Goods lack and Colored Dress iat Cent. Off Sicilians, Drap = de Venetians, Panama her materials suitable ss, Separate Skirts e, all good patterns, to 8c. yard. ow for 3c. Yard estion "the best Embroidery have ever had. row Morning. 0, $3. $4, $5, $6, $7. Satchels. 1.50, $2, $2.50, $3. $4. $4.59, $s. 1. 0, $8, $8.50, §9. $10 YEAR 72. NO. 166 This is the Season) For Out-of-Door FURNITURE Comprising every style of Verandah Chair, Rockers, Cots, from $1.50 to $6.50. Porch and Settees, Camp Boat Chairs, $2.50 to quality of these goods and prices the lowest, Robt. J. Reid. IF YOU HAVE $7.50. The ara the highest THE . DAILY MEMORANDA. Vaudeville, n.m Oddfellows' Relief Association, 9 a.m Wodnesday, Adjourned County Court | p.m. Wednesday. | He who lives up to his wife's expecta- | tions is always busy. | The sun rises Wednesday at 4.35 a.m.. | and sets at 7.86 p.m. | Possibly the popularity of his éasiics {is due to the fact that they ate not tax- able. This day in history '--Petrarch' Italian | i | session. 2 { | poet, died, 1374 : Papal infallibility de- clared, 1870; Battle of Bull Run, 1861 St. James church moonlight excursion, Wednesday, July 19th, 7.80 p.m. Orchestra and 85¢, -2 hours among admiralty group He who would add unto his trade Str. America em. Add to one's trade ad infinitum Not How Cheap But How Good TUMBLERS There 'is nothing as nice as a' Full Crystal Tumbler ca! Any difficulty in 'being fit- | ted with Shoes, COME T0 US, | and we will make that duty | a pleasantone, 3 66 eq?) Wear "Allen's Miltaty Bootmakers, 84 Brock St... ,Sign eof Golden Boot. | SOUVENIRS In Sterling Silver, namelled Pieces, | comprising 'Belt Pins, Hat Pins, Bro« es, Ash Trays, Pin Trays, aud Spoons { | | | These. can be supplied you in Canadian Ars, t designs, SMITH BROS. Jewelers Opticlans 350 King Street. " Marriage Licenses SWIFT'S INSURANCE AGENCY British, | Ontario or Kingston Coats of | ether with many other unique | Issued " | with a rich pattern. You feel like drinking out of them, no matter what | you take, and it will taste better, We have them in endless varieties. Tumblers From 25¢. a Dozen Up, ROBERTSON BROS.. { FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, GARCO. . § | Strong reliable Comy anly ' | LOBSES PROMPTLY PAID, == 10 'on approved rks J of every description. a | Office, Opposite Untario Bank H . ..u | How to 1 I C : mars » Delicious Ice Cream | Up-to-date methods, rich cream, pure TAKE NOTICE. ; |, iiss juctinds, rich tiem, ur x ", i frozen cream that is fit for a king. We I have from 60 to 70 yards of lino- not only serve it i : leum « amratively new, suitable for a send it to your hon big oftic or two big rooms, a $1 a yard; but [ will sell it for e TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE, 398 Princess Street. warm weather, the freshing as a dish of ice Iream T PETTERS & CO, 184 Princess Street. 'Phone 649. WANTED. re ---- A KITCHEN WOMAN, AT GENERAL | Hospital ;» references required. Apply to Mrs. Purvis. TO BUY OR RENT, A LARGE HOUSE, With grounds and stables. Apply, Box "K."" Whig -- | GENERAL SERVANT, FOR SUM mer Cottage. at once; $4 a week Apply at this office at once. A MACHINIST AND TAILO¥ Apply to Thos. Galloway, Tailor 131 Brock street. Next Bibby's Livery. BOOK-KEEPING--A COMMERCIAL teacher during vacation is open to employment, 'by those who need help in their office work. Address, Box "X Whig oflice YOUNG MAN FOR OFFICE WORK Must Le good penman, quick and ne. curate at figures. Position perman- ent Apply in own handwriting to Box 100 Whig PRIVATE PUPILS--TEACHER, WITH first class certificate is prepared to devote his vacation to private teach- ing. Backward pupils, will receive special atwention. Address, Box Q." GENTLEMEN, TO GET THEIR Spring Suits nade upTat Galloway's, 131 Brock street, next to Bibby's livery ; style, fiv ana price guaranteed to please ; pressing and repairing done | promptly. | ---------- ee A MAN OF ABILITY TO REPRESENT us in the city of Kingston, to can- vass for high class Fruits and Orna- tal Nursery stock. 'Territory re- se for the right man. Liberal in-| duccments. v Stone & : MEN AND BOYS T0 LEARN PLUMB- ng trade. Cannot supply démand for wluates. $4 to $5 per day. Many plete course in two months, fuates admitted to Union and ster Plumbers Ass'n. Send for free catalogue. Coyne Bros. Co. Plumbing Schools, New York City, Cincinnati, O., St, Fouis, Mo. a ---------- | TO-LET. THI SHOP ON DIVISION STREET, near Garrett street, occupied by Miss Boon, milliner Apply at Whig office. | eee settee tet ios | DWELLINGS FURNISHED AND UN- | furnished, stores, offices, etc., at Me- | Cann's Real Estate Agency, 511 Brock Street. | FOR SALE. ODDFELLOWS' RELIEF AS- SOCIATION. The Annual Meeting of the Odd Fellows Relief Association will be held in THE WHIC HAL!, TO-MORROW Cqmmencing at 9 a.m Afternoon session at 3 p.m. Members of fhe Association are invited vie provnt 3 R. MEEK, Secretary, TAA "fir @i SUP Cataraqui Lodge No. 10, 1.0.0.F. THE REGULAR MEETING TAKES pla NUESDAY EVENING at the u hour. The proceedings will be more interesting on recount of the official visit of E. B. Butterworth, ¥Vsy Grand Master of Ontario. Oddfellows generally, are invited to attend A. W. McLEAN Secretary CARD OF THANKS. I DESIRE TO THANK THE CATH olic Order of Foresters for the prompt manner in which they claim of my late son, members of St. Anthony's their kindly attention and courtesy during my time of trouble MRS. PATRICK CAMPRELI I tsmouth A Matter for the Hospital Gov- ernors to Consider. Kingston, July 17. (To the Edi tor) : I am told that the governors of the General Hospital, notwiths that the nurses' training course has seen extended Tome: three vears are trying to out down expenses 'hy reducing the number of nurses, 1 hat policy certainly will not meet with fav- When a course of train extended, would would not be worked hard. Sometimes they much overworked. To eut down their number and also their diet is not com plimentary 'to the gentlemen compos ing the board of governors. There is anding or anywhere, ing has been think the nu one SO, are very | ane ber of that board whom | CEMENT BUILDING BRICKS, ALL admire on account of the highly com sizds and: colors, at low prices Pp . , has takin®in mat ply to: Foote & LaFave, Storms' | Mendable stand he has taker 1 York Road. Corners, | THAT PROPERTY, AT 42 DURHAM H street, containing nearly an acre apd a large frase house, with S rooms For particulars, apply to Mrs, A. yPerry, on premises CHEAP FOR CASH: THREE LOTS on Pemhrooke St two corner lots, one block from edrs, at Alwington mate. water and sewer on stre Ap- ply Joseph Bawden, 88 Cla St Four Pericet Headache Powders 0c. Gabson"s Red (ross drug store, Only the hast flour used in waking Toye's bread. | ters alieeting, the interest of the hos that is Rev. Mr. Tighe. ere is anbther matter for investiga tion and T trast he will lock into it. ~CITIZEN, pital, and Would Like To Know. July 18.-4To the Edit Can you tell me whether or uot the secretary of the Lord's Day = Al linnee intends to prosecute the street for keeping wen at work all H we're going to kick, about everything. --A Kingston, ar) railway Sunday last ? {lot's kick ' ROUNDER. Band Concert in Macdonald Park. 8 Dan. Cataragui Lodge Meeting, 1.0.0.F., 8 n.m Lake Ontario Park, 8 refreshments, | Showld™ 1% an 'ad.' and well dis- played. Le For "'ads." if one knows how to write KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY. JULY IN BAD PLIGHT Russians + On Saghalien Mus t Surrender. COMPLETE RAILWAY LANDED BY JAPS AT KORSA- KOVSK. {Japanese on Saghalien Number 14,000--They Enter Olga Bay-- Peace Negotiations Will Hinge on Indemnity--To Be Paid | Japan by Russia. = | Special to the Whig. {| London, July 15.~A dispatch to the | Daily Telegraph, from 'Tokio, says | that the surrender of the Russians _on | the island of Saghalien is hourly "ex- weted, They are now in a hopeless plight. | The Shanghai correspondent of | Standard says 'the Japanese landed a complete light railway, 125 {| miles long," at rsakovsk, and also the | 3,000 coolies, Their entire force num- | bers 11,000 men. Bombarding Naibuch. | St. Petersburg, July 18,--Gen. Line viteh, under date of July 16th, re | portsathat the Japanese, on July 14th, were bombarding © Naibuch, on' the south east coast of the Island of Saghalien, | Gen, the Japanese have entered Olga Bay, 150 miles north of Vladivostok, To Hinge On Indemnity. London, July 18.--The St. Peters ['burg correspondent of - the Standard says there are reasons to believe that the peace negotiations will centre on the amount of the indemnity to be paid to Japan by Russia. The minis- ters, the correspondent adds, pre now studying the question of who will supply the amount when it is fixed, [ and also the funds for the re-establish- ment of the government after the war. | The correspondent to know that two financial syndicates have al- ready declared their willingness to underwrite loans, | English and the other German. claims M. De Witte's Statement. Sti Petersburg, July 18M, | the senior. Russian peace pleni- potentiary, in an interview, yesterday { 8t 'his villa, at Yalagin island, repn- [ diated the interpretation of his ap- pointment as an indication that Rus sin had decided to make pence at any De price. He frankly admitted that he himself favors] peace, and that in fact he was for peace before the war broke out. but declared that if the | Japanese demands wounded the amour propre of the Russian people, or jeo pardized their future as a nation. Russia would accept. the verdict, and thé Russian people would be ready to continne the war for vears, sary. "Russia," declared M. De Witte in conclusion, "is nof on the verge of dissolution as a great power, and is not obliged to accept any conditions offiered, in spite of the military re verses she has sustained], We are pass ing through an internal crisis, which has been marked bu many grave ev- ents, and which mav have others still in store, but the crisis will pass, and in a few vears, Rus will again take her place as a preponderant power in European concert." HER VANITY KILLED HER. She Deceived Him, So He Murder- ed Her. La Junta, Colorado, July 18.--John Schidlofsta, who slew his bride of five months, and threw her body be side 'the links of the goli club in Ar- lington, Mass., is under arrest here, To Sherifi Barr, who captured him on the Santa Fe track, he has made a complete confession. His crime, he vs, was the outcome of an act of de { ception which his wife practiced upon him When he courted her, she represent- ed she was twenty -cight years of age, and had 2600 in the bank, whercas, after the wedding, he learned she pos essed only $220 cash and that her we was forty, Nehidlo will be taken to Massa chusetts trial. i eti-------------- Results Yesterday. National League.~At New York, 0; Pittsburg, 3. At Brooklyn, 0, Chicago, . At Boston, 4; St. Louis, 3. At Philadelphia, 0; Cincinnati, 1. American ague.~-- At Detroit, 4; Philadelphia, At St. Lows, 3: Bos ton, 2. At Chicago, 4; Washington, 7. At Cleveland, 4; N ork, 1. Eastern Leagu - At Bafialo, 1; Newark, 9. At Toronto, B: . Jersey City, 7. At Montreal, 4: Baltimode, 0, At Rochester, 4; Pro », ------------ A Violent Storm. Snécial to the Whig, St. Catharines, Ont., July 18.-A violent storm struck this section, last night. Rain and hail fell in sheets and the lightning was most vivid. Several places were struck, but no damage was done except Adam Haynes' barns, which were fired and destroyed, Hay nes' loss will be heavy. Tt is not thought that the fruit was damaged 10 any extent. ------------ Deaths Among Infants. Cleveland, 0., July 18.~Within the past nine days twenty-two infants un der one year of age have died in Cleveland, and the city health an thorilies are making a close investi- gation into sanitary conditions and the milk supply. radical action will be taken at once, | That invigorating drink, Coea-Colh., | The original at Wade's soda fountain. have | Linevitch "also telegraphs that | one of them being | ( if" neces- | It is expected that | JOINED CATHOLIC CHURCH. Sister 'of Bishop Potter, Changes Communion. New York, July 18. Much interest was shown in s circles in the report this city that Mrs, Launt Thompson, { Roman Catholic church, i Mrs. Thompson is the widow of a brilliant senlptor, who died = elevin 'years in an institution at Middle town, N.Y. Owing to the fact that she hat lived permanently in that city for the last | thirty years and was abroad most of | the time from 1868 to 1875, it was impossible to obtain any details con worth Mills, said = while she was able to 'positively confirm the she would not be surprised if it true, story, Homan Catholic churches and younger. daughitrs ware in a convent | in Franee, : ! | et, + 4 PROPOSED INCREASES. $ Ottawa, July 18.--The Dominion government has increased the salary of the rémjer from $8,000 ¢o }15.006 a year, and the leader of the opposition will 'get $5,000. Members of parliament will get $2,500, instead of. $1,500, as formerly, and privy councillors who have -serv- 4 ed the full five years as cabinet minister will be en- titled to a life annuity equal to one half of his official salary. The chief justice of the supreme court is to receive $10,000 a year and the other judges in. prepertion. FFFIFTFEFIVIFTYIFRS IT 45 4 vgs Imprisonment for Speaking to a Woman. New-York, July 18. -A six months' | sentence to prison for a passing street { flirtation with a married woman was imposed on Benjamin FP. Smith, who | came here from St. Louis. Mrs. Grace { | MASHER CRUSHED. { | stylishly, was waiting by appointment | for her husband, a Brooklyn business | man, at the Madison avenue and 42nd | street subway ntrance, Smith was | passing, and spoke to her, Mrs, | Gamble resented this, etrock Sith | in the Tace, amd caused his arrest, In | court, although Mrs. Gamble hersel requested lenicney to the prisoner, the magistrate imposed sentence, and at {the same time invited other women | who sufier from "mashers" to act | as Mrs. Gamble did. RIOTING IN KRONSTADT. |Fourteen Bomb Factories in St. Petersburg. | Svectal to the Whig, London, July I8.-Desperate rioting ocourred, vesterday, in Kronstadt, ae a despateh received by a here, It is stated wilors attacked and looted cording to news agency mutinous | nine public buildings, despite the eof | forts of the police, Many were killed | and wounded, but the exact number is unknown, The police discovered fourteen bomb factories in St. Petershurg, yesterday, {and seized (0,100 bombs, and 2,000 re volvers, EXCLUDE LABOR VOTE And Ruffian Industry Will Suffer, Special to the Whig. Moscow, July 18. Representatives of Russian trade and industry met 3 terday afternoon, to' discuss the poli | tical situation of the country. M, Ko valesky, ex assistant minister of fin ance, and one of M. De Witte's most prominent livutenants, presided. The prelinvnary <peeches largely centred on on the t-of M. Bouwligin's scheme upon the labor question, The, total ex clusion of the labor vote, ittwas de clared, would disastrously affect Rus sian induetr : Stokes-Pastor Wedding. | Snaclal to. the Whig, Noreton, Conn, July 18.~The ro mance of Miss Rosf Harriet Pastor, | the Jewish poctress and former cigar maker, and J. G. Phelps Stokes, a member the multi-millionaire Stokes family, of New York, exlminated in thir wedding, to-day, at the home of the bridegroom's parents, The wed ding was of the simplest character, though attended by quite a large number of gucets, including relatives of the two families and mutual friends, among the latter being nearly all of the prominent social settlegrent work ers cof New York eitv., The ceremony was_petformed by the bridegroom's hrother, the Rev. ' Anson Phelps Stokes. Made Long Swim. Peterboro, Ont, July 18-A feat which will live for many years in the annals of Canadian sport was per formed yesterday, when H. T. Strick land, Toit swam from Lakefield to the li lock, a distance of over nine miles, establishing a Canadian record for long distance swimming, He ind no rest, The time was 5 hours and 5 minutes. G. H, Corsan, Toron- | to, swam eight miles, -------- Wiil be found an excellent remedy for sick' headache. Carter's Little Liver Pills, Thousands of letters from péople who have used them prove this fact, Try them, When yon can't eat this take a bottle of Peruvian tonic. Soc. | Gibson's Red Cross drug store has it. You needn't be afraid to put Toye's | bread hefore your guests, none better made anywhere, There's al and ecclesiastical | which reached | sister of Bishop Potter, has joined the | cerning 'her change of faith in this country, | Her ter, Mrs. Lawrence were | 'Her wiother had for vears attended | her | PEEP EP EEE I 04440 69S 04 | suspected on a British steamer in New amble, whe is handsome, and dresses | that | weather | 18, 1905 LATEST NEWS Despatches From Near And Distant Places. EVENTS OF THE DAY | | GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FOEM. | Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little Of Everything Easily Read And Remembered, William Wilkinson, a young farm | | hand, committed suicide at Peterboro, [= An outbreak of ®hubonie plague is) 1 { | York harbor. - | An inmate of the Longue Point Asy- | lum wwho attacked a keeper was chok- ed to death by another patient, King Edward sent a magnificent wreath for the funeral of the viotime of the submarine torpedo boat Faria: | det, Col, Jacobs of the Salvation Army in Toronto, will shortly go to Eng Hhd to join the personal staff of Gen, | Booth, | Rev, Dr, J. Wilbur Chapman has ac | cepted an invitation to hold a series | of evangelistic services in Boston next January, A bunch of bad one dollar bills are being worked off around Hamilton. They are stamped State bank, New Brunswick, 5 t ix expected - that the kussian battleships Pallada, Pobicda and Pol | tava, sunk at Port Arthur, will swoon | be refloated, Owen Sound's electrie plant is tebe remodolled and enlarged to meet in creased demands, The town 'took over the plant three years ago, In Tokio . the Koredn loan of $1. | 00.000 was over subscribed four Himes: It wda the first of the goneral | loan ever floated in Japan. & In trying to save her niece, Miss [ Elliott, from drowning, Mre. John | Reid, Ormstown, was herself drown- | ed. Miss Elliott was saved. On dit that a prominent bank man- tager of Toronto, whose name has been withheld, will be chosen as jucs cessor of Mr. MacDougall as auditor: general, Changes in {he cabinet may be look- ed for about September lst. They ure said to involve the retirement of Mr, | Fitzpatrick, Sir Richard Cartwright and Mr. Scott. Emile Arton, one figures in the old Panama canal f;onn dal, was found dead in his Paris | apartments, under circumstances in heating suicide, The salaries' increase in which the | premier, the leader of the opposition, | members, senators and judges got a | share was carried in the House of | Commons, on Monday, | The proposed meeting of the defe- gates from the vemstvos aml mumici- palities throughtout Russia will take place in Moscow in spite of the pro- hibition of the authorities. Lim Yet and Lim Bang, two martial minded Chinese of Victoria, B.C. have made application to Col, Hall, eom- manding the 5th Regiment, for ad- mission into that eomps of militia, H. A. Crain, Ottawa's prominent contractor, and the oldest Good Tem- plar in the world, is dead, from a stroke of paralysis. He was born at Maitland, and" Teaves a widow, three sons and three daughters, Maddened hy heat and fright, a mustang fresh from a Colorado ranch, rushed into a building, knocking down | a man and two childron, and wreck of the principal ed furniture on second flat. Mo was hound and dragged downstairs, Rev. Thomas Bailey, rector of St. Barnabas' Anglican church; Ottawa, has resigned. He had been rector of St. Barnabas church for fifteen vears and has resigned to necopt a charge in Lancaster, on the St. Lawrence. Rev. P. T. Yon, a Methodist minjs- ter in Honolulu, is on' his way to Washington to ask the United States in the coming peace negotiations to bring about an agreement by which the Korean nation may, within twen- tv years, become independent, i it shows. fitness for self-government. Visit Of An Artist. Aarond, English water color visiting Kingston, with a choice collection of his landseape and marines. He is a graduste of the Na. tional Gallery of London, Eng., and and has had the advantage of Sir Frederick Leighton's criticisms. He has with him several historical Bits of England and Scotland, notably Wind sor Castle, from the Virginia water side, showing the mamive building with a late hazy summer afternoon of feot. Durham cathedral, with its stately towers, in shown to great ad vantage and the surrounding land- soape is of special merit. Loéh Alsh iy another gem, portraying with artistio touch a gem of the Beottish lakes; a boat isleisurcly sailing across laden with bimcken., The famous Brig 0'. Doon is shown with the beautiful sur. rounding of leaf and field, and with the monument to the charming poet, Burns, in plain view, Stratford-on-the- Avon is another view, Then the seene of Grey's elegy, Stoke Poges, in pres- ented just as the artist must have been insyrived by the fading of the glimmering landscape, as it was poeti- cally put. Mr, Aarons also wields the pen, having a novel in the Publisher's hands in England, JD. artist, is Ii sick headache is misery, what are Carter's Little Liver Pills if they will positively cure it ? People who have nied them speak frankly of their worth. They arc small and easy to 1 death on Sunday. Sofie persons placed of Raise Salaries, Approves in discussing the decision to advanee the salaries of the judges to increase the dominion sessional indemnity, and to pay a salary to the leader of the op- position, to-day, #aid he quite ap- roved of the plan adopted by the Jominion government, He thought it only right that the leader of the op- position should receive a salary, and considered that tho reasons advanced with respect to the dominion loader of the opposition would apply equal- ly to the provincial leaders, DYNAMITE IN STOVE, Chatham Woman's Narrow Escape ~Had Been Warned. 2 Chatham, Ont., July 18.--Mrs, Geo. Carswell had a narrow escape from a charge dynamite in the kitchen stove durigy the night. When dhe was got: ting breakfast there was an explosion and. the stove was 'blown to pieces, She was in the pantry at the time and escaped, An anonymous hr saten- ing letter had heen received the week Halore: The composition is very mix- ef, and it is thought that the plac ing of the dynamite and the Jotters were both the work of some insane in: dividual, -------- IN RICH ARRAY. -- . Satin and Lace Beggar's Style. New York, July 18.~Michael Rocco ro, arrested for hegging on the streets, who had $500 in cash and a bank book showing a deposit of $1,500 ip his pockets when taken into custody, came, to trial with a lawyer and ge companied by a wife und daughter rowned in satin and lace, ile three of five other alleged beggars ar- rested with him were sent to prison for a term of six months each the The ole. He was given into the custody of the charity organization society, ---------- SLAYS FOE IN CHURCH, to Demonstrate He is Best in the Place. Reatyyille, Ky., Juy 18--~John Mil ler, of Breathitt county, shot and kill- ed James Grees and wounded James M, Thomas during a fight in a church on Fraley Crock, Lee county. Miller entered the church, according to the report recived here, and - announced that he. was {he st man in the Thang dpe Shoots Rouss, Drees and! in, an 0 ing followed, moh fori omen Ho sheriff has landed his prisoner safely in the Beatyville jail. Li ---- Largest Rose Tree. Berlin, July 18.--Hore Wehrle, a gardener at Freiburg, possesses the largest rose-troe in Europe. He 'oh: tained it in 1881, and grafted a tea rose to it, The tree made great pro gross, and in the following year hore twenty-seven buds, In 1897 it cover- od éighty-three square metres, and carried 6,200 buds, In 1898 the buds increasdd to 7,400, and in 18% to 9,000, and in 1900 the space covered was eighty-nine square metres and it bore 10,000 buds, It is in full bloom at the present time, -------- An Tnsane Freak. Calais, July 18.--A miner, BEmman uel Beaumont, has committed suicide hy throwing himself down a pit 900 foet dedp, at Lens, in the Pas «de Calais. Ho has received his fort. night's pay, and was returning home when he discovered that he had lost his parse. Heo, assisted by com- rades, searched for his purse: Chag- rined at not finding his money, Beau: mont, without a word, approached the pit and threw hinwelf into the abyss. His body was rightfully pu- tilated. -------------- Three Thieves Killed, Lisbon, July 18. After a large party of tourists on automobiles had alight ed for a pienie, seven! thieves jump ed into the foremost dar and went off. Several of the picnic party juiiped into the remaining automobile and gave chase. After several miles the automobile containing the thioves, which was erratically steered, went over a precipice 200 feet. The corpses of the motor-lifters, three in number, were tarvibly mangled. Made A Good Record. Niagara Falls, July 18.---Carlisle D, Graham, of this city and William J. Glover, Jr., Baltimore, Md., success- fully swam the lower rapids of the Niagara river from the American side of the whirlpool to Lewiston, yester- day afternoon. Glover beat Graham by four minutes. The distance of four miles was covered in twenty-six min- utes by the former, 5p Death Of Charles Garth. Snecial to the Whig. Montreal, July 18.~Charles Garth, president of the Windsor hotel com- pany, died this morning. He establish- ed the Dominion Metal works, many years ago, which was afterwards changed to the firm name of Charles Garth & Co.; when he was joined hy his brother in 1875. Mr. Garth was eighty-three years of age. ° ------------------ An All Day Trip. America to Brockville and Ogdens- burg, Friday, 8 a.m, returning leave Ogdensburg, 3 p.m. Howe early. 50c. CEMENT WALKS, We will be pleased to furnish estimates and construct your cement walk. Satisfaction guaranteed. Douglas & Mellquham, | take. Pay water rate and save discount, Special to the Whi. : Toronto, July 18 ~Premier Whitney," well-to-do Rootoro was let off on par 1 sw Roranto, Out., July 18.~(10 a. winds, i ; 'mostly DISCOUNT SALE ~~ CONTINUES Until Saturday e at 10 o'clock, well off magnificent stock of and Colored Regular prices. A chan to get high grade goods bargain pris Ar | ? b 4 [ ; MACDONALD.--At St, Andraw's Stirling, at the residence of hei "the 1 b Egy of Rint on AF Donald, et © of Walter Macdonald, Canada, WARMINGTON «in "K 18th, 1905, I 5 of @ W TO-NIGHT 3 3i=ess HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE Bradford's Colored Sketches. Hennesay's Irish Comedy. The Legtow's Comedy Equilibrists Singers and Dancers. Admission to Grounds Free by Cars OUTING WEATHER Hot the first Huo in, thet years we are hav uine ou weather, Everyone fe to be outside--PIC- NICKING, CAMPING, FISHING. We are Yuhohly oq] for this busi- ness, and will be pleased to hear from campers and © Goods carefully packed and promptly delivered, + 'y #5 ply Jas. Reed Importers of 178 Princess Street JOHN MACKAY & GO. High Grade Y Bond issues: Canadian' Bank of Comiéree Buflding, en @ Co. Toye does not use cheap flour im the manufacture 3 hia bread. Henses the "Very best. That's why its : quality, never aries A h Colossal . Toilet. tra larg size, very fine quality, Joo. 3 for Chown's, A : fo To. cool the blood take saline tive from Gibson's = Red 15 Nelson Street. store,