Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jul 1905, p. 2

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emma 1S HARD AD IST Fresh Reporters On Their Rounds. | i Shoe polish, 5¢., at Abemnethy's. | "CITIZEN" 1S RAISING FUR- | rich Velvet Patterns and Colors | sul 3 are éxtra value, as they well as the $1 line and wear well. ground, the best condition. something sure to], Fo, te Tey d on. Je Have the Locations i Il we want is a little with you. | sure of meeting many 8 1] fiz i rion. presence of . the uest for a brief iy granted. The hgeral's, rm wh 1 uite ical. 0 local to- newspapers of King ston, their number, date of publica- , views Bn politics, ote. It struck writer quite dorcibly - that this t diplomat was securihg much information by the wayside and 'it in the storehouse for use on ture occasions. The consul scarcely was able to hide a merry twinkle as he remarked on having had the plea- newspaper men t the United States and : in both of which countries he has travelled extensively. The pre- sent meeting with of the eraft was an additional delight und Ushered into the , the Whigs "The Progetiy trip is | purely one of enjoyment," answel to a ques aL any ness. The consul is accompanied his three daugh- ters who are st ta at the Preshy- Ladies' College, of Ottawa. He left this morn: steamer Kingston for I thus to obtain a view of the recent conference of . terian assembly in Grant hall, shows the underlying humor in isitor's character 10 say nothing ar spread fame of the Scot. ing of the Ottawa Presbyterian i lege, the moderator stated that on arrival in this country, the consul- was looking about for a suitable institution where- in to educate his daughters. The O. P.L.C. was suggested to him and he to make enquiries. On earning that it. was under Scotch t he was immediately won . "Anything the Scotch do they do well' he remarked, "so I can place mw daughters under their care, assured that they will receive the best SUSI. ola pb i particular ere of activity o the consul-general is the diplomatic field. His assistants pay partiailar at- tention to commercial relations be- tween J and Canada, and look after the routine duties of the service. It is now some three and a half years since he came to Canada, having first established himself in Montreal. How- ever, as he had to specially interest himself in diplomacy he considered it better to be where the government met and the legislation was framed. Thus he would be on the field of bat- tle continually * and in closer touch with the politicians of Canada. A year and a half ago, the office of the econ- al was removed to Ottawa. . rding the present war," queri- ed the Whig representative, "Is not the indemnity of two and one hal billions of dollars rather a heavy one." . "Well," answered Hon. Nosse, "Ja- pan once made a mistake in the hand of Russia. That was when she gave up Korea. Russia then promised things she never meant to keep. This time Japan must be suve. She must get terms which will ensure perpetual peace. Above all things Korea - met be under protection of Japan." He cited the case of Japan and Egypt as a parallel. Korea was a corrupt coun- try, governed by a weak' le. The moment Japan lety it puss~from her hands there was no knowing what na- tion would step in and seize control of the country. The power whi did so would then constitute a- ace to the island etwire, from which it would be impossible to escape. It was a strategical positibn as well and bv making it the base of supplies for his fleet Admiral Togo was able to crush his adversaries with far greater ease than he would otherwise have been enabled to do. ; A the indemnity asked, the i to the the conclusioir of a serman war. Japan could easily t Russia again ten years hence, but did not propose that such an opportunity should arise. The pres ent straggle must ensure the peace of e Orient for years to come. In reference to the pence conference, "Omone," Its Best Form. germs is most surel effected by the use of "Solution rf Ozone" if it's the "coupon kind." It means the liquified oxygen is in the most concentrated form and that in addition is given free with either the fifty cent or the one dollar size of the Solution a coupon good for a twenty- five cent ckage of "Celery King." This splendid tonic laxative is needed to. obtai i axl vely the manufac- "Solution of Ozone' and if if FS FEIsEE CF fis have heard nothing of it as yet," was the reply, "and 1 dou very much H such is the ease. How: ever, granting the rt to be true, then 1 congratulate China on her ad- vancement. In former years any feel ings against foreigners have given rise to riots and the massacre of mission- aries. If she has really placed a boy cott" on the United States, then it shows at least a big step towards Westar civilization. © a 8 ing of his impressions Ca- pain Hon, Mr. Nosse, expressed much regret "that Canadians do not know their own country as well as 1 do, and partioularly Manitoba and the North-West."" With our great wealth and resources, the consul thought we are altogether too modest extend the inviting hand to our southern neighbor far too much in the way of allowing him all the plums. He | Toronto, at is also a great advocate of reciproci- ty between the United States and Ca- nada, and thinks it would be vastly in 'the interests of both countries. However, the Orient was the place for Canada. There her markets of the fu- ture lie. An yet the east was practical- lv unknown beyond a few cities along the sea-coast. He referred to the mar- velous increase in Japan's trade dur- ing the last few vears, and pointed out that the only true exit, for our west- ern production of grain, cheese, but- ter, etc, lies on the other side of the Pacific ocean. Thus concluded the interview and as the writer, bade farewell to the Japa- nese consul-general for Canada, he i away nothing but good im- preesions of that gentleman and of the wisdom and far-seeing segacity of the people of the Flowery Kingdom as 8 nation, : : Was Accidental. Mavor Sheppard, of Genanoque, in relating the accidental death of his brother, D. E. Sheppard, states the Gananoque Journal, says that he was taken home with an unfortunate dis ease, the dootor summoned and wmedi- cine loft to be given at short inter vals. Mayor Sheppard remained al- most constantly by his side, but hap- péned to leave him to go downstairs for a few minutes. In his absence Daniel got out of bed, and going into his sister's room picked up a small vial, which he supposed comtain- ed the medicine being given him, and took a dose. Jt contained ecarboli¢ acid, and realizing 'that he had made a mistake called to his hrother. Mav- or Sheppard hurried upstairs and found his brother suffering from the effects, and being told what he had taken hastened for Dr. Irving. Before he returned his brother was dead, the deadlv poison acting in less than five minutes. The Favorite Amusement. At Macdonald Park, last evening, the citizens were ' treated to another of the popular band concerts of the 14th Regimental band. The residents, as usual, turned out in large numbers to enjoy the beautiful evening bseezes, and listen to the entertainment. The surface of the water was quite smooth and all who were able availed them- selves of the privilege of listening from the river, The keen enjoyment derived by the people from these con- certs i$ in no wise diminishing and the ovening for which they are slated one looked forward to with delight. May Be Vacancies. There will be a few vacancies for cadets in September next at the Royal Military "College. Paragraph fourteen of the regulations reads as follows : Should there not be a suf- ficient number of successful candidates ut. the yearly examination, matricu- lauts in the faculty of arts at any chartered university in the Dowdnion of Canada, will be accepted on pro- duction of satisfactory evidence of their matriculation within the pre- vious twelve months. { Sir Richard Heard From. A close friend of Sir Richard Cart- right's in Ottawa, writing to a friend in Montreal, says there is absolute ly no truth in the report that Sir Richard Cartwright is about to leave cabinet, In fact he states that Sir Richard is still taking a deep interest in polities, and will probably stay with the government just as long as his health will permit, i In City Waters. The city has a slight grievance against the village of Barriefield or rather a resident thereof. A cow died there recently of a disease common to cattle and to get rid of the animal some person or persons towed it out into the water between Richardsons' elevator and the point. There it now floats and the city will have to re move the nuisance. -- Puffed rice crisp "McConkey's" cn- ly at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. A nice | cool canyas boot for men 0 : Store, The City Solicitor Thinks the Fault Lies With the Railway Company and it Should Make In the council chamber, on Thurs day afternoon, the following gentle ing the county property roads and bri the aty « the subway : 'Messrs. Spoor, Grant, Franklin, Ston- " Freeman, , Black and ess, ¥ Cox, chairman, The solicitor suggest ed that while the crossing was ad- mittedly dangerous, that the danger came from the duplication of tracks and the remedy. should be made by the Grand Trunk railway eompany. The uestion was eked "by Councillor ranklin, if the road company could not force the building of the subway. The solicitor pointed out that the uestion was as to whether, when it is Goubtiul if the railways committee had power to impose a jon of the cost of municipalities county ~ should urge the maiter. If on appeal the county held the commission had no jurisdiction in the question of costs, then the city and eouncil could tum around to the railway commission, and point ont to them that they had decided a subway necessary and ask that the Granél Trunk be made to build it. The position of the railwav was that they were willing to go on with the building of the subway, but they were not going to complete the work and then when thev came to ask the municipalities for their share of the cost to = be met with an appeal against the validity of the railwav committee's rulinig. The case seemed to be in the opinion of those present that neither county nor city would par unless they had to. City Solicitor Mcintyre still held that the canse of the danger came from the railway and they should remedy the evil. He ad- vised that a resolution be passed ask- ing a delay in the case, especially in view of the litigation going on in il.the. consid i. until " eration of the validity of the com- mission's ruling had become more cer tain. This is practically what the Grand Trunk are now asking. On mo- tion of Councillor E. Freeman, second- ed hy Councillor Pringle. the county was instructed to confer with the citv solicitor and draft a letter to Mr. Biggar, counsel for the G.T.R., ex- pressing the willingness of the countv council that construction of the sub- wav at Kingston Junetion should be deferred and time for completion of same enlarged until the final determ- ination of the litigation now pending concerning liability of Toronto to pay under similar order. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. What is Going ox About the Harbor. Crawford's wharf: Sehooner -Annan- dale cleared for Oswego. Craig's: Steamer Lake Michigan, up; steamer Alexandria, up, to-day. The steamer Ramona was in the governme dry-dock here yesterday for repairs.) The steamy New York will not be ready to go \ into commission until next week, The steamer Ramona, which came up for a mew wheel, will not get away till to-morrow morning. Richardsons' wharf: Steambarge Randalls from Perth with mica and cleared back with grain. : The steamer India's cargo of steel, from Spragge, is being transhipped in- to three barges at Garden Island, * M. T. company wharf: Tug Thomson up with one light barge; tug Emerson cleared for Oswego and Charlotte with two light barges, Swift's: Steamer Toronto, down ; steamer North King, from Charlotte ; steamer Picton, up, last night; steamer Hamilton, down, to-day ; steamer Ridean King, from Ottawa. J writ was issued hy the New On- tario. Steamship company against the Montreal Transportation company for 85,000 damages in connection with a collision in the Welland canal, between the companies hoats, Westmount and Neepawah. Capt. George Reid, Cardinal, has made a settlement with the insurance underwritefs for the yacht fie He receives 1,700 and retains the boat] He is raising the hull and will take it to drydock to be rebuilt. Fred Huck, of Lockport, 4s engineering the job and will rebuild the boat. Capt. Hicks, of the Varuna. is sul- fering with a cancer on his lip. It is a singular incident that he should be the third one on the Varuna to be afflicted. Capt. Porte had cancer in the stomach, Engineer Noreross had can- cer of the liver and now Capt. Hicks has one on the lip. Capt. Anderson will be in charge of the boat during Capt. Hicks' treatment. Had Been Poorly Done. It is expeoted that repairs to the street railway generators will be com: pleted this afternoon and that the cars will be able to run to Lake On- tario Park this evening, James Halli- day, electrician, has been at work at the generators since the trouble began, and was engaged a large part of last night. The trouble was in the insulat- ing, which had been poorly done by the Montreal electricians. Get Under. ! Our straw hats. We have the kinds that are worn bY wep who demand high grade quality, Abeauty of finish and standard styles!" Campbell Bros. the style centre for men's hats: Saturday AfternooniTo Gananoque America calls both ways on her tour of the islands, 2:30 pm.; supper on board, fare 5c. e ? > Ladies" regular $1.50 strap and Ox- ford tie shoes, most all sizes to clear them out we will sell them at $1. See them in the window at Abernethy's. gales Monad' violet toilet soap, . Colgate's Cashmere bouquet soap, Ma and 0s ielaod 8 Be. one pol r of castile soap at Gibson's Red Cross deug store. See the dadies' regular | Abernethy's window ng 'son's Red Cross drug store. The Whig will issue a twelve-pager { on Saturday. i Bo. Tape Girdle Corel for 35e. | New York Dress . : : = The Grand Opera House re-opens on {To the Street Railway Deal : August 17th, a very early.date. | Doesn't Like Our Representa- Beechman's Pills are sold at Gib- | tives Apparently--Repudiates Suggestion That He is a "Knocker." Kingston, July 19.--(To the i lonian for Liver- |or): > see by Necsioy night's Whig { that the city council held a mecting press early on | on Monday night, at which eighteen Saturdays. Hurry in your advertise: | members were present, only four be- ments, ing absent. 1 also noticed that Saturday night will close the 20 p.c. | among other business transacted the sale of men's Oxfords at The Lockett | agreement between the city and . the Shoe Store. { street railway company was ratified More city league baseball games will { and passed. Was that necessary ? be played in the cricket field to-mor- | Was that which was done on the 5th row atternoon. | not sufficient to make it sure for the W. 1. Herrington, K.C., Napanee, | company, or did it require to 'be has been elected D.D.G.M. of Fronte- | again rushed through, by way of nac' Masonic district. | ratification, and thus make a virtue The Archbishop of Kingston is at | of necessity, if it was really necessary Kemptville to-day. He holds con- |in order to make it sure and safe, firmation on Sunday. | and thus bind us unquestionably hard Corsets 25¢., 40c,, 50c. and up. New and fast, and to place the company York Dress Reform. ° + | beyond the pale of being disturbed ? There were 151 excursionists from [A nice lot of representatives, we truly here on the steamer America to Og- | have ! playing into the hands of # densburg this morning. monopolist corporation instead of Prof. Shortt has been on a yacht- | legislating in the imterest of the citi- ing cruise to Chaumont Bay, N.Y., | zens, whom, they are supposed to-re- He returns this evening. | present, being a jug-handied transact A perfamed borated talcum powder ion, which they themselves can't help for 15¢. Gibson's Red Cross drug | but know and clearly see and which: store. " | we will be made to feel the effect of It is denied that either Hon. W. |in spite of all we can say or do Scott or Sir R. J. Cartwright are to | just now. ls' this not shameful ? retire from the federal ministry. { While we can't blame the. company The number of pilgrims from this | for getting all that our misrepresen- district to St. Anne de Beaupre, next | tatives seem so anxious to bestow Tuesday, promises to be very. large. [upon them, how long are we going to Col. Twitchell and his son Emmus, | tolerate these fellows ? We should who has just returned from Youngs- {'send them into oblivion on the first town, Ohio, left this moming for Ver- | opportunity that presents itself to us mont. As no discussion of the subject is Mrs. W. H, Jrwin, Chicago, and Mrs. published, nor no yeas and nays given S. Veech, Simecoe Island, are visiting | at Monday night's . meeting, in the their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abbott, { Whig, suppose it is safe to count on Joyceville. { the position as being in much the E. Burtch, in charge of the Rath- | same shape as it was on night of the bun company's Tweed' yard for fif- | 5th, vou, doubtless, being sick of teen months, is moving back to { rehashing the abominable subject, which Kingston. | is so discouraging and disgusting to Rev. Mr. leitch, of Allan's Settle. [US all, when we consider how. our in ment, 'in Kingston presbytery, has re- | terests have heen so shamefully saeri signed, having accepted a charge at i ficed. If order that your readers may Virden, Man. | not become forgetful of what has A bargain table of ladies' strap slip- { been so' extravagantly done for the pers, regular $1.50, Saturday, $I. The | ompany; at our expense; 1 shall, Lockett Shoe Store. i | with your permission, remind them August 15th will be observed as | from time to time, or as often as grange day at Thousand Island Park. deemed necessary, of the unreasonable The present 'indications point to a | and uarequized concessions which the large attendance. | company has been favored with by a Bargains in corsets (ordered or | majority of our reckless and toadying ready-made) of every description. New | councilmen. is York Dress Reform. { . In writing as I do, it is not that | Next week the work of laying the | am against the railway. On the con gas main extension from the works up | trary, I am in favor of it, and am, Queen and along Bagot to Broek | therefore, not a "knocker," as every street will be begun. | objector ig termed by those who seek Fous members of the local corps: R. and give fayors in a 'manner which C. F. A., are in Gananoque, looking should not be conferred, at the public after the saddlery, guns, ete., of the | expense, as has been dove. in .this Sth Field Battery, | railway deal. It is that imposition Five miles of concrete walks are be | that 1 am. against, which every eiti- ing laid this year, the largest amount | 2" effected thereby should and does ever put down here in one seafon. | Strenuously raise objections. --CITI Work was begun earlier than usual. | ZEN. There have been four diphtheria cases reported to the medical health | officer this month. Three are in the | Hotel Dieu and one in the general | hospital. : W. H. Padfield, who succumbed to i Prescott ata; Mion @ Geld near Tweed, wes an | It occurred on Monday and the trade. He in Kingston A | ete Jas along the Tver front on y T 1 istoric battle grounds. The hunters RQug to Eagle over. Dr. Fowler's were Customs Officers Murdock and Extract of Wild Strawberry. Sold at | Ruder, as keen a pair of officials as ve : \ ? | ever wore the brass buttons, and the Gibson's Red Cross drug store. quarry was an Assyrian and his ac- About all the concrete walks to be complice. The officers got wind of an aid down town are finished, and the {attempt at 'a bold run. They watch Ivo ange a%e now. working up town, | ed along the docks with glasses and on they will remain probably for | near noon were rewarded by seeing a t gS ast of ATs zeason, ,_ | boat put out from the docks over the ohev. A Patrie, | XA of Joa j river. Officer Keeler took up his posi night ony ws mined on ny | tion sides the CER. {stay and ! a - Petrie | agreed to hold the bridge like Hora- will have charge p - tins i » i h re Shaige of the Marmcre eon: | tius in the classics. Officer Pat went Sntion sud, as i at ns. {on further and hid in the tall weeds. 2 0 Youk n Return t is mr- | Trouble 'arose-ine the shape of an- ing from Sanmmodue, where he deliv- { other Assyrian, who came driving ad a She ly gaso ine launch to E. 0. | down with a buggy. His duty was to Sir he eu i Wieriel. J net a Sat and drive the cargo to b g h & . | safety after it was landed. _ A maskinonge four feet and two | the officers A iehes in Jegth and weighing thirty. {warn his approaching confederate Rh = gle at he This a he | © Borns whets Vouk PA, dered L) § " 8 he | ont you say a word!" ordere largest fish caught on the river this | Officer Murdock. The fellow cowed seahan, ; . and was compelled to drive the officer - ring eRewsicns from Thousand { down the road to where the boat was and points to Kingston will be be- | nearing shore. Seeing their own rig gun by the Folger hoats next week. | the smugglers drew up on the beach, present about 200 people come up { unhesitatingly. "Ah," said Officer here every day from river points on | Murdock "this is w! steamyachts. Bue dimake a y killing." He jumped from the buggy It will take more than talk to build | and Ee a Lay But Te ii a summer hotel here. It's monev that | treacherous, gave way and landed is required. The investment would be | him in the water. In the confusion absolutely safe. Cobourg summer hotel | the smugglers pushed off and were is paving big monev, and one in King- | making for Uncle Sam's land when ston could do better. the officer pulled out a pair of hand Ten men have been engaged during |cufis and holding them at arms' length the past week cutting down weeds off | ho threatened to shoot. The Assyrian the streets. The city engineer says | dropped his oars but the young fel: that the balance of the board of | low with him had doubts about the works' appropriation could easily be | gun and replied with an impolite sug- spent in weed clearing alone. | gestion. The seared fellow picked up egg is on exhibition at "The n H the oars and helped in the es Hub," which is of much larger propor- | ie Officer Murdock stood ne tions than is ordinarily run across. It | bank throwing stonks. was laid by a black Minorca hen, the | The sequel is that the Assyrian property of Frank Twiss of this city, | came over Monday evening on. the and weighs a quarter of a pound. ! ferry and allowed Officer Murdock to Men who have capital to spare are | put the bracelets on. He was taken wanted at the meeting in the city | before Collector Jessop and fined $50 council chamber this evening to look | and costs. into the summer hotel matter, They couldn't get a better investment, and | help- | Miss Nellie McMahon, Teaaphans, ) Ark., is visiting friends in the city. | Mrs. Allen, Kingston, sailed to-day | on the Allan. liner pool. The Whig goes to SMUGGLING AT PRESCOTT. The Smuggler Escapes But is A P at iscon at the same time they would be BY Water Yate. gid save 4 te ing their city. The late Bruce Williams, Napaneo, | was well-known to many in this eitv. | with whom he was very popular. A | number of young men went up this af- | fernoon to attend the funeral, Sever- | Prett's Prepared Sugar, a boon t al floral contributions were also sent | house wives. Call and we'll tell you to be placed on the coffin. | about its virt es. At the police court, this morning, a Tapioca, ? Ibs... (special), 35. citizen was charged with indecent ev. Rice, 7 Js, (special) 25e. posure. He pleaded "not guilty." ! Fancy Cakes, 8 1bs., 25¢. The only witness said that in passing { g O7Pe and Raspberry the defendant's ho July 14 l Culiforui 6 am, he saw a ey ath Calitornia oT thes, teh Boum, 15. a window quite nude. The upper | li battles, 208 shutters were closed so it was. im- it i bX Pickles. per quit. $5. possible to identify the party. Defen | Gen Jame: Bint) ot bottles, 20c. dant and his brother wre the sole Seasied Ee" mis, Quarts, | Gallons, mule occupants of the house, and | Rolls, Bologna and aa ders: neither cosupied the room in ques- | slice and in cans. . ats, va tion. e case i Fresh Ber ase was dismissed. ons VaR. i iu Wea F. W. VAN LUVEN EE sn. Saturday Specials at Van Luven's \ Pearl Fedoras. The popular styles at Campbell THER OBJECTIONS. i 4 | nossible. Rdit- | | He saw | and was attempting to | | Mitchell's Old Stand. and Fizzy Lp Our Seidlitz pdeders are prepared from the purest and freshest materials N They have the life and sparkle pe. duced only by the best of chemiculs, One taken in thé morning makes voy feel fine all day. Puts new life into vou this warm weather. All Aperient and Health Salts | stock. Abbey's Salt, 25¢. and 60c. Eno's Salt, $1 Bottle. The "Best" Drug Store, 124 Princess Street. 'Phone 59 QUICK DELIVERY. "gud Molise EVERYWHERE. LIMITED 9000000000000000000008 "THERE 1S A TIME FOR ALL THINGS." Now, while prices are low, is the time to fill your coal bin with best quality SCRANTON COAL from P. Walsh's Yard BARRACK STREET, $000000000000000000009 SATURDAY SAVINGS How would you like to se soc. on a Parasol ? 50 arasols, regular $1.25, Sat- turday price 69c. each. 150 Remnants of Prints, Ginghams, Muslins, White Waistings and Suiting lengths from 2 yards to 12 yards. Saturday some half price, others less than half price. Ladies' Fast Black Cotton Hose, seamless feet, sizes 8 1-2, 9, 9 1-2. Saturday, 2 pairs for 25¢. Ladies' Cotton Under- vests, 10C,, 12 1-2C.,15¢C. each. Boys' and Girls' Ribbed Cotton Hose, black and tan colors sizes 5 to 10 inches,all extra values Saturday. 12%¢. English Prints, Sat- urday roc. per yard. Newman & Shaw. DON'T ° MENTION IT! Just allow us to say, you save money on your coal bought Wine, hotties, | now. Thorough: is: the'way every wome Oxford expresses her of The unanimous v 'Canadian homes is thats has the most: perfect obedient, most economi There is a constr many good points foun instance the id © any other one feature such a favorite, is the r Flue. No other range Everything that si building could teach in. the Imperial Oxfor It has the most perfe and flues, It has an has our patent draw- thing that can contribu SEE IT. If you direct and we will s name of the nearest d People who prefer a St cellor as perfect in every wa "On Exhibition and F speee ® LADIES' PATEN cut, Goodyear we lar $3 value for LADIES TAN AN $2 value for $l. LADIES' DONGO! French heels. § It will more ti tage of these snaps McDERMOT' 06 $000 9LO®! ° - The Polish that won't we Sold Only at Strachan's The bess cork comes fror ALE i, a

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