a looking well and ty rer Mong for 4 moment: that ox. Mrs. M. JACKSON, Toronto, Ont, od by FRUIT-A-TIVES Jutlt'sHot! sweltering men, 'We have cool, smart ze, We never before sold so many hot r shape or "heft," here are cloth. } and $8.50, 3 is, $7.50, 88.50, $10 and $12. ig iespuns, Worsteds and Cheviots, $8.50, A $2.50. ent and up. for camping, outing and for all sports rht thing. You can always depend upon £1.25, $1.50, 31.75, $2 to $3. special at $1, BIBBY CO. Hall. pdashers, Oak ir .. ar Suits iits by the price. See the mall price to pay for our just Ten Dollars in a Suit y quickly for you after you prices. All new and made Well buiit in every way. : as suits sold Jor twice Ten 1e People's Clothier tedden's and Crawford's Groceries. r Oxfords were $2 25. Clearing er Oxfords, John McPhers n ~ Shoe Store. RVR WI 4 NECTION: ONG'S ice, 30c, per pound. , Princess St. ATARRH assumes in different/season- the early summer systemic catarrh is most prevalent. That tired, worn-out feeling in nine cases ouf of ten is due to a catarrhal condition of the mucous membranes, "Pe-ru-na Is the Medicine for the Poor Man."--Geo. A. Hughes. fi SRW AND : - No me PO -RU-NA. Many Suffer With Catarrh , - and Don't Know ro The Phase of Catarrh Most Prevalent in Summer is a Rur-Down, Worn Out Condition Known as Systemic Catarrh. $ dif'erent phases of the year. In ~ «Peruna has done very thin and run carpenter poor man. A Congressman Uses "Geo. A Family. Hon, Thos. J. Henderson, Member of tutes, Congress from Illinois, in the Union Army writes from the Lemon building, Wash- ington, D. C., as jollows: «Peruna has been used in my family with the very best resulls and I take pleasure in recommending your valua- my friends as a tonic ble remedy to and an effective cure Thos. J. Henderson. Peruna cleanses th branes and cures the catarrh wherever located. Mr. Geo. A. Hughes, 808 Mass. Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., writes; am forty-five years oid now, and feel as good as 1 did at twenty. 1 was down, but Peruna acted just right in my case. and sometimes need a tonic. Peruna AAAS me more good than anything I have ever taken. 1 Il am a is the medicine for a . Hughes. iti Pe-ru-na in cf There are no remedies for cajerrh just as good as Peruna, Accept uo substi- and Lieutenant| A reward of $10,000 has been deposited fcr cight years, | in the Markyt Exchange Bank, Colum- bus, Ohio, as a guarantee that the above testimonials are genuine; that we hold in our possession authentic letters certi- fying to the same. During many years' advertising we have never used, in part or in whole, a single spurious testi- monial. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarinom, Columbus, Ohio. All correspondence held strictly confidential, for catarrh."=-- e mucous mem- | © Headache send the ling through every the headache is Cured in a Natural Way. COMMERCIAL. MONTREAL STOCKS. the palatial yacht Vestor last August sO tlegraphed sp cially to the his, by | for S10000 Of Henry A. Laughlin, of orman finmore, anager artshorne, 8 : % x Bogert & Dattelle, Members New York Pittshurg, Po. In his complaint he al Stock ~ Exchange, 151 St. James Street | leges br h of warranty and breach Japanese 44 Bonds Detroit United Montreal Power Dominion Iron Bonds Nova Scotia, Com Ely Havana Electric NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS. Supplied by W. IF. Dever & Uo. 18 With rence to an article in lastev Market Square, Kingston. fuly 19th ening"s issue, which would lead one to Atchison "861 B63 infer that St. James church Young Amal, Copper ., 83} 824 Men's Social Club was having a dance Baltimore & Ohio, ; 1148 114% | at, Gananoque, I as president of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit 093 69% | lub, beg to deny it. The Y. M. 8, C. dian Pacific 152 161% i yy OB - a AT 161 is running an excursion amongst the Illinois. Central . 1691 1643 | Admiralty group, and ig taking in Louisville & Nashville Lis: 198 | Gananoque. A club called the Wednes: Metropolitan 128° 138 | jay Night Snowshoe Club, composed 1474 147 of people of all denominations, has Penusylyania 142% 121 taken advantage of our excursion and Rock island B14 a 1 Leliove, intend giving its members an Reading St. Paw Sugar : : but it is a strictly invitation affair, Twin Oly 13: Laos | and has no connection with St. James Union Pacific 12¢ 203 Ine A - U. S. Steel 344 84} church Y.M.S.( Yours truly, . U. 8. Steel, oid 1028 1028 | PARTRIDGE, President. i Ey GRAIN MARKET. Brockville And Ogdensburg. Ne R4i America, Friday, 8 am. calling at 841 Gananoque and Rockport, both ways STi Meals on hoard. Home early. 5oe. Norris, Miss Mertie eral hospital, ed to-day to enable her home on Clergy was sufficiently recover A JUDGE'S BENCH. Two Millionaire Residents Con- ¢ tend in Court. Alexandria Bay, July 18.--The case of ok Jeasguooe, against Henry A. Laughlin, two millionaire residents of SlexunT Ta Tay, Was Cried "Trom thé top of two sugar | s in the back of Justice W, Davis' grocery store yes terday After un heaving the case was adjourned until August 1st, when it will be called for hearing. The plaintiff, H. J. Lawrence of Cleveland, 0., purchased artery and afternoon. hour's again Commodore of contract against the defendant and asks for $200 damages. Wiltse and De Young appeared for plaintifi and John I. Delaney for defendant. July 19th. 12.30 pan. 9 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. TAN 8 Not Concerned. (To the Editor) Church Kingston, July 19 entertainment of some deseription ; Glynn Vivian, an Englishman, wil build and maintain in various paris o the world, the mining class. Fach mission wil hive availajle for ever $500 per an num. ; ill « her to return to street, y twel€e mission halls, for TOR CHG LETTER LUTHERAN "MIMSTER HELD Wife Threatens From Our Own Correspondent. to be demented, was arrested in Evan- ston, a division of Chicago, the other day, after subsisting, the police for weeks; on the food found in the al leys and living in a cave under an ol pier on the lake Greenwood boulevard had frequently seen the man slinking through the al- room of the boa the wharf to cool and fell off into the boat a splash of the crew went to saw Reilly rise once PF BY PICKPOCKETS. to Poison Her Husband Because He Won't Give Her Money-Many Daring Robberies -- Well-Known Can- adian-American. of Willis ilton, di she died, returndd w were interred at tery, Mrs. Margeret tive of Canada, died Chicago, July 17. -A man, thought say, Ont., for interment. A Residents shore, of been for two and a leys and secluded streets, late at | resigned his nights, and the police were asked to | September 1st. Rev, search for him. He was pursued a number of times by dificrent police men; but each time escaped. The man dat. and' had" gone on , off, but it is thought he was overcome by the heat, ; time after he was seen to was heard, and several | appear, Bessie M. Terryberry, third daughter and Mrs. Terryberry, Hi | in this city, at St. Luke's | hospital, of appendicitis, on Sunday. | Her mother, who was with her when Hamilton that wight. The remains | Mount Hope at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Charles MeNab, 3120 Calumet avenue, The remains were taken to Muskoka, wellknown © Canadian American, Rev. Dr. Walter H. Nugent, tant rector in St. Paul's church, has position, to take effect werly lived in Omemee, Out, and re- ceived his carly educational in Canadian public schools, and is a CURIOUS WORLD TREAS- URES IN MUSEUM. water as a short | leave the | investigate. They | only, and dis- | | The Tapling Collection of Post- os | age Stamps--A Racy Sketch in Lloyd's Weekly. ' | From the Tapling collection of poste. ! age stamps in the British Museum, the | most complete in existence, selections are constantly placed on exhibition. The trustees possess two coples of the Magna Charta of King John, dated at Runnymede June 15, 1215, one having a fragment of the Great Seal: Students of church history will ponder over the original Bull of Pope Leo X. conferring on Henry VIIL the title of "Defender of the Faith" from Rome, October, 1621. The manifesto has the signe- ture of the pontiff and several of his cardinals. Lovers of the drama will have attention arrested by inscrib- ed stones from the great theatre at Ephesus; a deed fn which "Willlam ith the body to ceme- Lawrence, a na- | carly this week, who has hall years assis- Dr. Nugent for- training " hake: , of Stratford-upon-Avon, evidently wandered through the streets | graduate Albert College, Belle Simictapears and others, Bo a in search of food during the night, and | ville, Gat, He entered the ME. | pose within tive precincts of the | slept in his lair on the lake shore in | church ministry and spent several | Biackfriars, London, our national poet's 1 f HE Royai Baking Powder is more con- venient for use than cream of tartar and soda and makes finer-flavored food. i official tests by the Inland Revenue Department of the Cana- | dian Government show ihe Royal | to be a pure baking powder, superior t0 all others in leavening strengfh. It therfore makes purer, more whole- some and economical food than any | other baking powder or leavening agent. the day time, During the dav a heavy rain storm washed away the earth at the end of the picr and a stream of water poured into the "wild man's cave." In coming out to escape pget- ting wet, he was seen by Policeman West. Since coming Pr. Nugent, in addi has been a diligent Dickenson and taken to the police sta- student.. He has won his doctor's de- | set him longing to have them at tion. The immaculate policeman gasp- | gree (Ph.D.) and will complete his | Strawberry-hill! There are many hel ed with horror as he dragged his | 3.D. course in a short time. For the | mets, beginning with bascinets of the prisoner into the police station. The last two 'years he las been on the { 14th century, an astrolabe made for a man's beard reached his waist. His | lecture platform of the Winchell bu- | Sultan of Damascus in 1235, and a clothes were falling = from = him in | Fea He has delivered the annual, | clock in the form of a ship, fabricated shreds, and his finger nails had been address for the past two years at the | for the Emperor Rudolph II. Wall allowed to grow until they had. be- Christian Endeavor convention of | paintings from the shelent ----- Ste- come claws. He spoke wildly in a Cook and Lake counties. Dr. Nugent pheys ape language that was unintelligible. A | expects to spend the wonth of Sep- | ar back a8 A - =~ coffee pot and a roll of tattered bed- ding was found in the man's-vetreat under the pier. The police could not learn his name. Rev, F. W, Krueger, a Lutheran minister, was held up by four daring pickpockets in the North- Western Elevated station, at. Kinzie street, shortly before ten o'clock, yes terday morning, and robbed of a gold watch and chain, nine dollars in engagenient "to do s cago Jolted from the sea gon he was drivin wil, a teamstor, fel RIM money and two cheques one for $155 --W. HAKRY SPEAKS. { are wonderful curiosities having the and the other for 3160. The robbery DIVISION COURT | added attraction of fascinating artistic was committed with considerable dar- ? | treatment. Sgeh Wopdemrving | woud ing, the thieves pinioning the preach iad : SERILEly svar ave n excelled, Ona er's arms to hig side, as he endeavor: The Decision in . Various Cases | ls Bt. George standing on the rau od to prevent the robbery. Then they Presented. | abte work (hoxwoody: 1a the-cit made their escape, after fighting their At the court house, on Tuesday af | cular medallion portrait of John of way through the crowd' causing much ternoon, Judge Madden, Napanee, | Munster representing the Anabaptist excitement among the passengers. The | handed" out the following decisions : | jeader in profile--a chain round his platform was crowded at the time, J. B. Cooke vs. corporation of | neck, with an orb and three crosses and several persons followed in hot pursnit of the thieves, who, however, pushed their way through the crowd, and amid the cries of "Stop thidi,"' made their ¢scape. A An aged man, whose name was not learned, was robbed of a small sum of money the other day while riding on R30; judgment ages, ), CC. Wilson & Sq T W. J. Gates vw! Hughes, Reoutenberg car, testified that she saw a man put his hand in the old man's pocket, and draw forth a pocketbook and immedi ately gave the alarm, but the thiet escaped. Alleged threats of Mary M, Tiilioff to poison her Husband, should he refuse to comply' with her request vs, Reountenberg | ve. £100; adjourned 0) Macnee & Minnes garnis! A. Mclean, for plaintiff er night of their jewelry, valued at 21,000. The two girls were returning from their work, and were held up on Twenty-second and State streets by two men, who at the point of revol vers, demanded their money, ete. The robbery was immediately reported, but the thieves escaped. i in" bed and German Girl Ad A German paper times to make sure of the deed be- fore the last one took effect, Two men held up Py G. Gartian. in his saloon on Twent®-sixth street, at eleven o'- clock, the other day, and obtained a gold watch and twenty dollars. When the men entered the saloon they wore masks, and ordered the proprietor to hold up his hands. After taking the watch and money the men fled. The secondhand store of Joseph Goldstein on Twenty-sixth street, also broken into, and one hundred dollars worth of goods stolen the same even- ing. Henry and Otto Seidel, fourteen began to train She accordingly facility, not assistance, but in breidering. She wo! thread in her an'l eould ro a ball in her needle into the could thread it quite wonderful, the lips and colors. Selma mont de was popular bars in from Mrs. Marguerite Blasingame, at . . terion, in Dearborn and ~ Schiller stredts. Both boys pleaded guilty, the elder bro- ther, Otto, giving as an excuse that he had not been working for a week, and did not want his mother to know it. They were held to the juvenile court. Lawrence Langton, a police man, temporarily assigned to the Des plaines street station, . was seriously injured by pieces of iron thrown by strike sympathizers. Langton was as- ined to protect a waggon belonging to-the Eckhart & Swan, Milling com: pany. When the vehicle stopped in front of the foundry of Winslow Bros. on Carrol avenue, heavy pieces of iron were thrown from the windows. Sev- eral pieces struck Langton in the face. Efforts were made to find out who threw the iron but without suceess. Bridget Devine, an old woman, sev- enty years old, was severely injured the other day by a fall from a street ear on Twelith atreet The woman said she was about to step off the foot- board when the car gave a sudden lurch, throwing her to the pavement. The crew of the car did not stop to ascertain the extent of her injuries, The conductor paid no attention to her eries of pain, and rang the bell' for the gripman to go ahead. An am- bulence was summoned by a police formers. The man iteelf to disappear the earth as the ( try from bar drit indulgence, searcely be credit ty five years the toxicants has decor an years ago the united kingdom 168,021 gallons; i 10,076,652 gallons. Kansas City Jefferson seare her husband hard drinker =o he do this she procur a devil he had wor The next time the home feeling happy the costume, As pulehral tones the devil." The man, and Miss Devine was taken tow "Zat so? her home on Deering street. She was | ohur brother unconscious when picked up. _ Joseph | Goer Reilly, thirty years old, a marine fire. man on the steamship Racine, was drowned in the Chicago river, near Rush street bridge, yesterday morning, F 5 v 0 EW YORK, ROYAL BA¥ING PUWDER Co. : IEW ) -- - Reilly had been working in the boiler huy for the same years in active missionary work Manitoba and the Canadian in connection With St. Paul's church, tember in Dakota, where he ter which he will return to the Chi- Theological Se Ist, for a year's pokt-graduate work. the other day and. two wheels passed over his body, injur Kingston, 'and Leighton Guess, dam- damages, $20; $8 and costs for plain ti damages, £67,653; mdgment reserved, Stafford Grimshaw vs, Henry Grim. a street car on Randolph steeet. The | thaw, loan $100; adjourned. ing cost of four shillings, Likewise In men scemed so confused he could not Eugene Demnee vs. Aanies Hill ac- | the mime collection can Ie satu por tell what had happened, but Miss | count, $100; judgthent for plaintiff, i v Graco Haskell, who was also on the | Mills «& Cubtincham vs. Ww. §. | lous and beautifully artistic. A Vene- account, $1220; atjourned, | $21.90; adjourned to August 22nd, account, $99.04; adjourned to August | for $3,009, have resulted in a suit for | 22nd. variety and quaintness of Thackeray's divoree started in the superior court, | Robert Henley ve, W. Geoghegan, | knick-knacks, commemorated in his yesterday, by Imhoff. The complain- | account, =; adjourned to August | verses the "Cane Bottom'd Chair." ant savs he found the poison to which | 20nd, | Like the humorist's souvenir in his his wife referred, and after destroy: John M. Gray va. directors of B.W. | snug little kingdom up four pair of ing the mixture, refused her the | & Northen Railway Co., wages, | stairs, the curious links at Bloomsbury, money. Charges of repeated and ex- | $39.20; adjourned to August 22nd. | with remote history and social life, treme cruelty are - also made by Tm J. C. Connoly, vs, 3. 0. Redden, | strangely quicken imagination and hoff. 'Two young women, Lucille | notes £104.50; judgment for plaintifi, | fancy. It is so In the watches and sun- Brown, and Blanche Dunning, who | 'Chiistiana Reid vs, Ales. Hay, _ac- | dials ranging from the early part of the room together in a tenement house on | count, £16.20; judgment for plaintifi. | 16th to the beginning of the 19th cen- Wabash avenue, were rdabbed the oth- J. Abramsky ve H. Bryant et al, | tury, the elaborate keys worn as badges SE COULD SEW WITH TONGUE. broidery. Lying despohdent be 1 3 os J From the wide ranging and fine ex- ie 0 case e named Selma Kunz, ae deni of hat child, which |Site of 8 £ living at Wer. amples of pottery, the work of genius : who unt lately was living a 1 land includ "Bella occurred a few days ago, Mrs. Lizae theim-on-the-Main. When six years | from many ands, inclu ing ellar- Schaffer, twenty-five years old, whol 11" Selma sufictad from a severe | Mines," or greybeards, imported into lives at 3,620 Lowe avenue, committed | 6 SER0 hich left all her limbs | ZOSRT ulider the name ut "Cologne suicide by shooting herself. It was | > Her tongue, however, Te pots," to the Spanish specimens, prob- found she had shot herself three ry l 1 this: organ she ably introduced by the Arabs, refer exible, ang g ence must be made to our own Wedg- only in eating mouth and knot them, Il a skein of thread into h, and sticking =a Wiliam Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, table in front of her and Sir Joseph Bankes, are invested Her embroidery was with special interest--indicating the in- tongue and Kunz died recently. ee ------------------ A Temperate Tide. magnificent and most and sixteen vears old, were brought = + before Justice Mayer, yesterday, The disappcaranct charged with stealing a pocketbook largest, most al Piccadilly, has been one of Y icing amongst temperance re- as soon have expected Piccadilly circus | custom is changing all over the coun. alleviation, tendency is steadily downward. irits consumed in the gallons; in 1903-1 the figures were 427 One Oi The Family. { Journal. Liwy he opened the door she stopped forward and said in se "Come with me---1 am her as the response which greeted her | in-law, '1 tnarried a e------ : There's more wholssome nutrition and healthfulness in a foal of Toyejs bread than in anything else you can | kin | gignature being affixed, also the casket ian North: | carved from Shakespeare's mulberry to this city, Rev. | tree, once the property of Garrick. tion to his duties | How many of the curiosities deposit: | ed in the Mediaeval room would have fixed the eyes of Horace Walpole and and progressive | lish enamel, of the 17th century, have an impressive historic savour, You can then survey quaint personal relies, | silver snuffers which belonged to Car i dinal Bambridge. Ambassador from | Henry VIIL. to the pope; Queen Eliza { is under ome lecturing, af vinary, October t of the coal wag- we, Patrick Camp- | to the pavement beth's ivory hat; and the massive Loch. bury brooch. There is a rare relic for a'Scotchman's sympathy, no other than the punchbowl of Burns. | ing him seriously, | Included in the Waddesdon bequest fssuing; and a pair of busts of a man | and woman In walnut, fine as fine art (!. Abell, | can be. Baron Anselm de Rothschild | obtained the last-mentioned works from | the father of the late Sir Edgar Boehm, the sculptor. All the carvings noticed are German; and the elder Boehm bought the busts in Prague at the trifi- reserved, m ve. A. J. P. Gildersleeve, | tian curio of the 16th century--a table clock in gilt copper, in the form of a square tower having a doomed top crowned by the lion of St. Mark---is Howland, draft, | Langboit,, claim, August 22nd. J va. n The almost endless number of clirfos: ties in the British Museum baffle any attempt at classification, having the at ¥) Mills, | | of office by chamberlains to various European courts, historical brass to- bacco boxes, tortolseshel] and horn me- | dalllons, and boxes representing note- | worthy persons and events, and finger | rings of considerable size, with the names and emblems of popes---some- times called "Papal rings," frequently "rings of investiture' hee, $5; judgment opts Buccal Em- reports a curious wood ware, It includes granite, basalt, and jaspar work having cameo decora- tion. A vase presenting the subject of the Apotheosis of Homer was suggest ed by a work in the British Museum. Five medallion portraits, representing Joseph Priestly, Sir Isaac Newton, Sir acquired a certain without em- WHting and of uld take ends tellectual tastes of the celebrated pot- ter. The greater part of the English Delft was made at Lambeth in the 17th and 18th centuries. Among the plates ard sets with the lines, "(1) What is a merry man? (2) Let him do all he can. (3) To entertain his guests. (4) With wine and merry jests. (5) But if his wife do frown, (6) All merriment goes down." In the glass collection, diversified and beautiful, are many specimens of rare and curious Interest. From ancient Egypt--for its people, if not inventors of glass making, were notable workers in the material---are a couple of gen- uine rarities. One is a charming ves- sel in the ferm of a papyrus staff for the purpose of holding antimony for painting the eyebrows, and an amulet associated with Nutantef, a monarch of the 11th dynasty between B. C. 2428 and 2380. Two Sidonian vessels retain the names of thelr makers, Eugenes § (25.415 | and Ennion, There are fragments with totalled 48, 2.415) Christian designs found in the Roman catacombs. A bowl of amber glass, brilliantly enamelled, probably had Per- me exclusively with in various of ome of the | London, - the Cri- month, attended by about town would of The from the face 'riterion bar. king to restaurant It can | 1, vet within twen- consumption of in cased one-half. The | Five n 1904-5 they were Tm ee ES 'Why Tea U know how the quality of same patch will 'sometimes vary from another. IRR Rar One day sweet, compact, well ripened, well colored, fichly flavored--next day it rains, is cloudy, --following picking is soggy, sour, green, coarsely-flavored, poor. ~~ . Tea, also, op account of its volatility of flavor, after * picking and during the curing process is very suseeptible to weather changes. A few hours of sunshine or bad. weather after picking may 'make the difference between' and r tea. Eke So that while one picking may be first class, the from the same garden may be very poor. oe I select only the pickings which come up to the Red Rose standards of richness and strength in Indian, and delicacy and fragrance in Ceylon "teas, and 'thus that "rich, fruity flavor" of Red Rose Tea is produced and maintained. x PEER EN Red Tea * ~2006--Reduction--200% ; ----ON-- 3 FOR TEN DAYS We offer cash buyers a discount of 207, on Goods and Silks. This department contains new makes and weaves shown in Li English, French and Canadian $ Purchase a summer or fall dress now and price of the making. : Pirle Finish Broadeloths. Canvas Suitings, : Basket Suitings. Silk Eoliennes. Wool Voiles, Nunw' Veilings, Pe hos ¥3 Black, Navy, Brown, Oram: Plain and Fancy Homespun 8 Black Silks and Satine, Wool Serges. Wool and Silk Warp Henriettos, $A FEW OF OUR ® LADIES' PATENT KID OXFORDS, Blutcher, ® cut, Goodyear welt, small and large sizes. Regu-Z @ lar $3 value for' $2.25. 3 ® LADIES' TAN AND CHOCOLATE OXFOR $2 value for $1.50. LADIES' DONGOLA KID OXFORD, turn French heels. $1.75 value for $1.18. It will more than pay you to take advan- ® tage of these snaps. Ca 2 McDERMOTT'S SHOE STORE § 3 eee 3056888 09ee0ee € i i Send for sworn Canadian De. KOHR MEDICINE sian origin. The group of lamps, most likely Damascus work, kindles memories of the old Moslem sway, one of the curiosities having on it the titles of the Emir Shelkhoo, who died in 1356. Noteworthy are the ex- amples of Venetian genius and accom- plishment. The use made by them of rods of glass enclosing threads of the white opaque material disposed in var fous designs has striking illustration. In such manner the artists produced { thelr matchless lace glass. A goblet has in its stem a half sequin of Fran- cesco Molisso, a Doge, fixing the period of manufacture--~Lloyd's Weekly, lady decided to who was quite a + would reform. To | ed the costame of | nin a masquerade, | erring spouse came | she quickly donned | sult rather startled | Shake ol' boy; 1' TT, be, C AY oe i Kinswoman of King Arthur. | The death is announced from Glou- i | Elizabeth Rice, a kinswoman of King | Arthur. The deceased lady was in het cester, England, of the Hon. Maria | G. A. BATEMAN Issuer of Marriage Licenses, $3 Life and Fire Insurance Talk With a '87 Broek Street. Office, 61 Clarence St. For Real Estate Or Insurance Consult with GEO, CLIFF before buying 91st year. money, at 95 Clarence Street. 0000 0000000000000