QUAKER BITTERS 'This, splendid Medicine is for sale in Kingston, only at THE BEST DRUG STORE, 124 Princess St., and is sold $1 a Bottle. One man has been cured of an ailment f 3 years standing, and it only required alf bottle to do it. He says 1t is vorth $5 a bottle to him. Numerous ther cures have been effected in King- ton and vicinity. For Sale Only at fhe "Best" Drug Store, 124 Princess Street. fitehell's Old Stand. *Phone 59 QUICK DELIVERY. TIME SAVED ee AND me Success Guaranteed WHEN WOMEN USE DIAMOND DYES. Fach year thousands of letters come n from -all parts of this vast Domin on telling of victories and successes vith Diamond Dyes in the home. The marvelous and immense sales of Jiamond Dyes in Canada have induc- d adventurers and speculators (who now noting about the chemistry of olors) to go into the putting up of vackage dyes. Such dyes are adulter- ited and crude; colors are muddy and lotchy, bringing ruin to the materi- ds you try to dye. Diamond Dyes, the choice of wise vomen, are the kind used when bright, ull, fast and brilliant colors are vanted. No disappointments possible vhen you use Diamond Dyes. Diamond Dyes are sold by all lead- ng druggists and dealers. Refuse to weept substitutes when you ask for Diamond Dyes. J STA j ) § ---- Y i ; d If so, this is the correct place to buy anything in the line of Cool A wearables. The daintiest line of Mu Underwear to be seen in @ including Corset Covers y s, Waists, etc. at ¥ prices about one-quarter Jess than € value \ Something swell in Ladies' Lace Hose, in fine ouality lisle thread, special at 85c. and 48c. a pair. Want a White Duck Suit for the good man ? Look at the fine Eng lish quality that we are selling at 20¢. a yard. : Grass Linen ys" Suits, § J ; ) y ] ] ] for Boys extra value, for 124c. and 15c. a *vard. i of 3 only very swell Silk Rain- y coats (samples), colors Grey. ¥ Brown, Black, the $18 quality, for y only $12 ) Newman & Shaw evs sssTR TSE ll EPRI COAL! GOAL DON'T 10 =E = =] Just allow us to say, you save money on your coal bought now. No question about burning it--just yet a NW YY EY YY YY Te Tr TE PHP 0400000000000 JAMES SWIFT & CO. ; : THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDA ---- om TT [ie wou | I 'A little Bovril in a glass of mineral water is a palatable, health- ful drink It is nourishing and strengthening and relieves that exhausted and played- out feeling after mental or physical work during the hot days. ) mm § { ~~ SunsHiN oe ens It corners the Critics A financial saving = nothing bul ashes in the pan. MCClarys London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, NB. Lemmon & Lawrenson, Sole Agents PURE FOOD INSURES Goop HEALTH MAGIC roms MEDICAL. a a ------ George F. Dalton B.A. M.D., C.M., M.R.C:S., (England) ' L. R.C. P, (London). Office and Residence, 64 William Street Telephone 378. EE ------------ ALLAN LINE ""™ "C0 none: Royal Mail Steamers. From Montreal. From Quebec. Virginian, July 21, 3 a.m. July 21, 5 p.m. Tunisian, July 28, 9 aan. July 28, 10pm Victorian, Aug. 4,4 a.m. Aug. 4, 4 p.m Bavarian Aug. 11 Aug. 11, 1 pun RATES OF PASS --First Cabin, £75 and upwards. Second 'Cabin, Liver pool and Londonderr 42.50 and wards. Third Class, 7.50 and $28 $2 to Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, London. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT. Ionian Thurs., July 20, (daylight.) NEW YORK TO GLASGuUW, Numidian Thurs, July 20, 1 p.m MONTREAL TO LONDON & HAVRE Sardinian, Jul) 2. Lauratian, Aug. 5 $40 single, $76 return. Only one class passengers carried, called second cabin J. P Glasgow PURE FOOD. 2 COMPANY HANLEY, Agent, G.T.R. City Passenger Depot. J. P, GILDER. EW.GILLET LIMITED SLEEVE, Clarenca Street. ' YORONTO.ONT. $000000000000000000008 ree 0 Clean, For Table Honest and Kitohen. That is the kind we sell--The kind you should burn if you want a satisfaction fire. CEREBOS SALT Contains the Wheat Phosphates (Absent from White Bread) which are necessary to give strength to the food and vigour to the body. WHOLESALE AGENTS . Geo. Robertson & Sons KINGSTON, We are filling orders now for winter supplies. Have you ordered yours.yet ? 'Phone. No. By BOOTH &CO. 90000 0000000000000 00P JOHN M. WHINTON, Plumber, Gas and Steam-fitter Goldenlion Block Is the place to get your irs at- tended to in the Plumbing line. See our line of Gas Stoves before purchasing and you will find our prices right. Full line of bath-room fixtures and heating gos. Prices low ; a call solicited "HALLIDAY ELECTRIC COMPANY Specialists in Diseases of No Breakfast Table complete without EPPS'S admirable ite natural qualities intact, ted tq build up and main bust th, d to x COCOA et for children. The Most Nutritious Motors and Dynamos and : all Electric Troubles. : MAKE A JOURNEY. A Delightful Outing Aboard Naphtha Launch--Interesting Facts About a District of Which World Knows" Little. Watertown N.Y, Standard. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Angley and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. King returned Tues- day evening from a delightful week's trip through the Rideau lakes. They report fine fishing and a most pleas: ant outing. Mr. Angley and Mr. King left Dexter in the former's naphtha vacht. Rene, Monday morning, July 3rd, proceeding directly across the lake to Kingston, requiring but six hours for the voyage. At Kingston they were joined by Mrs, Angley, Mrs. King and Miss Hannah Barney. Pro- ceeding up the Rideau, thev establish- od a permanent camp at 3 p.m. and the next day took a run through Cranberry and Loborough 'lakes. Fri- day, July 7th, they journeyed up to Brewer's Mills and through Sand Lake, returning the same day. They broke camp last Tuesday at 9.15 and reached . Dexter, about seventy-eight miles distant, at 8.30 that evening, not making a stop during the day. The fishing was excellent. Two hours fishing resulted in a catch of from fifteen to twenty pounds of fish most any day. The largest caught was a big-mouthed bass, twenty and one half inches long and we ing seven pounds, hooked by Mr. Anglev: best of weather prevailed, the only rain being Sunday morning. This was Mr. Anglev's second trip up the Rideau, his first being made last summer, when he established a precedent for Canadian pleasure seek- ers by making the journey through the winding lakes and river without a guide. a feat those experienced with the channel said could net be accom- plished Mr. Angley reports many more travellers along the lake than last year, showing that this, until re cently little known, district is fast becoming popular. A few house boats from the St." Lawrence were noticed along the banks, the visitors, as a rule, remaiiling near the main channel and but occasionally venturing into the lakes. Now that the outside world has learned of the rare fishing, the beauty and wildness of this inland waterway, it seems evident that hefore long the Rideau will claim its full qriota of summer guests, while the lov er 'of solitude and primeval siirround ings will be forced back into nsw, and at present, unknown resorts Up to the past few vears but little was known by the outside world of the Rideau lakes, of which until re cently, there was no map published. The Rideau canal connecting Kir with Ottawa, traverses this section, and opens the many lakes to the pub- lic. The canal is equipped with huge locks, some being sixtv and cighty feet high. Back a short distance from Kingston a wi expanse of water ex tends to -each e- of the main chan nel, where t land has been flooded for ei ud hus | this artifi- einl lake are hun firm and hard as when submerged thirty vears ago. The channel is mark- ed by bushes, and as there are many little trees and shrubs, it is hard to tell which wav to go. Southwest of the Rideau are the lakes, some several miles in width and many miles long, coiling about in every direction, and reached bv wind: ing | rivers. masked by overhanging foliage. The beauty and wildness of the goenery is not duplicated. On the main channel the traveler can keep in communication with the outside world Yor at each lock is a store, telegraph station and While the main line of the canal will probably soom resound with the shouts and langhter of summer visitors, the lakes with their bewildering outlets and un broken quiet, 'will continue to offer a quict retredt for some time. « of stumps, ne post-office ARM WRENCHED OFF. A Painful Accident Suffered by Young Man. Picton, July 17.--A young man nam- od Fredericks met with a very painful accident, while at work in the Old Homestead Canning factory on Fri day night. He had slipped the belt off the pea feeder and was re-adjusting the machinery, when another work- man, not noticing him at work, stip- ped the belt on, setting the machinery into motion. Fredericks' arm was caught in the cog-wheel and wrenched off just below the elbow, . After a long illness, Mrs, A. Vance, passed away at her home on Bridge street, on Friday, Her maiden name was Caroline Coliver, She was aged seventy-six vears, On Sunday af ternoon the Citizens' band went up to Bloomfield to march to church with the CLO.0.F. Mrs. E. B. Smith has returned from a five weeks' stay in Detroit, Mrs. H. B. Bristol left to-day for a month's visit in Montreal. T, Gillespis and the Misses Bessie and Grace Gillespie, of Campbeliford, are in town. Mrs. Jack son who spent the winter in Philadel phia, is at her home for the summer. Miss Julia Wileocks is the guest of Mrs. R. Y. Leslie, Presque Isle. Miss Helen Davison, left to-day to spend two weeks at St. Agathe de Monts, Quebec. Mrs. J. H. Allan is at the Sand Banks. Mrs. Wilcocks, New York, and Mrs. Rebun, Toronto, are «pend ing the summer at 0'Neil's Bav shore og J. Go Widdifield and H. OC. William. son, left today for a two werk's in the sailing vacht Salva. s Gena Hepburn and Grace difield and Kathleen ville, "took in" the trip to Quebee on the Alexandria to-dav. J. MoDowsll Standard Bank. has returned from a two weeks' holidav in Orillia. Miss Mabel Ackrell, Belleville, je the est of Mrs. J, W Hamlev, 'Mr. Kennedy, Metropolitan Bank and Eugene Hisev, Standard Bank, are taking the Que bee trip, this week, Wid Johngon, Belle ---- Pratt's headache powders for neural gia and headache, 1 powders in pare *Phone 94, "and Beonomical. ket, 10c. Only at Meleod's drug -- T | tore . The City of Mexico has contracted Un August' 2nd, the ratepayers of | Henry Cunningham, piano tuner for sewerage works and pipe laying | Kemptville will vote on a by-law for from Chickering. Orders received at to cost £600,000, the establishment of a park, I McAuley's book store, Princess street, . JULY 18, Ts The Way We Grow There has never been a cracker made in Canada that Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas They have made the nation cracker hungry ; made us the first year, and made every- body. think of MOONEY'S PERFECTION CREAM Summer Complaints. Diarrhoea, Dysentery, omach Cramps, Colic, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Seasickness, and all Looseness of the Bowels whether in children or adults, can be cured by the use of DR. FOWLER'S EXTRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY. It has been a household remedy ror 60 years, It is Rapid, Reliable, snd Effectual in its action, It is Pleasant and Harmless to take. It does not leave the bowels in a constipated iti It is for sale by all dealers, It bas many substitutes. Do not accept them, They may be dangerous. Mgrs. Fren. J. BROOKS, Shetland, Ont., writes: 'I have a large family and have been using Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for years for Diarrhea and Cramps, and I always intend to use it, for I know of nothing else so good for both children and adults. It gives almost instant velief in all cases of bowel complaint, NO ACCIDENTS IN NATURE, Every (Calagity, No Matter How Great, Has a: Definité' Begin- 3 ning. There are no accidents in nature. The avalan that without a mo ment's warning rushes headlong down the Mountain - For years pi been crystalizing, minute weight to its base when the ed a certain px Neither is not an accident ous tiny 'atoms have and adding their the mass which left accumulation reach st an accident.™ The infinitesmally germ Which is the cause of dand and baldniss, feeds silently and before the result is seen. The small germs which thrive on the scalp and which ure the cause of bald ness and dan annat exist, how ever, when Newbro's Herpicide is ap plied. Sold by leading wists, Send Toe in stamps for = * to the Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mul GG. W. Mahood. special agent, WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. fice, second floor over Mahood's drug store, corner Princess and Bagot streets. kinterance on , Bagot street. Telephone 60S. ARTHUR ELLIS ARCHITECT, OF. @c site of New Drill Hall, near cor mer of Queen and Montreal Streats. POWER & SON ARCHITECT, MER. chant's Bank Building, cormer Brock and Wellington streets: Phone 213 IENRY P. SMITH, ARCHIT} vy Anchor Building, Mar 'Phone 945. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLORE Fire . rance Compan 3 Arsilavle hssets $61,187,215. Im tion to policy holders have for unlimited Hability of the stockhoiders. Farm and city propert! insured at low possible rates. lore renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. COVER. MORE ON dings aud contents thas any otn- er company offers ine them at y i. DUR POLICIES bail Abundance of CROP CONDITIONS FAVORABLE REPORTS FROM Look Promising---The Most Promising Reports Received for 'Many Are Rejoicing. trip through the country dav your. correspondent was agreeably surprised at the outlook for an exoep- of grain. The root crop is also in a splendid state, although it will be late owing to the heavy rains. Farmers here are now busy in taking in one of the heaviest hay crops here in years, It is going to keep them all their time to get ready for the harvest. The fruit crop with the exception of ples, promises to be very heavy. Secar- city of the right severe drawback {o the farmers here. Brockville District, Brockville, Ont., July 17-4 okville, The crops in this district promise well, with the up to the average, owing to too much ever cut in this section. Outs and bar ley which are the principal grains grown, look well and promise a large yield. The farmers in this istrict are engaged principally in dairying, for which the season has been remarkably favorable, ) Farmers Are Happy. Smith's Falls, Oat., July 17. The crops - in this section never looked bet ter, and if conditions continue favor able we will have an abundant vest. The farmers in this district perfectly satisfied regarding pects for the season, har are the pros In Cornwall District. Cornwall. July 17. The crops in this district are on thy whole very good. The spring was cool, with ab- indance of rain, consequently pastur age is plentiful and the hay crop is heavy, particularly on the higher land. As the eastern counties are ga J4airy country this fact is important, Most of the grain grown in this tion is fed on the hogs.ete, SO farms to cattl good aml wheat fair. Corn was of ne cessity late and the crop will not be as good as usual. Potatoes give pro mise of an abundant tables generally. Small fruits are ab undant and apples promise to be plentiful. Heaviest In Years. Morrisburg, Ont, - July 17The crops in this district are looking het Wit ome off In anticipation of ah ex ceptionally abundant harvest. Then will be plenty of hay made while the sun is shining this year, as the men dows are thick and heavy," The sani can be said of all kinds of grain, In fact ax a farmer put it yesterday, the crops are a little to the good ; they are that in some cases they are beginning to lodge, This is ospec ally true of fall wheat. But few farm ers will find fault with this Pota toes Were never more thrifty, and ap ples will be a big yield, has been a little backward owing to the wet season, but is now-coming along nicely with the warm, dry weather, and promises well. Barring this ex ception, everything is looking as it is possible for it to look. «0 heavy as well Most Promising In Years. Almonte, Ont, July 17. in this district at this season of year never perhaps looked so they do at present, » considerable cold The erops the well as Notwithstanding weagher in the gitming of the season they have had regular rain and owing to extremely warm, sultry weather of the last cou ple of weeks are now in a particularly promising condition. In the township of Ramsay the hay crop is good but on some of the older meadows is rath er light, The root crop is partiadarly «0 promising for a pumber In the townships of Fitzroy and Pak enham and Huntley the hay, grain and root crops look particularly well, in fact, taken altogether, the crops in this district are in a decidedly better condition than they have been for some vears. The fruits also promis well and it in expected there will be an abundance of apples and berries. Perfect Soda Water, Ours is perfect because we manufac ture~it with scrupulous care. Every- thing we use is pure and fresh, Our soda water is 4s cold as ice can make es. Pure ice cream and large, thin glasses. Wade's Drug Store. Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) disinfect Godwin"s Insurance Emperium, Mark. br Three applications of Pe Corn salve will cure hard or soft corns, 15c, ot Wade's drug store. ant soup powtler hame. It disinfects same time, is a boon to any and cleans at the p-- -- -- " periority istold in our catalogoe. It's free, T is not the amount of heat you gener- ate in the boiler that makes a success- ful heating system. It is the gmount of heat you use We have succeeded in designing a boiler, that holds and uses more of the heat gener. ated in the fire-pot than any other Loiler on the market. Oxford Hot Water Boiler Sides of th® fire pot Slant inwards above the fire, so that instead of the heat sliding up through the flues it sharply impinges against these inlined walls, J, first water section nearest fire, the flues are bell- shag ed, so that a very great surface is exposed. The Oxford Boiler saves foel because every bit of the heat generated by it is used. Complete details of Oxford Boiler su- THE GURNEY FOUNDRY CO., Limited ¥ Montreal Winnipeg Calgary Vancouver 1008 | Hay -- Potatoes | Years--Farmers i Belleville, Ont., July 17.--During a | the other | tionally fine crop of nearly all classes | ap- | ind of help is al exeeption of---corn; which will not be | rain during the past couple of weeks, | Hay will be one of the heaviest crops | Barley is a fair erop, oats is | vield and the same may be baid of roots and vege | very | of years, | it. We use nothing but pure fruit juio | --_---- and an occasional one { { any other medicine. They h | open had. NS The Lal Compan. To Build Robust Health start at the foundation of life and health. Assist your organs to do their work: properly. nourish if your liver is not working right. Dyspepsia and Indigestion follow if your digestive organs are out of order, Constipation cannot exist if your bowels are free.. A short course of Beecham's Pills will soon put you right keep you so. : etn Ba pais wd 5 $3 will do more to build up robust health and maintain it than tinually doing it for thousands all over the world. If you start now and take BEECHAM'S PILLS occasionally you will certainly benefit to a remarkable degree. _ Proprietor, THOMAS RERCHAM. 8¢. Helens, Bugland. Everywhere, Oanada and U. 8. America. " MEATS THAT SATISFY" Lard that suits all requirements is Lard obtainable. disnts and low in price. PURE LARD--Made from Leaf Lard and Pork Trimmings, Pure and good. Certain to givé entire | satisfaction. KETTLE LARD -- Made of the finest Leaf Lard and rendered in Your grocer probably has these three Nhe grades. Ifnot, let us know and we will see "that you are supplied. Food and drink cannot SR S ; ave done this, and are con- a Made of the purest ingre~ i : kettles, Nothing finer can be ng Paching @. Provision ¥, Limited Montreal. The Canadia | Ferritories, excepting 8 and 26,.which ha n North-West. EGULATIONS Any even numbered section of Dominion Lands in Manitoba or the North- Fury not been homesteaded, or provide wood lots for settleys, or for other purposes, may be homesteaded upon by any person who is the sole head of afa to the extent of pue-duarter section of 160 | ENTRY { Entry may bo made personally at the : | which the land to be taken is situated, op ter than they have for voars, and the | " v \ | apnlication to the Minister of the Interior. Ottawa, the Commissi Paseo I A op ated. Toto dubs a toad en docal Agent tua for | cirarged for a homes! try. | A settler who has been provisions of the Dominion the conditions connected therewith, unde (1) At lease six months' residence upon year during the term of three years, It is the » ®ettier to bring 15 acres under cultivation, some one to HOMESTEAD DUTIES; anted an entry for a homestead is Act, and the a local office for the district in the homesteador desires he oner of im iE nee required by the mendments thereto, to perf: one of the followi 3 and cultivation land in each practice of the ent to require but if he prefers, he may substitute orm stock; and 20 head of cattle, to be actually his own property, with buildings for | (2) If the fatlior (or mother, | eligible to make a homestead entry unde a farm in the vicinity of the land entere their accommodation, will be accepted instead of the cultivation. 0 mmoda LC is requirements of this act as Lo residence prior-to ob by such person residing w th the father 6r mother. (3) If a sultier was entitled to and hn the requirements of this act as to resi satisfied by residence upon the first homestead, if vicinity of the first homestead. the (a her i any person who ig rovisions of this act, resides upon y such person as a Seats She the for taining patent may be ® obtained entry for a second nee prior to obtaining the second ho: the (4) If the settler has his permanent residetice upon farming land owned by him In the vicinity of his homestead, the requirements of this act as to residence m be satisfied bv residence upon meant to indicate the same township, or settior whe avails himsell of the provisions of Clauses (2). tivate 30 acres of his homestead, or substitute 20 head of for their accommodation, and have the saidland. The term "vicinity" used ve an Adjoining of cornering tow: Pp. A (8) or (4) must cul ,» with buildings besides 80 acres substantially fonced. The vilege of a second entry is rostricted by law Lo' those settlers only who completed the duties upon their first homsteads to entitle them to patent on or hel 2nd June, 1889. Every homesteader who fa 18 to comply with the the homsetead law is liable to have his sutry cancelled, and again thrown open for entry. APPLICATION | Shotild be made at the end of three years ears, belo the Homestead Inspector. Before making applitation for Patent, give six months' notice in writing to th fttawa of his intention to do so ore requirements the land may be FOR PATENT re the Local Agent, Sub-Agent or e settler must commissioner on INFOR MATION Newly arrived immigrants will receive at the Immi ration Office or at any Dominion Lands Office in Manitoba or the formation as to the lands that are open for entry, and free of expenses, advice and assi mation respecting the land, application to the Secretary of the N.B.--In addition to Free Grant Lan "GASOLINE Yachts and Automobiles And all other purposes. in Winnipeg, orth-West Territories, ine from the officers in charge ~ sistance in securing lands to suit them. Full infor timber, coal and mineral laws, as well as Dominion Lands in the Railway Beit in British Columbia, mmy be 6 Department of | Commissioner of Lamigraton. et aanitoha; ° 4 11 nds n | anitoba or the North-Wes el ories good and the grain crop never look) | Lands Agents in ww CORY, Deputy Minister of the Interior. de, to which the Regulations above stat- ed refer, thousands of acres of most desirable purchase from ralirond and other corporations and private firms in Western respecting btained upon . the Interior, Ottawa: the or to any of the Dominion lands are available for lease or Can We have this in all grades. Get Our Prices. t McKELVEY & BIRCH, To protect safe from fi 69 and 71 Brock 8t., Kingston. sins EE -- IT'S NOT A LUXURY your valuables in a small re and thieves, it's 'Good Common Sense. All sizes and prices, call and see them, J. B.C. DOBBS & C0., 171 WELLINGTON STREET, ~ Typewriter and Bicycle Repairers. $ » Ww