-------- Your Money and I Your Health. ADA" ely the purest and most orld. , 30¢, 40¢, 50¢, 60c By all Grocers. rd. St. Lonis, 1004. to sweltering 'men. We have pool, smart reeze. We never before sold socmany hot vour shape or "Left," here are clothes 50 and $8.50. fuits, $7.50, £8.50, $10 and $12. omespuns, Worsteds and Cheviots, $= 50, , $2.50. ~ rment and up. nd wk, for camping, outing and for all sparta right thing. You can always depend upon E. 1, 81.25, $1.50, $1.75, £2 to $3. ng special at $1. BIBBY CO. )erdashers, Oak Hall. a Question n is to learn. tion of first cost. 1 of consistent quality. mpleteness of line, on whether you have seen Bath-room fixtures, If not ~ & BIRCH 3rock Street. TELS sesssssa ssa DRROW ~~ - 5c. emer Sale = f Colored Jats ow of any Colored Straw the store, for a quarter. en's and girls' untrimmed } of styles--dozens and Regular prices run from 25¢. BBW RBA RAS SLRS W STAR TR LET ONS R ae The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store. WR dn NFEGTION DNG'S ce, 30c. per pound. Princess St. " : : ce ---- mm ------_---- LIVING TOO HASTILY CANADIAN WOMENBREAK DOWN Irregularities and Female Der ments Result -- Cured by Lydia "E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Owing to our mode and manner of living, and the nervous haste of every woman to accomplish just so much each day, it is said that there is not one woman in twenty-five but what suffers with some derangement of the female organism, and this is the secret of so many unhappy homes. No woman can be amiable, light- hearted and happy, a joy to her hus- band and children, and perform the duties incumbent upon her, when ghe is suffering with backache, headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, bearing- down pains, displacement of the woinb, spinal weakness or ovarian troubles. Irritability and snappy retorts take the place of pleasantness, and all sun- shine 'is driven out of the home, and lives are wrecked by woman's great gnemy--womb trouble, Read this letter: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: -- ** I suffered for four Foam with what the doctors called inflammation of the fallopian tubes, which is a most distreming female dis- ease, undermining the constitution and sap- ping the life forces. If you had seen mea year ago when I had begun taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com nd, and had noticed 'the sunken eyes, sallow com, ion and general emaciated condition, and com- pared that person with me as I am to-day, robust, hearty and well, you would not won- der that I feel thankful to yon and your won- derful medicine which restored me to new life and health in five months. My friends all marvel at the change it has made in me; but none can appreciate it better than I can myself."--Miss Irene Hapgood, 1022 Sandwich St, Windsor, Ont. At tHwfirst indication of ill health, such as painful or irregular menstrua- tion, secure at once a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and begin its use. Er -------------------------- GRAFT IN EGYPT. With *° Hands Stuck Out to Be Greased. Cairo, July S.--The "graft" prob lem is proving more difficult for Lord Cromer to solve than all the other intricate and complex difficulties of Egyptian administration put to gether, The of Egypt's finan cial system was a simple 'matter com- pared to reforming Egyptian officials and . eradicating the constant ten , both high and low, to have palm greased." Bribing officials was the customary method of doing business. The only mistake one was in danger of making was in not offering a bribe. In such would mouth reformation large enough the official meaningless words of "insulting his integrity." "reflecting on his honor," and the like, but the real insult lay in the smallness of the offering. Lord (romer a case has determined to drive out graft. He is meeting with slight and a constitutional change must take dace in the Egypt lan mind before the reform can Le effected to any great extent. Follow ing their leaders the beggars have he Come so persistent in their demands for backsheesh that an appeal been issued to all tourists, signed by Lord Cromer, and Mr. Riddle and de la Bouliniers, respectively, the American and French consuls, re questing their countrymen from giving alms ' The police, too, have been incited to take an interest, and the wksheesh nuisance during the past season considerably mitigated. SNCCPRS, has Comte to desist was Perfoctly pure soda water, pure ice cream, pure fruit svrune. and laree thn vlisens at Wade's soda fountain Robert Badgley, a yeoman, formerly of Thurlow township, died Friday at Toronto. Deceased was about sixty iv# 'vears of age, Hf arn | tl y PANTO Nestlé's Food requires no milk --no Serilinog. Just add water and it's ready for the bottle. Nestlé's Pood is always the same e form--same composition--winter and sum- mer. Nestlé's Food Insures a Steady Increase in Weight protects babies against stomach troubles and summer complaints ~--gives to mothers a food that they know is absolutely pure and wholesome for babies, Free sample. sent to mothers on request. THE LEEMMEG, MILES CO. Limited, MONTREAL A haede . A very jolly picnic . party went off on a gasoline latnch, on Saturday ai- ternoon,. making a run down near Gananoque, and also up the lake. The party, consisting of about twenty, landed and had tea, and spent the rest of the evening wander- ing about in their launch over 'the lake and' river in . the moonlight. Seme strangers on board who had their first taste of the delights of sailing on our Kingston waters, in a small boat, consider us all very much to be envied. «ie ee / PTOOY . The luncheon, the tea, the dinner, have al pgiven place to the im- promptu picnic, to the sail on lake and river, and to the steamer trips down the Rideau and the St. Law- rence. Perhaps it is the way that the Kingston women revel in the: out-of doors, throhgh the summer, that gives them. that freshuess that the gaieties of winter' and 'spring never seem able to dim. For the last few weeks those who cold do so, have spent much time on the water, and the simpler life of the sumwer' time is Kingston's life just new. cle . .- To'marfdw a contingent will go down the Rideau to Mr. George Rich- ardson's camp, six miles above New- boro. In the party will be Miss Minnie Gordon, Miss Howe, of Schenectady; Miss Bessie Richardson, Mr. Huntley Gordon, and Mr. Stanley Cunning- ham. The big camp, which Mr. Rich- ardson, with large-hearted hospitality opens. up every year for visitors about the first of August, has this vear had its opening about a fort night earlier, specially in honor of] some of the people mentioned above. . . - . Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Grout, here from Arnprior, for a visit Canon and Mrs, Grout. iss ~Edith Davies, who has heen Mrs. Loucks' guest, intends leaving, on Thursday, for Hawkestone, Mr. J. 8. Going will sail for Eng- land, from Montreal, to-morrow. He will be gone about six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hill Macnee, and their small daughter, will leave on Thursday for Bay View, near Old Orchard, on the Maine coast. Miss Minnie Daley, of Kingston, was a visitor' at the Britannia Yacht (lub dance, Ottawa, on Saturday last. Miss Etta LeVesconté, who is at present in Newport, will leave there on the 25th, and will come to Mon- treal, to stay with Dr. Buller, and her gister, Mrs. Buller, for a day or SO. Adelaide LeVesconte, of Campbellford. will join her there, and they will sail together for a trip of three months in the old country. Miss Etta LeVesconte has been one of the most successful graduates from the Royal Victoria" hospital, Montreal, and has heen compelled to leave this continent altogether, in order to get a much-needed rest. . . are with Z . . - Mr. Kenneth Macpherson came up vesterday, from Ottawa, and is stay ing with. his sister, Mrs. K. N. Fen wick. Mrs. Balliott is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Albree. Miss Mildred Macmorine will leave, shortly for Ancaster to visit Mrs. Fred Ransom. Mrs. Arthur Matheson, and ker baby will leave in August, for Pembroke, where she and Mr. Matheson will take up house, Mrs. Felix Shaw returned the end of last week from Perth. Miss Katie "Gordon goes morrow, to Mrs. dean camp. Miss Rutherford, who hgs been with Mrs. Kent, at "Somersby House," down to Richardson's Ri now staying with Mrs. Brownfield. She will probably go to Tremont Park on Saturday, to' visit Mrs, Druty. A « eo eo Major and Mrs. Panet came up the Rideau, from Ottawa on Saturday, and ate now with the Hon. William Harty's' Big household, at 'hannel Grove. Mrs, Macarow and her little son' Philip gre: also there, and Mr, Hugh Osler also is attached to the party. Dr. Chamberlain, of Dundas, was a Sunday visitor at the camp, Mrs. Laidlaw, of Montreal, is visit ing her son, Mr. David Laidlaw. Mrs. Middleton, in Waterloo street, London, gave a charming little tea on Tuesday last for her guest, Mrs. Ed ward Brown, of Deseronto. Mrs, Brown wore 4 very pretty and dainty gown of pink muslin, r, George Richardson, Jr. is spendlig a few days in the city with his parents. . . . Some of Mrs. Hague's family went over to their cottage on Wolfe Island to-day. Mrs. Hague herself, and the rest of the family will be backwards and forwards between the island and their town house. Mrs. Gates is now thinking of going down to Quebec about the middle of August, having in mind the naval manoeuvres there at that time, and the gaieties connected with the visit ! of Prince Louis of Battenburg and his squadron, Majo and Mrs, Bruce Carruthers will. leave to-mbtrow, for Lake Como, on the New Jersey coast. Miss Amelia Davis, of the K.G.H., will go home this. week to Lyn, for her holidays. Mrs. Harn," Kingston, and Miss Horn, Toronto, are visiting Mrs, Oram, Argyle Avenue, Westmount. . - . Dr. R. T. Walkem, K.C., will reach Kingston, on Friday. Miss Laura Nicolle has passed with honors the junior examination of the Toronto Conservatory of Music. Miss Nicolle is da talented young musician, and is a pupil of Miss Jean Pater son. Miss Amy Campbell went down, to day, to Mrs.) Richardson's camp. Mrs. R. T. Walkem came home, ves terday, from her trip, and once more hospitable "Queen's View" is opened up. Every one is pleased to have this very popular chatelaine home again. - " - . - Miss Laura Malone leit to-day for Toronto, going up on the same train THY and his wife, of Stirling, Dr. Malone is going on to Hamilton to attend the Masonic convention, and his wife will stay with Mrs. Anthony Malone, Homewood avenue, Toronto. Miss Gertrude Carnovsky, Chatham, is visiting Miss Reta Hiscock, Wil liam street, Mrs. Hoskin, and Miss Hoskin, froy, Malta, are visiting Mrs. Hoskin's sis- ters, Mrs. Lawson and Mrs. F. Fl the Virginian. - - - Mrs. J. Baker Murphy, London, formerly of Kingston, announces the engagement of her daughter, Florence, to Dr. William J. Holland, of Maple wood, Mass. The marriage will take place on Jaly 26th. - - . oe Sir Gilbert Parker, M.P., who! is coming on a visit to Canada, will sail by the Virginian on August 3nd. Mr. Albert Horton, chief of the representative in the press gallery at day. The marriage of Miss Frances Grant, voungest daughter of Mr. Paul Grant, of Cardinal, to Mr. Howard Phillips, of Port Huron, Michigan, formerly of Cornwall, Ont., will take place July 26th, in St. Paul's church, Car- dinal. de Announcement has been made in London, of the engagement of Mrs, Arch. Marjoribanks, formerly Miss. Bes- sin Brown, of Nashville, Tenn., to Thought He Lost It. neighborhood of the Grand Trunk to-day. A stranger after having spent last evening in Kingston, was depart- ing on the fast trasn. On looking for money wherewith to pay for his ticket he found he had lost his pocketbook. As that little treasure contained in the neighborhood of $2,000, things thought the stranger had "touched for his wad." However, by the time the officer of the law arrived the missing wallet had been found in another pocket where it was mislaid. ------ Sending Lantern Slides. The civic industries' committee is arranging to send lantern slides with Kingston views to the Municipal Journal, Toronto, which asked for a number to be used in an illustrated lecture to be given before the 'Union of Canadian municipalities to be held in Toronto shortly. Ald. Walkem - has the matter in hand. Here is at last a chance for the industries' committee to advertise Kingston at small ex- pense. Used Magistrate's Skiff. Last evening's paper contained an account of the brutal attack by a midnight robber on Mrs. Fanny Har- nois 'and her daughter Jda, at their summer home, Grennell Island. The assailant rowed to that place from Thousand Island Park and by a strange coincidence it happened to be the skiff of Magistrate Farrell, of this city, who has a cottage at the park,that he temporarily confiscated for the occasion. £ Sammy Disciplined. of the late Jacob S.° Reymer, candy merchant, was filed here, his only son, Samuel S:, wha 2 Nine time ago offended his father by marry- ing Nellie Paris, a poor dancing girl, has practically been disinherited, be. ing cut off with the income of £20,000 for life. An only sister enjoys the bulk of the estate. the ---------- | The Company Is Busy. The Watertown Engine company, of Watertown, N.Y., has lately rece some very large orders, necessitating running over-time and are now tak. ing on all the machinists, moulders, pattern-makers and helpers they can get. The great demand for their four-valve high spied engine has largely increased their business. How to Avoid Catching Cold. Allow yourself to "run down" and catch cold from the first germ that comes your way. Wade's Iron Tonic Pills make you cold proof by giving vou rich healthy blood, the kind that kills all disease germs. In boxes 95c. at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if not satisfactory. ------ Stolen At Camp. During the recent camp at Barrie- field, eleven blankets were stolen from the 47th Regiment. It is said that the authorities know where eight of that number have been sold already for five dollars. Unless the missing articles are ceturned at once there promises ta be trouble for the guilty parties. Fashionable Clothing To-Order. Prevost's Brock street, had the reputation finest clothing to order, For material, style and workmanship, he cannot be has always choose from . at rock-bottom prices, A first class fit guaranteed, Give him a trial] Will Meet In Toronto. | Special to the Whig. { Toronto, July 15.--The internation- al waterways commission will meet in Toronto on September 13th, to hear any parties who have anything to say regarding the proposal to dam the outlet. of Lake Erie, Brockville And Ogdensburg. Awerica, Friday, RB a.m., calling at Gananoque and Rockport, both wavs, + Meals on board. Home early. 50c. Mayor Weaver, Philadelphia, will, within 5 few days, institute criminal prosesention against certain persons prominent in municipal affairs, There's more wholesome nutrition and healthfulness in a loaf of Toyejs bread than in anything elsé you can buy for the same money. Dr. Chown's special Iron Tonie Pills | for weak, nervous, run down people, 25¢.. and S0c. Citrate of magnesia in bottles, 25e, as ker brother, Dr. Herbert Malone, Gibson's Red (ross drug store. | Hott, Alfred street. They 'came out on Hansard staff, Ottawa, and Miss Mar- | guerite Graham, member of the Can- | adian Women's Press club, and a press | the capital," were married on Satur. | on | Douglas Hogg, a member of the Eng- | lish bar, Mrs. Marjoribanks is the widow of Archibald Marjoribanks, | third son of the late Lord Tweed- | mouth and brother of Lady Aberdeen. Quite a sensation was created in the | railway's city ticket office about noon | were lively for a time. The police were | at once communicated with as it was | been | Pittsburg, Penn., July 18.--The will | and | - get his leg « of making the! beaten. A large variety of goods to! DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, JULY 1s. ODDFELLOW'S RELIEF, | THE ANNUAL SESSION BEING HELD HERE. Fifty Representatives Are in At- tenddnce from All Over Can- ada--Thirty Years Since the Association Was Formed. The Oddfellows' Relief. Association | met in annual sessioweheg this after- ! noon and will sontinue ill Wednesday evening. There are fifty representatives in attendance : [© W. H. Cole, Brockville Joseph Oliver, W. Johnston, J. B. King, John Donogh, J. T. Horni- brook, of Teronto. |W. A. Dennis, Galt { ob J. Reid, D. J. Dickson, C.J. Williams, T. J. Pottds, of Montreal. A. Phi Huntington, E. G. Butterworth, George Bell, Ot tawa. R. K. Cowan, London. !~ 0. L. Lewis? Chatham, E. C. Garbutt, Picton. L. B. Cooper, L. Pascoe, Belle ville, ; C. E. Brodie, Quebec. J. R. McDonald, Sherbrooke, Que. C."B. Allen, St. John. NB. J.D. McKean, Westville, I+ A, MeCormick, H. BR. Rose, John aston Douglas, Winnipeg. Henry White, Port Hope, F. 8. Evanson, Prescott, T. J. Naylor, Deserunto. C. R. Cotton, Gananoque, F. 8. Scott, Napanee, S. Law, Guelph. A. B. McBride, Waterloo, | J. E, Farewell, Whithy. C. W. Postlethwaite, Merrick ville, Leonard Ferguson, St. Thomas. Dr, Whittaker, Avonmore, T. H. Mallory, Mallorviown. W. H. Hoyle, N.P.P., Cannington. W. J. Manahan, Brockville, i R. D. Sloan,. J. A. Dennison, King ston, IW. D. Spence, St. Mary's, A. M. Jacobi, Oshuwa. W. H. Allen, Carleton Mace. Nearly ¥> more for the money. - Canada Flakes comes in the big 15¢ package ~nearly !{ larger than any other, is not only the biggest package, but the best cereal, Toasted wheat--ready to eat, With every package you receive a handsome premium, Eat Canada Flakes and get these serviceable premiyms AT YOUR GROCER'S. THE PETERBOROUGH CEREAL CO. Limited, - PETERBOROUGH, Ont. absolutely free. MELCHERS RED x CROSS ¢ NADIAN ef [ S. M. Thomson, Brantford, The Oddfellows' Relief Association | was established by a few Oddfellows in Kingston in 1805. and is thus thirty vears old. In 1875, it had 354 mem bers; to-dav it has over 17,000. The re | venue in 1875 was $952. in 1904 it was S21,827.06. In 190 the amount paid in death benefits was $17%.500.06. To day the assaciation has o surplus of | 350,000 over and above liabilities, the bulk of it being invested in municipal debentures, There is $21 801.250 in Surance on the Hooks. In the thirty | years of its existence the association -has. paid out nearly a million and a | half dollars in death claims. The | Oddfellows' Relief Association. has thus accomplished a great work, t noon to-morrow, the association representatives. will take a trip down the river on the steamyacht Wherenow on which lunch will bie served. Thev will return later in the afternoon and resume business, The - executive officers of the associ- ation are all of Kinoston, viz, : R. F. Elliott, P.G., president; Thomas Don. nelly, P.G., vice-president: R. Meek, secretary-treasurer; A. HH. Black P.G.R., superintendent of agen: HEARING A CASE In Which Attempt is Made to Collect Damages. Below is the docket heard by | Madden of Judge Napanee, in the division | court. His honor mounted the bench t this. morning, at the court house, and at the time of adjournment, hali-past { twelve, was still taking evidence in the case of J. I. Cooke vs. the cor poration' of the city of Kingston and Leighton, The action is one to recover ¥30 owing to the damages sn tained when a team bel nging Mr. Guess ran into the plaintifi's cut j ter; on March 5th last. The mishap occurred in front of Mellquham's liv uess NE \ = "EVERYBODYS STORE: mn - REMEMBER Our Great Summer Clearing Sale of Millinery to summer must go [a ALL THIS WEEK Trimmed Hats, Untrimmed Hats, Ready-to-Wear Hats, Children's 'Hats, *In fact everything that belongs All marked for quick selling, Ld 1 Pi $64 Homeseekers' Excursion Tickels WILL BE ISSUED TO | MANITOBA AND THE CANA- DIAN NORTH-WEST. Going July 15th. Returning Sept. 16th. CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION PORTLAND, OREGON June 1st fo Oct. 15th, 1905. Round Trip Fare, $75.30 Tickets on sale daily, and valid to re« turn within 90 days from date of sale: 'but not later than November 30th, 1905. 1'or further particulars, tickets and all oti.er information Anply to J HA Y 1 assenger Agents City QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED, River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises In Cool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron . 88, pana,' 1700 tons with electric lights, electric bells and all wodern comfort, : Sails from Montreal Mondays, 2 p.m., August; 11h 'and 30th September. for u, : 4 Beton, N8 st Quebes, al y ree, - Ca ve, River, Wummeratie, Tole.l, and lottetown, P.R.I, » callin, a Chars Summer Excursions, $35 and upwards, bv the new Screw SS, "Perm lan," 6,600 tons. Sailing fortnight! from New York, from 7th June to Lit October. Temperature 1 breezes seldom rises above 80 degrees. Princess Hotel open the year round, The finest trips of the season for health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec, For tickets and staterooms y to J P. HANLBY, or Jr P. GILDER: SLBEVE, Ticket Agents, Kingston, nt...» R SEER DE RATE RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN. PACIFIC RAILWAY. Centennial Exposition Portland, Oregon June ist to October 15th, 1905. Round Trip Fare $75.30 FROM KINGSTON Tickets on sale daily, and valid to res turn. within 90 days from date of sale ; but not later than November #0th, 1906. -- Sharbet Lake and Retura $140. Good going all trains Saturday, Returning following Monday. Full particulars at K. & P, and OP; R. Ticket office, Ontario Street, PF, CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR, Gen. Pass. Agent Gen, Supt. Bay of Quinte Railway Napanes, Osseronto, and all local points. 'Traine 'eave City Hall Depot at 8:35 p.m. ¥. CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiagsten. Daily Line - ery. The runaway, however, started further up Princess = street, and the city's liability enters the case through the non-removal of snow from beside the double track between Clergy and Barrie streets. It mav be brought out in evidence that the banks of snow were what caused one of the horses to 'r the pole of the rig, and thus incite his partner to run away. Thus there is a chance of neg ligence being proven against the oity, and the loss falling on the corpora tion rather than on the livervman. .J. L. Whiting is conducting the ease for Cooke while the solicitor, 1). M. Mein t tyre, is looking after the city's incr este, Seven witnesses will be ealled on cach side, A New Guage Required. Since. the steamer America collided with the wharl at the foot of Brock street several we ago, there been no water age, as it was smashed and away by the collision. Harbor master "MeCummon has asked the city engineer to have a new one replaced that carried awgy as he desires to continue his monthly readings of the guage. These readings has ¢ carried are reported ularly to the en gineer's office, in which thers is a record of the rise and fall of the harbor water for vears past, -- Bishop's 'Long Odds." The Bishop of Norwich recently ro- marked at a wveeting that Great Brit- ain had a greater influence over the heathen than all other mations of Europe put together. In carrying out o ber ideas of colonization she picked | & the best countries in the world, and | & France and Germany, in efforts at co- | © lonial expansion, had difficulty in find ing "any valuable part of the globe not appropriated by Britain. The one flag seen everywhere was the Union Jack. If he were a betting man and saw a ship on the horison, he would lay pretty long odds that it was float ing the British flag Age Adds To Its Popularity. Fifty years-ugo Putnam's Corn Fx- tractor was introduced. Its sale has been enormous. Why ? Because its the only' painless remedy for corns, warts and bunious. Doubtless, you've proved this yoursuif. Trusses, "a perfect fit No charge for fitting, drug store, aranteed.'" Chown's ge CO0OFOO0O00O0IOOOD000 §! Hot Water Heater Soot is a mon-conductor of heat. If soot ceats the surface of a hot water heater, half the heat from the fire is lost, half the coal is wasted, That is why some furnaces do not heat well, their flat surfaces and sections collect soot, In the '""Bison' hot water heater, there are no flat surfaces -- there is no non-conducting blanket of soot--you get all the heat in the coal direct on the water surfaces and you get it quickly. THE H. R. IVES CO,, Limited, Montreal, SBP OOO OOHOOC rGO00000000000000000000000000 FINANCE AND INSURANCE G. A. BATEMAN Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Life and Fire [Insurance BROKER . Office, 61 Clarence St, or Real Estate Or Insurance Conwnlt with GRO, CLIFF before baying at 9 Clarence Street OC If You Want a Home OR INSURANCE, Have a Talk With Real Estate George Zeigler, Reyl, Entate | 67 Brock Street. If You Have a Farm for Sale Or want to boy a Farm Cousilt T. J.LOCKHART, Corner of Wellington and Brock Streets, King- ston, Fire and Life Insurance. Up-to-date Policies. . FOOOOITOIOOOC rOOG000C000000000000NGGO00 Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Islands, Brockville, Prescott and Montreal. | Steumers KINGSTON & TORONTO LEAVE KINGSTON : GOING EAST--Daily, at 6 a.m. GOING WEST---Daily, at's pan. Kingston to Clayton, 1,000 Islas Ports, Brockville or Prescott, going and returning Sunday only. Single fare. Kingston to Montreal and return. Ing Saturday or Sunday. T0., Monday. Fare, $6. : Also excursion rates to Toronto and Charlotte going Saturday or Sunday, ré- turning Monday. 3 Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line. LEAVE KINGSTON: Go~ Returning, of GOING EAST, Wednesdays and Fri days and Sundays, at 4.30 paw. GOING WEST, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 11.30 p.m. J, Pe HANLEY, J. SWIFT & CO. Ticket Agent Freight Agents, Lako Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. 1000 Islands -- Rochester Taking Effect June 24th Strs. North King and Caspian Leave Kingston dally, except Monday, at 10.18 am. for Thousand Tslands, calling at Alexandria Bay and Ganano- qu Returning steamert 'leave at "6 E: , for 'Rochester, N.Y., calling at lcton, Deseronto, Belleville: and inter. mediite Bay of Quinte ports. STR. ALETHA--Lesaves Kingston Mon- days at 6 p.m., for Picton and intermed- late Bay of Quinte ports. ¥dll information from J. P. Hanley, J, P. Qildersleeve, Jax, Swilt & Co., Agents. E. B. HORSEY, Trafic Manager, TO QUEBEC DIRECT WITHOUT CHANCE STR. "ALEXANDRIA" Leaves Crale & Co's. whart every Monday, at 6.30 p.m., for Montreal and Quebec, running the rapids. Returning, leaves Kingston Fridays® at 12 midnight, Na Hay of Quinte, for Charlotte and uffalo. I The Steel Lake Excursion Steamer "NIAGARA" Open for Charter. chara Ban inten or ot D . Agts., ton, R, HEPBURN, Manager, Pitton, O° Bermuda :