! | an earnest warning addressed to all QUAKER BITTERS This splendid Medicine is for sale in Kingston, only at THE BEST DRUG STORE, 124 Princess St, and is sold "$1 a Bottle. One man has been cupad of an ailment of 8 years standing, and it only required half bottle to do it. He says it is worth $5 a bottle to him. Numerous other, cures have teen effected in King- ston and vicinity. For Sale Only at The "Best" Drug Store, 124 Princess Street. Mitchell's Old Stand. "Phone 59 QUICK DELIVERY CANADA 17.1 (XY But this medicine free by us 2 bird keep. sand) Beg read velo wrppets Bry eri address 2] amps for ples. wanted; 0 @s and cash or st. BIRD'BREAD {oh ures Lurdy'ills and makes them sing. Free tin in + 1b, Coto Bird Seed pkis,, the standard bird sold everywhere. Ex. Pert help ta bind troubles tree for reply stamp. yAddress exactly COTTAM BIRD SEED, * St, Leates, Out. MEN AND WOMEN, Use Big @ for unnatural . discharges, inflammations, irtitations or ulceration of mucous membranes. . Painless, and not astrie , gent or poisonous. Sold by or t)in plain wrappes, \ prepaid, 1.00. or 3 botbien 81.15, Otroular wot on requer'. ust "MAPLE LEAF" ™ PESY, CANNED SALMON pa'xen $000000000000000000008 "ones OOAL That is the kind we sell--The kind you should burn if you want a satisfaction fire We are filling orders now for winter supplies. Have you ordered yours yet ? 'Phone No. 143. BOOTH & CO. §0000000: Big Wash Goods Sale Now in Full Swing Nearly every make and weave in Wash Dress Goods to be had here and very much underpriced :-- White Muslins, a great va- riety at 8c., 10c., 12%c. Fancy Colored Muslins, the 15¢. quality, for 10c, Big range of patterns in Cotton Challie, makes up a very cool as well as inexpen- sive dress. Special 12 1-2¢. a yard. Piles of Prints in any of the desirable colors at 8c, 10C., 12 1-2C. a yard, English Percale, 30 inches wide, fast colors, special value at 12 1-2c. a yard. See the P.K. we are selling at 25c¢., easily worth 35¢., and also the fine quality White Duck at 20c. a yard, being toc. less than value. Whitewear Department is teeming with bright bristling bargains. Come and see. - Newman & Shaw. 9000000000000 GOAL] COAL DON'T MENTION IT! : @ Just allow us to : ® © 52y,you save money on your coal bought now. . * No question about @® burning it-=just yet $ JAMES SWIFT & CO. s0000000e ESRERR A a TRAVELLING, bf RAND TRUNK %4 Homaseekers' Excursion WILL BE ISSUED Ti MANITOBA AND THE DIAN NORTH-WES Going July 16th. Returning S CENTENNIAL EXPOS PORTLAND, OREGO! June 1st to Oct. 15th, Round Trip Fare, $ Tickets on sale daily, afd va' turn within 90 days from date but not later than November 80 For further particulars, ticket other information apply to P. HANLEY,, City Passenger QUEBEC STEAMSHIP CO LIMITED, River and Gulf of St. La Summer Cruises In Cool Lat Twin Screw Iron SS. "C 1700 tons with electric lights bells and all modern. comfort. Sails from Montreal Mondays 3rd, 17th and 31st July; 14th August; 11th and 25th Septe Pictou, N.S., calling at Quebe Mal Bay, Perce, Cape Cove River, Summerside, P.E.I, a lottetown, P.I.I. Bermui Summer Excursions, $85 and bv the new Twin Screw SS, fan," 2.5;500 toms. Safling fi fromNew York, from 7th .June October, Temperature cooled breezes seldom rises above S8( Princess Hotel open the year ro The finest trips of the se: health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretar For tickets and staterooms aj P. HANLEY, or 'J. P. SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, Ont. KincsTong Pemar RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIl Centennial Expo Portland, Oregon June 1st to October 15th, Round Trip Fare $ FROM KINGSTON Tickets on sale daily, and vi turn within 90 days from dat but not Iter than "N&vimber 8 Sharbet Lake and Re $1.40. Good going all trains Saturd: Returning following Monday. Full particulars at K. & R. Tickét office, Ontario Street ¥. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGE Gen. Pass. Agent ( Bay of Quinte Ra New short line fer Tweed, Deseronto, and all local points leave City Hall Depot at 8:35 CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Ki Ral) Daily ) LG a Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Brockville, Prescott and Me New Steamers KINGSTON & T LEAVE KINGSTON GOING, EAST--Daily, at 6 a GOING WEST---Daily, at 5 Kingston to Clayton, 1,0 Ports, Brockville or Prescott, returnifig Sunday only. Single | Kingston to Montreal and re ing Saturday or Sunday. Rett T.R., Monday. Fare, $6. Also excursion rates to To Charlotte going Saturday or S turning Monday. Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Q Montreal Line. LEAVE KINGSTON GOING EAST, Wednesdays days and Sundays, at 4.30 pan GOING WEST, Tuesdays, ' and Saturdays, 11.80 p.m. J. P, HANLEY, J. SWIF Ticket Agent Freigh Lake Ontario and Bay o Steamboat Co., Limi 1000 Islands -- Roc Taking Effect June 2 Stes. North King and Leave Kingston daily, except at 10.15 a.m., for Thousand calling at Alexandrian Bay and que. Returning steamert lea .m., for Rochester, Y.- Co Picton, Deseronto, Belleville mediate Bay of Quinte ports. STR. ALETHA--Y.caves King days at 5 p.m,, for Picton and fate Bay of Quinte ports. Full information Yrom J. P. ¥ Uildersleeve, Jas; Swift gents. E. BE. HORSEY, Trafic Ma TO QUEBEC DIRECT WIT CHANGE STR. "ALEXANI leaves Craig & Co's. wl Monday, at 6.30 p.m., for Mor Quebec; running the rapids. ] leaves Kingston Fridays at 12 via Bay of Quinte, for Charl Ruffalo. The Steel! Lake Exo Steamer "NIAGARA" for Charter. For particulg apply to CRAIG & Bors, ts., Kicgs! . HEPBURN, Manager. Pitts A + Manager