What Is Going On Tn the Business World--The Markets. ment later. Mrs. Kylé immediately is dori the navisa | walked to the electri tead : an Pacific ay Have Toronto, who lived in I HH up Steauers on the At ray "which will make 20 lantic | to ten years a His family are knots highly respec, hut his life wal h failure. ight 0 be ttn De te wy | BE 4 Eh yeas a us uf steel" . Will run the grand for he year to not less orn of 1.8. Steel Co months .t : aoe are 0U0,000. tl on i i 000 for the vear, term. in 'prison. than for - jon of Kootenay total more than 27,871 | around the Kyle home where he had nearly has been smelted in British the last six snonths the Nova Scotia | to smash in the windows of the Kyle ped 206,876 tons of | house. t 196,652 tons last vear for the same period, an increase of 9.728 tons. The company's steel business is also said to he very good. and from all acrounts profits will be $150,000 to The Cheese Markets. Sold at. 9 T1-16c, | Bt him. cheese LN oly 14 0:005 buxes were | CONGUMERS ELECTRIC PLANT C July 165.521 factdries off- ered 11,010 Boxes cheese ; 700 at Yc. to | Purchased 9 3 I July 15. "feese © wear fierings 1,254 : all sold at 9kc. 4 July 15.--Cheese ruling price, 9 5-16¢c. ; about BOO boxes they last, at the lowest | gotd d, and they are thé Cornwall, Ont., July 151,188 boxes plant. Last night council authorized Mower, 'lest mower id colored were boarded : Ons. July 15. Twelve fae | trie plant for $200,000, and this 2 ' r Vankleek - Hill. Ont. July 15~Fo-day | over debentures covering the amount 1.781 hoxer cheese were bonrded . 125 and 271 hoxes held over 5 heese 940. for ---------------- Y. MW. C. A. Notes. The ladies' swimming class, orgamiz- month, has completed course of ten lessons. Of the thirty six members enrolled only one had any knowledge of the art, but at the end essans, seventeen of the mem- Czar. bers were taught.to swim, $ rapid advancement, fours St, ing to dive and to make some fancy y pc In the preparatory exercises, | that a large party Were. fave Dll magn favor of the Proposition of Emperor the co-ordinating of the two. the given | regency for the Grand Duke Alexislik- : \ up ¢ the physieal | ¢vitch, the infant son of the emperor ET dy Oa and heir to the throne, under grand tions in the various forms of swim- | dukes. dt is altogether for this reason i in "the 'plunge bath | that the meeting of all-Russian zems- agreeable | Voists and Nonmamist congress, which e ladies expressed n warm terms for | Postponed, - ming. The water walk kept at a te to the swimmers, their appregiation' in the privilege afforded them bv the as- sociation direstors for the use. of bath and the instruction of the physi A desire was exp the swimming = olags 'should continued next year. of Lieut.-Col. | police, carly this Kent and officers of the regiment, the San Juan district on west side, and 14th P.W.0.R, band will play the fol. lowing programme Macdonald Park, at 8 o permitting : March, "With Sword and (Stark); selection, (Edwards); intermezzo, '"For- got Me Not": (Macheth); march, "Vis eaumt Nelson" (Zehli): waltz, "Love land™ (Holzmann); in, Idieness" (Macheth): march, "Her- ' (Breprant): polonaise, '"Graco- is searee, ); Regimental March, "God | hore an Thursday selling Delta bug- & Y Exchange, 151 St. James Street this evening at | men were wounded, two seriously, and o'clock, weather "Dolly Serenade, "Tove £m NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS. Dever & Uo, 18 ingston. It Prospering. Ata well hr Pes pe of Court | feet. His drill dropped through into Cataragoi, LO.F., held last night, two | 0fter rock and all efforts by dif- ware Bore' wore initiated and five | i°rent means have failed to get it out. Tie ta ® ership received. | It Puzzles all the experts on drilling afiplications for is i machines. He has used powerful jack Baltimore « Ohi This coutt is in a condition, having more than doubled its membership in the last ten months, "" e ed i Sets. Kindergarten Examinations. Noung ladies have for assis: | pew hole has to be drilled close be tants' certificates : with hondre; Evelyn 6. N a Greenlees with honors, ---- St. James' Moonlight. Wednesday evening, steanir Asnetioa government will soon be called on for Admiralty group | the general safely of the public, and 'réfregh- | tors ©: W. McNamee, of New York, two hours among the -------- -- Wade's glave cleaner, 10c, In Ingersoll. {SHE FIRED THREE SHOTS AT THE MAN. y ---- He Died After Running a Short Distance--His Short Life Was Largely a Failure--e Spent Terms in Several Prisons, Snecial the Whig. 2 N a 51. Ss iy 18. Mrs, Emi- line Kyle, wife of Dr. Kyle, shot and killed David McGee, just outside her , this morning. She fired three shots from her revolver; the first missed, the other two took effect. McGee on the sidewalk after runming ten vards, and died a mo- police headquarters and gave herself up. : YL Molton was a sour uf Job MeGer. oi the | saulting Policeman McConnell and was sent to Central prison, at To ronto, and a couple of years ago was arrested for abducting a Miss Mcin- tyre, of Toronto, and sentenced to a About a month ago he returned to Ingersoll and had here over since. He was not working and bung ve | got food up till about a week ago, when Mr. Kyle ordered him away, owing to his drinking and threatening This morning, within less than #if- teen minutes after Kyle left for work, McGee appeared. Mrs. Kyle told, him to leave, but MoGee did not comply, {| whereupon. the woman got a revolver J off the dresser and fired three shots ------------ by the City of Ottawa. Special to the Whig. Ottawa, July 18.--Ottawa now owns and is operating a civie electric light the purchase of the Consumers' Elec: morning the city treasurer handed and the company handed over the key. The present company officials have heen fore in charge until per- manent officials are appointed. The alacrity to close the deal is said to he tue to a desire to head off possible injupétions. FAVOR A REGENCY And the Deposition of the 8 Sveclal to the Whig. Same of J Petersburg, July 18.--A sensa- tional rivmor is eurrent here, to-day of the zemstvo- ists and Doumanists at Moscow are in Nicholas, and' the 'establishment of was to take place at Moscow, has been NEGRO STREET ROW. After Matter' of Last Weeks Riot in New York. Sneciai to the Whig, 5 New York, July 18. ~Negroes preci- pitated 'a street conflict with the morning, in the before the rioters were subdued four twenty persons arrested. The trouble was an aftermeath of the riots on last Friday and Saturday. Drill Stuck In Rock. Narrows on the Rideau, July 15. -- The farmers here are very busy with their haying operations and hired help x. J, Flood, of Delta, was gies. N. Trotter, of Chantry, whom drilling a well for BE, J. Grennon over a week ago, fell down over thirty screws and every known lever power, but all have proved of no use. Dyna- mite has also failed to loosen the Stoel from the zock and it still remains there as solid as the rock itself: It is a heavy loss to Mr, Trotter, ni a side the one he has put down. He is now in Smith's Falls getting a new set of rods. The 12th of July passed off quictly here. Our roads are in a very bad condition and the attention of the Visi- and Gussie, of Smith's Falls, at P. McNameo's; the Misses Cassid r, of Hallville and Mr. and Miss Myers, of Portland, at Mr. Grennon's: Mrs. Thompson and family, of Chieago, at James Laughran's. ---- Accident To Fire. Engine. An accident befol the fire engine Morryweather 'while being tested ves- terday afternoon by Fireman John Hall and Alderman Mallen, chairman of the fire and light committee, The evlindor head was blown off. The sooner this engine is got rid of the better for the city. It was condemned as unfit for use here some years ago by ex-Engincer Miller. It was to have been advertised for sale recent- Iv. It would make a good engine for a village of ther camp, 1 f [ About to iDeed Of A Doctor's Wife GAVE HERSELF UP This morning thew proceeded down the Special to the Whig. boat, plying on Achore Lake, capsized to-day, while carrying a party of pleasure-seekers, and forty persons were drowned, Special to the Wi pot Hotel was totally destroyed this morning, Six persons were burned to death, 000 to Gaunt and manufacturers, was defeated by a small majority at Westport. cent bad washout, which will cost the village a few thousand dollars, is sup- posed to be the cause being defeated. for the present in his oil well experi- ment in Perth. He has gone down to a depth of over 500 fect--the eapaci- ty of 'his machine-- and will other machine more powerful in drill- THE DAILY WHI, TUESDAY. JULY 18. Pa ------ i -------------- REIIGION JAPAN, 7. ------ Throw 'Of Her Old Belief. ¢ ' Boston, M Waly 18.--~Rev. C. H. Patton, D.U., home secretary of the American Hoard of Foreign Missions, is asking five experts to furnish him with statements in reference to the present 'world outlook. Dr. J. 1. Dav- is, Kyoto, in replying for Japan, says that the nation is on the verge of hosing between Christianity and nothing, the old religions having be- come effete, Buddhism is pronounced moribund by prominent Bi ists, and has lost its power over young Japan. Shintoism is" disestablished and now declared not to be a religion, The Confucian ethics are found to be effete and great educational leaders are de- claring that a new basis of morality must be found and taught, After quoting from recent utterances of such men as Marquis Ito, Baron Moejima, a former member--of the cabinet, and Inouve Enryo, all of whom agree that Japan must have a positive religion to replace what she has lost, and that the religion of Christ is most full of promise for the nation, Dr. Davis con- cludes : "As Japan goes, so will Eastern Asia. The Japanese church is to be a powerful factor in the civilization and the Christianization of Korea and China, 0." pe only discourag- ing thing about the. situation +is that the workers and the resources are jn- adequate. The work is being crippled when it shold be doubled, , . . ira The adequate endowment of the Dosh- isha College would bring results ten times greater than a like sum Spent on any college in the United States. The same may be said of Kobe Col- lege for voung women. In helping and saving Japan now, we are helping and saving not only the fifty - millions of one empire, Hut the five hundred mil- lions of the three empires of Eastern Asia." -- PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All | Over The World. It was eighty-one degrees at 11 p.m. last night og York. : Roger + Landry, who shot and killed Frank Lampshire at Bufialo, on July 9th, gave himself up, Dr. Franklin Clarke, an American, is imprisoned at Kingston, Jamaica, charged with photographing forts. George Diab, a mentber of the Groek church at Dawisiseus, is accused of de- camping te America with church funds. Octave Dupuis, a prosperous farmer of Moncerf, eight miles from Mani- waki, up the Gatineau, was smother- ed to death in aswell. The kaiser is about to vigit King Christian of Denmark. He will remain in Danish waters from July 20th to July 24th and discuss the Scandinavi- an crisis. An injunction has heen served on Captain Visger, restraining him from soliciting patronage at Thousand Is- land Park. The steamboat manager ales a claim 'of unjust discriniing- tion, William F. Hubbard, aged twonty- eight, a forest assistant in the forest service of the department of agricul ture, and formerly of Toronto, was drowned in the Potomac river near Great Falls, Md. Gustave Heuter, a retired San Fran- cisco merchant, was shot and killed at his home in the Santa Cruz moun- tains near Patchen, Cal. A coroner's jury exonerated Mrs, Heuter, who said the shooting way 'done in self-defence. Thomas F. Ryan, who recently pur chased the stock holdings of "James H. Hyde, has imade an agreement with the three, trustees "of the Ryan hold- ings and' the newly elected directors to sell the stock he purchased to the Equitable society. John Maher, forty years old, killed while stringing wires in Avenue D. Maher was a lineman in thé em- ploy of the Rochester Railway & Flee tric Light company, and was at the top of a pole when ho received a shoek from a live wire, An edict has heen issued appointing four progressive Chinese to constitute an embassy, who will start on an in- spection of the countries of the lead- ing powers, for the purpose of study- ing ecomomic and political questions, It is an important step. Finding fault with his breakfast, Lewis Bardsley, Altoona, Pa., aged twentvfour, hut recently married, told his wife that he was going to end his life. Bardsley went to his bed-room' and drank two ounces of laudanum, dying. He was an in veterate cicarette smoker, During the annual international au- tombile race from Turin, via Susa, up Moant Cenis, which was won b. Naz- zari, on a fiat machine, a private au- tomobile collided with a wall, and was overturned. The henzine tank exploded and the three occupants of the car were killed, was Chicago Yawl Here. The yaw] Vannessa, of Chicago, ar- rived here last evening from Chicago, with, its owner and party aboard. Tt is making a trip from Chicago to the Gulf of the St. Lawrence, and thence to New York. The visitors were en tertained at the Yacht (lub House, river, ---------------- Forty Persons Drowned. Lahore, India, July 1S.--A fishing ------ Six Burned To Death. hig. Wabasha, Minn, July 18. --The De- ------ The bydaw to grant a loan of $5- Jessup, woollen The re: of the by-law R. Jamieson has stopped operations get an- Spanish mt Carnovsky's, Fd ing before proceeding further, self. This hymn accomplished as much often revived and inspired dejected hearts." Tt was carved on published ahout 1527 translated doubtless the most 'accu Yursion of Thomas Carlisle, Luther in song. very key of the man--rugged and ma- jestie, trustful in God, and confident, speaking out to the earth and under the earth, an all-con- quering conviction of divine vocation and empowerment." deadly effect. Be prepared with a one minute cure like Nerviline, which kills cramps and diarrhoea stantly. For summer ills, children's pains and aches, Polson's Nerviline is Just right, Get jt to-day. that will wear well and give satisfac- tion 25¢. at Chown's "drug store. Smith's Falls, about 8600 being taken in. Pill 25¢, CAPE STATES PRISON. All His Associates Believe Daniel Grey to be Crasy-- Attempted to Kill Woman With Whom He Lived. Special to the Whig, Detroit, July I18.--By the testimony of the Druillard woman, with whom he was infatuated, and with that of his associates during several months of dissipation and debauchery, all of whom believe him to, De crazy, proba- bly will come the evidence that will send Daniel Grey, murderer of his wife Jonnie, who with her husband came here from London, Ont,, to an asylum, instead of states prison. It is alleged that Grey made at least two attempts to kill Miss Druil- lard, but was pacified, and dissuaded by her, and that after killing his wife he sought the Druillard girl, but was unable to find her. It is believed by Grey's aoquaint- ances that he would have killed the girl, too. The Druillard girl is the daughter of wealthy and respected parents, living on the Canadian side of the river, ! ---- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds How would, you like to be Peary ? Fancy, large English gooseberries at Carnovsky's. For making toast, no bread is as good as Toye's. William Robinson, Jr. came hothe from Rosseau Lake last night. St. James' excursion, América, Wed- nesday evening. Good music. 33. Toronto and Hamilton 'are sizzling hot: Kingston is cool and livible in. Oddfellows" pienic July 26th, at Lake Ontatio Park, Particulars later, A separate freight dock for Phou- sand Teland Park -is under considera: tion. Misses Ida and Lulu lee, loft today to visit friends for oa few weeks in Moscow. Dr. Chown's Headache Powders eure headache and neuralgia like magic, 25¢. a box, The Oddfellows' are not -addiellows or they would g6 about 'the eity in their shirt sleeves like they do at hone. W. H. Hoyle, M.P.P., is in town and "according to Hoyle' he thinks 0 Whitney government is china with a gold band about it. The steamer Neepawah, Fort William to Montreal, with wheat. ligh tered part of her eargo ' at Richardsons' elevator late last night, The finest all-day trip in the world is the America's trip to BrockviHe and Ogdensburg, Friday, 8 a.m., re turning leave Ogdensburg, 3 p.m. HU, Steward Sparham, of the steamer America, met with a painful necident yesterday, a heavy mass of joe fall ing 'on his foot and severely injuring Bs The Ottawa Bank Street Preshy teri- an church excursion is expected here about five o'clock this afternoon. The steamer America is bringing the ex- cursionists from Brockville, The civic employees are to he forced out of their offices during Saturday afternoons for the rest of the sum- mer. No petition has yet been heard of being signed by the officials pro- testing against being forced to take this half holiday. -- CLOSE NEXT MONTH. Premier Balfour's Advice to His Supporters, Snacial to the Whig, London, July [8.--Premier Balfour has dissipated the expectation of an early dissolution of parliament. At a meeting of unionists, to day, the pre- mier urged his supporters to be regi- lar in their attendance at the House of Commons so as to prevent the defeat of the government as the re sult of snap divisions. He pointed ont that a dissolution in August would be inconvenient to the_ house and. to the country. The premier said he did not anticipate any trouble in bringing the session to » close in the week ending August 12th, ------ A Powerful Hymin, The world knows Martin Luther as a reformer; comparatively few know him as musician and hymmologist, writes Allan Sutherland in the Delineator. Luther wrote thirty-seven hymns and psalm revisions, and these have been translated. into many languages. Hig 35¢.. 39¢4 45¢., 50¢., 65c. I'o-Morrow "And Each Day of This Week OUR 'Mid-Summer Sale Dress Goods Every yard of Black and Colored Dress Goods will be offered at 20 Per Cent. Off Panama Cloths, Cashmeres, Serges, Voiles, Eoliennes, Lustres, Sicilians, Fancy Mohairs, and many other mate- rials. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. ee ------------ 20 Per Cent. Off Embroideries TO-MORROW and During the Balance of This Week. This will enable you to secure some remark- able cheap Embroideries as this brings. 'the prices down 'to less than wholesale cost, but we are forced to reduce stock at this season of the year to make room for early fall goods soon to arrive. TURKISH BATH TOWELS Good value in Bath Towels. ¢ Pure White at 15c., 20c:, 25¢., 30c., 35¢, 45¢., 50c.. Each of them you will find on comparison to be extra good value, Brown Turkish Bath Towels, 25¢., 20c., The sale of thes Towels has rapidly increased, andywe attribute it to the good values we have been offering. LINEN TOWELLING Roller Towellings, 5 widths and different weights, 8c., 10c., [2%c, 1 5c, 18c., 20c, Linen Glass Towelling, sc. to 15¢. yard, Huckaback Towelling, roc. to 4oc. yard, Tea Towelling, 10c. to 20c. yard, masterpicce was "A Mighty Fortress is Our God," the great battle-hymn of the reformation, which is as dear to the German heart as the fatherland it- for the reformation as did the trans- lation of the Bible. D'Aubigne says that "it was sung in all the churches of Saxony, and its energetic strains 1 the most sung at Luther's funeral, and its first line is his tomb. Tt was first 27, and has been at least eighty times, rate being the Kostlin hymn is It is pitched in the as well writtens "This powers of the Se ---------- Asiatic Cholera Is Coming ! Is now sweeping over Europe with almest in- ---------------- A large, soft, silky 'bath Sponge Rev. Father. Kelly's pimic at Was a great suceess, Dr. Chown's Buchy-Juniper * Kidney s for kidney and bladder trouble, Three sizes in bathing caps at Gib son's Red Cross drug store, 25c, Hol Miss Flossie Empey, Madoo, is dead, THE LOC ETT after a short Hines, aged eighteen, each, ------ . Suit Cases. Prices $2.25, $2.50, $3. $4, $5, $6, $7. Hand Bags and Satchels. Prices 75¢., $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3. Club Bags. Prices $3, $3 50, $4, $4 50, $s. Kit Bags, English. Prices $7.50, $5, $8.50, $9, $10 up to $18. Trunks. Prices $2 up to $12. TRUNK DEPARTMENT ON SECOND FLOOR. A br iday Time SHOE STORE EEE---- YEAR 72. inte 5 isin NEW Y TIE Sr -- These are 4 little anything we have are fresh and attrac Our Window. LEATHER ] Nothing like | E shown before. On| . They wear like 1 are leather, These specialties handled by the E, P, Jenkins Clo IF YOU H Any difficulty in ted with Shoes, COM and we will make a pleasant one. = Wear "All pa Military Bootmak 84 Brock St. Sign of SOU VED In Sterling Silver, Enan comprising Belt Pins, Hat es, Ash Trays, Pin Trays, These can Le supplied yo Canadian, Ontario or Kings Arms, together with many designs, SMITH BF Jewelers C 350 King Stree " Marriage {SWIFT'S INSURANGE FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, Strong reliable Companies only LOSSES PROMFTLY P RA on a LOWBST RATES ha Office, Opposite Untario Bank RIN EI Tw ------ WANTED. ee A GOOD GENERAL SER ply Mrs. Bogart, 138 W a. A KITCHEN WOMAN, AT Hospital ; references req to Mrs. Purvis. TO BUY OR RENT, A LAR: with rounds and sta Box "K." Whig A MACHINIST AND 1 Apply to Thos. Gallo 131 Brock street. Ne Livery. A YO 3 LADY FOR CO ery Store, with knowle keeping. Apply Mys., 3 Napanee. -------------------------- RUBBER HAS ADVANCE years from 60 cents tc pound. Agents wanted to tion stock. Address, 88 street, Toronto. YOUNG MAN FOR OFFI Must be good penman, q curate at figures. Posi ent. Apply in own ha Box 100, "Whig." GENTLEMEN, TO GE Spring Suits made up at 151 Brock street, next livery ; style, fix and pric to please ; pressing and ri promptly, A MAN OF ABILITY TO R us in the city of Kings vase for high class Fruits mental Nursery stock. ' served for the right man Gucoments. Pay week) Wellington, Toronto. MEN AND BOYS TO LEA) ing trade. Cannot supply graduates. $4 to $5 pe =complete course in Graduates admitted to Master Plumbers Ass'n. ! catalogue. Coyne Bros, ( Schools, New York City 0., St. Louis, Mo. TOLET. THE SHOP ON DIVISIO) near Garrett street, occu Boon, milliver. Apply & DWELLINGS FURNISHED rnished, stores, offices, Cann's Real Estate Br Street. FOR SALE. PILGRIMS TO ST. AN? cure thé Manual of * William St. Price 30 cen | g THAT PROPERTY, AT 4 street, containing nearly a large frame house, wi For particulars, apply Perry, on pi ises. CHEAP FOR CASH: Tr on Pembrooke St.: two one block from cars, at gate, water and sewer o ply Joseph Bawden, 38 LOST. A GOLD NUGGET HAT day, between Farl stre Office. Finder will be returning to Whig office. Conscience Fun Washington, July 19-1 eonscience fapd now foots pess of $400,000, It liegad