Now, while prices are is A Hy fill § WE CAN SELL The following property r cash or on long easy ms, small payments :-- i. 9 rooms each, B. Light. spacious grounds. ] li i ; I fil sf - fii i : i I i i Aa 5 13 i i Hi fb £E g 3 fi 352 The 1 £ : f 7 " il 5 i £ g ; i fl eg iE i £3 5c was destroyed. The damage will amount to , and is covered insurance. The hotel is owned by ise MeGill.. Two doctors were called to attend Mr. Earle, whom they found to be very severely burned from the elbows down. The skin of the left log was almost completely led "off, while. patches were oft the other leg and the 8 J, Reid's ambu- lance conveyed injured man to the Hotel Dieu, d crowd witnessed the opera- tions ne the , whose i. pind ments were exceedingly rapid. Lad- ders were up and the line of hose from King street was laid in a twinkling, the stream bei into the build {half a minute after the brigade had arrived. os ho Bi i, Mr. Earle was mach A a narrow escape. Had help 'arrived a minute later, he would have been burned to death. "t the same time the hotel would ha.c been doomed, for the fire was rapidly thooting upwards when discovered. TRAIN BUMPED ALONG. The - Axle Was Broken on the Trip. The G.T.R. mail train from the east, "| on Saturday - , met with an accident which fortunately ended with- East of Rideau station the axle of a Sear truck on 2 pau senger , b . A passenyer - ed the bell cord, but the engineer. did Pot heme By and lox a mile ths coach jost ong, frightening its occupants. Near Kingston Mills the train an the di How To Get Qonsumption. Ninety. per cent. of the "lungers'" contract consumption ' by allowing Poser of resistance to fall so low hat a favorable 'condition for development of the baccilli is provided. In a healthy system consumption can't take root. But where there is weak- ness and debility, there you find tuber- culosis. For developing strength and building up the weak, nothing equals Ferrozone. Tt makes the blood nutri- tious and the nerves enduring. The way it converts food into nutriment the appetite it gives is surprising. Just what the man verging on con- sumption needs, --~that's Ferrozone. If tired and weak don't put off. Eifty cents buys a box of fifty tablets--at all dealers, Toronto Old Boy "Miley" Marshall write rom To- ronto that everything poin ards a monster excursion from the Queen ¢ity to Kingston for the Old Boys Re- union. The former residents of the make the outing a great success. One feature, viz.: the baseball match be tween Toronto Old Boys aid Ottawa Old Boys, is creating much rivalry on both sides. This year the Toronto contingent are exerting overy effort to get a good strong hona-fide Old Boys team together and hope to - again down their chums from the cap- ital, who for their part, according to all advices, are preparing for every emergency and look to win the day. Off For The West. W. J. Dennison, son of James Den- nison, Portsmouth, left to-day for Hedley, B.C., where he has secured a lendid position as book-keeper for pany, of that place. Mr. Dennison was employed by the Rathbun com- pany for ten years, as book-keeper in the office. His efficiency commended itself to the firm whose employment he is now entering, and he was en: gaged at a salary commensurate with his ability. His host of friends wish him success in his new field. The Waterworks' Superintendent. Superintendent Hewitt, of the water works, is home after two weeks' ab- sence. He spent some time in Toronto testing pipe at the Canada Foundry company's works, ordered for local mains and sewers. The balance of the time he spent on vacation. - The time of the city council meet- ing was chenged to four o'clock this afternoon. There is little to do be- yond the formal passing of twenty- two walk by-laws. i Boyce, Napanee terday in the it with friends. Limestone city are all working hard to | the Daly Reduction and Mining com- | F. Odell, Kingston, is sumunicring at Samuel W. Neill ins at Gore's Land- , spent yes ~ Dr. William , Kingston, has opened an office in Smith's Falls. Miss Isabel Ross, of Kingston, is the guest of Mrs. J. Rayside, Inker- man, hi yikes Miss Minnie Campbell, Rochester, A N.Y., is visiting at her home on Pine Charles L. Mills is home for a we visiting his parents, 124 University avenue. : Mrs. J, N. Cook, Ki n, is the Fiat of her mother, Mrs. Sanford, ille. Mrs, Storey, Stratford, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Maxwell, Ri- deau street. W. Y. Mills is spending the week on the St. Lawrence, between Prescott tien Maggie M gomery, Kin ont, Ty, gston, is a rr of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Tooker, Brockville. Miss Stark, Rochester, N.Y, sang a pleasant solo in Queen Street Metho- dist church last evening. J. J. C. Pelletier, Brock street, on the sick list for over two weeks, is able to be at work again. Mrs. James Walker and son, Kings- ton, have been on a visit to the form- er's sister, 'Mrs. McMacken, Athens. 25 and Me, 8. Brown and lit- tlacdaughter Kathleen, Kingston, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Pot: fer, Relleville. . au . _ Mrs. Fred, G. Lockett and three sons Garnett, Warren and Horace, are with friends in Belleville, attending the Old Boys' Reunion. . Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Lockett, with their two little boys, are enjoying meeting old friends in Belleville at the Old Boys' Reunion. Miss Rose McKinley, Cape Vincent, has left for New York to accept a ition as trained nurse in Dr. ylie's sanitarium, George Harper, Pembroke, is a city visitor. He is a former resident and is now principal of the Pembroke Con- servatory of Music. Miss Sarah J. and dna Hinch; Charles D. Chown, Mrs. W. W. Sands, and Mrs. R. Waldron were down the Saguenay last week. Sergt. Baker, the veteran of 1854, kit this altttaon to spend a week at remont Park, opposite Gananoque, with his son, Robert. Miss Isabel, and Rosie Troy return- ed to the city, today, after spending their vacation with_ their friend Miss Agnes Greenwood, Wolfe Island. George Kemp and wife, Rochester, N.Y, were in the city over Sunday and left this morning for Quebec. They return at the end of the week Miss Sadie Campbell, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Campbell, Pine street, for the past two weeks, returned to Rochester, N.Y., Sunday night. ' Miss Helen Landers, Toronto, 'who 'was visiting Miss Edna Lodkett here, has gone to Belleville, her former home, to be present at the Old Boys' Reunion. Edward Ball has been chosen by the local union to represent them at the ennual meeting of the International Typographical Union to be held in To- ronto on the 14th of next month. Rev. Richard Glover, missionary of San Francisco, Cal.,, en route from South America, is in the city visiting his brothers, Prof. Glover, '"Hill- croft," and A. Glover, Earl street. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Haves of Arden, Ont., announce the marriage of their daughter. Mary to F. E. Moren, Low- ville, N.Y., to take place on Septem- ber 6th, 1906, at their residence in Arden, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Miller, who have been visiting Mrs. Miller's mother, Mrs. P. Jackson, Pine street, left for their home at Buffalo, N.Y., Satur: day. Mr. Miller is, connected with the auditing departm of the New York Central system. Miss Chalmers, graduate nurse of the Kingston General Hospital, but now of San Francisco, together with her friend, Miss Crane, of the same place, passed up the bay on Saturday afternoon, on the way to visit at Miss Chalmers' old home. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. What is Going on About the Harbor. The tug Archie Stewart coaled at Swift's to-day. The schooner Marshall, from Char- lotte, with coal, is at the Penitentiary wharf. The steamer Scout will be launched next week from Davis' dry dock. The hull is pretty well finished. The steamer Bothnia, Levis, to Erie with pulpwood, called at the M. T. company wharf on Saturday night to coal. Craig's : Steamer Varuna, up, this morning; propeller Persia, up; propel- ler Lake Michigan, down; propeller Cuba. down. Swift's: Steamer Belleville, up, Sat- urday night; steamer Picton, down, last night; Steamer Rideau Queen, for Ottawa, this moming; steamér Aletha up, to-night; schooner Clara Youell, from Oswego, with coal; steamer Tor onto, down. Fashionable Clothing To-Order. Prevost's, Brock street, has always had the reputation of making the finest clothing to order. For material, style and workmanship, he cannot be beaten. A large variety of goods to choose from at rock-bottom prices. A Junk class fit guaranteed. Givp him a h = Selling Liquor On Sunday. Several hotel men complained to-day that others had their bars open yes- terday, and that there were quite a number of drunken men to be seen on the streets. They regard it unfair that they should keep closed doors, while others do business. Sunday, they hold, should be a strictly close day. So far Inspector Wright in his three months' hold of 'bffice has not found any violation of the law. If you need more blood take the genuine Blaud's Iron Tonic Pills, 100 for 25c. Gibson's . Red Cross drug store. c is to while things lasted. ended 2 to 0 in favor of the Irishmen The second innings tthe cli max. The Y.L.LC.B.A, a more meeting wi cinnati, 67. - CAUSED THE CALLING OF A BASEBALL MATCH. Between the Irishnien and the R. C.F.A. in the Second Innings ~The Soldiers Refused to _ Continue "Vith the Umpire. The city lec. gee baseball match on Saturday afternoon ended in a fizzle. Be EE Co je; le mes on ou hitch - everything seemed to favor the weekly matches. Fine weather, good crowds, better , and plenty of enthusiasm gave fair promise of an excellent season's sport, and the call of baseball \was becoming better and better each week until now the game is played quite scientifically. Hence it be hoped that Saturday's squabble is the first 'and last to mar a summer's sport. The occasion. was when the Y.I.C, B.A. and R.C.F.A. met. The cause of the stopping of the game in the sec- ond innings was a bad decision of the umpire. The soldier have now the addition of Lieut. tantine to their ranks, and he Rlayed great ball ! first innings to their score while the R.C.F.A. still stood nil. The sons of Erin were the last to bat. Two men were out and Smith on first. He started for second but the ball journeyed that way also, beating him nicely. "Not out !"" called Umpire Robbe, and then the hubbub commenced : - The concensus of opinion was that Smith was out. The soldiers refused longer to play with the umpire in charge of affairs. They quietly left the field and drove off in their van, not in the slightest unnerved by the umpire giving the game to the Y.LCHA. It was a most unsatisfactory "coiflusion to both players and spectators 'and. it is hoped in the interests of baseball in Kingston that such a case will not oocur again. De. Hanley, president of the league, called stated that no game could be unless five innings were played. Of course the present circumstances are a little out of the ordinary as an um- pire's decision should be final. A Il be called to discuss the matter with the probable result that the game will be ordered to be play~d again. Baseball On Saturday. ° National i New York, 9; At St. Louis, 4. Brogklyn, 1-1; Cin- At Boston, 2 Chi- + A ericon Li e.--At Detroit, 8-4; Washington, 7-3. At Cleveland, 5; Boston, 3. At Chicago, 2; New York, 1. At St. Louis, 0-3; Philadelphia, 6-2, Eastern League.--At Toronto, 5; Bal- timore, 6: At Buffalo, 7; Providence, 0. 'At Rochester, 2; ark, 0. At Montreal, 0-6; Jersey City, 27. Games On Sunday. American League.--At Chicago, 0; Philadelphia, 1. At St. Louis, 2 New York, 5. At Columbus, Boston, 6; De- troit, 1. Eastern League.--At Providence, 7; Toronto, 1. At Montreal, 7; Jersey City, 4. At Newark, 5; Buffalo, 4. Saturday's Sports. King's prize at Bisley,, won by Armorer-Sergt. Comber, East Surrey Regiment; score, 315. Sewanhaka cup contest at Montreal, won by Alexandra (Canadian). Canada cup trial races, at Toronto, won by Temeraire, Lacrosse : 8t. Catharines, Tecum- seh, 8. Capitals, 2; Montreal, 7. Brantford, 7; Toronto, 6. Sporting Notes. St. Thomas is putting up a fine rink for hockey. The Grand Trunk Boating Club will send a four to the Canadian Henley repatiy. 2. A. Boardman, is skipper and de- signer of Manchester, and has two brothers sailing in her. "Reddy", McMillan, who jumped the Tecumsehs the other night, wired that he was ready to return to the fold. The United States eleven will play the international match with Canada, at Toronto, on 4th and 5th of Sep- tember. Tom Beachmont, Gananoque, is out with a challenge to H. T. Strickland, for a race from ten to fifteen miles in fresh water. "Jim' Hall, formerly champiom of Australia, who fought with Robert Fitzsimmons for the largest purse ever offered in a prize ring, was arrested on a charge of theft. Australia made 242 runs in the sec- ond innings, Scotland 2H for nine wickets. The match was drawn. The totals are: Australia, first 284, sec- ond, M2; Scotland, first, 168; second, 211. The Canadian hoat won the Sea- wanhaka race on Saturday, but was two minutes over the time limit. and the race was declared off. The Man- chester was three 'mimites behind the Alexandra. The winds was very light. Two world's records have been brok- en at the saucer track "at Ogden, Ut- ah," Jack Hume did the mile unpaced in 3.00 2-5. 8S. H., Wildax lowered the three-quarters mile unpkced amateur record from 1.37 to 1.32 35, Unless the Torontos speedily show an improvement in base running they will soon be hob-nobbing with Mont- real. Their work in this respect has been _ particularly bad lately, and practically. responsible for the recent string of defeats. With the intended visit of Jem Bowker, the bantam chamvion of the world, and the promised returm of both Owen Moren and Jabez White to America again, England will be well represented in this country in a pugi- listic way next fall. R. T. Shillington, Ottawa, has he- come president of the Quebec Rugby Union. St. Patrick's club really Otta- wa College, has béen admitted to the senior series. The union shut out the Montreal Shamrocks to senior com- pany, and all the club's teams are withdrawn from the union. Neaves' "English" Baby Food, fresh 8 at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. JULY 24. Spiritual wharf. Two young men started in a canoe, and before they had gone far they were upset by a big wave. T. Sharman seeing their plight hastened to their assistance with a boat and picked one of them up. The other was | picked up in another boat which tow- ed the canoe ashore. * Much credit is | due to Mr. Sharman for his gssist- ance in rescuing the young men. sent is taking a short holiday. 7s Chief of Police Ryan's Long and Honorable Career. CHIEF E. J. RYAN. Gananoque, July © 2.--W. L. Day, lessee of the Gananoque Inn, tendered the Citizen's Band clusion the band ally. The nets were located just out side the R. R. wharf here. E. J. Ryan, whose cut adorns this article, is the popular and efficient chief of police of Gananoque. He was Horn in 1860, and has always lived in the town, which eighteen years ago appointed him to the position at the head of police affairs, an office he has held with honor to himself and credit to the town. He has always had the | utmost success in conducting the dut- | jes of his position, meriting the res- | péct of all classes. As a proof of this a short time ago he received a com- plimentary, letter from Judge MeDon- ald, and at the last meeting of the town council his salary was increased $100. In addition to his town duties, he holds the .effice of high constable of the united counties of Leeds and Gren- ville. In his long experience he has into contact with all kinde of criminals, from the trespasser always handled | been brought to a murderer, and them with success. For seven years af- ter his appointment he performed all | police duties alove, but eleven years | ago was given an assistant, or night constable. Chief Ryan has had num- erous tempting offers to locate in other places, but he feels that his work is cut out for him in 'Gananoque. His | uniform courtesy and geniality makes | him honored and respected by all with whom he comes in contact. A large crowd witnessed the double header league baseball matches, Sat- urday, and the greatest interest pre- vailed. In the first match the Poppies defeated St. Andrew's team 11 to 10 In the second match the Wanderers fell from their lofty position hy the Bachelors defeating them by 11 to 4. This makes a tie in the league for first place between the Wanderers and Bachelors, and brings interest to - fever 'heat. Outside teams will be bronght to compete with some of the i bi 1 O local - teams. OUR CITY'S NEEDS and Intellectual Well Looked After. Toronto Presbyterian. Two weeks ago there was a meetin, for several days in St. Andrew's church;? Kingston, of the Christian | Missionary Alliance, an organization which has, I believe, its headquarters in -New York. Men and women of note were announced, and not a little ex- | pectation was created. Dr. Urquhart and Dr. Blackstone would stir up the sluggish currents of Kingston's ortho- doxy and mentality, and, besides, set | tle any thorny questions that might be lurking around. Naturally some ex- pectation was om edge. The speakers did come, but the goods were not delivered. Kingston is hospitable to all good ideas, and cordially welcomes the men who have them to offer. But | Kingston itself is not so ill off as to good ideas. The strangers who visit us do not lack appreciation at our hands, but having come and gone, the reflection occurs to one that the jntel- lectual and religious needs of the dw | are, as a rule, pretty well attended to at the hands of its own men of light and leading, little as they may be heard of. There is considerable reading and thinking done hereabouts. The other day I heard a youthful ladv of about seventv say how greatly she enjoyed reading Dr. Dod's last Hook. "The | Bible, Its Origin and Nature." No. the old city is not so slow as the alliance speakers and certain of their friends may think for. We can easily duplicate the best things that are likdly to come this way. A LARGE INCREASE Of Queen's Graduates in Ontario's | Prinee Edward Temperance Work- Secondary Schools. According to the latest report of the minister of education for Ontario, | there are 122 Queen's graduates teach- | jn Shire hall, Picton, on Friday last. ing in the Collegiate Institutes and | 1 High Schools of the province. This is | of the Dominion Alliarice for the coun- It was ascertained that four muni- Of those holding specialist certificates, | cipalities, Athol, South an increase of thirty-five since 1901. there are twenty-nine from the while classics Queen's graduates. Nearly Another Accident. What came near Disposed Of His Practice. Dr. Bepman, Mallorytown, was a oity visitor on Saturday. He has dis- posed of his medical practice there to cate, 4 Pay water rate and save discount. THE DAYS PSUS Fre sh LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN a complimentary banquet, Friday evening. At the con- rendered a concert, which was very much enjoyed. Nas- sau Acton, provincial fishery overseer, seized a number of nets belonging to fishermen who were using them illeg- | Passed Away i ty. being another | drowning accident occurred on Friday afternoon in the harbor, near Booth's | of Ozone (the coupon kind)." 'It is the stro t and purest Ozone on the | market. It is sold as a commercial product at reasonable rates, so that you get about twice as much as of Also cach. bottle con- tains a coupon which entitles you tn | a package of "Celery King," the well- nown remedy which must always be 'out | GENERAL. a A i»n)ms@ Occurrences. In The City "And Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest To The People. Peanut crisp, fresh at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The mosquitoes are having a fine | inni in the country. Wiliam Swain, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's book store. The city was filled with shad flies last might; blown in from the lake. Being leader of the opposition such a cold Ottawa won't be now, There were no yacht races on Satur- The. wind was too day afternoon. light. e rain yesterday not amiss, though it s outings. The breeze that swept Park last evening was the finest of the summer, W..H. Godwin has adjusted the loss on Capt. Montgomery's house at Yar- ker by fire at $175. Excursions from Lindsay and Peter boro, come to Kingston by boat from Beeville on Saturday next. Henry Cunningham, piano "Chickering. Orders received McAuley's book store, Princess street. Special services for the old boys will be held in St. George's and several other city churches next Sunday. Lifebuoy Soap -- disinfectant -- is strongly recommended by the medical profession as a safeguard. against in- from Tectivus diseases: A Buy tooth pastes and,powders Gibson's Red Cross drug stove. An excursion to the cemetery is attraction for the Old Boys at Belle- ville. They will see what they have escaped by moving elsewhere. Already several horsce have drrived here for the race meet of mext Mon- day and Tuesday. Kingston is ai cen tral point for horsemen cast and Jwést. Louis Steinart, who went off with F. A. Bibby's horse and 'carnage has not yet been caught. Tt is presumed that he went from Montreal to New York. Hope the old girls brought their knitting with 'em, says the Belleville We have no (wigh to be mean, but, really, they would need something like that to keep them oc- Intelligencer. cupied. Several local young men wha down the Rideau yesterday morning, experienced considerable difficulty pulling back against the wind To-day they are exhibiting many blisters on their hands as a re- waves, sult of their prowess. In a chat on Freemasonry a writer in the Toronto News refers to R.'T. a | Walkem, K.C., as the veteran of King | ston, whose ambition is divided ween how Dest to serve the Church England (of which -he is such a | sturdy pillar) and the Masonic order. Fresh chocolate cavered, ginger root, Gibson's Red Cross drug store, + Billy" Maclean won't £1,500 of his salary as M.P., in par- liamént., In ten years he will have | 815,000 to his credit--a neat retiring | allowance. Billy keeps an eye to future. If he drew the money it would go; by declining to touch it he piles up a good hank account. DEATH OI JOHN SHEPHERD. { house. The cause of death was cancer, and for this dread disease he was first operated on last autumn, the growth | showing in his lip. to his neck gngd chest and developed | rapidly. The deceased was sufferer, and calmly awaited the final mmons that would end his pain. ~The late John Shepherd was a va- tive of Storrington township, having | first seen the light of day on a farm | near Inverary. He followed | until about 1887, when he was | pointed caretaker of the county build ings, this city, a position he held un- | til about' three years ago. He is sur- | vived by his wife, and three children. | Dr. Edwards, county clerk, and W. R. | Purdy, Morven, councillor | county, are brothers-in-law. The | censed: was aed fifty-four years. | was of a bright, cheerful dispesition, a faithful friend, generous to a fault and one who easily made and retained | warm friendships. TO EXTEND LOCAL OPTION. ers Take Action. A gathering of temperance workers of the county of Prince Edward met It' was resolved to organize a branch was taken in harmony with this deci- { sion and the meeting adjourned | meet three weeks hence. When You Buy--Buy Right. When you buy Ozone, buy "Solution other brands. taken with Ozone, No other brand of Ozone gives vou h an opportunity to King" free. We Ont., who will see that you are plied. riing came Sunday Night of Ravages of Cancer. Heartfelt regret was expressed morning when it became known that | death had cut short the earthly use- | fulness of John Shepherd, years caretaker of the county court Thence it spread Marvsburg, de- | North Marysburg and Hallowell, were partment of science, twenty-three from | already "under some form of local op- the department of modern languages, | tion and it was deemed wise to ar- i and mathématics each | range for a test! of opinion on the show a total of nineteen. About nine- matter in such of the remaining muni- teen per cent. of the total number of ! cipalities as may co-operate. high school teachers of Omtario are. | get the "Celery own "Celery King," and that is why we can give it with j our_Ozone. : "Solution of Ozone, (the coupon | kind)" contains ahout twice as mvch Dr. Judson, of Lyn, and for the pre- | for your money as anv other kind. It Dr. | also furnishes you with "Celery King" Beeman, who is a graduate of Queen's, | for nothing. 'Insist on getting has not yet decided where he will lo- | from your druggist or write Public Deg company, Bridgeburg.: : on your coal bought * and Fizzy Our Seidlitz Powders are prepared from the purest and freshest materials nossible. They have ' the life and sparkle p- duced only by the best, of chemicals. One taken in the morning makes vou feel fine all day. Puts néw life into vou this warm wéather. All Aperient and Health Salts iy stock. Abbey's Salt, 25¢. and 60c. Eno's Salt, $1 Bottle. The "Best" Drug Store, 124 Princess Street. "Mitchell's Old Stand. 'Phone 59 MAKES YOUR CAKES LIGHT, MAKES YOUR BISCUITS LIGHT. MAKES YOUR BUNS LIGHT. MAKES YOUR LABOR LIGHT. MAKES YOUR EXPENSES LianT. Order from your Grocer. EW.GILLETT aires 1p TORONTO.ONT. 250 BIRD TONIC FREE 1% addresses and 3 Bird Bread yellow wrappe BIRD BREAD {gn ts. Gives birds' lls and makes them sing. Free ta in 1 I Cotiurs Bird Seed phts.. the standard bird sold everywhere. pert help in bird free for reply stamp. (Address exac:ly TTAM BIRD SEED, * &, Loates, Ont g 'HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO SELL OUTSIDE OF YOUR SINS AND YQUR TROUBLES? "COME TO WM. KURRAY, The Auctioneer A Great Clearing Up Sale! Of Summer Dress Mate- rials, Waistings, Mauslins, Piques, Chambrays, Ging- hams, in fact everything in light weight materials must go this week. If you need a new Waist or Skirt for your vacation trip just take a look through our Ready-to-Wear Sec- tion and you'll be surprised at the up-to-date garments you can secure at this store for a_very few dollars Something extra swell in Silk Waists received to- day, also Black Navy and Brown Silk Underskirts. These are exclusive gar- ments and at moderate prices. Newmén & Shaw. $0690 0 090 COAL! GOAL! DON'T MENTION IT?! Just allow us to say, you save money now. 9000000000000 00000 No question about @ burning it--just yet & JAMES SWIFT & C0. 000000000000 re. Bread in (ati of an) or I dealer has Ee a cant gar ov Seat. Male pS ---- - 3 TRAVELLING, REL Se Centennial Exposition, Portland June 1st to Oct. 15th. Re fare, $75.80, irom Kingston. T sale 'daily, and valid to retur ul) days from date of sale; but than November 30th. neni LOCAL TIME TABLI Trains will leave and arrive Ci Foot of Johnston Street. GOING WEST ' Lve. City A "7 Mail } " 15 Local : No. 5 Mail " 2 Fast Exp. 16 Local ... . oof Maik " 4 Past Exp: 1.00 p.m. * "12 Local... «- 7.03 p.m. Nos. 1, 2, 8 and 4 run daily. ! 8 run daily, except Monday. trains daily except Sunday. For further particulars, ticket KincsTong IPEMB RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL Centennial Expo Portland, Oregon June 1st to October 15th. Round Trip Fare § FROM RINGSTON Tickets' on sale daily, and vi turn within 90 days from dat but not later than November 3 Sharbet Lake and Re $1.4C Good going all Ataing Satur Returning following Monday. Full particulars at K. & P. R. Ticket office, Ontario Stree F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLG Gen. Pass. Agent ¢ Bay of Quinte Rc New short line for Tweed, Descronto, and all local point Jeave City Hall Depot at 8:3! CONWAY, Agent B.Q.Ry.. K QUEBEC STEAMSHIP © LIMITED, River and Gulf of St. L Summer Cruises in Cool Li Twin Screw Iron SS. 1700 toms with electric ligh bells and all modern comfort. Sails from Montreal Monda) 8rd, 17th and 81st July: 14t) August; 11th and 25ta Sept Pictou, N.S., calling at Quel Mal Bay, Pen Lape Co River, Vimmersi Fei, lottetown, P.E.L 7 Bermu Summer Excursions, $35 an bv the new Twin Screw SS. fan," 5,500 toms. Sailing from New York, from 7th .Ju October. Temperature - coole breezes seldom rises above Princess Hotel open the year The finest trips of the health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secret For tickets and staterooms P. A EY, or J. P. SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, Ont. Toronto, Charlotte, Thousa Brockville, Prescott and | Sloamera KINGSTON & EAVE KINGSTO GOING EAST-Daily, at 6 GOING WEST--Daily, at § Kingston to Clayton, 1 Ports, Brockville or Prescott returning Sunday only. Singl Kingston to Montreal and ing Saturday or Sunday. R. T.R., Monday. Fare, $6. Also excursion rates to Charlotte going Saturday or turning Monday. Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Montreal Line. LEAVE KINGSTY( GOING EAST, Wednesda days and Sundays, at 4.830 § GOING WEST, Tuesdays and Saturdays, 11.80 p.m. J, P. HANLEY, . J. SW Ticket Agent Fre TO QUEBEC DIRECT W CHANGE STR. "ALEXA Leaves Craiec & Co's. Monday, at 6.30 p.m., for ) Quebec, running the rapids. leaves Kingston Fridays at via Bay of Quinte, for Ch Buffalo. The Steel Lake E Steamer 'NIAGARA for Charter. For particulars, apply CRAIG & OO. Agts., Kit R. HEPBURN, Manager, Pi Lake Ontario and Bay Steamboat Co. , Li 1000 Islands--R Taking Effect Jun Strs. North King an Leave Kingston daily, ex at 10.15 a.m., for Thous calling at Alexandrian Bay que. Returning steamert p.m., for Rochester, Ye Picton, Deseronto, Bellevil) mediate Bay of Quinte por STR. ALETHA~--Leaves ¥ days at 5 p.m., for Picton iate Bay Quinte ports. Full information from J.) P. Cildersieeve, Jas S