Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jul 1905, p. 1

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ncement in Whig To- AW & SON. ING.ON Sale of "Dress Goods. ENT. OFF during this ENT. night." bmi / MER VESTS! Vests, 10c.. 12}4¢c, 15C., on Vests, all sizes, with rts and Drawers. o t ings ! it" fast Black Cotton make of Boys' Stockings y large sale and is gain- ) wee * Stockings last longer eep their colorand shape. 20C., 23C 25€., according . Stockings, guaranteed or with fine ribb. es. ; for children, all sizes. s, lace or plain, in fine ocks, lace effects. White Socks. ight Cashmere Sox, silk - Pe - otton Sox, 10¢c., 12%c., CCAN:.. DRAWERS ue at 50c. Each. [willed Cotton Owns 65c. Our Window. a 7 \ J | i 8 / i nly tthe Best Quality unks in the city and jowest from the largest facto su to examine our stoc o 1 require apything.io that | SHOE STORE TON D FLOOR. YEAR 72. NEW YORK TIES iin NO. 169. These are a little better than anything we have had, and are fresh and attractive. 'See LEATHER TIES Nothing . like them ever shown before. Only 25¢. They wear like leather and are leather. These specialties are only handled by the R. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. IF YOU HAVE Any difficulty in being fit- ted with Shoes, COME T0 US, and we will make that duty a pleasant one. Wear '""Allen's"' Military Bootmakers, 84 Brock St. Sign of Golden Boot. SOUVENIRS In Sterling Silver, Enamelled Pieces, comprising Beélt Pins, Hal Pins, Brooch- es, Ash Trays, Pin Trays, and Spoons. These can be supplied you in British, Canadian, Ontario or Kingston Coats of Arms, together with many other unique designs. SMITH BROS, Jewelers, Opticians King Street. Nariage Lioanses isn DAILY MEMORANDA. reac. Hot Weather Hats. The new styles, at Campbell Bros. Public Meeting, re hotel, postponed The moon rises to-night, 10.28 o'clock. Yacht Club ces, '2.30 p.m. Satur- | day. By » City League Baseball, Cricket Field, 2 p.m. Saturday. Steamer America to Thousand Islands, 2.30 p.m., Saturday. The sun rises Saturday at 4.38 am. and sets at 7.34 p.m, The people who believe only half they hear are generally all ears. When the landlord can't collect his rent it's time to get a move on. Hatel Dieu Garden Party. 3 to 10 p.m. Friday. Admission 10° cents. : Garden Party, Hotel Dieu grounds, to- night, 14th Band. Admission, 10c. 1796 ; Battle of the Pyramids, 1798 When a woman knows a secret she is a good bit like a hert-that has laid an egg | Between Japan And Rus- This day In history :--Poet Burns died, | K INGSTON, ONTARIO, AN ALLIANCE ian. JAPANESE ADVANCE hol Russia Thinks Possibility of Com- ing to Terms With England, | six She wants the world to know ijt, "Pis better to have loved and lost Then never to have loved at all But when we come to count the cost We find the figures far from small. There would he more charity in the world if vou could reach a man's heart as easily through his pocket as through his stomach. pondent of the Times cables as fol- lows: M. De Witte, who arrived in We have a very fine set in white and gold. Just the | thing for your country | house. 97 Piaces for $6.25 This set is the best qual- ity English Porcelain and | equal in wear and appegr- ance to china. ROBERTSON BRO BROS.. F orgSaturday day Only Hopkinson's Grocery Market Square We will sell :-- 7 Bars Eclipse Soap, for 25c. 7 Bars. Cosmos Soap, for 26c. 6 Bars Comfort or Richard's Pure Soap, for 25c. Canned Peas, Te. Tin. Canned Corn; 10e. "Tin. etme © SWIFT'S INSURANCE ACENCY FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, CARGO. Strong reliable Companies only represented LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. LOWEST RATES on Spproved nsks of every descripti Office, Opposite Untario ios eo et irr TAKE NOTICE. The Jinoleum is sold. got a First-Class White Sewing Machine, cost $40, for sale now at $10, at TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE, |C. H POWELL, 398 Princess Street. WANTED. A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. AP- ply Mrs. Bogart, 188 Wellington St -------------------------------- A GOOD BREAD BAKER. 8' employment. Address Box 105, office. THE USE OF A HORSE IN GOOD condition for two or four weeks will be taken- of it POSITION AS COACHMAN. and drive single or pair. Age 23, (single.) Apply, H. ¥., 189 Victoria Street, Kingston ------ eee ete GENTLEMEN, TO GE1 THEIR Ppring Suits made up at Galloway's, 1 Brock street, next to Bibby's | By style, fit and price guaranteed | to please ; pressing and repairing done promptly. thi AE A MAN OF ABILITY TO REPRESENT | us in the city of Kingston, to can- vass for high class Fruits and Orna- mental Nursery stock. Territory re- served for the right man. Liberal in- ducements. Pay weekly. Stone & Wellington, Toronto. MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN PLUMB- ly demand for per day. Many two months, Union and | Send for free 0. Plumbing Cincinnati, ing trade. Cannot s graduates. $4 to $I complete course in Graduates admitted to Master Plumbers Ass'n. catalogue. Coyne Bros. Schools, New York City, ©O., St. Louis, Mo. TO-LET. THE SHOP ON DIVISION STREET, near Garrett street, occupied by Miss | Boon, milliner. Apply at Whig office. DWELLINGS FU RNISHE 'D AND uN | c~ | Agency, 51 | penditure offices, etc., at furnished, stores, Real [Estate Cann"s Brock Street. FOR SALE. Ee e------ PILGRIMS TO ST. ANNE'S CAN PRO- cure the Manual of St. Anne, at 7¢ Willinm St. Price 50 cents. THAT PROPERTY, street, containing nearly an ac a large frame house, with Por particulars, apply to Perry, on premis LOST. A BROWN STRAW HAT, WITH RriB- bon crimmings, on Cedar Island. Will the finder kindly return to Whig office Fe TEN DOLLAR BILL AND AdOUT £5 5 en 8 ts. \ i | in other bills, this morning, on {x w's ha Summer Colds. : } 6 At Moutre), 3 : Jetty 'City, 1. At Noliington Jurkat, between Clare Toe Ladies' strap shoes, girls' strap Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world Rochester, i ews ye A to Tafants' Home, Union £t. | shoes, regular $1.50 value on sal®at widie cold cure, removes the cause. {Saturday Afternoon To Gananoque | Abernethy's all this week 'for $1 These | Call for the full name and look for | oth Children's Crash Hats. . [are real good shoes only we have not | signature of E. W. Grove. 250, | Amita Safle both ways on her tour) From 5c. up:at Campbell Bros. | got all sizes, See if we can fit you. 1 s | board Selande, 2 P.M; supper « | Henry Cunningham, piano tuner Fof Campers. SAL Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) disinfect: wnt soap er' is .a boon to jan home. It RIDE | AT 42 DURHAM 5 Select our hats because ginfects and cleans at the Canned Tomatoes, 11¢. Tin. Scoteh Oat Cakes, 10c. package Choice Olives and Mixed Pickles, 10¢ i Bottle Choice Maple Syrup, Fine Pastry Flour, Bottle. 5 Hundred. Hundred. in Sugar Fine Bread Flour, Red Cross Catsup, 7c See our prepared | fruit withomt cooking. | Fresh Bggs and wn = for canning Butter at market All new stock. Give us a trial order. Ww Lasitioiel U8 dat Now 1 seve] E. Hopkinson & Bro., Prompt Delivery | | 37 bs Street, CARPENTER AND JOBBER, {103 Raglan Street: ~ POSTPONED PUBLIC MEETING RE |e | THE | Hotel called by the Mayor for this | eve ning, has been postponed until further | notice | | er-------------- | FARMER'S BRUTAL CRIME. Blows a Boy's Brains Out in His Berry Patch. Wheeling, W. V a., July 21. i | Bro n, George county, living near New Erin: blew out the brains of | William Willimb, 4 fifteen-year-old boy, because he found the lad in his black- berry patch. The boy did not vacate the premises as quickly as Brown de | sired and raising a shot gun he liter- ally scattered his brains over the pre- mises, The farmer arrested and | the community is so worked up that [ officers fear an outbreak. Weize was |{WIDEN STREETS IN LONDON. {May Cost [English Capital through the crisis. The operation it- | $150,000,000 or So. seli is admittedly ome of the most de- ' ' | icate known to surgery. Rare s skill | London, Eng. duly 21.--Wid- | and jron nerve are required, and both ler streets may be given to London at | ppg MoKernon and Mason possess | a cost of $150,000,000 or so. A royal | these to a marked degree. Fortunes | will | commission appointed in 1903 to in- | uve heen paid by men far less weal ! | quire | London, has just reported | only cure for existing tions is wider streets. The plan mitted by the commission involves ex- of £150,000,000. The eom- mission predicts 11,000,000 population for London in the near future. [RRR that the sub Great Tea Bargains. Mullin's grocery 2 Ibs. Ceylon tea, usually Ib, 2 hs. 25e, or siftings 25c., Friday! only. Corner Johnston streets, ) offers black 3 Ibs. black Men Of Fashion. | quality they cannot be excelled, ¥ our summer weight derbys © at Campbell Bros., the style | from Chickering. Orders v | MeAuley William Swain, piano tuner. received at McAuley's book store. DINNER SETS one of the best known farmers | crowded condi | sold at 25c, per tea | and Saturday antl Division in style and «> bly "* | mining jnterests, entre for ? received at 4 hook: store, Princess strest | Orders | prevents and cures mosquito bites, be. Paris, on Friday, will sail from Cher- | to bourg, by thé German liner," on Wed- nesduy next. His arrival is preceded | | by some interesting telegrams from | | St. Petersburg, one of which makes | hy { the important statement that the Rus- | sian plenipotentiary is expected to | | make light of certain difficulties, even | that of a war indemnity, if he can | only arrange an alliance with Japan, | the theory being that a peace, which | would imply an alliance, could not be | | trgarded as ighominious. Allied with | Japan, Russia would still be able. to | had her own in the far east, and be- sides this idea broached by M. De Witte has so delighted the government { that the question of offering Japan | indemnity is no longer considered in | surmountable. The possibility: of later | coming to terms with England is re- garded as feasible and logical. Spirit Deteriorated. { London, July 21. The St. Peters- | burg correspondent of thé Standard | { dais to have god information that | although Gen. Linevitch' has been re- inforced, and his army is well provi- med and well clad, 'the spirit of the roops has deteriorated. They do not { share the faith of their commander in { hitrire victory, and sinee thev beowme | aware' that peace is being discussed, they are longing to retum to. their homes, Seme observers believe thev | | would enter another battle reluctant | ly. RITITIT: FFE $24 eh Advance: More Energetic. Russian Headquarters at the Front, July 21.--The Japanese advance from | Korea is 'taking cn a more energetic | have sailed Leila Carton, Denver sues hor wealthy father, | demands $200 The United 4 Centre, ike 34 4 Mrs. Tula years of age, a Among Rockaway Roach is Mrs. { kie, over eighty, who has often gone | out beyond the lifchoats to the res- cue of young girls. Only one share in the r IDAY, JULY 21, 1908. World. eo OC. M.A. delega by the Viet © jes the same x pe as Oreat Britain, | KOREA ENERGETIC. George twenty-one years | justice Ra the me court, is dead | at Dunkirk, N. He retired in 1899. |® Ernest Flagler, a young man under months' sentence for burglary, es- caped from theprison yards at Belle "Feasible = and Logical"'-- ig tod : , i Spirit of Linevitch's Troops ROR deserted from Wal. | Deteriorates. seley rack sndon, for fear of be Snecial to vhe Whig. ing transferred - the Ralifax gar | London, July 21.--The Paris corres: | rigon, compel him Sto sup hits her. month. tes vessel, is said to pirates and the have been seized searching for the ship. July 21.--Official reports from the colonial authorities in West Africa describe an outbreak on the part of the cannibal tribe of the Njems in the German Berlin, Cameroons. Jt is stated that during the month of June this tribe devoured 2,000 negroes and eight white persons. The German military foree in the dis- trict 'is too weak to cope with the savages and they have practiced their can- nibalism undisturbed Kohlaseh, * Carl Peter, thirteen years, living near Ann Arbor, ave be | lieved to have eloped. twenty-nin champion Mary Fran- Ontario judge fails JULY == | WILD SCENE oroceo conference on (Hosiney belle, Carton, She | Robert government is adi di nh *¥ swimmers at to. {In Industrial neral increase of judi- | cial salaries, namely, the judge of the admiralty court, whos salary remains as fixed in 1877. 21, 1908. | ns ne FR "Joe" Bennett was committed tar | "Government trial at Brantford for the murder of When When British 1 Was Defeated. | IRISH LAND VOTE - Betsey Jacobi: alk sla Is Mooted The in "agricultural dis triets in Bas resulted in riots | at Seville alamanca Mary i, Wilkesbarre, Pa., uk ST. PETERSBURG is sued for damages hy John brumbosky she jilted him. Russia has notice of her ac | REDUCTION PROPOSED 'REDMOND THE CAUSE. BY ouse Rang With Cries of "Re- sign"--Balfour Siilingly { Says He Has Nothing to Say i --Opinion is Bovernment Won't Resign, "-acial to the London, Sly 3 pl At a quarter past | twelve, this morning, the government | was defeated by 99 to Yi, a snap di- | vision, on the proposal'of John Red- { mond to reduce the Irish land vote by £100, 1 A remarkable scene of excitement ensued. Nationalists and liberals rose to their feet and waved hats and hiefs, while the glass ceiling of the house rang again again | with cries of "Resign { Sir Henry Campbell: -Bannérman abk- {ed Mr. 'Balfour whether he had any | statement to make. The promier, with a smile, replied. that he re no state ment to make at present. He would consult his league and give ni answer { on Monday. The general opinion is that the gov- | ermment will not resign, but will re | introduce the motion. May Take Second Vote. London, July 21.-The result of the vote on the motion to reduce the | membership of the Irish land commis- | sion; in which the government - was defeated, in the House of Commons, | shows the wajority of the opposition was-four; instead of three votes, as | first announced. | Premier Balfour will summon the | cabinet for a meeting, at which it © | will be decided whether the ministry | will resign, or demand a new vote on | the question. If a second vote is | taken it almost certainly would re sult in a government majority. FIERY PLACARDS POSTED, District of St. Petersburg, Whi. July 21.-Ae yesterday s Snecial to 'the Moscow, [ aspect, and is being pushed toward | 8% $600 per annum, | session of the Zomstvos congress, al- Mousan, Nangan, and Hasagawa. The | J. 8. Larke, commercial agent . for | ter some very outspoken specches, it | Japanese seem to have received rein- | Australia before the Toronto branch | was agreed bv a vote of 290 to 7, forcements from: Field Marshal Ove: 9, the Manufacturers' Association, | that the proposed constitution be ma's. main. army in front of Gen. stated that Australia was ready for a approved and remitted to the Zomst- Linevitch, A landing of Japanese near | reciprocal trade agreement with | vos, Dumais, and citizens for con | Canada. | sideration and re-discussion, in the { Vladivostok would not be surprising, | and the operations seem to be concen- trating in that direction. The Japa- | ne se advance in the Island of Saghali- { en has reached Vladimirovske, The Ja- | penese artillery includes forty machine | guns. Me 81 Baron Komura Arrives. Seattle, Wash. July 21.--Baron Ju: | the party leader in the senate will be taro Komura, minister of foreign af- | gither Mon: Donald Ferguson, Princ fairs; and peace plenipotentiary of Ja- | Edward Island, who served as a min | pan, arrived, on the Great Northern | ister witho portfolio, or Hon. Mr Railwav last evening.. Baron Komura | Lougheed, Calgary, with the chances declined to discuss his mission, but three minutes duty pvers eighteen for all the pies Sir Mackenzi distinctly in the the locality, named Touzin, Francis Curran and Herman Meyers, New York policemen, in contest forty pies in twenty and 'then went out o Curran ate twenty-two an Meyers had to pa a side, ate latter's favor. for light of their expressed views at the next congress in August. A proposal to petition the czar on the subject of | the constitution was rejected. The n | discussion abounded in outspoken con- d | demnation of the government, and in y | complaints that none of. the reforms promised: by the czar had been effect Rowell's successor as | od. . Fiery Placards Posted. St. Petersburg, July 21.--Placards displayed by the revolutionary organ have heen postponed in the industrial districts of St. Petersburg, calling on | said it was to be hoped that the | The wife of Rev. Arthur Lee, com- peaceful impulses of the two nations, ing home on furlough, from Gifu, the peohie 10 Daxt Saturday thanks to the friendly initiative of | Japan, where he has been C.C M.S, I ne a eh _ "Th Rigi are | Mr. Roosevelt, may be successful "in | missionary, died in London. Mrs. Lee a npy = " re against a" is Sein bringing about a permanent cessation | was a daughter of the late Capt. Gre- 1 of Tostilities. | gory. sea captain, and a hiece of ed at "the bottom of the placard. Judge Gregory of Fredericton, N.B. ------ | anion Ne CRUELTY ARMY To Land In Siberia. The parents Mrs. Lena Pla sofsky ad 2 London, July 21.--A despatch to the | Express, from St. Petersburg, an nounces that the landing of Japanese troops in Siberia is imminent. It is | expected the military operations wi | be transferred to the coast in th Smith, | ing the mory of their eloped and nu faentile. soul and pight as well be dead in th of Men Jewish his, Tenn., a funeral od Abe Smith, They say she is dead in th body. » hold Fo % me vighter, who recent) German Officers Convicted of v Gross Inhumanity. a Berlin, July 21.--To hang recruits e | and cut them down on the point ol o | death by suffocation and recall them hy whipping was deemed good mili- very near future, as that is where : ini 3 the Russians are weak German manufacturers, acting in col- | tary fun by two corporals who are - | lusion with British merchants, have | pow in Dusseldorf military prison, MAY GET $100,000 EACH | been making fr audulent use of the | sentenced respectively to three months aedtihinh > | Canadian preference. Some allege that | and three years. Fees for the preference be nefits are frequently The two non-commissioned _ officers |Speculation as to Operation. ninety per cent. to { and only ten px cont, or less to German industry Bri were shown to have committed hund- reds of cruelties against their subor- New York, July 21.~Senator Clark, | igh. dinates. after undergoing one of the most seri Five vears ago Grace Battershy It wis clearly proved that they used ous of surgical operations, is on the | Engoman. dive and Henry Son- | to make reéruits go through the rifle road to recovery, { ford, milli », met in New York, | exercise before glowing stoves until | An interesting feature of the case is | fell in Le sight and were [rompt- | they fainted. the fee that will be paid by the cop- | Ivy | per king to the men who brought him | viees of experienced surgeons. | divorce on the ; divorce from her | illegally obtained In two or th | three thousand | good character, racks, Now Sanford deman ground that his w first husband we married ve weeks" time son all under be discharged at Horsham ba Sussex. have between | jesty of Russia iz said to have re | and forty pound fs in cash. [wgrded the physician of the smpress | Only 109 b +. came to Philadel at the birth of the heir with a fee of | phia on the liner Haverford veste | 2250.000 and a decoration. {day in a boat load of immigrant Re Mr. than $100000 to Dr. Lorenz, of na, for curing the little daughter, < | of Paris, the American dentist who as- sisted the Empress Eugenie to escape from a mob, was made many times a { millionaire in return for his work om} en- Armour, of Chicago, paid more | When all had di | son he raved deep-sea deformity of his | marked : The late Dr. Evans, | with such a bawling, squalling cargo same They time." cmbarked, sigh and n "Never did 1 wail never all slept at the rn ------ Baseball On Thursday. time expired men of thirty-five it is hoped many will into transportation problems in | hy (han Senator Clark for the ser- | be induced to make homes in Canada. His ma- | Every one will thirty Capt. Ne before Is The liberal press finds the saddest % | thing about this story is the fact 18 | that no recruit dare complain, and that no officer noticed this wholesale torture which continued for years, A civilian doctor discovered horrors when treating a young man who had | joft the army. It was shown that the hanging practice' had ruined his health, Reformers ask how they oan improve matters when the soldiers are cowardly and silent, and the officers do not observe the flagrant cruelties, , The sentenee inflicted by the court 8 | on the torturers is milder than the | | punishment of soldiers who in temper ® | have raised their hands against their officers, : we What A Family Is This. New York, July 21.--Mr, and Mrs. itstone have twenty children. They the teeth of royalty and its friends. 3 National Leagues New York, 7 | occupied four small rooms at No. 245 It i= felt by manv that for complete | 9. St Louis, At Boston, 1:5: Ohi- | Eldndge street. They have lived on restoration to health Senator Clark cago, 34. At hu 7: Philadel | 39 during the last month, They were will draw his cheque to each of his | hia, physicians for £100,000, This means to | Pre Montana mnlti-millionaire possi- two daye' income from his vast ey Try Cook's English carbolic soap, | and' 10c. Meteod's Tug Store. American Leaguéy i Boston, 34. | ton, G At Chicago, & New York, 4. At Buffalo, 4 Pro- { videnoe, 0. At Torte, 4; Baltimore, pers, "| Lockett Shoe Store. At Brooklyn, 2% Cincinnati. At Cleveland, 7 At Detroit, % dg Eastern League A bargain: tabla of ladies' strap sli regular $1.50, Saturday, $1. T I | | married twenty-six years ago. He | was seventeen; she was fifteen." A child has been born to them overy | year; the eldest in twenty-five, | youngest two. The husband was com- | mitted to jail yesterday because he could not nish £300 bonds | week for the support of bis family. For Ideal Sandwiches. | Clark's potted ham, | game mixed © with hard and spread between two thin slices of ip- | bread well buttered. he | | Shoe polish, Be., at Abernethy's, id 5 : "| smor w cE Walls Fall to to Protect Ac- . cused Colored Lad. New Braunnels, Tex., July 21.-A mob battered down the Joong ol the Steel BOUGHT A STEAMER. Iron Duke is Go Go to Ogdensburg, N.Y. Ogdensburg, N.Y., July 21.--The George Hall Coal company has chased ly of the Corregan wrecked in the Charlotte harbor last fall but was later raised and is now lying at a wharf there. It will he brought at once to the Ogdensburg shipyard, where all necessary repairs The and will be a necessary addi to the large fleet of Hall boats now ply ing the lake and river. FELL TRIRTY FEET. yeo-- From Top of [Electric Light Raley Special to the Niagara Falls, Ont, July 21.--John Sikes, about by 'years ol age, em- ployed by the Bel Telephone com- pany, while stringing wires at the cor- ner of Clifton avenue and Bridge street at noon to-day, fell off the top of the | thirty-foot pole by the wire of which he had held, coming in contact with a live wire, Sikes fell below, and his vight fog 80 badly that below kneeo _ protruded, through the flesh, and he revived other injuries. He was taken to hospital. SENT TO PRISON -- . For Having Passed a Forged Chayusc NE Special to the Whi y Port Hope, ont, July 21. Edward Lang, who gives his addreen as Spe dina ANvaue, Toronto, 'and who was amrested yesterday moming for pase ing a cheque for twelve dollare on dhe. Steels a ha. was police vourt and was sentenced to one year in Cen tral prison, Toronto. Before the trial, this moming, several places in Tor onto where Lang said references could be obtained were communicated with by Wephous but able, TO 'BUY THE ROAD. Ottawa Electric Company After the City. Special to the Whig. Ottawa, Sy 21. ~The Ottawa Eleo- tric company, at noon, i a writ against the city, asking for injune- tions to restrain the city from leasing electric power and for a declaration that the acquisition by the city of the Consumers' plant is invalid. It also asks to compel It is looked on of the Conmee act, as the first notice to make the city buy out the road. Severe Treatment. Chatham, Ont.) July 21. --Eleven masked men forced an entrance into the home of Thomas Dulmage, a farm- er' living near Wheatley, early Thurs- day morning, dragged him from his bod, soused him for hall an hour in a well, lashed him to a post and thrashed hinr with a horsewhip, be- cause, it is alleged, he was in the habit of drinking heavily and abusing his wife. Severely Shaken Up. Special to the Whig Kesex, Ont., Jobe 21 Though * Fred. McCarthy, Ve ire Marquette station ag: ent, at Helton, while riding on a rail way velocipede, met a freight train going twenty-five miles and hour, not a bone was broken by the collision. McCarthy received a verv severe shak- ing up, however, and now lies in Hotel Dieu, Windsor. Murderer Seeks Gallows. Oswego, N.Y. July 21.--Defying the efforts of his own lawyers to save him, Henry W.-Manzer, on trial for the marder of Cora Sweot, said yester- day when his defence offered evidence to prove his insanity at the time of tho murder : "1 was not insane for a minute, and I am willing to suffer death for my act." The Fleet Is Close By. Special to the Whig. Ruupost, er July 21.-The fleet of warshi bringing to this country, from France, the body of Paul Jones, was heard from by wireless message this morning. It will awive at Ches- apeake Capes, on Sunday morning, if weather is favorable. . ------------ A Lad Drowned. Snacial to the the by Magistrate Wahle fur- to guarantee $5 a te gue or bagled eggs Whig. Montreal, July 21.--Rene Norman: din, the fourteen-year-old son of J. E. Normmandin, the well- knw dry- goods merchant, while pinying in an old boat at Boucherville, fell over- board and was drowned - Major J. M. Walsh, the first gover nor of the Yukon and the conqueror of Sitting Bull in the North-West re- bellion, was stricken with 'paralysis at his home, in Brockville, and now kes in a precarious conditi . The plant of the defunct North Hastings Reporter was from to Man., where hone were procur- fi tate Capt. 5 ON ae ota of . Figlabure, aged seventy-six youre. a daughter, Mrs. 18 Elm oo Saturday morn a 10 o'cl Friends and acqu hanes apd FE FERGUSON. 3 Rinwscn, 3 Nd morning, Jay 9 190 residence of his i 3 B. Ferguson, 376 Alfred St. FARE Forsythe Ferguson, in his sixtieth year. Funeral private. (Toronto papers please copy.) ROBT. J. REID, The Leading Undertaker 'phone 877. 1 | 222 Princess On account of a mishap to the machinery at the power housé, there will be no cars running to the Park to-day, nor any show at the Park this evening. ICED 1s appreciated ; of weather, But to really ay ha, kind the Tea must be extra good. Our Rideau every joan ine at 6 am. Fare Apply for tickets to board, James Swift.

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