' arguments are born hable witnesses, We know that Gin Pills eice have we in the LS Fail, the hips---if the hands y of too profuse--if you l, the bowels irregular, ick kidneys, take away . ney back. Man. eg, ee ---------------- MEDICAL, REE eorge F. Dalton LA. M.D, C.M., M.R.C.S,, (England) L.R.C, P,, (London). lice and Residence, 64 William Street Telephone 378. ARCHITECTS: M, NEWLANDS, ARC 3 fice, second floor bver Bood's dros Store, corner rrinctes and Bagot Streets terance om Bagot street ephone 608. : 'THUR ELLIS ARC « OF C site of New Drill . Doar cor« Ber of Queen and Montreal Streets. WER & SON ARCHITE! ER- chant's Bank Building, id MER and ugton streets: (Phone 213, INRY SMITH, ARCHIT ete, yy ding,' a Square "Phon 2a et MONEY AND BUSINESS. ry VERPOOL, LONDON AND @ RE Fins hpirance Company, Avenents Which the" polis" pinay addition to security the unlimited Habits all the. stockholders. F: bility of Jnsured at Josest nas Ne ore renewing old or giving m_ Strange buildings and contents SORE or or company offers. Kxamine them at Jodwin's. surance Emperium, Mark« id-summer Sale very Department 'ese Sales have been a great success he many restions :-- bargains. These are a few wrlor Setts, 5 pieces, $25 mecy Rattan Rockers, $4.50. olden Finished Sideboards, olden Finished Chairs, 60c ney Velour Couches, $6.50. incy Tapastry Couches, $5. e above is limited. en at nights. AMES REID, The Leading Undertaker, 'hone 147. LAN LINE "Y*"P35488 venus Royal Mail Steamers. From Montreal: From Quebec. inian, July 21, 8 a.m, July 21, 5 p.m. sian, July 28, 9 a.m, July 28, 10pm orian, AE 4, 4a, am. Aug. 4, 4 pan. rian Ay 9am. Aug. 11.1 pm TES OF PASSAGE rat Cabin, and upwards. Second Cabin, Liver- $7.50. and Londonderry, $42.50 and up- 8. Third Class, $37.50 and $38.75, Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, HEAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT. i... Thurs.,, July 20, (daylight.) NEW YORK TO GLASGUY Jw, idian .,. Thurs., July 20, 1 p.m. TREAL TO LONDON & HAVRE. nian, July 22. Lauratian, Au ) single, $76 return. Only one ¢ ngars carried, called second cabin. HANLEY, Afent, G TR EVE, Ors Street: "THERE IS A TIME FOR ALL THINGS," Now, : while prices are )w, is the time to fill our coal bin with best uality SCRANTON COAL om >, Walsh's Yard BARRACK STREET. >0:00000000000000000@ TIES These are a little better than "anything we have had, and are fresh and attractive. See Our Window LEATHER TIES Nothin shown before. Only 25¢. They wear like leather and are leather. These specialties are only handled by the B. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. IF YOU HAVE Any difficulty in being fit- ted with Shoes, COME TO US, and we will make that duty a pleasant one, Wear "Allen's"' Mititary Bootmakers, 84 Brock St. In Sterling Silver, These can be supplied you in British, Canadian, Ontario or Kingston Coats of Arms, together with. many other unique designs. SMITH BROS,, Jewelers, 850 King Street. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, CARGO. Strong reliable Companies only represented LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID, LOWEST RATES on approved nsks of every aescription. Office, Opposite Untario Bank WANTED. SMART BOY. APPLY AT WHIG office. IMMEDIATELY, A YOUNG Gordon, 475 Princess St, A YOUNG house Mrs. GIRL FOR work pply in the even Grout, 257 Brock St. GIRL TO ronery expected, CLERK IN A CONF Store. Apply, stating to Box 109, Whig office. THE USE OF A HORSE condition for two or ft. of care will be Steacy & Steacy. IN GO four taken GENTLEMEN, T0 GET rock street, Hvar i ; style, fiv and price guaran' Prompily. A MAN OF ABILITY TO REPRESE us in the city of Kingston, to can- vass for high class Fruits and Orna- mental Nursery stock. Territory served for the right man. Liberal in- Stone & ducoments. Pay weekly. Wellington, Toronto. MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN PLU ing trade. Rraduates, $4 to $5 per day. Many | Complete course in two months, raduates afimitted to Union Master Plumbers Ass'n. Send for catalogue. Coyne Bros. Co. Plumbing Cincinnati, Schools, 0. St. New York City, Louis, Mo. TO-LET. THE SHOP ON DIVISION STREET, Garrett street, occupied by Miss Apply at Whig office. m, williner. DWELLINGS FURNISHED AND furnished, stores, offices, etc., at Cann's Real Estate Agency, 51 Brock Street. SIX-ROOM HOUSE, Street. Apply door, Albert Street next Er ---------------------- FOR SALE, T™WO lights each, Janes Swift & Co. et i ------ AT 42 DURHAM THAT "PROPERTY, street, containing nearly an acre a large frame house, For particulars, apply to Mrs, Perry, on promises. tt -------- GROCERY--WOULD . YOU LIKE buy one so enquire at Bond's Agency, 63 Clarence street, LOST. : WATCH AND CH City. SMAL 1. GOLD with gold coin on chain. Suitable pe- | Whig | ward by returning same to office. For Campers. Try Cook's English carbolic soap, {nis heart. like them ever Sign of Golden Boot. SOUVENIRS Fnamelled Pieces, comprising Belt Pins, Hal Pins, Brooch- es, Ash Trays, Pin Trays, and Spoons. SWIFI'S INSURANCE AGENCY GIRL assist in light housework. Apply Mrs. GENERAL ages weeks, of it. THEIR Sphiog Suits made up at Galloway's, 1 next to Bibby's ; pressing and repairing done ON ALBERT ST. near Fair Grounds. north of Princess ACETYLENE GAS PLANTS, in 'good condition, with pipes and fixtures, can be had 'cheap. with 8-rooms. of the finest located corner oceries d dwelling attached ? If 4 . a Real Estate YEAR 72. NO. 171. YORK TO ing, YOD NT re- MB- | Cannot supply demand for | ducted on Sunday and free UN- Mc- 564 20 and >A. \ TO DAILY MEMORANDA. Le Does the clam fritter away its time ? The moon rises to-night, at 11.44 p.m. Vaudeville, Lake Ontario Park, 8.30 pam. Beer is full of hops and pond. . Even a soft hat may command a stiff price. The steel magnate should be a. man of mettle. Read the Advi. of the Oddfellow's pic- nie; its interesting. The sun rises Tuesday at 4.41 am. and sets at 7.81 p.m. Excursion to St. Anne De Beaupre, by K.&P.R,, 12.30 p.m. This 'day _in history :--Canada 'dis- covered a by Jacques Cartier, 'who landed at Ga 1584 7 Capture of Gibraltar by British, he 1704 ; Napoleon I captured Cairo 17 ER SETS We have a very fine set in white and gold. Just the thing for your country house. 91 Pisces for $6.25 This set is the best qual- ity English Porcelain and equal in wear and appear- ance to china. ROBERTSON BROS.. ODDFELLOWS' PICNIC At Lake Ontario Park, WEDNESDAY, JULY 26TH. That long tween the so is a frog looked for ball game be- For a purse $40. Game called at 4 o'clock. * Comic ball game between the High- ustites and the Peacherines. Game at 3 o'clock. Fancy Drill by Canton, Kingston, at 7 pm. Magnificent Display of Fireworks by an expert. Dancing in pavilion after Admission 10c. performance, Children under 12 roe. H POWELL. ORIENTALS VS. LAKEVIEWS A NEETING- Arranged Between Kaiser IMPERIAL _ YACHTS GARRY THE CROWNED HEADS TO HELSINGFORS, Meeting Arranged Directly Dis- carding Diplomatic Channels-- Czar Tried to Give it Private Aspect--Regarded With Un- easiness. Special to the Whig . St. Petersburg, ily 2. --O0n the eve of the peace conference, and with a and court circles, the emperor left Peterhoff, yesterday, on board - the imperial 'vacht, Polar Star, for a con- ference with Emperor William, who is cruising on the Hohenzollern in Fin- nish * waters. The interview of the sovereigns was expected; last evening; off the Finnish port of Borgo, at the mouth of the Gulf of Finland, near Helsingfors. The emperor is accompanied by his brother, Grand Duke Michael Alexan- droviteh and |a eonsiderable suite, but it is noticeable that there is no re presentative of the Russian foreign of- fice among his entourage, while the German ambassador, Count Alvesle- ben is not on board the Polar Star, gives this color to the report that the meeting was arranged between the two emperors, directly, without re- course to.the usual diplomatie chan nels. . Sensation Of The Hour. Londgn, July' 24. ~The meeting of the emperors is, to-day, the sensation in every centre of political opinion. The kaiser's initiative now seems be- yond question, A St. Petersburg correspondent, tele- graphing to-d quotes a high dip- Jomatic persons Psaying the meet ing was sought by the kaiser, who ex- pressed a desire to meet his friend, the czar. It is evident that the latter could not refuse such a request, how ever compromising its acceptance might be, but by his selection of the rendezvous, he has done everything possible to give the visit a private character, so that it. may be regard: od as one of international courtesy, rather than ome of political moment. Editorials in the morning papers, on the visit of the kaiser to the czar, do 103 Raglan Street. MEETING OF GOVERNORS. Will Lay Plans for Benefit of Con- stituents. John's, Nfid,; July 24.- Noa of St. arrived on .the French cruiser Governor Macgregor, whose guest he will be for two days. Plans for the improvement of trade and diplomatic Governor relations between the two colonies will be discussed. This is the first time in two hundred years that such an interchange of courtesig place between the strikingly illustrative of the improved | aspect of the Anglo-French relations. WABASH PASSENGER TRAIN Wrecked 'on Apparently Straight Track. Seacial to the Whig. Buffalo, July 24.--One a away stretch of apparently straight track, three miles west of Bridgeburg, Ont., Wabash passenger train, No. §, was wrecked at 7.05 last evening, five cars were derailed, and perhaps a doz en people hurt. The more seriously in jured are Miss Hannah McOndit, of Bloomfield, N.J.; and Roscoe C. Wasson, straight- negro porters. A Day's Sport. July 24.--Service by Rev. R. Desmond, was con- What tam, Wilton, Miss Annie Bell has been | spending a few days at her sister's, | Mrs. R. Paul, Newburgh. Mrs. J. Wil son and two children, from Alexandria Bay, also Miss Grace Lee, are guests | at Joshua Switzer's. Miss Edyth Bell and brother Aylesworth, were guests | at B. Lewis, Hinch, Sunday, 10th. Several of our young people | spent Thursday fishing and sporting on Varty Lake. A' lawn social is be ing talked of in the longing bring a lady friend. Misses Bessie and Isene Switzer spent Thureday at J. | Switzer's, Miss Edyth Bell and Jessie | Henderson spent Saturday at Entér- prise. J. W. Stewart took a load ol early potatoes to Kingston on Thurs: day. Blake Switzer is home from Wat ertown for a few weeks. A Sudden Death. Poughkeepsie, N.Y., July 24.-Col. Daniel Seott Lamont, secretary of war during the administration of | last 'night of death hie home at Mill Brook, Heart failure was the Col. and Mrs. the afternoon, and Mr. Lamont ap peared to be in the best of health. In the evening he was taken ill. catise Their Lives Taken. AIN, prevents and cures mosquito bites, 5c. _and 10c. McLeod's Drug Store. The strike of Bay City, < railway employees, inaugurated seven [' weeks ago, is ended, an adjustment of the matters in dispute srtanged. Mich., street Philadelphia, July royd, aged twenty-three years, shot | and killed his wife Lillian, aged: sev- | enteen years, yesterday, and then com | mitted suic ide by sending a bullet into The young pedple wers married a year ago, and the fravady | wan the result of frequent quarrels during the last three weeks. Now York state wants 50,000 farm- hands and they ean of from 3150 to-$250 a Pierve-Mibpuelon, | to visit | has taken | governors of the | colonies, and the event is regarded as | Alexander Robinson, | July | near future in | aid of the. choir. Each gentleman be- | to the, choir is expected to | President Cleveland, died suddenly at | Lamont were driving in | 24. William Hol-+ command wages | suddenness disconcerting to diplomatic |. 8 NEW BISHOP. zr He Is to Be Consecrated at Mil: SCHINNER, July 24.-- Many prominent Priests and prolstes of the Roman Catholic church are gathering here to a the consecration of the E. Schinner as bishop ese of Superior. The Swill take row morn in St. and will be Falconio, papal delegate to the Unit ed States, = tions THE KING'S PRIZE, Sergt. Richardson Got the Third = Place. Risley, Muly 22 (C.A.P)~The king's prize at thé a meeting of the National Rifle Association was won to-day by Armorer-Sergt. Comber of the S East Surrey Regiment, with a score of 315. This Js materially lower than last year's aggregate, when Pte. Porry, of Canada, earried off the trophy with a score of 321. King Edward himself was present on the me B® see the final stage of the contest personally presented to the winner, In ti King's prize competition, Sergt, Righardson, Canada, won #100, with a score of 307, and Sergt. Crowe, Canada, won $60, with a score of John's cathedral "The places and prizes won by Cana- dians in St, George's vase match were as follows * Sergt. Ri . - 20th £9; Re on, 464 8 ns; Crowe, 63rd, £4; Mel. onal "9th, ~ the Prookwood, seven shots at | | little more than dwell on the import- | | ance of the possibilities involved. They | | display a tendency, their. meeting with some uneasiness, Had To Meet On Sea. Berlin, July 26.--The kaiser is the exclusive object | czar's journey. The czar expressed a desire 10 consult the kaiser, and the sea was selected as the meeting place, | as the czar cannot go nor can the kaiser go to Russia, on | account of the political condition. These are established facts. meeting of the To Advise Peace. Jerlin, July 2M. --The foreign office, here, is advised that the meeting he tween Emperor William and Emperor Nicholas took place, to-day, off the Swedish coast. It is anthoritatively stated that Emperor William will eon tinue to advise peace. | A DESPERATE FIGHT | For Possession. of Tumen Pass | Now On. | Snecial to the Whig. London, July 24.--A news agency | | despatch says that a desperate fight for the possession of Tumen Pass is TE Thirty thousand Japan- | ese, under Gen. Hazgawa, are impetn { ously attacking the Russians, Foyr bayonet charges have already been re- pulsed with terrible slaughter. Before | the engagement became general | Japanese attacked a Russian position below Keikjond, at nine o'clock, last | night. until midnight, when they were forced to fall back on their main body. They | retired in good order, saving all their | guns, There is no confirmation of the fore- i { going, but the latest unofficial tele grams from Tokio suggest the im- | minence of fighting at Tumen Pass, Japanese Getting Nearer. St. Petersburg, July 24.--The Novoe | Vramya savs that Japanese torpedo Loats, taking advantage of thick mist, | {and rain 'have approached several | | bays nearer Vladivostok. They landed a party at Gasukevitch gulf, | Possiet Bay, HOLDS THE RECORD. | | Windsor, Ont., a Great Point for { Marriages. | S-acinl to the Whig. 1 Windsor, July 20. Windsor retains | its reputation as a place for marviag. | es. Clerk , Lusden's figures show 536 | | marriages for the siX® months, ending June 30th, with 170 births and 114 | deaths. A good proportion of the | would-be married couples come from | the United States' side. Soy 150 Belleville "Old Boys" came ove? from Rochester on Sunday on. thewsteamer North King, to attend the re-union in the Bay of Quinte city. They were a lively lot (for Belleville), and will no doubt keep things on the | |-move during their stayin Belleville, The Kingston old noys get a return | rate hither from Toronto of $2.45; the | Ottawa old boys come and go for $1.- | 78: vet a Kingston church has to pay {83.70 for ap excursion to Toronto, Queer, is it not ? however, 10 regard | of the | to Germany, | the | The Russians held them at bay | near | 600 yards, Capt. Stuart was first, | winning £6 5s, In the Loder challenge op, Howard, the agent-géneral for | Scotia in London, was first, | the cup and £5, This is open only to Nova place to-mor- | his gold medal, which he | "MONDAY, JULY 24, 1908. in charge of Monsignor | | { i { ienhle adjustment, Major | | telegraphed | rates down to the same figure, BlG UT MADE In The Rates, tes, Chicago Toll New York. WHAT 1S COMING A TEN DOLLAR FIGURE BE. TWEEN POINTS. | The Pennsylvania Railroad is in the Mix--The Grand Trunk Will Not Let the Michigan Central RR. Control Matters. Chicago, IIL, July 24.---Kasthound passenger rates suffered another out of #2 on Saturday. The Grand Trunk the inter-state commerce commission notice of its intention to make the rate to NewYork $14. This rate will become offéotive July 26th, or two days later than the Michigan Central's $16 rate. It will now be for the latter again to meet its competi: tor's cut. -and while it haw not vet of: ficially issued notice of the intention to do so no doubt is entertained of ite purpose, % Every railroad between Chicago and New ¥ork is now involved in the pas senger rate war, which has been threatening ever since the Michigan Ce tral u established differential rates on July Having 'held back hoping for an am- the Pennsylvania railroad has also come into the fight, Announcement is made that beginning July Mth, first-class tickets from Chi- cago to New. York will be sold at $16, and second-class tickets at $15. These will b6 good via the Pan Handle route, which under exisiting agree ments among the several lines; is en- titled to such differential rate, The rate is now $18 The announcement is almost certain to be met by a second reduction by the Michigan Central to bri its Fhen this is done it is declared that the Erie, Grand Trunk and other differ ent al lines are ready to oe their rates to 814. Predictions am freely mado that a few days more will wee a £10 rate from Chicago to New York. Jealousy of tivo yoars' duration be tweon the Pennsylvania and New York Contal lines has arystalived inte the gan Central (a Vanderbilt line) are for the purpose of drawing traffic from the Pennsylvania, By coming into the fight as it now does, tho Penneylvania railroad de monstrates for the second time with- | in six weeks that it intends to pro- winning | | the mounted branches of his majesty's | forces, and is vards. seven shots at 600 LAST OF THE DANDIES. | hour flyer, tect ite interests as against the New York Central. When the latter, with- out notice, announced a shortening of the time of the Twentieth Century Limited to nineteen hours, the Penn- sylvania promptly put on the eighteen and foreed the New York Central with ite longer line to meet this whirlwind &peed. | RE-ORGANIZED COMMISSION. Death of World's Vainest Man. | @recial to the Whig, } ; St. I ts wshurg, July 24.--There has {just died at Yarin in Vologda | Mikhail Lo a reputed to be the vainest man in the world. Stepanoff, | althdugh nearly ninety years of age, was a dandy until the day of his death. He delighted in the company of young ladies, read all the fashion pa | pers sent direct to him | London, Berlin and New York, and | maintained a tailor of his own, who was employed all the year around in inventing for him mew ereations, It | was popularly believed that this Rus { sian Anglesey was only half human. { He wore artificial teeth, of which he had 365 sets, and he changed the {calor of his hair whenever fashion de manded it. Even his legs were made | from Paris, | to order, for it was owe of His weak | ne s to wear knee-breeches, which admirably set off a pair of shapely calves, mod elled for him by a physical | | culture school of New Yor! L By his will Stepanoff left the sum of | 400,000 "to found a school { of physical beauty for aged gentle men." To his son, who is a solicitor in Moscow, he bequeathed only his col lection of false teeth, roubles { | American Wane In London. { Special to the - ; London, « Ply Ly 8 The society of | American women in London has de | vised a scheme whereby scholarships | for women similar to those of Cecil | Rhodes may become a reality, The | plan provides that in each of the | forty-six states of America two wo | men, making ninety-two in all, may be awarded scholarships: in one or | other of the English universities where | they may absorb the learning and the | culture England has to give. The so | ciety hopes to secure the co-operation of the General Federation of Women's | clubs of America in carrying out the | | ambitious project, | Marriage Sends Him Amuck. Stratford, Ont, July 21.--At the police eonrt James Dobson, recently brought from Toronto to work in the GTR. shops 'here, was fined 85 and $10 costs for having 4 revolver in his possession. Friday night he got drunk | and started to fire off his revolver, | inviting all and sundry to come around the corner and: fight with him, | The police got him and the only ex- | euse he could give was the unigne one | know | that "It was an occasion: vou 1 am getting married." The revolver { was confiscated, Bathing caps and floating' soap Gibson's Red Cross drug store. | George Gooderham's estate | | is de | Wil Are Expected to Be Upon It. Ottawa, July 2.-The reorganiza- tion of the transcontinental railway commission is almost completed and shortly appointments in connection with that hoard will be gazetted : Hon. S. H. Parent, ex-premier of the Province of Quebec, chairman, Hon. Senator Cox, of Toronto; Colin Mclsaac, M.P., for Antigonish, Who The first transcontinental railway commission was appointed in August 1904, and the commission was com: posed of the following gentlemen : F, n Wade, K.C., M.P., of Halifax, chairman (since deceased): James Duff. field .of Lordon, C. A. Young of Win- nipeg, Albert Brunet of La Banque Nationale, Quebec, Dr. Duffield afterwards retired, and wae replaced bv Robert Reid of Lon. don. Associated with them were H. D, Lumsden, C.E., of Toronto, as chief engineer, and M. J. Butler of Ottawa, as assistant chief engineer, Hon, W. H, Parent, of Quebec represented the Do- minion government on the directorate, WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP -- v . Is Now Held by An Mistral. ian. Sidnny, NS.W,, July 24.--~The world's seulling championship was wrested from George Towns by James Stanbury on the Frirarara river on Saturday, in a race over the cham- pionship course. Stanbery won by two lengths. The stakes wore £2,500 a side. Stanbury was champion for fourteen years and held it till 1896 when Gau- daur teok it, For Japunese Orphans. i Srecial to the Whig. New York, July 24.--From all indi- cations a tidy sum for the orphan children of Japanese soldiers killed in | the war will be realized from the bene. fit performances at the Academy of | Music this afternoon and evening. The benefit was arranged by Bishop Har- ris, of Tokio, and the Rev. Mr. Clark, of New York. The participants includ: ed Madam Yocco, Japan's greatest | actress, together with a number of { prominent American players. #, S-- Degree For Dr. Cameron. Falinburgh, July 24, Among She) de- grees conf: a pee ial gradua- ! tion ceremony - Edinburgh Univer- sity, that of doctor of laws was con- at [ferred on Prof. Cameron of Toronto, | Prof. Shepherd of Montreal, and Prof, Aurgeon: of liam Wi Keen, # | elared at $9,400,000. Ontario will get | Philadelphia, all of whom are attend- | $500,000 in st dnes the guacter © Puy Beecham's Pills at. Gibson's Red | contenary of the Royal Collage of Bur. Cross dig store, {ing the celebration of geons, his son, Fred, cight years in the pen was showing onan Fi of Dr. Hoback, whose family ob to the match, snd when the men met Jett drew a knife and young Hoback a almost to death by Jett, and Jett oback, while several months. Al are prominent in this locality. THE YANKEE ) DREDGERS Threatened to o Pull up' Stakes and Leave. Special to the Whie. Amherstburg, Ont, July 2. The assessment_clerks who threatened to. pla the United States and other employees, 2! the work of eintF the in the Detroit river, at this point, on the in- come list, will give thom a hearing before doing anything further in the matter, The Americans pro vigorously, when notified they would be subject to the tax, but without avail, until they said that any at tempt to collect it would result in every mah removi from Amherst: burg to Grosse Isle, which is in Un- ited States waters, WEDS AND WINS A CHURCH Methodist Pastor Takes a Wile 2. to Secure a Station. Now York, July M.~When the Rev. Dr C. Sone mutton wt he © unt ton, iat Bp opal learned last ey. that a a o parish, which bad | been selected for him by tho othod- ist conference at Buffalo, have only a married man » wife, Mr. Gumbe was attending conference. at the time. Miss are Frazier, soprano soloist in his own with his bishop's consent, ma immedia ? nin ¥ Suicides After Quarrel With =a Boarder. Rt Soy 1 Whig 31. After having a guarrel with one of her boarders, last night, Mrs, Lemay, living at 76 Work- man street, took a dose of Paris green, and "died a fow minutes after: wards, At the inquest, this morning, after hearing the evidence, a verdict of suicide was rendered. Made His Escape. Watertown, NY, July 24.--A daring attempt at jail delivery was made Saturday night at the Jefferson coun- ty jail, in which Turnkey Wesley Guie received to sound blows on his skull, Robert Thompson, waiting the action of the grand jury on the charge of burglary, escaped and Albert Nulty, awaiting the action of the grand jury on the charge of having burglarized the summer home of Mrs. Fanny Har nois of Syracuse at Gremndl Island, early last Sunday morning and murd- osously assaulting Mee. Hamois and Mise Ida Harmois, her-daughter, lies in hig cell with a "badly twisted neck. Nolty struck Guie with 'a broom-han- dle, and Guie who got a neok hold, gave Nulty a severe twist, finally con- quering him. Gardner Gets Remand. Snecial to whe Whig. Toronto, July 24.--Peter Gardner, traveller for the Westorholm company, Chicago, arrested hero, on Saturday, on a charge of embezzling $149 from the company, appeared before (he police magistrate, this moming, and was remanded for a week. His coun- wl, T. C. Robinette, says that Gard: ner will fight extradition. BE Will Miss Anniversary. San Sebastian, Spain, July 24.~4t i» rumored that Emperor William has asked King Alfonso to time his visit to Berlin so as to include September Int, the anniversary of the battle of Sedan, but the Spanish ernment has replied that his jay would wish to romain in Spain until the general elections of September 6th. All Is Ready. Portsmouth, N.H., July M.--Pre parations for the peace conference are progressing rapidly and satisfactorily and ro bth, the day on which the plemipotentiaries are expected to reach Portsmouth from Oyler Bay on board the Mayflower and Dolphin, all will be in readiness for their recep: tion. Another Race To-Day. Special to the Whig. Pointe. Claire, Que., July 24.-The gosponed fa race of last Saturday, Jor the wanhaka cup, will take place, to-day, The sourse will be six miles to windward and return. At 10.20 a.m, the wind was southeast about six to seven miles an hour. ---------------- Died At Fine View, N.Y. Fine View, N.Y, July 24.--Joseph Moade, of Ogdensburg, New Jersey, died at the Fine View house Friday mornitg. He had heen ill for some He, was sixty-eight years ow, v Your Only Chance. "ill on at BW 7 ae pistol, In the fight Fred. Hoback was out | lost no time in wooing St 3 church was one of thas helping the |: musical part of = dl ogramme, and to. remove the di ty Dr. Gumbs rried the | To ee. llumination nit at the | We hardly were for so overwhelmis of people as s department, ferned ev into a i and kept the work 8 ; tant as to: day, added, lines your needs with the der MOST SATISFAC COME AND TRY IT, RICHARDSON ; JAONK, Sin Barrier on du 1005, to Mr. und a raw a dalighter = DIED, MORGAN «In Kingston, 1905, at the law, Geo S, "w arrestor Place' at On at On ot ph nterment ta! kes ace a w . SHEPHERD. ~ a go 1905, bor Nr naatan aged years. Funeral will leave 288 Johnston to-morrow," at 23 bun, T0-NIGAT {na