desirable. {xk : : Tapping Lake Erie. 'of Lake Erie is not anly project which is under consider i its stoek of drinking water, which be- | | The latest plan under consideration is the stupendous task of tapping | Lake Erie, three hundred miles away, and Bringing the water down to Man- . "| hattan in a pipe or conduit capable of |! . jpraviding a billion gallons every fwen: | ty-four hours. 'The question is purely one of money. The cost is estimated by the engineers | who have made the survey to he one from its course hy the waterworks' plant. It passes through a process of "| purification which is ; expensive but "| thorough, and is eventhally, when de- livered for use, considered good water. dn St. Louis with its 65 per cent. of German water, except for cooking purposes, is mot in great demand. Beer is the staple article of consump: tion. Old and young drink it in ab- normal quantities, and they seem to thrive upon it, The cities which have a plentiful supply of good wholesome water, in- cluding those that fringe Lake On- tario, are blessed to a greater extent than the people have any conception ' A Change In Office. The auditor general's "resignation will be accepted Hon. 'Mr. Fielding has made that plain. The gov ent will snot submit to his dictatich. = It will not consent to a change in the Audit act as he suggests, because such a change is not 'considéred. necensary. Originally Mr. McDougall was ap- pointed by the Mackenzie government and for the purpose of seeing that the mandates of parliament were fully and fairly carried out. He was given every opportunity to look into contracts and expenditures, to call for data and explanations, to protest against what he di d, and, as a last resort, to hold over any item pending its consideration 'by the treasury board. Mr. Mebougall finds fault with manner in which some of his objec tions have been disposed of. They # | have been overruled by the treasury i | board--not a mew experience and ton- fnéd: to this: government-- and with- out specifying the, reasons for this course. The treasury board may . be in error in this respect. Every ruling it gives is based upon a reason, and be recorded. Mr. MecDou- gall, however, has demanded that the review of the case be made by wn Exchequer court judge, and 'the gov. emmen snot consent to that. rliament has to do with the very characteristic ot 'to introduce io to to the sual that gives tl test It is netable for " Surning Properties. That pa or coal Nis cosh donation to \ par cohl. We you the and cannot be removed from office ex- should be criticised hy the auditor- general," says the Premier, to ss that the money voted hy par- hereafter be the lot of the pupils as was the case last session, Stay by the regulations, bers of parliament is likely to encour- tion of professional politicians to parliament, an evil to be avoided. ' went to use papers for their wgals guest o * | Ontario sends 30,000 harvest hands to as ye,m mel he North-West, she wilt do well to look after her own harvest. Foreign missions are all right, but the home and may affect navigation. Now | work; don't overplay, and above and | | Now York is studying how to increase | before all things #8 | comes inadequate almost as rapidly as | if it fails you what shall profit 5 gape aysten which provides it is ex- | your pecuniary gains or athletic tri- tended, adjunct of government than he itch and the itch are equally abnormal and may be suppressed whenever the honest ond the clean will take 'the trouble to remedy the evils. 1A. MeDonald, of Prince Bdward. s- w for the privilege of | Jand, §ir Ambrose Shea, of Newfound- land. Sir Ambrose Shea is eighty- Erie is very mud: | soven, Sir Charles Tupper was eighty: be purified,' 'and it is | four on July 12th, Sir Hector Lange the waters of the Missis- | yin is seventy-nine, and Senator Mec- | sippi, which is brownish when lifted | Donald seventy-six. anese cruiser Takasago, who sang the naticnal anthem as down, has its parallel 'in the sinking of the British cruiser Victoria, which during a naval manoeuvre ten years the | auditorsgeneral, as hé reports. to it cept by it, it is not deemed a duty of audit that the terms of the contrict general, that he Should pass upon the wisdom or unwisdom of the votes of parliament. "The duty of She auditor is simply Though the city' aldermen have worth, "Sutherland, Hon. t to the drink, the city auditor' |N. A. Bele ae mentioned for cab. will watch that no unauthorized ac- net pa ion Fy ea count the r ng the ry oh the fin- Tn mt re) pn 0 The new salary of $2,500 for mem- ays, then the | Confidence is the best asset of a |elamation, is considering a visit to begin December 1x4, | newspaper office. It rstafi does not the United States with holidays at | publish its sources of news. But it ion, an Pros, minister of educa: date to the end of the month, | does stop the liars and fakirs who | dave to look England in a few own Charity begins at home, and before jons musn't be neglected, During this hot weather don't over- don't. worry or tax our already hard-worked heart; and ull { Patersott, Ji 19.-- Peculiar is the oe Eh A mphs ? > ~ Ings: sul ancery court for n phs ' a divorce on the ground of desertion. 'The New York Sun is right in say- Seisehiann was married on June ing that graft is no more g © is a silk weaver, and his & necessary to the human skin. Graft Only four of the fathers of con- federation survive : Sir Charles Tup- alleges A that she, a on; i din an conversation wit per, Sir Hector Langevin , Senator A. ania a Foy ign, with h She | wan The heroism of the crew of the Jap- the went ship was rammed by the Camperdown ago. The crew mustered in perfect or- der and sang "God Save the Queen," as the waves engulfed her, I ------------ SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Chloroform Is Down. Ottawa Free Press 'I'he price of chloroform has been re- duced thirty per cent. This is the worst blow that Dr. Os'er's theory has yet sustained. Solitary Confinement. Toronto 'Telegram. If Col. Denison gives a prison thirty days for having cigarette stains on his fingers, how long should u man get for eating onions ? Looking Ahead. Montreal Gazette. The Laurier government is provid- ing pensions for ox-ministers. DPer- haps it sees farther into the future than people have been giving it credit for. - That Indemnity Increase. Brockville Record All the senators and commoners would like that increase in the ses: ional indemnity, but just how to seize the pesky thing without the ublic being able to see who did it fre rst, is what is bothering them. Tempting Providence. Toronto News. hin ¢n in Renfrew were disor: by a thunderstorm, a bolt of Vihtning striking one of the banner: and injuring: five men. Speaking in the afternoon was abandoned. 'The brethren did not care to tempt Pro- vidence any further. "Grafting." Springfield Republican. Graft in the war department, graft in the post office department, grait in the interior department, and now graft in the agricultural department ~is there any end to it, or is this feature of "republican prosperity" all pervasive ? Clayton, N.¥., And Kingston And Swift & Co., agents. liament is expended as it was intend- It cial of care, virtue and courage will 'be ci Bars by wer- the oli that 16 be just he Yio. vin uegie ring the present ye emotional and indulge in oe Chiet Statistician hyde, of the Un- theatrics ited States of agriculture, -------- r opr leaks occurred, high court for sedition, and who re- cently refused to return to France un- der. President days te look into certain education: al questions, preparatory to framing next session of the ture. i: sor Me, N.B., was by fire. Two out of the ten and i ear the 8 large one one pier completely wrecked, and it will ten thousand dollars damage. HONEYMODE ENDS ON TRAIN, 'Bride Meets Man from Her Native bride was crowded, 'Include Cost of Packing and In- Thursday and Saturday at 6 a.m. J. The fountain at. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store is doing good work these | to get married, i E | it "A.B. Ales. . He ve qualified for the Quen Margherita will go on an automobile four through Spain ¢e a pe and will sailing on a German , exiled by the Loubet's ammesty "pro- legislation * for introduction at the Ontario legisla- at Fredericton, structure are' take to repair the employed in the same mill. While theie, 4 shuttles flew they made love, and the marriage followed They started for Philadelphia on honeymoon. The train was and, according to Teisch- mann, they bad to sit apart. The wife sat sbme seats back of her husband, and by the time were a quarter of the way to their destination, he seat became Vv, i hmann says he went to his wi "asked her to sit with him. She refused, sayihg the man beside her had just come from her native town in Germany and was telling her of her old hame. She introduced the two men. Teischmann says her rebuff angered hini, and he went into the smoking car. ' After smoking a cigar he started back to join his wife. She was not where he had left her, Neith- er was the man. r From that time Teischmann de- clires he has no word from his wife, except that friends of his heard through friends in Germany that she was in the west somewhere. Applica- tion for permission to serve notice of the suit for divorce by publication instead of in person will be made. AUSTRALIAN CUSTOMS land Freight. Ottawa, July 19.--D. H. Ross, Can- adian commercial agént in Australia, writes that the Commonwealth cus- toms department is about to amend its customs laws so as to include the cost of packing and inland freight in the value .. goods for customs pur- poses. Mr. Ross says also that a com- mission is now looking into the advis- ability of adopting an old-age pension scheme applicable throughout the whole of Australia. Ol age pensions have been paid for some vears past in Viotoria, New South Wales and New Zealand. End Of Nose Off. Sharon, Pa., July 19.--In his anxiety to watch his fractions horse, which was hitched in front of the barber shop where he was being shaved, John Grady turned his head suddenly aml the barber inadvertently clipped a piece from the end of his nose. The piece fell to the floor, amd owing to the confusion which reigned in the shop, was not found for some mo: ments, A physician was hastily summoned and he stitched on the severed piece which according to the physician, will after a few daysj_ healing, continue to adorn Grady's face in its usual posi tion, Age-Copging Of Young Duke. Berlin, July 19.-Gotha, Coburg, Gemundon and other cities of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha duchies were en fete, to-day, in honor of the age-com- ing of the young Duke Karl Edward, the English born Prince of Any, who was chosen to succeed to the throne of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha on the death of his uncle. The vouny duke reached his twenty-first birthday today and with simple ceremonies took over the reins of government from Prince of Hohenlohe, who has acted as regent during the minority Ottawa, Ont, of the young duke. Newbro's Herpicide does this be- Ridean Lakes' Navigation company eee cause it is specially made to do that steamers leave "for Clayton every | The Khedive of Egypt has accepted | very thing. Tuesday," Wednesday, Friday and Sa- | an Arabic bible from the British and When the germ is removed, the hair turday, at 6:30 p.m. Leave for Ot- | Foreign Bible society as a memento of | has no choice but to resume heaithy tawa every Monday, Wednesday, | its centenary. His highness, in re- | growth and beauty. plving, hoped that the society with every facility for country and emphasized the good ef- fected through its agency. Suit cases "at ~ Abernethy's from } Jersey City waiting-room of the Cen- tral railroad letters--thirty-two, I have a nice home Beyantville. met work in his corresponded. for six months, met for the first tinfb on Monday 'night in the) of New Jersey, intending Mrs, Stevenson hrought with her se- veral , which contained an ela- borate wedding trousseau, and a nine-year-old daughter, who was to form a part of the new household. * When they met the ardent wooer found ghat she was tongue-tied. But she was pretty and stylish and he wanted a wife. So he was ready to marry. She, however, pronounced him "too slow," and impossible as a husband. 4 The 'youngster et declared she could paver, never, have Mr. Pierce for her The would-be bridegroom was insist ent, and argued that if she would onl. marry him and learn to know him better she would love him. But when he tried to. argue his case Mrs, Stev- enson promptly appealed to Detective Laveratt, of the 'station, for protec tion. . "I advertised for a wife in a news- paper and of all the letters 1 re- ceived hers were the best," explained the rejected bridegroom. "Here are the and all I want is a wife," "But vou do not want a tongue- tied wife," suggested the detective: Pierce was certain, however, that it would make no difference. Indeed, there might he times, he argued, when it would be a positive advantage. She was pretty--just his ideal. "She. likes me and she don't like me," he explained. "But if she would marry me I wonld make her forget she was ever afraid to try me." "YT won't have him," exclaimed Mrs. Stevenson. "He is too slow. You ought to see the nice letters, he wrote mg, though. Thev were lovely." "It's all offi, ma," interrunted the voungster. "lI won't have that man for mv pa." The detective then told Pierce that he must not bother the woman. He begged so hard, however, to he per- mitted to remain with her until time for her train to leave that she re- lented. Then she permitted at parting, and left 12:27 train. His last glimpse of her was as she stood on the rear platform, telling him and the detective in clever pan- pn to kiss her r Ohio on the tomime that he "wouldn't do." Both Pierce and Mrs. Stevenson are ahout forty years old. She wore a brown tailored skirt, a picture hat, a feather boa, and several diamond rines. The man looked as if he might be just in from the havfield. Detective Laveratt offered to find him another swectheart in Jersey ity, Wnt Pierce, heart-hroken, left for To Remember Jewish Soldiers. New York, July 19.--A movement is on foot among the wealthy Hebrews of this city, who have lived in the south to start a fand for the eréction of 4 monument to the Jewish soldiers who fought in the Confederate army. It is claimed that there were not less than 1,500 Hebrews who wore the gray and they proved their gallantry on many a bloody field, It is recalled that the first surgeon-general of the confederate army was of this faith. He was Gen. David Deleon. It is pro- posed to have a co-operation of mem- bers of the faith from all sections of the south in this movement, and no doubt is felt that funds will be quick ly raised for a magnificent memorial to be erected in some places in the south. Richmond, New Orleans and Atlanta have been mentioned as suit able places for such a monument, but affairs have not progressed sufficiently as yet to warrant a serious discussion of the site. Ancient Greek Statuary Found. Rome, July 19.--In a secluded spot on one of the "fower slopes of Vesu viug, where doubtless they were buried in the great convulsions which nearly 2,000 years ago buried Pompeii, there have just been brought to light some exquisite examples of the best period of Greek statuary. The objects are in terra cotta, and are said to present all the characteristics of the work of Praxiteles. "Three Swallows." Sir John Power and Son's "Thres Swallows" Irish Whiskey, famous for over a century. Of highest standard of purity. Distillers to His Majesty the King. ---------- Prince Salar-ed-Dowleh, third son of the Shah of Persia and Govgmor of Kurdistan, has forwarded to the Brit ish and Foreign Bible society an auto- graph letter, signed portrait and a unique silk carpet of Persim work- manship, as a token of hir » l-will. ----------EEEREE mm PERSONAL. MEN SHOULD KNOW THAT OUR only perfect and safe Vacuum Appl ance is manufactured and controlled by the Erie Medical Co., 94 Mohawk St., Buffalo, N.Y. who adniinister in connection with it interior and ex- terior remedies having a world-wide reputation fer weak men. Write to. day for sealed Circulars and proofs. MEN ARE POWERLESS To Fight Against-Blsease Unless They Strike at the Underlying Cause. To treat dandruff, with irritants or oils on which a parasitic germ will prosper, id like scooping water from the ocean to prevent the tide from rising. You cannot accomplish a satisfac tory cure without having a right un- derstanding of the fundamental causes of the trouble. You must kill the dandrilf germ. and falling hair, "Destroy the cause, vou remove the effect." Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to Phe Herphicide Co., Detroit, Mich. G. W. OR " ah LIVER TABLETS" ety tonies, Nature" remedy constipation, a kidney and skin Jo *1ha bo: « Yeraaes fin better ert 1 tive for = of Pruibusives. andats rs. I never thought f SI he he gt | for a moment that pl py Mrs. Mt. JACKSON. Tomato, Gut, (c= "CW hew." But Its Hot! We are ready to furnish relief to sweltering men, looking clothes that catch every breeze, weather clothes. No matter what your that will fit you and the season :-- We have cool, smart We never before sold so many hot shape or "Left," here are cloth Cool Outing Suite, $6.50, $7, $7.50 and $8.50. Cool Business and Travelling Suits, $7.50, 88.50, $10 and $12. Blue and Black Serges, New Homespuns, Worsteds and Cheviots, $8.50, $10, $12, $12.50, $13.50 and 815, Fancy Vests, $1 and up: Lastre Coats, $1.50, $1.75 Summer Underwear, , $2 and $2.50. 26c. a garment and up. Sweaters are always in demand, for camping, outing and for all sports --at all seasons. Sweaters are the right thing. You can always depend upon finding THE BEST MAKES HERE. We have the real swell sorts, $1, Bathing Suits, Bath Towels, 26¢., 50c, See our Nobby Shirts. £1.25, 21.50, 31.75, $2 to $3. and Tbe. special at $1. THE H. D. BIBBY CO, Clothiers and Hahandashers. Oak Hall. Something = Our Ten Dollar Suits Don't judge these Suits by the price. See the Suits. Ten Dollars is a small price to pay for our kind of Ten Dollar Suits. If you want to invest just Ten Dollars in a Suit we will. do the business very quickly for you after you have seen our line at these prices. All new and made up for this season's "trade. Well built in every way. Just the same cut and style as suits sold Jor twice Ten Dollars. Jos. Abramson, The Poles Clothier 180 Princess Street, Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. Our 2 Specials For This Week ! Ladies' Tan Calf Blucher Oxfords were $2 25. Clearing out at $1.50. Ladies' Tin Calf Blacher Oxfords, John McPhers: n make, were ¢3.. Now $2. The The Sawer Shoe Store. TITTY rrTTT IT TORT TTY Tee NEW GONFECTION -GANONG'S Pearled Puffed Rice, 30c. per pound. : TRY IT AT A. J. REES', Princess St. TNA ARARARARARRARARARAR i E days. $1.25 to $15.75. Mahood, special agent. "Pe-ru-na Is the Medic the Poor Man."--Geo. a ATARRH assumes dif ere in different/season- of the the early summer systemic ¢ most prevalent. That tired, worn-out feelin cases ouf of ten is due to a condition of the mucous mem AAAS IASI SII NIIINS Mr. Geo. A. Hughes, 808 } «Peruna has done me m am forty-five years old no very thin and run down, b carpenter and sometimes poor man."--Geo. A. Hugi A Congressman Uses Pe-ru Family. Hon, Thos. J. Henderson, Congress from Illinois, and in the Union Army fcr dl writes from the Lemon build ington, D. C., as follows: «Peruna has been used in with the very best resulls pleasure in recommending ) ble remedy to my friends and an effective cure for ¢ Thos. J. Henderson. Peruna cleanses the mu branes and cures the catarr located. Headac Is caused by bad circal By blood through the he 100... Tablets. send the blo ling through every arte the headache is Cured in a Natural E---- COMMERCIAL. MONTREAL STOC Telegraphed spocially to | Norman Binmore, Manager Bogert. & Battelle, Member Stock Exchange, 151 St. JJ Japanese 4} Bonds Detroit United Montreal Power Dominion Iron Bonds Nova Scotia, Com fy Havana Electric Supplied by W. JF. Dever Market Square, Kingston. Atchison Amal. Copper Baltimore & Ohio Brooklyn. Rapid Canadian Pacihic Erie .. Illinois Central . Louisville & Nashville Metropolitan Missouri Pacific New York Central Pennsylyania Rock 'Island Reading St. Paul Sugar Twin City Union Pacific S. Steel U. S. Steel, Transit oid GRAIN MARKE Wheat-- Dec. Sept. . July . Corn-- Dec. Sept: -- Miss Mertie il eral hospital, was suffici ed to-day to enable her her home op Clergy st 4 HE « Reve dian to be a pu all others i It these some aid other bakis Royai venient fo soda and