8 -- 15 shi } sgsaditiagats sf 1st iil ifs 3 i g FH g f el | f roo Bhs i a ternoon, a v ly e the la or ¥ _- Eiginbu = te ealey, urg, The deceased was horn in Ireland, and J came to Cénada when a child. The family settled at burg, where tho daughter mar- ried the late Joseph Healey, a well- known farmer. Upon his death, fifteen years ago, the widow removed to Kingston, Whete she has since resided, one of daughters, Mrs, Stagg on street. Two other children also survive, vie., Mrs. FE. 8, Suddard, J Elm sireet, and Capt. Thomas Hea- ley. a K, and P. conductor, The de- lady was seventy-six vears of age, and a Methodist in religion, Dur- ing the pL A i been y failing tl was 2 Mrs, Healoy was known among her 'Trends. and ao quaintances as one who 'never ut- Jered & cross word." She was always pleasant, and her bright face and go nial disposition will not soon be for- gotten, The funcral takes place on Saturday to Cataraqui cemetery. Whité' Duck Hats, 25c. Men's and boys' at Campbell Bros. Buy your sugar for poeserving at Mullin's. 10c. bags fine table salt for 7 cents, Friday and Saturday only at Mullin' 8, Garden party, Hotel Dieu unds, Friday, July 21st, 14th band in at tendance,, in aid of Ladies' Auxiliary. Admission 10e. Edward Wassermann, New' York lad a Hot Tim ston's. hroker, received, by mail, an infernal machine, in a cigar box. © Yesterda y If you are: wearing our Aertex Cellular Mesh Under- clothing you don't mind it so | much. We've got all "the other apparel to make you cool and comfortable too. Wash Vests from $1. Negligee Shirts from $1. Summer Sox from z0c. Summer Ties, Wide Four- in-Hands. ; ole have a Jock i our uting Suiting. ial price this w Sarg $18 ay oo. Re- duced from $23 to $25. {hardware Business for has examined the forests of the mari- time provinces, and is on hi to jr fia; On his. returs. pers Ry be will visit the forests of Borden, M.P., leader of th position in 'the doin _ ion parliament, Leighton MeCarthy ad Dr. Barr, upon Premier tney, to-day. and also saw the other -- hers of the ncial cabinet. It was merely a friendly visit, and had no political . Mr. Whitney wil (save, 1x masow, po ulna Jome ir urg, w e will take a ---------- CALLED TO REST. James F. Ferguson Died at An Early Hour, Few, if any, were prepared for the shocking news which was given i tho death of James ¥. Ferguson, of the Kingston G ny. 'Mr. Ferguson | ion the, robust health being a sufferer fropy {a ul kidney disease, though one never heard him lain. He was able to be around t to the day his vy voice became stilled for- ever, news of his sudden sum- motis came as an unwolcome Suprise. The deceased was a native of ing- ston, having heen born here sixty re ago. Ho was a son of the late illiam Ferguson, at one time King- ston's leading dry-goods merchant. Tn early life he located in Napanee, where ho entered inte Rartaeship with his brother, the late W. B. Ferguson, and they conducted a prosperous twenty-three vears, years ago the two brothers came to Kingston and es- jablished the Kingston cordage works. n 1 the senior partner, W. B. , died, and since then the younger brother had charge of the business. The late James TF. Ferguson was loyal to reformt principles, and an attendant. at Chalmers Presbyterian church. was the last of the fam- ily, and never married. Of a quiet, retiring nature, he lived largely to himsgli did t no age a friendship, but those who love knew him intima learned to the strong proviso Af the gincere na- ture, the grand principles and high ideals which he and main- tained. The funeral will take place from the ome of his sister-in-law, Mrs. W. B. Ferguson, 376 Alfred street, where death took place. rn ARE ON A TOUR. Y.M.C.A. Boys From Hamilton Make a Call. The schooner Maple Leaf was in port with thirty-six "boys" of the Hamilton Y.M.C.A. on board this morning. They only remained about an hour, continuing on down among the islands at 12 o'clock, but will call again to-morrow night on the return trip. The "boys" range in age from twelve to forty, but they are all youngsters aboard ship. This is the eighth annual cruise of the association and many of the older members have made every trip. The Maple Leaf is 5 fore-and-after of 100 tons burden, She is owned by Capt. Richard Goldring, of Hamilton, and he, with his two sons, are in charge of the boat. The trip is made under the supervision of Secretary T. F. Best, of the Hamilton association. The Hamilton boys al- ways have a fine vacation and thor- oughly enjoy every minute of their lake trip. The cruise makes the cheap- est kind of a two weeks' outing, the assessment only being 915 each for the fortnight's trip. Would Invest $100,000. The public meeting called by the mayor to discuss the question of a summer hotel, and now postponed till next week, was at the desire of New York capitalists who will put $100, 000 into the hotel if the Carruthers property on King street, between Vest and ased at a fair price. They are satisfied that an hotel here would he a good investment. A certain amount of money could be gat here. It is un- derstood that no special concessions are asked from the eity. Met This Morning. A medical board consisting of Lieut .- Col. H, R, Duff, president; Capt. Mun- dell, and Lieut. Richardson, met at the Tete de Pont barracks this morn- ing, to consider two cases arising out of an accident which oceourred at the late camp at Barrivfield. One was the case of a volunteer injured the night of the tattoo, and the other was that of a soldier on whom a horse had rolled. The roports of the medical of- ficers jn both cases were sustained. "Don't wait till you gre sick" to take a tonic, take it now and kee ino at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, 100 for 25e, : William Wiley, sectiopman, was kill- ed on the railway near St. Cath- aripes. Simboe streets, can be pur.' well. Blaud's Iron Tonie Pills the genus oung assistant attorney- United States, is con: against the oka ane pos. To tnil. road company for the alle gran ot rebates to go Coorsds Fuel ron comany. W rdy has ocom- pleted his work in eonnection with the anta Fe case he will turn his atten- tion to thirteen other railroads which are said to have violated the blanket injunction of March 25th, 1902, issued by the United States circuit court in al nsas, growing oit.of the meat pro- ducts case, ---- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. -- q Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds Green Lima beans at Camoveky's. Dr. E. J. Harrer, Uticd, N.Y., was in the city to-day, J, Stinson spent a day in the city calling on old friends this week. W. Alguire, Cornwall, was in the city yesterday renewing. acquaintances. ct strap gang, Uxlond tie shoes, only pair. in' the window at Abernethy's. x Garden party, Hotel Dieu grotnds, Friday, July 21st, 14th Band in at. tendance. Adinission, 10 cents. The A best wide laces, tan, choco- late, black and white, 10c. and 25e. The Lockett Shoe Store. W. H. Godwin went out to Tweed to-day to settle a fire'loss, caused by sparks from a passing {traction en- gine, Allan Maclean. of this city, has been appointed a member of the board of general purposes, of the Grand Ma- sonic lodge. Save our cash coupons, they are as good as gold, we exchange them for erockery, silverware, ete. They repre- sent a discount of ten per cent., at Mullin's, The portico for the Grand Opera House entrance will be put up 'at once, Work will be started next week. The pillars will be oftsteel and not a detriment, t Butter, Saturday at Carnovsky's. C.. R. , an old Kingston lad, who has t with success across the border at Waterbury, Conn., is in the city, renewing uaintanees. He is accompanied by his wife. A very thoughtful husband is the man who takes a bax of McConkey's or 'Huyler's delicious candies home to his wife on Saturday. Gibson's Red Cross drug store sells them, Booth Tarkington, Myra Kelly, Mary Raymond Shipman = Andrews, 0. Henry, James Hopper, and other au- thors that magazine readers eagerly watch for are in McClure's August fic- tion number. Saturday night will close the 20 p.c. sale of men's Oxfords at The Lockett Shoe Store, In McClure's for August a nail is hit squarely on the head by O. Henry, the humorist. The tragedy of jpiving shop girls toe small pay to ive on decently is revealed. It is a yarn, but it has wit, pathos, sincer- ity, brains. Tt is really the story of what is likely to happen to anybody expected to line up against the flesh and the devil, backed by a giggle, a soft heart, and three dollars a week. G.T.R. ENGINE EXPLODED. One Man Killed, Another Serious- ly Scalded. Special to the Whig. Toronto, July 21.-By 'thé explosion of a Grand Trunk engine two miles east of Princeton, at 8.30 o'clock last night, .one man was killed and anoth- er seriously scalded. The engine, No. 709, in charge of Engineer Strickland, Sarnia, was 'running a fast freight, east bound, when the boiler exploded. The brakesman, R. Hutchison, stand- ing on the tender, was thrown off by the force of the explosion and instant- ly killed. while D. A. Martin, fireman, was scalded. Engineer Strickland was unhurt, Two wheels of the engine loft the track, but the train was not dam- aged and the engine wae taken to Stratford for irs, The Grand Trunk officials explain that the explosion was due to a short age of water. : ) -- ANOTHER RACE. -- Is Proceeding in Seawanhaka Sekine' if Special to' the Whig, ' Nim's Point, Que., July 21.--The race in the Seawanhaka yacht cham- pionship trophy takes places this ai- ternoon. The wind is due west about fifteen miles an hour, The course is as yet unknown, They Had A Game. The tailors and dry-goods men mot on the diamond yesterday afternoon in the cricket field. The "Shoddies" were pretty strong and easily did their rivals up, the score being twen- ty-two to eight. The batteries were Sullivan and MeCartney, for the dey- goods lads, and Leader and Jackson for the tailors. The former team scored nine runs in the first innings before Leader gettled down. ---------- Joseph Brown, at one time a resi- dent of Brockville is dead at Scheneo tady. Pleven children survive. China js insisting that she got Man. churia, ax a first result of the war, Gem Melons at Camovsky's. Wh Lan EN woud -- "IN BRIEF FORM. 'Matters That Interest Everybody ~--Notes From All Over--Little Of [Everything Easily Read And Remembered. The R. M. 8, Tunisian from Liver- pool, passed Rimouski, inward at 920 a.m. John Atkinson was placed on trial on the charge of having stolen tickets the Toronto railway company. ilk amounting to the total of 1, 500,000 quarts was consumed Wednes- day in New York, to quench the thirst by tho great heat wave. "Leary, Lindsay, is slated to fill 'the vacancy on the bench' at Port Arthur. Mr. O'Leary is an able law- yer, and will make a good judge. handed his own Strathcona prize and that presented by the Can- ads company to Commandant Hers- lin, of the Canadian Bisley team. William McAvoy, thirty years of age, wes killed at Fairport, N.Y. while trying to catch an east-bound train; He under the wheels, Premier Whitey hinted thal legis: lation would he introduced ito rescind an agreement hetween tho province of Ontario and the Grand: Trunk Pacific railway. There will be a legistative investiga- tion 'of the life insurance business car- ried on in this state, either by New York state corporations or those of other states. ' The heat in New York has moderat- ed. Twenty-five deaths were reported on Wednesday. On Tuesday and Wed- nesday nighte 234,000 slept on lawns and in parks. Utica may have to pay more for damages on her Fourth of July cele- bration than the festivity cost. Jo- seph Weilheimer, blinded by an ex- plosion, sues for £5,000. Cordasco, the Ttalian labor agent at Montreal, is suing the C.P.R. for 820,000 for breach of agreement and damages in connection with the Mon- treal labor scandal of last spring. Dr. English, chairman of the Lon- don Board. of Health, has heen served with" writs for '$30,000 damages by the Port Stanley council and Dr. Mother- sill, medical health officer, of the vil- lage. F Paul Decker, who, with his father, the celebrated counterfoiter, served five yedrs in Kingston for counter- feiting, is under arrest at Montreal. He is alleged to have done up a To- routs hotel, RW. Bro. J. H. Burritt, K.C., Pop broke, was unanimously clected grand master of the Grand Masonic lodge of Canada at Hamilton, and RW. Bro. A. T. Freed, Hamilton, was elected deputy grand master, A man named Goldsburg, of Lemon Bros' circus, on trial, at Roberval, before Magistrate Vallee, was sen- tonced to one year's imprisonment and twenty lashes, for kidnapping and assaulting a young woman residing The motorboat So Long, owned by George Hasbouek, New York, led the flower of the swift travellers of the Frontenac, N.Y., Yacht Club «cross the finish line in _ the twenty-mile handicap for boats of peer fifty rat- ing. -was thrown HAT PIN STAB. Woman Slipped and Fell Against Him Detroit, Mich., July 21.--Fred. Mont- gomery, a waiter of Sandwich, Ont., who was taken in St. Mary's Hospital July 2nd, with a wound in his breast made by a hat pin, died yesterday. When taken to the hospital from a lodging house Montgomery said that a woman with whom he had been in a cafe, had slipped and I ed against him, as she was pinning on her hat, causing the wound. It is now thought that perhaps the wound was received wich. Canadian officials say that Mont- during a row at his home in Sand- gomery's wife has been missing since the night of the row, and is supposed to have gone to Indian territory, Will It Rain? The coming state of the weather ean be foretold by various signs with a surprising amount of acturacy, The following rules are laid down by an expert : "Bees work with redoubled energy inst before rain. "If the flies are unusually persistent, either in the house or around cattle, there is rain in the air. "Squirrels store a large supply of nuts, the husks of corn and usually thick, and the buds of certain trees have a firmer protecting coat if * a severe winter is at hand. "If the poplars and aspen leaves turn up the under side, rain will soon follow. "Last, but not least, persons who suffer from rhenmatism, can always tell by their feelings when a storm is approaching, and'in this method of prophesying many folk of to-day are as firm believers as were our fore: fathers." ----. Every African tribe from the mouth of the Comgo to Stanley Falls, a thousand miles in the interior, has the bible in its own language. About 9,000 converts are gathered in the na- tive churches, Christian schools are planted. in hundreds of villages, be- sides native seminaries for the train- ing of Christian workers. curious plant hails from Mexi- co. It is similar to a pumpkin, with a rough, corky bark, resembling that of an ocak. It has been named 'pal- ma." No fewer than 1,086,670 bibles were circulated in China last. year, "The seed is the Word." : Texas peaches at Camovsky's. CEMENT WALKS. We will be pleased to furnish estimates and coastruct your cement walk, Satisfaction guaranteed. 15 Nelson Street. OCCURRENCES [RECOUNTED Ea wim . good bargains at this time. 'men. ' Sapo At this season of the ear. wie manuf turers are preparing for the fall season they usuall pa " turn into cash all Summer materials and stock rather than hold them over, and we frequently secure remarkably Two have been received and will be of- fered To-morrow. One for men, one for wo- 680 YF LPAN six Full 27 inches wide, fine even make. This quality is usuallyjsold at 4oc. yard. Yours To-morrow While the Lot Lasts 23c. yard. A SPECIAL FOR MEN. 323 M*nlaumried shirts Made from a very good quality White Cotton, full size in body, re-inforced shoulders and fronts and finished in first- class order. This shirt is cheap at 6oc. regularly. ' These Will be Sold To-morrow Morning at 39c¢. Each. Sizes 14% 15, 15%, 16, 1614. ~ Sale commences at 9:30 and lasts as long as shirts remain. All sales for cash only. No accepted for these two specials. telephone orders Strictly One Price--Only tthe Best Quality Douglas & Meliquham,| THE Largest assortment of Trunks in the city and lowest prices. Goods all fresh from the largest factory in Canada. It will pay you to examine our s of * Travelling Goods if you require anything in that line, LOCKETT SHOE STORE TRUNK DEPARTMENT ON SECOND FLOOR. Adel ae Fide Ee YEAR 72. NO. JULY SA --OF-- FURNITUR 3-Piece Parlor Set, $95, fo 3-Piese Parlor Set, $50, for f 5-Piece Parlor Set, $35, fiox 5-Piece Porlor Set, $25, for All other goods sold in portion, We need your money--You the goods. You will miss you do not see our stock. Robt. J. Re 222 Princess 8 Two Doors), Abave Opera H Telephone 577 IF YOU 'HA Any difficulty in bein ted with Shoes, COME T and we will make that a pleasant one. | 'Wear "Allen Military Bootmakers, 8¢ Brock St. Sign of Golde SOU VENI In Sterling Silver, Fnamelled ; : : Pi comprising Belt Pins, Had Pins, -- Ash Trays, Pin Trays, and EE These can be supplied you in Canadian, Ontario or Kingston Arms, together with many othe designs. SMITH BR ewelers Opt J 850 King Sgroot. " Marriage Licenses I SWIFT'S INSURANCE AG! "TAKE NOTIC : a N The Linoleum is: sold: got a First-Class White Sewin, cost $40, for sale now at $10, TURK'S SECOND-HAND 398 Princess Street. WANTED. LE CBR. GOOD BREAD BAKE A employment. Address Box office. JHE "OR 3 S. TEACHER, FOR Ss. 8. ! Storriagton. ¥. Ames, Seeley's Bay, Ont. a TE : 'OUNG MMEDIATELY, A YO TR Et In bt housework. Gordon, 475 Princess St, THE USE OF A HORSE condition for two or fc Best. of care will be te Steacy & Steacy. BOOK-KEEPING--A COM ri vacation teacher, during vacatiol employment, by those whe in their office work. Ad "X,"" Whig office. ee ere eee = JATE PUPILS--TEACH PRIVAT class certificate is | devote his vacation to -pri ing. Backward pupils, v special attention. Address, eee TLEMEN, TO GET SEN ring Suits made up at 181 Brock street, next livery ; style, fit and price to please ; pi ng and re) promptly. ' N OF ABILITY TO RE a MA in the city of Kingst vass for high class Fruits mental Nursery stock. served for the right man ducements. Pay weekly Wellington, Toronto. a MEN AND BOYS TO LEA} i ly ag trade. Cannot suppl) Araduates. $4 to $5 pe! complete course {pn Graduates admitted to . Master Plumbers Ass'n. ! . Coyne Bros. C Sop New York City 0., St. Louis, Mo. TO-LET. SSE 3 SHOP ON DIVISIO THE Garrett street, occu Boon, milliner. Apply a PEON ~ a _ SHET WELLINGS FURNLE Pp furnished, stores, offices, Cann's Real Esta Brock Street. FOR SALE. evi BNE GAS TWO ACETYLENE GA ! lights each, in good eo pipes and fixtures, con James Swift & Co. ------ eee [' PROPERTY, AT THA containing nearly a large frame house, W For particulars, apply Perry, on premises. 3: OCERY--WOULD YO! on buy one of the finest groceries' and dwelling so enquire at Bond's Agency, 63 Clarence st " LOST. ; . A DROWN STRAW HA' bor trimmings. on Cod the finder kindly returs mee EN DOLLAR BILL A} hn ta other bills, vesterds Wellington street, het and ' Johnston streets "raturn to Infants' Hon