Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jul 1905, p. 5

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CUIT hole-wheat wafer me, body-building, than white flour ation Cook Book," postpaid. - AT CO., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. e, 82 Church. 8t, Whether it's cold Or whether it's hot, We got to weather it Whether or not. ) T w 8, thiz is nothing to what it will ba. Har you have put off buying thin things @ imer Menu! , 810, £12.50 and $13.50. wits, $6.50, §7.50,- $8.50 and $10, forsteds, Homespung, and = Serges, 2, 1 Very neat designs, $11 $1.25, $1.50 up Shirts, a superh collection of smart o lection from which particular men can rices, T00., $1 and $1.25 v Hose, imported goods, 26e., 35¢., Hic is season's . gods, make. sale price, Regular 75¢. 39¢, goods, Sweaters, BIBBY CO. eMasheps. Oak Hall. -- Sse sesessessesvesesesseall Sale ' f Straw Hats--25¢c. e Colored Straw Hat 1cluded--no matter price may have to choose from wve a look to-day. - -- 3be, ctsesvewsesesssersessesessecse SRG The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store. SUG cesses RvINY ¥l SEALED to the der Rideau Hall, TENDERS ADDRESSED undersigned, ana endorsed "lTeun- for alterations and additions to Ottawa, Ont.,""" will be re- ceived at this office until Wednesday, July 26, 1905, inclysively, for an ad- dition to Rideau Hall, Gttawa, Ont Plans and specification can be seen and forms of tender obtained at this Depart- ment. I'ersons tendering are notified that ten 'ders will not he considered unless made on the vrinted form supSlied, and signed with their actual stenatures, Bach tender mnust be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, made payable to the ordér of the Hon- ourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to ten per cent.(10 p.c.) of the amount of the tender. which will be for- feited if the party tendering decline w en- ter into a contract when called upon to do so, or if he fail to complete the work contracted for. If the tender Le not ac- ceptad the cheque will he returned. 'I'he Departwent does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, FRED. GELINAS, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Jttawa, July 19, 1905. Row apapecs inserting this _advertise- ment without authority from the lepart- ment will not be paid for it. Ex all of wh rs §., Six by on recel food Mac distance of hundreds of yards, The bomb-thrower was pursied by naval cadets, hut escaped. Shoe polish, 5e., at Abernethy's, "MONTREAL and OTTAWA SECOND cit ANNUAL wks: Isabella Allan, "Smith's Falls, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. George Me: i ! Donald, Mrs, Brock street, George A. Robinson, street, with her family, went up, day, to the Sand Banks, Garden party, Hotel Dien grounds, Alfred to- "All By Daylight' pe § Por Steamer *ALETHA" 2 Guilighty | Which will be comfortably fitted out' * Za { Friday, July 21st, 14th band in at- ! for' this trip, with easy chairs, sofas, etc: | BS 44-44 | tendance,, in aid of Ladies' Auxiliary, Going. THURSDAY, August 3rd! The Sketching Club had a pleasant Admission 10¢. R ! Miss Gladys. ( t ad t RETURNING--TueSday little outing to Kingston Mills yester iss. Gladys. Grant. went dawn to Augus . August uh The party went down { dav, tay spend g month at Berthier-en- From Belleville and Bay of Quinte} day afternoon. \ ports, Kingston, Clayton, and Alex-|ip a van to Cartwright's Point, pie-: | haut, Quebec. andria Bay, Via the St. Lawrence' picking and sketehing there, driving Mrs, and Miss Young, of Montreal, | River, (Running all the rapids), Ottawa 4 is re visiting Mrs. A. E. M, Loscombe River and Rideau River and Canal | home when the cool breere of evening | 8 g A. kM, > System. had set in. Lf Brock street. . ' . | Mrs. Charles H. Martin, of Dorches- SIX DAYS $16 50 Mrs. Hamilton, Emily' street, is | ter, N.B., is on 5 two months' visit to | . ' : entertainmg J atuten this afternoon. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Wil Which includes meals on hoard hoat, son, Colborne Spots i gat and hotel accommodation overnight at Mrs, James Gildersleeve and Mrs. Mr. George erRn, one O as Prescott or Ogdensburg, ~ Montreal | Browiifield chaperoned the yacht dub | June's Military College graduates, Ottawd (2 nights) and Smith's Falls. Giving half day and evening in Mon treal and one day (Sunday; in Ottawa. A first class orchestra, led by Prof. Denmark of Belleville, will accompany the excursion. Tickets limited to 125 and can be re: served on receipt of $3.00 deposit. "> YT Pronounced by last year's passengers. . to be the finest "trip ever taken. will soon go to Quebée, to join the | Royal Artillery. Mrs. McMaster, dancer, Jat night, the. evening and: the affair being. equally pleasant. Among the strangers were Mrs. Arthur Gilder | and her grandson, | For further particulars and reserva- tons, apply to Ww. . MAGRAT TH, PP. CANN! Chairman REV. R. 1 LEITCH, A 8 Holloway St. church, Belleville, Ont. Children grow and thrive Delicate women get strength, Brain workers develop power when their food is seasoned with » down in hii gasoline laund h. City Storage, "299 Queen Street Mise Agnes Macmorine came home 5 {tehin iin dineake. ven The Doctors Say So. nt this for our physical and K Painting'of Vehicles a Specialty. from Merrickville. : ps y He mean ise > 1 ! yaa 1 Besides the keen distress which such { Ottaw is sis Ask them bout" your corns--the mental jel as well as for our mora h a eter Mrs. Harrington, of Ottawa, ? 1 rc vood ailments bring to the little ones, there se Fenwick yreseription invariably one bottle and reid ious good. ¢ gen APLE LEAF" THE iting Dur isistar, Meo. Hens y loist of sr Jorn uxm's Painless Corn Extractor. is always the danger of eczema be- ntralto soloist of of 8 + 3 Nini -- M BEST olin ed ig Re oC. Filty yore In use, certain and Dates Of Fall Fairs. sowing shih and clinging to them ALMON KED ni is visiting frie nds in the city. jprompt. Use only "Putnam's. Petertwronh a 25, 206, 07 rough i ,. foe wav dido CANNED Ss PAC PACKED | -------- Victoria Rond---Hent, io! 20. suffer in this way so long as Dr. omar Rout Compound. Miss Mackenzie, of Gananoane, ol "Many a man can be » goed Sitiaeh Sundeciand Brock) pr. 26, 27 Chase's Ointment is obtainable, for it Cook's Cotton IE Ir Mre. T. M. Fenwick, | without being 4 good hristian, but | GUC t Keene=Oet, 2 nnd 3 a prompt and thorough' cure. Theonly safe effectual montey ay i {no one can be a good Chistian and Ottawa Sent. 8 io 28. got a Tow ea tions are required edieine on Thich women cat avon. with Master Trevor | not a good citizen," so spake Lieu- a i 420, 37. to bring reliel from the Hehing, sting: Sold in two rs! a ) --- srenfrow- Sy ree 1 Tor ordingry | | Master Rob Rayson, will .zo out tenant-Governor. Bruce to a men 's Lindsay--Seot. 21. 22-28 ing mensations, and the skin is left in WT cases, $1 per box: No. 2,10 AY Svdenham, on Saturday for the les agae, Toronto--Aue 20 to Sept. 11. a olear, smooth and healthful condi grees stronger for Bpecial to | Juy your sugar for peeserving at Woodville--Sept. 14, 15, Cases 33 per bos. Sold by all v..t 'of the summer z \ 10} fue tabla salt for 7 ee ---- tion. Dr. Chase's Ointment, fe. a box y Ask for Boles OOF) Mrs. Fred. McKelvey Bell, of Otta- * Mu bute, Re ng ty tude only at Mrs. J. M. Eastwood, died at Ham- at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & rater : wa, and wee Miss Dorathys re he re. riday and Sa ilton company, Toronto. £2 Larios r, J ullin s. B Windsor, Onl ests of Mrs. Robert Bell, an Tha Cook Medicine Co.e Y gues alu; piel, and will be here for Aires KILLED Sleep " tressing invidents of the temble heat, { room at the city morgue i bodies were THE DAILY WHIG. THURSDAY, JoLy. 20. ------ BABY: "DRIVEN 'MAD WIVH HEAT, SHE TRIED SUICIDE, on Fire Escape Fatal-- Victims Roll Off to Their Death --Colored Man, Driven Wild, Tries to Drown Himself in Harlem River. New York, July 20. Among the dis of Wednestlay, was the killing of her infant, in Brooklyn, by a young wo- man, who was driven suddenly msane by the heat. She stabbed the child to death and then made a vain attempt on her own lifes Leonand Sanders, a colored man from New Haven, went mad in the public park in East 130th street and leaped into the river from the Harlem bridge, He was rescued by three boat- men, after a terrible struggle, in whitch he 'upset the boat and nearly drowned his rescuers, Several of the deaths reported were those of persons wha had fallen while asleep from five escapes, where they were endeavoring to escape the stifl- ing atmosphere of crowded tenements. W th 150 bodies in the cold storage the refriger- ating system was found to be out of order and it was necessary to resort to the use of tons of ice, in which the packed, and fifty bodies were hurriedly shipped to the Potter's ield on Hart's Island. COOKE'S SUNDAY SCHOOL Had a Fine Picnic at Ontario oe ss oF PRODUCE "AND PRICES. Prices At Present Prevailing in The City, Kingston, July 19-Very little phange in the prices of produce, as red with quotations given last week is noticeable, The rates governing sales are as given below Grain--Manitoba, No. £1.03: No. 2, Northern, 81; No. 3, ! Northern, 93c.; white winter, 85c.; buckwheat, 50c.; corn, 60c.; peas, T5¢c.; barley, 45¢.; oats, 43c. to 4be,; rye, ), Northern, | Flour "and feod--Flour, bakers' strong, $2.60 to $2.70; farmers', $2.70 to $2.90; Hungarian patent, $2.80 to $3; oatmeal and rolled oats, 85 "to $5.20; cornmeal, $1.50 to $1.65; bran, 817 to $18; shorts, 820ty $21; straw, 86 to $7; hay, loose, $7 to $9; press od, $8 to 810. Meat--Beuf, on 'the hoof, 8 to $5.50; carcase, 34 to $6; She we culs, 10c. to 15¢. a lb; veal, Be. to Se. a Ib.; spring lamb, from $3.50 to $4.50; by. the quarter, from 75¢. to $1.50; mutton, by the carcase, from Ge. Sc.; hogs, from $4.50 to $&; by carcase, $7 to Poultry, --Fowl, chickens, 60. to ROe,; turkey 18e. a lb., according to quali y; geese 10¢, do 1240. a lb; ducks, 760. to "n0c. to Sc; spring 10e. to ri pai Vv able, -- Potatoes, old, Tbe. to f0c. a bag; new, d40c. a peck; i i5c. a peck; carrots, 20e. beets, We. a peck; cabbage, o 7c. a head; onions, $1.75 to $2 ox. a bush.; cauliffiowers, Se. to 100. del: ery, 12}¢., 150., and 20c, head; 0c. to, 5c. doz; cucumbers, fo. to Be. each; parsley, Sc. a bunch ; lettuce, 50. a head: rhubarb, 3¢. a bunch; water cress, bo. bunch; new carrots and beets 10c. a bunch: asparagus, Se, a bunch, or four bunches for 260, i Park. ' Frait.--Lemons, 20c. to Be. a doz; | Cooke's church Sunday school went |bananas, 15c. to No. a dozen; or to Ontario Park, yesterday, and sue janges, 200. to B0c. a dozen: apples, cessfully carried put its programme 200. to He. a peck; pines, 100. to 30c, -- of sports, with the following results : J each; ARawherTies, 12§e. to Ibe. a VIEW OF THE Ha RBOR OF ODESSA, i Frimnrs, boys, first- half-Charles {box; raspberri 2 hoxes for 28c. ' The scene of recent stirring even ts in the Russian "revolution." | Reid John Mclaughlin Butter--Creamery, 22. to 24c. a Ib; - " Prishary, boys, second hali--Willie | choice farmers' prints, 20c.; rolls, 18e, : : y Paul, Karl Simmons. to. 2c. leeve, Mis : Rutherford, Mi Marie Mr. Leroy Grant, went over to New Primary, girls, first hali--Evelyn Eggs. --New laid eggs, 156. to 17¢. a Wholesale Agents Gilmonr,; Miss. Bessie Spangenberg, | York, to-day. About the tenth of next | ypiyjor "Mildred Newman "| dozen and Mr. Philip Lyman. month Mr. Grant will go to Quebec, | Prin irl ; ah ins : : ! : : : imary, girls, second hali--1sabel | ,Fish--Salmon trout, 12j0.: white Geo. Robertson & Sons » . ' to join the garrison artillery there. Nah ai Ran i. le fish: hase ncketel. 10¢. 3 Ib.; pike KINGSTON. Mrs, Philip Jackson anndupces tho Miss Cohen, of Montreal in spending | Boys, nine and under--Jack Miller, | Re. 1b.; Seattle salmon, 0c. Ih: salt marriage of ¢ daughter, Agnes 0. |a few weeks with Miss M. Sproule, Kenneth Dunlop. codfish, To. to- Ibe. a Ths Balibut, to William J. March, which occurred | Herrowsmith, Girls, nine and. under--May Thorn: | 20c. a Ib: haddock, "cad and bull: Thursday, July 13th. After a month's 2 . . : . ton, Aggie Lemmon beads. 10c. a lb: lobsters, 80c. to sajourn. Mri and Mrs, Marc Mrs. E. B. Slack and little daugh- Boys, twelve and under--Grant | 40c. a dozen; smoked kippers, d0c. to "At Home" to their friends, at 4 ter, Rita, came down from Toronto, Smith. George Anderson * a dozen; ovstors, Hc. a quart; Vine street. to visit 'Mrs. Slagk's sister, Mrs, Wil Girls, twelve and under--Grace Dun- Trnan haddie, 10e. a Ih; lobsters, 20e. " . . . liam Patterson, University avenue. lop, Ethel Chapman. a Th; Saguenay salmon, 30c. a lb; A charming little Toronto girl, wir Miss Mary. Geddes d of New "York, Boys. fifteen and. inder--Joseph Me- § red herring, 15c. a box; bluefish, 15c. known in Kingston, is to be marric who has been spen ing a few days | Koo Stanley Sharp a Ib. sea bass, 124c. a Ib; sea trout, in Toronto on Saturday morning. at with Miss Lillie McCormick, Univer. Girls, fifteen: and under--Hattie Sam- | 12)c. a 1h, half past ten. The bride-to-be _ is | sity avenue, has gone over to Wolfe | nila Arnie Hides--These prices are given by Miss Hilda Cookp and her prospective pisland to visit her parents for some Hovs three: logged race--willie €lena- | John MeKay, Brock < street : Beef husband, Mr. Sheldon Homer Dixon, weeks. han, Stanley Sharp, hides, The. a Ib; dairy skins, The; scion of a well-known Toronto fam Miss Clark, Clergy street, west, has | "aigg "or anion classes; basket ball | to Soe. eachi- veal skins, 10c. to lle. ily. Miss Cooke will. be remembered gone down to the Britton's camp, Tre Nita Lemmon, Mabel Dunlop, a Ib: calf skins Tx. to S0v. each ; as Miss Ina Shaw's bridesmaid, at }mont Park. slid Joys, basket ball Wilson Sherbino, | tallow, rendered, 2c. a Ih; tallow, least, Mrs. Donald Caldwell's brides + Mrs. Malcofim, of Pembroke, is V5 Fred MeGall, rough, 2¢. a Ib; horse hides, $2° to maid. iting her mother, Mrs. H. V. Savage. Lady teachers, basket ball Migs ! $2.75, according to size. Hon. Hugh John Macdonald was in Mrs. John A. Gardiner, and danght " . A a Jessie Reid, Mra. Craig -------- town yesterday, and called on some for, Mrs. McKinnon, have gone down Quoit match, doubies--H. W. New- Light In China, ol, dig old friends hi be fate Rn: to io Ottawa for a visit, man, Frank Newman : Rev. W. E, Taylor, JrSlemer of . i Kingston to visit his relatives there. * = : Quoit match, singles--John Orr, J. | apologetics in Wycliffe, College, has Mid-summer Sale He will return fu a few days. He isl Wise Grae Allen. Toronto, is visit | Cornelius, | Chale Simmons. heen appointed principal of a Chris 1 A iy ope hy Mrs. Macdonald (nee ing her aunt, Mrs. William Alen, | "This last. contest was the most in« | tian go project i Pankoy, mam | YanKonghnet.y= Toronto News Clergy strect. oresting event of all. The three sic. | China. He will sail in October, with » Mr | Wir Crothe Mi Mr, and Mrs. John lett, after ten | qgsful competitors proved themselves !ten other appointees from British and Ever De artment Cr 4 ru \ by re ier, Kidd. days' visit to Watertown, returned | gue experts that they now rank a8 American universities. Hankow is an h rothers, anc i i \ rs a ist evening. 'They were accom: | iin giton quoit champions. They will educational and commere ial city, with who wont onl 0 Ydenham r " by Miss Ethel' ett, of Water- | ¢iofe no time in considering chal: | a population of 1,500,000, and is situ- These Sales have Leen a great success | this week, for A fishing trip. ay 8 : . lenges from ordinary amateurs, ated on the great Yangtse river, 450 by the many bargains. These are a few tool outing, returned d home after only Tolmie, superintendent of the -- miles west of Shanghai. About 20,000 suggestions -- a day there, convinced that good old . Stratford hospital, Brantford, English Humor. students go up to Mankow annually Parlpr Setts, 5 pieces, $25 Kingston is the coolest spot on earth | apd Migs Hazel May Millar, nursein- {4,,,, to study and write on examinations, Fanéy Rattan Rockers, $4.50 these days ' v training at the same institution, are A quack doctor, never admits his | An Imperial university . has been or Golden Finished Sideboards, $7.50. Mrs Herbert Robertson is out at 5, the city. They are visiting the ignorance, One of {i 1s class in Ireland | dered up by the empress, China is ex Golden Finished C 60¢ Sydenham: Lake parents of Miss Millar, 211 Bagot | (ug being examined 'at an inquest on periencing the changes in point of Po eter Couches, $6.50 Mrs. Laurence Henderson, and her § greet his treatment of a patient who had view and mental activities which of Fancy Tapastry Couches, $5 young, pegple went down, to-day, : Mrs Tyrrell and family, St Cath died. "1 gave him ipecacuanha," be late came to Japan. The new college The above is limited Thousand Island Park, where they | arines, are visiting Mrs. William Cock sail, "You might at well have given is, therefore entering upon a large Open at nights will reyifain, for the rest of the sum: Hhurn, Cueen Street. him in the Aurora borealis," said the and far-reac hing work. wr - hy > yi . ' LCi Yas ; * » : caroner. "Indade, yer honor, ind thit's | Mr. Philip Lyman, of Cleveland, O.. Invitacions are ont for the marriage just whit 1 shoul Id 'ave given 'hm next | Five Positions Filled Tuesday. JAMES 9 | is visiting his mother, Mrs, Lyman, at | of Mp. Robert A. Backus to Miss {+ 0 *adn't died There is an increased demand for "Calderwood." Julia Augusta Vandewater, which will | mp f i : . i ¥ ¢ . cent earthquakes lia led gr w of the liable K The Leading Undertaker, Miss Lorraime 'Lesslic has returned | gake place at Christ church, Belleville The recent earthquakes in India » graduates of the old Ref We ing tor z ae: 2 , + 1 {o the posting of the notice on the 'ston Business College. Five positions Phone 147. hone from a very pleasant visit in lon July 3st. L ie revival | mission hall at Mussoorie : wero filled in one day, In answer to , fleva Bogua, « : : i ri "Karthquakes in Divers * Places. All telegrams received from Montreal and . . Miss ~~ Fdith Major of Cromwell | 0 welcome" "It was owing to the Toronto, on Tuesday, three gradu- Miss Annie Beatty, of the Kingston House, Crovdon, Kent, F ngland, is | Guakes that an alarmed Babu tele ates left for the former place and two General Hospital, is off on her holi- | =a line on the 26th for Canada. where graphed to his superior officer, "Here for. the latter, where good positjons days. % she will be the guest of Dr. and Mrs, carth is ynack. How there? awaited them, Vis. Adnie Fowler, ahd Miss Mills. Miss Major is a micce of Gener- Mrs. Henpeck : "1 read this morn I x Florence Maegillivray, left, on Mon- | al Sir George White of South African jpg about a wan who was arrested No Place For New Woman. day, for Gaspe' . fame, 5 . i ten minutes after the wedding and Switzerland is not a country for Miss Florence Edmison, ix expected sent to prison for fifteen years. lant {), modern woman. She is not even down from Peterboro, tomorrow, f(o The engagement is announced of : that awful ? Mr. Henperk : "Oh, 1 flowed to quarrel with her hus vi it her sister, Miss Carrie Edmison, Miss' I'. Holland, eldest daughter of don't know. The law doesn't compel and. An English woman who had Miss Jennie Mair will return to To- | Mr. and Mrs, George Holland, No. him to take hi wife to prison with harried a foreman of a large factory * roiito,, an' Saturday. : 1871 Sherbrooke strest, Westmount. him, does it frequently quarreelled with him, as olin at o or MeCaupland, St. Thomas, came | to Mr. Ralph E. Eaton. only son of | "Then you don't: believe in phreno-. ube imagined she had 'a right to. to-day to spend' a few weeks with | the late Mr. Park J. Eaton, Boston, logy?" "N\« I rather not. I once But she had not taken the authori Kingston friends at summer resorts | Mass. The wedding will take place in gave one of those fellows a sovereign (joy in consideration. After a few y on (he Rideau Lakes August at Boston to read my head, and, after feeling 1t uarrels she received a warning not Don't Be Too Late. Dr. Ryan and family are summering | Miss Martha Whitfield, of Whithy, for u long time, all he said was, that to do so, and as 'she did not heed at their cottage down the river to Mr. G. H. Hogarth, B.A., princi- 1 had no idea of the value of money." if she was expelled from the country, . - pal of Whithy Collegiate Institute Heaven helps those who helps them- ji 1 «s the frontier by . 1 B nN g escorted across the nii ) J Ladies' Dongola Ox- Mics Frances Wilson and Miss Jennie | The marriage is expected to take sg lves. Doctor Well, John, how are 4 gendarme. 8 lace early in. August tw fay 77 John: "Verra ba#: ver --- c---- 3 Mair, have spent a few days this week | place early gust. 2 vou to-day : a bad; 1 i fords, light or heavy. soles, with Mrs. Richmond, at Bostwick ls Sine Oliver, daughter of Hon. Frank ra bad. | wish Providence 'ud ave Wiii be found an ex mt remedy for Oliver, minister of the interior, to ussy on me an take me." Wife ittle Li Oo€ ca land. : > rs Mueky on sick headache. Carter's Little Liver Dongola or patent t Ps Mrs. James Third and her small son | Dr. Hislop, of Fdponton The mar. "Ow can you expect it to if you won't Fills. Thousands of letters from people worth $1. 25 and $1. 50 came home yesterday, from Camp viage will take plack in August. take the tors physic ?" 1 who have used thei prove this fact, bellford. Poey see VOU accepted some oy them. . Mrs, J. M. Campbell and her little Erinsville Notes. of my poems at | refused the other ? the proof of a marriage in 1809 was This W eek for $1 19, daughters, are: hoine, again. Erineville, July 20.-The remains of tditor : "Yet: 1 took one of they lately giien in court at St. John, Dr. Third is now an the ocean, and Me i re out of symp for you, and refused H. from the register of St. Paul's may be home at any time after Sat- i. ha RC. cemetery on Tuesday the other out of sympathy for the op 'p Halifax. It a valuable 1 . urday. : last. She leaves a husband and s 1 public. : h \ record in the Hazen will case. H JENNING ng t Miss Mildred Macmorine went up, abildren to mourn her early demise, Lady A. Here comes that dread ' 9 : ' to-day, to Ancaster. Miss Murphy and Miss Ce Murphy, ful man who Sut next to me at din- bree I'he Rev. Charles Masters has gone | Montreal, are visiting frie nds in De- nar. He hasn t the manners of a pig. $ FE home to Niagara-on-thelake to spend | ronto and Picton. Miss Annie Mrs. B.: "How funny, I thought he ~ S his holidays. Haves, Ottawa, is visiting her home had. , . ent lS here. A numbet frome here attended - S I ORAGE Dr. Telford arrived from Louisville, | Chippewa pienie, You: Bett ey ay 3 : : y shor mine ine es t of Sunday Kentucky, on Sunday, for a hort us Have you ever thou : ul to Babies 'Ph 526 visit, ) Married In Cathedral. as "your best day" and just a little Bring Much 'Suftering one i pat of her different from other days, when you and Young Children. Certain Mrs. Macdonell is the guest © o rringe took place at 8 bid 3 ; : . ; Macdonell, King The gmarriag place: a t. | can say: ' Cure in Dr. Chase's Ointment. It . you have Furniture, = Carriages, f sister m law, Miss Macdone s E 1 George's cathedral on Nadnesjay af- O day of rest and gladness, Pianos, ete, to store, send them to us. street. : : d ; ternoon of Emest Henry Tooke, of O day of ov and fient We have large space and use great care in Mr. and Mrs. ' Kirk Rutherforc * o | Norfolk, Eng., and Alice Goodwin, of O balm of wre and Elo, In the home where there are young handling. your goods. Charges moderate] ('(]lins Bay, went down the "i Cheltenham, Eng., now at the RM.C, Ad Mont eat - a bright your | Children Lr" hase's Ointment is found this morning, for an outing YS 1 Fred. G. Anson, way groomsman and i MEY Wh YOUr , seful almost every day of the year. k v of the reg : : ' cares and burdens and learn the ne- . iF 3 Rutherford went y wa i Miss Annie Anson, b¥idesmaid, Canon : ol ak © | During the teething period, especially, roost. 1 husband dis | be : cossity of the sweetness of keeping it | o lar steamer and her husha Starr was the officiating priest, holy. God rested on the seventh day there 18 simost sure to be an attack and He commanded us to rest, And of eczema, scald head or some form of AS. saThirstQuencher There is no other beverage can compare with Ceylon Tea, which is absolut and most delicious tea the world produces. ored Dress Goods, Black and Colored Wash Fabrics a a Saving of 20c. on 'Every you'll be satisfied with the new schedule of values. thusiasm increases interest aroused by this sale flag for one moment. ely. the pures Bick, Mixed or Green. Lead Packets only. By all HN st Award St. Louls, 1904, Hy In this Great July Discount Sale. Black and Dol The more you analyze that statement the daily and we don't 'intend to Io oh Sale lasts until Saturday , TO Pp: m. All sales fon Gents" Oxford In Patent Colt, Vici Kid, Valour and Tan Calf. $350 to $5. To clear them out we DEPENDABLE. hi. 4 To protect your valuables in a small safe from fire and thieves, it's Good Common Sense. All sizes and prices, call and see them. J. B.C. DOBBS & 00., 171 WELLINGTON STREET -- and Bloyole Repairers. $ er-- NEW CONFECTION GANONG'S : Poorled Puffed Rice, 30c. per pound. TRY IT AT AL REES, | REES', Princess St. a SE £ FINANCE AND INSURANCE If You Want a Home OR INSURANCE, Have a .A. BATEMAN + Issuer of Marriage Licenses, "Life and Fire Insurance Talk With BROKER George Zeigler, "Siniirante | 57 Brock Street. For Real Estate Or Insurance If You Have a Farm for Sale Oc want to buy & Farm Consult T, J. LOCKHART, Corner of Wellington and Brock Streets, King- Consult with GEO. CLIFF before buying at 95 Clarence Street. Up-to-date F olicies. 00000000000000000000000 ¢

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