Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jul 1905, p. 6

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FE iE a a] 1 drives out of the poh 2 hit the feat the "The un the 'bases on third om scored on nitial sack. "six 'The flies will not bother you if you use our Screen Doors and Windows ~ Screens--a large] assorts ment, 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT For Next Ten Days. Harvest Tools in large variety. Fine stock of Sta Hnrduare. ple meno Nugent & Graham King St, Next Door to MoPariand's. £5viE "the job and ve perfect satisfaction. prot bois on Friday. Mrs. Hall 2 on ; \ ; Chicago, I. Briscoe i sail itis § isi was, such. a . poor was. laced by a r, shortly after he had an unfair decision at _ se . The new umpire was right, on New team was : Moore, c.; nn, pe; Shorts, ib. Sutton, 2b.; teks, s.8.; Hubert Ryan, 3 - Ryan, r.f; MeNeil, e.f.; BE. Shorey, Hugh und wife, Toronto, are vigiting at William Sutton's." G. H. Hinch, Relleville, Canifton, Frid PD: , spent. ay at % hy orey's. A son was born to Mr, and M. W. Stipkins on Wednesday, d Ryan was in Hingston on Eva Shorey took in the 'from Napande to Twelve Sent Thursday at Walter 8. liam . Houston, Black is visiting Mrs; Geo Byan. and Mr. Flaok, yoars; A large number from the villa took in the glorious Twelfth at Na: panec on Wednesday. Miss Effie Wel banks, Springbrook. and Miss Frances Welbanks, Prince Edward county, are spending their holidays at their home here. Fred Nears left on Wednesday for a visit to Toronto and other points west. Dr. Vrooman, Napanee, was in town on Wednesday in cun- sultation with Dr. Beeman. Bert Paul is visiting his uncle at | iss Pearl Nesbitt was suc- | Desmond, M cessful in her recent musical examin. ations, The trustee board of the Meth- odist. church received another appli- cation for the position of organist, last week, from a lady who ap- parently did not know that an organ ist had been engi . Miss Sarah Ful- lerton died yes y morning, after a week's illness. The late Miss Fuller- ton had béen ill for some time, but still was able to be out. Ahout a week ago she beenme. worse 'and death ended her sufferings early yesterday morning. was quiet, unas- suming in manner, beloved and . res- pected by all who knew her, She leaves three brothers, Joseph Fullerton, this village and Alfred and William Fuller q g Montreal of To- ron . Lake- view in the » but not only ad ance of the most prominent pr Ih.; prett wattle, 3je. 1 To oid ry oud. Ee ie if 3 is = of peration for idicitis, is much better. Master Gq vod cock is at the Kingston hospital with typhoid fever. Mr. Hall, of Roblin, has located Ee OK enh Sime jd is in bu nd shipping horses to Toronto, re. Hayes, of Port Hope, who suffered for some months past with dropey, died 'on the 14th mst. - The fi was on Friday last at the Methodist ch and the re: mains in the Hope ceme- iss Frankie Mosier will be married vn Wi this week at Medicine Hat, NWT. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wood, of T th are the guests of John Hayes. Rev. Mr. Fenton, af- ter an .ahsence .Mwo Sundays indisposition," took . his again on Sunday morning] last. Mr. and Mrs. Files, of Water- town, who have been visiting friends at Mount Vale, have ) home. THE CATTLE MA] ; MARKETS. The Prices Paid at. Various Montreal, July 18s-Bight hin: | dred head of butchers' cat- tle, six milch cows, 150: calves and 0 sheep and lambs wede offered - for sale at the east end gbbattoir to-day. Trade continues dull, with scarcely any Imbrt¥ements. on last' week's low prices, Prime beeves sold at 5c. 16 d}c. h retock gt Ze. ty | 34e. per 1b. A cotisiderable number of the cat will = not. betaold: today. EE REE RL A ¥ eep at to de. 1b, and the lambs $5.5 to A each, or 4c. to Bie. pe 1b. Fat hogs sold at Sle. per Ib. for large sows, 6c. for heavy fats and 6ic, to 6c. per lb. for selects. East Buffalo, July 17.--Cattle, re ceipls, 6,250 head, active, 10c. to 150. lower; prime steers, $5.85 to $5.95; one loads of fancy at $6; shipping steers, $4.75 to $6.25; and butchers, $4. to 35; heifers, $3.95 to $4.75. cows, $2.76 to $4; bulls, $2.50 to $3.90; stockers and feeders, $2.50 to $3.85; stock heifers, 92.50 to $3; fresh cows and springers, steady; good to choice, $45 to $66; medium to good $30 to $42; common $18 it0 $20. Bulls, receipts, 1,600 head, active and steady, 85 to 87. Hogs, receipts, 11,100 head, active, fe ro 10c. higher; heavy, mixed and rkers, at $10 to $6.15; pigs, $016 to $6.25; roughs, $4.90 to 810. stags, $3 to $3.75; dairies, $5.75 to 80 Sheep and lambs, receipts, 6,600 head, dull and loser; lambs, $6.50 to 7.25; yearlings, $(} to $6.95: wethers, $5.95 to $5.50; ewes, 61.95 to $4.50; sheep, mixed, $2.50 to $4.75, Cattle, July 17.-Cattle, receipts, 26,000; market 10c. to 15¢. lower; ton, Brockville, and = one sister, Mrs. Gibson, this village. The funeral ser- vice will take place on Wednesday af- ternoon at 2 o'clock, The results of the entrance examin: ation held here were announced vester- day, Of sixty-six candidates writing at Newburgh, fifty-six were successful. Ten of these were from our public schoql. ¥. D. Moore and W. B. Dunn, Yarker baseball team bump the Kingston nite on Saturday. Mrs. Et- tinger and family, Kingston, are ex- peoted to-day to visit relatives here. Mrs. Charles Moore is ill with an in- jured limb. A Jttle daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Rastus Storey on Sunday morning. Percy Nesbitt and Percy Patterson left on Saturday i for Alexandria Bay, N.Y. secured a position 'are sorry to say that little Jean Paul is no better. A number of girls {spent a very pleasant afternoon ata icnic down the river yesterday. Mrs, ooper, , ie visitin her Saud hter, Mrs. George RB. TP horason. A n from here attended the re-op- ening services in Camden Presbyterian church on Sunday. Horbert McKim is home on a visit to his mother, Pope Pius is reader of daily newspapers. 3 one pill at bedtime. Toe rer sult is a gentle laxative the day Rllowing. They cure in- digestion, bi sness, consti. they act directly said to be a great | good to medium steers, $5.80 to | 96; poor to medium, $3.75 to $5.35: j Stockers and feeders, $2.50 to $4.35; | cows, $3.50 to $4.70; heifers, $2.25 to | 85.15; canners, $1.50 to $2.50; bulls, | 82 to $4; Texas fed steers, $4 to 85, | Hogs, receipts, 30,000; market strong |= Sc. higher; mixed and butchers, | $5.70 to $5.95; good to choice, heavy, { 85.75 to $5.92); rough, heavy, $5.4 | to $5.70; light, $5.75 to $5.95; bulk { of sales, $5.75 to' $5.90, | Sheep, receipts, 20,000: market 10c. | to 15c. lower; good to chiéice wethors, | 85.25 to $5.75; fair to choice, mixed, | £4.50 to $5.20; native lambs, 85 to | $7.75. { Toronto Street Market. Toronto, July 17.--Wheat, white, bush., $1 to $1.02; wheat, red, bush., : $1.02; wheat, spring, bush., 92. { c.; wheat goose, us 5¢.; oats, | hinsh., 403¢. to B0e.: barley, bush., | #8c. to 49¢.; peas, bush. 726; hay, timothy, tan, $10 to $11: hay, mixed ton, to $9; swraw, ton, $10; dressed hogs, $8.50 A , per bbl, $1 to $2.75; eggs, per . 0c. to 23c.; butter, dairy, to 200; butter, creamery, 23c. to 24e.; chick- ens, old, 1b, 10c.;* turkeys, per db, 3c. to lde.; potatoes, per , T0e. to SOc.; cabbage x 9 ok celery, per dozen, 40c. 50c.; beef, hind- quarters, $8.50 tg $9.50; beef, fore- quarters, $6 to $7; beef, choice, car- case, $8 to $8.75; beef, mediym, car- case, $7 to $7.50; mutton, per owt, $7 to $8.50; veal, per cwt., $8 to 3 5; lamb, spring, per cewt., $12 to In 1891 the Moravians opened a uiis- sion in German Bast Africa at Lake Nyasa. Tt was five vears before one convert was baptized. After seven years' work there were four Moravian stations, 36 pupils in school, and 52 baptized Christians. In 1904, after 12 vears' work, that missian had 120 sta: tions and 1,087 souls ynder religious The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario -- What | [They Are Saying. : n an altercation, Arthur Clayton, Corbyville, stabbed his brother, but not seriously. . | The net debt of Smith's Falls, ac doording to the statement recently made is $93,000. : John Campeau, suspected of robbing a Trenton shop, in May, has been ar- --, in Sellexille, t. H. Smith, a eighty-six, and a native of ated bly is dead, in Belleville, leaving three daughters and one son. He was an An- Jack Brown, Perth, was starting the gasoline engine -in his father's yacht, when the crank flew back and struck him on the arm, breaking the bone in two places. The work of rebuilding St. Michael's urch, Belleville, is progressing very rapidly and in a month or two the new edifice will be almost ready ior occupation. A young English lad, Francis Thieme, was thrown off a load of hay, and his neck broken.. He was working on the farm of J. A. Manion, Powell, near Almonte. One of Brockville's promising young ladies, Miss Jessie Cumbers, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cumbers, was married op' June 28th, to Mervin 8. Bean, Kalamazoo, Mich, Michael Sheehan, born in County Clare, seventy years ago, and the old- est employee of the Grand Trunk in active service, died suddenly while waiting to signal the express from the west at Belleville. Alexander Mcintosh, of the second concession of Williamsburg, recently found in his field 'a rusty cannon ball which he believes wag fired from. an American gun at the battle of Crys- ler"s Farm, 1813. One of the biggest real estate trans: actions that has ever taken placé in Smith's Falls, was the sale of Wood's Island and mill property to Mrs. W. Wood. Besides a lot of land it 'includes a large roller mill, an oat- meal mill, planing mill and saw mill. "The price paid was $38,000. J. H. Moulton, for the past ten ars conducting a general store in Wentport, has sold out to R. MeDon- ald 'and J. BE, Erwin, two young busi- fiess men of Sharbot Lake. ' Julius Kahnt, Rockport, has pur: chased one of the best farms in the township; known as the Cornwall farm, 400 acres of choice land. Some of it is well timbered. The project to connect Clayton with Alexandria Bay by a boulevard twelve miles in length has at length assumed definite form. James Ross, Athens, has entered an action for $5,000 damages for in juries sustained on the B, & W. line lust winter. Mrs. Samuel Frankville's well-known cheesemey, had hér hand nearly severed frome wrist by touching a small saw in the cheese-hbox factory. The hand may be saved. Mrs, Morrison came gs a bride from Richmond, Que., last March. = Morrison, wife of BRITISH NEWS NOTES. Reports That the Mails Have Brought. ; Mrs. Mary Parsons, , of Enmore Green, Shaftesbury, is dead, aged 104. A pension of £4,000 a year is to be granted to Mr. Gully, the late speak- er. Under the larceny act ten persons in England, were sentenced to corporal punishment last year. A Coventry barber has been present- ed with a gold medal and an illumin- ated address for shaving a man in a den of seventeen lions. The anniversary of their sixty-fifth wedding day was celebrated recently by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cole, of the King's Arms, « Montacrue, Somerset. A motorist in England, who killed a boy with his machine and ran away to avoid identification, has been sent to jail for six months for manslaugh- ter, : On the death of Mr. Arlington, of Leeds, it was found that he had no near relatives. By will he left nine: tenths of £900,000 to the London Mis- sionary Society. - The army manoeuvres in honor of the Prince of Wales' visit to India "will Hé on a colossal scale, and re- present a serics of great battles for the conquest of India. The operations will cover 300 square miles, Harold William Lunn, aged nine- teen, was killed while playing cricket lat Brockenhurst, Hampshire. He re- ceived a blow in the face hsm a cric- ket ball, and as he fell his chin struck the ground so violently that he broke his neck. At Yarm-on-Tees, while a party of children were being taken up the river a three-year-old boy named Hanson. fell overboard. His father, who could not swim, jumped after him, and both were drowned, Harry Truvan was committed for trial, charged with setting fire to the Headland Hotel, Coverack. The ae cused; who was "boots" at the hotel, was under notice to leave, The build- ing recently built at a cost of £10,000 was burned. In southern counties in Ireland they have solved the cottage problem. The country is dotted over with snug cot- tages, let to the lahorer at one shil- ling per week, They get a substantial- ly built house with slated roof, a small outbuilding, and half an acre of land, Yet two more warships have been launched, battleship and cruiser. One was Irish in name, christened with Trish whiskey, and may earrv an Irish erew, "the Hibérnia, launched at Dev- onport. The Marchioncss of Ormonde, besides christening her gave two flags from the peonle 'of Ireland, to be fol- lowed: by a ship's bell, of Celtic de- sign, and a silver challenge "shield, with the figure of Erin in hich relief, made in Ireland. The Hibernia is a 'witer ship of the King Edward VII. A good thing to know. There is one drug store that always sells good It makes life worth living E Qomach or bowel troubles--as long as you take a moming glass of 0 At ll Druggias. Sh... POIRIER 4 Fancy Goods, Toys,etc. China Berry Sets, Glass Berry Sets, Salad Bowls, Tea, Sugar and Cream Sets, Fancy a Cups and Saucers, Bread and Cake Plates. T¥ FANCY WHITE GHINA FOR DECORATING Baby Carriages, Go-Carts, Waggons, Carts, Wheelbarrows. : HAMMOCKS, FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY Agent for the Niagara:District Fruit Growers. : $Lie X12 = J. AISCOCK - 160 and 162 Princess Street. AERP CREASE ee Campers' Supplies! When wanting any Cooking Utensils for your camp or summer cottage call and look at our stock. We have a complete stock of every- thing you need in' this line. We also carry Oil Stoves, Coal Oil and Gasoline for your yachts. i LEMMON & LAWRENSON, 381 and 383 King Street. Something to Please Every Woman We have secured.a line of household necessities that will please every house- keeper, so DON'T STAND IN NEED of anything necessary for the kitchen any longer than it will take you to CTL i reach our store, We will give you good quality and charge you only en- ough to pay for it. Look at these articles and prices, ------------------ .. ELLIOTT BROS . 77 Princess Street. m---- A LABATP'S ALE & PORTER % The real merit and superiority of JOHN LABATT'S ALE and "PORTER are well known. The claim is made, supported by numerous medals and testimonials, that they are pure, wholesome beverages, superior to any made on this continent. w at JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, instiuction, "of whom 340 were hep- tized. A tooth bryshes, Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. « King Street, Kingston. B .PRLORIB We Garry in Seek gr, | THE CANADA | 0009 000009 ARCHITECTS. EWLANDS, ARCHITECT i aL floor over Mahood" corner ores. Dutorance on Baaot "Telephone 608. x 'H ELLIS ARCHITECT np UE of New Drill Hall, nes ner of Queen and Montreal Str POWER & SON ARCHITECT, chant's Bank Building, cormer and Wellington streets. Phou JENRY ,P. SMITH, ARCHI etc., Anchor Building, Square 'Phone 945. ET ------------ TT MONEY AND BUSINES VE! L. LONDON AND ( - Fire Company. A» assets $61,187,215. Tn addi which the poli holders b security the unlimited BE i Ea, TT ry nsul al ow Dr el renewing oid or new business get ra from ¢ & Strange, Agents. PUR POLICIES COVER MOF buildings and contents than a or company offers. kKxamine Todwin's Tasurance ah ** Sguare. EDUCATIONAL. MUSIC! MU! MISS BLYT! KMERLY OF WATERTOW will open a studio for music at b .. on May llth. . pumber of pupils cred. Call days. SUMMER SES: For Teachers and others di July and August BN (INGSTON BUSINESS © LIMITED Head of Queen St., Kingstos All commercial subjects taugh! Students admitted at' any tin Expert professional teachers i Write for catalogue and term . B. MeKAY, H, F. MET( President. Wines and Lic In our large and new stock of Ales, Wines, Liqu Cigars, we think that 1 everything to meet the We guarantee entire sat as to prices and quality. Agent for the well knc spatch" Scotch Whiskey. JAS. McPARL 839 and 841 King ! Phone 274. @000000000000000 "THERE 1S A TI FOR ALL THINGS." Now, - while pric low, is the time your. coal bin will quality SCRANTON from P. Walsh's ) BARRACK STREET §00000000000000C WwW. G. Fr Proprietor of th CITY STOR/ Wishes to announce that pleted a modern elevator, Buffalo Ball Baring Co. Furniture, Vehicles, P! handled with care. While bis workmem are ceive and turn out fost Painting all kinds of Vehle est notice. *Phone 526. 29 THE FRONTENA LOAN & INVESTMENT | (ESTABLISHED 186 * President--Sir Richard | loaned on City Municipal * ts a int S. C. McGill, Managin, Office, 97 Clarence Strest. ------------------------------ SANITARY PLU When you are in need © heating Work of any xing what you want a ait H orkmanship A & 2's JAMI "PHONE 287. GARDIN Insurance and Real Bight Companies at Lo Money to Loan on Re 1 151 Wellington

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