Al Rie EE HEE NATURAL REMEDIES, Some Gifts of Dame Nature. St-ange how often Nature provides ppropriate remcdy for a | or generat een, which Grow dmmag tort ee laces, gives Salucine, a etumatic cute rheumatism. Quinine, which i ure for. Ague, is made from RB te ark, which tree thrives in swampy. guish districts. Again, fruit flourishes 1 hot climates where liver kidney ang in diseases abound--and he Who lives | 8 hot climate and abstains from eatir, uit will die -- generally from lve isease. Why? Because fruit acts on the owels and males them move, acts on the ver and causes more bile to flow--which, the natural. purgative--acts on the idneys and makes them excrete mor. rine, acts on the skin and increases the tion of the skin in throwing off tm. ties, Fruit purifies the blood by easing the action of the bowels, "skin id kidneys. One has to eat a lot of uit to get the full benefit. A physician Ottawa has discovered a method of mbining the juices of apples, oranges unes and figs and then foreing an add; nal atom of bitter from the orange els into the united juices--and this akes a strange: foul material --many nes stronger ordinary fruit, The iit laxative extract is made into tablets d sold under the mame of *'Fruit.a. es' or "Fruit Liver Tablets." These Bieta are @ natural remedy for Consti. tion, ° Biliousness, Sick Headache, idney | blood impurities. soc. a box, 6 boxes 50 or t 5 ves Linnter Ounipt of price by Fruit. -resh and Fizzy nN the sible. prepared purest and freshest materials hey have the life and sparkle pro- ed only by the best of chemicals. ne taken in the morning makes you fine 3 all day. Puts new life into you warm weather. : i Aperient and Health Salts in bbey's Salt, 25¢c. and 60c. no's Salt, $1 Bottle. e "Best" Drug Store, 124 Princess Street hell's Od Stand, "Phone 59 QUICK DELIVERY. "H. POWELL, CARPENTER AND JOBBER, 0-NIGHT : Big sale of Taffeta Rib- 1S In a variety of the vest shades, 15¢. and . quality. Your choice night 12 3{¢: a yard. {en's Hemstitched ndkerchiets, all linen, if ght in regular way ald sell at $2.50 a dozen. r special _ to-night 15¢. h or 2 for "25¢. \ fen"s Summer Under r, at 25C. a garment up. ee the big values in lies' and Children's siery that we will show ight. Wian & Shaw. merle eis FOR SALE MONTREAL ST., Semi. etached Brick, 9 rooms d barn, DHN ST., Single Frame, rooms, large lot. SYDENHAM 8T., 8 rooms, provements. : ALBERT ST., Single ick, 5 rooms, double lot EARL ST,, Single Brick, rooms, improvements, ge lot. NE ST. Single Frame, od lot. F. BOND, surance and Real Estate. rence Street - - - Kingston. I TIA EE Polish, Fo nt Abuetiiy's, otk Drees' lorsets for 35e, great cure for port meet in conflict, Mrs. Strange's Mrs. Taliaferro, of San Antonio, nding vel lawn and Xrs. Noel Kent's se: an noun pentin pl juded green, were the spots favoured Texns, Tae "We § S\couple 3 Ao. Ls imination of the tight roquet, how- er, must-have departed a feature thich added excitement to the game played in bygone years. Its de- | Miss Mahel Chel sister of the Rev. (Ottawa. they. it he chewtton of | oa. © a Newt Ms. x B Muleols, siting hor The ies Mande Mo Ys ; Jersey, is visi' ' uncle, Mr. W. G, Frost, for the Alpine "B.A, eldest daugh- . p manocuvte mentionod above, ex- y . P . . a. {i anged | ves in her Rorionc Just once. the varied emotions sitet, Fe has seturned. Homi Shree weeks, has returned » em- | ter of Mr. A: ¥. MoMahen, London, | The funeral of the late "Bruce Wil- | Ing, arn , the lady ari alled up by a self-administered crack | Now. York, where she was visiting. : h the ankle, bestowed with an anj- Announcement is made of the mar- ge of Miss Myrtie May, daughter f Ottawa, i eW. H, Notsis,. to. Mr. Percival Mrs. EB. Newton Jory, o awa, is esday 'afternoon, August lst. * =» . . 8 Dr. E. M. 'and Mrs. Ely will be "At fvening next at the residence of Mr. weeks at Picton. pe . George Mills, University Mrs. Falconer and the Misses An- 0 ] nis, Marjory and Nora Minnes, of on Friday to Millhaven, a pretty vill- stead of the Jeft, His stomach runs : Kingston, are guests of Mrs. T. B. age thes ile on the Kingston, Sida Sewn) night to left instead of from left Follows. She smokes cigarettes all the time, C . ree a oads n righ . No cards issued. E Miss Birdie Hinch, of the training | Caldwell in Lanark. he every dish for mirses, Kingston, and her | Cplonel Drury, C.B., Halifax, is ex. the morning and camped for a few | He "has appeared before classes | C00 Cived a cablegram from [mysell, and she has to rise how te, oa at Gansaoque in the 'course of hours, and came home in the evening. fof o mwaber pl medical institutes of | England, notifying him that he had | She drinks port, SUEY: beer, cham- the past week with friends in | a few days to §pend , month with No more delightful way of spending a | the country, and is a curiosity wher 1 oo coassful in his examinations | pagne, and then . \ A - day than in driving along our country | ever his _peculigr physical construction {nq entitled to affix tho letters ALA. | ter dinner her 'maid gives her a silver painder "of ' their l holidays at their Mr. George B. Ferguson, Owen roads at this time of the year. becomes - known. Mr. Shuppel is ali Lic name, having becomo an asso- | basin and her powder box and combs, ome in: Centreville. fontreal. They will spend the re- | his family at Tremont Park. Colonel Pennington Macpherson, his | from Gravenhurst, Muskoka. r Miss Edith Macpherson, Miss Edna Booth came home on and is visiting her daughter, Mrs. "#own on Tuesday. = Mrs. Fred McGachen will go west on | Rimouski. They will reach Kingston for the past two weeks, left yesterday, | They left this afternoon for G Mrs. Venh Henderson, in Quebec. town yesterday. ing the week with hi a York immediately. Miss Edith Gopdwin accompanied her frew, ares aunt. on' ey " {Mi i tson, B.A. Au- | wi 3 of hs, i . (Croquet is the festivity of the poo- | "ry. Boulton, of Toronto, is stay: -- ny to tone al eas T.! mone | schooner was about to pull out, when |; Disaersiand. Thestry Party, b who have remained in town, and |;0 with her mother, Mrs. John Ham- course in a university there, 'Miss Sodie. Hyland, Kingston, visit. | 8 Pikepole was rapped hy one of Ue 1 In o lively letter to his friends at ly every day enthusiasts in the | {lion Emily street. Miss Marie O'Brien, Chicago, is ling her , Miss Morris, "Maple | hon a home, the English Fupreeative of uf first of October. - » tell you the game is {gE H. Cooke, . - . . streets "id vigiting friends 'in town the warden's residence. * * * * . Sound, is in thé city. a - . . iss Effie Fenwick, and Mr. Kenneth | Thursday from her visit to Mrs. Vis- J. Robinson, Clergy street. Mrs, Cald- In A War Canoe. parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Burrows. pany her to a C inese festival at a acpherson, will leave town on Mon- fger. Alexandria Bay. : well has been six weeks on the way, Eight members of the Hiawatha rennet 1 temple up the river, After Ait o ay for Garrett's Rest, on Big Ri-| Miss Edna Purvis, of California, having stayed off at various places | (anoe Club, of Sti Row, just back A Unique Wedding. procession of two thousand nts au Lake. with her cousin, Miss Florence Elliott, along the route to see her friends. of Montreal, arrived in the city last [Cobden Sun. we eat and drink from sol iver Miss Lewis, of Albany, N.Y., is the | leave tonight. for Rochester, N.Y. to; Miss Millard, of Belleville, will ar |ovoning. They: paddled up the Ot At the home of Mr, and Mrs, An- | dishes and cups, and with gold chop fuest of Mrs. Francis King. spend a few days with their aunt. rive in the city on Monday to spend | jgwa river and down the Rilleau as drew Kirk, Forester's Falls, on Tues- sticks, There are ei ty-six courses = Mrs. Macdonald, who has_been visit- ve. "a week at Avonmore. far as Smith's Falls. From that day afterncon a ceremony unique in (believe it if you can), and they in- 4 i i i $i i v A birds' nests, doves pg Nrs. Jeremy Taylor, will leave | James Gunn and family are on the | Mrs. James ' Shaw and daughter, | town to Kingston they took the matrimonial records was performed | clude shark's, fin, Al an SS. Tunisian reported yesterday at Trene, visiting relatives in this city | Ridean Queen in order to make tinge. by Rev. D. L. Gordon, pastor of the | eggs and other luxuries, We drink na n have gone to Breakey's Bay for |way from Egypt. on two months' | Miss Nellie McMahon, daughter of | to Montreal, The party are making May, of Forester's Falls; Miss Mary | whom he will probably buy as No. 5. "a holiday. to-day, for a brief visit. Syracuse . this afternoon where they En Be a have been visiting during the past few wife and Miss | again this afternoon. t | broke! street. + ,. . . ity: ae his, Set | and Mrs. Hussey, of New York, }. Mise Anna' Fitzhugh, the 'charmilig * burning eighth t nen calls him bac to New | are visiting Mrs, Hussey's parents, Mr, ! New Yark actress, who appeared here store. Ep , S pers, and Mrs. T. C. Wilson. Just at pres- in "The Batoness Fiddlesticks," last Shoe polish, 5c., at Aberticthy's. only, %0c., at The Lockett Shoe Store. Lockett Shoe Store. UE Nr. and Mes, , Stanley Chown, of ent they are in Belleville on a : shoes | November, has been a guest at Bari ¥ thelr = small son, Mur- visit, : =" Hawn ds' a we of the ray, went-down to Na, on | ge « » ? pi J the Quebec shore, on Mg . Little ! Mrs, J. Conley and family, of ; Ren- 8 a is Miss Katie Murray went up the | Miss Eva Kelsey and her friend, Miss | Miss Agus Bowes of Tevento, is Rideau on Wednesday, with the party Ollie Woodley, of Cainsville, Ont., arc } visiting {bound for Mrs. Richardson's camp. 'spending a few weeks with relatives | strong, Barie street. ° Mrs. Gamble left to-day for Boisse- in Kingston. 3 ESRF OETEEI E4404 | vain, Man, to take up residence with | Miss Gertrude Hewton, M.A., and | Tilley, . have left "for Englan: the summer with: her sister, | Lawn," Sherman avenue, Hamilton, is | & insurance company \ Br COM at 1 the oat ol hey sieter, Mm. | yas taken out. of the Vetch in Shout | tells of the devious ways by whith an he lav hi Wi weeks over at Wolfe Island, but will | Miss Willa Waggoner left, to-day, to | H. Montgomery, Port Hope. : is v the players this week. With the | return to the city in a week or so. spend some weeks in Toronto, London | Hon. W. S. Fielding and the Missos | Coit him, but without avail. He agentd, She may remain in Canada till the and St. Thomas. Fielding will pind + e week end in | b Nast. Ireland, and | 'comes in and says, Please, master, Miss Ella Evans is the guest of | the Thousand Is after which they 3 . side talkee ou Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. pn . . . . Mr. Stanley Smith, with his wife, i i teridn ; Bawnitton, i ¢ and shake hands violently with s intended to land an enemy's ball ye Say ill re in . ne Loy Bishop of Ontario, Mra. Lennox | by church; Haiilton, is announce | Napanee for some years. The casket | §0 OU & tly o other side of nowhers, well, We | ot week, and will be the guests of leave op Tuesday for Montreal, and |'August. that tamuess Mould never hain the Dean of Ontario, and Mrs. Bux- 'from there will go to Prout's Neck. ----t---- e Pa a |omSmith, © ake, oF Fulton, N.Y | hey ill be away Gil the middle of | IS A MEDIOAL CURIOSITY. |dist church; floral offerings from the | one hall inches long, so progress R e ) vy N.Y. ; : -------- is visiting Miss Mabel Lake, Allred | Mrs. Hannaford will return to Ia- {gas All Internal {Organs Switched |friends. chine early next week, and ill take Miss Marjory Pense back wi er. A 3 ' n Y wi . Miss May Rogers will go down next _ Albion, Mich., . July 22.-- Charles Joor Chown, which will take place on | "oq Bull, from Prince Edward, has week to thi to visit her aunt, | Shuppel, of Cleveland been visiting her 'aunt, Mrs. Platt, at Mrs. Henry. A . ¢ Ee lie Bou, ol Buln Ye i Railroad at. Marengo, has a most |) 00 Wey SOaiToin Dr, Bradshaw at: ome" to their 'friends on Tuesday | Miss Hentig is rusticating for afew Fo 172 Johnston street. - . A very jolly driving party went out right, and sp on the right side in- home from Callienia for a vacation, | her husband having four altogether. Miss Boqth, Alfred street, is home Mrs Caldwell, of Riverside, Cali- Dears every i ication that his health | Groat Pritain. Frank Burrows and | her to the theatre, and we eat nuts, fornia, arrived in town, yesterday, |18 On the right. side. Vet. Lieut.-Col. Massie will sail on | reach home again about Friday next. Wilcox, farmer, of Ross township. The | judgment. 1t is all the queerest mix: ie] ne, J. Grafton Herald is in the Dr. and Mrs. Ely returned from the twenty-seventh of the month for | Those comprising the party are: very interesting ceremony took place | ure of morals and manners. Up to wersH. city for a visit. r Le ' y i ' . Mrs. Chardes MoDunough came up | Tait, W. A. Mattenson, George David. J over 200 invited guests. The couple ness, but after about three w 8 Dr. and Mre. Sullivan returned. to |days. ' from Ottawa on Tuesday, and will | son, George E. Adamst, E, H. Smith, | were unattended, each acting as wit- | , 1 vering she will eventually insure. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hendry, Ottawa, Sichd a month with her wother, i 8, Thomas and F. Robinson. . Mr. C. J. Crool ; ond- ore i ity v vy. T ilkinson at her camp. Mr. Meclun- 3 2 : . pati rookall has been spend- | were in. the city vesterday. They left ough will be un ee first of Au-| Jt gave me a wonderful appetite. pahamn, trimmed with chiffon and | jron digestion." Frances Sullivan. : Yesterday two .or-| Mes. Burke and two children, of | gust. Mrs, Wilkinsonjs other visitors | said a customer about Gibson's Red silk three friends dropped in to see him | Rochester, NY», are visiting their {are Mrs. Bishop of Ottawa and her | Cross beef, iron and wine. B0e: and had a cup: of tea.on the voran-}uncle, Mr. Thomas Davidson, Pem- children. Mr ioohall wan always a siege THE DAILY WHIG SATU THEY WORK HARD] brateg t lee. Miss Tost Life Trying to Recover a Fitzhugh intends entering vaudeville Pike Pole. : w-- : ing holidays with King- Rent nr This Shternoon, she went N July 22---N is con THE PLAN OF INSURANCE iN a 3 tributing its quota to the season's : aunt, Mrs. 6 Arm. | drowning fatalities. The second with- | : CHINA. : rr in a week took place last even a about eight o'clock, when Pa Mr. W. H. Reid, wife and daughter, {O'Donnell one of the crew of How the Agent Gets a Chinese +3 *Y | schooner Mary, was drewned.' The Lady for Policy-Holder-- recover it, but never came up. He ia a Chi insurance i; "One ts," he writes, ed for over an hour trying to re {was a native of for twelve years had been a salt | Wantchee you come city . water sailor. He was about twenty- oie woman. Otm takes josure, pid five years of age. The remains will | 80 ow RD ¥, oe be placed in the Western vault, to [YOU talkee mississeo come await burial. ond, | will go to Quebeo. Ont., to Rev. Beverley Ketcher, |i; k afternoon chair, accompanied by two maid-ser- ABA. pastor of Macnab Street Pres Rams tack ples largest seen in | VaRt8 and her ody servant. 1 have to ater Arthur - Mills, will ed. The marriage will take place in {was covered with beautiful floral myself, then wall Suskstan hel Jha nT offerings, among 'them being a harp, gang-plank while her maids wep and] the ho "the Easton Metho- {#long. Her fect gre perhaps two aml 3 v ow. \ Hockey Club, and wreaths from inet ladies love to be. asked i ' 1s About. J. L. Boyes lost his valuable horse, how anush every Ning cos i V. i y on, as they wear Von Sirus, last week, caused by an Really a ne on had gold bracelets up middle of the forearm, valued at all over hor bus £3,000, Mer coat lo unique anatomy, His heart is on the {bo ilo, la Prairie in about a week. light tioned silk took five Re ery A Hs Soy bia Nie Miss - Vanalstine, Youngstown, Ohio, months to weave, and qui a trifle at ot - stead of the | UR ot app, Kingston, who is | £80. She tells me she is No. o. 0.. recently in |8cute attack of. indigestion. Mrs. |lo ici \ Dr.) Bradshaw is visiting for a few | the the employ, of" the Michigan: Central oe with Mr. and NL. A. Van- | £1,200, and are guests of Mr. and Mrs, Nathan "We have dinner of fourteen courses. Lorne K. File, B.A, Toronto Uni- {and 1 have to hand her smokes a cigar. Al - ie ca. pleasant and genial gentleman and | foto of the Institute of Actuaries of |and she does her hair. Then I take friend, Harold Lyom; New York, are | oranges and biscuits. spending a couple of wecks «with his | "The next sta is that I accom- ar . | Prosbyterian church at that place. It | {ive wine and tea. Another houseboat dan RCC on Tuesday. | for Iroquois fo spend a week with oque and Clayton, where they will [was a triple wedding. Miss Martha arrives alongride, contain her hua. AGRI Degeranto, A On. * Mrs. W. B. Carey and her. young Capt. Alexander Adams is on his Mrs. Shaw's sister, Mrs. Parlow. remain over Sunday before continuing Rea Kirk being married to 8. J. [hand and three singing girls, one LOYST--AL Da ; 5 2 1 8 i Shi Gi pr i a i i lous, and + oa 'eof abs He: will 4 Dr. James McMahon, Texarkana, Ark, | {he trip in a large war canoe and en- Agnes Kirk to W. T. J. Martin, lum 1 ask No. 2 if she is jen POWELL. AL il Kenneth Fenwick will leave leave of: pid, Sv RD is in the city for a two months Vis-jioy the outing, fmwensely. They leit | berman, of Barry's Bay, and Miss | ghe Says No, not a bit, and asks ie pt FL ow early next week to visit her sister, | Miss Addie Toye went to Belleville jit among relatives. Montreal last Sugday and expect to Elizabeth Anderson Ki to J. Kime if No. 5 is really pretty my - ---- rs Messrs, George I. Holland, H. B. fon the lawn pnd was witnessed by | now we have not even mentioned busi: nesses for the others: The three brides | [¢ js a queer business, and one re were attired in pretty gowns of cream | quires the patience of Job and a cast- a ip Bargains in corsets (ordered or] hottle. 5 A pint bottle houshold ammonia 1ondly-ade) ~ every description. New Ni Lighie for 95e., etch Jfor 10c. Gibson's Red Cross , drag | York Diess Reform, \ Bo Hh A drug tore. A bargain table of ladies' strap dip 3 ! rogular $1.50, Saturday, $1. I ----. 0» A nice cool canvas boot for men All Above Goods Will Be Sold at in AN ats. inc artme Values in Styl in Al in 'Al Deprilne in AL Values in St Values in ITS OBJECT--To effect a quick, decisive, thorough clearance of summer merchandise. ITS METHOD--Price cutting, deep and fearless, a total disregard for losses, value giving heard of. that is irre-istible. ITS EXTENT-To every dep cle, every fabric with a bit of summe cutter, "iit SALE BEGINS The Silk artment looks large now. It will look different within twen- ty-four Pik De the time these prices go into effect. 'All kids of Silks 3 go--Taffetas, Messalines, Poplins, Tatalines, etc., both plain and fancy. Readv-to-wear Skirts. Not one 'garment bought 'for this sale." Fach Skirt afd Suit is from our own good stocks. Each is superbly cut, made and finished, One hundred to choose hom, SL Wash Goods Fresh, Stylish Fabrics. Just aching to be out and into pretty frocks and waists. All kinds, v3 Aru 3 i Depd : in Stylish Dress in a omens. Yilves 3 Stylish Dress BA pane is. Values in Stylish Dress me 1 ; % pls Values tn Stylish Dress ylish Dress Values in Rand Pras KINGSTON'S GREATEST SALE EVENT--THE MOST IMPORTANT MONEY SAVING CARNIVAL OF THE DECADE. artment, to every counter of this helpful store. Every arti- ryness about it has fallen victim to the price MONDAY MORNING, AT 8 O'CLOCK, AND CONTINUES ALL i Yr Kot Underwear of a Money. Saving Knit Underwear of J MOY i Knit Underwear M ney A & Mo 5 Money. Oney.. T: fot Time: ot Time, Time, Time, Time, Time, & \ ITS ADVANTAGES--Unparalleled savings, the greatest buying opportunities you ever ITS BARGAINS--Wonderful, innumerable, matchless. More bargains and better bar- gains than has ever endorsed any sale event. The items tell. Gp ITS LIMITATIONS--None, but one--smallness of some lines. So be sure to come early *' --the first day, before any ot these become exhausted. ' A AEE § o > For Men, Women and Children. The prices are the same as cheap "Sale" Goods. But those are new, fresh s from our ogulae stocks, Everything 16 go; no reserve. Both Tan and Black, Plain and * The newest fafhijons, approved variety, every . yard of the wanted kind. Read the list : Eoliennes, Voiles, Venetians, Laurettes, Mohairs, Waistiugs, ete. Both Black and Colored: ; bio If vou haven't Bought all 'the good muslin underwear you'll need this The "little things' vou. need every day. Everything that a growing, Sub ont Tose a minute. Come in a pure to this sale. If you have, wu 1 store can carry : Neckwear, Belts, Handbags, Handkerchiefs, ete. . =. come just the same and buy enough for all" next year, In fact everything to be thought of in that line, Fava | Underwear Never a Garment; leaves our Storr : that jm't dependable ; - although prices. are tidionlously low, i ; ge 5 : f . : : Be = ~ Regular Prices. All Sales f . - Choose the Hat ior the summer outings, 'or the dressier Hat for formal occasions. Cost ned not stand in your way, ' from 25 to 50 Per Gent, Less Than »